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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"T-They did, I can tell. They're absolutely huge now," Kali said, whining slightly as Anya's hand stroked her horn, which Anya saw give a little crackle of energy, but she just nuzzled in against Anya some more.

"Well my dear, I have something to ask you now. Do you wish to become our high matron? We have not had one in a few years now, about three or four. As high matron, you needn't stay, and can continue your adventures with Karina. But as the high matron you would also have... a bit of extra power in your own right, you would have some of the strength of an oni, physically speaking, and you would also gain increased fertility with us oni as well. The high matron may mate with any oni of the tribe," Sapphira said to Anya, looking curiously at her as Karina's eyes went wide.

"M-Mom... are you serious?" Karina asked, as if unable to believe what her mother had just offered.

"Yes Karina... I am serious. As long as Anya here kept me pent up while you and Kali were arguing and wrestling, she's more than worthy of being our high matron. I was unable to cum for nearly ten to twenty minutes, straight, thanks to how tight she is. And you know I've rarely had that problem before now. Besides... we need a high matron again, Karina. It'll bring joy to our people, especially with one so beautiful," Sapphira said, caressing Anya's cheek with one hand while kissing her daughter on the cheek.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya didn't quite seem to get what the high matron position was, or well, she did. Going by the title alone it was the high mother, and it seemed like it was set up that she was supposed to boost the towns morale either by presence or well, going around fucking everyone.

Honestly, didn't sound like a bad offer, especially since it was apparently coming along with a strength boost. "Well, umm, sure? I mean as long as everyone else is fine with it I'd be fine. I can keep adventuring after a bit of a break here and if it'll help make everyone in the village happier then I don't see why not."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I would love it if you became our high matron, my dear. No other women in the village are worthy of it, in my opinion. Some are close, but not close enough. And you can have any oni cock in town that you like, so long as you and they are okay with it. Well... and if Karina and Kali are okay with it too, I guess," Sapphira said, smirking a little as Karina and Kali looked at one another, before looking back to Sapphira for a moment, and then snuggling Anya between them.

"I... suppose that'd be okay with me, s-so long as Anya's okay with it that is," Karina said a hand reaching around and caressing Anya's belly, as the three showered her with more and more affection.

"Being our high matron will mean that all oni like the three of us now, will desire you, will want you to bear their children, because it means that you're their best option for the strongest possible children they can get. You of course don't need to feel obligated to bear their children obviously, but your body will start desiring to bear oni children every now and then, and that itch will grow steadily until you scratch it. It's one of the downsides of becoming our high matron. Most of the various mountain clans have a position such as this, and it works in similar ways, for most. You would also become more... fertile to oni cum, as in unless you drink the Moon tea, then you have a much higher chance of becoming pregnant by us. Though... as much as we fucked your gorgeous little body earlier, I don't doubt that you're pregnant already, Anya," Sapphira said after Karina spoke, smiling at Anya and winking as she and Kali joined in the belly rubbing. "If you're up to it though, Anya my dear... then let me go and get your symbol of the high matron," she added after a moment, kissing Anya on the cheek before getting up and heading out of the room, her cock still standing proud and tall as she went.

"Anya... our horns are yours," Karina whispered to Anya, gently guiding Anya's hand not on Kali's horn, to her own. "Any of the tribe's matrons can also partially feel another oni's emotions, when touching their horns like this. And an exceptionally strong high matron can even read their surface thoughts to a degree. All matrons, but especially the high matron, command respect among the tribe, as well as have their unconditional love and support, so long as it's to benefit the tribe, or wouldn't negatively effect the tribe, in the case of support," Karina went on to say, while she and Kali both nuzzled their cheeks against Anya's.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Yeah I'm up for it, and yeah, I'd have to be infertile to not be pregnant from all that." Anya chuckled before Sapphira left, letting the three rub her belly with a blush.

Then Sapphira had left, and Karina and Kali both brought her hands to their horns. Lightly stroking them both as they nuzzled her cheeks. "Haaaah, I don't think I'm the right kind of strong to get much more then just emotions." Anya gave a small grin. "And I'll try my best to help the town prosper. Though don't think we're going to not have more adventures you two. We still got lots of places to explore."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Oh if you aren't pregnant by all three of us now, I'd be amazed, Anya. And... I suppose I'm pregnant by mom, and mom's pregnant by both me and Kali," Karina said, giggling softly and going almost completely docile in Anya's hands as she stroked their horns, with Kali doing the same thing as they cuddled with Anya.

"Oh don't you worry. I'm sure that you'll do just fine, Anya," Kali said softly, leaning up and kissing her on the cheek.

"And Anya... I'm sure that you'll be able to be the strongest of high matrons," Karina said, kissing Anya on the other cheek, where the two oni's horns touched tips, and Anya felt a burst of magical energies washing through her and Karina and Kali were both knocked back by a sudden force of energy, with Anya falling onto the futon where Karina had been.

A sudden pain could be felt in Anya's forehead, and all throughout the rest of her body as well. Anya saw a glowing swirling blue light pulsing and whooshing around her body, and she heard a pair of footsteps rushing towards the bedroom, and the door yanked open, and Anya saw Sapphira standing there with an amulet in hand. Sapphira's eyes were wide with wonder, and concern. Anya couldn't help but cry out in pain as she felt another pain shoot through her body. The pain wracked her body for nearly a whole minute, as Anya felt her body growing a slight bit heavier, and her forehead had a blinding pain shoot through it, and looking up, Anya saw a horn growing from her forehead similar to the oni women in the room. Looking down, Anya saw her breasts growing larger, as her body started growing taller too.

"It can't be... she truly is a high matron," Sapphira gasped softly, holding onto the amulet for now.

After another couple of minutes, Anya's body ached still, but the blinding pain had eased away, and she could only lie there panting madly. When she was finally able to raise up, after only a minute or two, Anya saw Sapphira and Karina both staring with wonder at Anya, and Kali was too, but she didn't seem to understand what was going on really. "Anya... you truly are our high matron. Take this symbol of the title of high matron," Sapphira said, bowing deeply towards Anya, with a show of respect, as she slipped the amulet around Anya's neck, who was now half a foot taller than she had been before, and after the amulet was put one, she felt her body growing a bit more, the magics in it obviously being to make her more easily able to handle the much larger oni herms and whatnot, and after all was said and done she had grown a total of 10 inches, give or take a centimeter or so.

Karina moved over and kissed Anya on the lips, before Sapphira did as well, and at the other two's urging, Kali followed suit last and smooched Anya as well. Sapphira got the mirror she had in the corner of her room and brought it over and put it in front of Anya, who saw her new self, and saw her breasts were larger, not nearly as much as Karina's and the others, but about F to G-cups themselves, and her ass had grown too, as well as her hips, the latter growing wider and more for breeding. Her hair had also changed color slightly, and gotten a snowy white tint to the tips.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"And Kali's probably pregnant from Sapphira too. Going to be lots of young oni's running wild around here soon." Anya chuckled as she continued to stroke their horns, and rubbed back against their cheeks.

To say Anya was surprised at the sudden shock of energy that ran through her when Kali and Karina's horns touched, was a massive understatement. Though she was rather distracted from her surprise by the searing pain running through her body. A minute or writhing on the floor as she felt her body getting heavier, and her hands reached up to where a horn was growing out of her head. She didn't catch Sapphira's words through her pain.

Though eventually it came to an end, and this time at least she caught Sapphira's words. Staring back at the two of the three oni that were staring at her with wide eyes. The amulet making her grow a bit more and she felt herself becoming stretchier, and even as Anya was kissing the three other girls in the room, battling their tongues during the kisses, she realized she was probably going to need to do alot of practicing to get used to her new height.

Though damn, did she look pretty hot, as she looked at herself in the mirror. Given how everything was though she was sure that was just going to get her even more attention. "Well, guess I'm definitely an Oni too now, might miss the adorable neko tail though." Reaching back and letting her hair out of its usual ponytail, instead letting it cascade down to nearly her ass she turned to the others and asked. "How do I look?"
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Yes, you are an oni high matron, Anya... the most beautiful I've ever had the honor of seeing," Sapphira said softly.

Anya saw all three of the girl's cocks springing to full mast again as they beheld her, and within a few moments Sapphira and Karina both were on either side of Anya, while Kali shook her head slightly before she walked over to her too, and Anya saw their eyes were all glazed over a bit with lust. Sapphira nodded to the other two and unless Anya protested, Sapphira scooped her up and carried her back over to the futon and lay her down, before raising her legs up into the pile driver position, and the other two held Anya's firmly body in place as if they were pinning her down to rape her almost. Then, in one fluid motion Sapphira was thrusting back into Anya.

Karina and Kali were taking turns kissing Anya on the lips, while Sapphira plunged her cock down into Anya's tight little pussy, that felt incredible this time, as if her pussy was meant to take huge oni cock like this, and ached and desired more of what they could give. Sapphira plunged in and out of Anya for a good ten minutes before she finally came, her huge balls slapping against Anya's ass the entire time, and when she came, Anya felt Sapphira's balls literally emptying everything they had into her. "I... c-can feel it, h-hear the call of your womb, Anya. It calls to me, t-to us, and begs for our seed," Sapphira mewled as she came, and came... and kept cumming for nearly five straight minutes, until Anya was filled to the brim, and Sapphira collapsed back onto her butt, while Karina and Kali both leaned in and started eating Anya out, licking Sapphira's cum out with their tongues, and drinking it down, before Karina took her position where Sapphira had been, and Sapphira took her old spot to hold Anya down.

Karina did the same thing as her mother, and only this time did Anya realize that her own horn was crackling with energy, and the ache in her womb crying with need for cum to fill it resounded within her. Karina came just like her mother, moaning about the call of Anya's womb too, and Kali did the same thing after she and Sapphira ate Anya out some to clean a bit of Karina's cum out, and each one of them came for a good five minutes straight. They reset their order after Kali, and went again, and then again... and a fourth time, followed by a fifth, always holding Anya in a pile driving position, yet in a quite comfortable way nonetheless.

After the dozenth time they went at her, with Anya cumming more times than she could count on both hands and feet together thrice over, they stopped and pressed their cocks all up against Anya's breasts as they pulled her back up to sit and started stroking their cocks and rubbing them against her breasts and into her mouth. Finally, as one, they all came all over her chest and face a couple of minutes later, where Anya saw them all collapse, as her horn stopped crackling with energy, and her oni lovers were all limp and defeated, their cocks no longer able to stand, and all red raw from the fuckings they gave her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"A-Ahh, your just saying that." Anya couldn't help but blush still at the compliments, only to see them reinforced when all three oni girls practically jump to attention down there together, and their eyes glaze over with lust.

Not quite certain what had come over them, or if she really was just that good looking to onis now, Anya let herself be carried over by them to the futon, until she found herself pinned down by Karina and Kali, unable to move her arms if she wanted while Sapphira started to slam into her from above. The two now sister onis taking turns to kiss her as the human came to the very rapid conclusion that she was now built to fit oni cocks perfectly. Her mind already seemingly aching for nothing but more of them slamming into her even as Sapphira was filling her for a good ten minutes. Anya's face degrading to one of shameful pleasure as the minutes went on and on, and between kisses she very much was moaning things like. "Mooore," and "Give me everything Sapphira," and other such things. Seemingly her mind and her body were both in sync for once when it came to wanting to be flooded with Oni spunk.

And flooded she was, whether it was her, or Sapphira, she wasn't sure, but the Oni woman's climax lasted minutes. Seed filling her enough that Anya was fairly sure she was going to fountain out when Sapphira pulled out. Anya's own climax was nothing to sneeze at either, dragging on along with Sapphira's own, leaving the girl shuddering with pleasure as Kali and Karina practically drank the cum out of her overfilled pussy.

It was only when Karina took her turn and started to pound into her, each thrust practically causing Anya's overfilled womb and enlarged breasts to wobble, that the human realized what was happening. It was her horn. Apparently she had her own energy now, calling on them to cum as much as they could. Anya realizing that flushed even further then the sex was making her do, and then she couldn't help but see if she had conscious control over it. Pushing the horn to keep up its energy, or even got a bit stronger.

Whether she actually caused it or not she got what she wanted, Anya lost count after round four, of each girl taking their turn flooding her. It was enough that it overflowed and the ground below her was pooling with white with overflown seed, her mind rather lost to the haze a bit as she reached into the double digits in climaxes and kept going. Hours had to have passed by the time the girls all pulled out of her and started to rub their seed covered members across her breasts and face, smearing their seed into her as they worked themselves off. Then with one last final climax the three practically drowned her under their seed, well not really, but it was enough that Anya wasn't sure where the seed ended and her now pale skin started by how much they covered her face and chest.

Then it was over, the three falling back limp, and Anya wasn't sure on the status of her limbs herself. Blinking and licking some of the cum from around her lips, she started to test, first her hands, then her arms, then her legs, and whether everything checked out or not she'd say with noticeable awe in her voice. "...Wow...I don't know if there's anything else to say..."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As the trio was fucking her, Anya was able to find that her horn was able to be controlled to a degree by her. It wasn't much, and she knew it'd take her a few minutes at least to gauge how much control she had, but she was able to even figure out how to increase the intensity of its energy, and it drove Karina to fuck her harder when she was taking her first turn, with Karina howling in ecstasy when she first started cumming.


When they were all spent finally, and Anya's horn stopped arcing with energy as she learned how to turn it off, she saw they were all exhausted, lying around her. She was able to feel her limbs after a few minutes or recovery, and after she'd gotten the feeling back in them properly, Anya was able to raise up if she wished, and saw her lovers were all half conscious, and groaning softly, as if recovering from more than just the physical exertion.

"Mmm... the high matron... is indeed worthy of her title," Sapphira cooed softly, as she and the others started coming to again, with Anya seeing them slowly crawling back over to her, to kiss her on the lips, starting with Karina, then Kali, and lastly Sapphira.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"H-Heh, sorry girls, I think it just lost a bit of control with the horn, or well, never really had it yet." Anya looked a bit embarrassed as she pushed herself up to a sitting position with the barely conscious oni girls scattered around her.

Not that they seemed to mind, going by the kisses they each gave her afterwards, kisses which Anya eagerly returned. Then asked. "Anyone feeling up for a bath? I think we all need it."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Yeah... a bath would be nice. And it's alright dear... I wouldn't have expected you to know what to do with your horn so quickly. Same with Kali," Sapphira said softly, smiling at Anya before they heard a knock on the door.

"M-My lady... are you alright? We heard several thumps. Do you require a bath to be drawn?" the winter wolf girl asked, sliding the door open to peek inside.

"Yes Shana, please do draw us a bath," Sapphira replied to the winter wolf girl, who nodded and headed off.

After some more cuddling with the three of them, Anya was helped up and then to the bath that she'd seen on the back porch, where she was helped down into the nice hot waters. "Ahh... nice and warm, just what we needed," Karina sighed softly, wrapping an arm around Anya and smiling.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya took note of the wolf girl's name, and soon enough would be headed to the bath with the others. Her legs were a bit jellied at the moment after the rather relentless pounding, and even if she was a bit pouty at needing to be helped to the bath she didn't turn down the girls assistance.

Once in the bath though she'd use Karina's half hug to cuddle in to the side of her...well guess she had to put the qualifier of 'first' now, oni lover. Anya was going to have to get a bit used to coming up to the girl's breasts now, given before at least her head barely came up to the bottom of them, but it diiid make it alot easier to lean on them and use them as pillows. "Haaaah, this water's nice."

As it was she'd actually fall asleep for a bit in the bath, only waking up if Karina or one of the other girls deliberately woke her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya did conk out for a little bit while they relaxed in the bath, all three of the other oni in the bath looking like they felt incredible, despite how tired they must have been. Karina woke her back up a short while later, and smiled down at her, rubbing Anya's belly softly which had by this point shrunk back down to normal. "Anya... you're... simply gorgeous. I almost have no words to describe your beauty at this point. I mean you were already beautiful before, but now you're just so... alluring," Karina said softly to Anya, as she woke back up, where she kissed Anya on the lips, their horns gently touching one another as she did, which made Anya feel all warm and fuzzy inside at the touch.

"Food now, girls. Shana kept it all good and hot for us, thankfully, and made some extra too," Sapphira said, climbing up and out of the bath with Karina and Kali both helping Anya up and out, where they helped each other dry off, all three showing Anya affection as they helped her in her slightly weakened state to do so.

Within a couple of minutes they were sitting around the dinner table, with Anya wrapped with a thin white silken house robe, and a mountain of food in front of her, where she felt famished and like she could eat much more than she used to.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya blushed again, all these compliments on her looks. How could she not get a bit embarrassed about them. Though guess looking more like an oni would definately attract onis even more. The warm and fuzzyness that pervaded her after the kiss and their horns rubbing was a bit unexpected but not unwelcome, and Anya was still a bit pouty at needing the help but she soon enough realized just why she might be weakened right now.

Namely, she was absolutely starving.

The human girl was prone to eating quite a fair bit already to keep up with her exercise regimen, but with the transformation that had come over her she seemed like she could eat a horse. The girl practically attacking the towering mountain of food as she ate with gusto, only putting in just enough effort to maintain some modicum of table manners as she devoured anything set infront of her.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya saw many different foods before her and her stomach growled hungrily, demanding she eat as much as she could, and Sapphira and Karina encouraged her to as well. There was grilled, roasted, and fried boar meat for her to eat, among a variety of cooked vegetables and whatnot as well. "You like it, Anya? I told you mom cooks the best boar meat around," Karina asked, with Anya finding that it was indeed some of if not the best boar she'd ever eaten before.

"I think it's delicious," Kali proclaimed with a laugh as she got a large mug of mead that Shana poured for her, as Kali tore into her food almost savagely, while Sapphira and Karina both used utensils in a more refined manner.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"It's really great, this is like the best I've had!" Anya said between chewing. The girl was ravenous and would keep going until hunger was satisfied, and maybe a bit further considering she needed to make up for a fair bit of losses recently, and probably a fair bit more 'exercise' in the near future.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya found herself devouring about twice her normal amount of food, and she also found that her tastes for certain things had changed a tiny bit, and she found a couple of vegetables that she'd once found not quite as good, to be delicious now. It was quite nice to say the least, and she saw Shana carry out a small pan of brownies of all things for dessert not too long after dinner.

"Do any of you wish for dessert?" Shana asked, where Kali and Karina both perked up, looking almost like little girls again as their eyes lit up, while Sapphira took a brownie too, but with a less childish look about her. "High matron... do you desire one as well?" Shana asked softly, holding the pan in front of her and offering her a brownie.

Whether Anya took one or not was up to her, and afterward when they were all done eating, Anya saw her oni lovers all looked full and content it seemed. "Alright, Anya. When the blizzard outside calms down, I'll take you and Kali out and down to the village proper to give you the tour. Though what with how the snow's still coming down, that might not be until tomorrow," Sapphira said softly
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was a bit surprised at herself at how much she had ate, but she was also surprised to find not just her body, but her tastebuds had changed. She was still all good to eat lots of meat, but the vegetables tasted better then they used to have.

Then came dessert, and like the hells below was she not going to have some of that. Taking a brownie of her own she'd start to eat it as Sapphira talked. "Sounds good, I think I might need the rest of the day to adjust to the new height and balance and everything anyways. It's not everyday one sprouts up like, a foot, or gain a few extra pounds on the front and back at the same time." She said with a small laugh.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Hmhm, it's alright dear. Take your time to get used to the new height and weight. I know that you need to. And Karina and Kali can both help you get more accustomed to it with some sparring too here shortly, if you like," Sapphira giggled softly.

"Aye, I don't mind hon. I'd love to spar with you, o-or wrestle," Karina said softly.

"Yeah I don't mind either. wrestling would be fun as hell," Kali said with a grin.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Heh, some sparring would be nice. Though first, where's my axe at? I want to see just how the weight sits now." Anya would head off in search of her axe, not letting herself relax more as she had a rather battlehungry grin on her face at the idea of being stronger. Once she got some training in with herself, she'd take up the two girls offers to spar, either through wrestling or however else they wanted to do it.