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A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled

"Good girl, always thinking of what I desire first," her demonic mistress replied. Aphrodite's hand came up to approvingly pat the nuzzling dragoness's head; she did so twice in rapid succession before allowing her fingers to trace a line down to her free cheek. "I had worried about you so, fearful that I had lost you forever, but you came back to me yesterday and I was so overjoyed that I couldn't contain myself," she lied. The demoness hadn't implanted any memories into Alisha's head to support her lie, but she told the tale with confidence. Still, there was nothing save for that feeling of overwhelming loyalty to the succubus to prevent Alisha from commenting on that.

"It would have been dreadful if I'd gone home without you, my sweet girl. One day I shall bring you back to Hell. You'll be awed by it, it's truly beautiful." The demonic woman turned her hooded head to look at the songstress, at which point Alisha discovered that there was an enchantment on the robe that shrouded the wearer's face in impenetrable shadows. The only evidence that there was a person actually wearing the fabrics at all were the platinum locks of hair that fell free of the shadows. "But first we have much business to attend to in this place. A tour of our quarters is in order, along with an explanation of what we're doing here. Present yourself for leashing, my precious little dove." The demoness withdrew her hand from Alisha's cheek, obviously expecting the songstress's prompt obedience.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

"Mistress...for you to be so concerned for a mere minstrel... truly, this songbird is overjoyed as to how great her lady's heart is."

The tale struck an odd chord in Alisha's mind, something didn't fully click. Nonetheless though, at this time all she could perceive was how wonderful her demonic master's hand against her cheek, and how touched she was at her mistress's concern.

"Of course milady. As you command.

At her lady's order though, despite how she might have enjoyed just a bit more nuzzling, the dragon daughter would gently pull away... closing her eyes as she allowed the glowing white leathery wings to recede into her back...seeing as they'd mostly only get in the way of a walk. Then, adopting a kneeling position, hands in her lap and head lifted to allow easy access to her collar, she'd patiently await for a leash to be attached... almost as if she had been trained before, at some point.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled

"Good girl," she praised Alisha as the dragoness took an obedient position. The demoness produced a leash seemingly from thin air and hooked it to the ring on the spirit wielder's leash. Aphrodite patted her on the head and bade her to stand up. "Yes, a tour of our quarters is in order. You must know what we're dealing with. To the left of me, two steps behind," she ordered of the leashed songstress as she began to walk toward the entrance of her chamber. The doors swung open without Aphrodite even lifting a finger, allowing the two to exit into the waiting room that laid outside.

"The waiting room, where appointments and others await my care," she explained of the room. It was set up as such, with several stone benches aligning the walls to the left and right of Alisha and the only other door in the room on the wall opposite of the doors that led into Aphrodite's bedchamber. "But more importantly, these two rooms are my inner sanctum on this world. I know everything that occurs in them, whether I'm here or there. These places are safe even from the supposed master of this place, which is why I will explain the most important aspect of your service to me in them."

"There are only five tiers here, as far as I'm concerned, and they are simple. From top to bottom: there's me, my favored pets, my pets, the other occupants of this place, and then there are those who have yet to be taught their true place in life. The only reason the fifth is different from the fourth is because that the fourth are too willful and annoying to make good pets and some among the fifth choose to join them." Aphrodite continued toward the door that would see them exit the waiting room as she spoke, but stopped in front of it and turned toward Alisha. "You are a pet. One day, you shall regain your place among my favored pets, but until then you will behave appropriately as a pet."

She pulled open the door and led the songstress out into the end of a cramped hallway which went to their left. Immediately opposite the room they had just exited was a set of stairs that went down. "The dungeons, where the fifth among my list reside. Any among my pets may go down there and use any of the unconverted as they please, so long as they have been marked by one of my succubi first. Should you desire a toy when I dismiss you, you may feel free to visit them," she suggested with a curious glance toward the dragoness. Regardless of how Alisha reacted, they continued on in short order.

Going left and then left again at a sharp turn in the hallway, they passed a doorway that seemed to lead into another hallway. "That place is under the jurisdiction of another, its inhabitants occupy the fourth spot on my list. I would recommend avoiding it unless you enjoy lengthy lectures. Imagine that fool's face if I could find a pet who gets off on his spiels..." Then they passed a series of four arched doorways with no accompanying doors, a peer into which revealed several things. For one, it revealed lesser demons of every type and several succubi. Some were lounging, some were sparring, or perhaps out and out fighting, and at least one goblin had his hands firmly on a succubus's horns and she an obscene bulge in her throat that suggested exactly what they were doing. Beyond that there were several bunks for sleeping in. "My pet quarters," she noted as they passed, her voice causing the lesser demons who weren't preoccupied to kneel or curtsy in her general direction as she passed. "Pets who are here for extended periods sleep here, and you will too. Pets may not use other pets unless both consent. I'd prefer it if you used the marked prisoners regardless, it's more productive that way."

The journey stopped in front of a foreboding, metal door, with Aphrodite explaining; "This is where my favored pets rest. As my favored pets, they are granted the right to use pets and prisoners whenever they desire. It is their reward for serving me so admirably." She spun to face Alisha, or more accurately to give the songstress a view of the enchanted darkness again, and concluded with; "And these are my current holdings in this miserable estate. Have you any questions, dear?"
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Obediently rising to her feet as swiftly as the order was heard, Alisha quickly placed herself where her mistress wished for her to be. By her side, two steps back, head held high in spite of her nudity, as befitting that of a daughter of dragons, but not too high so as to overshadow her present master. Most importantly though, her lips would remain sealed as she was lead along, only rarely offering a comment when she felt it was absolutely necessary. A trained songbird does not sing without purpose, save for its master's pleasure after all.

For the most part anyway, with her emotions less restrained due to the close proximity of her mistress (for most masters feel more secure when their pet's emotions were easier to read), the subtle changes in the dragoness's facial features were enough to tell her thoughts on the matter. A widened smile, when mention of a more important service she was to offer. A moment's display of disappointment, upon learning she was not among her mistress's favored. A brief nod and response, but with at best only a look of contemplation.

"...Perhaps if I require a muse. I am grateful for milady's generosity."

When introduced to the passage to another wing, the same look of contemplation would return yet again...though this time it would linger a bit, the smile she donned while accompany her Lady fading for an instant...only to eerily return a moment later. And as to being introduced to the quarters she would stay, head still raised high, she gave them a glance at best...no doubt, she didn't consider them equals in any way whatsoever. For some reason, though the songstress couldn't exactly put her finger on it, instinct perhaps, she felt all of the ones gathered to be beneath her... Inferior creatures who were in need of a greater pur...a greater methodology in which they served Lady Aphrodite. But of course, she wouldn't be as coarse as to sneer at any of them or the likes, merely pay them no more heed than but a single glance.

Once she was lead to the metal door however, and bidden to speak...it was then that she'd voice the most pressing concerns on her mind presently.

"...Forgive this minstrel's ignorance mistress, memories are a fleeting thing of late, but might she ask what she has done to fall out of favor? It is...discomforting, to not remember one's transgressions."
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled

"You misunderstand, dear," the hooded figure replied without missing a beat. "To be a favorite is to have a countenance pleasing to me, to know exactly what I desire from your service, and to do my bidding without question. You meet the first and third criteria without a doubt." The songstress did not need to see the succubus's face in order to hear the smile creeping into her voice. "But you have been away from me for so long, an entire lifetime one might say, and it would be unfair of me to expect the second of you so soon. But that, my sweet songbird, is why we're here!" With a wave of her hand, the metal door swung open, revealing what was inside.

Unlike the rooms that she had designated as a place for her 'standard' pets, the place she had allowed for her favored minions looked much more like a stable. There were both stalls and kennels, with beds that varied between haphazard bundles of hay to warm-looking blankets. A trough occupied the entirety of one wall. Perhaps most surprisingly about the room, very few of its occupants appeared to be demonic in origin. All were women and hermaphrodites, and all shared a very obvious theme. Among them was a su-ku-ta curled as best she could curl in one of the kennels, a fleshy prick with a soft looking barb on it sticking out from between her legs. There were a few girls who looked mostly human outside of having ears and bushy tails, matching their respective hair colors, reminiscent to those of wolves, one brunette and one with black hair. A woman with a lizard-like tail, green scales on the outsides of her thighs and upper arms, and webbed hands and feet was present. Yet another had a horse's tail and ears, and another appendage that looked like it belonged on a horse. And those were the ones who were immediately noticeable, there were still others beyond them.

The only particularly demonic looking occupants in the room were two dogs. Each was easily as tall as Alisha, covered in pitch black fur and bearing fearsome countenances. One was busily rutting away at one of the wolf-like girls, the one with the black hair, and the other was curled up in a stall, though it looked at Alisha when the door opened and licked its chops. "You see, I intend on allowing you to stay with my little darlings, that you can quicker return to your rightful place! Aren't you excited?" Aphrodite asked with that same audible smile.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Ah but of course, forgetfulness... perhaps the greatest transgression against one's mistress. For a songstress to forget her composer's songs, a servant to forget their duties was indeed a grave sin.

Those were the initial thoughts that came to Alisha's mind as she heard her Lady's response, immediately soothed as if that mere explanation alone was satisfactory. However, enthralled or not, the dragoness was no fool, as the sight alone was enough for her to put two and two together...that the pets who were "favored" might be "favored" for another reason altogether. And with it, even a feeling of revulsion, not for what she was about to do (unlike most dragons, non humanoid partners were a trivial thing to her), but perhaps at what the other pitiful individuals were being relegated to.

Though so as not to offend her mistress, rather than demonstrate her "discomfort" visually, she would opt to adopt a bemused smile, even seeming to appear...appraising.

"It isn't often that I find myself singing songs to the great hounds of the abyss, certainly. Though I do wonder if the hounds are indeed "refined" enough to not end up enthralled by song..."

...And for a moment, perhaps just a bit confrontational, as if something had sparked just briefly...but not enough so. Following that brief flash however and a momentary grin, she would return to a more obedient position and visage.

"In all seriousness my Mistress, the very thought of returning to a rightful place does cause my heart to flutter so. Please, give the word, and I shall begin an aria."
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled

"Mm, I don't think you fully understand, dear," Aphrodite supplied enigmatically. "But you will, and it will be wonderful for everyone involved. Until then, enjoy yourself and try not to tire yourself out too much. I'll be back in a few hours, and I might have a task just for you." The succubus leaned in and gave Alisha a peck on the cheek, during which she discovered that she still couldn't see the woman's features through the hood. "Now go on and play nice, mistress will be back soon," she exclaimed cheerfully as she nudged the dragonkin into the room, before closing the door behind the songstress.

Following the abrupt farewell, Alisha quickly determined a few more things about the room and its occupants. The first was that each had a heart shaped piece of metal hanging from the rings of their collars. Each also had an initialed engraving similar to the one that Alisha herself wore. Finally, but far from the least important, the second she entered the room she was immediately the center of attention for many of the mutated women--specifically, the ones who were a bit more than women. Several of them stood up from the animal-like positions they had been in and began to approach her.

But this wasn't out of any interest in communication, she quickly learned. A fight broke out between the interested parties, with the different girls grappling, punching, and wrestling with each other. The hellhound that had shown an interest in the songstress put its head back down as the struggle continued. Eventually, from the chaos, emerged a victor -- it also ended with the brunette girl with the wolf-like features being pinned to the ground and fucked by the su-ku-ta -- in the form of the woman with the horse ears and tail. She was tall, over six feet and probably closer to seven, and a muscle was easily visible underneath her curvy form. Her freakishly large shaft was already fully erect and twitching, signalling the intent of her approach.

Technically, Aphrodite had never expressly given any orders on how Alisha was supposed to handle the situation she'd been thrust into. She could certainly try to stop what was about to happen if she so liked, though it would be hard to do so with brute spiritual power alone due to her collar. The submissive role was also an option. In the end, it was up to the dragoness.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Odd, was there a particular reason her Mistress went to such lengths to conceal her visage? Or was it simply that as she was now, she was still unworthy to bear witness upon her master's face?

Only the faintest of doubt would seep into her mind from noticing such a detail, but even then it would quickly fade once Alisha parted ways with her Lady. Instead, her attention immediately turned to the "favored pets", eyes narrowing as if to appraise them...to learn more of her master's tastes.

Not that it would take much to come to a prompt conclusion of course. The lack of communication, the animalistic fighting, the domination by the strong over the weak... all of them pointed to one thing easily enough. "The favored pets" of her Lady were naught but beasts, foolish animals lacking guidance and acting on instinct, potentially incapable of even the most base of intellect. And to an extent, she could understand why her Mistress might have such as her favorite of course. Trained animals, unlike servants or otherwise, wordlessly obey, have simple desires and needs, and are mostly incapable of treachery. Similarly to some extent, Alisha too found such the easiest pieces to move about a chessboard. However, as to whether or not she has any intention of becoming one... that was a different story.

While doing so may be against the most immediate wishes of Lady Aphrodite, the Maven of Song believed it would serve her mistress better if she were to retain free thought and will, to continue to be organic in her means to solve problems and plan. Thus she would not, regrettably perhaps, offer her lady a "housebroken" pet when the latter returned. But the question remained, how was she to deal with the animals, or animal rather that now closed in on her?...

"Shall I rob them of their sweet fee?... Nay, I'll let them satisfy their lust on me."

...The same way she dealt with others of such a disposition, when her most dissonant songs were bound of course. She would play the role of Venus, beckoning the one who approached with a singular line, a gesture, and a bemused smile...yes the role she had been so readily prepared for in her youth, that could be employed against most. Even if they should have the anatomy of an equine, the dragonkin would remain steadfast and unwavering. After all? Her ancestors had taken larger.

((...Two months later, trying to get back into the groove of things. Short/crappy post but eh. As to the tl;dr of this action? Basically enthrall horse futa and all others who come, while resisting pleasure as long as she can to ensure she lasts. Also of course, for the ones that become enthralled, have them go exhaust themselves on other would be contenders.))
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 60/71, PP = 10/68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled
Why not.

The horse takes a round for foreplay, because nobody wants to figure out the math on whether a dragonkin that's been split in to is a quarter dragon or not.
PP damage dealt to Alisha: 4 + 18 - 26 = 0.

PP dealt to Alisha: 13 + 41 - 26 = 28.
PP damage dealt to enemy: 2 + 33 - 18 = 17.

And fast forwarding...
PP dealt to Alisha in total: 58.
PP dealt to enemy in total: 44. She orgasmed on the second round and easily lost the resistance check.
Total damage taken by Alisha: 11.

We're just gonna go ahead and say gain 58 corruption for this, before I forget.

The most horse-like of the women in Aphrodite's stable proved none too clever, recognizing nothing of Alisha's intent. "Mistress will reward me well when I add you to my harem~" she cooed as she closed the small gap between them, woefully unaware of the skill set of the dragoness before her. Without much fanfare following her very forward statement, she reached out and grabbed Alisha and hoisted the shorter woman into the air... and set the songstress on her shoulders, crotch facing the tall woman's mouth.

Following a look from her apparent partner that seemed an effort at a promising smile or perhaps simply an expression of ownership, though it came off as simply clumsy in appearance, the animal-like girl began to immediately attack the dragonkin's folds with her tongue. It was far from a skilled display, as she flitted her tongue between Alisha's labia and attempted, and failed, to coax the songstress's clit from beneath its hood. Though it was a step up from the goblins' earlier attempts, and it might have even been pleasurable if it hadn't been for the presence of the spirit wielder's indomitable will, it was simply doing nothing for Alisha.

But, as if to prove her beliefs about the horse-like woman's instincts, it didn't bother her partner in the least. Once the song mage had been lubricated, even though it was entirely by saliva, she quickly found herself being lowered to the ground. Once there, she was guided onto her belly, and the woman crawled over her without delay. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't live without the feel of my cum in your belly. It will make mistress so proud," she whispered into the dragonkin's ear. Not long after, the songstress felt the insistent press of her partner's engorged cock at her own saliva-soaked lower lips. Shortly afterward the horse woman speared her shaft into the song mage's waiting cunny.

The initial few moments were incredibly uncomfortable, as the woman's saliva had done little to prepare Alisha's much smaller frame and her tight sex for the sheer size of the horse-like appendage that had been shoved into her. But as her partner began to work into a rhythm, the pain and discomfort began to subside in favor of pleasure. The hermaphroditic woman wasn't exactly breaking new ground in the arts of pleasuring another, but the size of her manhood and the steady nature of her thrusts were soon impossible to ignore even with the songstress's mental discipline.

Soon the pleasure began to well within her. Though it was nothing close to what Aphrodite had been able to inspire in Alisha, it was enough that she felt the dam of her resistance beginning to break, a wave of ecstasy powerful enough to throw her into insensate bliss behind it. But that was as far as she got. As soon as the first signs of impending orgasm began to wash over the spirit wielder, the horse woman hit her own peak. As suddenly as it had began, her partner's throbbing prick soon released its monstrous load and signaled the end to Alisha's first coupling with one of Aphrodite's favored pets. Her partner's potency proved a match to the type of animal whose motif she had been mutated to resemble, and the song weaver's womb couldn't hold it all before it began to stream from her pussy in a miniature waterfall.

During it all, however, she would feel the telltale signs of her soul enthralling her partner's own, and know that she had succeeded in her goal. With that, she was free to order almost anything of the horse woman. Her first and most obvious option was to get her partner off of her, but beyond that she might talk to the woman, or simply order her to go off and make her advances on another member of Aphrodite's stable. For the moment, at least, none of the others in the room were making an advance toward the songstress.