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A Knights Tale (Feris)

Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 4 + 34 = 38 vs 41 = miss.

The woman is seemingly unsurprised by Mirunas attack, and avoids her sword by a hairs breadth. Miruna is surprised by her speed, and finds the woman standing behind her, grasping at her breasts beneath her armor, and whispering into her ear; "Oh how wonderful I shall make you feel....." And suddenly Miruna finds her mind under attack once more, while the woman tries to strengthen her physical hold on the knight.

Mind vs Mind: 11 + 10 + 6 = 27 vs 3 + 24 - 6 = 27 = Miruna wins.
Grapple: 14 + 36 = 50 vs 43 = Enemy wins.

For a moment, Miruna feels the strange mental compulsion come over her again, but she snaps out of it just in time to feel the succubus pull her to the ground beneath her, the demon holding her almost gently as she probes for a way to remove her armor. Mirunas fury redoubles.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna lets out a disappointed grunt as her sword failed to meet it's target then in her quickness the demon suddenly whisked behind Miruna and threw her to the ground herself being the dominant one on top then once more she starred at her with the crimson eyes Miruna felt each time she looked into them a spell would take a hold of her but she managed to shake it off.

"I won't let you!" Miruna shouted replying to her whisper though now being below the demon Miruna tried to free herself matching her own grappling strength against the demons to escape from her position.

(Escape Grapple)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

Grapple: 7 + 38 = 45 vs 11 + 36 = 47 == Enemy wins.

Miruna is clearly the stronger of the two, and very nearly overpowers the woman holding her down, but suddenly Miruna finds herself face up in the air, the woman beneath her holding her about her waist with her legs while she pried at Mirunas armor once more.

Grapple: 16 + 36 - 8 = 44 vs 11 + 38 = 49 == Miruna wins.

The woman found one of the clasps of Mirunas armor, trying to loosen them so she can take Mirunas protective armor off, but a quick twist from Miruna leaves her disappointed.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna found herself struggling still in the enemies hands she needed to get away she couldn't use her weapon properly like this so she continued to struggle to break free of the woman's lusty fingers.

"I swear you'll pay for defiling this place of light with your twisted need for lust!" Miruna shouted attempted to somewhat attack her opponents nerves.

*Escape Grapple*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

Grapple: 2 + 38 = 40 vs 3 + 36 = 39 == Miruna wins.

Miruna breaks free from the womans grasp, pulling herself free using her powerful legs. The woman doesn't respond to Mirunas taunt other than to sneer, rise, and grasp for her again.

Grapple: 20 + 36 = 56 vs 43 = Enemy wins. (Damnit, she keeps rolling high.)

The woman seems determined to hold the warrior down, and pulls her into a hold once more.

(Like I told xivvix, you can attack while grappled.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Ah!" Miruna stated after breaking free but just as she did a tight tug came from behind on her left arm she knew that she was caught again. "Grrr Fine let's see how you feel about this!" She swung herself before falling for the ground aiming her sword down attempting to plung it into the woman while falling.

(Attack Lustful woman *Pierce Attack*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Grapple: 4 + 38 = 42 vs 3 + 36 = 39 == Miruna wins.
Damage: 8 + 8 = 16 damage.

Miruna turns and plants her blade into the grasping demoness, and the woman backs away in shock as the blade pierces her body. She stares up at miruna, evidently unable to comprehend the idea that the knight could so easily resist her. This gives Miruna another opportunity to counter-attack.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna stands now completly free from her captors hands looking directly into her eyes she makes her intent known with a murderous glare of conviction. "Accept you end demon and I'll make your passing painless!" She stated darting at her enemy with her blade held high attempting to strike diagonally at the demons body with her Claymore Aegis.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 10 + 34 = 44 vs 41 == hit.
Damage: 3 + 10 = 13 damage.

The demoness tries to evade the strike as it descends toward her, but is just a moment too slow, and Miruna buries her blade deep into her, her blade going through the womans collarbone and into her torso.

(Gain 2 exp.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna took a piece of cloth whipping off the demons blood clean off her now crimson blade until it was pure steel. "Two sorties in one day can be tiring though I'am fortunate to haven't been injured in either encounters...Though this was no surprise clearly there is still some light in this holy place my victory is proof enough." She stated turning to the pestle of the church offering her prayers before turn to the naked demon and her victims.

Knowing she couldn't leave the place be she gathered the victims and the demon put them in a batch and with one torch in her hand she recited pastures so their souls may find their place in heaven or hell then muttering the last holy closing she threw the torch into their corpses. She then proceeded back into the church resting her body as she waited for the flames to completely burn the bodies.

As the time passed she exited the church and proceeded deeper the heart of the slums were the desperate and the true terrors dwelled.

(Leave Church)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

After seeing to the corpses, Miruna steps outside. Twilight approaches, and soon the night will come.

Perception: Success

Out of the corner of her eye, Miruna spots movement, and she turns to see a small, clawed demon creep into a nearby house.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna grappled the hilt of her blade at the sight of the small beast as it hastily retreated into the ruined house, She rushed to the entrance of the house crawling to the wall she wasn't very good at sneaking so a surprise attack wouldn't do her well.

Miruna kicked down the door and entered the house with her sword drawn, her blue eyes darted the entrance trying to make out if the beast was still here or perhaps something else altogether.

(Enter House)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Perception: Success.

Miruna heads into the house, and immediately spots the demon she'd seen going into it, along with two others just like it and one tall, bipedal demon with gray skin. They turn in unison to the knight as she enters, and it seems that Miruna's in for a fight.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

The odds were against her now what appeared to be one small demon turned into triplets though it's two bigger brothers seemed to have darker intentions for Miruna. The thought of fleeing from her noble crusade never crossed her mind as she leaped at one of the two big brothers of the demons, shouting at the top of her lunges as she attempted to slash away at the demons purely skin.

(Attack bipedal demon)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Blinded

To-hit: 19 + 34 = 53 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 10 = 12 damage.

Miruna rushes past the other demons and slashes at the gray skinned one, her blade cutting a deep gash into its hide. It growls, and says something unintelligible while holding its hand toward her.

Casting: 15 + 11 + 8 - 4 = 30 vs 10 = Success.
Mind vs Mind: 17 + 22 = 39 vs 20 + 10 = 30 == Enemy wins.
Miruna has been blinded for 9 rounds or until she is out of combat.

A blinding light fills the room, and Miruna isn't quick enough to shield her eyes. She is no longer able to see in a room full of enemies, and suddenly horrible images of the lesser demons swarming her and tearing her apart filter through her thoughts. The other demons do indeed pile onto her, trying to wrestle the knight to the ground.

Grapple: 20 + 20 = 40 vs 33 - 8 = 25 == Enemy wins.
Grapple: 10 + 20 = 30 vs 33 - 8 = 25 == Enemy wins.
Grapple: 1 + 20 = 21 vs 33 - 8 = 25 == Miruna wins.

One of the beasts jumps onto her back, weighing her down, but she is able to force it off of her just as the other two smash into her from the same direction. The knight is forced to the ground under the two clawed demons.
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Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"YAGH! Cowardous swine NGH!" Miruna now her vision now blinded by the demons witchcraft found herself stumbling about until she was set aground by one who jumped on her, still able to attack but not didn't know whom she would be attacking instead she could only go after what was feeling who was near her. Feeling the demons clutch upon her flesh she decided to go for the one who was in front of her.

She swung her claymore wildly like a mad woman trying to cleave her way out of hell being only blinded had incurred more of her rage.

*Attack demon? (since i'm blind I can't really know whom i'm targeting right?)*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Blinded

(You can still hear, and there are two demons on your back anyway.)

Grapple: 19 + 38 = 57 vs 16 + 18 + 20 = 54 == Miruna wins.
Damage: 4 + 10 = 14 damage.

Miruna wrestles against the two clawed demons on top of her, and proves to be much stronger than the two smaller creatures. The knight lashes out with her sword, and strikes the creature which she had knocked off of her with her sword, causing the demon to recoil in pain.

Grapple: 17 + 20 = 37 vs 19 + 38 = 57 == Miruna wins.
Grapple: 1 + 20 = 21 vs 4 + 38 = 42 == Miruna wins.

The two demons try to claw into the knight, but she is able to shift herself so that their claws only scrape against her armor, doing no damage.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Feeling the collision, Miruna smiled as she knew her sword made contact with her intended target but hearing him groaning made gave her a grim face 'These demons don't go down easily...'with that she felt the other two try and claw through her armor, she felt nothing however that meant the chainmail hadn't been pierced.

Miruna twisted her body so she could at least be infront of one demon, Then she would attempt to thrust her sword into his chest that would skewer the beast.

(Attack Demon *Pierce*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Blinded 7

(Using the new team-grapple rules.)

Grapple: 5 + 38 = 43 vs 2 + 20 = 22 == Miruna wins.
Damage: 4 + 8 = 12 damage.

Attempting to strike out at one of the demons on her back, Miruna manages to pierce one of them with her sword, eliciting a growl of anger from the creature. The two demons, along with the third which tries to latch onto the knight as well, try to wrestle her to the ground, so as to remove the dangerous sword from the fray. Miruna can hear a hoarse laughter coming from where the mage had been standing, indicating that he was amused by his lesser allies ineffectiveness.

To-hit: 2 + 20 = 22 vs 23 == Miss.
Team Grapple: 3 + 2 + 20 + 10 = 35 vs 13 + 38 = 51 == Miruna wins.

The mages laughter only increases in volume as the third beast bounces off of Miruna as she shakes wildly, preventing the other two demons from holding her down.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

The sound of laughter disturbed Miruna as she wanted to respond but her mind was far into the battle to pay any heed to it The demons latched onto her right hand attempting to force her to part with her blade Miruna would not have that. She gripped her blade as hard as she could in short the demon ran short of breath abandoning their efforts for the time being now noticing a third hand she knew it was the wounded beast was trying to jump back into the fray.

Soon her sword hand was free and she swung to her blade down attempting to wound the beast that had tried to rejoin the attack.

(Attack Demon *Slash*)