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A very hesitant attempt

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Well man, given all that's happen, you're awesome for sticking to it, and showing the world you ain't no one's bitch.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hwhw, whew, seems I triggered quite a response, hmm, I guess thanks for sharing all that...Take it easy, one day after the other and if sharing what ye going through helps you doing what ye do, all the better:cool:!

All I wanted to do is warn you about not physically overworking yerself in the flu season, since you mentioned that one gardening day left you pretty damn exhausted.
I'm coping with a minor summer flu meself, hmm seems I already mentioned that in my post before, if you have some symptoms, please take it slow. I want you good 'n healthy for a long time, I mean, I wanna see lots more of your art to come...:eek:

+Sports, yeees loving it meself, but had to learn the hard way what's too much for my body, I guess you had similar experiences since you talk about watching your muscular weariness...

++About that language, well it can never hurt to really learn another language, I grew up with german and english, I must say I prefer english, some words in german are just so long/convoluted and thus hard to pronounce...I'm also studying other languages...never really got around the cyrillic of russian, but I'm starting to get a hang of chinese and japanese kanji.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hwhw, whew, seems I triggered quite a response, hmm, I guess thanks for sharing all that...Take it easy, one day after the other and if sharing what ye going through helps you doing what ye do, all the better:cool:!

All I wanted to do is warn you about not physically overworking yerself in the flu season, since you mentioned that one gardening day left you pretty damn exhausted.
I'm coping with a minor summer flu meself, hmm seems I already mentioned that in my post before, if you have some symptoms, please take it slow. I want you good 'n healthy for a long time, I mean, I wanna see lots more of your art to come...:eek:

+Sports, yeees loving it meself, but had to learn the hard way what's too much for my body, I guess you had similar experiences since you talk about watching your muscular weariness...

++About that language, well it can never hurt to really learn another language, I grew up with german and english, I must say I prefer english, some words in german are just so long/convoluted and thus hard to pronounce...I'm also studying other languages...never really got around the cyrillic of russian, but I'm starting to get a hang of chinese and japanese kanji.

Yeah I know what you meant but, as you just said, you kind of triggered me with that!
I am exhausted...both mentally and physically. Although if few years ago I would have thought that impossible now I am handling many things at the same time. Seems one can get used to (almost) everything afterall.
Anyway I think I needed to steam out somehow, I'm sorry if I looked rude to you anyhow! I didn't mean that! :)

I always used to do sports since I was 6, so to me it's like completing myself.
I've been through swim, tennis, windsurf, sailing (it was my main activity for 8 years) then gym and Muay Thai. Now I am back to gym which is something well suited with my average lack of time.

Now, I don't want to go too much OT! I will upload something new soon! :)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Nice. i'll be looking forward to more. :D
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hwhw, you didn't appear rude to me at all, don't worry.

I was just impressed/taken aback by the wall of text and all that private information, took me a couple minutes to read all that, nonetheless quite impressive what ye accomplishing, about the three 3d printers are you talking about 3d printers as in building stuff from plastic and other easily moldable materials or CNC axial milling machines to carve out products from any material, since you was talking about flooding the local market I was a bit confused there.
And that gf of yours, I mean it's really none of my business, do what you gotta do, but if it was me man and I wouldn't have gotten a green card/visa or whatever and she wouldn't have tried moving with me, if she could. At that point I would have written her off as some nice memory and moved on to bigger 'n better things, if ye know what I mean:eek:. Maybe, I'm being heartless here, no clue:(.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

And that gf of yours, I mean it's really none of my business, do what you gotta do, but if it was me man and I wouldn't have gotten a green card/visa or whatever and she wouldn't have tried moving with me, if she could. At that point I would have written her off as some nice memory and moved on to bigger 'n better things, if ye know what I mean:eek:. Maybe, I'm being heartless here, no clue:(.

We are getting off topic but... i agree wih u man. Just remember we don't know the whole story. Maybe she had a solid reason(sick family member or such) so lets not judge anyone.

and Mr VICkers, nice job with the last one's outlines. :)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Let's get back on topic!

I'm still working on this simpler style and on facial expressions.
I want to make time optimization so I can develop more material in a shorter amount of time.
This one took me approximately 1 hour and 1/2 from sketches to final work.

Since new GoT season has started... "Summer is coming!"

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I really like the tan and the tanline around her chestal area...The lighting effects, specially on her butt look nice too.

What happened to her opened eye? Looks kinda like a goat's Iris to me.:confused:

I really like what you did with her posewise, that kinky wink over her shoulder + the way she moves her hand/fingers indicating she is droppping the bikini-top and the slight wiggle to her butt also enhanced by how her thighs are positioned, I can't tell if she is running away into the foreground or just standing there with that sexy pose waiting for someone to catch up to her, well both ideas are kinda nice.

All in all, pretty solid work considering the amount of time put into it.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I really like the tan and the tanline around her chestal area...The lighting effects, specially on her butt look nice too.

What happened to her opened eye? Looks kinda like a goat's Iris to me.:confused:

I really like what you did with her posewise, that kinky wink over her shoulder + the way she moves her hand/fingers indicating she is droppping the bikini-top and the slight wiggle to her butt also enhanced by how her thighs are positioned, I can't tell if she is running away into the foreground or just standing there with that sexy pose waiting for someone to catch up to her, well both ideas are kinda nice.

All in all, pretty solid work considering the amount of time put into it.

Hummm, hummmm...alright, that was an accurate critic. Thanks!
Although I wasn't really sure about the "goat iris" so I adjusted the whole eye a bit (and her left arm too).
Btw if you meant that little "swirl" under the pupil it's just a very (very) simplified shade.

Should looks better now...I hope...

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Oh, so it's a shade from one of the eyelashes or her hair?
Maybe, comparing it to a goat's pupil was overexaggerating it, it just looks a bit weird to me:eek:.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Ohh, so it's a shade from one of the eyelashes or her hair?
Maybe, comparing it to a goat's pupil was overexaggerating it, it just looks a bit weird to me:eek:.

Sort of...
Look at the sketches I've posted the other day, the black and white ones. I've put this little swirl under their pupils too. I don't know if I like it or not...I'm "testing" it. I am trying to find some little things to customize more my style, just that...
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hwhw, that's how I noticed it, since it didn't appear in the purple sketch.

Dang, sending back and forth messages every other minute in a fixed thread I feel kinda stoopid, you know we can always use the private messaging function of the shoutbox or I could send you my skype id...
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...


I envy people who can draw with correct anatomy v . v
cuz mine is junk.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...


I envy people who can draw with correct anatomy v . v
cuz mine is junk.

Oh well I don't think my anatomy is THAT correct but thanks! :)
However there are some little tricks I've learned to adjust proportions while drawing. Let me know if I may help you somehow!

Meanwhile...summer time...




Postimage seems to be dead. I'm using TinyPic now but I am not sure if it allows 18+ content. I'll reupload later if necessary.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

That animal expression "crabs"me up.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I like the cartoony style, and a smiling girl who looks like she wants to be boned is always nice, imho. ;)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Nice. I like a bit of a tan line. ;)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I really like the whole beach scenario, summer sun and a good reaming, yaaay:D.

The art style is more simplistic as you mentioned before so nothing to really criticize there.

Though, if you wanna spent some more time on this pic, maybe focus on the fun parts of the gal and the guy, that's the only area where I would like to see some fun improvements done.:eek:

As mentioned before in this thread, I like it hilariously juicy, perhaps you could try something similar to this:

Make it more juicy like . One of my favourite asshole artists 'Gunnmx'!:eek:
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I really like the whole beach scenario, summer sun and a good reaming, yaaay:D.

The art style is more simplistic as you mentioned before so nothing to really criticize there.

Though, if you wanna spent some more time on this pic, maybe focus on the fun parts of the gal and the guy, that's the only area where I would like to see some fun improvements done.:eek:

As mentioned before in this thread, I like it hilariously juicy, perhaps you could try something similar to this:

Alright, I made a quickie for ya! :D
That's the amount of "juicy" I can bare, more than this becomes a bit too much "hilarious" to me but I think it's a matter of tastes! :p

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