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A very hesitant attempt

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

How is a deep missionary fucking or an expression of great pleasure vanilla?! I think it's just HOT!!!

Well, "vanilla" just means "normal" in my book. I definitely think it's very sexy, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it. ;)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Alright...silly idea...

What if I make a very short 3 pages comic with that picture? I have a naughty plot about it...

Shall I?
If so I need a volunteer mother tongue to correct the text once I'm done, my english isn't correct as you can see.



No mother tongue here meself, but well, I kinda grew up with UK english, so if ya want me to look over it, ima have a look see, though I'm more for increasing the smuttiness in language not necessarily making it grammatically correct...:eek:!

My idea for her first thought bubble would be: 'How's it hangin, dudes?...Owhh!...Damn, you are hung good!!(optional...Damn!...Can't keep those pent up peckers in ya pants, no more!?)
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Thanks for the help guys, I will surely send you the texts as soon as I'm done with the inking.
Dunno if is a good idea though...I think I will need 4-5 pages rather than the 3 I though on first place.
Today I did almost nothing...I'm becoming more and more busy at work and soon I will start doing a work for HentaiWriter, therefore I will need to prioritize his work.

Anyway...here the VERY little progress...
In few words: this comic project will take AGES. Be patient...

I'm running to the gym now and later going to recover my beloved motorbike!!

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Thanks, a change of scenery is most welcome.

Lately, I have to translate stuffs about enemas and hypnotism magic:eek:, all that weird stuff is making it hard for me to somehow turn the whole scene/dialogue into a hot smutty mess, I feel!?!
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Thanks, a change of scenery is most welcome.

Lately, I have to translate stuffs about enemas and hypnotism magic:eek:, all that weird stuff is making it hard for me to somehow turn the whole scene/dialogue into a hot smutty mess, I feel!?!


What do you mean with change of scenery?
However today I've drawn almost nothing. Tomorrow I'm gonna have a damn full day at work...we'll see if I can ménage something during the lunch break...
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

What do you mean with change of scenery?

If I understand chris correctly, he meant that translating something aside from enemas etc. was a good "change of scenery".
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Yeah, sorry I didn't write that down as clearly.

All I wanted to say, I'm really happy to have a look see at what you wrote down for your panels, actually I'm quite excited to read what you have in mind for the speech bubbles and then, maybe alter it a little.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

If I understand chris correctly, he meant that translating something aside from enemas etc. was a good "change of scenery".

Yeah, sorry I didn't write that down as clearly.

All I wanted to say, I'm really happy to have a look see at what you wrote down for your panels, actually I'm quite excited to read what you have in mind for the speech bubbles and then, maybe alter it a little.

Oh, alright! Now makes sense...
Wait...do you have to translate such things? For real?
I mean, I respect everybody's tastes but seriously can't understand this kind of stuff. I see that's a kind of duty you are doing and I think (as far as I understood) that you are not in this such kind of stuff either.

Bah, seriously not my piece of cake...

Anyway...I did a little progress with the first page. Changed some little things...I have the plot firm in my mind already but I am still thinking about the dialogues. Chrisroxxx I will soon need your help! :D

Here a little update.
Tips: She's a witch. They are freaking mad at her. She doesn't give a fuck.

Thanks the_taken for having triggered my naughty mind! :D

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hmm, a witch so that's why she's into reading books:p.

Nah, truly, I thought you got your idea for her indifferent attitude from sparrow's

And nah, my fetish is what crawdaddy calls 'vanilla', straight up intimate lovemaking, though I don't mind facial expressions or body movements that display overwhelming feelings like lustful desire and pure bliss, also a bit of domination is okay for me, I guess, as long as it goes both ways and isn't one sided...
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hmm, a witch so that's why she's into reading books:p.

Nah, truly, I thought you got your idea for her indifferent attitude from sparrow's

And nah, my fetish is what crawdaddy calls 'vanilla', straight up intimate lovemaking, though I don't mind facial expressions or body movements that display overwhelming feelings like lustful desire and pure bliss, also a bit of domination is okay for me, I guess, as long as it goes both ways and isn't one sided...

Oh don't worry! I'm not into BDSM either. I like some "situations" but I never been into extreme stuff. About these bands you see around their dicks...don't worry, is more scenic design to describe the situation.

I understand now you see just a base empty sketch and I have the whole thing in my mind but, believe me, this thing is going to be more on the "fun" way than any other! :)

Anyway, I'm writing the dialogues right now, sending you a PM in a short while! ;)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Stay tuned our dear readers cause soon we unravel Crowdaddy's kinkiest desiries incuding vanilla flavored ice creams, chris will share his "behind the scenes" juiciest (or other mysterious liquid) text translated and Vicioustudo's latest drawing expirience involving scat/pissing. So grab your BLAMco mac cheese, take a sip of irradiated Nuka cola and enjoy another episode of "The Iconic Three Inapropriatedly Energetic Stooges"(in short "TITIES") laying waste arround ULMF pages

Joking assSide im curious about the comics story and await it with anticipation. :cool:
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Stay tuned our dear readers cause soon we unravel Crowdaddy's kinkiest desiries incuding vanilla flavored ice creams, chris will share his "behind the scenes" juiciest (or other mysterious liquid) text translated and Vicioustudo's latest drawing expirience involving scat/pissing. So grab your BLAMco mac cheese, take a sip of irradiated Nuka cola and enjoy another episode of "The Iconic Three Inapropriatedly Energetic Stooges"(in short "TITIES") laying waste arround ULMF pages

Joking assSide im curious about the comics story and await it with anticipation. :cool:

...and then we'll end discovering that YOU are up this kind of stuff...all together! :D

Anyway, here a little update! I'm taking my time defining styles etc. Then I will need to color the artworks and we'll be done.

chrisroxxx got the version with dialogues, while you fellas don't! You gotta wait the page to be ended! Muahahahah! :D

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

The name alone makes me think those are seals to prevent them from cumming, so she can torture them with that slightly, and then release them and be covered in a massive bukkake.

Iono. Just my guess. :p
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

The name alone makes me think those are seals to prevent them from cumming, so she can torture them with that slightly, and then release them and be covered in a massive bukkake.

Iono. Just my guess. :p


chrisroxxx and I are working on it! He got pretty impressive creative skills! I love the dialogues he adapted for the artwork! I just gave him some imput and he turned into well organized text.

Here a little preview of the progress...

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Alright, finally we got it done!

chrisroxxx and I worked a lot on this to figure out how to make it!
After all it's my very first yet again "attempt" with a comic.
Also consider the story I pictured out it's very simple and plain...thank chrisroxxx for the extra sauce, he did the big work!

I hope you guys enjoy it! We will both try to improve every page! :)

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

"Back porch" I see i can learn some "fanny" talk here :cool:
Keep going guys
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Hey Vicissitudo, how ya doin'? :)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Heya everybody, I'm alive.

I am having some busy days at work due several deadlines. We are about to start with the music event and the first date will be on June 11th, so we are about ready.
There is still much to do for all the other nights, I just hope I'll be able to handle everything...

Coming to my artowrks I'am a bit challenged...honestly I think I did a step longer than my leg with that comic attempt. Looking at it now just makes me feel stupid and I don't really like it.
Probably as soon as I have some spare time I will start again sketching something but just back to basics. There is still much I have to learn and improve before even trying to draw a comic.

Whatever...time will tell...
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I like your art style; you have a refined technique that shows your passion and experience, and your choice of colours is eye catching but not eye gouging.

About the last pic, it made me chuckle a bit. It wasn't quite what asked for, and it went in a direction I didn't expect, what with becoming a short comic about some magic sex witch and two goons, but I wasn't too picky to begin with. I absolutely love the girl's expression in the first panel, the utter apathy and boredom, and the her expression in the third panel, her focus on the book despite two dudes going in for some forceful fun time. Overall I find it's a very well made piece.