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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 154/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength), Upkeep = 1

Stealth: ???
Casting: Success.

Orin did nothing but scowl hatefully at Tori for her jocular attitude, and so the slime was left to go on her way down the river without further interaction with her most recent victim.

Moving past the fisherman, he didn't seem to notice Tori as she floated down to the rock formation to his right, nor did he pay her any attention while she was working her sorcery to strengthen herself and unwrapping her chain from around her core.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

(OOC: I am moving past him while upstream?)

Removing the 'elegant Sapphire' chain from her 'chest' Tori holds it in a two-handed manner her grip looking like she is attempting to throttle a snake folded many times over leaving a foot off the end dangling. The chain itself with an enchanted barely noticable glow.

Tori attempts to move towards the fisherman under stealth till she is in range of her chain or discovered at which point she attempts to open a Dialog with the oldcoot man.

"You old man tell me why do you radiate so much 'power' I myself have just fed yet I find myself drawn to you. Your like a beacon in the fog."

Advance in stealth till Roll fails or 10feet away from Fisherman
--Engage in talks upon reaching one of the two conditions
----Should Condition One trigger try to approach Fisherman till 10feet out or he becomes agressive.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 153/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength), Upkeep = 1

Stealth: ???

The fisherman didn't seem to take notice of Tori as she slowly slid closer to him, but when she had reached a position that suited her and called out he didn't look very surprised when he glanced in her direction. "I don't even know what you're talking about," he replied disinterestedly, and then looked back to his fishing pole and continued; "it could simply be because I'm sitting up on a rock, couldn't it? Yes... That must have been it. Run along now, I'm sure you've got better things to do than stay here with me."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Mou I'm sure your glowing! Can't you do stuff like....Tori drops one end of her chain and moves to raise her freed hand in a vague manner.(Cast Healing Bolt at ground)"this? I know your holding out!" Tori crosses her arms under her unremarkable chest. Puffing her cheeks slightly in a huff.

Talk to Old Man
-Cast Healing Bolt infront of Old Man
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 150/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength), Upkeep = 1

"Mmmm, nope. Don't even know what you did there," the man replied, though again he didn't seem particularly surprised or amazed by her display of sorcery.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'don't rape. Don't rape...'
"... Well then. In that case mind pointing out any other seemily magical rocks? And pointing where this river leads? I'd rather not run into one of your collectives they tend to attack first and ask never for things such as myself. Though I have the oddest luck of late..."

Sighing not trying to pick a fight with something so odd. Tori shakes her head. Re-absorbing her weapon.
'Well at the very least I can get something from this fiasco.'

Stops paying for (Body)Buff.
Holsters Chain.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 150/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 0

"Mmmm? Magic rocks? I don't know what you're on about..... As for settlements near here, well, Glassmoor isn't far away but doesn't get close to this branch of the river. The Ironrose Monastery is close by too, but it's in the opposite direction that you're going," the strange man said calmly, apparently taking no notice of Tori's decision to back down from her aggressive stance.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Okay this man is starting to get on my nerves did he get hit on the head or something!'
Tori flings a few rocks on the streamside venting some of her mounting frustration.
"hrm so downstream but off to a side and up river? Seems safe enough then... Mind yourself Old Man and I hope that you don't end up inside someone's stomach!"

With that cherry note Tori moves back to the river.

Action pickup 3 stones and throw across the river.
-Tori moves into the River.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 150/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 0

The strange man adopted an annoyed look as Tori hurled stones into the water, and would grunt; "Stop that! You're scaring the fish away!"

Assuming she still did such, Tori would be able to float back into the water and begin drifting down the river once again, carried lazily by the current. She would find the current picking up after a while, and the sound of rushing water coming from up ahead signalling that it might start to get rough coming up.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Fine Fine just venting a bit." Tori did indeed stop disturbing the water and resume her jounery towards the end of the river.

'dammit that was an waste'*pouts*'should have took one of the mean humans for entertainment. bah too late to ooze over missed sex.'

Hearing the increase in sounds Tori knows about rapids and that they might end in waterfalls. The flow of magic begins to infuse her body sighing internally intending to ride out the rapids until she begins to hunger.

Tori Casts Strength (Body)
-goes into fastest part of the rapids.
--Moves out of it if EP falls under Max.
---Left Bank of River preferred
OOC: I live! Sorta kinda will be on/off alot now blame bloodsucking hell leeches lawyers.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 129/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 1, +12 Body (Strength)

Rapids 1: 20/4 = 5 damage.
Rapids 2: 11/4 = 3 damage.
Rapids 3: 22/4 = 6 damage.
Plus 3 EP in upkeep and 4 to cast the spell means a total of 21 EP lost

Floating through the rapids, Tori would be swept along by the current, now far too strong for the slime to pull out of even with her magic. She would be bumped and bashed against rocks, some of them sharp, and the blows and her magic would leech away at some of her stolen energies as she was forced to clench to keep herself from being broken apart completely. She would come through well enough, however, and after being dropped off the waterfall and splashing into the water below she would be able to drift over to the left bank of the river. Whether she wanted to continue traveling with the water or go back into the jungle was up to her, but night was starting to get close by, meaning that most sentient creatures would be going into shelter and the jungle predators would be coming out to hunt. That wasn't much of a threat to her, but it would make it harder for her to find her preferred breast-having prey, and she could just as easily find someplace to laze about or keep floating along the river all night.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori was battered by the rapids thrown against both opposing currents and rocks despite her best preparations she felt small cuts getting through her tough membrane leaking small amounts of her stored liquids into the water to be swallowed in the currents.

More then slightly annoyed by it and the rapid movements it was no surprise Tori decided to abandon the River making for the left bank. "Pfft, Rivers who wants them! Stupid things... ugh time to go..." Tori extends her sapphire weapon throwing it straight up, an age old tactic for the humanoid, she watchs as it falls landing pointing towards the South West. 'That way! Maybe I can even find an sleeping human...' Falling into fantasties Tori begins rolling away from the river on about an 45 degree tangent downstream.

Tori stops paying for [Buff].
-Tori Walks South-West(Not sure on the directions.)
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 129/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Pulling herself out of the river and choosing a direction based on random chance, Tori continued on into the jungle as darkness began to fall. The night predators were no threat to her, and though she happened upon a few natural creatures they always simply avoided her. Eventually, she would come upon a source of light, a constant wave of gold rather than the flickering inconsistency that would be produced by a fire. Coming upon a small cottage, she found a pole with a glass lamp containing a glowing stone to be the source of the light, and outside of the house a woman was working. She was of roughly average height, and appeared human, and wore a close fitting, strapless, auburn robe that clung nicely to her generous figure and matched her long braid of similarly colored hair. Her back was turned to where Tori was creeping towards her small cottage initially, bent over a wooden table with a number of things spread over it, but when she turned with a platter covered in various portions of plant matter and tipped them into the small black iron cauldron bubbling beside her, Tori was able to get a glimpse of her breasts. They were huge, almost as large individually as the woman's head, and were barely covered by the dress that the woman wore.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

The night was uneventful having most of the natural wildlife avoiding her made Tori less then pleased. Her abortive and failed attempts at chasing said creatures having placedher into throughly displeased territory. Having seen the artificial light, after another failed attempt on an late night snack, Tori begins to attempt to sneak towards the source. That of course dies an quick death.

'Mmm someone that understands the superiority of red, and looks delicious... Having been slowly eye raping the backside of the woman all higher thought of Tori's came to be smothered inbetween two very notable reasons. Following their every sway, tracing their every curve, memorizing the rise and fall of those head-sized melons, and the overwhelming URGE to touch, play, and taste them replace her every thought consumed in the raw primal need to be the one to bring that set of tits to screaming orgasm, and Tori guesses the woman they are attached to too.Unlimbering her whip the slight thrum of its Bound Spell flowing through its length a wicked smile plays across her face, gone is the veneer of civility hiding the monsterous predator as she glides toward the unwitting female weight distributed across her half formless mass giving nary a sound.

Tori charges towards the cooking woman.
-Taking an Half Action to equip Vibrating Crystal Chain
--When she reaches the woman attack using her weapon's Bound Spell [Vibrating Touch{F}]
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 128/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Woman: Taken 24 damage, robe at 0/25 TP, spent 4 EP, Wind Armor

Stealth: Failure.
Weakness: 2

Assuming that the one handed version is getting used.
Attack: Hit.
Whip Damage: 3 + 1 + 16 + 2 = 22 damage.
Damage (Vibrating Touch) : 2 + 1 + 6 = 9 additional damage.
Total: 22 + 9 - 7 = 24 damage.

You need to specify if you want to deal PP damage, by default Vibrating Touch deals HP damage.

The woman casts a spell!
Casting: Success.

Though she made efforts to move into position without being noticed, Tori caused a bush she oozed through to rustle loudly enough that the busty woman took notice. She stopped in place and instantly turned towards Tori, facing the oncoming slime squarely, but her defensive position softened for a moment when the slime broke free of the clearing. "Oh.... Hello! Are you frien-ahhhh!" she began, but before she could finish her sentence the slime strike, her chain lashing out, its form spinning as she activated its magic, and the busty woman let out a scream as the magical weapon slashed against her body.

A portion of the robe she wore was torn, the red cloth falling away to make way for red blood, but the rip allowed one of her heavy breasts to fall free, its wide areola visible on the massive mound of soft flesh and the pink tip at its center unhardened but still visible. Despite her injury, however, the woman was far from incapacitated just yet, and Tori felt magic stir around her for a moment before the air suddenly began to whirl around her in a protective vortex. "Stop this at once! I demand that you stop, or be destroyed! Or are you simply a mindless beast?" the woman demanded, more magical energies already gathering around her as she prepared to defend herself against Tori's sudden attack.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Upon seeing her weapon tear apart the women's clothing a small voice rings in her head telling her that she needed to focus on pleasure for the spell inside her weapon to work, then again seeing those beauties on her chest without the clothing in the way... The voice was quickly silenced.

She feels the women pull on magic 'dammit I forgot to buff myself.' She heard her prey ask if she was only an mindless beast oh and to stop trying to subdue her... 'Pfft like that is going to happen... So Close...' "Whel*pop* If you agree to let me massage you while we talk... I'd agree you look like your back can use an break with that glo... large yes... large load."Tori takes the time to form her legs standing on a pool of excess slime altering her size till her head is level to the women's chest and slime 'hair' reaching her ass keeping the rest of her features as that of an child. 'flipping' her hair back with her free hand Tori merely waits for her answer before making her move.

Tori on the unlikely event the women agrees.
-Stores her chain and moves to where ever the women would feel comfortable on getting massaged.
--If she insists on standing there Tori maneuvers her slime pool to form an chair behind the women and leverages or pushes her into it.

If she refuses Tori uses her chain to begin grappling with the women.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 128/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Woman: Taken 24 damage, robe at 0/25 TP, spent 5 EP, Wind Armor

The woman refuses, Tori tries to grab her.

Weakness: No turn loss.

Attack: Hit.
Resistance (Wind Armor) : The woman wins. Tori's attack fails.

Looking confused at Tori's words, the woman tired to back away only to hit her table as the slime advanced. "You will not touch me again!" she declared angrily, "I can already imagine the sort of massage you're talking about, and it's not the sort of thing I'd do with someone that attacks me!" Tori, not one to take that sort of refusal when the object of her attraction was staring her in the face, lashed out again with her chain, trying to wrap around the woman completely now.

The chain hit, or at least it should have, but just as it was about to wrap around the busty woman's body the wind suddenly picked up, sending objects flying off of the table behind her prey but most importantly catching her whip and sending it back at Tori without ever touching its target. "No more! Begone, creature!" the woman demanded, though she did not yet strike back, instead letting her threat hang in the air.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Wind spell... well fuck you too breast blocker.' To say Tori was angry at being denied once now, first time was totally not her fault, would be to say an desert lacks water. 87% of the time you'd have to be an idiot to miss it. Luckily only one well versed in slimes would be able to tell that she was mad. "Grrr... Idiot woman you shouldn't be putting your chest on display if you didn't want someone to suck and fondle them!" ... Or one who isn't deaf.

Tori's 'heart' lights up and a bit of her slime around her feet disappears to fuel an Spell the only indication to those who could not see the winds of magic thrashing arourd her. "Its all you humans your young and old that are so stubborn, your magnificent breasts are right there begging to touched by anyone and then you take offense to someone trying to indulge themselves on your displayed goods?! Wear thicker clothing if you didn't want to relieve some tension talk about mixed signals." Tori railed at the witch her triade hopefully covering her spellcast needing to take the time to bolster herself before making another run at the covering winds.

Tori's rant rose in volume as did the light of her core as it weaved its spell tapering off at the end as for better or worse her spell went about bolstering her form.. Tori's 'hair' theatrically 'raising' and fanning out behind her in a supposed dramatic fashion, eyes downcast until the end locking onto the Areolas of the witch's breasts and with diffuculty her eyes. Tori stood defiant against the witch she will not let another annoying human keep her from her goal. 'Even if it is selfish!'

"Let me fondle you chest for an hour or three and in return I'll heal you and be on my way. I'll even restrain myself from doing anything else but the full-body massage and your breasts, that means no penetration at all, if you agree needless to say I really do hope you do."

Tori takes up Defensive Fighting Stance(Spellcasting) -20 Dodge +10 Base Casting.
-Tori casts {b}Strength Greater[Body] DC:30

Base Casting: 14+ 10[Focus in Body]+ 10[Defensive Fighting]= 34
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 124/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +20 Body (Greater Strength) Upkeep = 1

Woman: Taken 24 damage, robe at 0/25 TP, spent 6 EP, Wind Armor

The woman refuses some more. Tori buffs herself.

Weakness: No turn loss.

Casting: Success.
Buff: 3 + 1 + 1 = 5, 5 * 4 = +20 Body.

"Mixed signals!?" the woman exclaimed, outraged. "You come to my home to try and rape me and you want to blame my clothes!? And you think I'll give you a damned thing!? This is your last chance, get the fuck away from my house before I destroy you!"
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Rape? Fondling breasts obsessively now counts as rape! THEN i guess I shall be raping thee." Tori throws her chain in once more aiming to grapple the woman. Hiding her natural tentacles incase more things enter play.

Tori throws her Weapon to Grapple the Woman still at 10ft.