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SIM [ アリバイ+ ] 魔女が住む島の日常 RE179345 RJ179345


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 31, 2010
Reputation score

So I recently got this game. It is a mini "hotel managing" type of game.
You play a witch who owns a hotel above a local adventuring dungeon. Every day, adventurers come to your hotel. At night you can buff traps, loot and monsters in the dungeon. Then in the morning the adventurers go. Male ones get killed (or fucked but you don't see it) and the female adventurers...well, we're not here to discuss offshore wind-farms are we. The issue I'm having with the game is I can't seem to progress or unlock any of the game's currency to spend at the plant lady. Gonna upload it for you, lot see if anyone can help out. Enjoy!

P.S. My save will be in there aswell. So up to you if you wanna restart or go from where I'm stuck.

(I bet someone will find out what to do in a minute and be all "you noob, all you had to was...."
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Jungle Girl
Aug 3, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

In order to gain currency for the plant lady you need to unlock the lady itself,then - catch any female char\Special(???) or any(???) male char with a spiky trap in the dungeon,and then - you'll have to click a button on the message screen. Left button - H animation,right button - you give the trapped adventurer to the plant lady,and you can view animation with the human at her after selecting an adventurer in one of her menus.
In a few days she'll turn the adventurer into 1 point of her currency.
Any idea what H status does on male adventurers? On female - you can fuck them with zombies at night,but what does it do on males?
Also,for traps
Spiky trap - animation for girls,plant girl resource from everyone depending on choice
Chest - sends adventurer back? Wtf? Why? Does it do anything?
Monster - has animation if girl gets defeated,idk if level of the monster trap changes animation
Bomb - ???
UPD - any idea what the "Aligments" do for the lady and how to change them?
Also,how to fill the pink bar,what does it and green bar do?
UPD 2 - yeah,catching any male guy works,you get a CG with the plant lady if you use them from her menu.
Using gorilla-guy summoned by 70 mana and 1 scary plant on a H-'d by a succubuss\normal plant woman gives a CG,different CGs for different female chars.
Still no idea how to change clothes 'n shit,lol
UPD 3 - yo,wtf's up with green human on the hotel picture from OP's post? How do you get those?
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Demon Girl Pro
Jul 31, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

You hero. Thank you for the help.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

In order to gain currency for the plant lady you need to unlock the lady itself,then - catch any female char\Special(???) or any(???) male char with a spiky trap in the dungeon,and then - you'll have to click a button on the message screen. Left button - H animation,right button - you give the trapped adventurer to the plant lady,and you can view animation with the human at her after selecting an adventurer in one of her menus.
In a few days she'll turn the adventurer into 1 point of her currency.
Any idea what H status does on male adventurers? On female - you can fuck them with zombies at night,but what does it do on males?
Also,for traps
Spiky trap - animation for girls,plant girl resource from everyone depending on choice
Chest - sends adventurer back? Wtf? Why? Does it do anything?
Monster - has animation if girl gets defeated,idk if level of the monster trap changes animation
Bomb - ???
UPD - any idea what the "Aligments" do for the lady and how to change them?
Also,how to fill the pink bar,what does it and green bar do?
UPD 2 - yeah,catching any male guy works,you get a CG with the plant lady if you use them from her menu.
Using gorilla-guy summoned by 70 mana and 1 scary plant on a H-'d by a succubuss\normal plant woman gives a CG,different CGs for different female chars.
Still no idea how to change clothes 'n shit,lol
UPD 3 - yo,wtf's up with green human on the hotel picture from OP's post? How do you get those?
Well from what i have seen:
Horniness also reduces their stamina bar each day.
Alignment as far as i have seen affects which picture you get if you do the 50 mana summon and if you get the naked apron or the nightly blowjob event (this one restores mana)
Bomb: deals damage but doesn't throw the character back


Jungle Girl
Mar 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

the alignment affects your outfit. you get the default outfit for being kind (top. cook for the residents?), while you get the lewd outfit for being cruel(bottom. buy poison and cook poison dishes for the residents. not sure what else contributes to this as killing residents in the dungeon doesn't seem to increase it). being pure(left) or lewd(right) seems to only affect the daily cg?

and just in case anyone's wondering, there amount of cgs for the girls should be 4 main character, 4 village girl (girl with brown hair), 2 mercenary girl, 1 plant girl, and 1 succubus. there's 1 village girl cg that involves some bondage and toy but im not quite sure how to trigger it as i somehow stumbled upon it by accident.


Mystic Girl
Aug 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

So the green dude in the first picture is just what happens if you let somebody die from poison overnight.

Slam Sector

Sex Demon
Dec 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

I posted a topic for this game a while back. As usual for Alibi games, it doesn't have very much content, and this one doesn't even have win/loss conditions.
All alignment does is change your characters outfit if you max cruelty, and causes her to try to seduce male adventurers if you are in the ero range.
Also, the bomb trap just damages whoever is in front of the dungeon party.
The green room occupant is the corpse of a character that died from poison overnight.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 2, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

I just can't seem to trigger the animation involving the main character, does anyone know how?


Demon Girl Master
Aug 9, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

I'm really liking these Alibi games. Not because they're content heavy, but because they have a single core game mechanic that's engaging enough to make what little content they have worthwhile.


(I haven't played to an "ending" if there is one)
1. People visit your inn. They have a hp and sp bar.
1a The sp bar goes down each day, more(?) if they're horny. If the bar drains far enough then the person will leave at the beginning of the next day.
1b. At the beginning of each day you get mana depending on how many people you have. It's probably dependent on their level, too.
2.Every day you can send people to the dungeon to get them into unfortunate accidents for your benefit.
2a. The dungeon has four slots (one for each person if there's a full party of four) and you can do one of the following things to them.
2a1: Trap. A trapped person can either be killed for mana or given to the garden as resource. Traps are more effective when the target's health is low.
2a2: Mook. A mook can be used to weaken a person or to kill them entirely.
2a3: Treasure. If a person takes the treasure then they miss out on the level they get if they clear the dungeon. I think this scales with health as well, but I dunno. I'd rather kill my folk or fatten them up for later.
2a4: Bomb. Deals damage to the person and doesn't take them out of the lineup rotation.

3.You get more people every afternoon.

4.You can do stuff to the people at night.
Night menu: (the bubbles on the right)
4a- Food (The topmost bubble)
First option restores the person's bars (dependent on your green bar). Higher the better.
Second option poisons them and tilts you towards evil.
Third option puts them in H mode and probably does something else.
4b- Summons (The one with the face). All summons cost mana.
First - Succubus. Takes 2 souls (gained from killing people) and also puts the target in H. Deals SP damage.
Second - Oculus VR Gone Wrong. Takes 1 EvilBranch and deals SP damage.
Third - Reaper. Just deals HP damage.
Fourth - Token Black Guy. Increases your purple bar and makes you tilt more towards horniness.
Fifth - Ghost. Deals slight SP damage.
4c- Chest. This is just your stock of goodies.
4d- Leave. Go to other places.
4e- End day.

Leave options: When you leave you see these things.
5a- Inn. Leave and come back, really.
5b- Dungeon. Unlock with MP and send your folks in to accidentally give you all their souls.
5c- Garden. Unlock with MP and send your captured folk in to turn into produce.
5d- End day.

CGs From top left.
1- Summon Token Black Guy.
2- Summon Token Black Guy a lot.
3- Capture a male and send him to the garden.
4- Summon Succubus and sic her on a male.
5- Use Oculus VR on villager girl.
6- Use Oculus VR on warrior girl.
7- Be horny (so Summon Token Black Guy a lot)
8- Be bad at cooking normal food (almost guaranteed to get this at the beginning of the game)
9- I dunno yet.
10- Use Ghost on Village girl with H status.
11- Use Ghost on Warrior girl with H status.
12- Let village girl be captured.

Replays from top left (going down)
1. Have village girl captured by trap and kill her.
2. Have warrior girl captured by trap and kill her.
3. Use village girl as garden food.
4. Use warrior girl as garden food.
5. Have warrior girl lose to monster in dungeon.
6. Have village girl lose to monster in dungeon.
7. I dunno yet.

Dark Deed

Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)


Here is what should be English version.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Everyday Witch Island (RJ179345)

I don't recommend it. Feels like a demo, coulda been a cool game from what is there but there's almost no content or goal. I wondered if the dev was pulling one of those "Buy my half finished game and I promise I'll update later to complete it" deal I've been seeing too much of lately. It's called version 1.01 though. I don't really understand why they'd go through the trouble of creating the foundation for a game and then just stop there before adding content to flesh it out.

Some of the mechanics don't make much sense either. Like you can do all this trivial stuff that should only hurt you if your goal is to collect souls or whatever. Maybe they couldn't decide how to proceed with it.

Edit: Ah, I translated the page and he says he does plan to add content. Maybe there's a future for this game, I'd still say wait for updates before checking this out.

Can people stop posting in this thread and let it die? It's already been mentioned that a thread for this already exists, and it's been around for awhile.
Already more information about the game here than there. If anything, merge them, not delete. I mean, the only reason I saw this thread again is because you posted here.
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