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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael dont have the time to answer Priscilla, as she moved to the fam to see the tomb. So he had to wait until Carmen notice him and then the archer carried the red head slave with the plantgirl help, untis this leave them alone to run where Priscilla was, the just healed young man had to walk more slow to dont overwork his body.


...Like every living creature of the forest, he...he was a loyal friend...I...i will miss him... a lot. Said the plant girl trying to dont cry again in front of the human, but her eyes were already wet and she had to turn to other side to dont lost the control. My babies are there too... if they... It was too much for her, her hand was already on her chest and she just fall on her kness I-i used all to heal them... but i just dont know. If only i could use my sister magic. The poor girl was devastated, her seeds maybe had been damaged at the battle and her powers are still weak by the curse that her sister cast on her.

A moment later Michael reach the place and softly place Carmen on the floor before sit on the floor to recover his breath. uuuf... This girl is really *heavy* pregnant. After i get a breath, we should go to the town to get upgrades, maybe i should also find a book.

Just then Carmen whimper and strech her body before get up... Ehh?... Why are we here again? Did i fall sleep? I really want to do something to her Said Michael frowning toward Carmen, maybe thinking to pass a time punishing their slave.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"I'm sure they're fine" Priscilla said, rubbing the alarune's back. "If you want I can try and heal them with my magic." When Michael got there and laid Carmen down she couldn't help but giggle at him, saying "oh leave her alone, she can't help it." Suddenly she remembered that her backpack had started glowing, so she decided she would check out what that was about.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Even when the plant girl was not sure that a human could have the right magic to solve her problem, she dont doubt in nod and beg to Priscilla. Please heal them...mistress, please cure my little babies. Said still with her teardrops failing from her wet eyes.

Of course that Michael would never punish Carmen for just be her, but maybe being around too much luscious naked girls was starting to make him need to take a private time with one on them, even when he had a great party in that forest with the alarunes. Carmen soon move to the plant girl side to also try to console it. Dont worry Sweetheart, our Mistress is more powerful than before, there is not doubt that she can do something to heal your childrens Said as she caress her too and even invite her to receive a hug, but the plant slave was just waiting to see if really Priscilla Magic could help to restore her seeds.


When she opened her backpack she saw that her magic list had been increased from the first time that she saw it

mage/ sub class healer

Mage spells
0- Create clothes (out of service)
1- Rope Control
2- ******
0- heal out of battle
1- cure 1hp per 1mp
2- ******

* A level to earn Healer Specialization
Special magic list
Tantric Magic
0- ******
1- Futanari Spell

0- Sense Magic
1- Empower Nature
2- ???? [not able yet]

Not only that, but her image had changed too, she could see herself like how was she now and her fetish list was bigger than before, sizes, likes, dislikes, fetishes and desires. When she change of page she found her score and quantity of things to earn a bonus or item, into then where # of pregnancy 1/3, birth 1/4, rape 0/5, mind fuck 1/2, mind control 1/2, oral sex 3/5, anal 3/5, creampies 2/4, sex change 0/1, transformation 0/1, town exhibitionist 0/3, town whore 0/2 slave rent 0/3 sell slaves 0/1 and many others in 0, but there were not signals that she could earn something increasing the ones with a goal to reach. Her corruption points were at least 50 points more than before and also her libido, for other hand her inhibitions were getting lower.

Returning to the magics she pressed the help button to reveal that she must select which magic learn to add them to her list and for that she must find a library or a tutor.

With all settled, there was not to much to say, they have to maybe decide to help Nicholas or the place where their first seeds rest could get invaded by half monsters, but this could take them too much time and maybe they should go to the town first to get stronger.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Without a word, Priscilla would move to put her hands on the alarune's belly and attempt to heal the seeds inside of her, if indeed they were damaged.


When that was done she opened her backpack to see why the little stats booklet was glowing. It told her that she had gained another level in healing magic, and thus could gain a new spell at some point. Of course, it also showed her a list of her new fetishes and sexual stats, which made her blush, though she was interested by some of it. "I wonder what this means by all of these things having maximum values... It almost makes me want to do a few of them and see what happens if I get to the max."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla placed her hands over the plant slave's belly. At the start she tried to cast a common heal, but soon something on her mind made her focus her energy in a different way and in that moment, she saw a image of the inside of the plantgirl womb, there were at least 4 seeds more, some with little cracks from where the wereman's dick had pressed at them, Priscilla understand that these little ones would have serious problems to born if she dont heal them. Without doubt she used her healing skills to cure them and at the moment the seeds were healed.

...Thanks, hum... Mistress! Thanks to cure my babies Said her slave now crying of happines and pulling Priscilla hand until the tomb. The alarune was placing her hand there as she add I plant two there, they were also wounded, please cure them, too The young plant mother beg her once again and Priscilla dont have any problem to use her magic to save two more inocent creatures. Her hands soon start to send her energy toward the place and soon she feel the two little damaged seeds close a dead medium size creature, there was not way to revive it, but the seeds were an easy job, soon the wounds on them were healed and Priscilla end her work.

There was not way that her slave know if it had work, but she just bow to her and even hug her at her kness, with her head close the mage hips she said thanks sometimes and then Carmen hug both girls Do you see? Our Mistress is kind and full of love. We are lucky to be...her slaves Said the redhead girl, like if she was really happy in her actual state of be just a slave. Now all was ready for their next move. Michael even take the time to read the two personal books on his backpack, before store them again. I dunno, but Carmen should be able to unlock some of them soon. Its a shame that she cant be used to fully pleasure some male Nps.we should try these archivements later [/co
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla found healing the seeds inside of the alarune simple, much easier than healing the badly beaten up Michael had been. Responding to the alarune's request, she then put her hand on the grasswolf's grave, finding herself able to heal the seeds with her magic even through the ground. "See? That was easy" she said, smiling as the slave hugged her knees, and then returning Carmen's hug. She wasn't sure if it was the increase to the girl's libido talking, but she was glad that she had convinced the tanned girl to enjoy being her slave. "Well, we should head to town if it looks relatively clear. Hopefully we can convince Nicholas to come with us, but probably not... And maybe we can try getting the achievements in town, I know I'm pretty close to a couple of them."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Sigh... I wonder if the town remain it sanity, it will be interesting if the three go like that at a normal town filled with inocent townpeople. Said Michael, as the three girls made their group hug and he then get up to go to Nicholas house.

The four walk after a while and get inside the farm house, there Nicholas was sit in the dinner room taking a drink to calm himself, her wife was at the side of her corrupted daughter who remain sleeping and making moos between dreams. Michael get close him Hi pal! We really sorry for what happened to your family. We will go to the close town to get ready for our jorney. It will be hard to continue without your help, but now you must stay with your family and support them Said Michael to the poor man, as this continue drinking and stay his sight down

Its not so easy, how can i stay with them after what we do in the forest? Maybe was needed to get here, but i cant see my wife without remember what i made at her back. I cant just stay here without do something, i must find the cure for my daughter and also kill all the werehumans who try to steal our lands.

Michael was starting to lost his hopes to make the farmen stay with them and he just take his backpack, as he get ready to leave. Maybe Priscilla could add something more before go to the town.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla and the others walked back into the farmhouse, and she listened as Michael talked with Nicholas. "You should come to town with us, then. Maybe there will be a cure for your daughter there. I don't know how you would find one out here, anyway" she interjected, not wanting to leave him behind for a number of reasons.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Maybe that place is just a ghost town, now Said the farm guy before take the whole remain of his drink and throw the glass to the wall, making its pieces fall around the floor. Fine, lets go there. At least i could make some time, before decide what to do now. The man went for his equipment and had to explain what was happening to her worried beautifull wife. Michael take that time to see more close how was the cowgirl, but of course that he dont tried something more.

After prepare all, they leave, Nicholas give some last advices to her wife, maybe he was expecting to find a way to get his revenge with the help of the remain town survivors. Before leave, Priscilla could have the little chance to get a dress for her, but that would affect her chance to earn archivements.

The group walk for a time toward the town, it was some miles away and close a waterfall at the other side of the town, there were some cows and dogs in the close farms, maybe their owners were already turned into monsters. It will be at least 20 minutes to reach the town, there looks to be some little moves on the streets, so at least there were survivors.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla jumped when Nicholas smashed his glass against the wall, though she was happy that the distraught man was coming with them. Before they left, the mage pondered whether to find a dress to put on or not. While she was normally quite shy, to some extent she had gotten over it through her experiences in the game. After all, she had been naked in front of Michael and Carmen quite a bit, and they weren't even AI NPCs. There was also the possibility of getting achievements just for walking around naked, which intrigued her, and the price wasn't all that steep. And so she remained naked as they walked to the nearest town for some 20 minutes. At the very least it didn't seem that the streets were deserted, but they still might be dangerous... "Be careful, they may be monsters" she said, not wanting to drop her guard.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael already have his weapon in hand ready to shoot, before Priscilla started to talk, his arm was maybe still injured but for the moment there was not any pain or problem for him. The others prepare themselves and soon the whole party was ready for any sudden attack.

They soon get inside the town limits, they were expecting a low quantity of humans and soon they were surrounded by people of many ages turning to the three naked women who were walking through the principal street. The mage could heard whispers from the ladies and feel the perverted gaze of the males. The child's were taken away by their mothers and soon she reach to hear usually the word "slavers". Nicholas tried to calm the each time more big multitude and at the end only some men stay looking to them.

At least was a great welcome, but i wonder why this town remain untouched. Said the archer as stay in guard and check where they must go

Its not so normal, there were more people around the street and i even can feel a dense atmosphere of fear. Answer the old man as he store his weapon

True, they remain their distance of us and they just run when they reach to see me, its so weird, as they usually try to use me to settle their needs in the forest. Said the plant girl as she looks for first time a human town

Anyway, i will go to check the mages and healers of the town, as im not a very good reader, just continue and you will find the library, maybe is small but you will not miss it. Any other important place is close the center of the town.

Nice, but do you know if there is a brothel r a similar place? said Michael with curiosity and soon Nicholas turn a little worried before answer him

This town have a place where the persons earn money selling their bodies at the west, but its to early. I dont visit that zone of the city so its all what i can say you.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

As the group got into the city limits, many people suddenly surrounded them, staring at the three naked women walking down their street. Parents shielded their young children and herded them away from the show, while men gave them perverted looks. Priscilla couldn't say she was entirely comfortable with it, but it wasn't a particularly bad feeling. She could hear the people calling them slavers, and they weren't wrong, but they didn't have anything to fear.

"Alright, thank you Nicholas. Good luck finding help" Priscilla said, waiting until the others were ready before heading on to the library. "So, what were your plans for the brothel?" she asked Michael coyly to pass the time to get there.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael soon turn to other side and smile slighty, maybe ashamed of what was close to say Hmm...We are short of cash and we must buy equipment for our party. So, i was just look there to see if i can earn easy money, but i dont know if the three want to go there with this pregnancy.

Human cocks are not strong enough to break our seeds, i will love to drink their seeds and get stronger Said the plant slave touching her belly proud of her heritage.

Meanwhile Carmen was already wet by how she was pointed as a sex slave by the whole town. Some males still taunt her to go with them and have some fun, even a streetchildren said her sluth and pressed her orbs before the children get taken by a townpeople I...im just your slave, so maybe i should... get some money too. I will dont get pregnant and we will be safe as we stay together... Said Carmen as she hug herself, her arms rise her lusty orbs, as her ashamed eyes look to the floor.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"I... I guess I wouldn't mind doing a little work there, as long as it wasn't anything too crazy" Priscilla replied, blushing at the idea of becoming a whore. "If we need money, then we need money. If you want I can try to make the two of us a package deal" she said to Carmen, trying to make the tanned slave more comfortable with the idea of selling her body. "Should we do that before, or after the library? I feel like it might be awkward to go to the library as filled with cum as we're likely to be after some work."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

T-thanks Mistress Said the tanned red hair slave, as she continue hugging herself welding her old wooden staff on her right hand.

Sure, lets go to the library. We dont want to make them get a bad first impresion of us. Answer her playfully Michael, as he mantain his sight everywhere to avoid any sudden move from any townpeople. The walk was of around 7 minutes, time where many people saw them pass, sentences like "how much for a..." and the classic "whore, come here and give me a" were ussually heard in the distance, as close them, some people stop their work to see them pass, girls getting blushed and others whisperings against them.

Finally they reach a little building who looks like an antiquary than a library. The owner was a man around his last 40s, he looks really tough and only his little grey parts of hair show his age. We are dont interested in that kind of job

Oh costumers! Ahhhh! why these girls are naked? said a young girl with shorth pink hair and orchid eyes around her 14 as she get out of a mass of dusty boxes, she is wearing a old dress than maybe she use for cleaning Erin! go out of here. Dont get close these people

Please, calm yourself we only come to see the books, we are just travelers Said Michael as he show his library card from the other city.

The man looks it without get impressed, but Erin just calm and moves closer A library of a capital? Amazing! Please check them, but it will cost 10 coins, we have a discount 5 for a pair, normally is 5 per costumer.

Well, only two of us will read, so

10 coins or no one will be allowed to read our books

Fine, 10 coins... said Michael as he take the bandit sack of coins and pay in bad mood.

Who will get inside?what are all of you looking?
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Throughout the walk men all around them made comments as if soliciting them for sex, which sort of worked to turn Priscilla on. Though she was somewhat embarrassed, it felt good to be considered pretty enough to warrant paying for, in a perverse way. She was somewhat surprised at the library people charging them so much just to get in, she had thought that libraries were normally free, though it was just a little more "work" they would have to do later in the day. "Well, I'm looking for spell books. The others I don't know. What are you going to look for, Michael?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Spell books? Of course that we have some of them, please follow me. Said the girl as she move toward a corner and search in some boxes.

The young man screatch his hair a little as he shrug his shoulders. I want just to find how can i improve my archery skills, is not fair to dont have a side jblike a mage and the Pks we fight had them too.

Hmm... i want just to read a little to get stronger, but i really dont know if i could find something usefull for my Mistress. Said a really blushed Carmen, still not restored by how the people look to them, she even was breathing heavily, ready to follow her Mistress if she would had accepted an offer from the town people.

R-read books? are you crazy... i mean... Mistress, t-they are not made of trees? m...maybe i even meet some of them. This place is like a morgue or a slaughterhouse... i will stay outside.

When Priscilla follow the pink haired oman this lready ad found a bunch of books, they were old and really basic, even nearly all were in the library from the other city, but at least there were some spell books that could teach her some spells of her level.

Mage spells
2.- Summon lesser tentacle (summon monste 1 use per battle, can be ud outside the battle each 4 hours) 2MP cost 3hp
Empower Minor Spell The next spell will cause doble effect and damage +3 in the next dice roll cost 1mp
Stunning Ray Possibility to stun a foe for 1d4 turns, also cause damage 1mp cost

2.- Healer
Purify Mind: reduce ap, 1mp per 1d4ap. Can be used outside only in other player but without cost and could protect the mind of any target if the user is clean of ap
Protect: The selected target avoid the next damage and its effects
Stasis: The character can stop an status effect for 3 hours per 1mp

(Unfortunatelly from now Priscilla can only choice a spell per free slot)
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla nodded as the others did their things, though she was concerned for the alarune. "Just be careful, and don't run off and get into any trouble. It'd be better if you stayed with me" she said, though she didn't press the issue before following the pink-haired woman towards their selection of spells. She decided to pick out Stunning Ray and Protect to learn, thinking they were the best effects.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Sure, i will just stay close the...wooden door... This had not sense, Why the humans kill the trees for anything? Whisper the end to herself as she get away of the wooden house The bathroom door is made of iron Said the shop owner, as he eat his lunch.

As Priscilla read her books, Well, i will go with your master, so if you need something more just say my name, i know than this place is not so big like the library, but i wanted to say that for a long time giggled at the end the pink haired girl before leave her.

It take at least an hour for Priscilla to read and learn both spells, there should be more magics on them, but the mage was unnable to see them. Michael and Carmen were reading some books together and it looks like Carmen was unable to read many of the jobs that Michael was reading, maybe the kind of started weapon let you learn certain jobs, but that was not completely right when Carmen found what kind of jobs she can learn: Maid, Magic Pet, Erotic Warrior...Whore its all? Said surprised the tanned slave, she was not sure what to choice, maybe her Mistress could choice for her, as Michael said that Erotic Warrior was the best for her.

Of course than the archer had choiced his side job, but he just decide to leave the shop when many voices started to be heared.

Priscilla reach to hear some scared male voices, but these get away when the owner shop and Michael checked what was happening.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Hm? He isn't my master" Priscilla replied, not actually sure if they had ever made a formal arrangement for what they were. They acted fairly well as equals, in any case, so he wasn't functionally her master. "Thank you for your help" she said, settling down to read the spells. It took her about an hour to learn them sufficiently.

After that, she found Carmen in need of help choosing her secondary job. "Hmm... Erotic Warrior sounds good for you. At least, the others don't seem as useful somehow." In that moment she could hear a number of voices of scared males, and Michael and the library owner went out and seemed to scatter them, though Priscilla was still interested enough to go out and see what was happening.