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i am still not complete trough ^^", intentionally i know that he/She is comming but i still need confirmation.

I am in the last part of Mat Labyrinth but there is nothing.
I guess i need the Battle permit for 50.000 Z in Morroc but i am not sure
and it will take a lot of time to collect 50.000 Z

Still open also the Fencer Quest with the Bracelet.

hmm.. actually in the last part of the dungeon you need to ignite or extinguish some flames in a certain order if I remember correctly then will be appear the samurai incantation to fight her.

by the chance did you have a savegame before fight the assassin girl ? i miss the rape scene :(
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nope sorry but i got her but instead forgot to have 1 time sex with the commander xD so i am missing this xD

My robf tends to freeze for 2-3 seconds when attack girls. Does anyone know how to fix that?

you can´t, it is because too many Scripts/Events overlay
this happens from time to time.
You could say, these are the limitations of RPG Maker.

Hello. I have been following various walkthroughs and I'm still stuck at the ant hill (quest 20). I found the big bones but can't find the secret entrance supposally around them. So is there an activation switch somewhere or someone I have to talk to?

Hello. I have been following various walkthroughs and I'm still stuck at the ant hill (quest 20). I found the big bones but can't find the secret entrance supposally around them. So is there an activation switch somewhere or someone I have to talk to?

Did you activate the quest at the start, there is a Guys to start the quest first.
You also need to be Lvl 15 if i remember correct, look into my walktrough schould be mentioned.

Did you activate the quest at the start, there is a Guys to start the quest first.
You also need to be Lvl 15 if i remember correct, look into my walktrough schould be mentioned.

I'm level 32. I just destroyed the third crystal and a guy that was not there before in the ant hill just pop up. Now there is an entrance next to the big bones. I'm also checking out your walkthrough and it looks pretty neat. Thank you for your help.

For some reason, I can't get new quests, even though I've killed three crystals. I can DO new quests, but they don't show up. Am I bugged? Also, the pyramid crystal heals 777 hp a turn.

If the crystal heals 777 you dont have destroyed 3 Crystals...
Iyou have about half of the quests it is right cause you get new ones after the 4th crystal destroyed.

Look into my walktrough you will find your mistake, its in my signature

I found the issue. The actual healing of the 4th crystal is NOT because of the other three being up. It's caused by the blue flame on the bottom floor of the pyramid. You have to extinguish the flame before the crystal becomes vulnerable. If you kill the crystal while it can heal, the blue flame will extinguish itself, too.

Badass bug stomper, right here.

But I still can't enter Glast Heim, and most of my quests are in there...
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One question...

I was in a dungeon, Prontera Culvert (sewer), floor B3.
There is a Kafra there who provides some services.
The first one is the Save Return Point, which is supposed to save my return point, so when I die I return to the same map in the culvert.

I used that, but when I died I appeared in Prontera City instead. So, does this happen with you guys too or I it was me who already messed up the game?
In other words, all kafras located in dungeons (like the sewer) can't save your return point either?

They don't let you spawn there on death, they let you WARP there with the butterfly wing, anywhere you save at a kafra, the butterfly wing warps you right there.

They don't let you spawn there on death, they let you WARP there with the butterfly wing, anywhere you save at a kafra, the butterfly wing warps you right there.

I see, thanks, I got the system now.
Actually the butterfly wing warps me back to Prontera always no matter what.
Also when I die, I go back to Prontera no matter what.

But, as you said, the dungeon kafras save my warp point, which I can use talking with any city kafra to go back to that dungeon (usually for 500 zeny, because they are crazy for money).

These Dungeon Save points are for Warp (either use Kafra Service or Warp Skill (need 1x Blue Gemstone))

Thanks, moonchaos.

Also, to anyone who has the decrypted game or know how to do that (I guess there is a topic here somewhere teaching how to do it) here is a patch (the data folder) with a partial translation.

It's not much compared with the entire game yet. It's basically everything that happens as far as quest 4 (the missing kid).

More details about what was translated:
- All the menu things
- The first items, card and skills descriptions
- The first training (tutorial) with Kuruseko (the crusader)
- all the story as far as the point when you get the fisrt quests
- the menu info of those quests
- battle dialogues with kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief, drops, angeling, mastering
- h-scenes when you lose to kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief.
- quests 2, 3 and 4 (missing kid)
- The first npcs that appear in Prontera, except the priestess.

I haven't proofread it yet, so sorry for my English. Any suggestions, weird translations or sentences can be reported by pm.
And thanks kh405 for sending me the game link.

Thanks, moonchaos.

Also, to anyone who has the decrypted game or know how to do that (I guess there is a topic here somewhere teaching how to do it) here is a patch (the data folder) with a partial translation.

It's not much compared with the entire game yet. It's basically everything that happens as far as quest 4 (the missing kid).

More details about what was translated:
- All the menu things
- The first items, card and skills descriptions
- The first training (tutorial) with Kuruseko (the crusader)
- all the story as far as the point when you get the fisrt quests
- the menu info of those quests
- battle dialogues with kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief, drops, angeling, mastering
- h-scenes when you lose to kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief.
- quests 2, 3 and 4 (missing kid)
- The first npcs that appear in Prontera, except the priestess.

I haven't proofread it yet, so sorry for my English. Any suggestions, weird translations or sentences can be reported by pm.
And thanks kh405 for sending me the game link.

I'll see about trying this out.
Once I figure out how you apply it, hmm...

Molitar's post, the second on the thread, has a mini tutorial about that, where it says "How to use translation data folders by poster Starke."

The translation doesn't look too bad, some errors... it'd probably be easier if I could just look at the whole translated script though to correct errors. I don't see anything really glaring though.

Pretty good so far, I tip my hat to you good sir.
Edit: Oops meant to quote Ramza's post.
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Thanks, moonchaos.

Also, to anyone who has the decrypted game or know how to do that (I guess there is a topic here somewhere teaching how to do it) here is a patch (the data folder) with a partial translation.

It's not much compared with the entire game yet. It's basically everything that happens as far as quest 4 (the missing kid).

More details about what was translated:
- All the menu things
- The first items, card and skills descriptions
- The first training (tutorial) with Kuruseko (the crusader)
- all the story as far as the point when you get the fisrt quests
- the menu info of those quests
- battle dialogues with kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief, drops, angeling, mastering
- h-scenes when you lose to kuruseko, poring, familiar, poporing, drainliar, female thief.
- quests 2, 3 and 4 (missing kid)
- The first npcs that appear in Prontera, except the priestess.

I haven't proofread it yet, so sorry for my English. Any suggestions, weird translations or sentences can be reported by pm.
And thanks kh405 for sending me the game link.

Ramza, due to Orc Strike, you are my favorite translator, so thanks for doing this!
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