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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Concerning the original game anyways, I've had my eye on this one for a while but I finally got a chance to play it just recently. I have to admit, they did a pretty good job combining a lot of different elements into one package. Pretty nice stuff. Now I'm looking forward to the sequel!
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

It seems that the creator post something about the GvG system and a small sample video on how it works

I also remembered something from an old post he tweeted months ago, he said that if there isn't any major problem, the game is set to be released on October otherwise December.

Holy sheet... could someone please put me outta my misery... every single day i kept thinking of what skill build and other stuffs i should do once the game is out.

How many more moons do i have to wait until the demo appears...
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The New hype train in this new ROBF its just too big for the roads.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The New hype train in this new ROBF its just too big for the roads.

Even so

Tickets are $3.95
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I told myself I wasn't going to do this, but I couldn't help myself >_>. I took a couple days and threw together a partial patch for ROBFS4U. I didn't look extensively through this thread, but from what I could tell there isn't one available.

It should have all the enemies,skills,menus/options,gear, and a few other random things I decided to do like some of the quest names/quest synopsis. I also decided to included a few tweaks for the English speaking community when it comes to the Japanese puzzles/quiz. Also, for a lot of translations I pulled the iRO names of things if I recognized it.

This was kind of a quick and dirty patch so I might have missed a few things, but I think I got most of the pertinent things. I made this translation using version 1.0 of the game, just a heads up.
I've also decided that since there seems to be a bit on controversy with this title I'm not going to post the link here but if you want it you can PM me. Unless you guys think it won't be a problem and my link won't get taken down.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I told myself I wasn't going to do this, but I couldn't help myself >_>. I took a couple days and threw together a partial patch for ROBFS4U. I didn't look extensively through this thread, but from what I could tell there isn't one available.

It should have all the enemies,skills,menus/options,gear, and a few other random things I decided to do like some of the quest names/quest synopsis. I also decided to included a few tweaks for the English speaking community when it comes to the Japanese puzzles/quiz. Also, for a lot of translations I pulled the iRO names of things if I recognized it.

This was kind of a quick and dirty patch so I might have missed a few things, but I think I got most of the pertinent things. I made this translation using version 1.0 of the game, just a heads up.
I've also decided that since there seems to be a bit on controversy with this title I'm not going to post the link here but if you want it you can PM me. Unless you guys think it won't be a problem and my link won't get taken down.

Quality site contributor right there!
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I don't want to call out your whole username for your privacy, but someone with 0709 at the end of their name. I tried to PM you back but it says you have "chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages". Get a hold of me again when you fix that.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I told myself I wasn't going to do this, but I couldn't help myself >_>. I took a couple days and threw together a partial patch for ROBFS4U. I didn't look extensively through this thread, but from what I could tell there isn't one available.

It should have all the enemies,skills,menus/options,gear, and a few other random things I decided to do like some of the quest names/quest synopsis. I also decided to included a few tweaks for the English speaking community when it comes to the Japanese puzzles/quiz. Also, for a lot of translations I pulled the iRO names of things if I recognized it.

This was kind of a quick and dirty patch so I might have missed a few things, but I think I got most of the pertinent things. I made this translation using version 1.0 of the game, just a heads up.
I've also decided that since there seems to be a bit on controversy with this title I'm not going to post the link here but if you want it you can PM me. Unless you guys think it won't be a problem and my link won't get taken down.

This is some pretty great news. I really wish we could get some teams or something to go and fully translate these games. They're pretty fun, but without all that battle dialogue translated and stuff it's kind of... bland-ish.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

There was someone who was translating ROBF S4U and released a partial patch, but then they just gave up and closed their wordpress account without so much as a warning :rolleyes:
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Somebody send me the File with the english partial translation, i've uploaded the data folder for you. maybe you can use it for your translation.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Somebody send me the File with the english partial translation, i've uploaded the data folder for you. maybe you can use it for your translation.

Cool thanks. I took a brief look at it already and I think this can help somewhat. Basically I don't need any of the item/skill ect. translations because;1. They are already done, and 2. The ones in this version, while I can see where they were coming from, arent exactly the best considering this is a RO parody ( e.g calling Kafra's couplers or Kapura, and not to mention all of the skill names/puns.)

What I CAN use however is some of the dialogue that was apparently worked on. I'm not sure if I ever plan on translating all of the dialogue any time soon since I already have a active project. However, what I can do is take some of the dialogue and import it into my patch which shouldn't take too much effort, I'll just have to find all of it.

Anyways, thanks for the find, I'll see what I can do with it to roll it into my patch. Also, I've already found stuff I missed as far as items are concerned so if I put out another version of my patch I'll have those corrected too.
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

wtf is gvg?:confused:

i've seen the video but... (maybe it's just because there no cgs or animations)
thinking about it i guess gangbang would be the most likely cgs there...

about the hype i'm completely on bf but i'm sure there gonna be many
"underaged girls":mad: and im not sure about thad gvg stuff
i also dont wanna pay $3.95 youst for waiting (no i don't)

(since the robf dev hates me he would kick me off the train anyway
but i'm getting the game for free when released no matter what (piracy lives on):D
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

about the hype i'm completely on bf but i'm sure there gonna be many
"underaged girls":mad: and im not sure about thad gvg stuff
i also dont wanna pay $3.95 youst for waiting (no i don't)

How do you know that? The Robf games are one of the few games i actually pay for cause of it's high quality. It really deserves it.
But this bothers me somehow. In Robfs4u there were a bit more lolis than in Robf. I hope it won't even increase percentually more.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm running through the patch that Krysanto gave me right now and combining mine with it. I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed at how much has been done already in terms of the story/dialogue. I should have a definitive version out in a little while, probably tomorrow. Also, I figure I'll just post the link to mega this time, and if I have any trouble I'll just resort to the PM as opposed to the other way round.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm running through the patch that Krysanto gave me right now and combining mine with it. I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed at how much has been done already in terms of the story/dialogue. I should have a definitive version out in a little while, probably tomorrow. Also, I figure I'll just post the link to mega this time, and if I have any trouble I'll just resort to the PM as opposed to the other way round.

The only thing I noticed with the existing partial is some of the dialogue is a bit uh...well you can understand what's being said at times but it's not exactly coherent English
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Stupid question, how exactly do you install this patch?

I really want to know what the cards say XD, I've already downloaded the files and everything.
Stupid question, how exactly do you install this patch?

I really want to know what the cards say XD, I've already downloaded the files and everything.
I'm going to be more than likely releasing an updated patch in a little while so it might be worth waiting for that. However, in order to help you get a head start I'll point you in the direction of this guide.

Alrighty, sorry for the double post but I wanted to bump since I'm posting the download link.

Ok, so I went through and copied over all the translated dialogue I could find from the other patch and then also combed through it and corrected/tweaked a few things. Since some of the areas, namely Comodo and Umbala, were so close to being done I did a little bit of extra work to try to fill up the gaps myself. Comodo still has some missing parts, but Umbala (which has a lot less) should be basically completely done. I also revised some of the stuff I had already done and filled in some of the missing item descriptions that I had missed.

So big thanks to whoever it was that did a lot of the dialogue. I also hope nothing crops up with my link I'm posting here, but regardless.
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Tried out the latest translation, pretty good, finally i got a hang of the story-line, just one thing which turn me down, the GOR scenes aren't translated

I want to know what they would say when they rape me... the Dialogue for Game Over Rape is far too important to me now.

On a unrelated side of note i saw this tweet from the creator

What i got from google translate, he said something about "50 Days" & "Animation" & "2%".

I get the feeling that he is saying that the animation will be completed in 50 days and this is less than "2%".
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