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Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"I want a kiss." Maya states plainly, looking Marissa in the eyes expectantly. Her face laced with mirthful mischief.

After that business and Marissa's response was done however...

Maya purrs, blurring into a giggle, and continues, "Okay, now, I dare you~... to kiss Lanai." She smirks. She allows the simple trick to sink in for a second, and looks forward expectedly again. She waits and watches, clearly revelling in it.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Marissa's eyes widened slightly, but then she hesitantly nodded and leaned forward. "Oh... Okay...." she said softly, her eyes closing as she leaned towards Maya, her lips parting slightly, but she left Maya to push the last few inches forward. If Maya did, she would find that Marissa wasn't a particularly inventive kisser, but she had enough experience to make it enjoyable all the same, even if she struggled some to be aggressive if pushed to be the dominant partner in the kiss. Lanai, left to watch the two of them momentarily, seemed to enjoy the show, as Maya felt the demon's cock pulsate against her belly. Marissa was panting softly when the kiss parted, and her eyes were wide, but she settled back and opened her mouth to speak.

When the cat-girl revealed her ruse, however, the woman blushed while Lanai chuckled. Demon and human turned toward one another, the former grinning broadly while the latter looked slightly intimidated, and Lanai caught onto the woman's hesitation quickly, as she gently pulled Marissa closer and said; "Come on now.... I don't bite.... Much~" Marissa whimpered slightly at Lanai's final line, but by then their lips were pressing together, leaving Maya as the passive observer this time. Marissa moaned softly into Lanai's mouth a heartbeat after the kiss was joined, outwardly abandoning her hesitation and reveling in whatever Lanai was doing to her, and their kiss lasted for several moments longer than the one that Marissa had shared with Maya. Both women were rife with signs of arousal within seconds, Marissa's honey-colored nipples and Lanai's pink ones hardening before Maya's eyes, and the human woman began to lightly shiver against Lanai's side, while the demoness pulsated several more times against Maya's tummy.

When they parted, Marissa was panting audibly, and her eyes were wide and fully dilated while blood flushed through certain parts of her anatomy, but she turned towards Maya and gasped; "Maya... Truth... Or dare?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Hehe. And this one has got to be even better~" Maya adds smirking as the two pull together. The extent of which her instructions would be "followed" however surprised even Maya. The moan and visible change of pace stills Maya in her spot, watching hypnotised and with absolute attention. Unable to decide where she wants her hands right now, she remains perfectly still, so not to interrupt the show, with only the exception of a gulp. Whilst not comparable to Marissa's, even Maya's breathing had taken on a fluttery pattern by the time they separate. Which is around the same time she begins fidgeting again. Squeezing up against Lanai once more, with something of a rub down bellow, and a look that very much suggested she wanted some of whatever that was. Her attention was focused to the degree that when Marissa's question arrived, it took a blink before she realised what was being asked. "Oh! dare! I want a dare." she answers, her hands now both resting on the front of Lanai's shoulders.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Marissa was silent for a moment, a deep blush coloring her cheeks as she apparently contemplated what to dare Maya to do. Lanai watched the human with a gleam in her eye, her hands slowly trailing up and down Maya's sides. "I dare you to..." she began, but then paused and bit her lip. Finally, she said; "I dare you to... Kiss her!" Marissa grinned devilishly and gestured towards a certain part of Lanai's anatomy that was then sandwiched between them against her belly, "Down there!"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Marissa's elaboration on the dare almost came too late, as Maya's face glows eagerly and she leans in to nuzzle her nose to Lanai's. The extra detail being said just in time though, she pauses, looks to Marissa, and then down. "Oh." Maya voices quietly, blinking for a second, but the cheeky grin soon returning.

Taking just a moment to glance back, she shuffles her legs back from her spot kneeling either side of Lanai's legs, and begins to slide her lithe form down and under the table. Arcing her back and letting her self run down the Demoness's body, she keeps her ever so slightly parted lips gliding tenderly down against Lanai's skin. Getting past the chest, took just a little longer. Reaching her destination, Maya ends up kneeling under the table, leaning herself onto Lanai's lap and hands reaching round to hug onto her ass. Maya's cheek rubbing up against the futa demoness member, as she spied round from behind it at Marissa coyly.

"So... like this...?" She says, raising her parted lips above the head and hovering, before giving a quick a fleeting tiny peck of a kiss to the tip. She smirks, eyeing at the watching Human once more. "Or... maybe more like...?" descending upon Lanai again for the real thing. Taking her lips to the head, eyes closed, exploring and caressing, sliding her tongue over and round likewise, she does her best to imitate a full kiss. Continuing on, she opens her eyes to look to Marissa again, dipping to take a larger amount into her mouth for a moment, before pulling off tightly and giving a final lick up the top of the shaft. Giggling as she presses her face against the erect rod and continues hugging firmly against the Demoness. "Mmm?"
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

The look on Lanai's face as Maya slid down her body was practically ravenous, though she maintained her composure, letting out nothing more than a throaty purr as the half-daemon trailed her lips down the voluptuous demon's body. She pushed out her chest just slightly as Maya passed over it, all but pushing a nipple towards the cat-girl's mouth, but she seemed content when Maya let it go in favor of the throbbing member sticking up between her legs. Marissa watched with bated breath, softly chewing her lip until Maya had reached her destination at which point her lips parted and she let out a soft, wordless coo.

"Nnnn..." Marissa whimpered when Maya asked her question, but human and demon were both reduced to whimpering messes by her further actions. The first kiss against Lanai's cock brought with it a strong hint of powerful musk, causing Maya's body to warm if it wasn't already, and the effects upon Marissa were even more pronounced. She began to pant, and licked her lips subconsciously several times as she watched Maya take the tip of Lanai's cock into her mouth, which also brought a soft gasp and a lewd giggle from the subject of her attentions. "Liking the taste?" she purred softly, one hand reaching out to brush across Maya's hair and ears in encouragement as the half-daemon took the first portion of Lanai's rod into her mouth.

Marissa was watching Maya's "kiss" with wide, unblinking eyes, and had even started to drool slightly by the time Maya popped her mouth off of Lanai's member and pressed her face against. Marissa let out another lewd whimper, and Maya noticed that her hand had drifted between her legs and started to move slowly, their actions hidden from view but obvious all the same. "Maya dear.... I do believe that it is your turn to choose someone~" Lanai purred softly, her crimson gaze fixated on Maya but not nearly as stunned as Marissa's seemed to be.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Humming a purr of sorts in response to the petting, Maya replies, "It's... different. Demons taste, different. But... yes, I like it." Seeming a little perplexed for a moment, but it passing with a simple affectionate murmur as she presses in and continues nuzzling slowly. It hadn't at all been the luxurious sweet taste she had unthinkingly expected, but, despite a palate that came across as harsh at first, it had a certain intoxicating and primal essence of it's own too. Maya's breathing likewise, was heated with arousal, and the signs of increasing frustration and urges were showing. Her writhing hips below the table, her restless twin tails tightly entwined together, and her seeming difficulty to refrain from climbing straight back up Lanai right now.

"Truth or dare hmm..."
she sighs, mixed in with with a decidedly sexual groan. Though still smiling, and looking fine to continue what had now become a very teasing and testing game for her. She did love a good game, after all. And the teasing thrill of this, was proving plenty entertaining. "Lanai!~ Truth or dare? Pick truth, k." She asks, or possibly demands, "So Truth... What does Marissa, taste like?" She issues her question to Lanai, whilst shooting a sideways glance to the lust inflicted Human girl. "That one taste already wasn't enough to be sure I think... hmm?" Maya's toying glares now focused on Marissa's lonely busy hand. An unhidden lick of the lips accompanying the stares.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Lanai opened her mouth to speak when Maya picked her, but then merely let out a chuckle as the half-daemon practically chose her answer for her. "Aren't you a domineering little thing~ Marissa?" she said, glancing at the human with a wry grin, "Oh, one taste is never enough~ but if I had to say.... I think she tasted like blueberries~" Given the earthy sweetness that Maya herself had tasted on the other woman's lips when she'd tricked Marissa into a kiss, it wasn't a difficult comparison for Maya to understand.

The human had frozen in place when Lanai had offered her reply to Maya's question, a deep blush coloring her cheeks, and after a moment she squeaked, "Do you... Want another taste?" Lanai let out a soft giggle, but her reply came in the form of a coo; "Truth... Or dare?" Marissa hesitated for only a second before whimpering; "Dare." Grinning broadly, Lanai said; "I do think I would quite like another taste, now that you mention it..."

Again, Marissa hesitated, some inner battle clearly holding her back for a few moments. Lanai was only left waiting for a moment before the girl concluded her inner struggle and leaned forward, once more pressing her lips against those of the pink-haired demoness sitting next to her. A low moaned vibrated through Marissa's chest an instant later, human and demon intertwining as deeply as they'd gone at the height of the last kiss at the very beginning of this one, and it only got warmer from there. Lanai gently caressed Maya's hair, ears, and cheek with one of her hands while she kissed Marissa, and the human girl quickly leaning in closer until the two were practically sandwiched together on the low tavern bench. The two kissed for over a minute, letting out low moans and gasps intermittently while Lanai affectionately caressed Maya, and her member gave the occasional needy throb before the cat-girl's eyes.

When the two parted, Marissa was squirming and gasping for breath, but Lanai quietly said; "Now... As for my dare..." Marissa whined at having fallen for the same trick twice, but Lanai went on anyways; "Maya does look terribly lonely down there~ Why don't you go down and give her a cuddle... Before you follow in her example and give me a little kiss~" Marissa gave a light whimper and glanced at Maya, and hesitated for just a little bit longer than she had when Lanai had stolen a second kiss from the human girl before climbing down to join Maya beneath the table.

Her face flushed scarlet, Marissa ran her hands over Maya's body in a slightly awkward but nonetheless affectionate manner, but her attention was brief on the half-daemon and soon turned towards the demoness.... Or, more accurately, her cock. Leaning against Lanai and pressing her side against Maya's, the dark-haired human woman whimpered softly and gave the tip of Lanai's cock a light peck, and then a longer, more sensual kiss. She quickly followed in Maya's footsteps as she opened her mouth and took the tip past her lips, but then she seemed unable to go any farther, her body going rigid. "Mmmm~ You're doing so well dear!" Lanai cooed encouragingly, "Why don't you let Maya give you a little help, hrm? She did provide such an excellent example for you~"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

When the two lean in for another kiss, although neither would see it, Maya would appear to be just a little disappointed as if she had something else in mind. She rolls her eyes and considers elaborating, but seeing the passionate kiss erupt between them, decides that this is not something one should interrupt. She watches on, continuing to hug at and slide against Lanai's legs, plenty entranced. There was just something about how they kissed. That when they came together, there was something coming together on a deeper level than mere skin contact. She could hazily feel the two, literally reaching into each other. She didn't properly understand it, or bother to try, but it roused her like nothing else right now. The extended length of the act though, did eventually start to wear on the cat-girls ability and willingness to merely spectate. Nudging at Lanai's crotch with her face, and letting out a small tortured whine, she gives the demoness an extra lick in a bid to win some attention back.

As Marissa is directed down to join her, she makes sure to "help" the human down under the table, playfully grabbing an arm or leg and pulling her down with a smirk into the snug space. Hugging in to the woman closely, and nuzzling her face along Marissa's shoulder and cheek, before giving a lick along her face. Hugging arms and hands gliding smoothly across her skin, although not quite seeking out any special places yet. When the attention shifts to the waiting demon cock, Maya doesn't delay in claiming a leg before Marissa leans in. As Marissa leans forward to service Lanai, the Half-daemon's face is only inches away, watching every detail and expression in close up. Lanai almost needn't make her suggestion, with Maya moving in as if she'd been poised to do so anyway. Starting with a full length lick from base to tip, and following with both caressing lips and many more licks of varying length and delivery. A good few of which seem to be aimed wide, a skim or wrap round the shaft to meet Marissa opposite, with abundant playful and even competitive smirking thrown in. Behind them both, Maya's twined tails move to coil round each of their neighbouring thighs, even as her hips simultaneously push against the other, as if in contest playfully trying to push the human away from their demon partner.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

The lick issued against Marissa's face caused the human to pause, clearly confused, but the call of her lust seemed to be enough to spur her back into action quickly enough. When Maya opted to join the fun at Lanai's behest, the demoness gave a soft, contented sigh that held plentiful evidence of her lust. Marissa took a few moments to respond to Maya's challenging position, and at first it seemed as if the human would give all the ground that Maya seemed willing to take, as she pulled away further and further with every challenging push, until she was almost forced to stretch to keep her mouth over any portion of the head of Lanai's cock. The demoness herself had a hand on the back of each of their heads by then, caressing each of them affectionately as they applied their lewd attentions, and beneath her magically grown cock Lanai's womanhood was glistening.

It seemed that Marissa could only be pushed so far, however, as she suddenly stiffened as Maya gave a particularly strong push in her direction. A moment later the girl gave a soft whimper and leaned into Maya, pushing her aside as she took the whole tip of Lanai's cock and then slowly descended. She got almost as far as Maya before another stiffening and a soft gasp from Lanai indicated that the human girl had reached the point at which her gag reflex kicked in. Stoicism and arousal seemed to spur the girl on, however, and she kept going a few more inches, until she'd gone further than Maya had when she had received her "taste" of the demoness.

With that Marissa pulled off and drew in a gasp of air, giving Maya a chance to do whatever she liked while Marissa recovered.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

For a while Maya began to think that Marissa might actually back down and resign entirely, which both confused Maya a little, and would be no fun. Thankfully though the village girl finally played back, and almost taking Lanai all to herself when she did. Maya found she had little left to work with, moving down to lick at the base instead, and as Marissa pushed to her limit Maya ceased for a second to marvel at the effort. Thinking about it, Lanai's device was certainly far thicker than the ends of any of Lily's vines.

Seeing Marissa pull away, Maya takes the oppurtuity to show that she won't be beaten, giving a brief approving glance to the Human before leaning in again herself. She wastes little time in swiftly tracing her tongue up Lanai's length, and then descends down taking it. She hadn't tried to test herself last time, but goes the whole way this time. Taking a breath before pushing past the gag point, pausing for just a second, but not going stiff. And then she repeats. Setting up a rhythm, and going for more than a single dip. Adding a little back and forth motion along with the rising and falling. Driven by the thoughts of how this might feel for the Demoness, and especially the lustful sounds that came forth as evidence. Enjoying too, the affectionate touch from Lanai above the whole time. The only slight shame about this moment, was that there was no real way for both her and Marissa to quite share it fully. She would of course though, play along the Human, should she make another move.

If only there was one for each of them...

The silly notion felt strangely familiar for a beat, but Maya doesn't dwell on the rogue flicker of memory, and focuses on the job at hand.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Lanai let out a happy little squeal as Maya dropped her mouth onto her cock, giving the top of the half-daemon's head a light squeeze as she began to bob up and down. Soft moans and gasps were her encouragement, and after a moment of recovery Marissa came back in and kissed Lanai's member around the base, licking her way up when Maya pulled back and then going back down when Maya did. The demoness proved to have a great deal of stamina, more so than Maya had before her jaw and lungs began to ache, but Marissa was quick to replace her if she pulled away. If she opted to force herself to finish the demoness, it would only be a little bit longer before Lanai let out a longer moan and began to throb into her mouth, and a few seconds later the demoness would erupt into her mouth, throbbing as ropes of hot, thick semen were blasted into her mouth.

If Maya opted to let the human have another turn, Marissa would receive the first spurt into her mouth before pulling off, letting out a gasp of surprise while the rest of Lanai's orgasm fountained upwards and rained down onto them, coating both Maya's and Marissa's faces as well as Lanai's legs. As impressive as her stamina had proved to be, Lanai's recovery time was even more impressive, as she didn't even lose any hardness after her orgasm. Gazing down at the two cum-coated women with glowing crimson eyes, Lanai let out a soft sigh and wiped a bit of her seed from the Maya's cheek as she said; "That... Was a good bit more than a taste~ I hope you two weren't disappointed!" Marissa whimpered and squirmed, her hips rolling lewdly as if she were writhing against something even though nothing was there.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Whilst she was expecting a climax to arrive any second now, Maya eventually was forced to take a moment to recover and shake off the dizzy spell that had crept over her. She releases with a lewd gasp, and looks up to Lanai briefly even as Marissa takes over, wanting to be sure that they were indeed doing well, given the time Lanai was making this last. It was clear enough to see. And so Maya returns, mirroring how Marissa had been servicing just before.

And then Marissa popped off the top of the futanari cock like a yelping cork from a wine bottle. Froth and all. Maya just giggles and continues to lick up the base for a while, encouraging as brilliantly messy a display as Lanai could give, and seeming plenty happy to catch it with her face. Just before the last shots could sputter out, she slides up to take the head in her mouth again, and laps up a decent mouthful of cum. The taste, it was so radically different to what she was used to in this kind of case. It froze her for a beat and brought out a sharp short shudder along with a tiny fit of blinking, before she manages to settle. She didn't actually seem to be in any hurry to move the taste from her mouth however, having only swallowed a part of it, and instead lingering a bit with a deep breath. When she opens her eyes again she looks between the two of them, stopping on Marissa with a smile. Who she then pulls into an embrace without warning, and kisses her once more, deeply and fully, sharing the load she had lapped up.

Breaking the kiss, she comes back to Lanai. Breathing in shivers, she is as much a picture of needy lust as the Human. Pressing against the Demoness, she finds the table starting to feel like it has been holding them apart for far longer than necessary now. Bumping her shoulders against it, she makes a small grunt in irritation and reaches an arm back to deal with the obstruction. Raising her palm up to the underside, the table raises up levitating quite swiftly, and once above head height following to swoop off to the side. It took a considerable amount of focus, comparatively, for Maya to allow the furniture down safely to rest upside down on another table, rather than being hurled to smash against the far wall. But either way, it was out of their hair now, and Maya had all the space she pleased to climb back up and press snugly against Lanai. "Better." Is all she says. Staring into Lanai's crimson eyes, there was no stopping the hand that reached to cup and rub into her own aching flower. She almost felt like she'd taken a hit of pollen, and Marissa seemed no better off. Maya didn't know exactly what she was pleading for, but she wasn't going to play games or wait for it any longer.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

When Maya lifted the table and gently lifted it out of the way, the reactions of her companions couldn't have been more different. Marissa let out a low squeak even as she wiped Lanai's sperm from her face and ducked down, scrambling aside. Lanai, on the other hand, laughed lightly and watched the table float over to another part of the room, before turning back to Maya as she climbed up next to her. "Much better~" Lanai agreed wholeheartedly as she met Maya's gaze, her eyes glowing and seeming to draw the half daemon into their endless, blood-tinted depths. "Looking for another dare, Maya?" the demoness cooed, grinning, as she wrapped an arm around Maya's back and tugged her even tighter against her heavy bust.

Talented as she might be in psionics, it wasn't until it was far too late for her to push back that Maya recognized that her mind was being invaded by the demoness, and just then Maya heard Lanai's voice within her head; 'Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you! Play along, and you'll get all you want and more~' Her body no longer under her control, Maya felt two of her own fingers slip into her sex and begin to pump steadily, writhing and causing more pleasure than she had ever been able to cause herself on her own, drawing a lone moan out of her. 'Oooh, you're already nice and ready for me! ' she heard in head, and a moment later the demoness said aloud; "Mmmm, no more games then!"

Maya was gently lifted and placed on her side, her leg lifted and placed against Lanai's shoulder as the demoness climbed between her legs. Her front facing the bench, Maya was lifted slightly, and soon felt Lanai's cock lining up and rubbing against her flower, her body moving to acquiesce the demon all on its own without her even telling her to. Marissa, in the meantime, had returned, and was watching from a kneeling position on the floor as Lanai's cock threatened to sheath itself into her sex. "I hope you don't mind taking it inside... I've got plenty of cum left to fill you with~" she said aloud, and Maya felt the control of her body and mind ease slightly, granting her control of her mouth, her hands, and her tails. She only had a moment to use that return of control, however, before she felt her lower lips parted by the demon's conjured member as it smoothly pushed into her.

Lanai was slow and fairly gentle in her initial thrust, and though her cock was larger and thicker than any of the individual tentacles or shorn stamens she had been exposed to back on her mother's farm, it wasn't as large as the twisted collection of tendrils that had sometimes been used on her, and thus Maya was able to take the demoness quite comfortably. Despite the demon's softness, her penetration seemed to strike every nerve as it pushed all the way into her deepest depths, and the tidal wave of pleasure that rocketed up her spine was intensified magnificently as the erotic draining sensation that she had endured back in the tower with the tentacles and with Phyrra accompanied it, signalling that Lanai was feeding on the half daemon's powerful soul. Once she has bottomed out into Maya's sex, Lanai doesn't even wait more than a moment before she began to piston into her sex, but as she does so one more sensation suddenly makes itself known. Every thrust receives not only the familiar feeling of being penetrated, but almost what she was also penetrating herself, the feeling of something tight and warm and wet wrapping around her shaft only adding to the pleasures assailing her mind.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya just continues to stare dead at that the demon upon Lanai's words, lips slightly parted and breathing the same air, and curling with just a hint of a delighted smile as Lanai pulls her in closer and tighter. And then she gasps. Just half of a gasp though, as she finds her control over her body becoming distant. It was the second time that she'd felt her mind occupied by another like this, however this time the visitor didn't hide behind tricks and illusions. Feeling the presence take hold of her, she instinctively tries to hold it from diving further to start with, but not outright pushing against it. Lanai would feel Maya's questioning inner gaze, as well as the mix of a sudden spike of apprehension seemingly stemming from some recent memory, and the rush of excitement regarding the demons move. The very simple words of assurance seemed to be all that Maya needed however, and the token resistance would melt away like a lover allowing her partner to guide and lay her down as pleased. Her fingers working of their own accord, or Lanai's bidding, somehow delved and stimulated in a way more perfect than Maya had ever managed to. And it wasn't like she was out of practice or anything. Giving herself over entirely, she could do little more than glow dizzily inside with an approving mental purr.

Now laying in position, the touch of their sexes meeting each other would trigger a swell of of energy within the tailed half-daemon, flowing in aimless pulses within her, and with excessive enthusiasm and fluidity. It seemed like it was almost ready to spill out on it's own volition, even regardless of Lanai's succubus nature was beginning it's work or not. Finding her mouth to obey again for a moment, Maya looks down her front and up to Lanai poised at her entrance. "... to fill me with?" She gasps out under her breath, "I... I... what will..." She murmurs indefinitely, broken off by a passionate moan as Lanai starts to enter, any look of concern washing away. Mentally though, there would still a flutter of chaotic thoughts racing through her mind. Panic other another impending pregnancy, and a snap of fear over the draining sensation, alongside a pure burning arousal from both concepts. Tiny rational fragments of her mind insisting that there were things that should be considered here, but getting drowned out by torturous desire and a vocal chorus calling to give and take as much as could be. Having been built up to this so much, that she refused to let anything get in the way. And then came the impossible sensation of entering herself, in a way unlike anything before, leaving her reeling in ecstasy and moaning uncontrollably. "Nnmmmnmmm!~"

'Yes... oh!~ Please yes!' Maya's thoughts purr in response, in fits of pleasure. Soul open fully and begging to be partaken of. At the same time, despite not possessing control over the majority of her body, Maya seems to be trying to command herself to thrust. The bizarre and incredible duel sensations provoking her into madly wanting to fuck herself in her hazy blissful confusion. Lanai would even sense a trace attempt at some kind of unintentional counter domination or feedback, with Maya bidding the demoness fervently onwards. Overall, it was nothing less than a mental assault of lust, pleasure and desire.

"~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~ ❤ ~"
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine, Makin Babies

Marissa watched on in lewd awe as Lanai steadily increased her pace, the control over Maya's body easing as she gave in to the sensation and allowed the hungry demoness to plow into her. Feeling both her own sex being stretched around Lanai's cock and the transferred sensation of her own inner walls squeezing around the woman's dick. She felt the demoness shiver suddenly, as if her unintentional feedback had had some effect, but Maya couldn't tell for sure. What she could tell, however, was the the demoness was very much enjoying plowing into her sex, whether or not she got to feel it from both sides as Maya was, as she steadily increased the speed of her thrusts, though she never failed to hit every one of Maya's sweet spots along the way.

Lanai's bust jiggled every time they impacted together, and the demoness was biting her lip lightly as if attempting to resist the sensations. Maya, under no such resistance, felt an orgasm building rapidly as Lanai slammed into her sopping womanhood with ever-increasing speed and intensity. She felt Lanai leaned farther, spreading her a little bit wider as the volume of the demon's moans started to rise, and her cock began to throb steadily inside of Maya as the influx of pleasure being transferred across the psychic link began to rise sharply. This in turn toppled Maya over the precipice, her resistance shattered by the sudden overstimulation as she was made to cum, allowing Lanai to gorge herself upon the half-daemon's powerful soul as waves of pleasure crashed through her.

When the sensations ebbed down to their former levels once again, she had had much of her spiritual energies drained away, and found that no glorious rush of heat had poured into her womb, and that Lanai still hadn't tipped over the edge herself. After a few more thrusts, the demoness suddenly bottomed out into her and held, causing her cock to strike not only her sweetest spot but her cervix all at once, giving the former a soft nudge and the latter a firm grind that sent another spike of excessively potent sensation up her spine. 'I'm going to pour it all right there~' she heard Lanai's voice purely in her head, leaving Marissa out of the conversation unless Maya opted to attempt to include her or decided to say something aloud.

'Such a ripe little kitten..... And your body's hungry for it too~ I can feel you quivering for it inside! You really are your father's daughter~' Every thrust both grew the second knot developing in her belly and sent another spike of sensation from the psychic link, the steadily increasing pleasure coming from Lanai and the steady throbbing of her cock signaling the approach of the demon's orgasm, and the release of her seed into Maya's depths. Lanai's moans were rising steadily in volume, and her thrusts were coming quicker and more haphazardly by the second as she sped towards her peak.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Even as the mental lock on her was gradually released for the most part, there wasn't much reason for Maya to make use of the freedom. The succubus had put her where she needed to be and was showing her heaven. If there was a way to enjoy this more, Maya was unable to think of it. Or much else for that matter. All the normal touching, groping, and playing around, just felt irrelevant to her at this moment. As if anything else she might do would simply distract her from basking in this. It wasn't normal. But neither were the incredible sensations of psychic link and her spirit being drawn from her. A dizzying barrage of pleasure stemming from her mind, body and soul all simultaneously and blurring together.

Although the intensity of the pleasure already did actually make it a little hard to tell how far she had gotten, with nothing previous really comparing, she could feel her limit rushing up at her any second now. The throbbing surely signalling Lanai's climax as well, Maya breathes in deeply as she rides her wave as high as it will go, before it crashes through her. Alongside it she feels her soul lifted and pulled away en-mass as the tide washes back. Arching her back and clenching, she shivers deeply in the strange ecstasy as her eyes roll back and shut. Her mouth opens to moan, but little more than a long overwhelmed squeal comes out, still gasping inwards and unable to breathe out again. She floats in ecstasy for a moment, still spinning as the mental link feeds back to her the delicious “taste” of her own soul, and the awareness of Lanai consuming and absorbing it.

When she finally finds her breath again, every breath out becomes a soft but laboured moan. Blinking several times and trying to clear the haze a bit, she would realise that Lanai never had came after all. With a little confusion, she would look up to the demoness in the aim of finding out what was what, and is answered by one more deep deep thrust, and another moan inducing spark from her now hyper sensitive womanhood. Maya could barely control her shaking as she gripped like a vice onto whatever was most available for support, even despite still being laid down.

Lanai would hear the equivalent of a mental stutter, as her partner flusters furiously once more over the concept of taking the demons seed. And she'd hear Maya suddenly speak out in rushed and frantic, desire addled words, “All of it! Yes yes there inside! Do it do it! I... ahh! Mmnn!~”
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Maya's Egg(s) Status = Fertilized

The pleasure streaming across the mental link as Lanai's cock steadily pistoned into her, but even as she begged the pressure just continued to mount and mount, rising higher and higher with every passing second. Clutching at the bench on which she lay, Maya could do nothing but hold on as she felt Lanai steadily fucking her towards yet another orgasm, hammering into her rapidly. The occasional pause in her thrusts would come with a grinding motion from the busty demoness, rubbing her mound against the half-daemon's clit and causing her thick, throbbing shaft to rub against the sensitive spots against her inner walls. The pressure just built and built and built, both within her own body and in Lanai's, but still the demoness simply refused to cum...

Until Maya felt another of her own climaxes rising, the knot in her belly untangling gloriously in another shower of raw physical sensation, and only then the demoness gave one final thrust that pushed her tip right against the half-daemon's cervix just as the pleasure being broadcast across their mental link was magnified to impossible levels. A wave of thick, boiling hot cum erupted like a volcano directly into Maya's womb, and dozens more followed it as Maya's pussy was flooded with the demon's potent sperm. When her womb was filled to capacity, a task that didn't take long with the demon's voluminous release, she slowly pulled out, filling her canal with yet more cum and then covering her nether lips and ass with several ropes of it as well. Maya's own orgasm ended only a few moments later, and then she was able to feel just how flooded her womb was. Heat filled her belly, pleasant and comforting and arousing all at once,

Marissa, left as an observer, was shivering as she fingered herself from the floor. Lanai didn't leave her hanging for long, however, as she left Maya to bask in her afterglow, positioning herself behind the human girl. Marissa leaned forward and raised her ass without even needing to be told to do so, and then it was Maya's turn to watch, as she had a front row seat to watching Lanai's cock disappear into the human's soaked sex, taking the cum-slick thing in to the base just as Maya had been doing only a few moments earlier. The demoness held herself there for a moment, embedded to the hilt inside of Marissa, but her long, low groan was easily overshadowed by the lewd scream that came forth from Marissa at being impaled on the demon's dick.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

((Not going to disturb the scene but...wrapping up something that should have been done months ago.))

Left alone to her...its, own devices, the one wrapped in golden flames would have busied itself with work immediately. That being the forceful creation of a vampire, for the first time in, at the very least, this century.

Normally, vampires are creatures of choice, beings created from individuals that chose willingly to bind themselves to the spirits of the deceased for greater power. An existence that violated the natural order by simply being, yet one that remained restricted by the very same laws of the world. The question then was..."why?" Why was it that an existence so fundamentally opposed to the natural still remained bound to its rules?

It was this very thought that first created a spark in a certain mad elf. The fundamental concept behind magic, was the manipulation or superseding of the world's natural laws to create a desired effect... the means to let fire dance, to let earth flow, to return the dead to the living. If magic could change the natural laws to allow for what would once be considered miracles, then why could it not be used to break the singular law binding that which was unnatural? With this notion in mind, it would be then that the cogs of a fevered mind began to turn relentlessly, theorizing and formulating, conducting experiment after experiment behind closed doors, until finally a potential solution was found.

A singular circle for the base, with the primal elements inscribed upon its circumference, the foundation upon which magic was originally invoked. Tangent to each, a smaller, more refined circle, upon which the specifications of each element would be detailed: their most common manifestations, their constraints, their purposes in the natural order, and so forth. Essentially, whatever was needed to appease the elements, to “lull” them into a state of security, to make them ripe for modification. The finally, a final series of minute circles connected to each “offering” and upon them the true form of what many knew to be “spells” in this day, runes to dictate what was to be changed by the harnessed elements, what aspects to modify, what orders they were to “obey”. And with that, the basics for a large scale ritual were complete, a thrice layered magic circle upon which offerings were granted to all of the elements and their roles specified.

However, this alone would not be enough to break the natural laws of the world altogether. No, for while certain properties of the world would be altered (albeit, usually enough for most magic that an average wizard might seek to perform), to shatter a law powerful enough to bind one which was almost apart from the natural order...another “clause” so to speak was needed. A fourth circle in which precise overriding orders were to be given to each component of the spell circle already constructed, orders in a way that would cause them to flow together into a paradoxical and self destructive loop, that would ultimately cause the laws which governed the world for a moment to shatter altogether in that space...till the greater part of the world around it forcibly dissolved the error. But until it did, the space inside would create what was essentially an “unrestricted space”, a new realm within a realm, bound by nothing. And it was in that small window, no doubt that a soul could be forcibly bound to another.

One issue however, remained with such a grandiose ritual though. The vast amount of energy, necessary to power it... and most of all, the means to survive it. Countless goblins, young soldiers, and captive beasts had Enigma attempted it upon, but none had managed to survive the process. And as time went on, and the rift opened in Southern Badaria, other experiments and ideas filled her mind such that the concept altogether fell to the way side. Even when she had acquired a potentially suitable subject upon which to perform the ritual...she instead, opted to travel and, distastefully enough, fall in “love” with it. Now however, after an encounter with the beast she had sought she had originally sought to create, and an appropriate subject with which there was little useless “sympathy” to be had... now finally the ritual could begin and another arcane discovery achieved in the “Wanderer's” quest for perfect enlightenment.

Searing the circles into the ground beneath the unfortunate vampire hunter with golden flames, allowing her lifeblood from crucifixion to naturally seep into the small trenches that were created, the golden winged individual would diligently recreate that which had required the efforts of many sleepless nights to accomplish. Then once, all that was necessary to complete the materialistic component of the ritual would be etched into the ground, the ceremony would begin in earnest as the golden flamed individual repeated the steps of an experiment long abandoned.

First, invoke the elements in their most primal state, a clear image of each in mind, draw upon the energy being offered, and grant them a form more suitable: a ball of flame for fire, a bolt of thunder for lightning, and so forth. Next, make them bend, give them an appropriate task, taking great care so as to not deviate from their natural state. It is vital that equilibrium be maintained for as long as possible, regardless, for while some laws of the natural law are easy to manipulate, others are far more fickle. Swirl them towards one another when this is done, ensuring that each elements start first towards ones similar to it. Stir well, carefully increasing discrepancy between them till the critical point…then turn it the other way, and send them all into a destructive loop. It Is in this time that the laws governing even magic will be undone, and thus possible to transfix a soul onto another…if the subject and source remained alive still.

And indeed, the room was covered in naught but darkness for a moment, the only light to be seen coming from the now glowing ritual circle and the golden flames of its creator. Spectral figures would then begin to appear, one after the other, only few of them in humanoid form. Amongst them?... A massive serpent, though far diminished in size and stature from the last it had been seen, one that would rise to head’s height with crucified offering as it snaked forward hissing and eyeing the latter appraisingly.

”Sss….Ssso thisss is the one?... The one who ssstruck me downsss?”

There would be contempt in its voice, yet… amusement at the same time. Possibly, for the speculative, even admiration. After all, though being reduced to a spiritual form had certainly weakened it, to strike down a serpent foretold to bring about the end of a world was…impressive and worthy of praise. Such that it seemed almost eager to enter what it believed would be its new host, as it moved to coil upon the unconscious creature.

”How ironic that it isss that ssshe who sssought to end me, will now feed me for the ressst of her daysss.”

There would then be murmurs about the rest, perhaps some accusations of treachery, or betrayal. However, both the serpent and the phoenix would appear unconcerned, for both knew the greater master they served.

”There isss no need to worrrysss… Asss alwayssss I am sssimply sssampling the morsssels of the world. There are too many…delicaciesss remaining for me to consssume to sssimply devour the world in a sssingle unrefined gulp. A gourmet….that I am. I will sssseee you all ssssoon… one way…or another….ssss~”

And with that, the snake would then open its jaws, as if to swallow the shadowmancer whole… but instead, seeming to fade into her as its spectral body came into contact, fading away until not a trace of it was left. Then, when the deed was complete, light would return to the room… and the ritual would end.


The completion of the ritual however, and the end to the darkness which had spread throughout the small home would not signify the disappearance of the golden flames however. Nor would it even bring about the fading of the other specters in the room, as many of them began to speak in sync.

“And with that complete… only one thing remains to ensure the continuation of the legacy…You know what you must do Gradis.”

To which, the mighty bird of flame in humanoid form would thus respond, perhaps with a bit of hesitation in its layered voice, out of sorrow mayhaps, but not enough to show that it was deterred from its task.

“Yes. I do. I shall approach the demon who calls herself Lanai…

The cowl of flame receded back into the nude elven frame it was possessing, leaving naught a trace of its manifestation save for a slight golden tint in each of the heterochromatic eyes, the voice too returning to that of Enigma’s, even managing to include some of her normally carefree tone.

”And I will then embrace her… feigning love and devotion. And then when she feels most secure, I will impale her. Her existence has caused the Wanderer to deviate from the responsibilities, oaths, and duties to the Collective. And with that, she must be driven away, or… exterminated. Her, and this unnecessary life that now grows as a result.”

Raising a single hand, “Enigma” would then stare at it for a momentarily, watching as golden flames emerged, at her fingertips and then “hardened” to form an incorporeal blade. Yes…with this, the deed would be done easily enough. If this Lanai truly did “love” the mad elf as she claimed she did, there wouldn’t be any reason for her to be suspicious, or any time for her to react. And even if by some miracle that she did, it would be more than enough of an excuse for them to part and never walk the same path again. Yes, Enigma would then be alone in her travels once more, without anything to bind her or obstruct her in the pursuit of her, no… the Collective’s ultimate goal, the obtainment of infinite wisdom and knowledge.

Thus with this notion in mind, the phoenix possessed high elf would depart from the home… off to strike down her lover.

((To be continued. Probably won’t actually have her reach the scene till its finished, and definitely not to give it an unhappy ending.))
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

This was it. Maya knew the warm filling feeling that would be coming any second now. It was the one thing she had carefully tried to restrict herself from too much of back at home, out of a reluctant sensible self acknowledgement that she couldn't just go mothering hundreds of Alraune like it meant nothing at all. Here though, now with this demoness, she just couldn't hold back. She hadn't intended to end up like this, but one thing had led to another, and denying that primal desire now was impossible. There would simply be no satisfaction otherwise.

This was it. Or was it? Lanai just kept going. Surely she was at her limit when she had made that declaration? But no rush of white seed came, and the pressure she could feel just continued to build to overwhelming heights. Maya could feel the soul drinking tendrils sinking deeper within her being, as they continued to drain ever more form her. Would it be able to last? What would happen if Lanai plunged into her very centre? More importantly, how would that feel? A small spike of unexplainable deep terror surfaces inside her, but somehow only heightening her excitement. At this rate she would orgasm a second time before the demoness had even once. 'How~!? How can you... make me fe...e...!?' Lanai would hear being directed at her from Maya's pleasure saturated mind. From her mouth come only the constant lustful and strained moaning of someone being taken to their limits. And judging by her scarlet flushed face one would be forgiven for thinking her mind had already gone entirely. 'I can't take it... please... Lanai! I... I...'

And it finally arrives with a snap, Maya arching acutely whilst tensing all over and clenching herself around Lanai like a vice as she voices an internal overwhelmed scream that eventually escapes out into a long defeated moan. Along with the familiar feeling of her female aspect being utterly filled with that powerful warmth. More that warm even, compared to an Alraune's seed it was hot. Having a unique pervading heat to it. With a short shrill gasp as Lanai finally pulls out, being squeezed unyieldingly for every inch during the escape attempt, Maya lies there panting and staring at the ceiling for a while as she very gradually allows herself to un-tense and sink back down to the bench surface. Rolling her head as the Succubus gets up, she hazily traces her as she takes position behind that other person who Maya had forgotten was in the room, blinking slowly and gradually regaining focus of her eyes. Despite the unprecedented afterglow, a different glow was almost entirely gone. Maya looking on at the other two with very much dulled, normal greenish and very, human, looking eyes. She felt an empty yet tingling numbness inside, similar yet definitely distinct to the times she had let off all her energy. Oddly the feeling only made the fullness of her womb all the more prominent. Watching the previously shy Marissa joined with Lanai brought a smile to Maya's lips, followed by one more quiet low moan, and a few totally absurd jealous thoughts. With no one to cling to as she basked right now, she wraps her arms around herself, clutching her breast and holding a palm against her womb.

With Lanai's seed, she would make for them both a perfect child, she was certain. And with the same seed now already inside Marissa, she would surely have a wonderful sister too!