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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 90, PP = 80, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +22 Dodge (Arcane Armor)
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 67/75, Status = Fine

"But of course I knew as much~ Were it not for your fame, that initial mercy would have been all that kept me from going for your throat rather than your toys," Divinar was quick to reply when Nala pointed out that she could easily have killed the arachne rather than attempt to capture them. The ones that she had saved from death at her own companion's hands didn't look much reassured by Nala's offer of life, and from the look on her face Divinar didn't seem particularly impressed by the idea either, but there was no complaint voiced toward it.

After she had loosened her vines and responded to the arachne's agreement to her proposal, Divinar smiled broadly and nodded, "Oh yes, that would definitely be me... I founded this particular enclave you see, all those that you see here are my daughters, and as yet none of them have even come near to my strength. If they had, I would be dead and you would be speaking to one of them! Oh, and he can't leave," she pointed to Demetrius, who paled visibly even as Nala felt the energy around him tense, ready to come to the other mage's call if he needed it. "And just why not?" he asked, his voice calm and even, and Divinar answered in a similar tone; "Because the eggs that I'm going to put in Nala will need to be fertilized first~" Needless to say, Demetrius did not like that idea in the slightest judging by his expression, but he said no more.

It was on that note that Nala approached her two allies, neither of whom looked particularly happy about this turn of events. "I understand that we need to be unpredictable, but why am I staying here when he gets to leave?" Violet was quick to ask, though not in a petulant tone as one might expect. She seemed to seek merely to understand the plan as a whole, and thus added; "I could do as well as he could in being a thorn is Esmerala's side, and you know it." She glanced at the arachne still surrounding them and scowled darkly, and the unasked question was implicit on the assassin's face; she didn't want to play a host to the spider's eggs, not if she didn't have to.

Violet respected Nala enough to assume that she didn't ask aloud, however, and then it was Demetrius' turn to complain. "I don't know if I like this plan... But I suppose it's the best option that we've got. Still, be extremely careful around these.... Things. They can't be trusted, and I don't even know if they can be controlled either. You know what you're doing though, and our situation is to desperate to turn up aid from any source."

After Nala dealt with her companions, she found that all of the arachne save for Divinar had vanished, and the lone remaining spider-woman clicked toward her with a devilish grin. "Right this way, dear cousin~ A safer place than the mouth of a cave will, I assume, be necessary?" she said, and then led Nala (and possibly Demetrius and/or Violet) down into the darkness of the cavern. They took a different passageway than the one from which Nala and her companions had ascended to the surface, one that didn't descend quite so sharply, and eventually they made their way into a chamber that was all but filled with webbing. A few dessicated bundles were present amongst the softened walls, and stones that emitted a soft white glow akin to the light of the full moon hung in seemingly random places. "I've never had a host willingly walk in here before! I do hope that you find the place to your liking," Divinar said as she turned about, facing Nala and whichever of her companions, if any, she had chosen to bring down here.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala had suspected that Divinar was the strongest of the enclave, but it was good to hear it from her own lips. It was also telling of how arachne society worked, an unforgiving and understood notion of survival of the fittest. Nala would need to understand more about these creatures if she hoped to truly escape them, or mold their attitudes into something that could be trusted to co-exist with human and elven civilization.

"Oh, you needn't bother with Demetrius," Nala said conversationally. "I will be fertilizing you. In fact, I insist upon it. You did not think I was working you up just to tease you?" Nala's ensuing laugh displayed genuine amusement. "I haven't been studying and mastering demonic sexual techniques for nothing you know. I intend for all your daughters to hear just how worked up their toughest can get~ Now, Demetrius has certainly gotten better with his 'polishing' technique since I met him, but really I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. I must experience you completely, Divinar."

Turning to her friends again, she let the smile slide from her face. Violet's disappointment in being kept down here with these things actually hurt Nala emotionally. She'd grown very fond of Violet and trusted her completely, sharing her fears, concerns, and hangups with this human in a way unlike anything she had done with another soul, save maybe Matthias. The blunt truth was that Nala wanted Violet with her, to protect her if she got into things to deeply, and because she didn't want to be separated from the girl.

"Violet I... I thought it more prudent for you to safeguard me, but perhaps I am being too cautious. If you would prefer to accompany Demetrius to the surface, you can. I'm sure I can handle myself down here..."

In truth, Nala was not certain of that at all, but when had certainty of success ever stopped her before? She simply acted. It was her nature. She would leave it to Violet to decide on her own which path she would take, but did address the unspoken concern. "If you do decide to stay, you won't be touched by these things. This is for me alone to experiment with. If they bred with you, it wouldn't achieve the goals I intend anyway."

Regardless of Violet's decision, Nala would follow Divinar further into her enclave, leaving those of her companions who were heading to the surface to make it on their own, with a nod of good luck and a mouthed 'see you soon.'

"Yes, cousin, a secure den would be best."

When Nala arrived in the room full of webbing she crossed her arms and gave off a light chuckle. "I know you must be quite fond of webs by nature, but, certainly I feel this place could use an elven touch~. But I suppose you don't play hostess much, so it's forgivable. Now isn't it nice, having me walk in here all cooperatively. Perhaps it's a dissappointment in a sense for you -- there's a certain thrill in the capture, isn't there? Don't worry about that, my sweet... I'm sure I can make it up to you. Now, if you still intend to honor our bargain, I will need your daughters' assistance in acquiring demons for the ritual. I must have them on hand before the eggs are placed inside me. The energies I will be infusing into your offspring will be potent, but it will drain me, and I shall need to draw out power to keep up my strength. The process must be continuous throughout the duration of the incubation."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

"Oh? I hadn't realized that you had picked up that particular trick!" Divinar replied, "Not everyone with demonic magic has the same powers, and indeed I wasn't even aware that you had started studying such abilities! Regardless, this ought to be even more fun than I had originally thought~" Demetrius looked far more relieved than embarrassed by Nala's comment regarding his improved sexual prowess, and let it go at that.

Later, Violet's scowl didn't lighten at Nala's explanation on why she'd prefer the human assassin with her. Even so, she nodded and grunted, "Good. I wouldn't have left even if you'd told me to anyway, but I wouldn't have played host mother to any of these creatures either. They cannot be trusted, but I think Demetrius will be fine in their company for a little while compared to you spending time down in their lair." Demetrius nodded, "I'll be fine on my own, they're quick and dangerous, but we want the same thing. Worst case scenario, I have to disintegrate the lot of them and find my way back to Kyederon on my own. When I find Amanda and Charlotte, is there anything that you want me to pass on?"

After parting from their male companion, Nala and Violet were led down into the depths of the arachne's den, and there the assassin faded into the background while Divinar stepped forward and stood face to face (sort of, the spider was over a foot taller than Nala while standing) with the elven witch. "Oh we make a home of it well enough, and guests drop in more often than you'd think~ Besides, what's the point in possessing a skill if you don't sharpen it? The working of silk is an inborn ability, and we do it well. If you decide to take a rest on those bindings, you'll find them softer and more comforting than any bed you've ever lain upon! And unless you're covered in the other kind of webbing, it won't feel any different than the robes that I suspect will soon be adding to the decorum of the floor~"

Divinar paused to smirk, though she allowed herself a slight pout when Nala said that they would have to wait until the arachne's sisters had acquired a few hosts for her to drain. "Oh the hunt is enjoyable, and often the first time with a new toy is the most fun, but I think that what I have received in trade for such thrills more than makes up for it. You couldn't use your best techniques if you were all tied up, now could you? Though.... I imagine that the experience would still be enjoyable even if you were all bound up, no? Some techniques don't require much in the way of motion." She paused and sighed, "Still, it will take my kin some hours to arrive with the prey that you need. What ever shall we do until then, hrm?" She had her hand on her chin again, one claw idly flitting between her parted lips as she eyed the elven witch standing in front of her.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala smiled slightly at Violet's decision. "Naturally. I know you too well to try and order you away. Now don't scowl so much, Violet. This will work out fine."

Turning to Demetrius she returned his nod with one of her own. "I have faith in your abilities, Demetrius. Be sure to tell Amanda and Charlotte something to confirm your true identity. No doubt our impersonators will already have been making a mockery of our good names. Don't alarm them, just tell them I'm recruiting help from the arachne. No need to go into greater detail than that. Take care of yourself and I shall see you soon."

Leaving Demetrius to journey upwards to the surface, Nala fell into step beside her arachnid hostess as they traveled to the den. When Divinar mentioned her prowess with silk spinning, Nala felt obligated to test her word out and placed a hand upon the spun 'bed' she had been invited to. If it proved to not be sticky, Nala would laugh delightedly and rest her body upon it.

"This is the reward of acting without fear, dear Violet. Would we have ever learned of this otherwise? I think it will feel nice on my skin..." Saying this, she slipped out of her own dress and lay casually on the silken webs in the buff, eyeing Divinar. "Come sit here with me, cousin. We have time to talk a little, and I want to feel your body next to mine as we do so. Tell me of your brood, and of your history, and of your goddess. I very much wish to learn of her ascendancy."

If the spider woman chose to come close, Nala would brush her hands along the spidery exoskeleton first before trailing them up to the softer flesh above, lightly pulling Divinar downwards so that she did not hover over Nala so much. The night elf was content to relax and learn more about her hostess for the time being, though she would also be familiarizing her hands with Divinar's body, and if Divinar was insistent enough, she would kiss the spider woman as well, and allow her to caress and pleasure her.

"I understand your predilection for bondage~ I enjoy it too, of course. Did you like my vines, earlier?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

The webbing proved to be as Devinar had said, with no adhesive properties to speak of, and when she laid her body onto it the hammock that the silky substance formed was one of the softest beds that Nala had ever had the privilege to lay upon. There was no answer from Violet in response to the elf's observation about the arachne's silk, the assassin having vanished completely from view in the intervening seconds as Nala had known her to do in the past, but Nala could feel the other woman's presence in the room regardless. The place was filled with hiding places, and Violet might be crouched in any one of them, but regardless she would be in a position from which she might intervene if Divinar somehow betrayed her word.

The arachne took no notice of the assassin's vanishing act, or at the very least made no comment on it as she crawled up to join Nala upon the silk bed. "Don't mind if I do~" She was already naked, but the hungry grin on her face as Nala disrobed was an expression that she had likely long grown accustomed to. Indeed, Divinar made no effort to conceal her lust, the after effects of Nala's earlier embrace growing apparent once again as the tips of her small, supple breasts hardened. Of course, the spider was much larger than Nala was, and the dimensions of her body prevented her from lying down as Nala did. What she did instead was scuttle over Nala, giving the elven witch a brief view of the arachne's heavily armored underside, before turning about and settling down, folding her multitude of legs inward so that she effectively rested on the surface of the web.

As Nala gently pulled her down, Divinar leaned as far forward as her form would allow, resting herself on her elbows and ending up more or less face to face with Nala. Her probing hands found that the arachne's spider half was extremely hard, though more in the manner of a particularly hard wood than metal or stone, and that her humanoid half possessed a similar density just beneath its soft surface. Even so, her body was still as pleasantly soft as that of a particularly well muscled humanoid, the harder surface hidden underneath requiring fairly insistent prodding in order to feel on her part, though Divinar didn't seem to complain regardless of how firm Nala's touch became.

"Oh, our history is actually a fairly boring tale..." she began, "Our goddess crafted us from our common ancestors long ago, making us perfect in her own image, but until many years ago we were locked within the depths of the earth with none but our faerie jailors to feed us. Have you ever experimented with them? The more common ones, the goats and the little men and the nymphs, they would be like putty in your hands, likely even more so than a mortal. So they were in ours, once they accepted their situation within our webs. The attempts on their comrade's part to dislodge us and retrieve their allies proved an amusing enough diversion, if a fairly routine one after so many centuries, but we grew strong through the conflict. When the earth shook and our lairs were opened to the sun, our enemies were unable to contain as we knew they would be, and we came forth to lay claim to the jungles as we have the dark world underneath your own.

"As for our goddess, she is the greatest of us, our mother and our creator. We would not be as we are without her, and it is her will by which we enact the only true law; that of nature, of survival. None in these lands are a match for us, not the humans, nor the elves, nor the shadows. Not the plants or the angels or the fairies may rise above us, not within the walls of the jungle, and not even the deadliest of natural creatures are a match for our guile and our gifts. The demons present a new and intriguing enemy, but one that we will no doubt conquer as we have all those that have come before!

"For me in particular, I am one of the Blessed, able to commune with my queen in dream or voice if she has need of me. Those you saw above are the strongest of my children, born of the stolen essence of my greatest enemies, tested by the Right of Trials and come through alive, as I did when I was first hatched so many years ago. I leave my young, when they are born, out in the wilderness to fend for themselves, and normally only one or two of any brood will return, the strongest of their clutch. To my pride, I have twice had triplets survive, proving my worthiness over many of my sisters given how dangerous this part of the jungle is. What you saw represents only a small fraction of our colony here, maybe half of us if that, and each and everyone one of them was born from me. Two of my daughters have even been able to splinter off and form nests of their own, though I know not if either has survived until now."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The hardness lurking just beneath the surface of Divinar's elven flesh intrigued Nala. Was there a layer of chitinous arachnid plating below it? She had never come across a book detailing arachne anatomy - and she supposed this was because research into such was a dangerous proposition for any prospective author. She didn't wish to ask about this directly though, as it would be in poor taste and spoil the mood, so instead she simply continued her caresses as she made an idle comment.

"I do enjoy a lover with a hard body~ To feel their corded muscles against my skin, to have them be far more gentle than they should be, only to unleash their strength at just the right moment. Or to deny them that strength, if I desire. You're quite a fine specimen, but I see you don't need me to tell you that."

Nala ran her long, serpentine tongue around Divinar's chest area, then up her small cleavage before drawing herself in and kissing the nape of Divinar's neck. As she did so, Divinar began her brief speech about the history of her people. Only when the spider matriarch had finished did Nala look up with a sly smile at her hostess.

"I appreciate your conviction. I certainly do not doubt your people's natural strength and power. Individually, your average arachne is more than a match for the average members of the other races, but I do not yet think that your best can match the best of the others. By claiming to follow the law of Nature, you do your race a service, but do you really comprehend Nature itself? I wonder? There is more to it than mere predator and prey mechanics. Nature is not a path one follows. Nature is a force of many faces. To master nature, you must be a master of politics and diplomacy. Otherwise you are not following nature, but attempting to mold nature to fit your own desires. Not that one shouldn't follow their own desire..."

Nala slid her fingers down Divinar's body and once again brushed against the arachne's flower, applying a building pressure to the appropriate areas in order to work the spider woman up.

"I fear I may not be able to stop myself before your daughters return. Let us make love here upon your silken threads, enjoy one another's bodies in this time we have together, before we get down to the business of our accord."

If Divinar complied, Nala would seek to work her hostess up to climax after climax, each time eating away at the Arachne's resistance, until she enthralled her in a semi permanent sense. It would be most helpful to her cause if the leader of this clutch of arachne, and the future sire to Nala's experimental offspring, were a guaranteed ally. Nala would not wish to go directly counter to Divinar's wishes, since the night elf had no intention of going straight up against the power of Divinar's goddess, but likewise, she had no intention of being left on a web, learning to 'accept' a fate as a breeding tool. Nala intended to use this time to lay her special hooks onto Divinar's soul.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Resistance: Nala wins, Divinar is temporarily enthralled.

Divinar grinned widely at Nala's offhand comment regarding the firmness of her flesh, and she traced a single clawed digit over the curve of one of Nala's breasts, "If it's a firm body you're after, then you've certainly come to the right place! I, on the other hand, prefer my partners to be.... Softer.... Much like you really!" She gave Nala's breast a quick squeeze and let out a lustful hum, her grin widening and exposing a single sharp fang at the corner of her mouth. Nala's light teasing might not have brought out any gasps or interruptions in the arachne, but her hands had begun to roam a bit more aggressively as she spoke, though they seemed concentrated mostly on her chest and collar save for one quick dip down to gently squeeze the soft flesh of Nala's bottom.

Nala's response drew a snort from the arachne, and she responded; "Nature cannot be MASTERED, dear Nala.... It can be diverted, at times, or guided perhaps.... But mastered? No... Not even the gods would truly make such a claim. It is as you say; the natural order has many aspects.. And changes, regrettably, without notifying those like us who must treat with her for survival..." A grim smirk played across her face for a moment, but then Divinar cooed pleasantly as Nala's hand drifted down to her sex, which was puffy and wet with arousal. "But that is the nature of the game, no? To struggle and adapt as the world around you changes?"

The arachne's next words were lost to a soft moan as Nala's fingers slipped easily into her warm folds. "I was hoping you'd say that..." she purred, "Ahhh, the things I'd do to you... But we have to wait for the main course!" She shivered as Nala rediscovered her sensitive spots, her skilled touch easily making the arachne squirm and gasp with pleasure now that she was no longer resisting it. "But that doesn't mean that I can't have a sample first~" she whispered, and then moved such that she was hovering over Nala, effectively putting them in the 69 position.

Though the claws on her fingers were perfect for dicing her prey, Divinar's nails were hardly the sort of thing that one would want near their privates. She seemed mindful of this however, and used her hands only to shift Nala's hips and part her legs, allowing her to return some of the sensations that Nala was even then instilling on her. Free to continue using her fingers or add her deadly tongue to the mix, Nala was more than a match for Divinar in the bedroom, leaving the spider woman writhing in pleasure. Even so, Divinar's tongue gave Nala's sex a few light, exploratory licks before it began to slide against her petals, licking up any of her love juices and sending light thrills of pleasure up Nala's spine. Though hardly inventive, the arachne wasn't bad by any means, her long tongue and fairly impressive concentration allowing her to search out Nala rather thoroughly, but the warm up she'd had earlier and the head start that she had now made it Nala's game to lose, which she most certainly didn't do. All too soon, Nala felt Divinar tense above her, the arachne's already stuttering breath halting before coming forth in a single, powerful moan.

Nala was free to work her magic without distraction then, sinking her metaphysical hooks into the arachne with ease, but they weren't permanent. Not yet. After she'd recovered from her first climax, Divinar reared back slightly and let out a lustful groan. "You're... Even better than your reputation led me to suspect!" she sighed longingly, a soft blush upon her cheeks. "I wish they'd hurry up! I don't want to wait any longer.... But until then, we can still enjoy each other a little bit~" She leaned back down and started eating Nala out once more, now moving her tongue more vigorously and seeking to return the favor, but if Nala went back to providing her own attentions, the arachne most certainly wasn't going to stop her.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The clawed hand gripped her soft globe firmly at the palm but oh-so-delicately at the tips of the fingers, taking care not to draw blood. Nala was thankful for that and mindful that in the throes of passion, an arachne might be a truly lethal mate if they were not well-disciplined. Nala was knew she must ensnare Divinar fully. It was the only way to be certain that she and Violet wouldn't become permanent breeders at the center of a web. As kinky as the thought was, the novelty of being a bound fuck-toy and incubator for an arachne would wear off quickly, and soon learned helplessness would set in as Divinar had alluded to with her talk of the fae.

"Well I am very soft, Divinar. Perhaps that is why we go together so well. Complementary forces. I have just the sort of 'give' you're looking for. My flesh easily bitten. your neurotoxic venom could course through my veins locking me helplessly into place... fufufu... but no. None of that just yet my dear cousin. Later perhaps."

It was a calculated ploy. Lead her on with promises of what she truly desired. All good things in time. Indeed, when she was convinced of Divinar's full enthrallment, Nala would let the spider have her fun - with the proper mental restraints in place.

"Guiding nature and diverting it are steps on the process to mastering it, Divinar. You're correct, even the gods have not managed it yet, but I believe it is as possible to master Nature as it is possible to master Death. You must simply become them, step by step, altering your soul until you are the perfect spiritual vessel. Understand the rules. Understand the foundation. Then become the foundation. Then fuck with the rules. When you can do that, you might as well be called Nature itself. These are the taboo heresies that my mother banished me from the temple for. That and because I slept with half of her most promising druid acolytes, men and women both." Nala winked at the arachne conspiratorially.

"There is an untapped spiritual energy in Nature, and it is one that I am exploring with a tenacity that one might call obsessive. But it has already produced results. I am confident that with further delving, I can unlock a mystery only the gods themselves may know of. But enough about me, really..."

Nala changed the subject to that of making love Divinar and quickly got down to the business of pleasure. She was pleased to find the arachne still so worked up and receptive, and brought her to climax efficiently and expertly. She enjoyed Divinar's efforts at reciprocation, but for Nala, this foreplay was crucial. She needed to sink her hooks into Divinar at every opportunity, so when the decision to stop or continue came up, the night elf only hummed pleasantly and went right back to work pleasing the arachne's puffy, wet folds.

Her tongue snaked up and down Divinar's sweet and salty folds, lapping up the nectar of the first orgasm and rapidly swirling around the sensitive spots, in search of a second.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

"We seem to have been made for one another then~" Divinar said with a lascivious grin, exposing her fangs in the process. "And I could.... But I won't~ I wouldn't ever count on any poison to hold you for long, and am too much the pragmatist to risk your wrath when I could have you on even terms anyway! Survival is a realist's game after all...." After that, Divinar seemed content to shrug and drop the subject of mastering nature by simply saying; "I would argue that it is no more possible to master Death than it is to master Nature, but you are free to believe as you will~ It has little bearing on this moment anyway."

After that, there was little more opportunity for either of them to speak as Nala and Divinar began their session of lovemaking somewhat prematurely. The attention provided by the arachne's tongue, while pleasurable, wasn't nearly enough to distract Nala from her own lewd work. Over the next two hours she brought Divinar to orgasm over and over, losing count of how many times she brought the woman to climax after a while. She had comparatively few orgasms of her own, more or less depending on how hard she resisted the pleasure from Divinar's lavished attentions upon her sex, but by the time their coupling was interrupted, Divinar was panting and shaking, her elven half covered in sweat.

Another arachne came down into the nest, one that Nala didn't recognize, and upon seeing her Divinar broke away from Nala and breathlessly demanded; "What is it? Can't you see that I'm busy here?" The other arachne smiled and rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry mother! I was just coming down to deposit my catch~" she held up a wriggling bundle of silk that was the size and shape of an adult human, "And maybe enjoy him a little... Before everyone else drained him dry." Divinar glowered at the other arachne, rapidly regaining her composure, "So do so~ We'll have plenty of hosts soon enough!" The other arachne nodded her head towards Nala, "Like that one there? She doesn't seem to be hosting much of anything yet~"

Divinar quickly shot back; "This one is not to be touched... Your sisters will explain things to you, I'm busy!" The other arachne rolled her eyes again and scuttled over to one of the other webs and deposited her prey, "I'm going to take this one, unless you have any objections~ Its about time I had one that wasn't all limp!" Divinar, by then thoroughly enthralled by Nala, turned back to the elven witch and paid her daughter no further thoughts. "Do what you will! Now... Where were we, dear Nala.... Ahh yes, I believe that we had some eggs to make~" She smiled eagerly, but made no move to force herself upon Nala. She was physically and sexually exhausted, that much was clear, but still she seemed to want more, and whether or not Nala wanted to indulge her was up to her.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The witch elf watched the repartee with a bemused expression, caressing Divinar freely as she spoke to her daughter, emphasizing the point that the elder arachne was indeed busy with an obviously willing partner. Was this not an odd thing, Nala wondered? The way the daughter seemed to gloss over the fact that Nala was neither scared nor tied up in webbing suggested that something like this could have happened before. There was also the matter of who was in that webbing. She needed to make certain it wasn't Demetrius.

"Just a moment dear," she said pointing to the daughter arachne even as she sat up and put her cheek to Divinar's with a happy coo.

"May I see the face of your fine catch? If your sisters haven't filled you in, then I need to make sure you haven't gone and captured an important ally of mine. If you have, I'll let you fuck him here, but then you'll have to let him go. He would be on a mission for me, and I simply couldn't allow you to delay him for long."

Nala grinned sultrily and proceeded to give Divinar a long, deep kiss, using her lengthened tongue to feel the back of the arachne's throat before withdrawing. She would wait until the other arachne showed the face of her prisoner before nodding to Divinar.

"Yes, let's make those eggs~ Why don't you just lie back, show me that gorgeous hard body of yours, and I'll give you a nice, long fucking, hmm?"

Nala's eyes were glimmering with compulsive desire as she stood up, watching to see if Divinar would prostrate herself as requested. She would then summon her spirit energy and focus it into a demonic cock, the way she had learned from the former queen of hell. It swelled and throbbed from the moment it appeared, and conveyed to the witch elf a great lust. She approached Divinar, gripped her waist tightly, and without any more preamble, slid the cock into the slick, well-lubricated folds of Divinar's cunt.

The witch elf delighted in the gasps and moans that were certain to come. The futa cock was large enough that it made Divinar feel even tighter than she had first imagined. For Nala, it felt amazing, not only in a sexual sense, but in the way she drained a bit of soul essence with every thrust. Stealing from Divinar with every wave of pleasure bestowed, and Divinar would only be able to beg for more. It was dominance in its purest form.

"Even if I fuck you into unconsciousness, I won't stop until every egg you have waiting within you is thoroughly fertilized~" Nala assured the weary and well-fucked arachne beneath her.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

The other arachne looked slightly affronted when Nala suddenly addressed her, and she immediately opened her mouth to speak only for Divinar to cut her off; "Show her! Now!" The younger spider looked shocked but obeyed, and when she broke away from her kiss with the elder arachne she turned to find that it was not Demetrius bound within the webbing. A far younger and more rugged looking man blinked at her from the parted silk, and he immediately shouted; "Get me out of here! Please!" The arachne that had captured the poor man bound his face again, but he started to squirm, and his muffled cries could be heard from within the bundle of silk as he was placed up onto one of the webs. The arachne then turned to watch, an expression of shock on her face as Divinar eagerly accepted a submissive position, lying her elven half on its side and moaning lustfully to encourage Nala.

The first push of Nala's conjured cock drew a long moan and a wave of energy from the now fully submissive arachne, and the first few thrusts allowed Nala to appreciate the subtle differences between the arachne's sex and that of more standard humanoid creatures. Her closest comparing point was, of course, Violet, and the assassin was surely the tighter between the two partners, but Divinar more than made up for that by way of softness. Her inner walls were like velvet as they rubbed along Nala's cock, yielding but soft and warm and inviting, and from the moment that Nala first penetrated her she could feel Divinar's sex beginning to contract softly around her, as if she were trying to milk Nala's cock for its seed.

Nala's stamina was still more than a match for Divinar's even when she was making no effort to keep herself from cumming, as she felt the arachne contracting around her cock more powerfully only moments after her initial penetration. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she howled Nala's name, and a flood of her energy poured out of her soul for her to gobble up. The arachne priestess proved to be a match for Violet in terms of her spiritual strength as well, though the human assassin might have held a slight edge on those terms if Nala wished to compare the two more closely in her mind. Even so, her earlier draining and subsequent use of her powers had left her tired to start with, and a string of orgasms later and Divinar passed out with one final orgasmic cry.

She had at least remained conscious for Nala's first deliverance on her promise, and the howl of pleasure that the arachne had let out at the first feel of Nala's sperm pouring into her soaked flower had echoed through the arachne's cavern. It had also triggered a reaction within the arachne's body, as Nala had felt Divinar's inner walls clamp around her conjured cock, preventing any of her cum from escaping while it was sucked up into her the spider's body by the workings of internal muscles. Every time she came into the arachne it was like that, Divinar's sex squeezing and sucking away all of Nala's sperm until her cock was left clean save for the arachne's own juices, though Divinar's howls rapidly faded to whimpers before she passed into unconsciousness. Nala could continue going for as long as she desired, draining her spiritual energies and cumming into the limp arachne, but there would come a point at which any more feeding would begin to permanently damage the other woman's soul, or even prove fatal.

As she impregnanted the den mistress of the arachne, out of the corner of her eye Nala would be able to see the other spider enjoying her own prize. Cutting open the silk around the figure's groin, a great deal of hair, almost fur-like, would be seen before the spider pulled forth her victim's member. It wasn't human, or even particularly human-like, being more akin to that of a horse in both size and shape, but the arachne didn't seem to care in the slightest as she took her mouth to it until it was fully hardened. Once the squirming man's cock was ready for her, the younger arachne sidled up the web and placed herself over it, easily taking the entirety of his member into her sex in a single thrust. She made little noise save for when her partner came into her, and unlike Divinar she seemed unable to store all of the cum being pumped into her, as Nala could see some of it spraying out onto the webs from around the plug formed by the bound man's strangely formed cock.

She finished shortly before Divinar passed out, pulling off of the man's rod and proceeding to suck on him until Nala had finally finished with the elder arachne. With Divinar unconscious and her own mating finished, the younger spider seemed to grow somewhat more bold, as she returned to the ground and turned towards Nala with a slightly menacing grin on her face. "So, not to be rude or anything, but.... Who exactly are you? Divinar doesn't submit to anyone like that! You must be a demon of some sort... How long do you think you'll be controlling her? I'd be happy to keep your secret for certain.... Considerations~" There was a sudden presence in the air, subtle but there nonetheless, and Nala realized that Violet had done something using her powers. What exactly she couldn't say, but she knew well enough not to jeapordize Nala's plans, so it was likely some sort of precaution in case this arachne, apparently unaware of the deal that had been made between Nala and Divinar, attempted to try anything.

Amusingly, this made me realize that arachne are biologically incapable of most normal sexual positions. They basically can't be anything but on top without flipping over onto their backs.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala peered over at the stranger's face as the obscuring webbing was torn away. It wasn't Demetrius, nor any man under her watch in Kyederon. She waved a hand dismissively at him, and the new spider woman quickly bound him back up so that his screams wouldn't bother them during the lovemaking.

"Thank you, dear. He's not one of mine. Enjoy.~" she said before returning her attentions to Divinar - much to the new arachne's surprise. Nala secretly enjoyed its look of wonder as she proceeded to dominate the matriarch of this monster den. Seeing the half-spider roll over on its side brought out a giggle of sultry delight, but she quickly suppressed this and lined up her demon cock with Divinar's entrance, fucking her sideways until she went limp.

"Your cunt is like velvet, Divinar.~" Nala observed in sultry tones as she kept her pace up. "So soft and yet firm enough to milk out my sweet cum.. ooh, you're getting tighter now. Yes! Ahhhnnnh.... mmm, fuck! Oh, take it sweet cousin. Take it all down to your eggs! I'm impregnating you... haha!~~"

As Divinar began to completely lose her mind, Nala looked at the newcomer out of the corner of her eye. "Oh my. That one has an impressive cock! Was his father a centaur I wonder? Fufufu... oh, but shame on you, look how much seed you're wasting.~" Nala teased the girl as gobs of spunk seeped out the sides of her pussy lips, near the base of the captive man's enormous shaft.

When at last Divinar had gone limp and Nala had poured what she deemed the last good amount of cum into her newest thrall, she sighed contentedly and withdrew the cock from Divinar, going slowly so that she didn't spill any of her juices needlessly. She brushed her damp hair back from her face and hooked it behind her pointy purple ears. Then her green eyes, sparkling with the low hum of emerald nature magic, fixated on the spider girl who now was threatening to blackmail her.

"Did you not hear your mother calling out my name in bliss just now? My name is Nala, the witch elf of Kyederon. And while a demon I am not, there are many who would consider me something just as bad -- or good, depending on your viewpoint." She smiled wickedly at the arachne, showing her teeth. "As for 'controlling' Divinar, why, my dear sweet girl, I am only making a pleasant accord with her. I'm going to give her a clutch of the most superior eggs her goddess could hope for. Is that not worth playing the bottom for a short while? What considerations would you like? Mmm? Perhaps you would like me to take you like that as well? But you would have to do better about holding in my precious gift to you, girl."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

To say that the younger arachne was taken aback by Nala's behavior in general was something of an understatement. She was shocked when the elven witch spoke as if she had authority in the arachne's own den, more shocked when she took Divinar until the elder arachne simply passed out, and Nala's reply to her suggestion had her not only surprised, but visibly frightened. When she withdrew from the comatose arachne in order to speak to the other one, she found that not even a drop of her seed escaped from Divinar's body, The sense of Violet's presence eased somewhat at the other spider woman's non-hostile reaction, thought the assassin had by no means let down her guard.

Despite her confusion, the spider woman grinned once again at Nala's reply, eying the cock still resting over the elf's sex. "Heh, must have missed that.... Though, I was a bit preoccupied at the time! Anyway, I've never heard of you.... Though you shouldn't take that as an insult~ I've only just reached maturity, so there's actually a fair bit that I don't know yet!" She seemed completely undisturbed at admitting her inexperience to Nala, and she tilted her head and continued to grin back at the elf as Nala explained the deal that she had struck with the other arachne's mother. "Ohhh.... I never knew that the father actually mattered~ As for my... Considerations..."

The unnamed arachne grinned dangerously at Nala even as she blushed, "He... Kind of filled me up pretty good already... I don't know if I can even hold any more! I was kinda hoping to, uhhh... Offload a little, if you catch my meaning.... Of course, if you've got anything left after that, I might be able to make a little more room! That was my first time taking a captive like that~ I usually only get to use my mouth, so I could use a little more practice!"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala lounged back on the silk threads, her demon cock glistening in the low light of the den. Her flat stomach rose up and down as she breathed in and out again, slow breaths to regain her composure after the wild sex with Divinar. She did nothing to hide her body from the young spider. Being desired was her armor. Her confident words were her knives and arrows.

"I can forgive a young arachne for not knowing. I am a young witch compared to the greater powers of this world, and my story is still being written. Your mother knew of me though, and you may think of me as a distant cousin. I share the same upper body as you, and in many ways I am as much a predator as you are. Kindred spirits should not shun one another, yes?"

Having regained a portion of her stamina, Nala sat up and eyed the arachne as she drew closer.

"Ah, you would like to place your eggs in my nice warm hole, no doubt? I would allow you this, but for the promise I have with your mother. It is her eggs, fathered by my seed, that will first incubate inside me - but not before I have souls to infuse my primordial magics into them. You are mostly correct that the father has not much to do with the strength of the eggs... but in my case, what I provide is not so much the sperm, but the raw magic and the will to enervate my future hatchlings. Your new sisters will be a sight to behold. And perhaps, if you bring me enough demon souls to devour, I will make for you a brood of daughters of which you can boast."

She looked the daughter up and down for a moment, as the creature suggested that they couple together. "If you mate with me, you must be willing to allow me to drain you. This demonic cock thirsts with every thrust.~ Also, should you attempt to bundle me up and rob your mother of her consort, you will likely not live long enough to regret the hubris of your decision. But if you play nice and give me your name, I shall do for you as I did for the mighty Divinar."

Nala was physically tired, but the magic of the vampiric futa and its soul draining properties kept mystical strength flowing through the witch elf's veins. With her magic to sustain her, Nala was confident she could fuck and enthrall this other arachne as well. Why settle for one arachne when she could have two? Were the girl open to it, the night elf would grin and take her in a similar fashion, silently placing her mystic hooks in the arachne's soul with every orgasm.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

It became clear quickly by the look on the arachne's face that Nala's philosophizing and the like through right over her head, and she made no comment on the majority of it. She tilted her head at the proposition that they were related, "That seems odd... Our race branched off from yours long ago.... You would have to be much more than a distant cousin!" After that she largely concentrated on the cock still jutting from Nala's sex, the demonic hunger that it had awakened within her not unfamiliar or uncontrollable but nonetheless insatiable. She glanced up at Nala with a pout when the witch proclaimed that her womb was off limits, but seemed curious when she mentioned the more arcane aspects of her plan regarding the arachne (or what she revealed of it at least.)

"Drain me?" she asked inquisitively, "Demon souls? This is a bit above my pay grade.... But if Divinar did it, then I suppose it must be good~" The arachne eyed Nala up in turn, and the elf's approximation of her placed her as fairly different from her mother. She was still lithe, but her chest was a fair bit larger than Divinar's and her skin was several shades darker. The spider hesitated for only a moment before she skittered towards Nala, blushing and smiling sheepishly as she moved to mount Nala on the webbing on which Divinar was still comatose. "I'll try not to spill any.... and I'm called Vis...." she said, before positioning herself over Nala's conjured member and slipping down onto it with a soft moan.

The difference between the two arachne was immediately tactile as Vis took in Nala's cock, and while her inner walls were still wonderfully soft, Vis was much tighter than Divinar had been even after her earlier partner, who's release still coated the arachne's insides and provided more than enough lubrication for Nala's comparatively modest member. She was almost vicelike where her mother had been smooth, and as with her other partner Vis didn't move once impaled. Nala felt the arachne pressing her weight down onto her, an act that wasn't painful but did keep her from moving much, and she began to moan with pleasure as her inner walls contracted around Nala's shaft. Even in this she was different from her mother, as where Divinar's inner motions had caused Nala to feel like she was melting with pleasure, Vis' spasming was literally a sucking motion, pleasurable in itself but clearly designed to milk a partner of their seed as quickly as possible without much care as to whether or not they enjoyed the coupling.

Nala felt herself drawing on Vis' soul all the same, and her will was more than sufficient to outlast that of the young arachne, who's will wasn't a match for Divinar's either. Vis collapsed onto her side once her orgasm concluded, her inner walls still clinging desperately to Nala's cock, and from then on she was Nala's to finish with as quickly or as slowly as she wished. When Nala came into the younger arachne, she found that her sex suddenly tensed and squeezed to the point that it was almost painful, but none of her seed escaped from the girl's flower, leaving her likely carrying some of Nala's eggs in addition to those fathered by the well-endowed man still webbed to the wall.

Once Nala was finished with the younger arachne, leaving Vis unconscious on the web next to her mother, she found herself with a bit of time to herself in the arachne den. Violet appeared beside her a moment after Vis passed out, "Well, that was.... Fun. What now?" The webbed room was largely empty save for the two arachne, Nala, Violet, and the strange man that had been brought down by Vis. The passageway leading back up towards the surface was unguarded, but there wasn't much up there unless Nala felt the urge to go out exploring, and there was no telling how long they would have to wait for the other arachne to return with the captives that Nala had requested.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala let the young arachne continue to be mystified by her references to being a distant cousin. It was clear that there were more important, basic things on the girl's mind. It was almost sweet how nervous she seemed when Nala spoke of demon souls and draining magic, and it was delightful to see her fear be shoved aside in favor of her lust.

"I'm sure you'll do your best, Vis," Nala said as the spider girl promised not to spill.

The ensuing sex was what Nala would have described as less than stellar. Extremely one sided and lacking in consideration. Nala was forced to rely on micro muscle movements to accentuate her prowess as much as possible. Fortunately, the lack of her current partner's experience and willpower meant that Nala was guaranteed to outlast her.

Once the girl was weakened by her first ograsm, the witch elf slid her to the side and was finally able to move the way she wanted. Nala's personal joy increased and it wasn't long before she released inside of Vis with a satisfying rush of demonic cum and an even more satisfying draining of the arachne's soul energy.

"Mmm, delicious. But you need to let me teach you proper technique, young Vis. You'll gain twice the seed from your victims if you increase their pleasure through considerate sexual positioning."

Nala let Vis drift off next to her mother on the webbing and let her demonic member disperse into wispy trails of spiritual energy. Now that she was once again a pure woman, Nala felt a bit better - back in her natural form. She turned around to see Violet walking towards her.

"There's not much we can do until the arachne come back with demon victims. Get some rest while you can, Violet. When Divinar wakes up, we'll have her bring us near the surface to wait for the captives. I've got her fairly hooked on me, so she should be open to more aggressive suggestions. I may even be able to convince her that we should attack Kyederon immediately, since that's where the most powerful demons in the area are -- only the best souls for the best hatchlings after all."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Violet held her frown and nodded, "I think that might be best. This place is... Not where I would prefer to spend my time, and the sooner we're on the path to Kyederon, the better." She half turned towards the bound figure, who was still squirming in the grip of the webbing and letting out muffled grunts and groans, and added; "What do we do about him? Are we just going to leave him here?"

After Nala had decided what to do with the man, there was a long wait in which nothing largely happened unless Nala prompted it to. Violet wasn't feeling particularly talkative, it seemed, and unless the elf opted to engage her somehow the assassin would lapse into meditation off in the corner. There was no way in which Nala could determine the time of day or how long she'd been within the depths of the arachne's lair, the only counter by which she could determine the passage of time being the rebuilding of the two arachne's souls after she had drained them, hardly a reliable clock, but at some point Divinar began to stir.

After a moment the arachne's eyes snapped open, and she awkwardly righted herself from the sideways position on which she'd been lying, and cast her gaze around. She looked with confusion upon Vis for a moment, and then her eyes found Nala, wherever the elf might be, and she said; "Nala.... How long was I out? I... Hadn't expected.... That!"
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala frowned and looked at the bound male. That was an issue about the arachne - hunters didn't quibble about the feelings of their prey. If she hoped to gain the aid of the arachne, she would need to be careful about not freeing their sexual conquests.

She strode over to the man and beckoned Violet to follow her. "Cut enough of the strands away so that I can talk to him. Don't free him though. It would undo any goodwill we've gained from our new allies, and besides, we don't know who or what he is. Let's just hear what he has to say."

Once Violet had done away with the silken strands around the man's mouth, Nala nudged him.

"Are you still conscious? My name is Nala of Kyederon. You've had the misfortune of being caught by the arachne of the jungle and are in their den. Who are you and what was your business in the jungle before you were caught?"


When Divinar righted herself after what seemed like hours, Nala just smiled and sat down next to the arachne leader. "I believe it's been a few hours. Not long in the grand scheme of things. You slept like a babe. Vis was curious and asked nicely enough, so I did the same for her as I did you. Sadly, Vis is young yet. She needs to work on her stamina and her technique. She may be out for some time yet... but worry not - both you and your daughter will recover with time. I took nothing from you that cannot be replenished naturally."

The night elf had redressed by this time, her revealing green outfit fitting snugly against her shapely body. Violet was still meditating in her corner.

"I was going to suggest that since your daughters are not back yet from their demon harvesting, we might go to the surface to meet them. I am quite eager to get the ritual underway - and I'm certain you are as well.~ And if your daughters are having trouble locating demons, I am thinking that there are ways we might help you obtain them."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

The man squirmed about as Violet pulled the strands of webbing around his mouth aside, and as soon as he was free he shouted; "Get me out of here!" He didn't seem to have much patience for Nala's questions, as he barely waited for her to finish before raising his voice even further and replying; "Yes I'm still bloody conscious, you twit! And I don't give a damn who you are unless you're cutting me out of this fucking web! The senseless idiot that I was with when that fucking spider grabbed me called me Dorian, and I was trying to keep him from getting himself killed, as is the duty of all fey as spoken by our Queen, Acrasia! This attack on our kinsmen is a grave affront, and our Queen will seek retribution if I am not set free immediately!"


"Mmmmm.... Vis always was a little bit too.... Curious.... for her own good. I'm surprised that she survived to adulthood, her father... Wasn't exactly the most impressive mate that I've ever taken. The one that she brought in while we were, ahhh, busy, was actually her first catch on her own, and I had considered culling her a few times before. Such won't be necessary now that she's proven herself, however."

The suggestion to return to the area near the surface caused Divinar to twitch visibly, a sign that Nala had come to recognize as one of her victim's attempting to resist the magical hold that she held over them, but then she smiled and said; "It could be several hours yet. We are far from Kyederon and New Abaddon... But I suppose that the cave entrance near the surface is as good a place as any to wait. Come along then, Vis can stay here to recuperate."

The arachne leader led Nala and Violet, who rose immediately from her meditation and fell into step next to Nala, back up to the surface. The way was exactly as they remember it from coming down, though it was a bit rougher going up. All the same, they were back up in the main cavern soon enough, but now it was as dark as the lower caverns had been, forcing Nala to conjure magical light for them to see by. The full moon and the stars were visible in the sky outside, and there was no sign of Divinar's children out in the jungle. They seemed to be in a cave set into the side of a cliff, likely carved by the Pfitherian jungle's near constant supply of rainwater, and the channels carved into the rock to divert the runoff into parts of the cave that the arachne didn't use were the only features that didn't seem naturally. The arachne lair was well hidden and difficult to get to even with magical assistance, and Violet glanced down over the cliffside and frowned.

"How did Demetrius get down from here?" asked Violet, and Divinar quickly supplied; "One of my daughters likely carried him if he wasn't able to get down on his own." Violet frowned still, and then turned to Nala and asked; "How do you think Esmerala learned of this place? Teleportation needs more than a spot on a map... She has to have been here before at some point, or have taken the memories from someone who was."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala frowned and then showed the fey man her teeth, following it up with a low hiss. "Twit, is it? Your arrogance and anger have done you no favors. Violet, bind this imbecile's mouth again or just knock him out. His noise is an affront to my ears."


"I thought you had said the quality of the father didn't matter all that much? Yet it seems that being the offspring of a weak mate has some drawbacks. That is good to know. I enjoy knowing that any arachne sired by me will have traces of my quality - even if they aren't blessed directly by my magics."

Nala's tone was good-natured, but she did recognize the distinctive twitch in Divinar's face as she resisted Nala's imprinting. So the plan had been to keep Nala well away from the surface, it would seem. The witch elf had done well to give herself some security. She would not be tricked by the likes of demons or anyone else again. This whole debacle had impressed upon her the need for even more control of those she brought to her bed.

"Excellent. We shall follow your lead," Nala said as she allowed the arachne to guide her and Violet up to the surface, leaving behind Vis and her surly catch. Once they had reached the mouth of the cave and surveyed over the landscape, it was clear how the arachne had kept themselves hidden. Violet's questions were apt and Nala could only hazard a guess from what Esmerala had told her when she first woke up in chains with that accursed collar around her neck.

"The demons arose from this tunnel system years ago, Esmerala was likely one of them. She mentioned having killed off former slaves who had established themselves within the tunnels, and then the arachne took over the upper tunnels. With demons, it is difficult to say how long ago all this was, but remember, they are immortal. If they were trapped below the earth, they would have had plenty of time to get acquainted with the tunnel network."

Turning to Divinar, Nala pursed her lips. "How long do you imagine it will take your daughters to find a suitable number of demons? If this takes too long, I may have to go look for them myself."