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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Divinar shrugged, "It matters to a degree.... A weak father will generally produce weaker arachne. I was born from the seed of an angel, for instance, and I proved more powerful than even my mother. The arachne provides most of the genes for a child, but a stronger father is much more desirable." She offered Nala a dark grin and patted her belly, a slightly pointless action given that her eggs were developed in her spider body rather than her humanoid one, but the significance was easily understood. "Yes, that's what made you such an... Attractive... Partner. Your genes possess potent magics, and will likely possess your strength of will~ I wouldn't be surprised if I get quintuplet survivors out of this bunch!"

Up at the surface, Violet and Divinar both turned and listened as Nala imparted the story of the demons that had been here, both wearing a frown. When she had finished, Divinar supplied; "There are other exits out of the tunnels that you came up through. We've found traces of habitation down there before, but it wasn't anything recent. I know the demons that took over Celesis after its fall came from this area, so it's possible that they originated somewhere within this cave system."

Nala's question was met by another shrug from the arachne, and she replied; "It could take some time. They have to go out to intercept the outliers of a small army of demons, lay an ambush, and come back with whatever captives they can catch. I could give you an estimate if I knew how long I was out.... Oh wait, here some of them come now!" The leader arachne pointed down to the side of the cliff face, where a half dozen arachne had appeared as they clambered up the side of the wall, each of them clutching a silk wrapped bundle. "Looks like we'll be back down in the tunnels soon," Violet muttered darkly, turning from the outdoors and settling down to a meditative position in the corner of the room. "Will we be going immediately? I would appreciate one last moment up here."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala nodded to Divinar's extra information. The demons from this part of the jungle had been old indeed, and trapped for quite some time beneath the earth. It may have been that they were separate from the force that had arrived with the demon invasion in Badaria. This meant that Nala would have to question Esmerela about the details of Celesis' conquerors once she had captured the demon lord and retaken Kyederon.

"Take all the time that you need, Violet." Nala brushed the meditative warrior's shoulder before walking away from the cliff side and back to the cave entrance with Divinar. "Once your daughters have arrived, we'll begin the ritual in this outlying chamber. It will help me to be within sight of the surface - easier to feel the natural magics that I will be channeling."

She stood there until the other arachne arrived, and allowed Divinar to address them first before clearing her throat. "I will need to see the demons you have acquired. I must examine them for their quality and pray you have not simply brought me goblins and stalkers. I must have strong souls to power the magic ritual."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +22 Mind (Inner Strength) +22 Dodge (Power of Chaos)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Violet offered Nala a thankful smile before shutting her eyes, breathing deeply of the clean(er) jungle air from the entrance of the cavern. Nala's words caused Divinar to scowl for a moment, and she immediately replied; "We may begin near the surface, perhaps, but they will not be kept here. While they might be bound, leaving a group of demons so near to the surface, particularly when many of them likely possess the ability to fly, would be close to the very definition of folly."

The lesser arachne ascended the side of the cliff, several more appearing from the tree line and each of them bearing a silk-wrapped victim. Divinar didn't seem to have much regard for ceremony in regards to counting their victims. She simply asked each arachne what they'd caught as they reached the top, and by the end of it Nala had herself a count of one male knight, two sorceresses, four succubi, three soldiers with two being male and one female, a hellhound, and one particularly impressive goblin that was still squirming and spouting muffled curses through its wrappings despite the puncture wounds indicating that it had been on the receiving end of a number of paralyzing bites. Once the captives were safely stowed aside, Divinar dismissed her kinfolk, half of whom dispersed back out into the woods while the rest idled about in various parts of the entrance chamber.

"So...." the elder arachne began, grinning as she turned towards Nala. "Where do we begin, hrm? Do you just... Pick one out?" she said, and despite the smirk on the arachne's face, it was clear that she didn't know how to proceed with Nala's planned ritual.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"When I am done with them," Nala began, not hiding the slight irritation in her voice at having been chided, "They will not have the strength to crawl, let alone fly. Nevertheless, you can keep them below, wherever you would prefer, after the ritual is complete."

She paused before the struggling goblin, rose an eyebrow, and put a foot on his chest to stop him from struggling so mightily. She bent down and removed part of the webbing from his face so that she could get a good look at him and verify whether or not he was one of her goblins. She had so few of those left, and she really did look forward to breeding them with captured demons when this was all over, she'd hate to lose one of them to the arachne.

If the creature was not one of her own, she shrugged and motioned to him. "We'll start with this one and work our way up to the others. Lay the prisoners out around this area here, and I shall lie in the center. Violet, you can stay and guard the entrance if you like, so you needn't come so close to all this."

Nala hoped that by keeping the amazon out within site of the free air, she would be happier and less stressed. Nala could understand a dislike for being trapped within the earth. It was less a problem for the witch elf, who did not necessarily fear the dark places, but all elves had a preference for clean air, she supposed.

She lay down on the floor of the cave and spread her legs apart slightly. She waited for the various bodies to be encircled about her, within easy casting range of her drain spell. "If any more of your daughters arrive mid-ritual, tell them to place the bodies in similar positions. And to take away the used bodies to make room for others. I will not want to have to drag the bodies closer myself."

With a crooked finger she beckoned Divinar closer. "Now won't you make me feel good before putting them in? I'd like for this to be a pleasant experience start to finish."

Once the arachne leader began her task in earnest, the witch elf would lay back and try to relax and enter a heightened state of magic. She dropped her power of chaos spell, and in its place recast a buff to her mental capacities with the power of Nature at full capacity. She would need full mental and physical capacity throughout the ritual in order to impart the magics into the eggs. She would wait to cast these ultimate spells until the last egg was inside her however, not wanting to waste a moment of her energies.

If the goblin IS one of Nala's, she'll tell them to "Save this one for last, he probably isn't strong enough for the ritual, but he'll be a nice recovery snack for me afterwards."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Divinar grunted in response to Nala's irate statement, but she offered no further argument on the subject after having what she wanted. The goblin turned out to be an unfamiliar one, who started growling and screaming wordlessly once the bonds around his face were released, and continued to do so until he had been bound up in full once again. The arachne did as Nala commanded, laying her captives in a circle around her such that they would be within easy reach of her draining magics, and then they stepped away while Divianr approached. Violet, still standing guard from out in the entryway, watched carefully.

The arachne elder did not speak. Smiling at Nala's commands, Divinar leaned down and opened her mouth, kissing Nala's exposed petals and flicking her tongue out against them. Tiny thrills of pleasure awakening and shooting up Nala's spine with every lick, Divinar worked her tongue around within Nala's sex for a while, preparing her, before pulling away and stepping over the prone elven witch. A long, thick, clear tube had sprung from between her spider legs, squirming like a tentacle before finding Nala's petals and slipping into her. The first thrust stretched her yielding flesh to the max, Divinar larger than any partner Nala had ever taken, but her initial teasing had prepared Nala well enough that she could take it.

Divinar was gentle.... At first. She gave Nala a moment to adjust before withdrawing her ovipositor to the tip, only to thrust into her once more. From her position on the floor, Nala could watch the tube descending into her sex, but that didn't seem to be enough for Divinar. The arachne suddenly reached down and pulled Nala's legs upwards, placing her into a piledriver position and then beginning to plow her in earnest. Her thrusts started slow and gentle, lightly nudging against her cervix before pulling back as Divinar raised her spider body up and came back down, but every one came a little bit faster and a little bit harder. Her progression allowed Nala to adjust smoothly, however, and there was never more than a small amount of discomfort mixed in with the ever-increasing waves of pleasure that wracked the elf's body.

Even so, concentration and magic left Nala's head perfectly clear, the lewd nature of the ritual she performed nothing out of the norm for her either, and she was easily able to stave off her orgasm if she so wished. Whether or not she did, Divinar had no reason to, and indeed had reason to do just the opposite, something that the moaning arachne seemed all too happy about as she pounded into Nala. It wasn't long before the arachne's ovipositor broke into Nala's most inner sanctum, her womb, and then began to squirm as Divinar released a series of long, low moans.

The first bulge appeared within the tube and traveled down towards Nala, who was able to track its progress with her eyes and then by the added stretching of her inner walls, before it was dropped into her womb. Then another, and another, and on it went until two dozen eggs had been dropped down into Nala's womb, stretching her belly out as if she were heavily pregnant with a natural pregnancy rather than producing the oddly bulged monstrosity that she might have feared. Divinar pulled out a few moments after releasing the last egg into her, which was accompanied by a quick burst of some warm, sticky fluid that spread throughout the collected eggs and seemed to bond them together... And to Nala, who, through her supernatural senses, realized that the eggs were now using her body for a good deal more than warmth.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The witch elf closed her eyes and focused inward. Divinar's tongue touching down upon her soft, purple-pink petals was a welcome and pleasant sensation, and it kick-started the beginning weaves of her nature magics. To nearly any other mage on the planet, the arachne's lustful licks would have been a distractions, but thanks to Nala's carefully researched and perfected techniques, the night elf was a master of her own pleasure response, able to harness it and utilize the emotion to her advantage.

The first green weaves of power were already encircling the ether around her aura when Divinar pulled up and positioned herself over her body. Though Nala's eyes were still closed, she could sense the spider's bulk looming over her. She spread her legs wider, knowing she needed to do everything she could to help the process along from the physical end. Even still, the placement of the ovipositor came as a bit of a shock, despite the fact that the slow and measured thrust was only providing a small amount of discomfort compared to the pleasure being received. Nala emitted a small gasp as the tip came into contact with her cervix.

Suddenly Divinar took charge, grabbing Nala by each ankle and hoisting her up into a much less flattering position. Nala grunted at first, but held firm after that, her body beginning to be supported by the magics she had summoned. She opened her eyes, glowing green, and observed the arachne as she set about to provide Nala with what were likely to be the only children to ever set forth from her otherwise barren womb.

The pace of the arachne's thrusts increased gradually, and when the tempo reached its greatest heights, Nala had an inkling of what it would have been like to be webbed and impregnated against her will by one of these monstrous women. As horrific as the thought might be, it occurred to her that after learned helplessness had set in, one might be able to find some joy in the simple act of being bred. Still, that was no life that Nala was inclined to live, and she was intent upon subtly altering the course of lifestyle for the arachne in this part of the jungle. With her magics, she would be introducing a new type of spider-elf, a more powerful, but also more independent type of creature - who with Nala's touch - would derive pleasure not only from physical intimacy, but from an empathic bond associated with their mates. Nala intended nothing less than creation of an arachne whose fulfillment would be dependent upon love, or at least an emotion akin to it.

She watched the eggs descend through the transparent tube into her body, feeling her vaginal canal forced as wide as it could comfortably go, and then her womb spreading and stretching to accommodate its mass. First one egg, then another, and yet another. Nala watched as her belly began to swell. Thankfully, the magical reinforcement reduced the pain significantly. The witch elf focused on her breathing, until at last the final egg was nestled inside her.

"Hah... hah... and now... hnnghh.. the real task begins..." Nala said as the tube was removed and Divinar moved aside to reveal the now obviously egged form of the petite night elf. She drew herself up into a sitting position, and began to focus her energies upon the two dozen small lifeforms developing inside her. She could feel them through her heightened senses, and swiftly she hooked threads of magic into their own individual resonances, letting them feed not only from her bodily nutrients but her magic as well.

"They are being nourished on raw magic," Nala said, more clearly now that she was without distraction. "Ensure that I have sources of magic nearby at all times."

Her hand reached out and clasped the still struggling goblin beside her. Entropic energies now mixed and swirled alongside her green miasma of nature's might as the witch prepared to drain all but the very last drop of the demon's soul energy. A devilish smile twisted into being on Nala's lips.

"Now little ones, I will teach you how to feed..."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Nala was gently lowered back down to the floor of the cavern by her arachne partner, after which Divinar pulled away and left Nala alone in the center of the room, surrounded by bound, helpless demons. The spider woman that had planted the eggs inside of her nodded softly at her command to keep her well maintained, and then Nala began to draw upon the energies of the demons around her in order to feed the needs of her developing young. The eggs growing inside of her were nurtured upon the magical energies that she fed them, allowing her to not only sink her controlling hooks into the growing spider-creatures, but to offer what enhancements she could to the deadly monstrosities.

The initial process was the most strenuous, and as such Nala began to tear energy from the souls of the captive demons. One by one they were struck by her spells, magic ripping the energy from their very souls to fuel her dark ritual, and one by one they stiffened and fell unconscious. Some, like the goblin, began to recuperate immediately, but others shattered upon contact with her magic, dying from the potent draining, while still others were left awake but suddenly began to squirm violently. Though there spirits were torn, their struggles were akin to those of a wild animal, and these the arachne eyed and attempted to take away. "Cubi.... And strong ones too, to survive your wrath. They will be of use to us, but no longer possess the energy needed to aid you in your magics. May we take them?" Divinar said, and Nala didn't fail to notice the significant looks traded between some of the younger arachne at their mother's subservient tone when addressing her.

Regardless of her answer, which Divinar would respect either way, Nala's magics became much simpler to sustain as time went on. The work was tiring, but she persevered through the night and the next day, draining the energy of the demons around her in order to feed her offspring when such was needed. More demons were brought, and the news of Kyederon's surrender to the demons came and went in the middle of the next day. There was no word on the status of Demetrius, Amanda, or Charlotte, but apparently the town had been taken by the demons without any bloodshed. Violet took the news stoically as she sat at her perch, having never allowed her gaze to waver from its protective vigil over Nala.

Finally, after many hours of tiring magery that left Nala exhausted, she felt the biological bonds between her and the eggs inside of her beginning to break down. They would be ready to pass from her body shortly, and that meant that she would have to make the finishing touches upon her magical manipulations of the arachne growing inside of her now. Divinar waited in the wings, a nest constructed of silk hanging from her back. Nala knew that, when she was ready to give birth to the eggs, the arachne would swoop in and place that silk net beneath her in order to catch them, after which they would be ferried away to the deepest depths of the cavern, where they would hatch. The arachne would not budge on this, acting on an instinct so heavily built into her psyche that Nala's magic could never hope to override it, any more than she could force the spider to stop breathing. All that she needed was an announcement from Nala, and in the arachne would come, waiting to receive her and Nala's spawn.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I thank you for your wisdom in asking, Divinar," Nala said, after eyeing the suspicious looks in the other arachne's eyes. Divinar's authority must not be called into question. She must make subservience look like due diligence. "Yes, I will no longer drain these Succubi and Incubi. You have been more than kind in allowing me to use them this long, and I promise you that their energies will not go to waste. Your young are taking well to my energies. I can feel them all growing within me."

As the day fell to night and then night surrendered to the following dawn, Nala fell into a magical groove, maintaining her focus on the magical threads and concentrating on simple breathing and rote repetition. The news of Kyederon's fall was grim, but she took it as well as could be expected of her.

"Without bloodshed. That is just as well. Divinar, you and your clan deserve to have many more demons bound to your, ahem... service. When my compatriots are ready, we can easily take back the town - my magics can tie up the demon lord, and were you to mobilize in force -- the demons wouldn't know what hit them. Imagine it, half their forces poisoned and webbed before they know the enemy is upon them. Why, I'd consider it unfair to them, but well, they are demons and they are messing with larger predators in this jungle. Hmm hmm hmm..."

Nala switched her gaze to Violet. "Worry not, Violet my sweet. I will let you kill the demon knight that placed you down here - I'm sure Divinar will not begrudge you that part of the spoils, but Esmerela will be mine."

The witch elf knew that broaching the subject of direct attack right now might draw some confusion, but it would implant the suggestion of spoils and power into Divinar's mind, as well as that of her underling daughters. The fact was undeniable that with a mage as powerful as Nala on their side, they were staring and a remarkable opportunity for growth. They would be fools to turn the offer down, and Nala would make them see this soon enough.

At long last, Nala felt the change within her that signaled the end of her long ritual. As the eggs stirred with the first instinctual movements of life, Nala gathered her last reserves of strength and wove a deep bond of emotion into each egg. She opened a mental channel with each little arachnid, imprinting them with an urge to protect the night elf. The bond was reciprocal by its nature, for it was the instinctual bond that all mothers and children share, only accentuated by the chain of magic. Nala would feel for each of these arachne the same way she wanted them to feel for her.

In truth, it worked almost too well. Nala felt the urge to weep for these creatures, knowing that soon she would have to let them be carted down to hatch alone in the deepest pits of this underworld complex. The bond she created made her want to clutch them all to her breasts until they hatched, but such was impossible. Divinar and her daughters would not stand for it.

"It's time, Divinar. The ritual is at its completion and the eggs will leave me now."

She watched as the silk web was placed between her legs and she positioned herself to let each egg squeeze out of her slowly and roll into the webbing. She grit her teeth as each egg moved down her birthing canal and slipped wetly out of her pussy. It was a physically tiring process, and by the time the last egg left her, she had just enough time to shudder and sigh with relief before her spells dropped and she was able to rest.

"Treat them with care..." she urged hopefully, watching as the eggs were collected and moved deeper into the tunnels. "Careful..." she urged again, before lying her head down and wiping perspiration from her brow.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Whether or not her attempt to save face for Divinar was successful was beyond Nala's ability to tell. The other arachne were difficult to read and seldom close enough that she could get a good view of them, particularly from her place on the floor, but at the time the elf had other, larger concerns to deal with. Violet adopted a grim expression as Nala promised her the life of the knight that had seduced her, on the night in which they had been left down in the depths of the arachne caves. It seemed like so long ago, in many ways, but it seemed that her failure was still fresh in her mind, as Violet offered Nala a solemn nod at her reassurance that no demon would be spared, perhaps save for the woman that the elven witch had elected to claim for herself. Divinar said nothing, but Nala sensed in the arachne an understanding of what had just transpired between them. She was seen later, as Nala performed her ritual, speaking with the assassin (at a comfortable distance) and instructing her kin to leave the named demons alone when the time to retake Kyederon came.

When it was time for the eggs to be laid and Nala signaled to Divinar, the arachne approached her immediately with the net held out. She placed it between Nala's parted legs and then could do little but wait. The first egg left Nala's womb and traveled down her passage only a few moments after her announcement, but it was hardly the last. Her arachne children tumbled out of her one by one, a painless but exhausting process, until Nala's stomach was taut and her belly empty once more. When it became clear that Nala was finished, Divinar carefully lifted the eggs and ferried them off, giving her a reassuring look before proceeding down the tunnel from which Nala and her companions had come.

Violet was at her side immediately while the arachne began lifting the comatose demons that littered the chamber, carrying the survivors down into the depths of their lair. "Are you alright?" she asked immediately, gently cradling Nala's head.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala's chest heaved from mental and physical exertion, her purple hued skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. She let her arms splay out to either side, and kept her legs together, while her belly gradually knitted back into its original shape, thanks to the last wisps of nature magic that Nala sent back into herself, healing any incidental damage incurred from the swelling and stretching of her inner canals.

She nodded weakly at Violet. "I will be fine," she reassured the assassin. "I'm simply tired. It has been the arcane equivalent of running non-stop for a day straight. On top of my physical needs... now that my sustaining magics are gone, I am starting to feel the strain."

She brushed her fingers against the Amazonian's leg. "Take care of me, my Violet. I am at my most vulnerable now. Just let me rest and I swear, our next move will be to retake Kyederon."

Nala let her head be cradled in Violet's arms. These past two years, she had come to rely greatly on the comforts her dedicated guardian could provide. Physically, there was very little they had not shared with one another. Hers was an intimately familiar body, and her presence now was a blissful boon.

"Thank you, Violet. With you here, I need not fear."

Nala attempted a weak smile as her eyes began to droop and fatigue threatened to wash over her. "You can molest me a little in my sleep if you'd like," she murmured with a little giggle, that drifted off into a slur and then Nala was out like a doused torch.

In her sleep at first she had no dream, but as time passed and natural strength returned, her slumbering thoughts would appear in the form of spiders, violet-hued and destined to bear her likeness as they grew into adult arachne. The emotional bonds she had ensnared them and herself with, they were that between an elven mother and her child. It would be an alien concept to Divinar and the other arachne.

What have I created here? Have I strengthened myself, or created new weakness? All I know is that I care for these creatures... these daughters of mine. And they are not yet hatched.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

"You don't need to promise me anything.... Nothing more than you already have Nala," Violet replied softly, waving aside both her explanation and her reassurance. The assassin wore a serene smile, the first time since they'd come to be in the lair of the arachne that Nala had even seen her look happy, and she gently stroked Nala's sweaty hair away from her face. Looking into Nala's emerald eyes with her own dark brown ones, Violet continued in that same soft, reassuring tone; "Since I have come here, I have felt useless.... And once more like a failure, as I was when you found me amongst the goblins."

Violet rested Nala's head within her lap as the elf began to fall asleep, her weariness coming from every part of her being and offering little chance of resistance against her oncoming rest. "A person should not be allowed as many chances as I've had... Should not be allowed to fail so utterly in their duties as I have. I have failed to protect the crown princess of my homeland, a woman that I loved more dearly than the beating of my own heart, and though my life was forfeit, I was shown mercy. I was sent to wander, but in my despair I allowed myself to grow weak, and surrendered to the denizens of the jungle, the goblins." She wiped a strand of hair away from Nala's pointed ear, the tips of her fingers lightly touching against the tip.

"But again, I was given another chance... By you. My dear Nala... Though it was your death that broke me from the stupor into which I had let myself fall, it was you who brought me back... Gave me purposes.... Gives me purpose." Violet smiled softly down at Nala as she closed her eyes, sleep overtaking her, and the last words that she heard before her descent into the world of dreams were; "I will not fail in this... Though I might take you up on that offer!"


Nala's rest was uninterrupted and filled with thoughts of her newly sired children. They would awake to darkness, she knew, but unlike her, those shadows would be a haven for them from whatever horrors awaited them below. Divinar's earlier words regarding the survival rate of her children were not a comfort to Nala then, but it was beyond her power to change now. All that she could do was hope.

Nala awoke in much the same position she'd been in when she'd fallen asleep. She was lying on her back in the arachne's entrance chamber, though they were now off to the side and out of view. Her head rested on Violet's folded legs, and though her guardian looked exhausted, heavy bags under her still-attentive eyes, she brightened instantly as she noted that Nala had awakened. "Good morning... Did you sleep well?" she said, her voice slightly hoarse but free of any distress. Daylight, bright warm golden daylight, streamed in from the stone portal that exited out onto the cliff face, and the sounds of life from the jungle were audible, if slightly distant. Her sleep had been restful, leaving her restored in body, mind, and spirit, leaving Nala as prepared as she ever could be to face whatever lay ahead of her for the day. They were alone, with no arachne in sight, but there were no signs that the spider-folk had suddenly opted to abandon their den, so it was likely that they were simply elsewhere at the moment.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala heard Violet's revelations, but she was so tired, she hadn't the strength to really take them in or react to them. She simply tucked the knowledge away before drifting off to sleep.

When she awoke, she felt much better, though there was still an emptiness in her stomach that was howling to be filled. She'd have to remedy that, but not before taking care of Violet, whose heavy bags caused the witch elf a moderate amount of consternation.

"I slept like the dead. And the way you're looking, you need rest just as I did."

Nala sat up gingerly and stretched her arms, pushing her chest forward and straining her neck back, just to work out the kinks.

"But first, we'll both eat," she said, nodding to Violet's pack, which held the rations that their captors had left for them. "This stuff, if nothing better presents itself." Looking quickly about the cave, she was quite certain nothing appetizing would be found so she dug the food out.

"Have you seen much of our eight-legged hosts?" Nala asked as she unwrapped their meal and parceled it out in equal shares for the both of them. After that she ate mostly in silence until she was feeling full. Then she moved over to Violet and wrapped her arms around the woman's lean, muscular figure. "You rest for a time, I insist. You'll be of no use to me if you're too tired to swing your arms in battle."
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Violet smirked wanly down at Nala following her appraisal of the assassin's exhausted visage, "I wouldn't mind an opportunity to res,t now that you mention it." She watched Nala as she stretched, observing the soft curves of her body with a smile that the elf had often seen when the assassin observing her during, preceding, or after one of their affectionate moments. She pulled off her pack upon Nala's request, pulling out some of the food that Esmerala had left them. It was fairly simple stuff, well preserved but not particularly good by any means.

Violet spoke while they ate, replying to Nala's question about their hosts; "They've been about, but they haven't bothered me. A few of them offered us food, but I'd rather not eat raw meat and don't trust them to know what we can and cannot eat. I haven't seen any of them for a few hours, so I suppose they're busy with their captives."

When instructed to rest, Violet offered no argument as she curled into Nala's arms. Her eyes were already starting to droop, but Nala was free to speak to her bodyguard if she had anything to say.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala had little enough to say to her bodyguard, and didn't want to interrupt the warrior's much needed rest. For her part, Nala doubted they would get much time to rest after this, not at least until Kyederon was good and taken. Defeat didn't register in Nala's mind, only what she would consider acceptable losses.

She brushed the back of her hand against Violet's cheek, tracing the druidic markings she'd placed on her guardian with beren root extract. They matched but were not quite identical to the pattern that Nala had adorned herself with about four months ago. She'd had one of her female disciples who was skilled in artistic pursuits mark both her and Violet together, giving instruction on the proper pattern making and technique. The marks would be permanent unless removed with a series of washes in a mixture of plant extracts.

As it was, the markings were complimentary and tied the mage and her spirit warrior together as a bonded pair. Even though the two of them were more than sexually active with one another, the markings themselves did not indicate such, merely that the two of them had undergone a significant life experience with one another and that the shared memory of such was a defining part of them. Nala had talked over the concept with Violet one night in the afterglow of a particularly energetic and giving session. The Amazon had been receptive to the idea, since ever since that fateful evening that Nala had taken charge of the goblin tribe, both their lives had changed, their paths eventually crystalizing together.

Now Nala watched as her bodyguard drifted off to sleep and breathed deeply in contentment. Minutes went by and then she turned her thoughts to the jungle, and Kyederon beyond it, where a demon was wearing her face, poisoning her name. She wouldn't stand for it. She'd come down on Kyederon with the wroth of her magic and the predatory hunger of the arachne on her side. She would show the demons no quarter, none, save Esmerela, who would have the chance to make up for her deceit. She had after all, taken off the collars when she didn't have to, and for that she would get a chance. One chance.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Violet swiftly drifted off to sleep, much as Nala had only a short while ago and thus leaving the elven witch to her thoughts of liberation... And vengeance. But, for the moment, Nala had only peace as she waited within the arachne cave, the fulcrum of her plot (literally) hatching somewhere below her. The growth of her children would take time, but even then she could feel them, alive somewhere in the depths of the earth below, as the metaphysical connection she'd forged with them would tell her as much about their status even with so much distance and stone between them. Her assassin slept soundly in her grasp, though Nala was free to let her down and move about a bit if she so desired. She had just been sedentary for a long while, after all, and it was unlikely that there were any threats within the arachne den other than the arachne themselves.

Several of the arachne came and went over the course of the day, some that she recognized and some that she didn't, but they didn't give her much more than a glance unless she called them over. If she opted to ask any of them for news of Kyederon, she would be told that the village was still under demon control, but that it was stable and without any apparent violence as far as the spider-women could tell. The demons had begun patrolling the jungle in force, in numbers and strength greater than what the lone spiders would opt to attempt to tackle in anything less than force, but they were still picking off the occasional straggler here and there. Asking about Demetrius would reveal that the man had met up with two women before leaving Kyederon's immediate vicinity, Amanda and Charlotte by description, but they hadn't been sighted since. Impatience on her part would receive little reassurance, as she would be told quite simply that their kind took time to mature to adulthood, and that they wouldn't even be truly sentient until they had cocooned and hatched into their adult forms. They would take a period of three days to grow up, and as such Nala would require three days of waiting if she wished to make use of her newly created children in the retaking of Kyederon.

Violet stirred just as the sun began to set, and only then would Divinar make an appearance, appearing from the ceiling so quickly and quietly that Nala hadn't even known that she was there until the spider woman was perched on the wall next to them. "You're adjusting well, I hope?" she said, grinning softly as she swept her gaze over the apparently still sleeping Violet. Nala recognized the assassin's act for what it was, but it wasn't possible to tell whether or not Divinar was buying it. "I would offer you accommodations below, but... I imagine you'd both prefer it up here, and it might be kind of hard to sleep. When we're playing with our captives we can get a little bit... Noisy.... From time to time! The new toys are doing well, much better than the mortals that we usually catch, and we've got over a dozen new clutches on top of the one that you sired and carried~ Whoever survives should be the deadliest arachne that have ever come to be with all that competition!" The arachne tilted her head slightly, "Would you care for a hammock? It'd be a great deal more comfortable than lying on the rocks."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala did take the chance to question various arachne passing by, if for no other reason than to relieve the boredom she felt, simply waiting there and brooding. The news she received was not very reassuring. A bloodless take over of Kyederon meant that her people were being subjugated even as the arachne scouts spoke. The time it would take for her new young to mature... it was too long for Nala to sit around doing nothing. She was more than certain that Violet would have similar feelings. However, she had come so far, she couldn't simply abandon her plan with the arachne now.

When Divinar appeared above her, it was a surprising but welcome change of pace. She listened to what the shadowmancer with the pink skin had to say, and then stood up.

"I appreciate the offer of a hammock, Divinar. Perhaps when I need more rest, I will gladly let you spin some of that lovely silk. But right now, I need to be taking more of a personal fight to the demons. Until our younglings hatch and cocoon, there won't be as much as an advantage as I would like on our prey. Until then, I'm going to be accompanying the capture parties. If you would care to lead one personally, Violet and I will accompany you and help to capture more future toys. It will help to get her and I back into fighting condition and continue to weaken the adversary."

Nala smirked. "Soon, I think there will be many a web spun in this part of the jungle. If your offspring can control themselves, you may find that the people of Kyederon will be willing to co-exist with you and aid your cause, as I have. A symbiotic relationship should not be passed up when it can bear such wondrous fruit."

The witch elf closed her eyes and sensed the hatchlings deep beneath her. "They are all still alive. I can sense it. I think many of them will make it. More than your predicted five, certainly."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine

Nala's response brought a predatory grin to Divinar's face, and the arachne flexed her claws as her eyes shined, emitting a bright emerald color not dissimilar to that which Nala herself released when enacting her more potent magics. "I thought you'd never ask~" she cooed gleefully, "Wake your assistant and we'll be off at once! I'll take this one myself~"

Violet's eyes snapped open just as the arachne turned to leave, and after shooting the spider woman a dark scowl as she headed over to the entrance, Violet climbed to her feet and stretched. "I cannot say that I don't like this idea," the assassin said quietly, such that Divinar wouldn't hear, "But we ought to be careful, demons are not opponents to be taken lightly. An associate of mine was forced to battle them some time ago, before the greys came, and she very nearly didn't come back from it." Divinar turned to wait for them as she reached the cliff-side, and Violet promptly started towards the arachne.

When she and Nala had formed around her, Divinar beckoned towards herself as two other arachne appeared on the side of the cliff, waiting to join them. "Climb on," Divinar stated calmly, and after a moment Violet climbed onto the arachne's back. Once Nala was in place as well, Divinar and her two arachne casually strode down the side of the cliff before transferring into the trees. Though the going was far from comfortable, the arachne were extremely swift and terrifyingly silent as they clambered over the foliage. They reached more familiar stretches of jungle in less than a quarter of the time that it might have taken Nala and Violet if they'd gone on foot.

The woods around Kyederon were not significantly different from those around the arachne lair to a casual observer, but to Nala, with her connection with nature so pronounced, it was almost as if she'd strode back into the village gates. Even so, she knew that she was many miles from her stolen home, and it was then that the arachne on which she rode went still. "Prey draws near..." she whispered, turning her head to eye Nala and Violet. "How would you prefer to do this? I cannot strike as effectively with you two on my back, and the patrol of demons that lies ahead of us is not small."

Reaching with her less natural senses allowed Nala to sense the presence of a dozen or so figures centered in a glade just a few yards ahead. All held the foul, poisonous, alien presence that demons had exuded when she was in their presence, but they were distinct. Three were more potent than the others, possessing a greater presence in her senses, while two others possessed a more subtle wrongness about them that Nala had come to recognize as the aura of a succubus. The rest were merely demons, with nothing to distinguish them over the others.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala had no desire to wake Violet so quickly from her repose, but it appeared that the assassin was only pretending to sleep anyway. When she voiced her concerns over the demons they would be facing, Nala nodded.

"I have no doubt that you are right. Everything that I have read about demons speaks to their power, not only in the field of sex, but in magic and martial prowess. Still, we are no pushovers either. And I have little and less intention of fighting fair." She brushed a hand through Violet's dark brown hair and gave her bodyguard a winning smile to bolster her resolve.

When Violet strode towards the arachne at the cliff edge, Nala was with her, side by side. She immediately accepted the offer to climb onto Divinar's back, mounting her and wrapping her arms around the pink-skinned spider woman's hardened midsection, just beneath her breasts. Nala's figured would press tightly to Divinar's elven back, and no doubt Violet would be right behind the witch elf, clinging likewise to her. The descent down the cliff side was exhilarating, and Nala did not hide her small chuckles as the arachne picked their way with ease.

"Divinar, you are far and away the best mode of transport I've ever had the pleasure of using. Is there no end to the benefits of being with you?~" Nala said, enjoying the teasing way she could flatter such an elegant yet deadly creature.

The stealth and speed with which the arachne crossed the jungle canopy further impressed Nala, and now when she made the occasional comment of praise there was no teasing in her voice. "Oh to have the ability to move as you do, Divinar... One day, I will discover a way to achieve such majesty. If I cannot manage your form, then I shall at least achieve the effect."

Once prey drew near and the small company came to a halt, Nala gestured for Violet to dismount, before the night elf did likewise, alighting upon a branch. "I can cast my magics from here. Violet, can either accompany you down into melee or stay here if she has a way to be useful here as well. Either way, I'll not want to be a burden on your fighting skills, Divinar. You are the greatest of your clan. No doubt you will show that here."

Extending her natural senses, Nala could sense the beings below her on the jungle floor. "I sense about twenty individuals. At least three are powerful, the others are less impressive. There are also two succubi among them. I plan on casting a spell to thin out the weaker ones. Ideally, you'll be able to bag the stronger ones with Violet's aid. I'll also summon an earth elemental, just to even the odds a bit."

So saying, Nala began to prepare herself for the upcoming battle, silently working an incantation to boost her mind with the full powers of Nature. Then she would summon an earth elemental just as the crowd of demons passed near them and the arachne were ready to pounce.

Cast Level 5 Nature's Power on Nala, targeting Mind. Then cast Level 5 Earth Elemental using Empowered Spell and Conjurer's Trick, adding a Level 2 Nature's Might Body Buff to the elemental.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 45/51, PP = 75, EP = 50/84, Status = Fine, +56 Mind (Nature's Power), Lesser Nature's Power (on her Earth Elemental)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 38/80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Nala's buff: 10 + 1 = 11 * 5 = +56 Mind. She pays 8 EP and will pay 3 EP upkeep on subsequent rounds.

Nala then casts Summon Earth Elemental, Empowered, with Conjurer's Trick, for 20 EP in addition to her 3 EP upkeep. With her Spirit Ceiling of 17, that breaks it by 6, spending an extra 6 EP and 6 HP for a total of 26 EP and 6 HP.
Total EP spent: 34.
The Earth Elemental gets a +40 bonus to Body.

Stealth (Arachne) : ???
Stealth (Divinar) : ???
Stealth (Violet) : ???
Stealth (Enemies) : Nala knows where the stalkers are.

Nala's earth elemental appears in the middle of the enemies and starts the battle.

Divinar and her arachne strike, trying to down certain enemies.
Attacks: Automati Hits.
Damage (Arachne) : 12 + 7 + 33 = 52 * 2 = 104 - 28 = 76 damage on the two knights. Down they go.
Damage (Divinar) : 5 + 8 + 39 = 52 * 2 = 104 = blightmage down.

The demons retaliate.

The sorceresses respond by immediately healing the downed knights with level 2 healing spells.
Casting: Success.
Healing: 5 + 4 + 7 = 16 * 2 = 32 HP restored to the knights.
The knights rise, but don't get attacks.

The stalkers, hidden, attack. 2 go after each arachne and 1 goes after Divinar.
Attacks: Automatic Hits.
Damage: 2 + 7 + 23 = 32 * 2 = 64 damage, -16 per hit on each of the two arachne and -22 on Divinar. The two arachne are downed.

The goblins surround and assault the Earth Elemental.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 28 = 33 - 13 = 20 /2 = 10 damage per hit, total of 70 damage.

A note on your character sheet: Knowledgeable isn't a Succubus talent anymore, so your Natural Succubus is free. I told you that you can take Succubus Talents for free, but it's still something I felt the need to note.

Her two comrades nodded in response to Nala's plan, acknowledging her. Violet spoke first; "I will be on the ground, awaiting an opportunity. Any that come near your tree will not live long enough to bother you." With that the assassin simply dropped from the tree, falling and landing in complete silence and vanishing into the underbrush the moment after she hit the ground. Divinar looked on with admiration at the assassin's skill before turning to Nala and saying; "My kind and I will strike when your rocks hop into the fray. With you here, we can strike without the restraint necessary for taking captives. Just pick out any you like when we're done and snatch them back from death~ We'll eliminate the major threats first~ You just cause a distraction for us!"

And then, Nala was suddenly alone up in the tree, with the patrol of demons that she was about to ambush about to pass her hiding place by. They were well out of sight courtesy of the jungle canopy, but she could hear the high, whining voices of goblins as they traipsed noisily through the underbrush. She could sense, in miniscule flickers, that a number of stalkers were among the ranks for their foes, but their stealth transferred to spiritual means, making them difficult for her to detect even with the enhancements provided by her magics. Her initial casting went well, and moments later she called upon an earth elemental, causing it to rise ponderously from the ground. Despite the stone humanoid's size, it was able to move more swiftly and more quietly than one might have thought, but as it appeared in the midst of their foes, the jungle erupted into chaos.

The goblins descended upon the growing earth man with swords and clubs gnashing, doing minimal damage to the powerful being individually, but with all of them chopping away at it.... Divinar and her arachne struck immediately, downing the three strongest beings among them, but there were apparently two mages among the group as well, and they immediately set about casting spells, healing the knights and bringing them back to the world of the conscious. The stalkers, who had apparently detected the incoming ambush, then launched themselves upon the arachne, the lesser of whom fell under the sudden rush of claws, while Divinar was left seriously gashed by the one that attacked her.

Earth Elemental stats:
16 * 9 = 144 Natural Body, 13 AV, Unarmed Fighter, Natural Attack, Damage Reduction 1/2, Skill with Unarmed, Hard Hitter.
+40 Body from Nala's buff to a total of 184.
Taken 70 damage.

Enemies: 20 total
2 knights (at 26 HP)
3 demon sorceresses
1 stalker blightmage (dying)
2 Greater Succubi
5 stalkers (upgraded)
7 goblins scrappers
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala grimaced at the way the battle had been going so far. two of her allies were down, the stalkers had negated their element of surprise, and the healers were already reviving the knights. It couldn't be allowed to continue.

Channeling the dark energies of entropy, Nala opened herself up once again to the touch of oblivion and forged the amethyst cords of arcane power into a ball of black lightning, hurtling it towards the succubi healers. They would not survive its impact, meaning that the demons would never become prizes for the arachne. It was a shame, but it could not be helped. Survival was top priority. She was certain that Divinar was made of sterner stuff, and having fully revived, would be using her shadowy spirit power to rebuff the knights.

Mentally, she ordered the Earth Elemental to begin laying about itself. It wasn't enough for it to just sit there and take hits, it needed to start squashing the competition. If possible, she would have its mighty fists strike the recovering knight, but if such wasn't possible with the goblins around it, then thinning the goblin herd would have to do.

With her ball of energy prepared, Nala centered it evenly between the two succubit, hoping to catch a few of the stalkers as well within its area of effect.

Casting Ball Blightning Level 5 (as 6 with Evoker talent) and then I'll empower the spell as well to make it even higher. The idea here is to make sure those succubi go down with one shot.