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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian barked a laugh, shaking his head. You know, I've heard begging, bargaining, I've been stabbed, burned, tossed in a river... What does a trickster have to offer me? You're in a rare spot, I could honestly explain losing you in this forest... Dazzle me. he answered, starting to look around now, crouching lower.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"You already did lose me, you just haven't realized it yet. But before we get too far, I'd like to hear more about these perks you get." Christine replies in a purring voice. "I could offer you all sorts of things if you worked for me, but I have to hear what I'll be up against first."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Mmm, now we're into deep water aren't we. Dillian said, reaching down to wrap the wire around a nearby tree and cut the line.

As for perks, House, money, the best hunts I could ask for... But work for you? I think you have the wrong Idea, I have no interest in being speared to death in front of the church. And I'm only human, they'd surely catch me... he said darkly, seeming to find his focus again.

The old days are gone, and with them the old gods. Nothing more to it...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Ah. How disappointing. You can still turn back and run to your so-called civilization. Who knows WHAT I'll do to you when I catch you..." Christine taunts the hunter, still throwing her voice, this time just a bit further along the undergrowth. "At least you won't have to worry about being speared, seeing as I don't have one handy."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian just shook his head, before starting to back into the forest, looking to give up the chase for now. until next time then. he said softly, leaving her forest for the time being.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine heads towards the next unburned watchtower, undeterred by the hunt. Although as she arrives, she takes her time observing the builders to see if there is another hunter present.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian was already there, as she suspected, apparently figuring that if he couldn't go in after her, that he'd work to deter her from doing more, and the next tower was the obvious target, being the furthest building encroaching into her forest. Likewise he seemed to have ordered that the flammables be moved, this one would be much harder to burn down without being shot.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Retreating back to the forest, Christine considers her options. Burning down this tower would just get her hunted again, and it seemed foolish to take such risks while she didn't even really know her own powers. "Next time I'll get you, Dillian." Christine whispers and then leaves to find an easier target, provided she still had enough time before twilight.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Leaving the tower and looking for easier prey, she could circle back to the village for human prey, or go back to hunting to replace her interrupted pheasant meal. Her hunting ground was back to normal, and she had no reason to change it immediately, Dillian was busy guarding the carpenters.

As for the time, the sun was starting to sink towards the horizon, but she had maybe a couple hours tops before Twilight actually set in, and she still had to find a fairy circle.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Deciding that she's not really that hungry right now, Christine starts combing the forest for a fairy circle.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

It turned out finding mushrooms was easy enough, Finding them in a circle was a bit harder, and she didn't manage to accomplish it until the sun was starting to set, taking nearly two hours of careful searching to find one near the clearing she'd found earlier. The clearing was to the immediate north of Obay's cave and west of the both the pheasant field as well as the tree she'd hidden under with Dillian.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

What had Obay said about the fairy circles again? Probably not much that was important. Shrugging, Christine steps into the circle and waits.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As the last rays of true sunlight fell passed the horizon, so did Christine, a feeling way too like falling settling in her stomach before the world righted itself again.

Here the sun was just rising, it's first rays starting to bleed through trees that were far thicker, and far stronger then any Christine herself was familiar with, the average trunk wide enough for three of her to stand shoulder to shoulder within. The fairy circle itself was still there, only the mushrooms had been replaced with small black stones, each holding a different rune... and then a squeaky little voice and a sharp pain in her ear disrupted her musings

You almost landed on me you clumsy bitch! Goddess the hell is wrong with you?! the voice shrieked, the pain obviously from a bite as a 6 inch tall, 4 winged person shot around in front of her face, hands on her hips, glaring at her from bright violet eyes, her wings a blur of motion as she waited for an answer.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Uh... Sorry, I didn't see you here." Christine replies, standing up and backing away from the fairy before taking a good look around her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The forest was dark, and would stay fairly dark if not for the large patches of luminescent moss growing along the trees, throwing the ground under the canopy of those forest giants in a soft green, blue, and occasionally red glow.

The tall grass that covered the floor grew in patches, revealing dark loam as the blades reached towards the moss as the sunlight wouldn't break the canopy, though as it stood right now, it was filtering passed the tree trunks. Her nose was assaulted with 1000 new smells, several she couldn't even begin to identify and there was nothing she could see that mirrored her world at all. The trees were in different places, she couldn't smell the normal animals, she couldn't smell many animals at all!

And then a tiny fairy was back in front of her face HEY! LISTEN! she shouted, flailing her tiny fists in the air and still looking rather pissed.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine snatches the fairy out of the air before releasing it on the palm of her hand. "I'm listening." she replies, studying the small yet inexplicably annoying creature.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The fairy struggled valiantly before spinning wildly in the air as she was released, trying to right herself, her cheeks puffed up. You can't just drop on people! This is ridiculous! I had this whole forest to myself if you don't count the weird new plants and stuff. And you land on my house! There aren't even supposed to be any of YOU Left! Where did you come from?! she shouted, since shouting was the only way Christine could hear her.

And don't get me started on the flying sheets! I bet those are your fault to! You and that old hag Obay! You big chunky giants stepping on everything!

She was working herself into a fury driven rant now, bobbing up and down in the air wildly in an odd zigzagging pattern.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Why is your house in the circle anyway? It isn't MY fault that it's where I happened to land. And what flying sheets are you talking about, anyway?" Christine replies calmly, trying to follow the little critter with her eyes more or less successfully.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As if in answer to an unspoken thought, or a problem with the universe at large, or maybe even a direct intervention from her tech Tessa, likely against every rule ever, a small portal, swirling with green light appeared behind the fairy, before a glass jar flopped out into Christine's arms.

What's to say!? They're big flying... flat... Things! Wrap you up! Carry you off! And I build my house where I want! It's a fairy circle! Who do you think makes them?!
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"To be honest, I thought they were just gateways." Christine replies, idly working the jar open. "I can honestly say that I don't have anything to do with those sheets. I could try finding out if they're flammable, though."