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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

I'll teach you myself. Shit! Ooo shit shit shit... I'll find you again. she said, flailing around and dropping her Scythe as Christine's knees went weak, before her vision went hazy, and then....

She awoke suddenly and in pain inside her pod, Terra pounding on the door to get it to open while Ginny stood there with several large men in hospital white suits.

Found her then huh. Take her. she said, the 3 orderlies moving towards her, holding restraints and a syringe. I am not letting that Bitch get away a 4th time. This is fucking ridiculous.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine watches the strange demon do whatever she's about to, then...

A flash of pain goes through her and she wakes up with one hell of a headache and not feeling in much of a fighting condition, but that didn't stop her from trying. "Goddamn demons." Doing her best to make her muscles obey, she stumbles upon her feet and tries to keep the orderlies in distance to give her a few more moments to clear her head.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Demons again. I told you. Ginny said to the orderlies, who all sighed sadly. Restrain her in her room so she can calm down. Last time you let Kara wander free, you all remember how that ended. she said, making the Orderlies, who were all just men and did indeed look sadly at Christine.

Cmon Lass, Please. It's for your own good, just while you calm down. the man in the lead said, huge, but older and with a kind look to his eyes as he held up an obvious straightjacket, back open and out to her.

Wont let a soul hurt you, not even yourself. Please. This pod... does things to people. I really don't want to force you lass, but we will. he said, the other two spreading out around her, younger, but with determined looks on their faces, all seeming Convinced they were doing the right thing for her own good.... It was a shame she couldn't throw fire in this body.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I'm calm enough, but right now I don't think I can trust anything that's going on here." Christine replies, keeping her voice steady as she eyes the men, yet there's a sharp edge in her voice and her stance betrays readiness to defend herself.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine, making her own thoughts known on the matter, earned a sad sigh from the larger man who had addressed her, before turning to Ginny, who shrugged, as if to say, "You remember what happened last time you were too nice."

He nodded at the two others, and all three fell on Christine with a ferocity she was not expecting.

Two misses, one hit.
And Christine misses.

Christine managed however, to dodge not one, but two of the orderlies, the older, and more seasoned man taking his time before a heavy hand thumped down onto her shoulder, nearly buckling her knees and wrapped his other, still holding the jacket around her waist.

Cmon Bhores! Stick her already, we can't have her hurting herself! he shouted, the other two getting back to their feet, one bleeding from a cut on his head where he'd hit the side of the pod.

Christine. Entangled 1.
Shawn 3/3
Bob 3/3
Bhores 2/3
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Not terribly surprised when the men fall upon her, Christine does her best to dodge and manages to stay out of the way of two men. Well, two out of three wasn't bad, supposedly... With a sigh of regret, she does her best to ram her head on the older man's face.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

You saw the rolls.

Christine managed to give all three of them hell, fighting like a pissed off tomcat in it's own alley as her headbutt missed but she kicked one so hard in the face when he came to help that he went down, hard, smacking his head on the floor and passing out, his nose obviously shattered. Meanwhile, the big man held to her tight, gritting his teeth. BHORES! DAMNIT MAN! he shouted into her ear.

The third, the other that was already bleeding managed to dodge her foot, and instead rammed a syringe into her thigh, backing off immediately while the older man shhhhed and held her, waiting for the sedative to kick in.

I wont leave ya alone Lass. Calm down... rest.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Surprising even herself she almost manages to fight them off... almost... knowing that it's too late, she snatches the syringe, trying to smash it into the face of the man holding her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Her shot at the man behind her, who had been nothing but kind, was direct, and crippling, the needle entering his eye which caused him to scream in pain, before Ginny, who had stayed out of this the entire time, moved to do the rest, grabbing Christine's head forcefully and staring into her eyes. An immense sense of calm came over Christine almost immediately.

*Well Done. Now I have to heal that. You've made hours of work for me you little shit. All you had to do was calm your tits and think like a human. A race I am quickly losing patience with here in this Miserable fucking realm I'm stuck in. We'll talk about this fully Later.* she said, the power of her mental voice staggering before the sedative kicked in, her last thought being the older man behind her clawing at the syringe, buried in his eye. She could have very well killed him. And situation or not, the best she could look at now? Was going to Prison.

Even in self defense, she could be sued into oblivion for crippling him. At best, life in an insane asylum, at worst, 25 years in prison. Those were her thoughts as it sank in to what she had done.

She awoke slowly, groggy and sore, naked, and in the straightjacket, straps on her ankles and to the jacket's shoulders holding her down in bed while Ginny and several nurses fussed over her, one fiddling with an I.V. and another checking her vitals before noticing she was coming around, both looking at Ginny for a chance to flee. She nodded and they did.

Nurses say your healthy. Well done. And thanks to you, I spent two hours healing Shawn, that Man you stabbed in the eye. If I had only been human, he'd have died. A man doing his job trying to help, that's all he is. And you nearly murdered him rather then calming down. Ginny said, sitting in her chair, a pair of impressive horns framing her own head now, and a tail much like Helena's lashing around.

When we're done here, you're getting back in that pod, and you're bringing Helena back here through it. Or so help me I will find a way to make you regret it, no matter how many centuries it takes. 45 years I've been stuck in this world with lousy food, no real energy, barely enough magic to sustain myself, and having to use this place, this EGG facility to feed, since so many of you humans here Die the moment we actually try to feed here. There's so little magic in this particular version of Earth that it's truly mind blowing. How Helena escaped I have no idea, just like I wasn't sure 300 years ago, and just like I still don't know, since she wont give me that spell. And so help me on your very soul you will bring her here to me so I can have it, or I'll rip your mind to pieces. she seethed, letting her full anger at Helena come to bare.

How. I still don't understand How this world is such a sinkhole. I've been in space, hell, even a purgatory dimension that barely fall within reason, and Never have I been in a place so devoid of actual power, then in this one, where technology has actually evolved to completely take it's place. You have no real gods here, no astral plane, no hell, Nothing. it's like being stuck in the backwaters of the multiverse with no way out. And not for lack of trying! I'd use the damned pods! But I can't! Demons overload them entirely, they burn out, blow out. So, I had a special one built, one that instead, would send a tester as close to Helena as I could figure, and that alone is a feat and a half. bet you would never have guessed that Terra is the one powering it. she continued, apparently too angry to stop talking, before abruptly shutting up, and using her fingers to rub her temples.

Look. I had the jacket and everything ready because the Last time Helena ran into someone I'd told to keep an eye out, she'd sent them back with no memories. Another trick she's picked up I still can't figure out. Am I frustrated? Absolutely, unbelievably so. But I just want to go home. That place... That miserable place. Still miles worse then this one. Like an actual cosmic trap. But when we got out, When Helena figured out that spell, or ritual, or whatever the fuck it was, I wasn't there to share in it. I'm grateful she pulled me free of it with her and many of our friends, but it meant I was tied to her until she either decided to share it, Or until we got around to getting back, which never happened. I lost my patience, despite her intelligence, she's a bit of an airhead. Complete Ditz at times, but she's Lucky, and that's all she's ever really needed. So I tried to steal it, tried to trick her out of it, and I got stuck here. And rather then risk anything else, she Left me here. She hasn't come back, hasn't communicated in any way. I think she's scared I'll try and bind her, It's something she's always been paranoid about, ever since she went from Human, to what she is now. Help me go home. That's all I want, angry as I am I don't want a fight, especially one I don't think I'll win, and we can just go our seperate ways, her and I, and be done with eachother. We have eternity to do it. She's soft with you, open. You remind her of herself when she was a Tester. That portrait in the lobby was put up when we wound up all trapped from our different worlds in a place so outright miserable I refuse to mention it's name. It has a way of reaching out, taking things. Keeping them there. And for someone who will likely live forever if they're not killed, well... that's a terrifying prospect. She was taken, EGG pod and all, and she was human again. Again I helped her become more then that. But for her, it was all like someone had just flipped her world on it's ear. Everyone in this world from what I gathered when I came back assumed she'd been killed in an accident, gas explosion or some such, and her family took up the funding until the storm blew over. That's what she looked like as a human. She was... Tempting, she had this vitality around her that caught my attention. Frantic and Intelligent and Determined. So quick to flow from one emotion to the next. Some people never live. I think in her own way she lives for all of them. Like some kind of Cosmic Balancing Attempt. Ginny continued, sounding far calmer now after her outburst.

She's unpredictable, she has a monstrous temper, but... She's always been true to her friends. Whoever they are, and she makes them quickly enough. You can likely trust her to a point. But I'll bet you anything at all, that she's going to be exceptionally friendly with you. You're a reminder of who she used to be, a ghost straight out her past. She picks up strays so easily and I've never seen her hurt one. She said finally, reaching over to carefully undo the buckles. Just... Tell her to let me go home. Convince her, somehow. I can't reach out like you can. I wont hold her interest like you will. And much as I hate to admit it, and believe me.... I really do. She's likely stronger then I am now. And I have no idea how much. She finished, Christine now able to slip the jacket if she wanted, do whatever. But Helena's offer from before sang in her ears while she listened to Ginny likely dump all her pent up frustrations onto another soul for the first time in decades.

There was every possibility Ginny here would force her if she had to, to send some kind of message. But Christine had no idea what or how. The ball was in her hands it seemed. Caught between 2 demons and 2 worlds.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Instead of smashing the glass on the man's face, Christine accidentally stabs him with the needle. Oops was the last thought in her mind as she stumbles and her eyes meet Ginny's. For a moment she feels really strange as the powerful mental voice staggers her, then the sedative finally kicks in and she passes out.

Upon waking up, Christine finds that she's restrained - no surprise, really - and gets treated a monologue by Ginny, and even gets the buckles of the straightjacket undone, though taking it off would leave her completely naked, as if being in the presence of an actual, real demon wasn't making her nervous enough. "Funnily enough, that was the first thing I asked from her - if I could learn to travel from world to world. Alright, I'll help you if I can."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Ginny looks a little surprised but tightens her face in determination and nods. Let's not fiddlefuck around then. she said, offering Christine her hand so she could get up out of the bed. She looked a tad ridiculous with her giant sleeves and their open buckles flopping around, but again, the alternative was naked, and Ginny, excited as she was was already pulling her towards the door and her pod.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine meekly follows Ginny back to the pod and gets inside, rather curious about what had happened when she disappeared.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Terra is nowhere to be found this time as Christine gets into the pod, Ginny herself activating the controls, and as the lid slid down, there was that familiar blackout before she woke up.

She was no longer in Helena's arms, but curled up with Chinta standing protectively over her, and around them were another 3 bodies, savagely slashed apart, save one that looked more like he'd been incinerated then cut up. There was a 4th man... But he was busy it seemed underneath Helena who was just now arching her back and moaning delightfully before the man underneath her did the same, and passed out, Helena spitting on the ground next to him and cutting his throat with no more thought than cattle at a slaughterhouse.

She stood after that, blood dripping from her claws and cum from her folds, using a muttered and minor spell to do away with both. Apparently....That's how she Feeds. Chinta muttered, watching someone he obviously thought was completely insane while she buckled the leather strap back over her slit.

Good! You're awake! Man, people around here in robes Hate you. So! Shall I make this you the permanent one? she asked Christine bluntly, Chinta looking between the two like they'd both lost their fucking minds, but wisely staying quiet.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The stench of blood was almost nauseating as Christine wakes up on Chinta's arms and struggles to get into a sitting position, looking around her and paling slightly as she sees the bodies. "Demons..." she mutters under her breath before taking a good look at Helena. "By the way, someone called Ginny would like a word with you."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Yes. Demons. Trust me, You'd like Angels even less. They kill indiscriminately. Helena says, obviously having sharp hearing of her own. And Ginny huh? That's not possible, Ginny isn't in your world, she's in another world. Cute girl? Kinda nerdy? Breeding farm? That Ginny? Helena asked, moving to stand closer and completely ignoring the bodies, seeming to focus on something other then the here and now for a moment.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Are you sure that's not just because you're a demon?" Christine replies, getting on her feet. "And no, this one wasn't nerdy in the slightest. She was more like you. Said you used to be friends." she continues, watching Helena's reaction carefully.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

It took a moment to dawn on Helena exactly what Christine meant, the part Christine had been told about her being a bit blonde sinking in quickly, until she snapped her fingers in a very AHA! way. You mean she's a Demon! That's not Ginny. That's Jasmine. And Huh. Helena said, squinting her eyes and looking up, seeming once more to be thinking a bit too hard as to the actual problem.

Oh! she suddenly, followed by a slight wince and a quieter Ooooooo. Oooo Shit. I had Entirely forgotten. Bet she's Pisssssssed. Your world? our world? Original World? Egg World. No real magic left in it, no juice. Hard to explain, but there's this gigantic.... map... fuck it. not gonna bother, promised I'd teach you didn't I. The Egg world is basically seperated from Alllll the others except for a single way in or out, it used to be two. I fixed the other one. Though... not sure if I actually fixed it, or made it worse... Seen any reports about weird green mist? Or Cthulhu? Gods I hope not. But... Hrm. She wants to talk. That's gonna be all kinds of shit. Nope! I dun wanna! not right now, I'm focused on you. And you still haven't answered my question. Once I leave here I'm probably gone for a couple hundred years. Or minutes, or Forever. Places are easy, Time is hard. It's like going 'I wanna go to World A from World B. which will get you there, but a specific TIME in world A is trickier because now you're dealing with a BUNCH of world A's. And allll those world a's are lined up moving forward. Backwards is locked, no going back in time, AND once you pick a World A from that list, you're locked in that world A in that Time. So if you leave and come back? it has to be within a very fine margine of when you left factoring in how much biological time has passed for you, along with a few other headaches. Like the landings. Those are tricky because what may be up or down doesn't actually exist between worlds, it's all... just... it's zero G. No up or down most of the time. But I'm the one holding the Key to those doors, and you said you wanted it, If you do, then Decide. It's your only chance out. As for Jasmine? well, unless you want to play messenger between us, that means either me going there, and I don't want to do that. Or me Pulling her Here. And then there's no one to attend your actual body. Right now, if you die here, you wake up there. That's your real body. If you tell me now that THIS is the body and world you want, then I can make the swap. I can only do it once, and your original body will Die back in the EGG world since it'll have no soul left in it. Decide. Please. I'm fairly focused right now but that can change quickly, I just ate, and I'm in a good mood. Helena said, going on a fucking wild tangent about interdimensional travel rather then jasmine before coming BACK to Jasmine, and the question she'd originally Asked.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine politely listens to the sudden outburst of words words words, though her tail starts to twitch a little "Actually, the impression I got was that she mostly just wants to go home. But yes, I would rather stay here."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

That's ALL she wants. Doesn't want to murder me? Not that she could right now. Helena says, bouncing back and forth a little, her own tail twitching behind her before she heard Christine's answer and nodded.

Ok. And Ok. Chinta dear? I know you're afraid of me. That's fine, but keep Christine calm please, this will be jarring for her. Helena says, looking at the pair of them, before turning and looking at the empty air, her hands raising in front of her.

Around her hands, a dull nimbus of blue black light formed, before focusing in her claws, runes flaring to life in the air in a tight spiral, before continuing that descent into her now glowing fingertips, where she closed her eyes, focused, and then... Pulled.

As she pulled her hands apart, the very fabric of space tore, and she stepped through, the runes on her outfit flaring brightly in response, and then she was gone.

She was not gone for long, and when she returned, in the same state, although this time much more gracefully, she was holding Christine's body, lifeless and slumped over her shoulder, and Ginny was behind her. Or Jasmine. Though she seemed extremely nervous and very shaken up by the trip.

Laying Christine's body on the ground, she turned to look at Ginny, and went back to the tear, working on it while Christine suddenly felt extremely sick. Seeing herself was causing her to see stars, and they most certainly didn't seem right. If anything it was like she had been smashed in the face with a hammer and kicked square in the guts before her back arched, and she blacked out.

She woke up quickly, human, cold, hungry, and wet, on the ground, her Kitsune body now slumped in Chinta's arms, who seemed far more weirded out then anything, and if she turned, she'd see Jasmine stepping through the portal again, only for it to close.

Now then. Where were we... Helena said, turning to regard Chinta and Christine, Chinta keeping a very solid distance away from the both, though he was holding onto the Kitsune body protectively. What in the 5 Hells. he muttered.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Suddenly the kitsune feels like her head is splitting, and she's seeing herself double, literally, as her own body is brought through the portal. Then her mind finally settles on the human body and she feels the urge to throw up even as hunger pangs come, and she feels so very, very fragile in that human body... "Ugh... This doesn't feel right." she manages to mutter, trying to stay still while the stars go round and round.