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RPG RPG Maker [CircleKAME] Parallel Fantasy IF (RJ125993)

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Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

the only problem with the patch is that it causes the game to crash if you save in the dungeon.

Mmm, actually, saving in general is an odd one, that crash might be caused by the fact that for some odd reason names and some variables are stored in the save file, and not in the game even though most other ones are.

Best advice is see if it happens on a fresh save? Assuming you're not using one already?
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Does anyone has a link for the last version? I can't find it.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

one other issue is moves that are supposed to used tp are using sp
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

one other issue is moves that are supposed to used tp are using sp

Are you sure about that? Cause I didn't change anything about the battle system except the names so I can't see why that would be the case, If I'm not wrong, skills with blue numbers use SP and ones with green ones use TP
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Are you sure about that? Cause I didn't change anything about the battle system except the names so I can't see why that would be the case, If I'm not wrong, skills with blue numbers use SP and ones with green ones use TP

yes cause when I use a green skill instead of my tp going down my sp goes down also I found another problem, on 10th floor of dungeon 3 of the rooms get rid of the same flame making it where the story couldn't progress.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

yes cause when I use a green skill instead of my tp going down my sp goes down

this is actually normal , tp skills use both tp and mp when you use them even in the original game. (in the early game lana's mana was always an issue because of it) although with the translation you need to activate all the characters passive skills once or they won't be in effect, this was also part of the old partial.

also the diary in the headmistress's room isn't translated
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Does anyone have fullsave for this that works?
Last fullsave in this forum crashes game when trying to load.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Does anyone have fullsave for this that works?
Last fullsave in this forum crashes game when trying to load.

I'll second a full save.

Sadly, impossible to use my save with the patch - I had the 2.2 version, but the save aren't compatible with the translation version.
I tried with a non patched version 2.2d, same crash occur.
I'm not feeling like replaying the whole game ever with cheatengine to get all the scene right now (I'll have to replay part of it at least to get the story behind the PF universe of course).
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

I'm currently stuck on the 10th floor, I fought two of the "gods" there but room 3 and room 4 seems to be stuck. (2 rows of flames left) Can anyone help?
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Alright so there seems to be some issues with this that I could SWEAR I fixed but it is very possible I uploaded an old version by mistake.

Long story short, for now, I suggest a clean save (Honestly it's the best idea when using a TL patch anyway).

I thought that the saves should be compatible, I can't see why they wouldn't be, unless the save file was from a much older version, say pre 2.0. But again, with the way RPGMaker stores variables etc, I honestly can't be sure.

That boss thing on the 10th floor is a well known bug from the original game so I must have just uploaded an older version, I'll see if I can fix it, I'm pretty sure it was just a copy and paste error in the original game.

I can't promise a fix today because IRL work but I'll get on it.

As for the untranslated bits, yeah, there's probably a few, like I said I'm aware of the Summon Upgrade room, I didn't bother because originally this was mostly for personal use and I don't give a fuck about the summons :L

The headmasters diary thing is just about the whole Witches Curse thing that's run through all the Parallel Fantasy games, nothing too important but I'll see if I can't fix that too.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Alright so there seems to be some issues with this that I could SWEAR I fixed but it is very possible I uploaded an old version by mistake.

Long story short, for now, I suggest a clean save (Honestly it's the best idea when using a TL patch anyway).

I thought that the saves should be compatible, I can't see why they wouldn't be, unless the save file was from a much older version, say pre 2.0. But again, with the way RPGMaker stores variables etc, I honestly can't be sure.

That boss thing on the 10th floor is a well known bug from the original game so I must have just uploaded an older version, I'll see if I can fix it, I'm pretty sure it was just a copy and paste error in the original game.

I can't promise a fix today because IRL work but I'll get on it.

As for the untranslated bits, yeah, there's probably a few, like I said I'm aware of the Summon Upgrade room, I didn't bother because originally this was mostly for personal use and I don't give a fuck about the summons :L

The headmasters diary thing is just about the whole Witches Curse thing that's run through all the Parallel Fantasy games, nothing too important but I'll see if I can't fix that too.

If I remember correctly I translated the summon rooms :)
Don't remember tho If I shared the patch in this forum tho...

If monkey allows I could share it here also...

Basically it's monkeys awsome translation + changes I did to my liking.

This is the changelog that shows what I changed

- Changed the town name from Vo~oursun to Volsun.
- Made quite a few window/text size adjustments so every menu text fits nicely + translatated few windows that weren't. (like the party change screen in artificial dungeon when you disband party)
- Translated some of the descriptions for summons. (Some I just didn't know how to translate)
- Translated all summon and character skill names and skill description that weren't translated.
- Translated all enemy skills.
- Translated all the missed "Change nickname" lines I could find in events which made Ati's nickname be in Japanese on the main menu.
(It's possible there are more of those, can't know for sure until I play all the events)
- Reworked the character name input window. Only latin characters can be seleteced for name input.
- Translated the Ceremony of Reason for all summons (Second circle in the preparation room) (Events 369-393).
- Changed few item/skill/weapon/armor names so it fits nicely inside the window outline.
- Translated the weapons upgrade at blacksmith for Gray. (Event 547)
- Corrected the mistake in the "days" event (Everywhere else the day is translated as "Water" but there it was "Ice").
- Changed few Ati's nicknames in event "Job Change" - 407 so they fit nicely inside the main menu window. The number of characters in nickname shouldn't exceed 18 or it won't fit.
- Adjusted the nicknames in Library to match the changes I did in Job Change - 407.
- Corrected the face images of all characters for text dialog so it doesn't look like they're naked every time they talk to someone.
- Translated the Evolution Room map. (Map 21)
- Translated some missed tiles in artificial dungeon floors. (the ones in front of dragon caves on 4th and 6th floor)
- Made it so that she doesn't go to school naked/exposed anymore. If you went to sleep naked or exposed, the next day if she had class, her sprite would be naked in the class. For that I made event 72, and called it at the end of Common Event 15 and on the bed event inside her room on tabs 3 and 6 + event in preparation room bed. The 72 event removes her clothes, panties and bra and equips back her normal clothes, normal panties and normal bra and updates menu picture and sprite picture.
- Corrected the script code so it doesn't remove Ati's accessories sometimes when sleeping.
- Reworked events (420-446) and added one extra switch (901-927) for each pet to fix a bug where you couldn't desummon a summoned pet when Ati/Crane died.
Original summoning events were made to work by some Ati's and Crane's states. When Ati or Crane summoned a pet he/she would gain a state that was used as a control switch in a conditional loop for desummon, but when Ati or Crane died that state was gone and when you try to desummon the pet you always get message "Another pet is summoned" no matter on which pet you click. To revive/desummon you would need to sleep.
- Reworked the clean semen event (408) so different message shows depending who's in the party. If Ati is alone the message is "Ati washed her body!" and if Lana is in party too the message is "Ati and Lana washed their bodies!" If Crane is solo in the party the message is "I don't have time for this, I need to help Ati-sensei!"
- Fixed a bug where Crane could start the "Wall Trap 3" event if all the right triggers were on.
It's on Map 34 Dungeon B5F while being solo in party trying to find that goblin that poisoned Ati.
- Chaned at the end of 3rd or 4th Crane event a line "(With Crane in the party.)" which can me missleading.
There are actually two events on 5th floor, one is triggered if you have Crane in party and the other one if you're solo.
If you're going for the NTR route you need to be solo and go on 5th floor, if you want to get Crane's End and a scene with Ati giving handjob to Crane to save him then you need to have him in your party. I changed that bit to "(There are different events depending whether you have Crane in your party or not.)". Event is located in Dorms floor 1 (028-016) end of tab 1.
- Translated the little event on map 82 - Blacksmith's room where you can steal ore that's on the table.
- Added a quest for obtaining item "Magic Rune" in School 2F inside the science department. This rune allows Ati to disband the party by teleporting party members safely to town. If they're inside the city the party is just disbanded. After finishing the quest you can buy Magic Runes in general shop for 10000G. I also used extra switches to make sure someone wouldn't try to be smart and break events like when you're with Adoi and going to the roof, solo with Crane during the event on 5F or during any other Crane/Lana event.
- Reworked the event on school 2F near the stairs to 1F where you run into Crane and Ati's ass lands on his face. The whole event was tied up to libido and in case you removed Ati's panties you would still get the scene where Ati has panties on even if you don't have it equipped. I added a conditional loop to check if the panties are equipped or not and copied the text over from the no-panties scene, but I left all switches from the first panties scene so I don't mess up something else.
- Corrected all the chest loot text on maps to match the new item names.
- Fixed a "bug" where party wouldn't disband after Ati went to sleep. Added event 32 for that and called it in event 14.
- Removed Demon and Devil Necklace items from game to balance it more. This item made Ati one-shot everything making the whole figting pointless. I know most of you won't like this :p
- Since I didn't like the starting screen and those awful buttons I made my own starting screen. That's the screen with (New Game, Load and End). If you want to change to old one, you need to copy back the event on map 73 (Title Screen) and replace the images in picture folder. There are total of 11 images. Four base images with variations(clothes on/off, different background, etc.).
- Since there are no cut-scenes for damaging any outfit other then normal clothes I made it so you cannot go inside the dungeon or outside the town in any clothes other then normal ones. If you try to enter dungeon in different clothes, you will see a message of Ati saying that she needs to change into "battle outfit" and then you will be teleported inside the dungeon and normal clothes will be equipped automatically.
- Added few lines of dialog for party disband when leaving town.
- Changed the Iconset for AGI to SPD to match the status text.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

If I remember correctly I translated the summon rooms :)
Don't remember tho If I shared the patch in this forum tho...

If monkey allows I could share it here also...

Basically it's monkeys awsome translation + changes I did to my liking.

This is the changelog that shows what I changed

- Changed the town name from Vo~oursun to Volsun.
- Made quite a few window/text size adjustments so every menu text fits nicely + translatated few windows that weren't. (like the party change screen in artificial dungeon when you disband party)
- Translated some of the descriptions for summons. (Some I just didn't know how to translate)
- Translated all summon and character skill names and skill description that weren't translated.
- Translated all enemy skills.
- Translated all the missed "Change nickname" lines I could find in events which made Ati's nickname be in Japanese on the main menu.
(It's possible there are more of those, can't know for sure until I play all the events)
- Reworked the character name input window. Only latin characters can be seleteced for name input.
- Translated the Ceremony of Reason for all summons (Second circle in the preparation room) (Events 369-393).
- Changed few item/skill/weapon/armor names so it fits nicely inside the window outline.
- Translated the weapons upgrade at blacksmith for Gray. (Event 547)
- Corrected the mistake in the "days" event (Everywhere else the day is translated as "Water" but there it was "Ice").
- Changed few Ati's nicknames in event "Job Change" - 407 so they fit nicely inside the main menu window. The number of characters in nickname shouldn't exceed 18 or it won't fit.
- Adjusted the nicknames in Library to match the changes I did in Job Change - 407.
- Corrected the face images of all characters for text dialog so it doesn't look like they're naked every time they talk to someone.
- Translated the Evolution Room map. (Map 21)
- Translated some missed tiles in artificial dungeon floors. (the ones in front of dragon caves on 4th and 6th floor)
- Made it so that she doesn't go to school naked/exposed anymore. If you went to sleep naked or exposed, the next day if she had class, her sprite would be naked in the class. For that I made event 72, and called it at the end of Common Event 15 and on the bed event inside her room on tabs 3 and 6 + event in preparation room bed. The 72 event removes her clothes, panties and bra and equips back her normal clothes, normal panties and normal bra and updates menu picture and sprite picture.
- Corrected the script code so it doesn't remove Ati's accessories sometimes when sleeping.
- Reworked events (420-446) and added one extra switch (901-927) for each pet to fix a bug where you couldn't desummon a summoned pet when Ati/Crane died.
Original summoning events were made to work by some Ati's and Crane's states. When Ati or Crane summoned a pet he/she would gain a state that was used as a control switch in a conditional loop for desummon, but when Ati or Crane died that state was gone and when you try to desummon the pet you always get message "Another pet is summoned" no matter on which pet you click. To revive/desummon you would need to sleep.
- Reworked the clean semen event (408) so different message shows depending who's in the party. If Ati is alone the message is "Ati washed her body!" and if Lana is in party too the message is "Ati and Lana washed their bodies!" If Crane is solo in the party the message is "I don't have time for this, I need to help Ati-sensei!"
- Fixed a bug where Crane could start the "Wall Trap 3" event if all the right triggers were on.
It's on Map 34 Dungeon B5F while being solo in party trying to find that goblin that poisoned Ati.
- Chaned at the end of 3rd or 4th Crane event a line "(With Crane in the party.)" which can me missleading.
There are actually two events on 5th floor, one is triggered if you have Crane in party and the other one if you're solo.
If you're going for the NTR route you need to be solo and go on 5th floor, if you want to get Crane's End and a scene with Ati giving handjob to Crane to save him then you need to have him in your party. I changed that bit to "(There are different events depending whether you have Crane in your party or not.)". Event is located in Dorms floor 1 (028-016) end of tab 1.
- Translated the little event on map 82 - Blacksmith's room where you can steal ore that's on the table.
- Added a quest for obtaining item "Magic Rune" in School 2F inside the science department. This rune allows Ati to disband the party by teleporting party members safely to town. If they're inside the city the party is just disbanded. After finishing the quest you can buy Magic Runes in general shop for 10000G. I also used extra switches to make sure someone wouldn't try to be smart and break events like when you're with Adoi and going to the roof, solo with Crane during the event on 5F or during any other Crane/Lana event.
- Reworked the event on school 2F near the stairs to 1F where you run into Crane and Ati's ass lands on his face. The whole event was tied up to libido and in case you removed Ati's panties you would still get the scene where Ati has panties on even if you don't have it equipped. I added a conditional loop to check if the panties are equipped or not and copied the text over from the no-panties scene, but I left all switches from the first panties scene so I don't mess up something else.
- Corrected all the chest loot text on maps to match the new item names.
- Fixed a "bug" where party wouldn't disband after Ati went to sleep. Added event 32 for that and called it in event 14.
- Removed Demon and Devil Necklace items from game to balance it more. This item made Ati one-shot everything making the whole figting pointless. I know most of you won't like this :p
- Since I didn't like the starting screen and those awful buttons I made my own starting screen. That's the screen with (New Game, Load and End). If you want to change to old one, you need to copy back the event on map 73 (Title Screen) and replace the images in picture folder. There are total of 11 images. Four base images with variations(clothes on/off, different background, etc.).
- Since there are no cut-scenes for damaging any outfit other then normal clothes I made it so you cannot go inside the dungeon or outside the town in any clothes other then normal ones. If you try to enter dungeon in different clothes, you will see a message of Ati saying that she needs to change into "battle outfit" and then you will be teleported inside the dungeon and normal clothes will be equipped automatically.
- Added few lines of dialog for party disband when leaving town.
- Changed the Iconset for AGI to SPD to match the status text.

Would you know where I might find this particular version of the translation? (Probably have to restart and cheat-engine my progress back.)
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Alright so there seems to be some issues with this that I could SWEAR I fixed but it is very possible I uploaded an old version by mistake.

Long story short, for now, I suggest a clean save (Honestly it's the best idea when using a TL patch anyway).

I thought that the saves should be compatible, I can't see why they wouldn't be, unless the save file was from a much older version, say pre 2.0. But again, with the way RPGMaker stores variables etc, I honestly can't be sure.

That boss thing on the 10th floor is a well known bug from the original game so I must have just uploaded an older version, I'll see if I can fix it, I'm pretty sure it was just a copy and paste error in the original game.

I can't promise a fix today because IRL work but I'll get on it.

As for the untranslated bits, yeah, there's probably a few, like I said I'm aware of the Summon Upgrade room, I didn't bother because originally this was mostly for personal use and I don't give a fuck about the summons :L

The headmasters diary thing is just about the whole Witches Curse thing that's run through all the Parallel Fantasy games, nothing too important but I'll see if I can't fix that too.

I think the save bug is due to the game update. ver 2.2 game work fine, but the save cause game crashing bug on unpatched 2.2d version. Dunno what cause the break in the updating. It say on the english dl site concerning the last updated (2.2d) that "Save data for the previous version is not compatible with this version".
No more detail, I and have trouble finding the exact detail on the dev site :/ Sooo, dunno what he did to break the save, but I guess if it's a save breaking change for the game final update, then it's not going to be easy / doable to found a way around the save breaking cause....
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

After opening the game with my rpg maker editor i found room 2-4 all use the same victory switch for getting rid of the flame instead of the switch that was supposed to be in the room.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

I saw this game a while ago and hoped for a translation then I happen to stumble into here and you have posted one! Been waiting to play this game for SO long! Thanks a lot for the translation...
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Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

Would you know where I might find this particular version of the translation? (Probably have to restart and cheat-engine my progress back.)

I would share it if Monkey allows it. It's his translation and I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

I would share it if Monkey allows it. It's his translation and I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

Anyway you could get me in contact with Monkey so that I may acquire the translation? Or rather, if he is still watching this thread, would he provide it?
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

I think monkey is going to reupload his save after he does a few fixes so be patient I guess. Though one thing I must note is that the game is extremely massive so having to restart from scratch is a huge kick in the pants for me. Cheat engine it is~~
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(1.5 released)

I would share it if Monkey allows it. It's his translation and I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

Oh by all means go for it. I know I mentioned it to you but as it turned out I'd actually lost that version and just decided to release my own one, just didn't realise it was also an old version :/
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