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Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

"Sly" Onna Ouran: HP = 46, PP = 69, EP = 69, Status = Fine

(Should have just early posted for you...)

Heads = Roof
Tails = Cliff

Coinflip = Heads.

Flipping her coin into the air, Onna caught it and observed the result; heads. Looking up towards the roof, she spotted a number of windows along its surface. None of them were broken or opened, and that suggested some sort of magical protection, but if she could break that she might stumble upon an untold treasure trove... Or into some horrible experiment's cave. There were windows on the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors. She could also try the roof, which was flat and railed, suggesting a landing rather than a simple roof.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

Onna surveyed the coin as if her entire fate landed on it. It was heads, and that meant up. Looking up at the house revealed five floors above ground and a flat roof. If it was anything like any other building with a flat railed roof, that meant a door. After all, who would waste a roof like that? And so, Onna prepared herself for the ascent up into the air. It was then that a memory nagged at her. It was a small one from her illustrious childhood.

And so, for a brief moment a daydream took over. Her bold silks became tan and rough. The desert wouldn’t abide such comforts. The smell of cooked fowl filler her nostrils and the cool air was replaced with a more oppressive heat that even in the final light of day was there.

“You watch yourself girl,” a soft voice said, “I can’t take care of you forever.” It belonged to her mother, who was a merchant in the caravans. They had stopped for the day and were about to set off while the world was cool. “Just promise me you won’t go searching in ruins. Those traps were meant to kill.”

“I wanted to get you something, that’s all,” a younger Onna said, a bandage wrapped around her arm from where gout of fire had nearly charred her. Luckily she was a quick sort. It had saved her many times.

Onna blinked away the sentimental memories and frowned. “I can’t afford to get distracted like that.” She chided, choosing to take the slow way up to the roof, as a tree frog.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

"Sly" Onna Ouran: HP = 46, PP = 69, EP = 69, Status = Fine

Shapeshifting isn't quite that powerful, I'm afraid. Onna has to keep the same amount of body mass, and doesn't allow one to give themselves the muscle strength to climb walls or leap tall buildings in a single bound. Or in a series of bounds, unless there's a suitable series of ledges.

Try as she might, Onna couldn't seemingly find any way to ascend the tower from the ground. Her shapeshifting could give her an edge, but she made no headway in jumping her way slowly up the tower, as there didn't seem to be any ledges on which to land or nearby buildings tall enough to leap from. Night was starting to fall, an even more dangerous time in Acheron, but out here she would likely be fine so long as she was careful, and avoiding the ever widening shadows.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

Sorry for the wait, I was afraid that would happen. I was hoping to climb up the wall.

Try as she might, Onna wasn’t getting anywhere with the approach she chose. With a defeated sigh, she returned to her native guise of a human and went in search of a cave to facilitate her entry. Fate was cruel like that, telling her to climb up a wall like a spider, then laughing as she failed to do so. It should have been apparent. Pushing up her sleeves and walking towards the cliffs, she began to look for a suitable cave or cove.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

"Sly" Onna Ouran: HP = 46, PP = 69, EP = 69, Status = Fine

You can, you just can't jump up the wall. The roof is still an option, you just need to use Shadowstalker.

Looking down over the cliffs, Onna would spot a number of holes in the face of the rock, but two in particular stood out. The first was a drainage pipe for the city's sewers, which were thankfully relatively clean thanks to this area not being inhabited, large enough for her to crawl in to. There was also a door-shaped alcove that likely led into the tunnels beneath the city, which was almost perfectly in line with the tower into which she was attempting to break.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

Oh well, let the story continue! :)
Sorry, life called and refused to let me go for several weeks.

Onna peered down into the alcove carefully and frowned. She hadn’t any rope, nor did she fire gliding or flying down there was wise. It was then that she let out a frustrated growl and cursed. “Damn my idle brain!” she snarled and shook her head. Her abilities allowed her to travel in the shadows, why had she forgotten that? With an annoyed snort she invested a little will and suddenly became a flat shadow on the ground that snaked along rocks and cervices in the dark till she appeared in roughly the same condition at the door of the cave. “Dumb, dumb!” she continued to fume as she inspected the door for a latch and traps. Short sightedness like that was going to get her killed, or worse, imprisoned.
Re: Clever Like A Fox (Neru Amhran)

"Sly" Onna Ouran: HP = 46, PP = 69, EP = 64/69, Status = Fine

Perception: ??

Transforming into shadow and sliding up the side of the tower, Onna found herself facing a trap door set into the roof of the tower. It was made of wood and bound in iron, but noticeably showed no signs of harm from the elements despite having been pelted with Badaria's common and occasionally corrosive rainstorms, along with two winters, without any upkeep. Examining it, the door seemed to be locked with a simple padlock set directly into it, unusual for a door of this type, but didn't appear to have any mechanisms that might indicate a trap.