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[Complete - Full] [Cold Rod] Special Duty Soldier Felia (RJ285930)


Apr 20, 2018
Reputation score
Now that Sneak in Desperada is finally done, I'll waste no time and move onto my next project.

That being a game that seems to be so unheard of that it doesn't seem to have a thread to link.

Dlsite link :

Genres : Hypnosis, Humiliation, Brainwashing, Compulsion

List of shit done so far :

Partial stuff : done

Map screens 22 / 22

Events 59 / 59

BTW if anyone knows how the fuck Pixelgamemaker MV works with translating (or knows of a video, etc) let me know, please and thanks
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I've never seen something quite like this so I'm really curious as to what the plot is.
Good luck with the translation, I look forward to it!
Thanks for picking up this translation! Looks interesting to say the least based on the pictures!
Oh man someone actually picked up one of this devs games. Colour me surprised and thankful.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a way to translate Pixelgamemaker MV.
Partial is done, also updated the OP for the rest of the shit I have to do

I forgot to mention, for whatever the reason the names don't show up in English if you use an already existing save file, so you'd have to start a new one.
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Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
does anyone happen to have a full save
Update :

I finished everything up to and including the first fight, updated the link. Also learned about Plugins and the fact they have dialogue to change as well (shoutout to Mayaktheunholy for telling me that)
Update :

I finished everything up to and including the first fight, updated the link. Also learned about Plugins and the fact they have dialogue to change as well (shoutout to Mayaktheunholy for telling me that)
Thanks for all your hard work! ^^

Edit: Just tried playing the partial translation, everything in the menu and the items seems to be in english , but none of the story is so far. Did you update the link with the version with translations up to the first fight?
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Thanks for all your hard work! ^^

Edit: Just tried playing the partial translation, everything in the menu and the items seems to be in english , but none of the story is so far. Did you update the link with the version with translations up to the first fight?
Thought I did, I'll check it out
Edit: Yo what the fuck. Alright, should be good now. Also realized I left in the .exe file there, so I took it out.
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Also, because I had to update it with the most current version I have, the recollection room is done (obviously not all the fights), the patrol map bit is done, and all that's left of the second fight is the defeat scene.
Also, because I had to update it with the most current version I have, the recollection room is done (obviously not all the fights), the patrol map bit is done, and all that's left of the second fight is the defeat scene.
Thanks for putting in the elbow grease to translate this for Japanese-illiterate people like me! You're making great progress, keep up the good work!
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Also, because I had to update it with the most current version I have, the recollection room is done (obviously not all the fights), the patrol map bit is done, and all that's left of the second fight is the defeat scene.

Honestly, I tried to take a knack at the whole translation scene with Translator++ and holy cow I can't imagine the amount of learning a complex language to translate it to another, plus the patience for the tedium of making sense of it. I tried making sense of the Hypnotist's lines and it's complicated enough with the engrish that the MTM puts out. Imagine that multiplied for every single enemy, dialog line and events (both in battle and during game overs).

Props to you my guy. Can't believe this game (and the developers themselves) are a bit obscure, they deserve some recognition.

(And if you're wondering, you pretty much sparked this interest in the first place, haha.)
Honestly, I tried to take a knack at the whole translation scene with Translator++ and holy cow I can't imagine the amount of learning a complex language to translate it to another, plus the patience for the tedium of making sense of it. I tried making sense of the Hypnotist's lines and it's complicated enough with the engrish that the MTM puts out. Imagine that multiplied for every single enemy, dialog line and events (both in battle and during game overs).

Props to you my guy. Can't believe this game (and the developers themselves) are a bit obscure, they deserve some recognition.

(And if you're wondering, you pretty much sparked this interest in the first place, haha.)
Ha ha, I'm glad that some good is being spurred from this. I can certainly tell you it is a pain in the butt to do this by hand, but I feel like the end result is worth it. I do agree that the devs deserve more recognition for their works, but hopefully with time they will.
College exams, they can be rough. Finished the Inclination / Kink monster scenario, updated the link
College exams, they can be rough. Finished the Inclination / Kink monster scenario, updated the link

Hope the tests went well! Yeah it's finals where I live as well.
Thanks for keeping at the translation but hope you're taking lots of breaks :eek:
Hope the tests went well! Yeah it's finals where I live as well.
Thanks for keeping at the translation but hope you're taking lots of breaks :eek:
They went well yeah. I did have to leave this on the backburner for April until I finished them, so for the next couple of weeks I will have more free time so I can certainly put some of it towards translating this. Don't worry about breaks, I learned from my previous work not to overdo it.
An update that didn't take a month? Crazy. Finished the Vampire monster scenario, updated the link