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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh so there are magic wards around the village then? That's good to know. I was a little scared honestly that if the village were attacked then I'd be the first to know, if you know what I mean," Evangeline said as Mithra showed her inside the house.

Once inside she looked around for a minute and saw the place was furnished with a small but fairly good sized living room, kitchen, a small bathroom with no toilet of any kind and only a water basin to wash her hands in and small tub that had a heating firepit set underneath it, a bedroom with a queen sized bed, and a small dining room with a table that could seat four. Eva set her pack down inside the bedroom on her new bed and under the blanket so nobody would see it hopefully.

"Also I uh... thank you for making sure I have a private place Mithra. Also I... well. Can you keep a secret? I feel that I should tell at least you about this since you and your people are giving me a place to stay while here and all," Eva asked Mithra suddenly after returning to the living room where she was waiting, blushing very red. Her blush would likely tell Mithra that it was something that was very embarrassing to the young sidhe for people to know.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra nod not really to continue talking about what her people has made all these years to protect these lands. Once inside, the blonde elf dont waste the time and show every prart of the house to Evangeline and once ended she prepare her guest tea, before allow her to sit in the table to enjoy the drink as the swordswoman prepare a light meal to both.

Once the town guest tried to say thanks to Mithra this slowly shake her head. Thanks, but i was not the one than prepare all this and choice this house, i ussually spend all the day in patrols and training new soldiers. The girl had already said than she want to say a secret to Mithra before this could answer her, so after think for a moment, Mithra accept to heard her and stay all this in secret, as this woman as dont show anything than could make her think different. Of course, i will dont reveal your secret.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh thank you for the tea Mithra, and I didn't mind waiting for food until after we met with the village elders honestly, but thank you for the food," Evangeline said to Mithra as the blonde elf prepared her some tea and a small meal.

When Mithra told her that she hadn't set this all up for her and everything, and that she usually spent the day patrolling or training new soldiers, Evangeline thought that she would aid her new friend in this however she could, since that was what she came here to do in any case that is. After Mithra promised that she wouldn't tell Evangeline's secret without her permission, Evangeline stood up again and paced around the room a couple of times, then stopped, sighed, and turned to Mithra.

"I... well I... (sigh)... it's better to just show you rather than try and explain it I think," Eva said, then reached down and pulled the tie on her robe, letting it fall open to reveal her naked body underneath. Mithra would see Eva's full and shapely breasts, her silky smooth white skin, and what she was keeping a secret... a ten inch long, inch and a half thick penis between her legs, which she had a small silken strap wrapped around her waist and over her penis to hold it against her waist and keep it from just dangling down and getting in her way.

"Now you know my secret Mithra, I'm a futanari. I was born this way. The main reason I chose to come here was so my parents didn't have to have such an abnormal daughter around, cause I still don't think my father has gotten over that fact that I'm not normal, I mean he still loves me of course but it was still quite a shock to him when he found out, or so my mother tells me," Evangeline said to Mithra, explaining a little bit about herself to her new friend, and hoping that she accepted her.

Once she was done talking, she sat back down after righting her robe and finished eating, then once they were both done eating, Evangeline was ready to go whenever Mithra was. Unless Mithra had something else to say about what Eva had just shown her of course. In which case Eva would try and answer her as best she could.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra just give a soft serious smile after drink a little from her cup, using some common manners before talk. Dont worry, please enjoy this little snack, you need it after been waiting me in that cold place and after use that fire power to beat our foes.. Once they ended, Mithra decide to stay calmed so dont disturb the noble woman in front of her. Of course than it was a big sorprise to see that additional huge manlike member, it was even more amazing to heard than it is not fault of any corruption but for a posible heritage or natural mutation. Mithra has seen many weird aberrations among her journey and rescue many corrupted women from dungeons and lairs.

A futanari? The elf take a moment to heard the whole story and calm herself

Dont worry, Miss Evangeline. Im sure than your father love you. Even when he dont know how to show it. In some way, the blonde elf could understand her, she tried her best to give pride to her father, but this cause her a lot of problems than nearly make her lost her freedom in more of a time. But that long journey form her actual self to help to protect her land, maybe Evangeline will have a better luck at her side and could find her new self before something bad happen.

Also, dont worry about your little secret, you have my word than nobody will know it from me. Said Mithra before prepare all to take her to met the elders, once ready the two went to meet them.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

(Sidhe are shapeshifters. Eva would be able to hide her cock if she wanted to, and her parents likely wouldn't care too much if she was born with both sets of parts. It's unusual, but they wouldn't be ashamed of her for it.)

Mithra led Eva to the longhouse where the elders most likely waited for her, and when they arrived they found the village council already in session. They glanced at the two of them as they entered and stopped their discussion, and the elven man at the center of the table gave them a polite nod and said, "Thank you for bringing her to us Mithra. I trust that your journey went smoothly miss Sangriella? It isn't often that one of the high fey comes to live among mortals, even our kind. We admit ourselves curious as to why you chose to come here."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

I know that Tass, but the way I'm trying to roleplay Eva is that she hasn't fully grasped how to shapeshift that part away because she's so young. Unless that isn't supposed to have anything to do with it of course. In which case Eva simply wouldn't like to shapeshift from her natural form unless she has to. And what I was trying to get at about her parents is that her father loves her of course, he's just a bit... weirded out by her having both sets of genitals, not ashamed.

As Mithra led Evangeline to the elders longhouse, she glanced about at the village, taking in what sights there were to see as they walked. When they went into the building, Eva saw the elders seemed to be already there waiting for the two of them to arrive and ended whatever conversation they were having. Evangeline listened when the elven man sitting at the center of the table spoke to her after giving a bow of his head to her.

Ah elder, first of all I must say thank you for allowing me to come here. And yes the journey went quite well, save for the little spot of trouble me and Mithra ran into when we first met. A small group of the aliens attacked us and we dealt with it, and I destroyed any evidence that anyone was there afterwards,” Evangeline replied and bowed her head back to the elder, leaving the part about Mithra attacking her out so she didn't maybe get into any trouble.

After waiting for a moment or two to see if Mithra or any of the elders were going to say anything further, Evangeline continued and decided to give a couple of her reasons for deciding on coming here, “I actually have more than just one reason for coming here though honestly. The first is that when Therion was attacked by the aliens, I wanted to but wasn't able to help out in the fighting, because my parents told me I was too young, even though I was already eighteen at the time and more than capable of fighting, I understand though that they were just looking out for me. The second reason is that I've heard how badly your village needed aid and I finally decided that I couldn't stand by idly any longer, so I made the hard choice to leave my home and come here to help your people in any way I can elder. Mithra here has already shown me where I'm to be staying so I'll go ahead and say if you need me then just send for me and I shall get here as quickly as I can.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

The village was fairly small and seemingly deserted, though Eva did see a number of people within their homes and some on the outskirts. It seemed, however, that everyone was either gone or at the very least out of the village at the moment, as it seemed largely empty. Even so, the empty homes still possessed at least a ghost of their beautiful efficiency, a trademark of the elves that was in sharp contrast to the magically constructed extravagance that the fey, and particularly the sidhe were known for and which Evangeline was accustomed to.

The news that they had been attacked by some of the invaders seemed to catch the elven elder by surprise, and he maintained a troubled look as she announced her reason for coming to Mithra's village, a look that was echoed on the other elder's face. "This is troubling news indeed... Thank you for coming to the aid of our village, miss Sangriella! With so many of our sword hands off to war, we cannot maintain the safety of the roads or the wood as we once did. Mithra here, an experienced adventurer, is one of the few who decided to stay on to protect the village. Most here are unable to defend themselves against the dangers present around us, the orcs and the aliens, and with so few of us left after the fall of Gods-Reach.... Well, thank you. We will call upon you if there are any tasks in particular that we need done, but for now you are free to do as you like. Treat our home as you would your own! You've already met Mithra, and she knows as much about our community as anyone else. You may rely on her so long as she permits it."

There was an air of dismissal in his tone, and the other six elders rose and began to file out, no doubt intending to see to their own daily responsibilities. Mithra and Evangeline were free to stop any of them to question them, or to depart and seek out what limited entertainment the war-scarred elven village offered.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra remain quiet hearing the interview than the elders give to Evangeline, but slowly all this turned more like a report of he zone. The elders always had been careful with the orc and alien topics, some of them think than the people of he town should go to Badarian and forget the village, others like Mithra just cant leave the land of their ancestors. But Mithra will obey the elders if they think than the only way to salve their people is moving away.

Mithra accept the elder order with a bow and then turn to Evangeline, for a moment and then giving a step forward say with a vey polite tone. After show our village to Evangeline i will start to patrol around the village, Evangeline is invitateto join me if she want. After say it, Mithra will guide the new one around the town, where the lack of young males is evident, they walk toward the training grounds and Evangeline notice only rookies, nearly all young girls than maybe can only defend themselves, there were also veteran soldiers but in low quantity, of course than in the houses were nearly just kids, women and old people not suited for the battle, in general this village only have some forces to defend themselves and what had save them is their hidden location between the woods and mountains

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As the elders filed out of the room, Evangeline bowed to each one as they passed her. Then when Mithra spoke, she listened to her invitation and thought it over for a minute before responding. She had come to help the village out, so she told Mithra she'd go on patrol with her. "Yeah I think I'll go ahead and go with you, might as well you know," Evangeline replied.

Evangeline accepted Mithra's offer of a tour of the village, saying if it wasn't too much trouble for her. Along the way Evangeline noticed how few men there were populating the village and wrote it off at first as they were all patrolling and or fighting to safeguard the place. In the training yards they saw pretty much all young women practicing with each other and Evangeline didn't think they looked any older than herself at most, and by the looks of them they had never wielded a weapon before either. The more Evangeline saw of the village, especially when she saw how many younger children and elderly folks there were here, she felt that she had to do everything she could to protect the peaceful sanctity of this place.

"I'm ready whenever you are Mithra, if you were going to head on out again today that is. If not, then could you direct me to the village tavern please. I'd like to get a drink if possible, helps to calm the nerves, and after that fight earlier I think I need a nice relaxing drink or two. But that can wait until we're done if you wanted to hurry on," Evangeline said to Mithra as they walked, looking around at all there was to see, and actually looking for anything out of the ordinary.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once Evangeline said her point of view, Mithra take a moment to decide what she should do, maybe thinking than she should let Evangeline rest today, but maybe they dont have time to waste, maybe the alien creatures could attempt to look why the dead creatures never return to their hideout.

Maybe im asking too much, but lets patrool a little, maybe a pair of hours. Then i will take you to relax yourself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"That's fine with me. I can wait until we get back to get myself a good drink, but let me grab my stuff before we go okay. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it," Evangeline replied to Mithra, heading back to her new home to grab her things before heading back out with Mithra to patrol.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

Mithra and Evangeline left the village after Eva had retrieved her things from the house she'd been granted, and the two set off to patrol around the village briefly before retiring to their respective rests. The first half hour of it was uneventful, which was unsurprising this close to their protected home, but then they heard the sounds of battle coming from up ahead. Hurrying along, the sight of a beautiful woman with pure white wings battling a group of aliens. There were a dozen slimes surrounding her, and a blade of pure energy was stretching out from her arm as if it was a part of it. The slimes were circling her slowly, ten of them grey but two of them a bright purple color and holding back from the others. The battlers hadn't yet noticed the two of them, and they were still a good forty feet from the nearest of the slimes in the ring, but the platinum-haired angel in the center was badly outnumbered and could likely use some help.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After Evangeline grabbed her pack and everything, she followed Mithra on out of the village, giving a few glances around at the people she could see while they walked. They were going around the village however many miles out from where Mithra wanted to go, as Evangeline wasn't picky as to where they went to patrol.

A half an hour into their patrol, and they hadn't seen anything yet, which didn't really surprise Evangeline in the least. Evangeline didn't really think they would find anything at first, but a minute or two later they overheard what sounded like a fight up ahead. She glanced over at Mithra and then the two rushed off to see what was causing the noise they kept hearing. Evangeline saw the beautiful white winged woman up ahead with an energy blade stretching from her arm. Eva saw the woman was surrounded by a dozen slimes, ten of them simple little grey ones that she saw in much greater numbers when Therion was attacked, plus two of the purple ones that were holding back, likely waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack the woman from behind or something.

"Mithra, you attack the ones closest to us and I'll take out as many as I can on the far side and give her a couple of openings to run out from," Evangeline said to Mithra and readied herself for battle as she got her spirit energy ready to burn for some of her powerful spirit powers. She'd unleash her spell as soon as she got the power built up and as soon as Mithra got close so they could try and scatter their enemies and split them up.

Using 'Holy Fire' again as an AoE and spending 10 EP to deal a total of (2d4 +1 * 10 heat/fire damage.). If they are all close enough to the angel, then center it on her, but if not then center it near her where it'll hit the greatest amount of the enemy slimes. Also a question, do the slimes know we're there yet? If not then do I get a bonus to hit with spirit powers for a sneak attack or something?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The time passed really fast between their travel to take Evangeline equipment and the first patrol hour, the completelly lack of foes is the best result for Mithra, as this show her than her town is not in danger. However soon she notice the battle sounds coming from a no so far place. Mithra soon do her best to stealthy investigate the sounds as Evangeline follow her, they soon saw an angel fighting many slimes.

Mithra has not saw many angels in her live, easily she could use her hand to count them, at least she has heard a lot of them by the tales from his father and books. Soon Mithra decide to act, just nodding as Evangeline talked, the elf then move as fast as she can without make noise, not welding her sword until the moment to attack. Then when she get close enough, she take her sword from and with quick deadly blows slice the three closer slimes with a brutal strengh.

Lighting strikes, use 10 Sp and 10 dodge points to produce 20 more damage. Use quick draw, deadly draw, duel, sword dance and terrify. All in a Stealth attack, then repeat except than dont change any dodge point for damage


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 64/68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Battle Dance, Grappled, 12/25 Resistance
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 40/50, PP = 50, EP = 104/114, Status = Fine

Mithra tries to sneak up and attack using Lightning Strikes, activating battle dance and using Death from the Draw with 10 points of Dodge dropped for extra damage using Power Strike, and 10 EP payed for Smite. Lemme know if that isn't what you meant.
Stealth: Mithra wins against her targets.
Attacks (Mithra) : Automatic Hits.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 27 - 6 + 6 + 10 + 10 = 52 * 2 = 104/4 = 26 damage per slime. Not enough to kill any of them.

Evangeline uses Holy Fire X = 10 in a blast to catch 3 slimes.
Attack (Evangeline) : 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 * 10 = 60/2 = 30 damage.

Attack (angel) : hit.
Damage: more than thirty with an energy blade, so enough.

Casting (Dark Slimes) : Success.
Attack (Ice Slick vs Evangeline) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 5 + 2 = 8 * 2 = 16 - 5 - 1 = 10 damage.
Resistance: Evangeline wins, she is not knocked prone.
Attack (Greater Force Bolt vs the angel) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 7 + 2 = 16 * 3 = 48 damage.
Resistance: Enemy wins. The angel is knocked prone.

Attacks (Grey Slimes 4 vs Mithra) : 1 hits, Mithra is grappled.
Attacks (Grey Slimes 2 vs the angel) : 1 hit, the angel is grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 4 + 3 + 6 = 13 Resistance damage, Mithra is at 12/25 Resistance before she becomes Aroused

Evangeline and Mithra split apart in order to enact their plan, and when the elf leveled an attack at three of the slimes from stealth the sidhe woman unleashed a burst of white fire. The flames caused three of the slimes to fall apart, their substance melting, but one of the casters spun toward her an unleashed a ray of frozen energies. An ice slick appeared under her feet as the slime started advancing, apparently unbothered by the ice she'd conjured, but her fey heritage allowed her to resist some of the pain brought on by the supernatural cold, and she managed to remain on her feet, if just barely.

Mithra, meanwhile, tore a chunk from each of the slimes, but they seemed to practically ignore her powerful blows, and each of the ones that she'd struck as well as one other turned on her and rushed to attack. She managed to dodge three of them before the uninjured slime tackled Mithra to the ground, and a wave of arousal suddenly washed over her as the slime began seeping under and through her clothes and armor. The other four moved in on the downed elf, ready to overwhelm her as one and fulfill the urges that their poisonous substance were bringing up in her.

The angel, meanwhile, was suddenly blasted by the other magical slime, and it sent the winged woman tumbling to the ground. Before she could rise, one of the remaining slimes enveloped her, ripping off her shredded robes and baring her delicious form for all to see. She groaned and blushed, the slime clearly causing her to become aroused just as it had to Mithra, and another was quickly closing in. Of the three of them, only Evangeline was left on her feet, but Mithra might attempt to attack her foe yet even though she was being overwhelmed physically.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

When Mithra and Evangeline split up and they both did their attacks, Eva saw Mithra's strikes all land on her three targets, while her own magic blast hit all the enemies she targeted. Mithra's attack she saw didn't kill the ones she hit though but Eva's obliterated hers. One of the purple slimes cast an ice ray spell at Evangeline that froze the ground under her and nearly caused her to fall down, but she managed to catch herself thankfully before falling over, and she even managed to shrug off most of the damage from the spell aimed at her as it was ice and her racial ability to resist the cold helped her to do so.

The three enemies Mithra went after all retaliated against her as if her attacks on them did nothing at all, but they all missed her. However a fourth one came in from out of nowhere and knocked the poor elf to the ground and before she could even blink, Evangeline watched four of the grey slimes converge and grab hold of Mithra where they did what Evangeline had seen many a slime do to the people of Therion during the invasion.

She noticed the angel take down one of the slimes out of the corner of her eye as the other purple slime blasted her and sent her falling down, where two of the grey slimes which left only Evangeline not being grappled by any of their enemies. She had to choose which of the two to save first and she quickly decided on the angel because... well first of all she was an angel, but the main reason was that Evangeline thought she looked quite exhausted from fighting already, while she and Mithra had just arrived and were well rested in comparison.

"Hang on you two, I'm coming," Evangeline called out to the two as she readied her magic again and tried to maneuver around to a better position so the purple slime didn't get the chance to grab her. If she managed to free the angel she could only hope she'd return the favor by getting Mithra clear of the ones on her.

Can Evangeline move and attack in the same turn? If so I'll have her move as far from the purple slime as she can and attack the ones holding the angel. Regardless if she can or not, she's using Holy Fire again as an AoE, spending 11 EP for a total of (2d4 +1 * 11 heat/fire damage.)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Trying to give a deadly strike to some of these creatures before they were ready to attack her, Mithra give some potent blows to the slimes, however they manage to survive and with some unknown supernatural instincts the mindless creatures forget their attempst to attack the surrounded angel. Their sudden "change of mind" dont give a chance to the elf to try a second attack against them. Even in this unexpected problem, Mithra manage to dodge three of them but a fourth succeed in trap her, soon her body started to feel the aphrodisiac slime getting inside her slime.

Even in her critical moment she tried to maintain the calm and check her options, she cant focus the enough to cast a spell and her sword looks to only be able to slighty harm her foes, wait for Evangeline is not an option and the elf would do her best to avoid the lust status than this monsters give to their victims. Trying to move the enough to a side to dont hurt the angel, Mithra will shoot her energy wave against all the slimes trying to kill the three wounded and any other monster close her.

use Energy wave 4


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 64/68, PP = 52, EP = 38/52, Status = Fine, Grappled, 1/25 Resistance
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 0/50, PP = 50, EP = 93/114, Status = Helpless

Mithra uses Energy Wave 4
Attack: Automatic hit on the one grappling her, hits the other ones.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 4 = 24/2 = 12 damage to each of the slimes, killing the three that she had hit before but not the one grappling her, who was at full health.

Evangeline uses Holy Fire X = 11 in a blast to catch 3 slimes.
Attack (Evangeline) : 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 * 11 = 77/2 = 39 damage.

The angel gets to her feet.

Casting (Dark Slimes) : Success.
Attack (Greater Force Bolt vs Evangeline) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 9 = 14 * 3 = 42 damage. Evangeline is knocked unconscious, and her clothes are destroyed.
Attack (Greater Force Bolt vs the angel) : Miss.

Grapple (Mithra vs Slime) : Mithra wins, no harm done.
Aphrodisiacs: 2 + 3 + 6 = 11 Resistance damage, Mithra is at 1/25 Resistance before she becomes Aroused

Evangeline backed away from the dark slime as she launched a burst of white fire towards the grey slimes clustered around the angel, the two slimes around the beautiful winged woman dissolving under her powerful attack. The angel rose to her feet and offered Evangeline a grateful smile, but the two magic using slimes interrupted. The one closing in on Evangeline, frustrated by her avoidance, sent a burst of magic at the sidhe futanari that knocked her off of her feet and shredded her clothing. The wind knocked out of her and her body unresponsive, Evangeline could do nothing but lie on her back as the slime advanced, coming closer and closer to enveloping her as it formed into the shape of a woman wearing a bright smile, particularly when she caught sight of the faerie's rod through her torn clothing.

Mithra, meanwhile, unleashed a low power burst of magic against the slimes clustering around her. It easily destroyed the ones that she had struck earlier, but the slime that was actually holding her hadn't yet been injured. It weathered her magical assault easily, but even though it tried to get her clothes off Mithra's struggling managed to keep her from succeeding. With luck, she might be able to squirm free of it shortly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline let rip with her spirit power at the slimes holding the angel as she moved back a bit and burned them away with her holy attack, which released the angel to fight once more. However Evangeline was then blasted off her feet by one of the magic using slimes, sending her to the ground and destroying all of her clothes in the process.

After hitting the ground, Evangeline could barely move her body an inch as she groaned in pain as the slime that knocked her down came closer towards her to what she could only assume was envelope her to rape her like she'd seen so many of the people of Therion go through. She tried to get her body to move, if only enough to use her spirit energy to keep fighting, but alas it was totally unresponsive as she lay there watching the slime coming closer as it formed into a slimy purple woman smiling at her, and her smile only grew when she saw Evangeline's member through the shreds of clothing still on her body.

All Evangeline could really do was hope and pray that the angel or Mithra either one could save her from the terrible fate that awaited her if the slime managed to get her. Though with Mithra still being held by the last remaining grey slime after her own spirit attack, she probably wouldn't be able to help her at the moment, and the angel would be hard pressed herself from the other purple slime, so Evangeline would likely have to hold out long enough for the two of them to finish their own fights first.

"D-Damn... f-first time out helping the... hidden village and I get beaten... some help I was... forgive me mom, dad... I'm sorry," Evangeline mumbled under her breath as she lay there unable to move even a muscle.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Sending a soul blast using her sword, Mithra just destroy 3 of the grey slimes at the same time, their bodies just vanish at the air leaving her with the one who was holding her, the creature slime continue making effect on the swordswoman who nearly turn aroused by the creature cursed fluids.Even then she have clear the battlefield and decide to risk all once she notice than Eva is in danger, she shoot again trying to fill her sword to her sould and then shoot beyond her limit trying to save the lives in front of her, this time she cant fail, in a long line her sould blast fly trying to hurt the lonely purple slime away of Evangeline and the angel, as also the grey one.


Shout more like a beg than an order to the celestial creature

[use 15 sp]
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