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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 26/52, EP = 34/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy

Though Mithra opted to use the telepathic channel, Aezralia answered her aloud. "I was here... Well, to kill them mostly!" Aezralia offered simply as she gestured towards Violet and Lavender, who backed away from the angel with worried expression. The angel frowned and quickly amended; "Not you specifically, but your kind. We've been working to keep the aliens out of Crolia since the invasion, and have largely been successful. They keep trying to expand from their bases in Badaria, and I was tasked with destroying that one. When I'm done ensuring that you two get home alright, I'll likely return there and finish destroying it."

The two slimes opted to ignore the angel after that, instead allowing Eva a moment to rest before they both simultaneous jumped onto the sidhe. "Long enough! We're hungry and you promised!" said the lighter slime, Lavender. "We're gonna suck out everything from you!" added Violet as they both slid over Evangeline's skin, their aphrodisiac laced bodies filling her with lust and bringing her cock to full attention immediately. With Violet sitting on her chest and Lavender on her legs, Eva could barely move as the two slimes began making good on their promise, albeit more slowly than they had back in the tower. Opening their mouths, the two of them rubbed their slimy tongues over her shaft, every single touch lighting her nerves up as the aphrodisiacs increased her sensitivity tenfold.

There was pleasure, undeniably, but the stimulation was far from enough to get her off even when Violet's tongue slowly flicked against the the sensitive underside of her member and Lavender began rolling her tongue in circles around the head. The light coos that the two emitted constantly as they both began to feed on Eva's soul, draining her spiritual energies through the pleasure that they were causing her, only caused their slimy bodies to vibrate and stimulate her all over, and Violet began to rub Evangeline's breasts while two tendrils from Lavender began sliding up between her legs.

Aezralia watched the two slimes begin to molest Eva with a disapproving frown, and the angel did make use of the mental link to communicate this time; 'This is dangerous... Those creatures cannot be trusted. Are you sure that you want this, Evangeline? I could destroy them now, and then you would be free of them."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

While Eva sat there, she listened to Aezralia speak, finding out exactly why she'd been there in the first place. When she heard, Eva carefully glanced over at Violet and Lavender to see their reactions and wasn't surprised to say the least, though Aezralia told them that she hadn't been there for the two of them in particular.

After that Evangeline was allowed to rest for a minute or so and catch her breath before the two slimes both dove on her, whining at her and reminding her of what she'd promised them. As they quickly covered her skin with their aphrodisiacs, Eva felt her cock almost instantly hardening up and arousing her quite a bit, the darker of the two sitting on her chest and the lighter on her legs. Evangeline let out a soft lewd moan, her eyes glazing over almost immediately with lust as her cock was licked by their slimy tongues.

"H-Hey, what do you think you're doing Lavender? Not down there, we made a deal," Evangeline said aloud to the lighter slime, reminding her of their deal as she cooed from the pleasure they were bringing her.

"I know its very dangerous and that we... probably can't trust them too much Aezralia. But I did make a deal with them... which would be dishonorable to go back on now... even if I made it while not totally in my right mind. But if it looks like they'd... be violating the terms of the deal even the slightest bit... by taking more then they're supposed to... then do whatever you have to and use your judgment on the matter to stop them," Eva said back to the angel through the mental link in between some pleasurable moans that bled over through the mental link for both her companions to hear there as well as the ones she was letting out of her lips. A moment later she then glanced over at Mithra with her lust filled eyes and continued, saying, "Same with you Mithra. I honestly don't know... what we'll do with them once they've finished... but I doubt I'll be awake for it. So after they get done... it's really up to the both of you to decide... what to do, whether or not to just take us all back to the hidden village or whatever. I would say don't just kill them out of turn unless... you've got to of course... because they could give us some useful information about that tower... which we could then use to take it out after we've all recovered enough... they may know if there are any others trapped inside... which we need to save as quickly as possible... and knowing whether or not there are others trapped... will let us know how long we can rest before going back."
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

My apologize Miss Aezralia, but we cant return to our home before take down that vile place and make this zone more safe for our people, it will be an honor if we can help you in your mission Mithra answer without use the mind channel, for her destroy that place as best as she can would be the better choice. However she have a problem than must be solve now, these two slime creatures. The elf eyes show how much she is against the way than Eva decide to act to solve this, Mithra just shake her head before say to the angel in the mental link to avoid than this creatures heard.

I cant just stay here looking how one of my partners is used by these strange creatures, if Lady Evangeline lost her mind my honor will be tainted forever. Mithra then prepare herself to draw her weapon in case than the angel decide to act dont looking at these creatures as possible allies thanks to all her years defending her lands of them, but if the angel accept to give them a chance, she will stop any attack at the moment.

If all goes bad, Mithra will use Aura Battle x8
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 0/118, Status = Unconscious

Aezralia replied to Mithra over the mental link that Evangeline still maintained; 'I don't know how much help you could be, honestly. We still don't know where it is or how far away, but I can find it quickly by air, as I'd rather not teleport into that pit. Don't worry, loath as I am to be present for this, I will not allow Evangeline to come to any harm. If the slimes attempt to cause her any permanent damage, even by accident or due to over-zealousness, I'll simply destroy them both. All the same, this is her choice to make, and unless she comes to harm by them, we've no right to make it for her.'

Lavender pulled away from her cock and looked confused at Eva's sudden protest, but the tendril creeping up her leg didn't even slow down. "What do you mean? We just said we wouldn't put a crystal inside you!" she said, "You never said anything about no access to here~" The lighter slime girl's reaching tendrils found their way between Evangeline's legs and slipped into both of her holes at once, causing a further shiver of pleasure to shoot up Evangeline's spine. The two tentacles began to wriggle and pulsate in alternating patterns inside of her, rubbing along her inner walls and very nearly making her orgasm right then and there. Though that alone wasn't enough to drive Eva over the edge of sanity even with how hypersensitive and horny the slimes left her, when Violet took advantage of Lavender's distraction to take the whole of Eva's already throbbing cock into her mouth, the sudden wave of pleasure went far beyond what the sidhe could hope to contain.

Violet's mouth formed around her cock like a glove, allowing her to stimulate every single one of the Eva's nerves at the same time while still providing that incredible suction. Her mind going blank with lust, Eva couldn't even feel it as her every muscle tensed in preparation for her orgasm, but where previously she had simply left her head down to suck out Eva's semen, Violet instead began to bob up and down. The pleasure coming in pulses rather than waves allowed the two slimes to feed deeply on Eva's soul and prolong her wait to experience the glorious release that she now longed for so much, building her impending climax even higher than the last one that the slimes had brought her to. Evangeline's body held out for another minute under Violet and Lavender's dual assault, the latter sucking on her cock like no tomorrow while the former writhed her reaching tendrils about inside of Eva's pussy and anus, but with so much happening at once there wasn't much that she could do to resist her impending climax even if she wanted to.

When she came, a bubble of her jizz shot out of her cock so hard that it almost came out the back of Violet's head, but the slime managed to keep all of it inside. A bubble of Evangeline's semen formed in Violet's throat, which swiftly expanded as the slime continued sucking on her cock, her throbbing bursts of pleasure each accompanied by a gout of sperm so large that it was practically a constant stream. By the time she finished cumming, a process that Mithra noticed took nearly a minute but that felt like years to Eva, the pocket of jizz left in Violet was nearly the size of a cantelope, and she pulled off of the sidhe's still twitching cock with a satisfied sigh and a pop. "Delicious~ I could suck on you all day!" said the slime, and Lavender looked on enviously, "I wanted some....." Aezralia, who was watching, had begun to blush slightly even though her arms were crossed over her chest, and Mithra heard her whisper; "That was a really big load...."

Violet, meanwhile, had begun to dissolve all of the cum that Eva had just shot into her, leaving her feeling incredibly empty in both body and soul. She replied to Lavender's complaint; "You got all of the first one! It was my turn~ You can have the next one, but you'd better leave enough for me to have another!" Lavender grinned, and both of the slimes shifted aside, momentarily releasing Eva, but even if a part of her might have desired a longer break from the overload of sensations, her mind was overwhelmed completely with lust by that point. Violet moved over to her side, her mouth coming down and clamping over Eva's breast while her sibling straddled the lust-addled fairy while facing her. There was a moment of resistance as Eva's still-twitching cock pressed against Lavender's pussy, but then her slimy folds descended over Eva's cock, and the mind-shattering bliss returned intensified. The slime girl moaned and began to buck, much as her sister had done with her mouth, only her pussy was far tighter than her sister's mouth had been. Two tentacles of slime, much thicker than those that had been withdrawn when her partners had changed positions, slammed immediately into her pussy and ass.

Both slimes continued to feed on Eva's soul, something that she was now helpless to resist, but now that was merely an addition to the incredible pleasure coursing through her. Though she might have thought that the last orgasm had emptied her of her semen, the pressure that built in her belly signaled that another orgasm was coming on quickly, spurred on by Lavender's vigorous riding and the potent suction of her writhing pussy. She barely lasted half a minute before cumming again, more streams of her thick, potent seed pumping forth into her slimy lover, forming an orb of goo visible within Lavender right where her womb would be if she were human. While note as large as what Violet had just sucked out of her, the load that Eva pumped into Lavender was about as large as her first, and the exhaustion only increased along with it even though the aphrodisiacs present in her two partner's bodies kept her hard and ready for them.

They swapped places once again, Violet's pussy replacing Lavender's over Eva's cock while she pushed two tendrils of herself into Eva's body, and the waves of pleasure continued. Violet was rougher than her sister, literally pounding herself onto Eva's cock so hard that pieces of herself splashed off and had to squirm back to rejoin her main body. Every slap was nearly orgasmic in and of itself to Eva's shattered mind, but the climax that they led up to, once more less than a minute after her last, was her strongest yet. Her cock spat up everything that it had left, waves of spunk shooting up into the slime on top of her, somehow producing an amount of cum almost equal to two of her three other orgasms and creating another bubble of semen inside of Violet, the first having not yet fully dissolved, right where her womb ought to be. Blackness overtook Eva as she came down from her fourth orgasm, and her companions both watched the two slimes pull off of the drained fairy and came away, leaving Eva drained but unharmed.

"She came so much.... Where does she keep it all?" Aezralia muttered to herself, and then the slimes turned toward the angel and the elf. "We're all done~ Eva paid us back in full!" said Lavender, and Violet nodded exuberantly. "We'll go away now if you want! But we can show you where the tower is~" Violet added, "We won't fight our kin though, not without some incentive!"
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline wasn't able to really do much in the way of answering Aezralia save to say, "Okay A-Aezralia... and thank you... both of you. I knew I could... trust you both." Then she became too distracted to bother talking to either the elf or the angel.

"A-Alright then... as long as you promise that... then I don't mind. N-Now come on... make me cum," Evangeline panted to Lavender in between her soft lustful moans.

As soon as Lavender's slimy tentacles parted her lower lips and pucker, she let out a louder and lewder moan, the young sidhe greatly enjoying the sensations of having her other naughty bits played with rather than just her cock. She couldn't contain herself however when Violet took her entire member in her slimy mouth, letting out a loud moan that was near a scream as the darker slime fit around and over her length perfectly. Within seconds Eva was already babbling incoherently as her mind was overwhelmed by lust, the feeling of having her soul energy drained as well as the sex being simply too much for her.

"Oh gods... it feels so good you two... don't stop... fuck me silly," Evangeline said, hoping the two would grant her request and fuck her so silly she couldn't even think straight until she woke back up.

After only a minute or two after they started on her, Eva could feel her orgasm about to wash over her like a tidal wave, and she didn't give a damn about it. Aching for release. Eva let loose with a cry of ecstasy when her orgasm finally did hit, her load spurting out with such force it nearly went straight through and out of the back of Violet's head, and Eva saw through half lidded lust filled eyes her cock spurting uncontrollably into the slime girl, who gulped down every single drop as it came out of Eva in a near constant stream, the young sidhe crying out with each throb and subsequent gush of her seed out of her meat. Her orgasm was so intense and lasted so long that Eva didn't think it would ever end... not that that was such a bad thing really. When Violet pulled her mouth off of her still throbbing, yet now also aching cock, Evangeline cooed softly, giving a slight whimper that she'd stopped as it had felt so good and it was so warm in there as well, the outside air hitting her shaft and making her shiver.

As Eva lay there, her body totally limp from the wonderful sex and her eyes totally glazed over, she barely even realized the slimes talking and moving around to switch who was where, and when Aezralia spoke it was like a distant mumble that she couldn't make out anything of. When Violet started suckling on her breasts and Lavender slipped Eva's cock into her slimy pussy, the young futanari fairy let out another lust filled and passionate scream. All Eva could really do at that point was lay there and allow herself to be ridden off by the lusty slime girl, then when she felt two more slimy tentacles slipping into her lower holes again, Evangeline screamed in her lust, her tongue hanging out and making her look like a complete and total slut.

While Lavender rode her, Eva felt another orgasm building, despite just having one only what seemed like moments before. It didn't take but barely half a minute before she was crying out in ecstasy again, the poor addled sidhe not being used to such masterful stimulation of all her naughty bits at the same time. When she came this time, she filled Lavender's slimy body with another great torrent of seed, which again came out in streams and not spurts. Eva's mind after that orgasm was totally fried as she fell back onto the ground panting, her body having raised up out of reflex as her back arched from the overwhelming pleasure.

She was totally unaware of the two switching again, only giving out a soft coo and whine when Lavender lifted off her still fully erect and twitching cock, which was still eager for more from the two. When Violet slammed herself down upon Eva it nearly knocked the breath out of her as she let loose with another moan. Evangeline wasn't even coherent at this point and so didn't even see the bits of slime flying off of Violet in her rough treatment of Eva, who's mind was so fried from the over stimulation that she couldn't even think of anything except cumming again... and soon enough wish was granted yet again. When her final orgasm came, her seed fired out of her like water coming through a water hose there was so much of it, yet Violet allowed not on drop to fall out of her. When her orgasm was finally over, Eva lay there for a moment or two before her body gave out and she fainted from exhaustion, her entire body twitching, her eyes empty husks filled with lust, and such a fucked silly look on her face that anyone looking would be able to tell she'd enjoyed herself despite all that had happened. With that, her head thumped back against the ground, her eyes still open after she fainted as she was so fucked up at that point she didn't really have enough control over her body any longer to even blink, her body in too much bliss to even really care as the two slime girls had indeed granted her earlier request and fucked her silly.

Now that fuckfest is over with, I'm going to say holy shit can Evangeline cum. Hell she could repopulate entire planets with that high a cum production in as little as a few months.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was not really happy with the angel words as they nearly place her as usseles to aid the celestial at her mission, as also she allow than Evangeline use her body to pay these creatures, what disconfort the elf, as in only some hours, she will see her partner being used by these creatures once again.

Mithra remain silent, trying to notice any attemp than the slime girls do to break her friend, fortunately nothing happened, but Mithra turned to a side each time than Eva cum. I guess than this is going a little far The cum continue filling the slimegirl until Mithra was unable to really understand too how someone could have that quantity without be an alien or a dark magic evil entity, likely the elf would stop this now but the angel looks to notice in an unknown way than all will be right, so the agony of stay there as her friend was used, it was hurting the poor Mithra.

After a while Evangeline give a last yet potent orgasm, cumming so much than was irreal. With the sylph exausted unti pass out, the blonde elf, take her to a good place where she would rest, trying to cast a warm continuous spell on the poor evangeline to maintain her warm at the cold forest and using her own backpack to make her head rest better.

Please stay with us until Evangeline wake up, then we would decide between all hour next step, at my part, i still dont completely trust on both, but as Evangeline looks to dont be hurt, i must apologize for that. Maybe we should ask your help to find the tower so we can go there without Evangeline get tired after cast her power.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

The two slimes watched as Mithra laid her pillow underneath Eva's head, and then they nodded somberly at the elf's request that they stay until the drained sidhe awakened. In the meantime, Aezralia moved to sit against a tree and let out a tired sigh, leaving Mithra to deal with the two slimes. "Sure, we'll hang around for a bit!" Violet said brightly, and then they began to follow Mithra about wherever she went, settling when she did and moving with her. "Whatcha doin?" Lavender asked regularly, and her first instance of that, Violet added; "It could be a while before she wakes up, and we're bored!"

True to what the darker slime had said, it took Evangeline until dawn to awaken, and Mithra was free to rest if she wanted. Given how long it took for her companion to awaken, it seemed like a good idea if she wanted to remain combat effective. Her village was likely very concerned about her and Eva, but whether she wanted to go to the alien's tower with Aezralia or return home to report was her choice to make. Eva awoke with a massive headache and a soreness in both her cock and in her belly, and felt both extremely hungry and extremely thirsty, but was more or less alright otherwise.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra attempt to honor her partner request of have these creatures close was in some way used by the slime creatures to start bother the young elf with their noisy questions. Mithra frown and nod slighty, as the slime girls get close her like trying to piss her all what they can, with questions and acting like bored childrens. Mithra was close to leave for a moment to inform her town about all this, but the creatures dont stop to follow her, she know than she could lost them easily through the forest, but then Evangeline would be in danger even when the angel is resting close her, also these creatures could return to their hideout and call for support so Mithra would need to entertein these creatures or just ignore them until they get tired of follow her.

The young elf decide to stay close the others in case than the alien girls try to back stab them. Mithra tried to eat some of her rations, as she tried to think in a way to send a message to her people, as the slimes ask about each of her actions, Mithra answer each of them, even when they were more for bother her than to take away any doubts. Waiting for a good moment she summoned a little stealthy creature and write a magic mensage on it before turn it invisible and send it to the village wondering if it will reach the town before it dissapear.

Tryng to be ready in case than the slimes try something at the night, Mithra rest the enough with an eye half opened, once the dawn come, all the girls were expecting than Evangeline wake up and when the time come, Mithra talk with her. Its great to see than you are fine, we have lost a long time here so lets talk and decide our next move. I ask them to stay with us for a while until heard your opinion about them, personaly im sure than we could find that place without their help and defeat anything who is waiting us there, but maybe yu have something in mind too.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The next morning when Eva woke, she felt sore as hell, her belly ached for some reason, likely because she was so hungry and thirsty. Her head was also hurting quite a bit, a splitting headache running through it as she opened her eyes and groaned, looking around to see where she was and what had happened. As the rest of her body woke up with her, she felt the soreness in her member from the fun she'd had with Violet and Lavender, the two slimes sucking out so much from her Eva was amazed she was still alive and hadn't died from dehydration after losing so many fluids.

After Eva got her bearings and everything, she saw Mithra come over where she spoke with her for a minute, and though Evangeline listened, she had more pressing concerns at the moment, like getting some water and food in her belly. She grabbed the nearest waterskin, regardless of who's it was and guzzled down the entire thing, wiping her mouth dry of any the spilled out while she drank.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay. Sore and very hungry, but okay... and I've also got a bit of a headache, but I'll be alright after a few minutes I think. Gods I haven't been this sore since I summoned that succubus the first time, and she almost drained me drier than they did by herself," Evangeline said, telling a bit of her past for the elf and angel to hear, as well as the two slimes if they were near. A moment later she shook her head again and continued, "We probably could find it on our own, but then again they may help us fight. They did live up to their end of our bargain after all, so we know they can be trusted a little. But first I need some food before we go into a long drawn out discussion, then we can get into it okay,"

After they had fixed some breakfast and Eva had started eating, she would tell the others she was ready to talk, and formulate a plan of action. The first thing she would do would be to ask Violet and Lavender how close they were to the tower where they were at right now. Then she would ask if they could or would tell them how many were in there, to fight and or be rescued. "If worse comes to worse, I can always summon us some support in there, and I could probably summon us up a some powerful people to help us," Evangeline said, informing the others of her ability to summon help if they needed it.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

There was not much to say, as Evangeline looks to be very tired to answer at this moment, Mithra just sigh and sit at her side as Evangeline take her rations and water from the elf backpack.

As the sidhe eat her breackfast, the swordswoman whisper her some words trying to dont be heard by the slime girls, making it looks like a kiss than an attempt to say something in secret.

I must return and bring you some clothes, maintain them busy and summon something to defend yourself. Said that Mithra will do her best to act normaly and answer what Evangeline said after her lunch, as the blonde warrior wait for a moment to leave.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Alright Mithra, and thanks. If it'll take you too long though then we can have Aezralia stay here for a few minutes with them and keep them occupied, then I can teleport us back to the village long enough to get some more clothing, and then teleport us back to here. Then I can rest long enough to recover from doing that before we head on out. What do you think about that plan?" Eva replied to Mithra in a whisper, taking a bite of her breakfast and guzzling down a little more water from her waterskin to keep the two slime girls from overhearing her.

After Mithra had made her decision, Eva would either ask Aezralia to stay there and keep Violet and Lavender busy for a few minutes while she teleported them back to the village, and then back there after they informed them of what all had happened. Or she would stay there if Mithra told her to just go ahead and wait while she went and got her some clothing and informed the village elders of the situation. If Mithra didn't want her to go however, then Evangeline would use that time to try and convince Violet and Lavender to help them, if the two slimes hadn't yet answered her earlier questions.

I'll leave it up to you to decide plm if you want Eva to use 'Instant Transmission' to take them both back to the village and then back to the clearing after getting restocked and stuff. She can wait for a few minutes after getting back to recover her EP and then they can head on to find the tower and do whatever.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Eva suggestion looks to be really usefull, but even then Mithra was worried for the angel, they should be faster and return soon in order to stop any attempt than the slime girls could have against her.

Fine, lets do it. Mithra whisped back and then walk toward the angel wishing than she was not close to disturb a celestial in middle of her sleep. Sorry to make you wait Miss Aezralia, but can you give us some minutes more, meanwhile please watch out for these two creatures, please. The elf said trying to dont be heard by the slime creatures who maybe should be more focused on Evangeline than her after deny them any entertainment the last night.

If all goes right Mithra and Evangeline will go to the town and bring some clothes to the angel too, as of course the elf will say her report to the elders so they know where they will be, certainly they could be worried but defeat the aliens before they get closer is a priority.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Very well then, I'll prepare myself to go, and then we'll hurry back okay," Eva whispered to Mithra, preparing herself to use her teleportation powers to get them back to the hidden village and then back to here when they were ready to return.

Once Mithra was ready, and after Aezralia had decided to either go with them or stay there, Evangeline would use her spirit energy and burn enough to send them on their way back to the hidden village, where she would be able to get some more clothing hopefully, and perhaps a potion or two that she could use to get some of her spirit energy back in an emergency.

Using 'Instant Transmission' and taking Evangeline, Mithra, and if she wants to Aezralia as well, back to the hidden village, spending as much EP as need be to do so. Also, once there can Eva buy some things from the merchant by chance?
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

(She could buy from the local merchant, but the daemon merchant doesn't generally pop up in civilized areas. Too much competition. She can get potions and clothes at the regular shop for the same prices though.)

The two slimes answered Evangeline immediately, telling her that they were pretty far from the tower by their reckoning, but that it was over to the South East, in the Pass of Ghosts. They didn't know how many were in the tower, however, either in the form of captives of aliens, as they had been gone long enough that what few captives they'd caught could have been turned by now, and that the extra energy could easily have been used to create more slimes, or the captives to breed more grabbers or hunters. They said as much quite casually, as if it didn't bother them at all.

Aezralia said that she would wait there, but for no more than half an hour than she'd already waited. Teleporting back to the village, Mithra and Evangeline had bows trained on them within seconds, as the flash and noise of that particular power hardly allowed for stealth, but they were lowered when the two of them were recognized. Mithra then directed Eva to the shop, where she could get whatever she needed, and then went off to the elders, who heard her quick report and demanded that the tower be destroyed, asking if Mithra required any support.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Alright Aezralia, we'll be back as soon as we can," Evangeline said, not liking what Violet and Lavender had said, and assuring the angel that they would be back as soon as possible.

Once Eva had used her spirit powers and spent enough of her energies to whisk them back to the hidden village, her and Mithra suddenly found themselves with bows and arrows trained on the two of them, which brought Eva's hands up in surrender. "Whoa whoa hold it, we're friendly," Evangeline called out to the guards aiming the bows at them, still holding her hands up.

Once the guards had lowered their weapons and everything, and once the two were allowed to move on after that, Evangeline went straight to the nearest shop once Mithra had directed her towards the shop, trying her best to cover herself to retain some modesty at least.

Once Evangeline had made her way to the nearest shop that she could get some clothing and or armor at, she immediately went inside and started looking around for something to get and cover herself with. After a quick look around she noticed something there that looked pretty nice and grabbed it, then glanced around again to see if she could find a bit of extra equipment that would be helpful and decided on a potion or two, which she looked around to see if she found any she liked.

Once she had gotten everything rounded up, Evangeline would head back out to find Mithra, and once she was ready to head on back, Evangeline would use her spiritual powers once more and take the two of them back to where they were to meet Aezralia, bringing anyone Mithra decided to bring along with them.

"I'll take these here, and if you've got any potions I could use a couple as well," Eva said to the shopkeeper once she'd found some robes she liked, which she then slipped a set of them on, and then once she found out about the potions she'd point out the ones she wanted.

Eva is going to buy 2 sets of battlemage's robes, so she'll have an extra set because her clothing got totaled in one shot last time around, and at least she'll have a back up set this way. Then she's going to get 1 energy potion. I took out 30 denarii from her character sheet and added everything appropriately onto her sheet. I don't think the battlemage's robes actually changed anything save her AV, but if I got anything wrong then just let me know and I'll edit as needed.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

My apologizes, Miss Aezralia. We will as fast as possible

The slimes words only affect her a little, Mithra know than Evangeline was very exhausted after teleport them and the sex with the slimes, for her the choice of follow the angel after kill these creatures some hours ago could had ended badly, maybe she and Aezralia could had been mindless breeders right now if they had went alone yesterday. So she just turn her sight away of the creatures and take Evangeline before leave.

Once they return, both girls find themselves surrounded by arrows and bows from the few soldiers than still remain on the town, as usual Mithra show them than it was just her and the new member of the army, once all place their weapons down, the girls started to move toward the shop. This is the shop, Miss Evangeline, please come inside. Mithra said before guide her to the shop where she just buy some pair of useful and beautiful clothes for the angel, she has saw more than enough her body to know what could fit her, so there was not so much problems to modify if needed the clothes. Once she paid, her next destination was the elder place, where she start to explain all as best as she can.

The alien base streng is unknown for us, a full attack could not be succesful with ours actual troops and will leave our town will be defenceless against any possible invasion, the best choice could be a stealthy infiltration and send someone to get help from Badarian if in the worse case scenario our first attack fail. As we must get inside without get detected we could use quick troops or use Evangeline teleport powers to get inside, yet we could get in a big trap if they are waiting us.

Once choiced the troops from the elders, they will return with the angel using evangeline teleport.

i dunno how many troops are there so 2-5 soldiers would be enough if they are skilled in dont be detected, if possible a spirit user or mage could work too.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After getting her things from the shop, Evangeline followed Mithra to speak with the elders, listening to their conversation as Mithra explained the situation, nodding her head when the elf told them that she could teleport them inside the place and out again once their mission was completed. Once they had made all of their decisions, Evangeline would wait until they were ready to leave and once they were she'd tell them all to hold onto her as she burned her spirit energy and teleported them all back to where Aezralia, Violet, and Lavender were all waiting for them at. Once there, Eva would ask them to wait long enough for her to recover her spirit energy before moving on again to conserve as much as possible for the coming battles.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

The guards grumbled and lowered their weapons upon the reassurance and recognition of both women, though a couple of them stared at Eva given her continued nudity. After that the first stop was the town shop, in which Eva bought some clothing and potions, and Mithra bought a robe for Aezralia. After that they proceeded to the longhouse in which the village elders held meetings, and though they expressed doubt that Badaria would ever off them any help, they did agree to send some assistance along with the two of them. The village had a number of scouts, but only a few mages, and they could spare none of the latter. Eva and Mithra were given a trio of bow-wielding elves to assist them, all girls and none of them particularly experienced in battle, but all of them were well trained hunters.

After they were introduced to Agnes, Dinara, and Belle, they gathered together and teleported back to the clearing. Aezralia was still there, sitting beneath a tree, but she rose when they appeared. "Welcome back," she said quietly, "I trust that all was well back at your village?" Lavender and Violet were there as well, bouncing as they squirmed around a different tree from the one that Aezralia had been sitting under, one that was noticeably distant from that particular tree, but when the five women popped into the clearing they gleefully untangled from around it and approached with highly excited grins on their faces. The three elven hunters pointed their bows at the two slimes, but if Mithra or Eva didn't tell them to stand down, Aezralia did, albeit somewhat reluctantly. "How'd it go?" asked Violet. "Are yah ready? Are yah?" asked Lavender as the two began to circle the quintet.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mitha was glad than Eva could support her in her talk with the elders, yet maybe the help looks to dont be really helpful at where they will go, even then the blonde elf give her respects to the elders and take Evangeline outside where they soon meet the three hunters than will come with them, they were young elven soldiers and Mithra cant stop of feel worried for them as this could be a really difficult battle and the use of hunters will not help too much once they get inside the corrupted place. Soon they teleport and at the first sight of the slimes the hunters aiming to the two aliens.

lower your wepons, they will help us. Mithra expect than these words were true and these creatures dont try anything once the time come. Yes, all looks to be fine at the moment, thanks to ask Miss Aezralia. Please accept this little gift. The swordswoman said opening her backpack and giving to the nude angel the clothes than she has brought for her.

Yes we are ready once Evangeline recover her breath. Mithra add as she was starting to think again than they should kill the two slimes right now but then without lost the sight on then whisper to Evangeline maybe we should plan something between the three
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After getting her clothing and slipping it on, and then after going to speak with the elders, Evangeline saw they were having three female huntresses sent with them to aid them in their attack and rescue on the alien tower. She wasn't too sure about these young unblooded huntresses being sent into battle with them, but then again they all had bows and could stay back with her while Mithra stayed in front and kept any enemies that closed in on them at bay with Aezralia, who seemed to be a powerful fighter herself. Eva also didn't expect Badaria to send much if any help at all, so it was likely going to be up to them at the moment, and anyone she could summon for help.

"Hello there Agnes, Dinara, Belle. In case you didn't already know, I'm Evangeline, and I'll be teleporting us back to where we left a few friends are waiting to go with us," Evangeline said to the three newcomers, offering her hand to each of them in turn and shaking theirs before heading out to get ready to leave and teleport back to the clearing they'd left Aezralia and the two slimes.

With a flash after burning her spiritual energies, they were all teleported back to the clearing where Aezralia was awaiting them with Violet and Lavender. Evangeline nodded to the angel when they arrived and she'd spoken after standing up from the tree she was resting under. When the two slimes came out from under the tree they were at, the three huntresses drew their bows and stung an arrow, aiming them at the two. Evangeline had expected it to be honest, and wasn't surprised in the least.

"Yeah it's okay for now you three, they're... friendly as far as we can tell, and they're going to show us the way to where we're going. And yes you two, everything went fine thank you very much, but if it's okay with you two I need to take another breath before we go, just give me a few minutes, cause I wanna be as ready for everything that I can," Evangeline said to the three hunters, then turned to answer the two slimes.

"Yeah maybe we should Mithra, if worse comes to worse, I'll teleport us out and back to the village, leaving those two behind, or taking them with us if necessary, either way," Evangeline replied in a whisper to Mithra.

Once she had rested enough, Evangeline would ask if they were going to go and have Violet and Lavender show them the way, with an offer of more sexy fun later to the two slimes to convince them to show them the way if need be, but only if they wouldn't do it otherwise. If it was decided between them all to teleport inside to the room Violet and Lavender were met in, then Evangeline would teleport them straight inside instead.