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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

Aezralia offered Mithra a soft smile as the corrupted elf offered her some clothes, and she quickly donned the robes while the other elves lowered their bows and nodded in response to Eva's reassurance about the two slimes. "Thank you Mithra, you are most kind." Receiving Eva's offer of more sex when they were done, the two slime girls cried out joyously and began to circle the sidhe excitedly. "We'll show you the way!" Violet said, and she and Lavender started off towards the tower. Presumably.

Aezralia followed the two slimes with arms folded over her chest, and the three elves carefully spread out into an arrowhead formation around Mithra and Eva while they presumably followed the slimes as well. No one suggested teleporting back into the prison chamber, but if Mithra did they were free to do that, as none of their companions would raise any objection, not even the three elves they had with them who would look quite unhappy at the idea. If they just walked, the group would sight the tower off in the distance only a short while later, and eventually they would reach an area in which the trees and brush had been cleared. Around a hundred feet of open ground surrounded the tower, which stood beside a small pond that it seemed to be slowly draining. There were a pair of nude women standing outside, theirs eyes blank and their bodies secreting slime, as well as a trio of hunters that were walking lazily in a circle around the tower, their camouflage skin currently inactive. The three elven scouts readied their bows from the edge of the clearing and took aim at the lizardmen, but then glanced at Mithra uncertainly, looking for orders. The two slimes had fallen silent, and Aezralia glanced at the other two as well, waiting for either Mithra or Eva to speak and create a plan if they wanted to.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After making sure that their elven companions weren't about to feather Violet and Lavender, and after the angel had put on her clothing that Mithra had brought her, they prepared to leave. When the offer of more sex came to them, Violet and Lavender seemed all too happy to show them the way, as Eva had decided not to go ahead and teleport them, as it would likely only serve to weaken her for the fight to come, and would most likely give them away as they went in. As they went onwards, Eva glanced around and saw her companions following the two slimes rather cautiously, which she didn't really blame them much on that regard, as she didn't really trust them completely herself, but they had little choice in this regard at the moment. A short time later they could see their target in the distance, and a short time after that they closed in on it, moving to the edge of cover around it where there was a rather large clearing between them and the entrance to the place.

At the entrance to the tower, Eva and company saw a pair of slime covered women, which she knew were gemini, and she also noticed the three hunter aliens roaming about the tower as well. Luckily they had the night to keep them unseen for the moment, Eva thought to herself, which would give them the element of surprise hopefully. She saw their elven archer companions were ready to fire their arrows at the hunters, but she had something else in mind for those three things.

"I can blast those three hunters there if you all can take care of the rest. Unless you three lovely ladies want to finish them off if I don't manage to kill them or something, I'd say the rest of you go after those two over there by the entrance," Evangeline whispered to her companions, then nodded at the three hunters.

Unless Mithra, Aezralia, or the three elf archers had a better idea, then Evangeline would draw her bronze blade and raise a hand towards the hunters, where she would expend some of her energies to blast them with her spirit powers, hoping to end them before they can notice them. However if Mithra and company decided to have Eva do something else then she would hold off with her attack.

Eva's going to use Piercer, pumping in 7 EP into it for the actual attack, and paying 2 additional EP to be able to target all 3 hunters with her attack for a total of 1d12 + 2 * 10 for the damage after Master Blaster is added into it, should her attacks hit of course. Her to-hit is 1d20 + 54.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Glad to heard than the angel was pleased with her new robe, Mithra focused on the others members of the party. Agnes, Dinara, and Belle were maybe not enough to help them to handle this menace unless they make a good battle plan, yet for that they must get more info of theirs foes and the slime girls could not know or lie is they get asked.

Looking for any stalker she follow the slime creatures until a clear as the others were in a well formed arrow formation. The fortune looks to smile them this time as there is only 3 hunters and what Mithra suppose is a gemini women or at least two girls completely broken for let them help the hunters to notice any attack, in any way they cant allow themselves to give them the chance of ruin all by just let them alive.

Mithra prepare herself for a quick and deadly attack she know than there was not time for mistakes, Evangeline was thinking the same and the Sylph decide to try to beat the three with a single attack. The elf could do it too, but she could be not so silence in her blast, so she decide to focus on kill the gemini duo.

Fine lets use range attacks this time, we must defeat them at the instant and at the same time. Mithra whisper to the others if any creature survive Aezralia would be the chosen to kill any survivor before the alarm get activated by any of the aliens.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 109/118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 99/109, Status = Fine
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Attack (Eva) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 = 5 * 10 = 50 - 8 = 42 damage.

Stealth: Elves win!
Attack (Elves) : Automatic Hit.
Damage: 7 + 2 + 15 = 24 * 2 = 48 - 8 = 40 damage per arrow.

The three hunters are killed by a combination of Eva's shadow shards and the elves' arrows.

Aezralia sets fire to things with Energy Blast X = 10, with any extra 3 cuz Master Blaster
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 * 13 = 65 damage.

The three elves were already taking aim on the hunters as Eva suggested her plan, and one of them (Belle) said; "We'll eliminate them if you don't... Otherwise we'll deal with the corrupted by the tower. You fire first." Aezralia nodded, "I'll finish off what's left, if anything, but I can't do so quietly like those three can." They waited until the hunters were in an optimal position, and then Eva was left to fire the first salvo. A trio of shards of pure blackness shot out from her outstretched hand, striking each of the hunters all at once somewhere around their midsections. They recoiled and let out a series of surprised and pained grunts, but they spun in her general direction, clearly not dead.

Belle, Agnes, and Dinara all aimed and loosed their shots from their hiding place in the bushes, striking each of the already wounded hunters perfectly in the throat. The three creatures stumbled, falling one by one, and Aezralia rose and pointed at the two gemini standing in front of the door. An orb of white light sprung out from the angel's hand, and when it struck the tower it exploded between the two corrupted ex-humans, reducing both of them to piles of ash in a blinding flash of light. The outside of the tower was left clear, and Aezralia smirked; "That wasn't so bad!"
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The fight ended very fast and Mithra dont need to even throw her arrow or send any spell, as she notice than each of the creatures had been defeated easily by the others.

Well done, lets get ready to get inside, keep ready in case than more creatures get out. Mithra say in nearly a whisper than all the girls could heard before prepare herself to cast a spell on herself, she focus her spirit at her eyes and senses trying to notice anything hidden at this place and inside the alien hideout once all get ready to get inside, she will be in front to detect any trap or monster.

[Cat Vision after Eva buff]
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Their plan went off without much of a hitch as Eva blasted the trio of hunters outside of the place, with the only hitch being that she failed to kill them with her attacks, though the elven archer girls followed up her attack and finished them off, each one of them putting an arrow perfectly into their foes throats. As soon as Eva and the archers attacked, Aezralia rose from their hiding place and blasted the two corrupted Gemini and completely disintegrated them to nothing more than a pile of ash. Eva hadn't been exactly expecting that to be honest, but it was better than nothing.

"Come on everyone, quickly and quietly," Eva whispered to everyone after taking a moment or two to see if anything else came to meet them.

If nothing did come out to meet them, then she would quickly spring from their hiding place as she motioned the others to follow, burning some more of her spirit energy as they made their way towards the tower to give them all an edge for the coming battles that she knew would be hard. After doing that, she would quickly check the hunters to see if she could gain anything useful from them before moving on towards the tower's entrance.

Using Blessing and pumping in 5 EP, which -2 the two will make her upkeep 3 until she drops the buff. And also loot the hunter corpses if you'll allow it as they go past, though I doubt the Gemini can be looted now that Aezralia fucking obliterated them. :p
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Fine, Blessed, Eyes of the Cat
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 104/118, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 99/109, Status = Fine, Blessed
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed

Mithra casts a spell!
Casting: Success.

Eva activates Blessing.

Gain 2 exp! Eva also gains 3 chameleon skins.

Proceeding into the clearing, Evangeline enacted her metaphysical enhancement while Mithra cast a spell that would allow her to see in the dark as clearly as she could in brightest day. The elves quickly skinned the hunters while the slimes lumbered towards the doorway into the tower, and when they reached it Lavender would quietly say; "We'll turn off the alarms... That way Cykrakha won't wake up!" The two slimes simply stood outside the doorway for a moment, allowing the three hunters time enough to complete their task and then some before Violet suddenly announced; "We're ready to go in! We don't know what'll be in there... And we can't go in. The defenses are as down as they're going to be, but if we go in there and Cykrakha wakes up, he'll start telling us what to do!"

If either Mithra of Evangeline raised an objection to this, Aezralia quickly interjected; "They're probably talking about an elder lord, one of the alien leaders. They can directly control any of their minions with a thought. If it's in a dormant state, we should try to be as quiet as possible and kill it before it can awake... If it woke up with Lavender and Violet in the room, it'd be able to force them to attack us, and there wouldn't be anything that they could do to stop it."

Stepping into the opening hallway ahead of the others, Mithra found it devoid of threats. It went on for about thirty feet, fleshy and wet and gradually increasing in warmth, before a passageway directly ahead of them split, one side going forward and the other going left and curving upwards. Aezralia and Evangeline were just behind her, forming the center of the group, and the three elven rangers took up the rear, keeping their eyes trained behind them. The choice in direction would be up to them, but given that Eva was already running through her energy, they had only a limited amount of time.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Casting an spell at her eyes, the bonde elf warrior increased her perception as her eyes turned like at cat like ones. mithra dont know too much about the aliens names but she was glad to heard than the slimes will not be with them as they invade the alien base, at least in that way they will not have a chance to betray them in middle of a battle. Understood, thanks to both for the help, we will try to end this before that Cykrakha awakes, also any of you know in which part of the tower he rest? we will apreciate any direction than could help us to find it faster. The swordswoman say to both slimes before get inside the tower. Once inside and after await than all were ready, she go in front looking for any trap or creature, then after a while she spot two paths, she will choice any of them than could be chossen by the help of the slime girls direction, but in case than they dont say anything she will use locate to try to know where is the room where they were prisioners, maybe this could help them to know more of the tower construction and save some time looking around.

If all this fail she will take the upper path.


to answer mind next post

Lets just focus first on the alien leader, the chances to save any prisioner are very low to sacrificate the mission. Whisper Mithra as answer, moving to the upper path. She suppose than what the slime girls said was true and all the prisioners were already completely under the control of these creatures
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Burning her energy to enhance their abilities and such, Eva moved quickly up past the dead hunters while their elven companions did the skinning of them while the others all moved up to the doors. After the two slimes had turned off the alarms in the place for them and the elves made their way up after skinning the hunters, Eva turned to their slimy companions and was about to ask them why when Aezralia explained.

"Hmm... yea I can understand that I suppose. Alright then you two, I want you to go back to that clearing for now then and wait for us okay, or if you think it'd be okay to wait around here then stay near and wait for us to get rid of this Cykrahka or whatever you said, then you can come in and rejoin us okay," Evangeline said to the two slimes, leaning over and kissing either of them on their slimy cheeks before they went on into the place.

Once Mithra had went on in, Eva followed close behind with the angel and trio of elves, the latter three of which brought up the rear guard for them while they kept their eyes looking in every direction pretty much, giving them an all around field of vision. As they went on in, Eva was a little unsettled by the fleshy feel of the floor under her feet, but she continued on anyway because they needed to in order to find any other captives and in order to end this horrible place once and for all if possible.

After they arrived at the crossroads, to further prepare for their next fight, Evangeline decided to buff herself a little more with her spirit powers before they decided on a way to go, and though she knew it was risky to be burning so much energy to buff herself like this, she was being more cautious and wanted to be certain that she would last through the battles without getting knocked out like before. Once that was done, Evangeline would then glance through both of their routes and decide on which way to go.

"I honestly think we should go through the path leading straight ahead myself, but if you all wish to go up first then we can. I just think that any prisoners would be kept further down in the tower, while this Cykrahka or whatever his name is would be up there. Though it might be better to go up if he is up that way and take him out first, which would throw this place into chaos without its leader. But whatever we decide let's do it fast, because the longer we wait, the more energy I burn, and if I go down then I can't teleport us out of here if things go south," Evangeline whispered to her companions, going on up if that's what Mithra and the rest wanted to do, as she knew they would have to hurry and take out their foes before she burned her spirit energy away.

A question I have which dictates which spirit armor buff I use here. Do spirit armor buffs that increase melee dmg work on the spirit weapon powers such as Energy Blade? If so then Eva is going to spend 5 EP on Dark Armor. However if it doesn't do that then she's going to be spending 4 EP and using Psychic Shield instead.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Fine, Blessed, Eyes of the Cat
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 90/118, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, Dark Armor X = 5

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 99/109, Status = Fine, Blessed
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed

Yes they do @ Flayer's question. Going with Dark Armor for X = 5. You guys spend one upkeep period going up the tower.

Perception: Success.

Leaving the two slimes outside the tower, where they thought it was safe to stay, the group strode into the tower. When it came time to decide which direction to go, Aezralia and the elves nodded in agreement, the latter following Mithra's lead while the former simply wanted to eliminate the tower's leader. The fleshy corridor, rather than forming stairs, created a sloped, slimy path that was deceptively treacherous, causing many of them to stumble into each other or fall on numerous occasions, but after a short while they came upon a small chamber. Mithra, in the lead and the stealthiest of their group, spotted seven of the alien hunters within the room after a quick peek, as well as another doorway leading to a second sloped passageway on the opposite side. They were safely crouched in the hall now, with the three elves in back watching the passage down, while the aliens in the other room just seemed to be idling about.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After moving into the tower a ways and leaving Violet and Lavender outside where it was safe for them, they followed Mithra upstairs and deeper into the tower. As they traveled up the fleshy slope, they all ended up slipping a little bit here and there on the way up, with Eva catching herself with her sword after drawing it out, stabbing it into the floor and using it to steady herself on the way up and whispering to the others to use whatever sharp weapons they had to do the same in order to prevent them falling back down. Finally after making their way up the path, the lot of them made their way to a chamber of some sort where they came upon another group of the hunters inside. They seemed to be hidden for the moment, but that could change any second and Eva wanted to keep them from being ambushed while they readied themselves to ambush their foes.

"Alright girls, what do you think? I think we should try and take them by surprise myself unless you have anything better," Evangeline whispered very quietly to her companions, nodding at their foes. Should they agree and prepare to attack them, then Eva would get prepared to launch a sneak attack on their foes with everyone else, taking aim at as many of them as she possibly could with a single shot, intending on taking down as many as she could so the others didn't have so much to try and contend with. Once her energy was built up and everyone was ready, she'd burn her energy and begin the attack as she called upon some of her slightly darker powers to fight with as she moved in front of the others so that she didn't hit them with her blast.

Using Hellfire Blast in a cone to sweep as many enemies as she can, spending 6 EP on the attack itself, +3 more with Master Blaster, and she's spending 2 EP more with Energy Shaper to make the cone wider to hit more enemies for a total spending of 8 EP. The final math for this should be (1d6 + 3 * 9)

Also if it's possible to lower the spending of a buff some before or after all that, I'd like to lower Dark armor down by 1 EP, which should take her total upkeep down to a total of 5 per turn if I did all my math right.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Not letting waste any second, as silence as possible Mithra continue leading the group toward the upstair, the floor made them hard get up every second, maybe this could be a basic tower defense against intruders or persons trying to escape. Thanks to her years of training Mithra manage to dont slid too much or even make a noise, but then she suddenly stop and made an halt to all before in the most quiet and small whisper inform them about the seven hounters than the spell on her eyes had made her manage to see.

Sound fine for me, try to beat them in silence and we will take care of the survivors as fast as possible. Answer in a whisper tone to Eva and then get all ready for attack.

let Eva attack first then if the archers and the angel cant take them all out, use spirit use a line spell to stop the remain hunters, if is only one use an arrow
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Fine, Blessed, Eyes of the Cat
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 51/52, PP = 52, EP = 77/118, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, Dark Armor X = 4

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 99/109, Status = Fine, Blessed
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed

Eva uses Hellfire Blast for X = 6 and lowers Dark Armor to X = 4, spending 6 EP and 1 HP, plus 5 EP upkeep for a total of 13 EP spent this round, plus 2 to widen the cone to hit all 7 Hunters.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 3 = 9 * 9 = 81 - 8 = 73 damage.

Gain another 2 exp!

Turning the corner, Eva was spotted immediately by the seven hunters, who opened their mouths to raise an alarm.... And were silenced immediately by the blaze of crimson fire. The flames swept across the room, burning all they touched to ash and gouging out huge sections of the walls as well. Mithra and her fellow elves stepped in with bows drawn to find themselves unneeded, the hunters reduced to dust by her fell fire. Aezralia looked upon the sidhe with some concern, but the angel didn't make her concerns known, instead stepping forth and examining the room. "Well... That was easy. It's possible that something sensed that though... We should move on quickly. Shall we?"

(Plmnko, you really need to start putting dialogue in quotes.)
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

When Eva jumped around the corner, she blasted all of the hunters within with her infernal flames, which all but disintegrated them to nothing but ash, while burning parts in the walls as well. She was a little scared when Aezralia glanced over at her after she's blasted her hell fires at their foes, and she could only imagine that the angel was thinking bad thoughts about her.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I suppose I need to start holding back a little bit, but I didn't think it wise for us to try and fight all seven of them at the same time. Let's go, I don't like the thoughts of sticking around here after that. Especially if me doing that alerted our enemies," Eva whispered to the angel and the others, glancing around the room at the destruction she wrought with her attack.

As soon as everyone was ready to go, Eva was as well, readying herself to fight their next foe, which Eva hoped would be the leader of the tower, where Eva could go all out and blast him and it not be a waste of her energies.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra waited for Eva to attack, aiming her bow toward the foul creatures, the way of how these were close to open their mouths to maybe alert all the tower made her be close to shoot at them. However the sidhne reduce their foes to nothing ending early the battle, yet the heavy damage could had alerted a nearby creature.

Dont worry Evangeline, you made a nice work. Lets just continue moving Say the elf, waiting a moment until all were ready and then continue moving, she get ready to notice any creature or trap than could be on their way.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Fine, Blessed, Eyes of the Cat
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 51/52, PP = 52, EP = 72/118, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5, Dark Armor X = 4

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 94/109, Status = Fine, Blessed, Dragon's Pride X = 5.
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine, Blessed

Though it was difficult for them to tell, it felt to the magically inclined Eva and Mithra like something had awakened in the tower as they moved to ascended further. Aezralia was scowling, the angel clearly tense due to the presence that she no doubt felt stirring as well, and just as they reached near to the top of the tower the angel unleashed a low grumbling noise as scales and a second pair of draconic wings erupted from her, making her resemble a mix between dragon and angel. She offered no comment on the subject, and mere moments later they all entered into another chamber, this one much larger than the last. In that chamber was a wide pillar of intertwined fleshy tendrils, likely the tower's core.

Attached to it by many of the tentacles writhing beneath its waist was one of the deadly alien masters, an elder lord. And, unfortunately for them, it was apparently very much aware of them, as an aura of energy suddenly formed around it, protecting it from them as the very ground beneath their feet began to squirm as if the fleshy walls were actually alive.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As they began to start their ascent of the tower once more, Eva could feel that her over powering blast of hellfire was perhaps too much, as she could feel something further up the place awakening or something. She noticed that Aezralia and Mithra both felt it as well, and this disturbed her slightly, because it meant that she wasn't just being paranoid or anything like that and had just been sensing things that weren't there. When they got close to the top, she watched Aezralia preparing herself to fight as she burned some of her own energies to get ready and was surprised to see the second pair of dragon like wings erupt from her back to join the other ones there, and she thought that Aezralia now looked like a half angel half dragon hybrid and quite... beautiful to say the least, well much more so anyway as Eva already thought the angel was quite beautiful to say the least.

Once that was done, they moved on inside the next room and saw that this seemed to be the chamber that they were searching for, as it appeared to be the core of the tower itself, and under the core of the place was what Eva could tell was an elder lord and when she saw the thing her eyes went wide with fear. It had indeed woken up and they'd lost any chance of catching it off guard, and it was all her fault, gods why did she always have to overdo everything she did. She watched the creature preparing itself to fight them as she noticed an aura forming around it while the fleshy ground and walls writhed and pulsed around them.

"Oh gods, girls I'm sorry. I probably signed our death warrants with that blast earlier, please forgive me," Eva breathed to her companions, obvious fear in her voice, but then she found her strength of will once more and prepared herself to fight the elder lord. She'd never even really seen one, but she had heard what they looked like, and she knew that this was one, and she also knew that she would have to act fast in order to put the thing down or at least render it unable to fight them. "No... I'm not going to let it defeat us, we can win girls, we just have to believe we can and then make it so," Eva added bravely as she found her inner strength of will, thinking to herself that at the very least she could try and distract and or disable it while the others dealt the killing blows to it that they needed in order to get to the core of the tower and destroy the entire thing, because they couldn't let this place remain active, even if it meant their deaths, and though Evangeline of course didn't want to die, she understood that as long as it brought about the destruction of this place then her death would be a small price to pay, especially if they managed to free anyone still trapped within in the process.

Evangeline readied her energies and reached into her pocket and drew the potion she'd gotten out where she quickly popped the cork and downed the liquid within, calling to the others to spread out a little bit in order to prevent the elder lord from blasting them all with a single attack. With that, Evangeline would aim for the elder lord with her chosen power and blast it with as much force as she could possibly manage, hoping to try and knock the creature senseless to give the others the chance to take it down, because she knew that she would pay for this one afterwards, but with her friends lives at stake she had little choice, and would gladly burn every bit of her own soul off to prevent them from losing against this abomination, thinking to herself as she expelled all of the energy she thought she'd need that even if it killed her she would keep her friends from coming to harm.

Is it possible to use an item and then a power in the same turn, I looked at the rules for combat and it didn't say that I couldn't, so as of right now I'm assuming that I can, as I looked all over and saw nothing to say otherwise. Eva is going to use the Energy Potion she's got in her pocket, assuming she can, and then use Telekinesis on the elder lord to give it the bound status, burning 23 EP with it in order to do so and she's forsaking the +3 EP from Master Blaster to give it the Stunned status effect, and she'll also willingly take the damage and stuff from overburning her EP for the round.

I hope I've added this correctly and all, but just tell me if I mucked it up. Eva quaffing the potion should bump her back up to max EP, which after using both the power as well as the added extra burned EP from buffs should be a total spending cost of 32 EP. Which is 8 over her ceiling, which will cause an additional 8 EP as well as HP dmg. This will take her down to a total of 78 EP and 43 HP. Am I correct in this Tass? Or are my math skills really that bad?
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra continue leading toward the possible room where the owner of this place rest, trying to lie to herself of dont get worried about the strange feeling than invade, the hope of find the creature sleep remain until they reach the chamber. She bite her lips and draw her sword when she saw the terrible awaken creature in front of fear, there was not time to fear the worse or wonder what to do now. The elf make some combat quick instruction signals to the thee elves of disperse and attack with all, then she focus her spirit and activate a strong battle aura, reaching her limits but not hurting herself again, this time there was not time to make a mistake.

Her skilled eyes were focused and ready to see each event at the battlefield, ready to make changes at their tactic if needed, looking how her partners attacks will work against the creature and if the monster will try to use any trick to try to beat them. Fortunatelly her potent aura will give courage to her allies and surprise this creature the enough to take it out guard.
[activate battle aura max level without pass the spirit limit, maybe x10 to spend 8 per turn ]
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 38/68, PP = 52, EP = 43/52, Status = Fine, Blessed, Eyes of the Cat, Battle Aura X = 7
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 13/52, PP = 52, EP = 88/118, Status = Badly Injured, Blessing X = 5, Dark Armor X = 4

Aezralia: HP = 28/62, PP = 55, EP = 80/109, Status = Injured, Blessed, Dragon's Pride X = 5.
Agnes: HP = 3/39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Badly Injured, Blessed
Dinara: HP = 3/39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Badly Injured, Blessed
Belle: HP = 3/39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Badly Injured, Blessed

@Mind Flayer: Yes. I explained this in the shoutbox previously, I believe.

Mithra's spirit ceiling in her armor is 7, so she activates Battle Aura X = 7.

Eva blasts the elder lord with telekinesis, trying to bind it. X = 23, so 24 EP spent. She also spends 5 EP on upkeep, for a total spending of 29 EP. Her spirit ceiling is 24, so she spends an additional 5 HP and 5 EP for a grand total of 5 HP and 34 EP spent this round.
Attack: Miss. Flaccid. So so flaccid.
She then drinks her potion, restoring 50 EP.

Aezralia uses Energy Blast X = 14!
Attack: Hit... Barely.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7 * 17 = 119 damage.

The archers fire!
Attack: All three miss. They only hit on a 19 or a 20.

The elder lord descends into their midst and uses Life Leech X = 10.
Attack: Hit the elves, hit Aezralia, hit Eva, hit Mithra.
Damage: 3 + 1 = 4 * 10 = 40 damage each. After armor that's 34 on Aezralia, 36 on the elves, 33 on Eva, and 30 on Mithra.
Healing: 2 * 6 * 10 = 120 HP restored, negating Aezralia's hit completely.

"Shut up and kill it," Aezralia interrupted Eva before she'd even finished her first sentence while Mithra gathered her energies, her aura flashing and growing in power that would hopefully allow her to fight the similarly empowered alien on an even level. The archers raised their bows while Eva concentrated, attempting to close a psionic hand around the alien lord and crush it with her will. She felt her attack wrap around the being as it floated down toward them, but then it's aura pulsed, scattering the energies of her will and negating it. Aezralia lashed out at the creature with a beam of white light, striking it in the chest and cutting a bowling ball sized hole into its body, but the flesh began to seal immediately as it floated directly over their heads.

And then..... A wave of energy suddenly gathered around it and then lashed out, like a thousand tentacles of pure magic, and both Eva and Mithra felt it as the tendrils latched onto them and started siphoning off their life forces. Agony washed over them, dwarfing even the headache that Eva had been left with after exerting so much energy on her failed attack, and the elven archers fell to their knees under the powerful assault. Even Aezralia stumbled under its might, and a look of concern cross the angel's face for the first time as she looked up with a pained expression at the alien lord floating over their heads, just out of reach.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

[Dropping Dark Armor at the start of the turn before paying the costs, as it doesn't seem to be really helping me all that much, and so I don't gotta pay the costs for it.]

Evangeline nodded to Aezralia as she prepared her energies to unleash on the elder lord, however as she did blast the thing, she was only able to watch on in horror as her's and the rest of their plan went to complete shit as the elder lord managed to dodge the arrows whizzing at it, her own power pretty much just bounced off of the damn thing, and Mithra was empowering herself to fight better, though she saw Aezralia's beam of holy energy hit it amazingly enough, which caused more than a little bit of damage in the process. This gave Eva hope... until the elder lord blasted them back with its own power, sending her to her knees in agony along with the splitting headache that burning so much of her own spiritual energies had caused and she was clutching the sides of her head with her hands as the elder lord healed itself with their life forces as it drained it from them, with the elven archers already almost down for the count from what she could see, and she was near fainting as well.

"Oh goddammit... h-how is it so strong? W-Why is it so strong? W-We c-can't give up though... n-not yet," Evangeline panted aloud, while she stumbled to her feet, her voice barely working from the fear in her and there was more than a little pain apparent on her face as she tried to move as fast as her legs could take her away from the elder lord. She could only hope that Aezralia could summon help as well like herself and would do so, because right now they needed all the help they could get.

Evangeline moved back as far as she could, releasing the energies holding her shadowy armor on as she went, trying to get out of range of the elder lord's powerful energies, because if it hit her again with pretty much anything she could think of that he might throw at them, then it would probably knock her out the rest of the way... no... it would probably kill her as powerful as that was that just hit them. A great fear shot through her... s-she was going to die here today, her mind faintly said to the rest of her. So as she stumbled to get as far out of reach of the elder lord as she could, she realized that her legs were shaking. The only thing she could really think of to do at this point was either run, which she knew wasn't an option at this point as she couldn't get to everyone and get them all out of there... so someone would get left behind and she refused to leave anyone behind... unless it was her sending them all away and staying there herself. Or she could summon as much help as she could possibly muster without knocking herself out or killing herself. She knew it would likely burn much of what she had left in terms of spiritual energies and leave her weakened, but she had no choice in the matter now, as she wasn't prepared to abandon anyone to this thing and its minions... and she couldn't really rely on Violet and Lavender to come to their aid this time around, because this thing... whatever they'd named it, would simply mind control them and would likely have them drain her dry and convert her if it didn't kill her instead... she had to be honest though she'd rather die most likely, so that she didn't cause any heart ache to someone else later on. She prayed to all of the gods that would listen to please help her out here and to help get them out of this, begging them to help them out and give them a a helping hand here and get them out of this, because she felt it was her fault that they hadn't been able to sneak up on this elder lord and if they died or worse got captured it would be her fault. Hopefully at least one of the gods out there that were still left would hear her plea and aid them in getting out of this.

Assuming she could find some sort of cover in the large chamber they were in, Eva would take cover behind it and sit down, panting like mad. However if she had to retreat back into the hallway leading up, then she would do so and take cover behind the doorway, out of reach of the thing to perform her summoning. "Please... please my kin... I need your help... now more than ever. Please help me," Evangeline whispered out a she quickly focused her energies again, then... she burned them once more, aiming to summon as many of the most powerful fey mages she possibly could to aid them in this fight, knowing that it would cost them a lot afterwards as they would have to bear children as payment, but that mattered little to her, and she was quite certain that Mithra, Agnes, Dinara, and Belle would agree that it was worth it in the long run and that they wouldn't mind helping her with the payment after they were healed up some.

"Please my kin... we need your help... save us from this beast and its minions here in the tower. Kill that thing and help us bring down this place of evil... I beg you. I... doubt that I have the strength left to fight... and he's just... t-too strong for us alone, we'll give you payment as soon as we are able to do so," Evangeline begged of the summoned fey high mages as she took as much cover as she could to avoid the coming battle between her reinforcements and the mighty elder lord, hoping to lay low long enough to recover a bit and get back into the fight enough to help them out a bit, and maybe pull Agnes, Dinara, and Belle out of the line of fire, because it was her's and Mithra's fault that they were here, and they shouldn't have to die or be turned because of their mistakes in asking for help.

Have Evangeline move back as far as she possibly can in a turn and still take a standard action... take cover or fight defensively if possible to give her as much dodge as possible, while summoning 3 elder mages, of which I would prefer be futanari of course if possible, though they don't have to all be that of course if it ain't possible, but I would ask for the one that may later knock Eva up be one. XD

Eva's spending cost should be a total of 27 EP with that, taking her total spending cost for the round up to 30, which should do 6 HP and EP dmg extra at the end of the round, leaving Eva with a total of 7 HP and 52 EP, I believe. Hopefully she can hold out long enough to heal herself up a bit and maybe get back into the fight afterwards. Come on for the love of god please work.
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