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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

I get confused with "several minutes" and "few moments later", but i guess than it dont really matter as nothing happened and the characters get all the ep recovered with the same speed as the anime Fairy Tail XD

The time passed without incidents and soon the noises of the many magics started to sound in the whole cold forest, likely all the presents focused on stay on guard or get amazed by the lights coming from the exaggerated way than the five women take down the tower, maybe they dont take too much time to decide theirs spells, but if that would make the work then it will be enough. So after several minutes the noise ended and soon the casters returned. The celestial then ask to both Evangeline and Mithra about what will be next.

Evangeline will teleport the victims than arent orcs and ours to our town. Meanwhile the persons sumoned by her, the orcs, Lavender and Violet will stay to protect the orcs until Evangeline return or anyone could teleport them to another town. Mithra answer expecting than there werent any other deal than Evangeline has made with the slimes or any other creature.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Beginning their bombardment of the tower, Evangeline's boulder artillery literally ripping through the tower while her fellow sidhe's magic spells burned, tore away certain key pieces, and froze and shattered the frozen portions afterwards. When she saw Aezralia flying up to the top of the tower though, she knew that they would soon be done as the angel unleashed beams of fire down onto the thing, burning holes through it in multiple points and through several floors of the thing in the process. After a few minutes, Evangeline saw the thing beginning to collapse and called for everyone to step back while it fell, angling her final boulder to arc up into the air and land on the very tip top of the thing so it crushed the tower beneath it and collapsed it under the sheer weight, letting gravity do the majority of the work for them.

"Yeah there it goes," Evangeline cheered as the tower fell, a happy look on her face as it went down to the ground, nothing but rubble now as the entire area was filled with the loud sounds of their bombardment.

Once the others were ready and everything, Evangeline led the way over to the clearing where Mithra and the prisoners were at with everyone else. "Aye it's gone, and yeah I'm ready to get back and get some rest. But firstly I believe we should take the orcs back to wherever you had in mind Aezralia before we head back home to rest so that I don't have to make five trips and waste so much energy, then me and you can come back here to decide where to send Violet and Lavender since Mithra and her people won't allow them in the village really. Though I did promise to feed them one last time before we parted ways at the very least, and I try to keep my word when I can," Evangeline said when they got to the clearing, not forgetting Violet and Lavender in the least and simply having more pressing concerns on her mind. "You two thought I had forgotten about you didn't you? Well I did promise you one more feeding on me I believe before everything was over and done with, but I've got things to do afterwards so don't take everything I've got okay, so try and leave me with at least a quarter of my strength if possible alright," Evangeline added to the two slime girls with a wry grin.

"I'd only have to make three trips instead of five this way Mithra, unless Aezralia is sure that she can handle taking the orcs to wherever and then make it back here alright on her own that is. In which case I'll go ahead and feed Violet and Lavender until she gets back and then we can get ready to take everyone else on back to the village after we decide where to send them, that's safe both for of them so they aren't killed, because we do owe them our lives I think Mithra, as I doubt we could have broken the seals on our own and gotten out of there without them freeing me and getting rid of our seals," Evangeline said to Mithra, giving a compromise to her that they could use in order for all parties to be happy with, hopefully. "You two lovelies and Sindel can come and watch to make sure that I'll be alright for the duration of that, and then once we get back to the village we can get down to business, as I've been given a nice quaint little house to stay in while I live there that we can use for some... privacy," Evangeline added as she looked over at first the two nymphs and Sindel, then around at everyone, seeing if her suggestions were acceptable by all, that way no energy was wasted on half a dozen trips back and forth, and everyone got what they wanted.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Not liking too much the plan, Mithra answer. So you will leave this people and us waiting here until you return and had sex again with them? What if that take you more time than what we are expecting? We need to give our report to the elder. And also, if something bad happen there, we will be there really late to help my kind. The elf said not looking to be angry she just not like the plan completely.

I understand than you own your life to them, so i guess than you had not other option than feed them again. But if you want to save your energy so badly then you could just take all the survivors to the same town than you will send the orcs, in that way they will receive the attention than they need so baddly.
The swordswoman continue, completely sure than she could had found a way to solve that terrible moment in the tower jails without the help of the slimes.

I could even buy you something to make your spirit get recovered from all the magics, but i cant just wait you until you end to intimate with them. If that is the case, i will just return alone and wait for all of you at the village, there are still many things to do before the night fall.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Hah... alright Mithra, if it'll make you happy then I'll take you all home first while Aezralia takes the orcs elsewhere and then come back here, wasting more energy and making more trips than I need to make. I was merely trying to make a compromise that everyone was comfortable with and could work with, since the prisoners are in no immediate danger and we've cleared the area around here, and because Aezralia doesn't know where the village is so she'll need someone to come back to here to bring her with us when we do go. Plus Felicia and Cremily would still be here to help protect everyone with their elementals while these people rest and recover," Evangeline said with a sigh, unsure of why Mithra was being so damn difficult with her all the time now, because she seemed to be so easygoing when they first met, though very cautious, as she had tried to attack her unprovoked just to see if she was friend or foe... which Evangeline didn't really take too kindly of to say the least, but she was willing to overlook it since she'd chosen to come to help her village after all. "Look, I'm going to be carrying a child soon, and Aezralia is going to be as well, and Dinara consented to bear one of my kin's offspring for the help they gave us here also, and we'll be out of commission for a few weeks at least. So I won't be able to feed them, because I won't feel comfortable feeding the two of them once I'm pregnant, it's just a personal preference thing, but I always feel that it'll hurt the child whether it really does or not. And I won't risk that," Evangeline went on to say, stating her reasons for suggesting the plan she did.

"Jeez I don't know why she has to be so damn difficult like this. I mean hell she even attacked me when we first met too just because she didn't know who I was. I'm not saying I regret my decision to come here and help her or anything, but she makes it a lot harder to get anything done because she's so... stiff, brittle, and cautious. I mean I can understand her loyalty to her people and all just fine, but she really needs to learn to compromise a little bit," Evangeline said to Aezralia through her telepathic link with the angel so Mithra didn't hear her, expressing her exasperation at Mithra where the elf couldn't hear, but letting the angel know that she was still more than willing to do whatever she could to help in these troubled times. "Can you handle taking the orcs to wherever then, while I take miss strict over here on back to the village? I can then come back to get you and feed Violet and Lavender where we can then decide on what to do, though I don't think we should just let them loose to go wherever, because they'll likely get themselves killed or cause a general panic wherever they go almost," Evangeline added through the link to Aezralia, feeling a little mean about saying such things kind of behind Mithra's back like this, but Mithra would probably just attack her or something if she said it to her face, Evangeline thought.

With that Evangeline would glance over at her kin and flash them all a smile. "I'll go ahead and take them back first then and come back here to get you three and Aezralia. Is that alright you three?" Evangeline said to her kin, though only if Aezralia said that she'd be fine with taking the orcs on alone. If she said that she could use some help, Evangeline would ask Felicia or Cremily if one of the two of them minded going with her. If it worked out and Aezralia would be okay or if she needed Cremily and or Felicia to help her, Evangeline would grab hold of Mithra and one of the elven archers, where she would tell them to hold onto all of the prisoners that were going with them to the village and she would then teleport them all to there, where she would then tell them to hurry and get them into beds to rest better while Mithra went to inform the elders of what all had transpired out there. Once that was all done, Evangeline would teleport back to the clearing that Sindel, the nymphs, Violet, and Lavender should be waiting, possibly along with Aezralia and the other two elder sidhe mages if they went with her that is.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra waited than Eva could end her speech, what she suppose would be long, yet before answer the sudden new topic about the payment of the summons make her stop surprised and unable to decide what to say as she press her forehead with her hand for a moment.

Sigh... is all my fault, i should had destroyed that monster before they get summoned. Mithra then look to Denaira. Are you fine with that? if you want i could bear it instead, i feel than is in part my responsability for bring all of you here and be very confided against that alien.

Once Dinara answer, she will then turn to Evangeline once again. Well, i made a plan too, we are just mixing both of them and like i said before, i will buy you two potions to make you restore your powers, so all will be more easy for you and i will not be here unable to do anything for them the village or you as you feed them again. Besides, who is Felicia and Creamily? are ones of the first than you summoned?. Wishper to Evangeline in the last part
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Felicia is the one with the ram horns and Cremily is the draconic looking one. Sindel is the wolfish one, but she's mine. And alright then, but it isn't your fault Mithra, because that was an elder lord and they're like super strong. And that thing was about to take me and Aezralia out and it'd already taken the archer girls out of commission, so we would have lost if I hadn't called them in almost definitely," Evangeline whispered back to Mithra, pointing the two sidhe in question out to the elf, then letting Mithra know that was alright with her if that's what she wanted to do, as it went along with the plan of action she'd just offered to her kin and the Aezralia, which was a fairly sound plan, albeit a very time consuming one since Mithra insisted she take them all home first and then come back here.

Unless plm has anything else for Mithra to say, I'd say we're done now Tass, going with Eva's plan I put in two or three posts up where she asks her kin if they minded waiting for her to take Mithra and the others to the village and then come back.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine, +10 Perception (Strength)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 116/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

"Let me worry about the orcs," Aezralia said simply, waving off Eva and Mithra's concerns on the subject. The angel turned to the woods while Eva spoke of the slimes, who perked up excitedly at being mentioned and then began to bounce up and down excitedly as she mentioned feeding them again. "We didn't!" said Lavender, "We'll be gentle!" added Violet, "We'll at least leave you enough left to walk with!" Lavender added, "But you're so yummy that we might savor you for a while~" Violet concluded.

"I won't need any help from you to take care of them, so it won't offer me any inconvenience if you take the wounded to Mithra's village and leave the orcs to me," the angel added after Eva and Mithra discussed things a bit further. 'Mithra's looking after her own,' she added mentally, 'She's just as concerned for you as she is for her own too. It's not like Lavender and Violet are precisely normal either, and you did already feed them fairly generously earlier. Just give Mithra a break and do as she likes, we'll handle the orcs.'

On the subject of the price of Eva's summoning of her kin, the blond sidhe about whom they were discussing piped in as Mithra offered to take Dinara's place, which had the young elf girl blushing brightly again. "I would be willing to accept that substitute if you're genuinely willing, but I would rather it not be entirely out of a sense of duty," Felica said calmly, directing her comment to the experienced elven warrior. "This is a child we're talking about, and while you won't be expected to care for it, you will be carrying it to term. It would be your child as much as mine, and producing a child in a state of dispassion sounds.... Unappealing. I'm not suggesting that you aren't passionate, or that you're somehow less suitable than Dinara, mind you. I just want to ensure that you know what's being asked of you." Dinara, still blushing, added; "I wouldn't be opposed to you, ahhhh, taking my place, commander. I was just trying to do what I thought you'd do by offering." At that point, it was up to Mithra whether or not she wanted to accept helping Evangeline pay her debt to the sidhe she'd summoned.

Grasping hands while the elves all made sure to gather up the wounded, Eva teleported them to Mithra's village, a massive ordeal that took much of her already incredibly flagging energy resources due to how many were transported. It took her several minutes to recover, by which point the people of the village were already out in force, Mithra and her subordinates having quickly explained why they suddenly had so many refugees. The two as yet unnamed nymphs, Sindel and Felicia opted to stay in town to help see to the injured, leaving Mithra to deliver her report and Evangeline to return to the clearing where she'd left Aezralia, Cremily, Lavender, Violet, and the rescued orc captives.

Mithra didn't have to go far, as one of the elders met her on her way to the council chambers. "Mithra, what's all the commotion about? Were you successful in your assignment?" he asked, the one who'd intercepted her being Elder Elindor, an accomplished sorcerer who had lived in town for over two centuries. He'd been on the council for the last sixty years, and had engineered the spells that protected the woods around them from outsiders who might accidentally stumble onto their hidden sanctuary.

Eva, in the meantime, teleported back to clearing to find the orcs simply gone, though the rest of her allies were still presented and greeted her with warm smile. Lavender and Violet were particularly excited, bouncing up and down and oozing around her in comically slow circles upon her return. "I think they might be excited to see you!" Cremily said following a quick burst of laughter, and though she was grinning at the antics of the slimes too, Aezralia added; "I hope you won't mind us watching.... We've got to make sure that you don't get into trouble with those two. I've already taken care of the orcs, some friends of mine are taking them to their own people." Though the angel's concerns about the slimes were obvious despite how trustworthy they'd proven so far, there was a gleam of some other desire just barely detectable in her overall countenance, though she hid it fairly well.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra give a polite thanks to the angel as this let them know than she can take care of the orcs, however once the slimes started to talk, the blonde elf cant stop herself of have something against them. I will believe in both of you, but remember Evangeline is under my care, so both of you will answer to me if she get hurt by this. She said before turn to Eva again with a frown. Almost definitely!? At that moment that creature dont have any chance against me. End to say sure of herself as she has been in worse fights than that one and even when she was wounded and tires she is conpletely sure than her revenge would had giving her a chance to beat the creature.

However her words about be her who will take care of the baby were heard by the blonde sidhe when Mithra was giving to her sister in arms time to calm herself. I have more reasons than just a duty to do this. Maybe i could had defeated that monster by myself but i doubt than i could had the time to save all my team, so i really apreciate the help of all of you to save my kind, Evangeline and Miss Aezralia. Mithra say softly placing her hand at Dinara shoulder. As Dinara has said if i would had heard of this at that moment, i would had offer myself without doubt. Besides, Dinara Agnes and Belle are still young and pure, they must have the chance to find their true love, make bonds and know theirs lovers before decide to have a child.

Mithra get close the Sidhe and look her to the eyes to try to conect herself better with her. I know what this mean and what are you are asking to me. Just dont expect than i will not help to rise this child or let you take it of my completely. I want to have some hours at least per week with both of you, no matter if i must go or both came to my village. The swordswoman say determined than this is the correct and she could try t give some time of her life between her duties of protect her village to teach and meet her child.

Once sattled this they soon depart to the elven village where many of their kind went to know what just happened, it was easy to understand and the light from the teleportation bring enough hands to take care of all. Place them in a safe and confortable place, then take care of the creatures inside them, they are aliens and must be destroyed once they born or before that. Were her words before she let all in charge of the fairies and her kin.

Mithra was moving faster as she could to meet the elders but she luckily meet one named Elder Elindor in her path to the council chambers. She inmediately bow and give her respect to the Elder as this ask. Indeed, we manage to take down that tower and kill all the aliens than we found, in part thanks to the help of Miss Evangeline's kin and Lady Aezralia, a Celestial.

We found many survivors and even when i know than we could have problems feeding them, i had bring them to our village and at the moment our people are taking care of them, many are impregnated by the vile creatures but no one of them has lost theirs mind, so maybe in a pair of weeks they will be ready to leave and as they dont posses any kind of magic we can take them away without they find out where is our village.
Once eneded to say she turn down and continue. Please forgive me if this cause more problems to the village and also for dont consult this with all the council
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Eva nodded at Aezralia when she told her to let her worry about getting the orcs back to wherever, telling her okay that she would let her handle it then. "Just don't forget that I need as much as you can leave me with alright, because we have to figure out somewhere to send you two afterwards," Eva said to Violet and Lavender.

Turning to Aezralia, Eva smiled in thanks to her. "Thank you Aezralia, I really appreciate it," Eva said to the angel, bowing her head slightly. "I understand that Aezralia, believe me I really do. But she could do with a little relaxation I think and a little dropping of the strictness, because that's only ever gotten people into trouble from what I've ever seen. But to each their own I suppose," Evangeline said to Aezralia through her mental link to the angel, shrugging her shoulders a little as she finished up.

While Evangeline got prepared to go, she waited for Felicia to speak and get her reply before heading out with Mithra and the others, feeling that Felicia was correct in her words, that it wouldn't be good to do it in the way she mentioned. Eva was actually hoping that Mithra decided to not take Dinara's place, because she just felt that Mithra would just do it so that her fellow elf wouldn't have to do it herself. Regardless, once it was time to go, Evangeline burned her energies like she had earlier when her and Mithra returned to the village the first time and brought back the three elven archer girls, and sent took them back to the village again, leaving her a little exhausted to say the least... to the point that she needed to sit there and rest a while as she watched everyone else moving about helping the people that were so exhausted from their captivity.

Kissing Sindel and the two nymphs on the lips, and Felicia on the cheek, Evangeline told them that she'd be back as soon as she could and then she teleported back to the clearing where the others were. When she got back she found the orcs were all gone now, hoping that Aezralia was alright she looked around to see her already back as she smiled over at her and Cremily. When Violet and Lavender began bouncing up and down as they oozed circles around her, Evangeline couldn't help but giggle as she shook her head slightly. "Oh I understand Aezralia, no need to worry about that, and I'm glad you're alright from taking them away, I was worried about you," Evangeline said with a slightly relieved look on her face. "I figure that it's best if at least someone capable of fighting them watches us just in case, if you and Cremily don't mind that is. Then we'll need to decide on what to do with them both, because I honestly don't know what to do myself. And also... maybe later on after we've... given birth to the little ones, me and you can... show each other what we've both got," Evangeline then said to Aezralia through their mental link, grinning naughtily as she finished. Evangeline also noticed the desire in Aezralia, though it was only just barely noticeable at first, and she wondered what it was she desired, but she decided to ask her later on about it as she dropped her mental link with the angel for now.

With that she turned to the two slimes and smiled down at them where they were still bouncing up and down as they oozed around her. "Alright then you two, remember not too much, because I've got more to do afterwards. So without any further adieu let's get to it. These two are going to watch us, to make sure that you don't hurt me or take too much from me, so be careful alright, I'd hate to see you two get hurt," Evangeline said to Violet and Lavender, stripping out of her robes and handing her pack and clothing to Aezralia and Cremily to hold onto her her, revealing her large and already erect member for all of them to see, not embarrassed in the least bit as it bobbed up and down while she walked back over to the slimes, gesturing for them to take her as she moved over to a rock to sit down on, willing to let the two do whatever as long as they didn't go too far, in which case she would struggle and scream for help from Cremily and Aezralia.

Drop Eva's telepathy with Aezralia.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine, +10 Perception (Strength)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 116/118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

Both Lavender and Violet took Mithra’s reproach with a hint of confusion, but they both nodded to the elf, Lavender saying; “Don’t worry!” and Violet finishing; “We won’t hurt her!” Later, Mithra’s response to Felicia drew a nod of understanding from the faerie, and a grateful nod and a blush from Dinara. “Well then,” the faerie began lightly, stepping into Mithra’s personal space and slowly placing her hands onto the elf’s hips, “I’ll just have to make sure that you enjoy yourself~” The sidhe leaned in when Mithra drew close, and after the elven warrior had finished speak gave Mithra a slow, gentle, and very sensual kiss on the mouth before pulling away and stepping back. “It’s both understandable and fairly noble of you, to desire to be a part of the child’s life. It isn’t normal for sidhe trysts with mortals, but exceptions can always be made. I’ll be looking forward to seeing what we can make together~” Felicia offered conversationally, and then turned and moved away to help see to those they’d rescued from the aliens. Dinara, still blushing, quietly said; “Thank you milady…. I know I volunteered myself for it, but I truly am grateful that you’ve taken my place.

Mithra’s orders to the warriors guarding her village in regard to the people they’d rescued drew nods of acknowledgement, and they set about doing as she’d said, carrying them indoors and setting a guard on those who looked to be with child. It was fairly standard procedure, and one they’d done before, albeit never on quite this scale.

When she bowed to Elder Elindor, the older elf waved off Mithra’s sign of respect with a jovial smile and motioned for her to fall into step beside him. “Oh really? A celestial? Do you mean…. An angel?” he asked curiously, clearly impressed to one degree or another, though he then asked; “And Evangeline was the woman that arrived here a little while ago, correct? A sidhe sent out on pilgrimage, or something of that nature? Do you mean to say that she brought more of her kind here?” A few moments later he waved off her concerns about the burden her actions might have placed on the village, saying; “Don’t worry over such things! You did the right thing, and no one’s got any right to tell you otherwise. To have left those people there would have been unconscionable and cruel, and we’ve got enough to care for them. Who knows? Perhaps some of them will prove useful, or even choose to stay and fill some of the empty houses.

They arrived at the council chambers shortly, and Mithra didn’t have to wait long before all of the elders were gathered. Elindor repeated what she’d said, and then the elders asked if there was anything that she wanted to elaborate on, or if she’d said everything of importance. They all seemed relatively pleased with her performance, though not all of them were quite as content as Elindor with the influx of so many captives to care for. If Mithra wanted to deliver her report in a more formal manner, offer clarifications on the details surrounding what had happened, or add in anything that she’d left out in her less official retelling of events to the magus, now was the time to do it.

Eva’s request to the two slimes, in the meantime, had the duo grinning and nodding, though it was difficult to tell whether or not they were actually listening. Her series of kisses before departing from the village were responded to in kind, the two nymphs proving fairly different from one another, with the darker haired one being decidedly more adventurous while the shorter, lighter haired nymph was more demure and affectionate, roaming her hands in places less risqué but still decidedly pleasant. Sindel was a beast in comparison to either of them, however, literally bending Eva over backwards and giving her mouth a fairly thorough investigation while she practically tied Eva’s tongue into knots. “You’d better not be all exhausted when it’s our turn~” the elder mage whispered suggestively once she finally released Eva from the kiss, and after whatever reply the young sidhe might wish to make to that demand, she was able to teleport back to the glade she’d just left.

Aezralia, smiling mischievously, replied over Eva’s mental link; ‘We’ll watch while you say your goodbyes, make sure those two don’t have a sudden change of heart and try something too unseemly… But you’d better not think you’re getting away without giving me a turn later~’ The angel allowed the link to fall after that, and then Eva turned to the slimes and only seemed to get them more excited, particularly when she did away with her clothes. The sight of Evangeline’s turgid cock almost set the two slimes into a frenzy, but they held off and allowed her to take a seat on the rock before oozing over in front of her. “We’re gonna make you feel good again!” Lavender said excitedly, bobbing up and down. “I wanna feel all of your cum shooting into me while I suck out your energy!” Violet added, and then came forth with Lavender close behind, the two of them sliding over the rock as their humanoid forms partially broke down and then reformed.

Contrary to their obvious hunger, however, they didn’t immediately engulf Eva’s cock as they had before. Instead, Lavender started a trail of kisses starting at Eva’s knee and heading slowly upwards, while Violet did the same but started on the bottom curve of one of her breasts and headed downwards instead. They met in the middle, but slowly kissed around her crotch without touching her cock or her pussy for several seconds, teasing her and spreading the fires inspired by their aphrodisiac bodies along her skin. “Damn…. She’s really big! I almost regret not getting a turn on her~” Cremily stated lightly as she watched from the side, and Aezralia replied; “Oh, you haven’t even seen the best part yet! Just wait until she cums!

The slimes finally started on Eva’s cock about then, but they kept up the teasing in the process. Running their mouths along her cock, planting kisses all over it but never touching the most sensitive parts, the tip or the underside, they exposed her nerves to wave after wave of their substance, and the way that the poisons spread ensured that every part of her soon felt the increased sensitivity. What pleasure they offered in their teasing did allow the two slimes to siphon off portions of Evangeline’s powerful but already drained soul, but in this two they reserved themselves, savoring every drop of her spirit. It seemed like forever that they kept teasing her like that, often drawing close to her genuinely sensitive spots but never actually touching her in a way that would actually get her off, until suddenly the slimes pounced on her anew! Lavender engulfed the tip with her mouth, her slimy tongue dividing until dozens of little tendrils were flitting all over the now extremely sensitive head while three more played with the opening her to urethra, and at the same time Violet ran her tongue up from the base of Eva’s cock all the way to the underside just beneath the tip, the sudden barrage of stimulation almost enough to make her cum right then and there.

The sidhe, though able to resist the initial burst of pleasure, was subject to three more licks from Violet while Lavender kept up her constant attentions to the tip of the sidhe’s cock, before both pulled away and left her momentarily unstimulated. Lavender had been lapping up every drop of Eva’s precum as it was pushed into her reach, but now a drop of it was allowed to form on the tip. The two slimes, seeing this, both slowly leaned in, and then an odd thing happened. Their heads began to merge into each other, and after a moment the two slimes had partially joined to form one of a color that was evenly distributed between their distinct tints. Moving as one, both Lavender and Violet leaned in and swallowed the entirety of Eva’s massive, throbbing erection, taking it down to the base and forming a perfect seal around it there. Working internally, the two fused slimes began to suck, their bodies rearing up as the goo sealed around Eva’s cock began to stir around her, rubbing and sucking on every part of her length while leaving no part untouched. After the lengthy session of teasing Eva couldn’t last long against that, and if she gave any obvious signal of her oncoming climax she would hear Aezralia whisper; “Watch this!

Just as before, the slimes milked Eva’s cock for all that it was worth, the sucking tightness of their mouth’s impossibly pleasurable and causing her to cum incredibly hard, resulting in a spectacularly huge load that left her cock with tremendous force. The first two spurts went almost two feet into the slime before stopping, and by the time the last dregs of her mind-blowing climax had played out, she’d filled a volume equal to almost equal to half a quart. “Holy….. Where does it all come from!? That’s more than two satyrs worth of cum!” Cremily asked incredulously, staring with mouth agape as the two slimes pulled off of her member and leaned back, separating and shifting the load they’d shared in roughly equal portions back up to their mouths, where they displayed it to Evangeline while she recovered. They’d taken a good bit of the faerie’s essence during her orgasm, the added pleasure of having her soul sucked out as well having only made her cum harder, but she still had plenty left to work with, and their aphrodisiacs were still pumping through her system.

After a moment, the two slimes each made a motion similar to swallowing, allowing Eva to watch as her semen was drawn into their bodies to be absorbed. Then, as one, they smiled at Eva and gave the tip of her cock a long, incredibly pleasurable kiss, taking it one at a time, before suddenly turning around and bending over. “It’s our turn now!” said Lavender, and the slime’s womanly figure solidified as she bent forward, and her anatomy shifted until what was similar in all respects to the lips of a woman’s pussy appeared in the proper place. “Make us feel good!” Violet added, as she formed the same, leaving Eva to choose which of them to take first, or if she wanted to put an end to their session now rather than fuck the two slimes some more.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Unfocused in what the sidhne could be trying to do, Mithra had her guard down trying to make each part of herself accept than her first consensual child will be with this woman who hands pressed with love against her exquisite hips, making than the elf stop to see her kind for a moment and focus completely on the sidhe. Nearly as a slow motion Mithra could see Felicia moving to kiss her, but taking courage from her last words, Mithra let her do as she want, placing with respect her arms on the sidhe back and back head trying to act as the lover than she never had. It was hard to do it as she just now learned her name, but Mithra has given birth to monsters and has been raped by some dark creatures, so having consensual sex and even a child with a sidhe sound even in some way great.At her childhood days she decided to find a powerful noble young elf who were similar as her father. However the needs to prove herself to her father and people, as also the pain of her past and the needs of her kind made her forget these childrish dream, be the mother than she never had or a family were just selfish dreams than she had forget until now.

Of course, we will find out what to do later. manage to answer with a nod Mithra still looking at Felicia and nearly missed in her throughts.

Only Dinara words make her wake up and then the blonde elf just smile and place her hands on the archer elf shoulders. You made the right choice in that moment, im proud of all of you. Mithra tried to say more, but there is still too much to do and soon she continue helping the victims until Eva teleport them to their town.

Once they teleport all soon started to move. Many guards come to help and even women with theirs young child notice the event, but soon the nude victims were placed on beds and the pregnant ones were heavily secured to dont let escape he creatures than they were close to give birth. With Evangeline needing to rest, the blone elf decided to run for the shop to buy her something to refresh her, but the place was close the council, so she get herself busy talking with the elder. His words were kind and in some way made her feel bad for dont say anything about the orcs or the treat than Eva make with the three Sidhe.

Yes, we found an angel close the alien hideout, she went there to try to destroy the vile creatures and with Evangeline summon powers she make us get more help from her kind. Thanks for your wise words. Say Mithra with a bow to the elf elder before both went to the council, after a while all get reunited and before she could talk the elder from before give the information than she has given a moment ago, not all the elders looks to be completely pleased with the news and all could get even worse if she talk about the fact than she, Eva and the celestial would be pregnants and so the defend power of the town could get reduced.

She take the word and then decie to inform them a little more about what happened, maybe tin that way the remain elders who werent pleased could be glad with the news. As Elder Elindor has said, we take care of Every threa at the tower than the aliens had build and then we take down that cursed place completely. Thanks to Lady Aezralia an angel who help us in the battle and the help of the Sidhes than were summoned by Miss Evangeline Sanguiella we manage to acomplish our goal without any desease or person hurt, as also we manage to gather twenty four survivors, mostly women many of them impregnated by the aliens, yet they had been checked and we noticed than they could get recovered with the time and no one of them looks to be a menace for our town.

I know really well than our town dont have enough resources to take care of them, but with the help of our new allies we will not have a reduction of our food or defenses. Once the victim had been recovered we could find out which of them will accept to make a life at our town and i will take care of bring back to theirs homes the ones than want to return to theirs lands, dont worry our town location will stay in secret. Once ended to talk, Mithra will wait for the elders last words and after have an agreedment she will leave to check the victims if there is not another topic and check around her town to find out if there is a problem there.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Eva giggled a little when the shorter lighter haired nymph kissed her back and caressed her body in some quite... not so lewd of places, which was much different than the other nymph did. When she got to Sindel though and the elder sidhe mage bent her back as she kissed her furiously, Evangeline just went limp in her arms, letting her kiss for as long as she wished. "Oh don't you worry about that Sindel, I won't be, just be sure that you three don't get too tired out on me when we do go at it. All I really want to ask is can we all sleep and snuggle before you go at least? I understand if you can't, but if it's possible that'd be nice," Evangeline said to Sindel with a grin, then she turned to the two nymphs and smiled at them. "Also you two, what are your names? I just now realized that I hadn't asked yet. I'm Evangeline, but you can call me Eva if you want, I kind of want to know what to scream later though when were having sex is why I'd like to know," Evangeline added to the nymphs, asking their names and giving her own to them. Once that was out of the way she went on back to the clearing she'd left Aezralia and the others in.


"Oh don't worry Aezralia, you'll get as many turns as you like with me, because I've never had an angel before and I've always wanted a chance to have one," Evangeline whispered back through the mental link just before letting it drop.

When Eva sat down on the rock she'd spotted that looked relatively comfortable and finished undressing, she couldn't help but giggle again at the pair of slime girls. "Well I certainly hope that you're going to make me feel good you two, because I wouldn't it very much if you hurt me any," Evangeline said with a sigh as the two started kissing her body, their aphrodisiac slimes arousing her quite a bit.

Grinning as Cremily spoke and Aezralia answered her, Evangeline let out a lewd moan for the two to hear, letting them know that she felt really good with what the pair of slimes were doing. After their aphrodisiac slimes had begun filtering into her body, Eva's already rock hard cock twitched and throbbed even more so than before, the sensitive member getting even more highly sensitive from the slime. When Violet ran her tongue up her length, Evangeline's hips jerked and forced the head of her cock into the other slime girl's mouth without her being able to control herself, the feeling of the three little tendrils of her tongue slipping into her urethra almost making her melt right then and there. As they went on stimulating her member, Evangeline sat there, trying to endure it all, though her knuckles were white as she gripped the edges of the rock she sat on to hold out for as long as she could. As her precum beaded up and started leaking from her tip, Evangeline relaxed as she leaned back on the rock, though she continued clenching her hips to hold out for as long as possible.

"Oh gods that's good... feels sooooooo goooooood," Evangeline sighed as she lay back completely on the rock, glancing at the two as they combined forms and began deepthroating her cock. After only a minute or two of that though, Eva could hold out no longer as her cock jerked and twitched in the slime's combined mouth. Hearing Aezralia whisper what she did to Cremily, Evangeline's body tensed as she hit her peak, her eyes rolling up as she let loose a loud lewd moan of pleasure, her seed spurting out and into the combined slimes mouth, the tide of her seed not slowing until she'd spurted out at least half a quart of the thick sticky stuff.

Evangeline watched the two slimes separated and divided up her seed within them equally as she recovered from her massive orgasm, which had taken quite a lot out of her considering the amount of her energies the two had taken from her, she still had quite a bit left to play with though. When the two solidified into female forms in front of her and bent forward, telling her that it was their turn and all, Evangeline smiled and decided that since this would likely be the last time she saw the two for at least a while, she might as well part ways with them on a high note. "Alright then you two, I'll let you take and split up a third of what energies I have left and I'll fuck you good, just so you'll always remember me, but don't take any more than that or I won't be able to pay my other debts to my kin," Eva said to the two slime girls, glancing over at Aezralia and Cremily and giving them a naughty wink as she grabbed Violet's hips and slammed her hips forward and forcing her cock into the slime girl's pussy, not stopping until she'd hilted inside of her.

Evangeline began to thrust into Violet, making lewd slapping and sloshing noises as her dick invaded the slimy pussy, the pleasure in her loins already threatening to throw her over the edge again. No... not just yet, Evangeline thought to herself, not wanting to give out too early and wanting this to last at least more than a couple of minutes or so. Moaning softly as she pounded Violet's pussy for all its worth, Evangeline grit her teeth and clenched her body a bit to stave off her impending orgasm, at least until Violet was reaching her peak as well. When she felt Violet's slimy pussy clamp down around her own, Eva would hilt herself inside of Violet and cum, moaning lewdly again as she pumped out nearly as much cum if not more than she already had. She idly wondered how amazed Cremily would be when she saw how much she could cum a second time as she released every drop she had, the amount she could cum always surprising any succubi and nymphs she'd summoned in the past and it had always made her take a bit of pride in it for some reason.

Anyway, once she had finished with Violet, Evangeline would sit back down and rest for a minute or two before grabbing Lavender and repeating the process on her as well, not stopping and letting herself cum until she felt Lavender doing so, again pumping out nearly as much as the first two times of her seed. When she was through and had pulled her cock out of the second slime girl's pussy, Evangeline turned to the angel and sidhe watching them, her cock still standing erect as she she bit her bottom lip. "Well... I hope you two enjoyed the show," Evangeline said to the two, then turned back to the slimes. "And I hope you two enjoyed the action," she added to them.

Sitting back down on the rock to recover after she was through, hopefully burning the majority of the aphrodisiac from their bodies out of her system, Evangeline would grab her waterskin and open it up, drinking down nearly half of it as she caught her breath, where she then poured the remainder of the water over her cock to cool it off, tensing slightly as she did so and letting out a whimper. "So Aezralia, Cremily, do either of you know of anywhere that these two can go so they wouldn't be killed or hurt? Because I don't think that Therion would be a good place for them, for obvious reasons," Evangeline asked the the angel and sidhe curiously, hoping one of the two would have a place that Violet and Lavender could go for a while and maybe learn how to be more civilized and stuff since they couldn't come with her.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine, +10 Perception (Strength)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 116/118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

"" Sindel said, smiling at Eva's intent to cuddle after the younger sidhe had fulfilled her part of the contract. "We don't have names," the shorter and more demure of the two nymphs replied calmly, and the taller giggled and added; "You must have been raised among mortals, always caring about names.... You can call us whatever you want~"


When Evangeline slammed her cock into Violet's pussy, her massive shaft pushing in easily, the slime gave a lewd cry and spasmed, her body nearly loosing its shape before she got herself back together and tightened up around Eva's cock. The slimegirl's pussy was incredibly tight, and as Eva pistoned into it the soft inner walls squirmed around her, producing the same incredibly pleasurable suction that their mouths seemed capable of. Violet's body bounced and rocked forward with every thrust, the impact of Evangeline's hips producing a loud smacking sound in time with the wordless moans emitted by the slimegirl that she was pounding into, but she still managed to thrust back against Eva's energetic fucking, enhancing the pleasure for both of them. Once she'd driven Violet to her climax, the slime moaned loudly as Eva hilted herself and started spurting, the slime's inner walls quivering and milking every drop that the sidhe's cock spat up, producing a bubble of her semen inside of Violet. "How.... Does she still have that much left!?" Cremily asked incredulously, to which Aezralia replied; "Her next one will just as big, just watch!"

As she laid back in recuperation, however, Evangelina was not to be shown mercy. While Violet coalesced into a bubble with the sidhe's cum sitting right around the center, slowly being digested, Lavender slid backwards in a somewhat eery manner until her bottom was hovering over Eva's cock, the slimy lips of her pussy rubbing over the lip. "Mmmm~ My turn, my turn!" the slime cooed softly, rubber her slimy petals over the tip of Eva's cock for a few moments before simply dropping onto it, taking the whole thing in one go. Whether Eva was ready for another round or not, Lavender started bouncing onto her stiff rod like no tomorrow, eventually reaching her own peak and sucking a third load from the sidhe's increasingly abused cock. Once she'd been milked dry, Lavender slid off of Eva's cock and dropped into a happy lump similar to the state that Violet had been in while watching the two of them go at it. "Where do you keep all of that!?" Cremily asked in response to Eva's teasing question which followed only moments later, staring at the young sidhe's still twitching cock with a baffled look.

"I'll be looking forward to making you cum harder than that," Aezralia remarked, her tone half mirthful and half suggestive. The slimes had taken a good bit out of her between them, but despite her exhaustion after the day's myriad of events, Eva wasn't quite at the point where she'd simply pass out. When prompted, the two slimegirls nodded in acknowledgement, confirming what she already knew given their reactions to the vigorous fucking she'd given the two of them. The constant exposure to their aphrodisiacs ensured that Eva was still painfully aroused, but she knew it would fade after a little while if she managed to keep a hold on herself.

When asked about the fate of the two slimes, Cremily was prompt to reply; "I know of a place! Just take them to the Hidden Village in Southern Badaria. That's where we've been taking the slimes that have changed sides ever since the invasion. The first one that did is there, teaching her less, ahhhh, intelligent kind to live in civilized society. Azhur, I think her name was." The two slimes looked curious, and Aezralia nodded in agreement, saying; "I believe that would be best. There would be no risk of them being mistaken for hostile creatures and destroyed, or ending up caught in the control of the aliens again." The two slimes, listening in on this, both nodded at the idea. "I guess that sounds like a good idea!" said Violet, "Being murdered doesn't sound very pleasant, so we'll go wherever we can to keep that from happening!" Lavender added.


Though the needs of the people they'd rescued were paramount, the three elves that Mithra had commanded in taking the battle to the tower all beamed at her in response. Despite all that she'd been through, Mithra was considered a pillar of the community in her home village, and to be shown such respect from her was surely a bright spot on an otherwise fairly grim day.

Later, after delivering her final statement to the village council, Mithra received a soft frown and a nod from the main elder. "Very well," the prime elder Korin said coldly, "Give us a moment in private if you please, Lady Mithra." Instructed to step out, Mithra most likely did so, though she could refuse to or attempt to eavesdrop if she so wished.

Regardless, she only had to wait a few moments if she stepped out, and when she returned elder Davinforth, the village's primary warleader and the one who had most directly been responsible for the appointment of the three elves they'd brought to the fight at the tower, said; "You did well, captain. Exceptionally well. Regardless of the cost on our resources, what you have done was both righteous and courageous, and I am deeply proud of your actions." Recalling the looks she'd been given, Mithra remembered that elder Davinforth had been one of those that had frowned, the other being elder Sindel, the village's mystic and priestess. "You have performed your duties as expected, and this council has opted to consider your results... Satisfactory," that very woman said coldly following Davinforth's proclamation. Elder Krisklein, a portly and jovial fellow and the village's most prominent merchant, was next to speak; "We will scrape the resources to care for these people, we have been preparing for a harsh winter after all! Do not concern yourself with any difficulties you may have caused, it would not be seemly to abandon our kinfolk to the hands of our enemies or to the cold death of being so helpless in the wilderness." Elder Elindor, beaming happily at her, added; "When our guests have recovered, we'll see about returning them to their homes. In the meantime, I believe you've earned some time to relax! You are given leave to do as you see fit for the next few days, barring any emergencies that might need your attention."

Now that the others had had their say, Elder Korin concluded things by saying; "You have done well, Mithra. Take your ease, we will see to those you have brought to us. You are dismissed." With that, the elf was free to leave and pursue whatever she wished.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Thinking that she'd just have to name the two nymphs herself, Evangeline went on back to the grove she'd left the others at, flashing them all a smile as she did.


Giggling a little when Violet's body nearly lost its cohesion when she first slammed into her, and likely again from their orgasms, Evangeline sat back on the rock to rest afterwards, but that rest was cut short by Lavender's hopping right into her lap and slamming her pussy down over her still quite rigid cock, causing her to let out a lewd moan. After she and Lavender were done, with the pinker slime likely doing the same thing as Violet did and nearly losing her body's cohesion and melting into a puddle of slime, Evangeline glanced over at Cremily and smiled at her incredulous look and question. "Well Cremily, I keep it all in my flat little tummy here... which will soon be bulging with a baby or two... most likely a anyway," Evangeline said to Cremily with a giggle, idly wondering what Sindel and the nymphs would think of how much she could cum. Then she turned to Aezralia when she made her remark,smirking at the angel. "I certainly hope that you can Aezralia, because I've always wanted to have an angel as beautiful as yourself, but I've never had the opportunity to really. I guess you could say it's been a bit of a dream of mine since I knew what this thing was good for and all," Evangeline added to Aezralia with a naughty grin.

When Cremily mentioned the first slime to change sides to their side since the invasion being far to the south and teaching some of her kin that also changed sides since the invasion how to live in a more civilized way, Evangeline's heart eased from the worry of just setting the poor things loose into the world, where they would likely be killed or worse taken back into the fold of the aliens where she may later on be forced to kill them, which was something that she didn't want to do. "If that's the best place for them, then yes I agree that's where they should go then. Though I don't know how to get there myself, so I hope one of you two do, because I can't take them there if I don't know how to get there," Evangeline said to Cremily and Aezralia, shrugging her shoulders as she truly knew not where this hidden village was at, then she glanced down at the slimes. "Well you two, I hope that you'll be okay and everything without me, because I'd hate to see either of you get hurt you know, especially after the fun you gave me there. And yes getting murdered is bad, really bad," Evangeline added to Violet and Lavender, gently patting the two on their slimy little heads.

"Anyway though, we should be heading back soon. Aezralia, do you know where this hidden village she's talking about is? If so then can you take the two of them there for us real quick, then when you get back I can take us all back to the hidden village here so we can... get down to business," Evangline asked the angel, hoping she knew where it was as she doubted Cremily had the means to teleport them there like she and Aezralia did. If she did know how to and was willing to teleport them down there and then come back and all, then Eva would smile and kiss her on the cheek, telling her okay to let her say a quick goodbye and then they could go, where she would turn to Violet and Lavender and... despite knowing what would happen if she did, she hugged them both and kissed them on what passed for their cheeks, telling them goodbye and that she was glad she was able to convince them to leave the side of the aliens and all and that she hoped to meet them again someday in the future hopefully, then with a final wave before Aezralia took them, Evangeline said goodbye and watched them go, feeling a little sad at their parting, but she knew they had no choice in the matter. Once Aezralia was back from that, assuming she knew where the hidden village Cremily spoke of was at and could take Violet and Lavender there, then Evangeline would ask her and Cremily to take either of her hands where she would teleport them back to the hidden village she was currently staying at, letting the others know she was back and that Violet and Lavender were in a safe place where they wouldn't accidentally be hurt by anyone.

"And I've thought of names for the two of you, you're Jazmine, and you're Iris. Well you can be if you like the names, I think they're beautiful names to suit two beautiful women such as yourselves," Evangeline said to the pair of thus far unnamed nymphs she'd summoned, naming the shorter Jazmine and the taller Iris as she made a mental note to summon the two of them next time she needed some help, just as she'd made a mental note to summon Sindel, Cremily, and Felicia the next time she needed the power of an elder mage of her race.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once ended to give all her inform, Mithra wait as she also looks the reaction of each of the elders at the council, looking than many still frown and looks to still be a little against what has happened is ussual and really acceptble, as this mean than there is always more of a point of view.

As you wish elder Korin Giving a long bow Mithra say and let them talk between each other, yet she remain curiouse about what they could be talking, leaving the room and nearly closing the room as she get a little away and in secret cast a spell to manage to hear part of the chat inside, wishing than she could heard what they are talking without being noticed and trying to just act as if she were focusing at something else, maybe the surroundings around her. Finally the elders get out and meet with Mithra who let them talk and noticed than elder Sindel looks to be the most cold about this, maybe the mistic have something against what the blonde swordswoman has made. Thanks, is an honor to serve our people , if is needed i will be glad to help to collect resources. I will stay close the victims helping them as best as i can. Mithra say with a last bow and then went out thinking in how each of the elders reacted, some were usuals yet she hopes than she could find a way to get more help for her people, maybe a more deep aliance with others towns or more exactly the sidhe.

Once outside she will look around trying to find any anomality and if all were safe she will go to check the survivors and maybe wait for Eva and the others, after all maybe they could be not so well welcome without her, yet for the moment Evangeline should being known for the guards of the town.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Advanced Elven Scouts
Agnes: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Dinara: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine
Belle: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

"Bye bye Eva!" Lavender said, briefly coiling some of her mass around the faerie's fingers as she patted the slime on the head. "Maybe we'll see you again! You should come visit us sometime!" Violet added, doing much the same. "Yes, I know where it is," Aezralia said after Eva had said her goodbyes to the two slimes, before beckoning the two slimes over into a thicket that was out of sight. The angel came back a few minutes later, and then they were off to Mithra's village again, leaving the glade by the wreckage of the alien tower behind them.

Their comrades weren't terribly difficult to track down, being busy aiding in the care of those formerly held captive by the aliens. The nymphs were to be found in the barn taken by those that had been impregnated, and had been bound by Mithra's orders to await the birth of their spawn. Several guards were about, and the two lesser fae were even then aiding in the birth of one creature, a hunter, though once they were done with that messy task and the unfortunate spawn had been killed by one of the guards the two offered Eva a wan smile and nodded. "Alright then!" the taller one that she'd dubbed Iris said, presently lacking her lascivious attitude due to the unpleasant task she'd just been party to. "If we must have names, I suppose that those are quite suitable!" the one freshly named Jazmine added smoothly, wiping sweat from her brow.

They'd spotted Sindel and Felicia hanging about as well, tending to the wounded, and it seemed as if they'd be busy for a time before their debts could be repaid, the immediate needs of their captives superseding their need for repayment. It wouldn't be until that night that they would do as much, leaving Evangeline a bit of time to do with as she pleased, though given how thoroughly she'd exhausted herself that day rest was certainly an appealing option.

Mithra would find the situation much the same as Eva had, and well under the control of her people. Finding the sidhe that had first come to town wasn't particularly difficult; she only had to look for Aezralia first, who stood out fairly well compared to the extremely elf-like faerie. She too would have plenty of time on her hands, and though she'd been told that her responsibilities to her people and the rescued captives were complete, whether she agreed with that sentiment was entirely up to her. She could just as easily spend her free time helping out, as her kin would undoubtedly appreciate the assistance, particularly in the gruesome and sometimes even dangerous task of killing the newborn aliens as they were born.

(Did you two get experience for the tower yet?)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Waving bye to the two slimes, Evangeline watched them depart as Aezralia took them to the place Cremily mentioned, feeling that she would eventually meet them again someday, and figuring that she'd have to prepare for that meeting. "I will come to visit if I get the chance alright you two, stay safe until then you two," Evangeline called out to Violet and Lavender just before Aezralia left.

Sitting there with Cremily waiting for Aezralia to get back, Evangeline looked the sidhe elder mage over, just taking in her beauty until Aezralia got back. Once she was back they headed on back to the hidden village, with Evangeline teleporting them back herself since neither of them really knew where it was. After getting back to the village, Evangeline looked around for the others and quickly managed to find them tending to the captives they'd saved. After telling the nymphs the names she'd come up with for them both, Evangeline smiled as they answered. "Do you all think you can handle this for now girls? Because I really need to lay down and rest a little after all that's happened today. I've been drained at least half a dozen times today, and I need some food and drink, because my body's getting a little shaky from not eating anything in a while. So I'll get myself a bite to eat and something to drink, then I'm gonna lay down until you all are ready," Evangeline asked her summoned kin, hoping they could handle the healing on their own for now,as she needed something to eat and drink, and then she needed to rest some else she'd likely collapse soon and be unable to give them their payment for their help. "You all see that little boarding house over there around the edge of the village? The green one over there that's kind of big. That's where I'm staying while here, and it's got a couple of beds and bedrooms in it, and the bed I chose for myself is quite big, big enough for the four of us I think, as it is a queen size bed. I suppose we could enlarge it a bit further though if we need to... I believe there's a spell for that anyway. But anyway, I'm gonna get myself some food and drink, then rest a bit, just come on over whenever you're ready alright girls, oh and Aezralia, you can stay with me for as long as you like okay, there's plenty of room," Evangeline went on to say to her summoned kin as well as Aezralia, since the angel would likely be staying with her during her stay there.

With that, Evangeline would wave to the lot of them and head off to find something to eat, hopefully she could find someone in the village that had already cooked something that she could get to sate her hunger and thirst. Once she'd gotten her something to eat, either through buying it or by making it herself, Evangeline would go to her bed and lay down for a while to rest and recover some of her strength for her fun later that evening with her kin, and possibly with Aezralia also if the angel wished, after taking off all of her clothes and whatnot and tossing her sword gear down beside the bed. Evangeline would likely fall asleep for a little bit while she waited for everyone to get done outside, which was a good thing probably, as she needed a little bit of rest after all of the day's events, though she would wake up easily when they came to wake her, as she likely wouldn't be waking on her own anytime soon.

(No Tass I don't believe you did give us any exp from the tower, as far as I know. I think you gave us exp for the elder lord, but nothing after that.)
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With a lot of time at her hands, the blonde elf swordswoman walk at the city, unsure of what to do now before she meet the possibility of get impregnated this night. She continue trying to find any distraction to dont think in that until she find herself close the place used to give birth to the alien creatures.

Once in the place, she could easily find the fey kinds tan were sumoned a last time. Excuse me, anyone know if Lady Evangeline has returned without any trouble. She would say to the feys if Evangeline is not at the place.

Soon after know than all is fine with the sidhe and the angel, she will looks for a way to help her kind, getting ready her sword to kill the newborns and do it as fast as posible to dont make this looks so bad for everybody, even if these creatures werent from this plane she feels some pity for them, yet she cant let them corrupt more this world. Once killed every one of the alien creatures, she will then help the others to heal the victims and then just stay close the fey kind so they could find where is Evangeline house, or she could take them to eat something to her own house. Once this done she will visit Evangeline to see if she had returned
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 52, EP = 118, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

(Okie dokie, take another 4 exp. You can spend it now if you want.)

Eva received an affirmative answer from the nymphs and sidhe, saying that they could help handle the elves. The town didn't have much in the way of fine dining, but she could go to the tavern and get herself a meal if she was hungry (3 denarii) and could return to her home to rest, while water could easily be gotten from the town well for free. She would be undisturbed for some time, Aezralia staying to help with the wounded and thus leaving her to sleep alone.

Mithra, when inquiring about the sidhe, would be told that she'd returned safely and had gone to eat and rest. Seeing to her duties, Mithra helped the faeries and elves care for the captives, and killed many of the newborn aliens herself, ensuring that they would not threaten her home or her people. It was an exhausting day, as much for her as it was for the faeries and the healers given her own talents in such magics, but there were few actual wounds to worry about. Soon enough night had fallen, and the healers insisted that Mithra go off to her own rest, leaving her to show the faeries and Aezralia where Evangeline lived so that their debts could be paid if she so chose, though it would be well within her abilities to try and slip away on her own instead.

If the elf did go to Eva's, she would enter to find the sidhe lying naked upon her bed, covered by some slightly displaced blankets but quite plainly without anything on beneath them.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With the time the many pregnant victims given birth and each time Mithra or any other kill the vile newborn alien creatures. Once done this easy job, Mithra wanted to help in something else to distract her mind, yet it take the whole remaining day, tired and looking than all has been done and nobody needed her help, the elven swordswoman wished to all a good night and order them to look for the town as she rest after a long day.

Now tan she know where Evangeline is, she can guide the others to the summoner house or find out a way to get away alone, easily she could just find a way to escape for this night but she has given her Word and also this could be good for her people, she just hopes than all her people dont see bad than she will give herself to that nearly unknown fey woman.

Please follow me, i will guide all to Miss Evangeline home, she say to the group before walk and take them there, after think twice she decide to move faster as posible, her pride is just to high to being noticed when Felicia could attempt to cuddle at her or say her something in front of anyone, if only the rumors dont get spread so fast in this small town.

Once there, Mithra will just open the door and let all get inside. Then all inside, she close the door locking it completely before notice how Evangeline likes to sleep.

Looks like she is really tired... She mutters before get close the bed, then she started to calmly awake her. Hey, Miss Evangeline. Sorry to awake you but Lady Aezralia and the others are here too. If you are really tired we could do this tomorrow or after eat something, you looks to be really tired after our mission.

Once the Sidhe had awaken from her slumber, Mithra will just sit at the bed for a momento, to slowly take out her armor and take this time to calm her thoughts tahn afflict her, if Evangeline do her best to serve the others giving them a drink or talking with them, Mithra will get up and take her equipment to a safe place and then close herself in the bathroom to wash herself a little and hide her mutations as best as she could and change them to others than could increase the pleasure of her future partner in what looks to be a long orgy.

[use shapershifter to turn the two tentacles to pheromones and battery (if not posible then Stretching)]
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