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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 46/52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, +6 Perception (Nature's Lore)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 120/122, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Telepathy

No further prey was to appear, the scent of the dead deer warding off other predators while Mithra removed the innards and offal from the dead beast's guts with some magical assistance. Evangeline managed a good catch of her own, and between the two of them they had acquired enough meat to feed a good number of people. Once they were satisfied with their work, Evangeline would be able teleport them back to Mithra's town with their freshly acquired goods in tow. Mithra's people would certainly be happy for the extra food, particularly with the extra mouths to feed.

The village elders were busy doing their own tasks at council, and none of them would had anything that they wanted Mithra to do should she opt to seek them out. When she returned to the home she'd been granted, Eva found Aezralia not present, as she was out seeing to the people they'd rescued from the aliens. Those people would spend the next few days recovering before, one by one or in small groups, some of them began to leave. The majority of Mithra's village was made up of elves, and despite their cordiality many of the humans opted to leave as they recovered even though many of them had been in places that had been destroyed by orc or alien attacks. As it turned out, the aliens had taken several small communities before Eva and Mithra had destroyed them, making the threat represented by the aliens all the more obvious given how quickly they could become a problem.

Over the course of the week, Aezralia would reveal herself to be something of a painter, and would manage to find some supplies with which to work. After producing a small landscape painting of a mesa she'd found over the course of a day, and then another of a small section of forest the next, she would sheepishly ask Evangeline if she would like a nude painted of her. Mithra, should she opt to visit that day, would find Evangeline in a relaxed pose with no clothes on while lying on a couch. Seeing this, the angel would offer to paint Mithra under similar circumstances if she wished, or possibly do one with both Eva and Mithra in it. Regardless, the angel would spend a few nights teasing Evangeline before joining her in bed, though if she opted to let the angel paint her would be rewarded with the feel of the angel's mouth on her length in a less fucked-silly state unless Mithra opted to do something to prevent as much. Mithra, over the course of time, would start to have dreams about Felicia every night, and during one of those nights in which she played with herself she would suddenly feel the sidhe's hands against her own, and after teasing her a bit longer her lover would take her passionately without ever saying a word.

(It's pretty much timeskip time. Put what you'd want ye characters to be doing for the next, say, two weeks. Smut scenes can be played out in detail if you want before I go into the next bit of story.)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The lack of scavengers was a terrible surprise for Mithra, it shows how the creatures were adapting and reducing at number by the many dangers of this world. Resigned she prepare all to leave and then turn to Evangeline. Looks like this is all what the gods will leave us take today, lets back to give this to my people. She said and soon Evangeline teleport them back with all their food earned to their town.

Once the food given, Mithra tried to get any mision from the elders, but they were busy with theirs bussines and dont let her any responsability, this of course dont affect too much the elven and soon went to teach her sisters at arms, she was sure than Evangeline and the others will be better to take care of the victims than her, even then she tried to go there at her way to train but she notice the angel and others taking care of that.

The days were passing really slow and in a boring way for Mithra, she trained her body as always at the morning, cleaned and then goes to collect food, asking for help to Evangeline as this has said than she could get food from her city and also teleport for hunt was a easier way than do it in the old way. The nights however were more troublesome for the blonde warrior, her heart and mind were victim of continuous dreams than show her lover to her, it was a blessing but also a terrible way to rest at night, her blanket and clothes always ended wet and she also awaken in needs, as the days passed her clothes placed on her were reduced, as also the time than she have to rest, after just some days she cant stop herself to mumble her name and caress her body as she remember the few times together, her warm body awake her in middle of the night, she was glad than she was now an independient elven woman, alone at her home she fill her room with begs and needed soft moans, as her hands rubs her indecent parts in an attempt to mimic the sidhe skilled touch, mostly failling yet trying hard until she fall sleep and her dirty dreams ended what she started.

Soon the days come other inconvenient, her belly was growing more fasted of what she expected, at the first week she was able to use a mantle to hide her shape, but her apettite was also increasing and slowly her pantry was getting assaulted as also what she could collect in her hunts for her townspeople. She tried to read im secret what she could find about pregnancy and what a mother should do to have a healthy child, as her childhood lack of any mother like figure.

In one of these days she was returning after collecting some new reading material, she suppose than as ussual she should check what the sidhe and the angel were doing and if they needed something, she knock and opened the door, mostly sure than maybe Evangeline was resting after a long impudic night, but what saw make her drop her books at the floor and quickly she get inside and close the door behind her. My apologize to get inside so sudden, but i cant stop miself of ask to both what is happening here? Mithra ask, trying to dont affect her humor, as she has read than she must remain in calm or it could affect the baby, even then she really wanted to say a long spech to Evangeline for make Aezralia paint her naked, it take some work for both to calm the moment and Mithra slowly was thinking than maybe she could show an artistic and not lewd picture of her pregnancy to Felicia once she return and maybe if she make all her best her two daughters would be proud of her, she just hopes than she dont need to do any indecent pose or she will quit mostly.

Its a pleasant notice to hear about your talent Miss Aezralia, it would be an honor to be painted by yourself in an elegant manner if possible. Also can i ask if it could be dressed? I could try a nude portait if it dont bring shame to me or my daughters when they saw it. Once all said Mithra will try to change her body hidden thanks her clothes, she first take away her tendrils and tried to make her body more perfect, she wanted to be seen as much beautiful possible as also powerful for her childs.


The nights passed and these increased the needs for her lover get even more intense, she was thinking on her every moment and she sometimes day dream without notice it, her sights as the name stay placed at her mind sometime lasted until she feel her breakfast get a little cold, with her days getting bigger she soon was unable to hide it at all with any cloth over her, so she just gather some food and work what she could to prepare herself for the birth, she was worried than someone could notice it, after all this will make her need to answer many questions, the two elvens than had helped them to take down the tower must know it already but she needed time to think in said anything about this, of course than she had said the last class than she will be unable to teach them more for some days, but even her dont know how much time could pass.

Wearing just one of her few mother's maternity clothes used for these moments she passed most of the day making some soft training, feeding herself as healty as possible, cleaning her house and equipment, reading and trying each thing than she could do to make the pregnancy better, ussually she caressed her pregnant belly, making coos or singing for her babies inside her, as anything at her life she will try her best. When she needed to leave to ussually check how was her team, she tried her stealty skills and magics to pass unnoticied, of course than anyone would know who she is if they notice it, but she will move or more likely float to dont cause an overwork at her body, once at Evangeline's house, she would show proud her pregnancy, smirking softly as she look the difference at the others two, the pregnancy belly size was at her mind showing them her superiority and knowledge of the topic. Of course than she will try to act naturaly and give them tips of what they should do or avoid. Finally she was ready to say all to the benevolent elder than was at the side of fill the town with the people rescued from the tower, maybe he could give her some wise words and advices.

One of these finals nights, there was nothing than Mithra could do to sattle her lust, her now swollen breasts product of her pregnancy were so sensitive now and she loved to touch and grope them, tasting some of the milk than her daughters soon would enjoy, her body was so changed from her ussual shape but now she was mostly focused on calm her needs, she even let out her tendrils to pleasure herself, it make her feel a lustful worried for a possibility than she could be caught with them, rubing her body as her hands do it, her soft moves as she fall sleep on an day dream about Felicia caressing her soon asault her, she imagined her hands as the sidhe ones, with her skill earned to pleasure herself she could dream than these were real, suddenly she could even bet than her lover was here and she just suspire in need, deciding to let all flow and make herself think than she was there. She continue softly begging for Felicia to slowly continue touching and exploring her wet body than seductory bright in her soft sweat and suddenly she notice it.

Mithra was out of words as Felicia come to her, she tried her best to reach her lips and kiss her with all her love, feel her warm lips against her owns and her tongue dance inside her mouth, make her feel her belly and made her proud of the size and shape, she was so proud of her body than she dont cared of the tendrils and of the possibility than Felicia could see them, she just give herself completely toher and tried her best to pleasure her with what her body has been training in these dirty nights, she wanted to said her many things but they were hungry of carnal acts, so she suppose than they could talk later, her hands tendrils and mouth tried to pleasure the sidhe as she let herself completely opened for Felicia to be taken as any way than she want.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

[I've got a question. Can Evangeline repair the robes she had on during the battle where she and Mithra got captured? If so then she is going to repair them. Also Evangeline's pose for the portrait is the same as the chick from Titanic across the sofa. I'll also message Plm to reply to Evangeline's bit there so you can update whenever.]

Unfortunately they weren't able to round up any more game or anything of the sort, but with what they did manage to get Evangeline was satisfied that they had enough to help out and last a while in the village considering the extra mouths that would need to be fed and whatnot. When the food had been divided up and sent to the storehouses to be kept fresh until time to eat it, with Evangeline taking a couple of the fish with her and a couple of cuts of the deer meat so that she and Aezralia would have something nice to eat there. Taking her things back to her house, Evangeline didn't see Aezralia about and assumed that she was in town helping out with the captives they'd rescued the day before and all, so she decided to go and help out with them as much as she could once she put her things away.

Evangeline didn't really do much but train herself some and help Mithra gather some food over the course of the week or so, and she also offered to teleport any of the ex-captives to Therion or anywhere else she'd been during her travels to the hidden village if they so wished it. If any of them did wish to go to Therion, then after taking any of them there that wished to go she'd go and speak with her parents about trying to find some way of sending a bit of food their way over there, and she'd tell her mother and father all of what'd happened since she left, apologizing to her father for leaving like she had without telling him and begging him to forgive her.

Other than that she cooked meals for her and Aezralia each day, though nothing too fancy or anything, and she set the table and everything, doing most if not all of the household chores alone unless Aezralia offered to do them with her, but she wouldn't complain if Aezralia didn't want to help, and each night when they went to bed, which Evangeline would press but not force the issue with the angel to sleep in the same bed as her at least since it was quite cool out, then she would snuggle up to the beautiful angel and hold her close, gently caressing her belly each night as it grew more and more if Aezralia agreed for the sake of warmth, but she wouldn't press her to have sex or anything with her for the time being, having had enough sex on that one day to last her quite a while at least. Also throughout the week, Evangeline would get herself some sewing and knitting equipment if she could scrounge some up, where in her spare time that she wasn't doing anything at all she'd knit some wool scarfs, hats, and socks for her and Aezralia and sew up any tears in their clothes they might have, and she'd also see about repairing the robes she'd had on during the battle she and Mithra had first met Aezralia in as well.

She also went to check up on Mithra every day and went with her to hunt when the elf asked if she had the free time with which to do so, teleporting them to and from the areas around that Mithra wanted to hunt at. She would also tell her that she'd wait to teleport to Therion about the food until after giving birth unless she'd already gone there to take some of the ex-captives for them to get a fresh start away from the aliens.


The day that Aezralia asked if she could do a nude portrait of her however, Evangeline just smiled warmly at her after coming back in from getting some firewood chopped up, not minding doing manual labor even when she didn't have to and could just as easily use some of her powers for it.

"So you want to paint sexy little old me naked huh... sure I don't mind. And please, you don't have to be so shy about asking me anything like this dove. Now lemme get this wood put up for us and I'll undress and get on our little sofa for you," Evangeline said to Aezralia when asked about the portrait, giggling softly as she went in to do just as she said.

When Aezralia was ready, Evangeline would shamelessly undress right in front of her, letting her robes fall to the floor as she laid down on the sofa in front of the angel, taking a sexy yet relaxed pose for her to paint her with. Evangeline didn't move much at all until Aezralia told her she could, at which point she would stretch out on the sofa. She'd get up to go and get her and Aezralia something to drink, just a glass of water each, and when she got back and sat down, Evangeline was soon taken aback as Aezralia got down on her knees in front of her and with a few soft and gentle caresses had her member hard as a rock, where she quickly took Evangeline's length in her mouth. As soon as she felt her member enter Aezralia's mouth, Evangeline's head tilted back over the sofa back as she set their drinks down on the coffee table in front of them so she didn't drop them. Placing one hand on Aezralia's head, Evangeline really just kind of held on for dear life, gently running her fingers through the angel's hair and giving coos and squeals of pleasure often. She wouldn't last a very long time and would receive a scare that threw her over the edge as Mithra came in on them, her seed gushing out into the angel's mouth as Mithra burst into the room on them.

"Oh gods Mithra, you really scared the hell out of me there. Aezralia here asked if I wanted her to paint a nude portrait of me, so I said sure. And then... some things happened and... well..." Evangeline told Mithra, trailing off a bit as she came in, patting the sofa next to her as Aezralia got up, gesturing to Mithra to come on over and take a load off and insisting that she did so for the babies sake if not her own. When Mithra sat down, Evangeline would poke her right between the eyes and then flip her nose after hearing her speak after she'd calmed down from the scene she'd walked in on. "And don't talk like that Mithra, your daughters are going to be beautiful, just as you are. Plus they'll be fey children, so there's no chance of them being ashamed of you having a nude portrait done of yourself alright, and don't you dare try to hide anything of yourself from them, that's what would be shameful if you ask me. Because they're your daughters, they couldn't be ashamed of their mother no matter what," Evangeline would go on to say to Mithra, giving her words of encouragement and patting her on the shoulder before she stood up and stretched some more.

"Anyway though, you want something to drink Mithra? Tea? Water? I'll have to boil some water for the tea, but I don't mind if you'd like to have some tea," Evangeline said as she stood up and stretched some more, heading off to get whichever Mithra preferred, handing it to Mithra to sip on while the angel got ready to work on Mithra's portrait. "You don't have to do some really sexy pose though unless you just want to, just a basic little old sexy one of you laying here on the sofa, kind of like I was doing, just pointing in the opposite direction or something," Evangeline added when she returned.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

[Hmm, do you mean the fight against the slime girls? I guess than is possible to repair the clothes if you had found the remains once we get free]

At her pregnancy state, Mithra would do her best to stay in calm, no matter what she wanted baddly to say to Evangeline, she just breath softly and thing in something else to dont focus on what were close to do before she come or how Evangeline was placing her not born childs on this topic, maybe were the hormones but the fact than her daughters would be more beautiful than any other woman on the planet was more than obvious until the point than the sidhe words were out of place.

The blonde elf accept to sit at the sofa, acting normaly and dont showing any affliction at her state. A tea please, if you want i can help you to make it, i bet than a relaxing warm tea would make wonders to us. Mithra said ready to get up and help at the kitchen, after all she suppose to still remember where the ingredients are unless Evangeline had moved them these days.

As the tea was getting made she decide than she was ready to continue the little talk from before. Like i said, if is an artistic portrait there wouldnt be any problem to expose my body, even when it had changed a little the last days. I was thinking than we could use some magic to sumon some plants or produce effects and even teleport to amazing places, but the portrait should focus on us, so i will let Lady Aezralia decide the best stance for us. Mithra said, mostly sure than they could do it better than just use a small sofa.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Alright sweetie, let me get some ready for us while you two decide on how to go about the picture. And I'll handle it Mithra, you rest for now. It's a long walk over and I'm sure your feet are sore from it, and besides it's only tea so surely I can get it," Evangeline said before going and making the tea, which wouldn't take all that long, and she didn't want to bother Mithra with helping to do it when she could handle it herself just as easily and all.

When she returned and served the tea, listening to Mithra talk again about the portrait, Evangeline glanced around over at Aezralia for a moment. "Hmm, what do you think dove? Should she have one of herself first? Or should we just do one together you think? I think I can help with the plants... possibly summon a couple of beautiful alraune maybe to be in the picture with us maybe, hmhm," Evangeline asked the angel, mentioning the alraune with a giggle. "But seriously though, if you're up to it dove I think she should get a solo portrait before we get one together, since she wants to show her children what their beautiful mother looks like when she was pregnant with them and all," Evangeline added to Aezralia before taking a sip of her own tea after dropping a single lump of sugar in to drink.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 46/52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, +6 Perception (Nature's Lore)

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 120/122, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Telepathy

(The clothes can be repaired up to half their durability, so up to 13 TP for free. If she wants to fully repair them she needs to take them to a tailor and pay 3 denarii.)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

Aezralia would allow Evangeline to pick her preferred position for the painting, and would then casually approach when it was finished without saying as much. Her intentions would be known only once the mildly gravid angel had wrapped her fingers around Eva's cock, and what followed was a somewhat more tame but no less intense blowjob that ended when the sidhe came into the angels' mouth just when Mithra entered the house she'd been given. The angel, fairly shamelessly despite her pronounced flush, swallowed the sidhe's cream before listening to the conversation between Mithra and Eva.

She would chip in after a moment; "You can assume whatever pose you like, and while I don't recommend wearing clothes for it, you certainly can if you are uncomfortable with being painted nude. Clothing tends to move easily and is very hard to paint, you see, so you'll just need to be extra still while I work. You are free to do as you wish, but I would say that I agree with Evangeline. There is no shame in doing a painting nude; it's the natural state of the body, and it's not like we're doing it for lewd purposes. Either way, I'm happy to paint you, clothed or otherwise and alone or otherwise. The pose is ultimately more up to you than it is me - make yourself comfortable and relaxed, physically and emotionally, and that's the state in which I will paint you."

That said, the angel would wait until Eva and Mithra had settled how things were to be done and for the latter to take whatever pose she wished and that her slightly bloated body would allow.

~~~~Mithra's Bedroom~~~~​

Mithra would have exactly what she desired. Felicia pulled her into a kiss eagerly as her fingers joined Mithra's own between her legs, and began to pleasure the elf in ways that she never could by her own hands. They would remain like that, the sidhe spooking her and kissing her softly and affectionately while her fingers dipped in and out of her flower, for several long minutes. The embrace would only end when Mithra was made to shudder from a powerful, quaking orgasm, and after that the cock that had sired the twin daughters fattening her belly would be felt rubbing against the swell of Mithra's ass. A slight shift in position would push it against the elf's folds, and from then on Felicia would slowly but passionately pump into the pregnant elf, never going deep but still hitting her sweet spots with every thrust, and would remain in that position until every urge that Mithra had was satisfied and she came so many times that she passed out from exhaustion, or until she tried to change positions in some way. Even then, not a word would be spoken by her sidhe partner, at least not until she woke up beside the woman the next morning.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"It's okay Mithra, let Felicia and your children know how beautiful you are, because you are exceedingly beautiful. Hell if I didn't want to damage our friendship we've built over the last few days, then I'd probably make a pass at you myself, but you're my friend... my first friend I've made since leaving home, and that is something I don't ever want to lose," Evangeline told Mithra, encouraging her on to do the picture in the nude, rubbing Mithra's shoulders all the while to try and relax her enough to want to do it naked.


After Mithra left, Evangeline would smile at Aezralia and step over to the angel, where she would slip her arms around up under her wings to embrace her, still completely nude, unless Aezralia stopped her from doing so that is, in which case Evangeline would respect her wishes, though whining a bit in that case. If Evangeline's embrace was accepted by Aezralia though, then the young sidhe would lean in and kiss the angel on the cheek too, but she wouldn't go any further than that, unless Aezralia took it further herself that is, in which case Evangeline would be up for it. Unless something more happened than that, Evangeline would set to work on repairing the robes that'd been damaged so badly in the fight with the slimes when they'd gotten captured, as much as she could anyway.

Later that night, when it was time for bed, Evangeline would again invite Aezralia to bed, the angel having declined her invitations thus far, but tonight she felt that Aezralia wouldn't do so. Evangeline wasn't wanting her to come to bed for sex exactly though... unless Aezralia wanted to that is, but she was wanting her there to snuggle up with to stay warm and keep the cold out of the bed, despite the fact that the cold didn't really bother Evangeline all that much because she was technically a winter sidhe even if she'd never truly been to the court. She'd probably have to go to the winter court one day herself as her kin had told her, but for now she'd enjoy herself as much as she could, and right now she wanted to snuggle up to this lovely angel she was living with and rub against those beautiful feathers, though without ruffling them of course.

"Aezralia dove... would you like to join me in bed tonight? O-Only to stay warm I mean, since the cold affects you more than it does me. I'm sure that you must get cold all alone in the other bed," Evangeline would ask Aezralia when it was time for bed and she gave her invitation, a blush on her face, the young sidhe having taken a two day break from giving one to the angel.

(Also I forgot to add in on that last post at the beginning to drop the telepathy for Evangeline, so she will do so now instead.)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Understood, thanks to explain it Miss Aezralia and dont worry after my large training as a warrior i can endure to stay at the same position without move for a long time. Mithra answer in a respectful tone, even when she was sure to have some ideas of what was doing the angel at her kness and why the sidhe member was more hard than the ussual. She soon started to wonder what she would do now, there were many choices to do now and the magics to use could make all fail if she overdo it.

Then Eva goes back the sofa where Mithra was resting and drinking her tea, the kind words coming from her and the rub at her shoulders made her brysh, what she tried to hide before answer back. Of course than they will know it, but i dont see the need to be nude so they could notice it. Also, thanks for treasure so much our friendship, i would decline any intimate approach too mostly because i also see you more than just a friend. Mithra said hidding also the fact than she was against have another couple right now, at her mind she wanted to have just Felicia as her lover, of course than she was waiting for her perfect man all these years, yet she doubt to find someone so special as the seductive sidhe. It would take her time accept anyone more than would accept to share her love with Felicia.

As Eva rubs her shoulders and gives her the time and relax to focus, Mithra remember the angel's words what echoed at her time until get a descision. I got it. I will accept to pose nude if i do it with my sword and how i show more than just my body. The elven looks to had decided and soon prepare herself and her sword for the moment, she asked for a time to be ready, so Eva can try to be the first to get a picture, meanwhile Mithra went to her house dressed and ready to face the cold temperature, she would return after a few hours with her most loved weapon, her father has leave it at her care before leave, she wanted to show the weapon than she has protected with her live, polished and ready to make Mithra shine with pride. She also has comb her long blonde hair better than the ussual after a second bath and a natural makeup, with just a necklace than her mother had wearing before be taken away, she was ready for this unnusual challenge. Mithra then tried some poses until find the best one than she could use in order to show her strong side as also her beautiful body, she dont wanted to see her childs and Felicia only turn on for look it, but also feels proud of be part of her family even if they take a different path one of these days, she wanted to show to all her love and desicion. Once the pose has been choiced and made, Mithra focused on cast a duplicate image of herself using her magic powers, trying than this were a perfect copy and in the same pose, so Aezralia could pain the ilusion as Mithra just sit and remain focused on her spell, ready to solve in the instant any problem than could happen later.


The night when Felicia return was more than magic for Mithra, she was just spechless and just tried to show her love to her mate with each rub and touch. Many times she was nearly out of breath as they continuely kiss each other in this passionate night, her mouth feels a warm tickling what she couldnt stop to enjoy, feeling the soft body from her lover touch her exquisite skin, it was not just their hands what make them feels amazing and Mithra was not so skilled in this like the sidhe, she was easily pushed at her first orgasm. She dont hold anything and dont cared in anything more than this moment, she dont care than Felicia could see her normal body, Evangeline was right about her beauty, two tentacles would never taint this fact. The warm love rod at her back called for her and soon she was at her inside dying for feel it again, Felicia was not like the monsters from her past, she was kind and she show her love in each thrust, she was also wise not only at these carnal topics.

The way than she worries for theirs babies as she push softly the member at the elven make Mithra love her even more, she also show her needs to return this sacrifice than Felicia gives for them. As the blonde elven cuddles and place in position, she prepare herself for the penetration, her sweet hole thigh and get the ability to press more at her lover's hammer, she know than she needed to dont push this too much or it could affect her pregnancy, so she take the event with some calm, dont leaving the member go so inside and instead pleasure it with each inch as her erogenous points are used by the sidhe, after some orgasms she let the lover enjoy also her back hole and breasts, so Felicia could love the moment completely, her arms than were holding herself on her mate soon were used to caress her softly between orgasms until the sidhe were ready for more, there was not doubt than Mithra would fall first but even then she will cuddle at her mate, leaving her to feed of her as she sleep.

At the morning, the pregnant woman gets a moment worried to awake alone, but then she notice the warm of her lover, she hug her and kiss her neck before a lover soft cuddle, it was as Felicia is the other part of her body, even away she would have these moments to beat any difficulty. Good Morning, my love. I enjoy so much this night, let me prepare what you wish as breakfast once we stay a time here. Mithra said before start to massage and rub the sidhe's body as best as she could.

She then take the sidhe's hand and place her on her pregnant belly. Theirs kicks show how healthy and close they are from the day, but i must suppose than it would still take them some time. It must be enough time to decide between us the perfect name for both. Mithra decide to give some time to Felicia to relax and just remain there trying to make her feel good with a soft lovely foreplay. This glorious day shine more thanks to your presence, lets have a date or we could continue what we start this night the whole day. The Elven softly said, wondering why Felicia has come after she said the last time about bring something for the babies.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

"Sure," Aezralia replied to Mithra's request to pose with her sword, and fiddled with her assorted painting gear while Mithra got herself ready for the painting, leaving and returning after a few hours with her ancestral sword now in her hands. The angel and Eva were lazing about by that point, the former having finished her painting of the latter and was then just touching it up.

"Ready when you are Mithra," Aezralia said as the now nude elf assumed a number of poses until she found the right one. Once the elf had picked one and settled on it, the angel displayed only a moment of surprise when she suddenly conjured an image of it for her before setting about painting it, allowing Mithra to relax while Aezralia worked despite the intense position she had chosen. It took the better part of an hour before the angel declared herself finished with the majority of the work and said that she could dismiss the illusion now, and once shown the painting Mithra would find herself faced with a near-perfect likeness of herself inscribed upon the canvas. It was a very life-like painting despite being in two dimensions, the colors and the simplistic materials combined with Aezralia's skilled brush-strokes producing a mixture of both texture and color that was nearly perfect.

~~~~Mithra's Bedroom~~~~​

Awakening to Mithra's doting, Felicia would only smile and nod at first, offering no argument to the offer to have breakfast made for her and allowing Mithra to massage her heavenly soft skin to the contentment of both of them. When her hand was placed upon Mithra's heavily gravid belly, the sidhe would hold it there and reply; "There was no doubt that they would be anything but healthy, of course~" Her gaze flitted from Mithra's belly up to her face, and she continued; "Sidhe do not have names, save those that mortals give to us due to their need for language. You are an elf, once our kin... When you have given birth and looked upon our daughters for the first time, you will understand why, for an instant, before the understanding passes. Then, you will name them whatever you feel is appropriate."

Her grin returned at Mithra's suggestion, and when the elf had finished her potentially lewd offer she replied; "Mmmm, of course! That sounds lovely~" However Mithra took that would be fine by Felicia. She would quickly rise and follow the elf into her living room, however, and would help the heavily pregnant warrior cook a meal for them to share insistently if that was the direction that Mithra took their encounter, but even then no mention of why she was there would be given until Mithra asked for it outright.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"Sure," Aezralia said lightly upon Eva's request to join her in bed, "the cold doesn't bother me, I've had to sleep out in the Crolian winter before and never had any problems, but even when we're both this round it'd be nice to have a little relaxing fun~"
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

With Aezralia painting and Mithra focused on her illusion, there was not much to do at the moment, the hour was consumed by the elf mostly looking at herself to stop any mistake at her image and covering herself with her mantle in order to reduce the soft cold at the room, yet even then she could answer anything from the Sidhe who should be a little bored of wait for the painting get done. Once the time has passed, the angel inform them than the painting is already made, without any more needs for her spell, Mithra dispel it and move wearing just her mantle to see the draw. I must admit than this portrait is the best than i had seen, you are really talented on this Lady Aezralia. The blonde elf said admiring herself for a while before take the word again. Even with your skill, this picture must had take you some effort, im in debt with you Lady Aezralia, so if you need any favor or even want me at another sketch i will be glad to help you.

Said this Mithra would wait for the answer and meanwhile she moves to start to dress herself, unless any of the girls invite her for something else as a picture of all of them. Once dressed her last worry would be find a way to cover the picture once it get dry to take her to her home without anyone notice her.

~~~~Mithra's Bedroom~~~~

Mithra relax at the touch of her lover's hand at her pregnant belly, it was like she were sharing the happiness of a new life and the affirmation of the sidhe about the health of the babies made her being at relief of being doing it right. However she had some problems trying to understand her lover's words. Understood, all this is new for me and i must admit than i really need to know more about your kind. From now on, i will try to just focus on love you and ours childrens. Said this Mithra went to Felicias's arms and both remain together for a brief time before they get up and went to the kitchen.

Mithra was sure than she dont need to worry about theirs names, for whta Felicia has said the birth will be different from an usual baby of her race, she decide than once she have time she will read a little more about the sidhe or she could ask to Evangeline, yet maybe the girl know almost the same than her. Mithra was ready to make this breakfast the best than she could do, dont caring about her food storage, yet soon Felicia come to aid her. It make her remember when Felicia made this for her and blushed as she remember the romantic moment. Of course... My love. Lets cook together. I still have some food than i collected a few days ago... Mithra was amazed how easily the tittle of lover has escaped from her lips, it sound so easy and the feeling of do it made her blush, she softly smile and let the sidhe join her, trying soon to do as what Felicia ask for breakfast or made her ebst dish than she could at the moment if this dont say her anything.

Once at the dining table, Mithra let Felicia eat in peace, serving her at what she need and once all ready she eat at her side, even asking if she could feed her, she was ready to use the cutlery unless Felicia wanted than the elf do it in a more romantic and lusty way. Between the food, the elven take her hand and look at her face before ask. How was the breakfast? im so glad than you has come yesterday to pass the night, even then i must ask if you have another reason for come today, i will do my best to help you. Its about what you said before leave? about an unknown help than you wanted to bring to aid us to take care of ours childrens. Mithra ask not expecting any real answer, she just wanted to do her best to aid her lover and find out if they really have awhole free day for a date.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

Evangeline was anything but bored while Aezralia painted Mithra, silently watching over the angel's shoulder as she painted the portrait of Mithra in the pose she'd chosen. After Mithra's solo portrait was done, Evangeline suggested they both do another one on another day after they gave birth to their children, so that their bellies weren't so large and rounded from their pregnancies.


~~~~Eva'a bedroom~~~~

"Aye it would be nice too I think, but it's up to you really if you want to do that. I don't mind taking a break from sex for a few more days though until we give birth to the little ones, so just cuddling up for warmth is fine with me," Evangeline told Aezralia when the angel spoke up on the matter of her offer of joining her in bed that night.

With that, Evangeline would raise the covers and gesture for Aezralia to hop on in under them with her, gently rubbing the angel's pregnant belly as she did so and giggling softly. Once Aezralia was in with her, Evangeline would snuggle up with her and prepare to go on to sleep unless the angel had anything else in mind at the moment.

Sorry if this post seems so short and all, just hard to feel truly inspired at the moment and all because of the death of my cousin, and I wanted to try and move the thread along some more. If you need any more just Tass let me know and I'll try and think something up for Eva to do or say.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

"Thank you Mithra!" Aezralia replied while beaming at the compliment to her work, "don't think yourself indebted to me for it! I enjoy working my craft when I get the opportunity, and it's rare for me to have this much down time." When Eva gave the suggestion that she ought to make another one when they weren't with child, Aezralia nodded in agreement and added; "And change the posts, definitely."

~~~~Mithra's Bedroom~~~~​

"I understand... You shouldn't be so nervous!" Felicia replied jovially to Mithra's admission of such romantic feelings as she had for the sidhe being new to her.

Later, while cooking breakfast, Felicia busied about quickly, helping Mithra who was left to select what their meal would actually consist of but doing as much of the work as possible so as to spare the heavily gravid elf from having to exert herself. When the question came up about why she'd come, Felicia merely beamed at Mithra and said; "Oh, I just wanted to see you again, so I swung by~ I've got to run at some point for an errand, but I'll be back tonight."

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"Mmmmm, maybe that would be good," Aezralia purred as she slid up into bed and cuddled with Evangeline, sliding up behind the sidhe to leave room for her grand feathered wings. "I am missing a lot of... Flexibility.... Right now, and I'm sure it'd be more fun if we could really go at it the first time~" With that, Aezralia would be content to go to sleep for the moment, unless Eva opted to change her own mind.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

Mithra nod and smiled softly once she heard than the angel was just trying to pass the time. Certainly we dont have too much things to do on these days, yet im glad than we can have the privilege to have a peaceful pregnancy. The elven said giving a deep sigh. Im dying to fight again or have anything more than a soft daily training. So, as we have the free time, we could pass more time together, we could even share stories and tips of any topic. Mithra then prepare to leave after open her invitation to the two to pass more time together and dress herself.

~~~~Mithra's Bedroom~~~~​

After apologize herself for be so nervious, Mithra moved to the kitchen to prepare all for herself until Felicia come to help her. Once at the kitchen the sidhe could notice than Mithra was wearing the same apron than Felicia used the last time, she was unsure if it looks well at her with her pregnancy body, but she suppose than it could protect her childrens in any accident and the sidhe could be more aroused looking her with just this cloth.

After the breakfast has been prepared, Mithra served it and filled the glass than Felicia would use to drink, eating together close each other feels so charming for her. The work at the kitchen was not so great deal for her, even at her actual state she suppose than she could do it alone, but the help from her lover take her heart even more. The blonde mother is not so used to let others do her job, it somway upset her as she feels it as her responsability, however working together with someone who cares for her like this is really a different story... at her whole life she havent found too much people like Felicia. It was thanks to it than the sidhe's next words were impressed at her soul and heart, the Sidhe declaration than she have a work but needed to see her make her eyes bright and she give her a soft lovely hug.

I cant express my happiness for being with you, my love. Thanks to take some time to come here, even when you have an assignment to do soon. Mithra then wonders what she could do to make the time together more pleasant for Felicia and soon remember the portail from before, her eyes soon notice a small leftover on the sidhe's cheek what made her have a small move toward her lover. If you want, i could help you... certainly i must stay out of adventures these days but i could try to make easier your errand. But first, let me clean this for you~ Mithra then smiled and slowly get closer to the sidhe's cheek and kiss her her as she clean the place with her seductive sudden kiss.

Looks like we need a bath to clean us after the breakfast, once we get ready i have a present just for you~ Said this Mithra started to clean a little the kitchen as Felicia end her breakfast and then after give her a wink she went to prepare the bath. She was sure than Felicia needs all her energy for her mission, so just this time she will try to just give her a relaxing spa bath, then dressed and ready she will guide her to show her the portrait than the angel has made of her, she wonders if Felicia will ask for one where both are together.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Aye, flexibility is something I am missing as well. This is the first time I've ever gotten pregnant myself, though I daresay I've knocked up quite a few nymphs before I came here, summoning them and stuff I mean. Hell there's a good chance I knocked up that demon girl at least once, if she didn't... you know choose not to that is. Because I sure as hell didn't if I remember rightly, as I was more preoccupied with how good it felt at the time, same with the nymphs from before too," Evangeline said in agreement of wanting back her flexibility before they enjoyed themselves any, then admitting a little something that would likely make Aezralia laugh a bit at her despite the fact of her mentioning the demon girl again she'd summoned.

With that Evangeline sighed pleasantly and closed her eyes, deciding to go on to sleep along with Aezralia as the angel's wings spread out behind her. "Say Aezralia, what are you going to name your child when we all give birth? I mean I know we sidhe don't normally care much about names and such, but I find myself fond of them honestly. Probably from being around regular elves for as long as I was with mom and dad. But I think I'll name my daughter... Rose... well if she has red hair I will anyway, if she doesn't then I'll think of another name when she's born," Evangeline asked the angel idly while they lay there, idly wondering what Aezralia would name her daughter with Cremily. "I'm also curious if your daughter will have wings like yours since you're an angel and all. Or does it not work like that?" Eva added with a bit of a giggle.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

"Sounds like a good enough way to pass the time!" Aezralia agreed following Mithra's suggestion, "what should we talk about?"

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~​

"Mmmhhmm~ I'm happy to be here too, my lovely!" Felicia replied softly, beaming happily at Mithra's continued affections. The offer to accompany her on her errand drew a shake of the woman's head, and she replied; "It's nothing interesting or exciting, and not something one is supposed to bring outsiders to anyway. You were on the way, so I thought I'd stop in while I was in the neighborhood."

Far from being surprised, Felicia cooed happily at Mithra's surprisingly lustful kiss, and when invited to a bath would accept immediately. Even though sex wasn't involved, she would make her enjoyment of Mithra's touch and attention known by a series of soft coos and sighs. After, when shown the picture that Aezralia had painted of her, she would smile and examine the painting for a while before nodding her approval and saying; "This is very good! Who painted it?"

(I was originally thinking of ye Felicia morning occurring on the same day as Aezralia doing the painting, but it wasn't terribly important so I just went with what you wrote.)

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"It's my first time too. I actually hadn't thought about a name, to be honest. She'll be a member of the sidhe raised among sidhe, so they won't really need a name. I figured I would just go with that, and let them earn or pick their name as they saw fit. As for red hair... Well, after a while that'll be there choice, won't it? Shapeshifters and all that. As for the wings, well, I can't really predict that. Sometimes, when we choose to have a child of another race, we pass on a few more obvious physical traits. Sometimes we don't, and it's hard to tell when it will go one way or the other."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

"Well I don't have too many stories about myself to share honestly, I mean I was in Therion during the battles against the aliens there, with this half-orc girl named Bree and some guards and soldiers she rounded up and led around town saving me and a couple of friends from being taken off by those bastards. That's when I decided to work harder at my spiritual powers and get stronger, so that I could fight and protect those I love. That girl though, Bree, she had no fear whatsoever and just charged into battle with those things as if they were nothing more than wild beasts that she hunted and dealt with every day. I'd never known of anyone to fight those thing with no fear at all, but her... she was awesome, hell she's the reason I decided to learn how to use a sword some because I watched her cutting those things to bits with her's," Evangeline told the two, speaking a bit of her past when she lived in Therion and sharing a story of herself.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~

"That's true I suppose, I always forget that names amongst my kind aren't really needed that much, because I wasn't raised around them and all. And we're all shapeshifters to a point as well, so yeah having red hair is going to be the choice of our children when they're old enough and capable of doing so," Evangeline replied as they lay there, caressing her own belly as she thought about her child. "So can angels choose whether or not they have other angels or something like that then? I always thought an angel had other angels because their bloodlines were so dominant over other races," Eva then asked curiously, rolling over to face Aezralia where their bellies gently pressed against one another and Evangeline smiled at her as she gently caressed the angel's belly.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

Oh i see, so you dont have a real combat experience until we meet some days ago. Hmm well you made a great job, it must had take you a lot of training to cast that level of spells. I sugest to you to focus at your powers and if you have time get a experimented warrior than could teach you the difficult art of the sword. Mithra add once Evangeline ended to talk taking a moment to think in a pair of things before continue. I really was thinking than we could talk about some more common topics, but if you want to talk about combat stories, i have a lot of them, maybe i should talk about my first great battlefield at Artmirst some years before the alien invasion. I was making an important mission than could put in risk my whole town if i fail on it. I was at the road ready to face anything on my way when from the shadows an strange old crazy spellcaster teleport me far away and the next time than i notice it was than i was in a completely different place alone with just my sword and far of my target to fulfil my mission.

To make it short i made my way through that town turned into a battlefield, fighting beasts and invaders to defend my life every moment as i find where i was and which could be the path toward my true vital mission. I cant deny than i loved it, every battle, in some way i wish to had stay there more time to help more and polish my skills, but i needed to help my people. Anyway i returned untouched and with a lot of stories to say, but maybe i will share them with both the next time.
Mithra said mostly lost on her story, really excited and making her get more needed to fight again once all get better.

I will love to heard about your first battle Lady Aezralia, but mostly im interested in know more about the family of both... Mostly if possible about the father and mother of both of you, if this dont cause any problem of course. The elven said back really needed to get more information about this. Out of this invasion, how was your childhood Evangeline? How was your relashionship with the others kids of your city?

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~

Felicia answer about if she could go with her at the mission dont upset the elf too much, after all as a warrior of her town she know than Felicia's people could have some rules or maybe the sidhe dont wanted to expose her to unnedded danger. I see, well let me do my best to prepare you a warm bath so you can get in the optom state for this easy mission~

Said this the two went to the bathroom once Mithra leave the apron on its place, she cant stop to blush as both were walking naked together once again in her house, it was a fortune than she dont have too much guests as she ussually get busy patroling or hunting.

The bath was more than relaxing, both girls almost lost sense of the time as they used their bodies to soak each other in soap, Mithra focused completely herself on give a service queen worthy to her lover, the many rubs were a little more than foreplay in some moments and it was fortunate than this dont ended into a long sex marathon as the last time, once cleaned the elven help felicia to dry herself and they then passed their time together as they dressed if Felicia wanted before they went to see the paint.

Im so glad than you love it, Lazy Aezralia paint made it and if you wish it i could ask it for one where we pose together, i could even allow you to choice any position than you wish or we could wait after the birth for a picture with the four of us. Mithra wonder to herself then if all would be fine the next days and how normal her daughters would be, maybe she was thinking something still unneded.

Ahm, do you want to walk around the town? We could just relax together if there is still time, but we could wait until you return at the night. If you want to know almost all the persons than we saved had leaved the town what i dont expected, i hope than at least we could still be a home for the elvens than were saved of that tower. The elven suddenly change of topic as she get closer to hug softly her lover as this take a moment more to admire the portait.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

"Well, I fought in the Cheydin when the aliens attacked. It's a modest city to the West of the Pass of Ghosts, so South and West from here. It was attacked by one of the motherships, but it was also a site of a major garrison of the Imperial Army, and they had enough artillery to drive it off, and then Doraleous came and finished it after he appeared in Therion," Aezralia would remark. Mithra and Eva would both have at least heard of the wars with the Badarian military, fought between the city states of Crolia between the Pass of Ghosts. The King of Badaria, an immortal necromancer, had thankfully vanished from the world when the aliens had destroyed his capitol, ending the annual incursions by his armies of men and undead. Often it had only been the poor training of their soldiers and the tactical failings of the officers that had kept them from driving all the way to Therion or the Academy, and with all of the other problems facing the world the war between North and South was not missed by anyone.

Mithra had only heard of what had happened in Therion, when the thunder god Doraleous had appeared and destroyed one of the vessels controlled by the aliens, ending the siege of the great city. Evangeline, however, had lived it, and could probably have told the story best out of any of them given that she'd been fighting at the same time.

On the subject of families, Aezralia would say; "Well, I was born to two angels, but my father died in the Invasion and my mother was killed by Outsiders many years ago. I was an adult by then anyway, and my kind don't really hold much stock in direct family. We are all family to each other, in the end. It's the only way we'd have made it this long, given how often we die violently." The angel's words were delivered in a completely casual manner, as if knowing that her parents were both dead didn't actually bother her at all.

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~​

"I think a painting of us and our daughters is a lovely idea!" Felicia said brightly, smiling happily and gently rubbing a hand on Mithra's lower back. To the offer to take a walk, she shook her head with a sad expression and replied; "I'm afraid that I can't, I've used up most of my free time. Besides, it's going to snow tonight, and I'd much rather walk in the dark with the snow falling around us with you~ It would be beautiful, no?" She seemed uninterested in seeing the people she had help them rescue from the aliens, merely giving a shrug at the offer to go and see them.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"We can turn it on or off, whether we have one of our own or go by the race of the other parent. It's to keep from our trueborn children falling into the hands of anything that would do them harm," Aezralia explained.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

"Aye I remember when he struck the one from the sky back in Therion, I saw it from my home there after I'd been rescued by that half orc girl. Watching it burn like it did was one of the greatest and most beautiful things I'd ever seen up until that point," Evangeline said as they chatted about their pasts. Then she looked over at Aezralia with a slight shine to her eyes. "Though that was until I saw you that is dove," Evangeline added to the angel, wondering what Aezralia's reaction would be to her sweet words and if she liked being complimented in such a way.

When Aezralia spoke about her heritage and her parents, Evangeline felt a bit saddened by what had happened to them, and although she didn't know a lot about angels or anything and though Aezralia didn't seem too fazed about that fact, Evangeline was sure deep down she missed them. "That's sad to hear how they were lost Aezralia, and it's also sad to hear that angels often die like that. I hope you don't," Evangeline said.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~

"Huh, that's awful handy. How often are angels born? If you know that is, just curious is all," Evangeline said, genuinely curious about what she'd asked, though if Aezralia didn't know or didn't wish to answer for whatever reason then Evangeline wouldn't pry into it any further and would go on to sleep after that, snuggled up against the lovely angel so their pregnant bellies gently rubbed against one another.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mostly must thanks than all went fine on that battle, Cheydin is some days away of these mountains and from a long time The Pass of Ghosts has been an area of mostly interest to us in the past thanks to the annual incursions. Mithra answer reffering to the pass of ghosts and towns around it. However i must confess than i was far away on a rescue mission when the invansion started, so what i know about it mostly come from the many relates from the survivors.

The angel soon talked about her lost, Mithra said some polite condolenses, but she know for the look of the angel than Aezralia dont really needs them, the many invasions and wars not only from the aliens had caused a countless number of deaths and missing people the last years and they can just hope than nothing worst happen in the future.

Looking how Evangeline was mostly focused on the angel and not adding more topics made the elven suspect than maybe she was somehow in the middle of a private moment, maybe she should need to leave soon to give to both an intimate moment. As Evangeline, my knowledge is low about the high casuality rate of angels on the battlefield, if possible please let us know if we could help you in the future, maybe im in a mistake but for what you had said previously you has tried to have all in order around this area close the Pass of Ghosts, so i will be glad to fight at your side.

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~

Mithra was glad than Felicia loved the idea of a future portrait, she smiled back and lost herself looking at the brigh face of her lover until she softlywhimper when she feel her hand rubbing her lower back, making her almost melt at her touch until the sidhe answer about the possibility of a walk. It was fine for her to heard than Felicia has passed all her free time with her, but instead be a depressing answer, the promise to have a date at a romantic snow night made the elven hug her after nod. Yes, it is a so beautiful and romantic idea, my love. Mithra was more than charmed by Felicia now, she would pamper her and let her leave at her mission, whising her to have a safe trip, the sidhe could do mostly what she wish with the elven they mostly could just pass the remain time leting the moment guide them to a lust time or they mostly let all this waiting and grow for the night. No matter the choice Mithra soon will need to let her lover go away to make the mission, she will try to looks happy and show how much she enjoy the moment with a passionated last kiss before Felicia go away maybe so silently as she has come.

Once alone Mithra will clean all and try to prepare all for their future night walk, she would prepare her sword as she know how many dangers they could find even when her mind was a little more than a warm lovely mess thinking in what surprise could have Felicia for her. Her romantic day dreams caused a pair of little mistakes at her daily cleaning, but nothing what the skilled warrior couldnt handle, maybe her most huge worries would be if she could wear her armor in a beautiful way for Felicia... most easily said what she should wear for her date, it was strange than she could be so worried for this little issue. Uhm, maybe i will just polish my sword and armor, mostly i will need to use a warm mantle than will cover whatever i choice. Mithra said to herself, after see the mess of her room who now have her clothes everywhere after check herself with them nearly instintively and without notice the mess until now.