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Companies That Fucked You

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

My old work place is pretty popular right now. Has been in the news papers lately too.

Fucking their customers over.
Fucking their employees over.
Fucking their contracts over.

This week two more of their long time experienced drivers quit from the depot I used to work at. I pity the clueless desperate temps that will replace them.

During the last week I was working, just before I ended up in hospital, I was tasked with a workload of approximately 80 parcels a day, in a region I had zero experience in, starting at 7am, finishing on average at just past 9pm, and being paid £40 a day. Plus commute.

£2.80 an hour. I tried to negotiate to go onto per parcel rate like the non-temp drivers got, but discovered it would have only been 60pence per successfully delivered parcel anyway. Some places call these kind of hours "overtime". Not the UK delivery industry. They prefer "Keep-working-for-no-pay-whatsoever-or-we'll-add-the-workload-to-your-next-day".

And some icing on the cake... Due to a tiny paperwork cock up on one particular day (my fault, but due to lack of training), I was very nearly faced with footing a £1200 bill for three PS4 consoles that had slipped off the computer system. I had delivered them just fine, but since they weren't on the system correctly...

Luckily all three customers when phoned were able to confirm that they'd received their order. If any one of them had tried to get a free console by saying no, I would have been paying for it.

Another day I once had to take a £20 pay cut because I delivered a pre twelve package five minutes after twelve. Only reason I was late to the stop was because my boss dumped a whole bunch of parcels on me at the last moment before leaving in the morning, forcing me to take a 20 mile detour. The customary reward for shouldering such extra burdens as a fixed rate temp, is a thumbs up, maybe. Unless you cock up. Then you can get fined.

Best... industry... ever.

In other news the UK Government has gone ahead and privatised Royal Mail. Selling off a centuries old service to corporate asshats. Gee, what could possibly go wrong.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

Sounds like bad times.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

"Selling off a centuries old service to corporate asshats. Gee, what could possibly go wrong."


May I add to that statement slightly?

From what I see.. Goldman Sachs, one of the companies involved in the recent financial crash, are the ones who enacted the transaction. They gave about 60-70% of the shares to corporations, leaving about 30% to a vast number of small business to squabble over. Unless I am mistaken, of course.

They also incorrectly valued the price, which has been predicted to double within the year, netting them and those with the 60-70% shares to rake in a wonderful profit. At a loss of £1 billion to the nation.

Not to delve into politics, but the man who gave the go ahead said he had 'years of experience' in business. When pulled into a MP's committee, the bankers involved straight-faced said 'it was a successful transaction'. Suffice to say, face-palms were had by all.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

Should try to undo that. Somehow. And jail the people who organized it. Not in the white-collar jail either, but the same one that they send the rapists and psychos to. Preferably the same wing.

It's too bad that we can't all be like Iceland.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

Rant below, spoiler'd in-case it seems overly HNGG or political on my part.

Problem is thus; Nothing any banking group have done is classified as, despite popular opinion, criminal conduct. What happened during/before/after the crash is immoral, but not illegal, no matter how many scandals have broken out, no individual higher up than the people keeping the places running has been arrested, i.e the executives, and any who do lose their jobs at that rank tend to find another very quickly. Though the companies have been fined, the money they lose comes from shareholders and customers, so they don't actually lose much, aside from some public relations. Again, based upon what I understand, so if I am incorrect I apologize.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

Rant below, spoiler'd in-case it seems overly HNGG or political on my part.

Problem is thus; Nothing any banking group have done is classified as, despite popular opinion, criminal conduct. What happened during/before/after the crash is immoral, but not illegal, no matter how many scandals have broken out, no individual higher up than the people keeping the places running has been arrested, i.e the executives, and any who do lose their jobs at that rank tend to find another very quickly. Though the companies have been fined, the money they lose comes from shareholders and customers, so they don't actually lose much, aside from some public relations. Again, based upon what I understand, so if I am incorrect I apologize.
An HSBC Bank in Britain was caught laundering money for drug dealers and terrorists, and were faced with a "record fine" of 51 billion dollars or so. Definitely illegal, but "too big to fail.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Companies That Fucked You

HSBC topped cracked list of the most of all time. It's competition included a kidnapping ring run by ex special forces soldier masquerading as banks.