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Corporate Compliance - Campaign

Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Yes, great. She was calm again, so she could pretend to be slow, so that she could avoid getting found out. Too bad they had already found her out. Looking down, she realized that she was wearing no clothes...but that was the least of her problems. Perhaps murdering everyone who saw her could keep things under the rug? She pondered, as she sped up and down a couple of times to get used to it.

No, probably not. She was probably at lakesides private hospital, they probably were trying to avoid a lawsuit for the accident. However, if they found out about her speed, they would surely not care about laws at all. Perhaps murdering everyone would be a good idea...she would only go to prison, she mused. However they would probably buy her out or something. Well, she had been only twice as fast as a normal human...judging by what happened down there, they were close enough to a breakthrough. If she could pretent to cooperate for a while, she would probably be left alone when they didn't need to investigate her any longer.

Ok, so cooperating, helping them do their research as fast as they could, and be left alone. OR. Escape, and bring this to the public...corporations were powerful, but there were all kind of corps, even those that would love to defend her against Lakeside. Or maybe even start a war on them...She would just have to escape here...which should be a piece of cake, if she went fast enough.

There was nowhere to climb down from up here...so back at the hospital it was! This time she would try to be really sneaky, and go for the exit...or make a run for it, if she was noticed!

Nurses, Unknown Hospital, Tag: Sam

"Huh... oh, yes miss.. how about.. you .. sit down and put the door down? You're in the hospital."
One of the nurses tried, not too helplfully, whilest the other glanced over to the security officer with a hint of concern in her eyes. Sam should perhaps try calming them down if she wanted any useful exchange with them..

(Charismatic check!)


DM,Tag: Rooftop streakers

Via considered her options. Go along and risk the untrustworthy corporation.. doing it's thing. Not going along and escaping.. also risky. So Via decided to carefully sneak down the hospital stairs. She was not certain if this was a public hospital or a private one, but there were definitly guards from the Lakeside corporation.
She might also briefly wonder if her co-conspirators had awakened to similiar abilities...
Well, for now her best bet was to make her way down the winding hospital stairs. Oh also, maybe she could aquisition a nurse-uniform or something?

(Stealthy sneak check!)
25568 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Mystery Office; Mood: Confused, Destructive
Sam, very delicately, laid the door down on the floor, very delicately. She then cautiously walked back over to the ruin of her hospital bed and gently sad down, as though she was trying to sit on a cloud. "Sorry," Even her voice was faint... as though she worried the sound alone might destroy the hospital... or scare the nurses, probably the first though!

"I know i'm in a hospital, but which one?" She asked, trying to give a winning smile to both of them.

[Socal roll to calm them down: 6]
I have a social benefit as a strength that I think might boost me a bit?
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
After a few minutes of waiting, Jessie decided to just roll with it. "How do you know my name? And are there any others I could talk to? No offense, but you seem a little... singularly focused on my heart-rate." She sighed. "Ok, well, tell me the local gossip, if you know any." Suddenly, she had an idea.
Can you hear me? She thought.

Nurses, Unknown Hospital, Tag: Sam

The door clattered to the ground, with one of the nurses walking to talk to the security guard, the other talking to Sam.. whilest they seemed to calm down, Sam began wondering if she was being kept busy...
"This is the mother-mary hospital downtown."
She described a location not too far away, lucky you.

"You've been in an accident at a Lakeside laboratory, luckily there seems to be.."
She lookes at a sheet..
"Actually, no damage at all to you.. but there'll still be a checkup. A veterinarian is on his way."
Wait what?
(a d20 check to focus on using your powers proper too please!)

Tag: Jessie

"I mean, you could talk to the clock but... " Jessie glanced over. "22.. 23..24.. gotta 25 keep 26 the 27 time 28. 29. 30. 31..."
"Yeah that. If I were to guess that means that the more complicated a machine the more you can talk to it? I dunno. I'm not good with gossip. The one I had before you was a grandpa. Here's a protip, if someone who studied medicine tells you to quit smoking you should listen." The machine suggested, before adding:

"Of course I can hear you. So what, I'm not good enough for talking to you? Oh well see how that works out when your heart stops." There was a huffing and then.. silence.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Hey, come on! I just don't want to look crazy to the other humans. It's great having you around! Tell me, what's it like being a machine?
Jessie carefully tried to sit up on the bed, testing if there were any lasting damage... aside from going insane, of course.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via sneaked back down...this time she was calmer, and she found it easier to remain hidden. She chose a different way from the one she came, so that she wouldn't stumble on the same guard...

[16 stealth]
DM of the Machine
Tag: Jessie

Jessie felt a bit sore, actually, but nothing too bad. No findable cause for her insanity either, whilest she was chatted up: "What's it like being a human? I just stand around and fulfill my function, quite nice really. I'm hooked up good with you.. No literally.

So strange, you are the first that can speak with me.. or is this the first time I can speak? Hmnn.."

Jessie has spent some time mentally chatting, so she almost struggles to realize a real-world voice..

(Give me a d20 perception check!)


Hospital, ground floor
Tag: Via

Via manages to sneak down the staircase, not drawing any attention until she gets to the ground floor.. and a challenge. A relatively plain corridor leads to an emergency exit, but breaking out there would require some finesse.. or rather, the manpower to force open the weird emergency door lock nonsense. What are those even for??

The alternative would be rushing out through the main entrance, but best as Via can see from the staircase, there's not only nurses but also several grey-robed security personnel.. and she is still very naked. Now she is fast, but is she fast enough to risk this, with automated sliding doors slowing her down?
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Right, she still had no clothes...it was so easy to forget when everything is going crazy. Well it wasn't like there were spare clothes somewhere around. A problem for a later time, but she would keep her eyes open for wearable things.

Still this door...well it was supposed to be easy to open. Maybe a little more strength?

[6 str]

No, it wouldn't open with raw strength. However, if she made the door vibrate fast enough, maybe she could break its hinges? That's what she had ended up to...trying to vandalize emergency exit doorswith superpowers.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Being human is... complicated. Sometimes I wish I was a machine. No more thinking, no more planning, just fulfilling a function. I hope your previous, err, guests appreciated your work. You know, I had a grandfather who used to talk to electronic devices, like his TV set and microwave. I always thought he was simply senile, but maybe he wasn't after all...
Jessie stretched some more as another idea hit her. Tell me, what would be the smartest, most complex machine, computer in here? And how could I talk to... err, them? By the way, do you have a name?
She heard something muffled next to her and shuddered as she turned around. (Perception: 16) "Hello?" She asked.

DM, Hospital, ground floor, Tag: Via

Via tries manhandling the door. But, all evidence on open display, this, she was not. She does manage to force open the door by repeatedly tugging on the annoying emergency-handle-thing, but as soon as it opens up, an alarm begins ringing within. Now she could just run into the streets nakedly, but unless she has a plan, that would most certainly make the news and attract a lot of attention.

The backdoor of the hospital staircase seems to lead to a small park, the kind you put your senior citizen in to feed ducks at, infact, some of that is going on right now, with sparse bushes and high trees decorating an urban landscape. To the east and north the larger city waits, to the south the suburbs and finally, to the west, a larger road and the countryside.

Where would Via try to go in her current state?

DM, Hospital Patient rooms
Tag: Jessie

"Well, there's equipment here that'd make you partially a machine, perhaps you could talk to some of those?.. I like to thinkt hey appreciated my work, but they either get better.. or they don't.
I think he was senile. Microwaves can't make for interesting conversation..." Her machine friend mused.
"A name? I guess I am R-07, by my serial number here.. the smartest machine would propably be some of the more expensive computers.. no wait,.. actually, the most expensive, biggest machine by far would be the MRI. It's on the ground floor, diagnostics." It decided.

For a change, Jessie didn't seem to hear another machine, the sound seemed to come from outside, a discussion. "... yes, .. yes, I swear, she was moving way too fast. And I could see her.. yes.. yes, bring them all in? Alright.. "

Then, the door opened, and a relatively muscular man with dark shades entered, looking at Jessie. There was a Lakeside corp. Logo on his shirt and he smiled.

"Hello miss, good afternoon, I'll need to request you accompany me to the nearest medical professional."
"Oh heeey thereee.." His phone interjected
"This guy was told to collect you for something. Sounds like fun doesn't it?" "Hoh, your heartrate is going up..."

Jessie felt a bit nauseous from all the talking happening at once.. was that her insanity or something else? (d20 check!)
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Everything happened so fast. Talk of a machine that could make her half robot? That was like the fetish stuff she read! She wanted to ask about that, but suddenly everything started talking at once! She put her hands to her head and yelled internally: Please shut up for a second! (Check: 6)
She looked at the cop. "I'm sorry, I don't feel so good, could this wait?" She asked him.

Alright, slow down. Something that could turn me into a machine? Anyone of you know anything about that?
Jessie felt a throb in her crotch at the thought.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via took a deep breath. Much better than the rooftop. But now she needed clothes.

One of those geezers would be the easiest target to find clothes. Sure they would smell like old people, but it was better than nothing. First, she run in the bush...and then she would try to draw attention from one of them. Preferably someone who was well dressed.

"Phssst, hello...please, could you help me? Someone stole my clothes...and I don't know what to do..." she asked anxiously, slowing down her speed to be understandable.

Security guard, Hospital Patient rooms Tag: Jessie

"57. 58.59.60. pfew.. 1.2..3.4."
"Oh you know I was considering these artificial limb folks whatchamacall it?"
"Sorry hun, hasn't been talking about anything like that.."
"Bzzzzzt. I am a stungun!"
"Sorry miss, but I'll have to insist.."

Jessie's head swirled, but finally, witha supreme effort of will she managed to make all the devices shut up. She was in control!... and then, she heard the snapping of a pair of handcuffs around her wrists. "Just a precaution.. Alright target 1 secured."

She felt like she could talk to any of the electronic devices around by focusing on them. But perhaps she should deal with the security guard that carefully deattached her from the equipment right now, seeming intent on leading her who knows where...
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Jessie led herself be led by the security officer, still trying to get this... thing under control, focusing on keeping everything quiet, then focusing on a random object along the way, to only hear it. There was the TV screen that played muted news. Then a bulky, old-school computer at the nurse station. Then the tablet of one of the ward orderlies. All the while she tried to still focus on the guard taking her along.
"I'm sorry, I'm still a bit tired... Where are we going?" She asked.

THE ELDER ONE, Mother Mary Hospital, Park, Tag: Via

Via rushed out of the hospital.. and to the nearest harmless enough looking elderly. Her speed allowed her to leave the alarm behind her before anyone was any wiser.. now where to get clothes.. her superspeed lacked things like super protection from super naked feet on stony underground, for starters.. An elderly man glanced over to her, and, at least devoid of lewd intent raised a hand to his ear.
"Haaah? Well that's no good, you should call the police, back in my day..."

(people handling check!)
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"But what if the police officer is some kind of pervert? The police today aren't like they used to be! No, they are all bunch of perverts...could you please borrow me some clothes? I can only trust you..." she said, doing her best pleading face, half sad- half anxious. If she didn't have to concentrate on keeping slow, she would easily be able to perform better...

[10 with advantage on manipulations!]
25571 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Mystery Office; Mood: Confused, Destructive
Oh, Mother Mary's wasn't that far though Sam could remember reading an article about them before, something about unsafe practices, and minimal of anesthetic... Did they call it 'Mother of Pain'?

"Wait, what!" Sam jumped up from her sitting position, shaking the ground as she did so! "I erm, wait. When you say Vet, this is cause I'm legally a cat again isn't it," She sighed piecing things together. "Well, I hope they know the difference between a real cat and a legal cat at least..." She sat back down in the wreckage of her bed, waiting for the Vet to arrive to examine her.
(Power Control: 16)
Last edited:

Nurses, Unknown Hospital, Tag: Sam

"Yes, actually."
The one remaining nurse nodded, until a nurse.. and a security guy with heavy shades and a lakeside logo returned, chatting insistantly with the nurse.

"Due to the accident there was no time to adjust the paperwork so you are, legally speaking, a feline. and.. yes?"


"Excuse me miss, but Lakeside inc. has a few questions for you, please accompany me if you feel.. up to it."
The security guard nodded, hesitantly glancing over to the cracked door on the ground.

Ironically, Sam could somewhat control her abilities the easiest.. she just had to make sure not to squeeze things too tightly...

Security guard, Hospital Corridors, Tag: Jessie

"Lakeside Incorporated is looking forward to interviewing you.. standard procedure, now that you're awake."
The security guard assured Jessie, who was kind of distracted, listening to random electronic devices.

"Oh hello there Jessie, would you like to hear some beauty tips. Oh also check out Parship.com to meet singles in your area!"
The TV insisted.

"Hey Jessie, if it helps, you are not going insane, you don't meet enough criteria for an axis 2 psychosis.. although you are a bit of a risk patient... You should propably try some quetiapine, start with a low initial dosis and..." The nurse's computer pondered.

"Jessie you know you should tell the security guy about your abilities. You'd be a valuable asset to any corporations and all your fantasies could become true.. " The pad informed her.