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Corporate Compliance - Campaign


THE ELDER ONE, Mother Mary Hospital, Park, Tag: Via

"Why yes indeed. In my day police did proper work and..." Well, it seemed Via had succeeded in befriending the old man.. which also ment she had succeeded in getting him to talk.. a lot.. super-speed or not, this was quite.. exhausting, at least he donated his black shirt, which was scandalously short on her.. but would cover her up. It smelled slightly of old man.
"Here you go lady.. you can have it, I got enough.. so as I was saying, back in my day the police knew how to properly keep the discipline! There'd be no blackies out on the streets at night trying to steal our women I tell you.."
25590 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Mystery Office; Mood: Confused, Destructive
Before the Vet even arrived Lakeside had already caught up with her, well she guessed it wasn't that surprising they where probably the ones that took her to Mother Marry's in the first place, and at this point, it isn't like she had anything to hide.
"Right, well I don't really feel bad... So I'll go along with you. So long as the vet doesn't mind waiting..." She laughed a little, "I'm sure he has lots of fun examining his legal patients..."
Willingly she followed the guard to where-ever he was taking her.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
"Yes, of course, I'll answer any questions, I'm still a bit scrambled up top..." She replied to the security guard.
How do you all know my name and such... facts about me? She broadcasted to every device in the area.
Part of her felt intrigued by the thought of becoming an "asset." Using her powers to make a profit. The mention of her fantasies made her think of the stories she had read. Of corporations turning people into sexy slaves and drones. She felt her pussy starting to heat up. Wait? Fantasies? Does that mean that Lakeside would brainwash me? She asked as she walked past the pad.

Security guard, Hospital Corridors, Tag: Sam, (Jessie)

"Thank you for your cooperation. This way mam.. don't worry, we'll get you checked out later if necessary.."
With that, the security guard softly, but firmly took Sam's arm (his grip felt pretty weak though) and lead her down the hospital corridors.. it wasn't long before Sam saw.. wait, was that Jessie, infront of her, being lead by another security guard, carefully handcuffed by him?
Tag: Jessie

Jessie got a quick headache in exchange for trying to talk to too many devices all at once, with the guard turning to her, concernedly.
"We know what you are thinking. We know your desires and fantasies. Don't worry, we want to help you.

You know of the theories, no point hiding it. The secret theory of corporations being in control of this world.. well, if you search the internet..." A modern Ipad like device chimed in, whilest its user complained.. "Ugh.. damn thing..."

"There are a few too many sources providing evidence.. although someone erased a lot of their traces.. a more powerful computer could tell you more..." The notepad informed, with an apologetic subtone...
25591 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Headed back to lakeside; Mood: Wants answers more then friends!
Seeing the techie in front of her lead to a moment of confusion for Sam. Why was she wearing hand-cuffs? It didn't seem right but she still lacked the full picture. In any rate she seemed to be pretty strong now for whatever reason so if they tried to cuff her or hold her back they would have to try pretty hard to hold her down... She needed more information and talking to Lakeside was the best place to get it.
That being said outing her knowledge of Jessie wasn't for the best, they supposedly had been an assistant and a subject, so she wouldn't know Jessie's name. Thus she stayed silent and continued following the guard.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Jessie retreated back into her own mind under the assault of the voices. "I'm sorry, I am still groggy, please, let us go on." She didn't look behind her.
Instead, she reached out again, carefully, trying to filter the voices as she walked mechanically along. (20 on being able to not get overwhelmed so quickly) As she focused on her own robotic rhythm, it became easier, her breathing steadied and the voices became clearer and didn't hurt her head so much. She focused on the beat inside her, imagining a spark flying through a hard drive. Step. Listen. Step. Listen. Breathe out. Step. Listen. Step. Listen. Breathe in. Step... No distractions, just function. Walk and listen. Like a machine. Their voices started to synchronize with her rhythm.
Tag: Jessie, Samantha

Before long, the security guards bring you out towards several unmarked, black cars, some of which look quite expensive. You hear them reporting in Target 1 and 3 aquired, 2 missing as you get in. The Cars greet Jessie, but lack the advanced machinery to make for good conversation, finally, flanked by two black security cars, you enter what can only be described as a limousine, sitting on quite comfy, leathery seats if you haven't complained so far, until another lakeside security man steps in, placing a laptop infront of you.. and opening it, pressing a few startup buttons (it greets Jessie cordially) and opening a chat program.. then, he closes the door... and the car engines start, whilest the screen flashes up.. and shows a well dressed and well known figure. Lady Ocean, one of the richest people in the world and the CEO of Ocean Corp, Propably the biggest corporation in existance. She was still barely over thirty, a prodigy, they said...


"Good day. I am so glad you could make the time to meet me.
Time is money, so I should get straight to the point. The two of you have been involved in a terrible accident, don't worry, reparations will be paid, a few hundred thousand sound good?

But aside."

She noddded, adjusting her glasses, looking from Jessie to Samantha.
"I got an interesting report and wanted to verify this.. personally. Have you perchance felt any .. different after the accident?"
She asked, whilest the two heard the car starting up. If they wanted to object about going.. who knows were, now was the last time...
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Part of Jessie wanted to keep talking to the laptop. That made her wonder where her own laptop was. Luckily she regularly backed everything up and wiped the thing clean, and she had done the same before coming to Lakeside.

Speaking to such an illustrious personality made her catch her breath. Lady Ocean was one of the most dynamic venture capitalists of the century. A shining example of the power of capitalism between the putrid bile of cronyism. She had weathered several crises without relying on government subsidies. Ocean Corp was one of the leading companies in Artificial Intelligence and bionic limb replacement research. If there was any AI apocalypse happening, it would probably come from their labs, the voices of the internet collectively declared. She cast a sideways glance to Samantha next to her. Where did she come from? Did that mean the gig was up?
She sighed. Maybe not. Maybe they didn't know they were in this together. Still, if there was any chance Ocean knew anything about her condition...
"First of all, Miss Ocean, I'm in awe to talk to you, face-to-face, so to speak. Big fan." She breathed out, barely able to contain her excitement. Then, her voice turned more serious. "But if you ask that question, you already know the answer, don't you?"
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Oh, thank you very much! I will make sure to return it! You are such a gentleman!" she offered scurrying away. Truth is, she was only averagely grateful...but robbing the man clean of all his clothes would surely draw attention. And she didn't want him talking about their encounter...as for asking for money, that was totally beneath her. It would be better to just steal stuff, than begging for money.

However, she was still barefooted. She could move around wearing this very revealing dress...but there was no way she could go anywhere without some shoes.

Shoes were hard to steal or find. Basically, she would have to go towards the city, and visit a shoe store, or a mall. Those places weren't easy to rob, especially if you didn't want your video footage on some police officer's desk. She would have to persuade someone to buy them for her...or try to contact Dee. For the later, she would need to make a phone call...just the same, except she would have to recall her phone number.

She started going towards the city, preferring sideroads and alleys to avoid detection.

She would try to recall Dee's number. If she succeeded, she would ask a passerby if maybe she could borrow his phone to make a call.

Otherwise, she would look for a shoe store or something similar.
25594 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Headed back to ???; Mood: Wants answers more then friends!
Seeing that she and Jessie were in the same car Sam wondered if they had been found out, or more likely, "Oh hi Ms, I Ummm, well I guess we wear both pretty close to that explosion. I'm glad to see your ok too," She grinned, trying not to pay much mind to the security staff who didn't seem the talkative sort.

However, soon they were greeted by Lady Ocean. The sight of such a rich powerful scumbag made her want to vomit! It was people like her that where causing all the problem in the world and now Sam had to talk with her...
Sam hid her true feelings toward Lady Ocean well enough. "You're very generous Lady Ocean! Thank you. I have felt a bit different now that you mentioned it, maybe a bit more energetic then usual. I guess almost dying can give one a new outlook on life."
Jessie drove right to the point, so Sam too felt like there wasn't much point in hiding it, "I have noticed things have been breaking a bit more around me," She left it at that, wondering if they knew about how strong she was now... surly she would be able to break out of the car if things turned south still...

Mrs. Ocean, Unknown Car-Ride, Tag: Jessie, Sam

After a moment, Mrs. Ocean nodded to you two, explaining:
"I believe that through a linking of lucky coincidences, you have been exposed to chemical X in the first successful superhuman experiment of my little subsidary company. Sadly, the accident left you mostly untouched, but the laboratory in ruins, which means you are.. unique assets."
There was a clicking from the cars doors as it started.

"I believe employing you to help.. overcome my rivals, first and formost this ... wonderful, lovely competitor, miss Dahlia,.... would just be lovely."
Mrs. Ocean enthused. Dahlia.. another millionaire, but as Sam would put it, one of the good ones. Researching clean energy, philantropy, opening orphanages...
"But of course! First you propably need a little.. orientation. You see, I would welcome your honest, utter devotion... just relax for a moment."
And then, suddenly, the screen flashed and began swirling..

(Mental defense check go, both of you!)
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75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
So this accident, the explosion, made me understand machines?
Jessie was dumbstruck to say the least. Part of her wondered if this was some sort of anesthetic-fueled dream and she was still in the hospital bed...
Thinking about helping Ocean overcome her rivals made her all tingly, and then the spiral started and Jessie immediately focused on it, eagerly submitting as her pussy began to throb. (Will: 5)
This was exactly what she had dreamed off! Corporations were less sexy and efficient than Artificial Super Intelligences, but they were the next best thing, and not science fiction! She'd be brainwashed, hopefully becoming a faceless, rubber-suited drone! Jessie gave in immediately, enthusiastically, her arousal spiking. She'd long trained herself to associate obedience with sex, and finally, her dream would come true. "Yes, Mistress." She intonated. She didn't know yet if that was how Mistress Ocean wanted to be addressed, but she wanted to show off her eagerness.
25596 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Headed back to ???; Mood: Pretty Spirals!
This was it, Lady Ocean was going to tell Sam all of the juicy bits of corporate foul play she was going to use on Ms. Dahlia! Of course anyone with that much money had to have something going on, but to Sam there was so many other more directly evil targets for her to show her distane for, like Lady Ocean.
Unfortunately for Sam, she didn't react fast enough, the screen starting to spiral, spin, making... her head so fuzzy... hard to... think... She shouldn't think... let the spiral in, yes, let them think, obey. obey. obey!
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DM, public park
Tag; Via

Via's first call is a failure.. she must have mixed up the numbers.. another call, alright, another bystander and a third call.. and finally she hears Dee's voice, her persistance paying off... however, her short outfit and phone-needyness had gotten her more than one glance of attention.. "Heya.. this is Dee.. Via?"

She answered, whilest Via felt a little.... observed. perhaps she should use her speed to get to a less occupied space.

That's when she smelled something .. smoke? Something was ..

Via glanced down at herself, as did the middle-aged men she had just aquired the phone from. Her already sparse clothing had caught on fire!... an innate, primal instinct called for her to extinguish it.. but a moment later she realized that the heat didn't hurt her at all. Well, besides leaving her naked, with all the world.. right now several bystanders looking over at her shockedly, watching her, nude as she'd been born.
The only upside was that, apparently, the phone was fire-resistant..

(Via abilities unlocked!:
-Fire resistance and heat generation
? ? ?)
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via for a moment thought about just running away. How the fuck was she supposed to explain that?

"D. I need you to pick me up from the place. Things are going very wrong. The others are dead or caught. I have the thing. Over."

She deleted the number she had just called, before turning to the one who had given her the phone, acting as if the fire had never happened.

"Here is your phone, and thanks. My spaceship crushed and I had to ask my friend to come with a new one to pick me up..." before bursting out to a laugh.

"AH,ah, this is a prank! There is a hidden camera over there!" she waved to a random location, waving like she had seen them doing in those shows.

"Don't worry, we will blur the faces of bystanders. Now I must leave you...my people need me!" she offered, running the fuck away, slightly speeding up once she had turned around the corner.

GREAT now she was naked again. She had to keep moving forward, choosing side alleys...

Noticing a sex shop in the street she was in, she stopped for a moment. Fuck, this was the only place she could probably enter. However she had no money at all. Maybe she could bargain for some kind of clothing? But before that she would have to learn to control her temperature too, it seemed like.

She walked behind a dumpster to hide herself, and picked up an empty plastic bottle. An other round of experimenting...

Tag: Spiralslaves

A colorful spiral snapped into view, mercilessly drawing in Sam and Jessica's attention, neither of them managing to.. or perhaps wanting to manage.. much of a resistance to the pretty thing as it pulsed and spun their minds deep, deep down and away into its deep, dark centre.
"It seems both of you are quite.. receptible to this. Admit it, a part of you has always fantasized about it, about staring and becoming a productive, obediant drone for my corporation.. right Sam, Jessie? You can't think for yourself.. just focus on the spiral.. oh but as I said, I am a busy woman, we will soon meet in person but for now.."
The spiral began spinning faster, and words flashed upon the screen, digging into the girls subconcious.

Obey. Corporate Slave. Obey Authority. Don't think for yourself. Obediance feels good.. You feel good if you obey. Obediant. Slave. Blank. Empty. Horny to be empty...

The spiral spun on and on and pulsated in their minds as the car seats vibrated soothingly .. and arousingly, beneath them in the long drive ahead of them. You feel compelled to strip and repeat the mantras on the screen.. propably because that's whats flashing on the screen. Now, the spiral is telling you to touch yourself -without cumming- to make yourself more vunerable to the spiral. And while your subconscious minds are being taught by the spiral, something in your still malleable bodies changes as well... and suddenly, rather than touching yourself, Jessie's hand reaches out for Sam's.. and Sam's reaches out for Jessies pussy, both massaging slowly, a warm pulse of arousal emanating from each others hands.

You want to tell each other how to be good slaves for the corporation. Good, obediant, unquestioning employees and consumers. You want to MAKE each other into slaves...

New ability unlocked!:
-Mind Control
-? ? ?

-Super Strength/Durability
-Mind Control
-? ? ?
DM, public park-> Sex shop back entrance
Tag; Via

"Alright, I can get to the meeting place in .. a half hour. Don't get in trouble."

The helplessly confused businessman retrieved his phone from Via, before glancing around. "Uh ok.. great tit.. great prank?" The man tried, but Via was already up up and away.
Via hid herself away in the allyway behind the BL -Sex store, carefully trying to warm.. but not heat up the plastic bottle in her hand.. without melting herself, or something annoying like that. On the plus side, things seemed to work out suprisingly well, which only left her with the nude and hunted by a crazy corporation bits of her days problems. It was time to try and conquer the sex-toy store!

She approached it and, with a sigh of inevitability, opened up..
To behold! The Goddamn Batman

"Woah!" He made, taking in Via.

"Girl are you alright?"
The leathery batman asked, before rushing to the back of the store(via noted that the costume he was wearing was quite authentic.. except for the part where his buttocks were not covered at all...) The man returned, smiling and handing Via a blanket. There was a slight hissing noise in the backround as he asked..
"Did anyone hurt you? Anyway.. you are safe now. You are in Big Daddy's Leather, I am Big Daddy.. I'm making you a cup of coffee.. want to talk about it?"
The leathery batman indicated the sales room, briefly. There was quite the selection of toys, but a lot of it seemed to be aimed at a VERY male clientele..
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Well, for a change someone offering her help without needing to ask for it...that was certainly a first.

"Uh, thanks." should she be truthful, or lie her way out? Well, it wasn't like telling him the truth would be good for him anyway.

"I...don't really know? I woke up like this..." she sighed "I didn't know what to do, so have been running away...I don't think I would be allowed anywhere without clothes...so I saw your shop, and well, I thought maybe you have seen enough...you know...to not kick me out immediately.." she chuckled with a tone of sadness

"Thanks for not kicking me out, really. I am not sure what to do...a friend lives somewhere in this city, but I mean I can't really walk all the way there like this...I don't know...how this happened? I haven't heard of it before...what am I supposed to do now?" she pondered, seemingly lost.

Well, most of those were her true feelings, even if the context was a bit different...she drunk a huge mouthful of coffee. She kinda needed any kind of help, as embarrassing as it was. Even if it was from a sex shop owner, wearing a buttman suit.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist and Spiral Slave
Jessie looked in into the spiral and obeyed. She was a spiral slave. He always had been. She said so. "Yes Mistress. I want to obey. I want to be a drone."
The flashing words pulsed in her head, synchronized with the throbbing pleasure between her legs. Every flash felt better than the one before, her pleasure cresting higher and higher, but of course, she wouldn't cum, as she had been ordered not to. Instead, she rode the sweet waves of pleasure, ever stronger the hornier she became. She repeated the words that burrowed into her subconscious.
"Obey. Corporate Slave. Obey Authority. Don't think for myself. Obedience feels good. I feel good if I obey. Obediant. Slave. Blank. Empty. Horny to be empty. Comply. Compliance is obedience. Horny. Happy. Obedience is happiness. Happiness is mandatory. I will obey. I am a slave."
She undressed as prompted, masturbating as she watched the spiral, as she had done so often before. But this time, is was real, and it made it even sweeter.
She lost track of everything but the spiral, and the rising heat in her body. She was wet with sweat and pussy juices. She had forgotten all about the voices of the machines. Only the spiral mattered. Unbidden, her hand wandered away from her pussy, only to be replaced by another one, one that stroked her softly, synchronized with the spiral, and Jessie did the same to the one next to her. Everything was perfectly synchronized. The spiral, the pleasure, the words coming from her mouth, the words she heard someone nearby chant.
"You are a slave. You must obey. You can not resist. You cannot fight. Just give in. Good girl. Good slave. Good drone. Listen and obey. Blank and horny. Compliant." She chanted, each word accompanied by a flowing of pleasurable power through her body.
Jessie didn't stop for as long as the spiral kept feeding her instructions to obey and truths to believe. Soon, the entire cabin smelled of sweat and sex. It complimented her feelings so well.