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Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez


Name and title: 'Lady' Varantha Bathora
Type: Vampire noble
Short description and Bio:
When the Great Vampire queen Anastacia Bathora sacrified a hundred virgins to the unholy powers to allow a heir to blossom in her unhollowed womb, she did not get what she expected, that is why you fact check your virgin sacrifices.

A single one of them had been with a man, spoiling the sacrifice and cursing the countess with a child that was gentle, submissive, calm and timid. In other words, anything a demonic vampire queen ought not to be. Moreso, the child was a boy.

Anastacia was perplexed, but determined to defy fate, raising her heir as a proper girl, teaching her manner and etiquette.. and trying her very best to instill evil, wicked and dominant urges. But every lesson only ended with her child submitting to the teacher. Infact, Varantha, Vara for short, enjoyed submitting to stronger demons so much she quickly decided to seek them out, but findind none that satisfied.. perhaps she could build a proper master out of shared desires.. or, failing that, at least find or make some like-minded brides for their future master to be..

Orientation and interests: Submissive, Bisexual, Crossdressing, making others dominate her.

Stamina: 10
Physical: 17
Sexual: 11
Mental: 18(+1)

Special Powers:
Mind Control x1 (4 points)
Swarmform x1 (2 points)
Vampirism(all) x2 (6 points)
Elemental Control (Darkness) Rank 3

Achilles Heel (light magic) x1
Bane (Holy Symbols) x1
Cursed (Cannot enter buildings uninvited) x1

Other/Comments: Rolled weak for a vampire type demon, decided to roll with it.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Going mainly with:

Several interesting ones:

Or if you prefer them reals:

Name and title: Mei Ling of the open palm
Type: Human mage
Short description and Bio:
Mei Ling is a human woman with a well trained body telling a story of several battles she has fought. Though not the most physically imposing and left with a sensitive body through a battle against a nasty succubus, she has powers that seem to reach beyond the human limits while keeping up her battle focus.

A patient and pleasant, if distanced defender of the Human fortress she readies herself to take action slowly, not using her full power unless it seems Absolutely necessary, which doesn't mean she is easy to take down, if pushed she is able to unleash devastating attacks.

While a determined defender of the heroes, the same succubus she faced and barely defeated has imposed a powerful curse upon her that still tickles at the dark edges of her fantasy, giving her certain vunerabilities and reducing the full extend of her powers.. for now.

Orientation and interests: Bi, priorly dom, now Sub leaning, will go dom if she wins a few fights quickly, with lotsa kinky fetishes, being exposed and humiliated before the demons, enslavement, bestiality, training and tricking and transforming and mind controlling.

Stamina: 12
Physical: 17
Sexual: 9
Mental: 14

Special Powers: 1 point saved
Telekinesis Rank 5 (1d10) (15 points)
Intensify Rank 2 (8 points)
Infuse Rank 2 (4 points)
Empower ability Rank 1 (2 points)
Maximize power (3 points)
Special Attack: Ki disruption: Rank 1 (1d6, Quicker recharge x1, Lower defenses) (3 points)
Force Field: Negative Ki flow: Rank 1 (5 points, Regenerating, Draining) (3 points)

Weaknesses: 16
Cursed: Dependant Damage Reduction: Her Force field is currently dependant on her wearing 50% or less of her clothing (usually the case after taking damage 3 times if not stripped in the fight.) (2 points)
Curse: Purity of body: When taking damage from an opponents attack she will purify herself, which has the side effect of losing some of her clothing along the way often. 2 points.
Honorable (2 points)
Fetish: Dickgirlz x1
Fetish: Exhibitionism x2
Fetish: Bukkake/being covered with cum x3
Fetish: Well trained/Muscular foes x1
Detectable x1 (she is not subtle about her powers.)
Part of the body x1 (Her forcefields don't work on her sex, courtesy of an earlier curse..)
Vicious mockery (3 points)

1 Win vs Ryukuouji (2 points gained for liberating high mountains, invested to lower her exhibitionism fetish and her curse damage reduction weakness.
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Demon Girl Pro
Feb 14, 2017
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Name: Sigrun
Type: Heroine, Valkyrie

Short description and Bio: In the darkest days of the demon war all magic users worked overtime on both sides, summoning allies from across the planes to help with the battle. While many of those warriors have since returned home, Sigrun fought for so long that her corruption rose too high for her to return to Valhalla and thus she remained on the material plane even after her summoning contract expired.

On one hand she is no longer subservient to her summoner but on the other she still has to fight, for the only real chance for her to purify herself of the corruption she was afflicted with in the course of her battles is to defeat as many demons as she can, yet with every battle comes fresh risks of taking on further corruption instead, and has been slowly losing more ground ever since, as evidenced by the state of her once-great armour.

Orientation: Bisexual
IC Interests: Big Cocks, Buff Males, Showing Off
OOC Interests: Getting Broken and Bred, Pumped Full of Cum and/or Eggs, and Generally getting Fucked Absolutely Senseless

Stamina: 16
Physical: 14
Sexual: 15
Mental: 13

Special Powers:
Elemental Control Rank 5: Electricity, 1d12 (10 Points)
Heightened Sense Rank 1: Touch (1 Point)
Healing Rank 2: 1d6+2 Twice per Fight (6 Points)
Analyze Strength Rank 2: 2 Rounds (4 Points)
Berserker Mode Rank 2: +2 Physical, Lasts 2 Rounds (6 Points)

Masochistic: Rank 4 (40%) +4 Points.
Fetish: Huge Cocks +3 Points

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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Name and title: Slivc
Type: Wolf Girl
Short description and Bio: Born from the union of Melana Silverhair and Amorok. Slivc was the unfortunate runt of the group, and it is near impossible to stress runt hard enough. The poor girl couldn't swat a fly, but it seemed that she had pulled both her parent's rather significant amounts of power and redirected it to other places. Namely into a terrifyingly attractive figure, an irrepressible eagerness to hunt, and a rather strong mind to put it all together. The girl isn't really quite a hero or a demon, free from the succubus that kept her father fighting for the demons, she is more just a force of her own chaos that roams the lands. Unfortunately this doesn't mean you should expect her to be your friend. While she rarely if ever goes to re-corrupt lands, she has little to no qualms about grabbing any hero she encounters on demon territory, or occasionally wandering into hero territory just to grab someone and leave. Though she does seem to have an odd fixation on the mountains, and will try to re-corrupt those areas on her own. Though regardless of where you find her she's bound to demand payment from any demon she helps, in the form of a one night stand as she tries to spread her father and mother's genes around as much as she can.
Orientation and interests: Everything, everyone. Switch, doesn't mind being impregnated or impregnating as long as it isn't being egged because then she has little effect on the process. Will usually side with whoever in exchange for a chance to breed them. Siiiize play

Stamina: 20 (6,6,5,3)
Physical: 6 (2,2,1,1)
Sexual: 24 (6,6,6,6)
Mental: 18 (6,5,4,3)

Special Powers: 23
Telekenisis 3 (9pt)
Distract 5 (5pt)
Copy 1 (3pt)
Regeneration 2 (6pt)

Weaknesses: 15+8 = 23
Easily Distracted x2? (Nude girls)
Fetish 2 (Willing Girls)
Fetish 2 (Semi-Beasty girls)
Lustful 2 (2pt)

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Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Finally putting out character number two. Dwarf Ranger coming at ya!


Name and title: Rowynn Coppereye-Dwarf Ranger and Merchant
Type: Heroine (See title for class/job descritption)
Short description and Bio: Rowynn hails from the Dwarven kingdom much like any good dwarf should. But she was not one to limit herself to simply living her life among the stone. She was a curious girl and studied many things, key among them being trade. She learned the ins and outs of trade and apprenticed herself to a merchant when she was a lass. Through her apprenticeship, this merchant went from a humble stall amid many, to a larger centralized stand selling a variety of goods to eventually his own small trade company. Sure they never made much of themselves but they were successful enough and Rowynn helped in any way she could. She talked to suppliers, negotiated with sellers and once or twice even used her...powers of persuasion, to work out a couple contracts with the city.

In time though, she was called up to serve her time in the military. Being the ever curious, the dwarf woman volunteered for the Ranger Corps instead of simply being a front line warrior. Rangers were dwarves who ventured outside the mountains and helped secure their peoples interests in the realms beyond. Rumor had it, Rangers even helped to scout out future homes fo her people. But these were back in the old days when the dwarves were a much greater power. Now, they simply secured trade routes and ensured enemies like orcs and such did not intervene. But then the corruption eeked its way into her home and the dwarf woman was forced to flee with her small corps to Last Bastion. The Rangers now serve the city as best they can with their limited weapons which included crossbows, axes, and their limited range of firearms. Rowynn prefers the blunderbuss. Rowynn, as always, was first to volunteer on expedition outside the city.

Orientation and interests: Dosen't care either way. Whichever is available. Rowynn is flexible that way! As for interests. Biggest ones include: Size play (Big top small bottom basically), exhibitionism, slavery (short term or long term), pretty much anything save for the obvious extremes. Oh and vore. Pass.

Attributes: (17, 16, 13,16)
Stamina: 17(+2 from Adaptive combat for 19)
Sexual: 13
Mental: 16

Special Powers:
Adaptive Combat Rank 4(8 Points): +2 Stamina from rank 4
Analyze Strength Rank 2(4 Points): Potentially reduce all damage or effects done through selected abilities by 50% for 2 rounds
Fell The Giants Rank 3 (3 Points): Once per fight per rank if you are attacked with an attribute that's 10 or higher above your own, or if you are attacked by an enemy with the mastered attack feat for the attribute they use on you, you may roll 1d10 and add it to your defense. If you overcome the enemies roll with this double the cumulative penalty on their attacks.

Ultimate Defense Rank 2(3 Points): Any damage dealt that would exceed 10 rank points is instead reduced to rank 10

Mastered Attack Rank 4 (4 Points): Die Increased to D18 (On Ranged Weapons. So...Physical)

Natural Resistance(Fear) Rank 1 (1 Points): -1 Resistance to Psychological Intimidation attacks

Special Attack: Dragons Breath-Utilizing old dwarven tech and alchemy, Rowynn can use a special kind of powder in her firearms that allow her to imbue it with a potent alchemical flame. Think Greek Fire but for a dwarf. She basically loads her blunderbuss with the powder and it fires a shotgun blast of the flame onto a target and causing severe burning damage.

Weaknesses: (Gain 6 Points)
Fetish(2 Ranks): Bigger Partners-Being a dwarf means a lot of people are bigger then you and though Rowynn loves her own kin, will happily and eagerly spend time with someone larger then her. Find the power dynamic interesting

Fetish(3 Ranks)-Exhibition: Living in a stuck up society like the dwarves, one gains a desire to break out of the limits set in place by her race. She'll often sneak out at night to walk bare amongst the empty streets or even walk the paths outside the city without a stitch on her.

Lustful(1 Rank): Being a merchant and a ranger both, it pays to be able to use ones body to get solutions. Usually in the form of showing a little skin during a negotiation. Enjoys it far more then she should

Gadget Fan (Flavor Rank): Being a dwarf, it helps to know as much as possible about your peoples past. So anytime she encounters an artifact or item from her races pre-corruption empire, she is amazed by it's rarity and simply must see if it's authentic. But this goes for any technology or artifact from any civilization. What they could learn from the past!
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez


Name and title: Iruru
Type: Dragonbus
Short description and Bio: Iruru wasn't a name for the history books. It wasn't because she wasn't powerful, it wasn't because she wasn't dangerous. It was because she was incredibly reclusive for a demon. At the time her name was known, her form was not. Her actions conducted either without any witnesses, or without her being personally present. At the height of her power she had had armies of minions to call upon. Enough that she barely ever needed to leave her throne except when it was for personal entertainment. Usually on days when she had had to deal with a a particularly annoying ambassador from another demon.

At least that is what everyone at that time had said. The truth was that Iruru was about as evil as hot cross buns. Born to true ancient evil, an elder deamon and a corrupted dragon. Iruru was supposed to be the next in a line of ultimate evil. Instead she had been the rebellious blacksheep. Instead of being evil she had done her best to be 'good.' Something she absolutely utterly failed at despite her best attempts. When she sent her minions to raid a village ahead of time, hoping to rescue the villagers to keep them from getting captured by someone even worse. Only to get the blame as the true evil. Not helped by her minions under her being properly evil, and as such the villages she had tried to save tended more of then then not to end up in her minions own dungeons. Even the times she managed it properly, and got the people moved and out of the way. She was still considered the villain! They blamed her for burning their homes and displacing them. For taking a few and filling them with demonic power to help fight other daemons. Admittedly more then half the time they ended up turning into corrupted spawn themselves but sometimes it worked! Declaring her a true villain for her actions. They sent heroes after her, and her attempts to talk them down had gone nowhere, and she had been sealed. Her powers scattered across multiple trinkets that spread across the world. Her evil quickly forgotten shortly there after, except among some of the spawn of her former minions. Especially among goblins and kobolds. Her rumored short height having endeared her to the small and inconsequential minions. Not to mention, she was one of the few overlords that hadn't kicked them all over the place or killed them on a whim. She was prone to long rambling speeches to motivate the troops but that wasn't anything new for evil.

Finally, a very very long time later, she had been woken up by a goblin that remembered the ancient reputation of hers. Her powers restored at the expense of the goblins life. Iruru found herself waking up alone, deep underground where her old castle had once been. Now no more, having become the mountain around her during the passage of time. Her strength having been diminished drastically, her intelligence sapped. The poor woman is left adrift in time, and on the edge of going between her attempts at re-establishing herself as 'good' again, in the hope of the people these days being more understandable, or going out for revenge on the people that had spurned her attempts to assist them.

Though it was a bit up in the air which would actually be worse for any heroine she comes across. As the latter way she'd just try to beat them black and blue, while the former she might try 'helping' them by jamming corruption into their system. Not to mention she can't help herself from almost reflexively mocking her opponents and building up her own successes sometimes, a trait from her draconic father. Or that she still shows up like a shining beacon of evil, and tends to corrupt any place she stays at just by being there for long enough.
Orientation and interests: "'Good' Girls aren't supposed to like this stuff aren't they? Secretly though, oral, titjobs, footjobs, handjobs, and turning girls into futas for some fun..."

Stamina: 14
Physical: 19
Sexual: 19
Mental: 14

Special Powers: (28)
Size Change 5 (15pt)
Chaos Defense 3 (3)
Illusionary Double 5 (10)

Weaknesses: (15+13)
Size Change: Involuntary Activation (1)
Malfunction 3 (3)
Corruption: Concentration (3)
Vicious Mockery (3)
Triumphant Poise (3)

Other/Comments: I rolled a very strange set of rolls.
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Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez


Name and title: Cassandra, The Enchantress
Type: Demoness
Short description and Bio: Cassandra was a bright, gifted girl. She lived the expected life as a child, did well in school, spent time with friends, offered apprenticeship from a wizard. But that was a long time ago, I'd say... about three years ago. The wizard's reasons were simple, many of the wizards have been seeing visions of a dark future ahead of them, one were demons would take over the face of the planet, enslaving all the mortals. As such, they began a large recruiting drive, trying to gather as much bright pupils as they can to prepare for this terrible event.

However, the threat of the demons came closer than originally thought. Scouts had infiltrated the land and began corrupting its inhabitants, with Cassandra being one of the first. A demon offered her the chance to be among the winning side of the soon to be war and Cassandra eagerly accepted. She shoved a dagger in the chest of her master, while he was asleep, taking his power as her own. Cassandra changed, becoming what she is now. Taking the role of her late master, she took her own apprentice, and set out into the world, eager to corrupt the minds of the simple mortals.

Orientation and interests: Lesbian, Dominant. Futanari, Impregnation, Curves, Mind Control, Corruption

Stamina: 16
Physical: 12
Sexual: 16 (17)
Mental: 22 (25)

Special Powers: 34
Unnatural Features: (Futa Cock) -2
Mind Control II: Cassandra has plenty of Charm and Dominate spells to control as she wills. -8
Telepathy: REDO -3
Magic (Shield): REDO -2
Secret Realm II: REDO -6
Mastered Attack (Mental): REDO -3
Empower Ability: REDO -2
Evil General II -8
Civilian Outfit
Sorceress Outfit
Name and title: Elizabeth, The Apprentice
Type: Human, Demon Blooded
Short description and Bio: One of the few woman loyal to Cassandra without the need of Enchantment. Cassandra met the woman shortly after her awakening and claimed her as an apprentice. She's grown well and has adapted her specialty in the dark arts. Cassandra is quite fond of Elizabeth and is considering starting a more personal relationship with her.
Stamina: 10
Physical: 10
Sexual: 10
Mental: 10

Special Powers:
Elemental Control III(Darkness): -6
Environmental Control II (Darkness): -2
Heightened Senses (Dark Vision): -1
Natural resistances (Sleeping): -1

Grunts: Reserved
Evolved Grunts (Enchantment): Reserved

Weaknesses: +19
Overconfidence (Mental) III: "Do you really think you can manage the glories that are my spells?" +3
Lustful: "My spells cause a few... side effects. Namely, increasing my libido to high levels. This tends to be... bothersome." +3
Marked: Possesses red eyes that lightly glow. +1
Gadget Fan II: REDO +2
Bane (Divine Magic) III: REDO +3
Fetish (Fellow Mages) II: REDO +2
Fetish (Worthy Opponents) II: "One becomes much more attractive when they can hold their own against me..." +2
Vicious mockery: "...however, nothing is a bigger turn off than weaklings. And I am more than happy to let them know." +3

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Jungle Girl
Dec 29, 2012
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Name and title: Cassie Starshot
Short description and Bio: Cassie is an half-elven ranger from a small village on the edge of a forest, almost a year ago a vampire came to her village, her parents a strong sorcerer and a very capable ranger, met the vampire in combat but were utterly overwhelmed by such a powerful monster, the vampire killed her father and escaped into the nearby forest with her mother. For the past year she's been training her body and mind to resist the magics of such a monster, with bow in hand she set off to cleanse these lands of demons and to find the vampire that wronged her so.
Orientation and interests:Bi leaning lesbo. Cassie loves hunting, cooking, and (trains if they exist) (ooc: humliation, bondage, forced orgasms, mind control, tentacles, most fetishes are good by me!)

Stamina: 16
Sexual: 8
Mental: 14

Special Powers:24(20+4 for weaknesses)
Special movement rank 1: (Cat like) (1)
Special movement rank 1: (Light footed) (1)
Special attack rank 4: vampiric shot(vampiric, suppress healing,faster recharging, lower defenses 2d6) (12)
Fell the Giants rank 3: (3)
extra attacks rank 1: fires two arrows from her bow (7)

Weaknesses: 4
easily discouraged: (3)
horny rank 1: (1)
Other/Comments: Loss changes
Cassie gains Overcharge Rank 1
Cassie gains Touched By Corruption Rank 1 (Turned into a Futanari)
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Jungle Girl
Dec 29, 2012
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Appearance: an average height girl about 5'7 with beautiful blonde hair, pale skin and an air of confidence that exudes from her that makes most people uneasy when they are near her. Her clothes are fine and well tailored to her body.


Name and title: Sophia Dunthach
Type:Heroine duelist by day, rouge by night
Short description and Bio: Born to a royal family Sophia was trained in the art of the blade since she could hold a foil. She has a pompous attitude and loves to mock her opponents. She loves the elegance of dueling and but also the thrill of a good snatch and grab. During the night long before the demons invaded, Sophia would try to join heroes on adventures offering her skill with the blade to anyone who would take her. On one of these fateful missions though she snuck into the armory of the castle they were infiltrating and found a beautiful rapier made of hardened black steel. Sophia couldn't help herself and picked up the weapon, unfortunately for her the weapon was cursed by the last wielder, a vampire queen who's last wish was to corrupt a greedy little heroine even after death. As the corruption ravaged her body a voice in her head told her of her fate, she would carry this weapon until the day she died then some other poor sap would find it on her body and the process would start again. Even with this in mind Sophia couldn't ignore the fact that she was much stronger than before. She single-handedly fought her way out of the castle driven by the need for battle. As time passed she found that no matter what she did the cursed weapon would appear in its sheath at the start of the next morning along with a deep cut from the blade appearing on her body as well. When the demons attacked Sophia took her rapier and joined the fray, hoping that one of the demons she defeats will be able to tell her more on how to rid herself of this cursed weapon.
Orientation and interests: Straight but spaghetti is straight too till you get it wet, Fencing, tea, ordering her family's butlers around

Attributes:15, 13, 14, 14
Stamina: 14
Physical: 15
Sexual: 13-2=11
Mental: 14

Special Powers: 20+29 for weaknesses
Mastered Attack rank 3: (-9) 2d10 on physical attacks
Ultimate Defence rank 3: (-6)
You are under divine protection from the greatest of damage. Any damage dealt to you that would exceed 10-rank points is instead reduced to 10-rank damage total. Each rank reduces this damage treshhold by 1. If you have ultimate defence you can't pick the heal or regeneration general powers or gain the rebirth chrysalis demon power.
Force Field rank 3: (-9) (+15 to defense, faster recharging*2, limited(Physical), sacrificial (sexual) 1/3rds)
Incredible Luck rank 2: (-4)
Treat a roll of a 1 as a 10 instead, usable one time/fight for each rank you posess in Incredibly luck. Can apply to chance rolls like the 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. On rank 5 and 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute(pick if several are lowest)
Special movement rank 1:(-1) 1/Rank: Each rank of special movement allows you to reduce the damage(rounded up, min 1) you take from a single physical or melee type special attack by 50%. (once per attack)
You can move in ways a normal human could not.
Light footed: You can move over all difficult terrain(snow, stand, glass shards) without slowing down or leaving a trail.
Cursed Heroic artifact rank 5: (-20)
(25 build points for abilities) "Sealed Vampire Queen's Blade" (Special attack rank 3: (-9) 3d6 vampiric, drain body, lower defenses backbite
Challenge rank 2: (-6)
Single fight: You challenge a target to use a specific attribute to fight you with. Whenever they don't they suffer -1 point/rank penalty to their rolls.
Multi fight: You challenge an opponent to fight you. Whenever they attack anyone but you they suffer a -2/rank penalty to their rolls.
Extra attacks rank 2: 5 /rank (physical) (-10)
You have additional tentacles, more arms than normal, tentacle, a tail or etc that allows you to attack an additional time/rank. At a cost of 5 points this is restricted to one specific attribute, at the cost of 7 you can attack multiple times with any attribute. Roll the attack dice twice, against two rolls from the defender. Each attack counts as a seperate attack.)
Weaknesses: +29
Inept defence Rank 2: (+4)
The characters attributes are only good for attacking with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when defending
Fetish (Being outnumbered) Rank 3: (+3)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Fetish (oral sex) Rank 3: (+3)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Achilles heel(Anal): (+1)
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks
Cursed rank 3: (+3) ("Sealed Vampire Queen's Blade", any character that rolls a 1 on their attribute die during an attack must spend the next turn undressing or pleasuring ones self if already undressed. I.e. make a sexual attack against themselves)
Vicious mockery: (+3) When your opponent rolls a 1 and you deal damage to them through your defence action You spent the next round mocking them and telling them about your superiority rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)
Triumphant pose: (+3)
When rolling a 10(or, worth 2 points, the highest number of your damage dice) and dealing stamina damage to your opponent you spent the next round posing victoriously and or triumphantly rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)
Upper Limits Rank 3: (+3)
Your attacks and abilities do a maximum of 8 Stamina damage to your opponent.
Honorable: (+2)
If your opponent made an Attack Roll against you in the previous round, you take a -2 penalty to your own Attack Roll if you do not use the same attribute as your opponent.
Inexperienced rank 2: (+2)Reduce your sexual stat by 1/rank
Masochistic rank 2: (+2)
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through physical attacks is dealt as damage to your sexual stat as well. (rounded up)
Other/Comments: i wanted a melee character!!


Jungle Girl
Oct 23, 2016
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Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez


Name and title: Kissa Starlick
Type: Heroine Berserker (Most definitley not an animal yokai of any kind)
Short description and Bio:
Kissa was born to a ninja village and, as she grew up, picked up on the art of being sneaky. After she turned 18, she became an assassin for hire. She loved thinking outside the box and attacking unknowing enemies in ways they didn't expect. She discovered her dream during her time spent freelancing. Her dream was simple: She wants to travel and see all there is to see. Her occupation gave her the chance to do so. While she knew that not all of her jobs were moral, she had to make a living somehow. Besides, if she didn't do this, someone else would. So did it really matter? With her actions justified, she quickly made a name for herself in the seedier parts of society.

Unfortunately, her comfortable life wouldn't last long. For one mission, she was to assassinate a well known kitsune who dipped her paws in business best left untouched. Kissa's attack was a disaster. After her surprise attack failed, the damn fox counterattacked and tried to dominate Kissa's mind. Though she resisted the attack and maintained her sanity, Kissa would forever be weak to supernatural attacks on the mind. After gloating over Kissa's collapsed form, the kitsune left her with a curse so that she would never again be able to sneak up on another enemy.

Kissa had to retrain herself from the ground up. She could no longer attack from the shadows, so instead she learned to attack from the front with as much force as possible. If she wasn't hitting hard enough then she would just have to hit even harder. As she retrained her fighting style, Kissa came to love weapons of the large and blunt kind. Her personal weapon of choice is a mighty hammer with a head twice as big as HER head. With recent events, she even found a new job! “Demon Hunter for Hire” Missions for the defense of humanity were complimentary, though. After all, how will she see the world if its covered in demons?

Orientation and interests: Bisexual, sub. Pretty much anything goes. If in doubt, ask.

Attributes: 47
Stamina: 11
Physical: 14
Sexual: 11
Mental: 11 – 3 = 8

Special Powers: 35
Berserker Mode: (6) 3 points/rank (3x6=18)
You have to keep going! For justice! if your stamina goes to 0 or you'd otherwise be killed you aren't defeated but enter a berserker mode, gaining +1 Physical/rank during which you don't lose. You can't defend(You don't roll the defence dice anymore) or pay stamina. Berserker mode lasts for 1 round/rank and every round you gain -1 to all your attributes if they aren't already at 0.

Overcharge: (6) 2 points/Rank (2x6=12)
You can chose to overcharge yourself, pushing beyond your limits. Every rank of this skill adds another +2 to your Physical ability, but while overcharging you drain 1 Stamina per round. You can end overcharge at any time, but still take that rounds Stamina drain. (Drain can't be healed or regenerated)

Extra attacks: (5) 5 or 7/rank (5x1=5)
Tail, physical. Roll the attack dice twice, against two rolls from the defender. Each attack counts as a seperate attack.

Weaknesses: 15

Weak minded: (3) Reduce your mental stat by 1/rank (3x1=3)

Easily influenced: (3) 1/Rank (3x1=3)
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through mental attacks is dealt as damage to your physical stat as well. (rounded up)

Achilles heel(all mental attacks): (3) +1/rank (3x1=3)
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it.

Cursed: (2) +1/rank (2x1=2)
Must call out all attacks or gain ears and tail of random animal (50% chance to be fox. Damn Kitsune..)

Phobia: Lupophobia (Fear of wolves) (3) +1/rank (3x1=3)
Traumatized by a prior event with a Kitsune. Takes a severe penalty to all combat rolls and can't use any stamina based skills. (Rolls a d4 instead of a d10)
Note: Transforming from the above curse triggers phobia.
Note 2: Triggered by any Canidae, but i can't figure out what the phobia would be called.

Dependent: Must have curse activated to use extra attack (1) +1 (1x1=1)
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Demon Girl Pro
Feb 14, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Name and title: General Gutsplit
Type: Orcish Warlord

Short description and Bio: The orcish tribes have wandered their namesake plains for generations, divided and fighting between themselves as well as any outsiders that invaded their home. When the demons came, the orcs united against the threat, but were subverted from within by succubi and their united army turned against the humans. These lust-crazed beings were used as expendable shock troops by the demons, decimating their once proud population down to a mere few hundred orcs when the war finally ended.

Still driven by their lusts, these orcs returned to their home, though they have remained as a single tribe and are less reluctant to venture outside their plains now. The most powerful surviving orc 'Gutsplit' has become their new high chief, and with them he raids as he pleases, keeping his tribe happy with plunder and captive women, and now that heroines are beginning to sortie as far as the orcish lands again, he sees an opportunity to breed a fresh orcish army and conquer once more...

Orientation and interests: Heterosexual, Heroine Breeding, Mind-Breaking, Gangbanging, etc.

Stamina: 16
Physical: 16
Sexual: 22
Mental: 14

Special Powers:
Grunts Rank 4: What is a warlord without his troops? Gutsplit commands an army of orcish warriors with more of them being born of the women his tribe has conquered all the time. While not particularly intelligent, these hulking brutes have numbers on their side in just about any encounter. (-8 Points)
Evolved Grunts Rank 4: Having lived under the sun of the Savannah for generations upon generations, Gutsplit's orcs had evolved to not just endure the blazing heat but to incorporate it into their own attacks, their hands and weapons swirling with tainted flames as they attack. (-8 Points)
Defile Rank 1 While his grunts may not be so blessed by demonic power, Gutsplit himself has a certain capability to him, a power that allows him to weaken heroines who go up against him. (-3 Points)

Inept Defence Rank 2 Orcs are hardy beasts, but they rely on that a little too much, depending on their own natural resilience to see them through a fight rather than bothering to learn how to defend themselves. (+4 Points)


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez

Picture to come once I'm allowed to do that whole thing. She looks like Lianshi from Dynasty Warriors. She has long black hair that's usually done in a ponytail, red armor with gold trim, and rather large breasts (Basic description, I know, but this'll be replaced with a picture in about 10 posts anyway... :p)

Name and title: Amelia Briskwolf
Type: Heroine (Crossbow-Woman)
Short description and Bio: Amelia was born to the wealthy Briskwolf family as their "Princess", meant to carry on their name as a well protected and proper young woman. She had different plans. Her older brother trained her in the use of a crossbow in between all her lessons on proper etiquette and all those other useless things she never liked. She even learned a few tricks of her own over time, waiting until the perfect time to leave her old life behind and do something much more interesting and valiant with her life.

One night she ran away under cover of darkness, taking one of the pet wolves she had grown fond of during her time there, and decided to try her very best to help humanity. With that in mind, she became a demon hunter, wanting to save the rest of the world and humanity from the scourge that had overtaken it! It gave her the chance she needed for adventure, AND help humanity along with her, it was a win-win.

She's a kind and soft-spoken woman, though usually far too trusting for her own benefit. While she may be quiet, she's also very tough, haven taken the years of training from her older brother to heart. Because of her extremely sheltered upbringing, she has next to no sexual experience, not even truly knowing what "Sex" is. There was a very odd painting of a woman with a man's part that she had been drawn to when she had just turned 18, but otherwise she knows absolutely nothing about sex...

Orientation and interests: Bi/Switch. Interested in... er... nearly everything? Ask first and usually I'm up for it. Futanari is a big one though.

Attributes: 10, 10, 16, 17
Stamina: 16
Physical: 17
Sexual: 10 (-3) 7
Mental: 10

Special Powers:
Defense Mastery x3
Heroic Determination x1 (3 Point Version)
Overcharge x3
Mastered Attack x2 (1 Point Version)
Super Speed x1
Damage Resistance (Physical) x1
Pet x3

A loyal, large, black wolf that Amelia takes with her wherever she goes.

Name and title: Adalwolf

Stamina: 9
Physical: 13
Sexual: 4
Mental: 4

Special Attack (Drain Body, Backblast): Amelia loads up a special poisoned bolt that drains away the strength of her opponent.


Inexperienced x3
Fetish (Futanari) x3

Other/Comments: Didn't know if pets could even have abilities, but I think I'm happy with how her pet came out...
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New member
Jun 12, 2018
Reputation score

Name and title: Tessa Hawk stone
Type: Heldin (Halfling )
Short description and Bio:

Tessa is an usual young halfling. Friendly, enthusiastic and full of the joys of life. She is a well practiced archer and trapper. During her training, she had a lot to do with the animals in the forests and made friends with them. The words animal-loving fits her just too well. But as the demons came into the world, she could do nothing. Her abilities were far from enough and a Heroine saved her. She brought her to the last resort, where Tessa trained. One day, the Heroine that trained her did not return. There were tales of a one-eyed demon that was the last thing she hunted.
And so, Tessa prepared to hunt this demon down and kill it.

Orientation and interests:
Bisexual, Not currently interested that much in sex. Natural Sub

Stamina:14+2 16
Physical:14 +2 16
Sexual:11+1 12

Special Powers:

Animal affinity: 4/ rank

Incredible Luck: 5/rank
Treat a roll of a 1 as a 10 instead, usable one time/fight for each rank you posess in Incredibly luck. Can apply to chance rolls like the 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. On rank 5 and 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute(pick if several are lowest)

Adaptive combat 4/rank
You learn to adapt to your opponents attacks. Gain +1/rank to the attribute that last damaged you in a fight. On rank 2, 4 and 6 you also gain +1 Stamina.


Triumphierende Pose: [-3] : Wenn du eine 10 (oder 2 Punkte, die höchste Anzahl deiner Schadenswürfel) würfelst und deinem Gegner Ausdauerschaden zufügst, würdest du die nächste Runde siegreich und / oder triumphierend austragen, anstatt sie anzugreifen. (Sie können noch andere Fähigkeiten aktivieren)

Easily distracted: +1
The character can be distracted by shiny things, cats, a certain song... when distracted they roll their attack dice twice and pick the worse result. The higher the rank the more common a thing to happen.

Phobie [Dämon Sperma ] : + 2 / Rang
Der Charakter hat eine irrationale Angst vor einem Gegenstand oder Gegenstand und wird versuchen, sich davon zurückzuziehen, wie ein Vampir vor einem Kreuz. Du kannst nicht
Auf Rang 1 ist die Phobie selten und leicht, auf Rang 3 ist die Phobie extrem und häufig


1 - 5
Male/Female: 5
Female/Female: 4
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): 5
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): 2
Non-Consensual Sex: 4
Fey Beings:1
Oviposition/Seedbearing: 5
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Jul 24, 2015
Reputation score


Name and title: Tessa Hawk stone
Type: Heldin (Halfling )
Short description and Bio:

Tessa is an usual young halfling. Friendly, enthusiastic and full of the joys of life. She is a well practiced archer and trapper. During her training, she had a lot to do with the animals in the forests and made friends with them. The words animal-loving fits her just too well. But as the demons came into the world, she could do nothing. Her abilities were far from enough and a Heroine saved her. She brought her to the last resort, where Tessa trained. One day, the Heroine that trained her did not return. There were tales of a one-eyed demon that was the last thing she hunted.
And so, Tessa prepared to hunt this demon down and kill it.

Orientation and interests:
Bisexual, Not currently interested that much in sex. Natural Sub

Stamina:14+2+1+2 =19
Physical:14 +2+1= 17
Sexual:11+1 12
Mental:13-3 =10

Special Powers:

Animal affinity: 4/ rank

Incredible Luck: 5/rank
Treat a roll of a 1 as a 10 instead, usable one time/fight for each rank you posess in Incredibly luck. Can apply to chance rolls like the 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. On rank 5 and 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute(pick if several are lowest)

Adaptive combat 4/rank
You learn to adapt to your opponents attacks. Gain +1/rank to the attribute that last damaged you in a fight. On rank 2, 4 and 6 you also gain +1 Stamina.


Triumphierende Pose: [-3] : Wenn du eine 10 (oder 2 Punkte, die höchste Anzahl deiner Schadenswürfel) würfelst und deinem Gegner Ausdauerschaden zufügst, würdest du die nächste Runde siegreich und / oder triumphierend austragen, anstatt sie anzugreifen. (Sie können noch andere Fähigkeiten aktivieren)

Easily distracted: +1
The character can be distracted by shiny things, cats, a certain song... when distracted they roll their attack dice twice and pick the worse result. The higher the rank the more common a thing to happen.

Phobie [Dämon Sperma ] : + 2 / Rang
Der Charakter hat eine irrationale Angst vor einem Gegenstand oder Gegenstand und wird versuchen, sich davon zurückzuziehen, wie ein Vampir vor einem Kreuz. Du kannst nicht
Auf Rang 1 ist die Phobie selten und leicht, auf Rang 3 ist die Phobie extrem und häufig

Touched by corruption rank 1: (Breeder bowels) Her inners had evolved to only be able to feed of demon cum or ten times that dossis in common jizz. In trade for this she can be impregnated by just drinking or using her butthole. any other food would make her react in worst way than just puke (-2 mind points if not drink demon seed oftenly)

Marked rank 1: strange symbol at her belly over her womb.



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

Name and title: Qlwutk. Rudociel plane ruler
Type: Crystal Dragon Slime Queen
Short description and Bio:

Is uncertain how all happened, but just some unlucky get to know how all ended. Qlwutk remain for all the eternity as the core of this plane and Rudociel a succubus turned into her loyal worm general who is able to connect her world with others planes. Out of this tangible truth there are many conjectures.

Some say than Qlwutk was a depraved dragon which power and good mood were feeded by the dispair of hundred of souls, cursed from birth Qlwutk could only feel alive in this way. Others said than Rudociel was a powerful succubus or celestial being. The truth lost by eons of years.

The slime queen dont have a direct interest in this war, leaving this conquer to the brute demons. As she just day by day collect more mortals than still have some hope, so she could torment them eternally in her small world. Maybe thanks Rudociel effects, Qlwutk see others beings not only as toys, but also as seedbeds. Unfortunately Rudociel couldnt alter her more, Qlwuth malice aim to turn the mortals into possible partners than she can corrupt and control to reach her goals, any captured being with talent over the average will turn into an elite breeder and after give birth to some more mortal slaves, monsters and almost break slowly, these will be manipulated to turn into loyal demons.

Orientation and interests:
Anything than she can corrupt and throw to her horny childrens

Stamina 19

Grunts (2points/ rank 1)
Distract: 1 point/rank
Guardian: 1/Rank
Geas: 1 points/rank
Pre/postcognition: 1/Rank (future)
Evil general rank 3(12points) (Evil general have secret realm)
Old self

Stamina 10+3

Chaos Defense: 1 points/rank
Manifest desire: 1 point/rank
Rebirth Chrysalis: 2/Rank
Unnatural features: 2 point/rank As a magic womb creature she can fit wounded, broken and even deceased beings to restore them out battle
Final form: 2
when she have 1/3 of her stamina or her mistress have half stamina in damage
(10 points than will be used soon)
The figure of what she was before will come out, born from that brief instant surrounded by dispair and need to protect her own life or the one she love and protect
sacred realm -15 - a whole temple with a breeder chamber where the lucky victims are under her care
Damage Resistance:3/rank 6 +3 stamina (18)

Honorable +2 points
Marked 3 Rank +3 points
Vengeful /3 rank +6 points
Fetish: 3 Rank Vore at deadly wounded beings or helpless heroes
Physical Impairment: 3 Rank Is a giant womb with aphrodisiac and tentacles inside her. She looks like a worm
Triumphant pose: 3- maybe a ic of her old self

Corrupt rank 6 (12 points)
Mind control 2 (8 points)
Telepathy 1 (3 points)

Marked (3 points) she is a demon without doubt
Vicious mockery: (3 points)
Triumphant pose: (3 points)
Physical impairment 3 (cant move alone, fused with mansion and some crystalized limbs)
Sadistic: (2 points)
Fetish: (3 points) Corrupt others
Fetish: (3 points) turn mortals into helpless breeders
Fetish: (3points) let grunts impregnate victims
Over confident (3 points) mind
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score

Name and title: Alicia Kinais, the Draconic Crossbreed Guardian
Type: Heroic Guardian
Short description and Bio:

Alicia is a kind and caring young woman, and doesn't like to hurt anyone if she can help it, but she knows that sometimes hard decisions must be made in order to ensure the safety of her people. Alicia is quite large for her age, in more ways than. She stands 9 and a half feet tall; has a nicely toned, yet hourglass like figure, with curves in all the right places, making her very desirable; she has long snowy white hair that flows down to her mid back in long wavy locks; she has deep icy blue colored eyes; large yet perky F-cup sized breasts, with light pink colored nipples on her smooth slightly pale skin; a large bubbly rear that jiggles ever so slightly with every stop along with her breasts, with a long draconic like tail that stretches out from just above her butt; and she has a quite large 16 inch cock between her legs, with large plump lemon sized testicles dangling just beneath, while her tight virginal womanly folds sit hidden just behind them.

Alicia is a young halfbreed between a human hermaphrodite paladin, and a female silver dragon that fought to keep the demonic invasion halted. Growing up, Alicia had nine sisters, though she was the eldest of them, and she was the first to join the fight to try and force back the demonic corruption that plagued her world. Each of her sisters had draconic features similar to her, and each showed signs of being strong like their mother in terms of both magic and physical strength, though their papa wasn't a shabby paladin by any means. After coming of age, Alicia decided to aid her parents in the fight against evil, to push it out once and for all, to make her home safe for all once again

Orientation and interests: Hermaphrodites, girls & monster girls, succubi, angels, tentacles, pet play, sex slavery, spanking, and she loves to cook, play her harp, sing, and is a rather adept seamstress (for a more RP aspect). (Really on the fetish side, anything goes save scat, urination, guro, hard vore (digestion), and hardcore ryona. If in doubt of any fetishes, ask me via PM's or preferably over Discord)

Attributes: 51 points altogether. (rolled on Discord with dice roller)

Stamina: 15+1 (power)= 16
Physical: 14+2 (power)= 16
Sexual: 11
Mental: 12

Special Powers: (43 total)
Special Super Power Attack (Melee drawback, Frost special addon, 3 points): Alicia imbues her scythe with the power of her draconic blood so the blade glows an icy blue and frost emanates from it. On her attack using this adds +2 PP damage, and slows the target, until they heal said debuff.
Heroic Determination I (3 points): When below 50% Stamina, Alicia deals +1 damage to all successful attack rolls.
Purity II (4 points): 20% chance of debuffs failing on Alicia. Also gain +1 Stamina
Damage Resistance I (3 points): -1 all damage
Heightened Senses I (1 point): Darkvision
Natural Resistance I (Mind Control/1 point): -1 Geas and forbiddance duration.
Natural Resistance I (Fear/1 point): Immune to psychological intimidation attacks.
Natural Resistance III (cold/3 points) -3 cold damage thanks to her draconic heritage.
Super Speed II (4 points): 20% chance of completely dodging an attack altogether.
Regeneration III (9 points): regenerate 3 stamina per round, and can revive from massive trauma.
Size Change I (3 points): Alicia can grow to huge size, gaining 2d8 on rolls, but takes +3 to hits from enemies from her size, thanks to already being large from her "weakness".
Animal Affinity IIII (8 points): Alicia takes -4 damage from foxes and kitsune based enemies thanks to befriending foxes, and she gains +2 Physical because of this. Also has a cute little pet red fox that she named Krista that follows her around and loves her as much as a dog would its master.
Unnatural features (1 point) [Plump Balls & Pheromones]: Alicia's corruption has begun to change her to make her more desirable in breeding all women. As a result of this, Alicia's balls have plumped up a bit more, and her bodily scent has turned into full on pheromones, to attract all kinds of women.

Weaknesses: (gain 23 additional points)
Fetish (succubi/3 points): Against succubi, Alicia takes -3 to defense rolls.
Fetish (spanking/3 points): Against spanking attacks, Alicia takes -3 to defense rolls.
Fetish (titfucks/3 points): Against titfucks, Alicia takes -3 to defense rolls.
Fetish (impregnation/3 points): When it comes to impregnation, either being impregnated herself, or impregnating another, she takes -3 to defense rolls.
Fetish (anal/2 points): Receiving anal insertions really turns Alicia on, and gets her cumming even faster. As a result she takes -2 to defense rolls from receiving anal.
Easily Distracted (Huge breasts/3 points): When against a beautiful girl that has huge breasts that are full naked and revealed, Alicia must roll twice and take the worse result.
Detectable III (draconic aura/3 point): Thanks to her draconic blood/aura, Alicia's power can be detected from a ways off by other potential demons that may want to sex her up.
Achilles Heel (urethral insertions, generally by tentacles/1 point): To urethral insertions by tentacles or tongues, Alicia takes 100% more damage from it.
Horny II (2 point): 20% of damage done to your stamina through sexual attacks is dealt as damage to your mental stat as well.
Large Sized (other restriction/2 point): Alicia starts out at large size, so ups her die rolls by the appropriate amount, but also takes +2 to be hit because of her size instead of +1, as with the Size Change special power.


Will bring them up as I think of them. I'm open to lots of things though in terms of fetishes and such.
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Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score

Name: Tlatch
Title: The Weaver
Type: Magic Spider Demon
Short description and Bio:
Tlatch was a simple demonic spider during the war of conquest, managing to miraculously survive every battle he took part in, gradually becoming stronger, smarter, better with each victory.
One day while fighting a coven of swamp druids, Tlatch managed to sneak pass the enemy forces and consume their precious artifact and defeat the coven and make them his first victims as a fully realized demon.
Now he spends his days looking for magic users to restrain in his webs and break them.

Orientation and Interests: Futa, magic users, continuous orgasms, bukkake, mind break/ahegao

Stamina:17 (1,3,4,6,4 drop 1)
Physical:11 (2,1,6,1,2 drop 1)
Sexual:16 (4,5,4,2,3 drop 2)
Mental:19 (5,6,3,1,5 drop 1)

Special Powers (15 points):
Curse Rank 3 (6 points)

Analyze Weakness Rank 2 (4 points)

Incredible Luck Rank 1 (2 points)

Elemental Control (web) Rank 3 (6 points)

Special Attack Rank 3 (9 Points)
-Drain Mind
-Suppress Healing Rank 2
-No damage

Part of the Body (Special Attack: Mouth) Rank 3 (+3 points)
Part of the Body (Elemental Control: Spinneret) Rank 3 (+3 points)
Part of the Body (Curse: Eye) Rank 3 (+3 points)
Vicious Mockery (+3 points)



Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score

Name: Thordia
Title: Lightning Fury
Type: Lightning Valkyrie (futa)
Short description and Bio:
Thordia was born on a stormy Thursday, her home struck by lightning the moment she started crying and turned out to be a natural futanari. Everyone but her loving family thought she was cursed and thus shunned her for most of her life, causing her to become a tomboy as a reaction until one fateful day when demons attacked her village. Desperate to save her family, Thordia awakened her true heritage and fought off the demons long enough for reinforcements to come. Since then, her reputation in her village has done a straight 180, treating her like a heaven sent envoy. Relocated to the last Bastion, she trained her powers until she felt that she is strong enough to take the world back from the demons.

Orientation and Interests: Likes sexy girls, being on top, making her dick feel good

Stamina: 13 (3,6,4,3 drop 3)
Physical: 17 (6,6,5,4 drop 4)
Sexual: 9 (1,3,5,1 drop 1)
Mental: 13 (1,6,3,4 drop 1)

Special Powers (20 points):

Elemental Control (Lightning) Rank 6 (12 points)
Power Defense (Lightning) Rank 2 (4 points)
Mastered Attack [Physical] Rank 3* (9 points)
Heroic Determination Rank 1* (3 points)


Horny Rank 1 (+1 point)
Vengeful Rank 2 (+2 points)
Detectable (Elemental Control) (+1 point)
Detectable (Power Defense) (+1 point)
Triumphant Pose (+3 points)

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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

Name and title: Elisa the monster bride
Type: Fallen Hero

Short description and Bio:

Orientation and interests:

Stamina: 18
Physical: 20
Sexual: 7
Mental: 4

Special Powers: 34
Heroic determination rank 3 (9)
Distract rank 3 (3)
Special attack: Rank 2 (6) Nympho Slash. Drain Body- Drawback Lower defenses
Heroic Artifact: rank 2 (6) Spirit Dildo. Size change: (3) (Regeneration (6)Create Ilussions (1)
Vampirism: rank 5 (10) (Physical)

Weaknesses: 14
Triumphant pose: (3)
Honorable: (2 points)
Touched By Corruption rank 2 (4) (Virgin Innocent Breeder) -2 Mind and Sexual Her fertile body get pregnant easily and give birth really fast. After give birth to children her body fully heal what restore ehr hymen too.
Marked (2) Belly, between and around her breasts and her back.
Masochist rank (3)
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Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation score
Name: Saki
Title: Inferno Sakura
Type: Heroine
Short description and Bio:
Born in a declining noble household and manifested the house's special eyes at a young age, Saki was trained in the art of the family style which is described as a dancing with two katanas, though her being a natural futa caused some controversy but none can deny her skill. When the war broke out, Saki fought hard to keep her family safe as they fled to the last stronghold of purity, her tight dicipline keeping her from falling despite witnessing the depraved acts of the demons, or so she thought. She doesn't even know it but a tiny part of her wishes to be the one doing those lewd acts on her fellow heroines. After settling in her new home, Saki was ordered by her family to retake their ancesteral lands.

Orientation and Interests: Being prim and proper, good tea, likes noble girls. (secret: Dom, submissive partners)

Stamina: 16 (4,3,4,6 drop 3 +2)
Physical: 15 (6,3,1,6 drop 1)
Sexual: 10 (2,3,5,1 drop 1)
Mental: 12 (2,5,5,1 drop 1)

Special Powers (20 points):

Heightened Senses (All around spacial sense: 10 feet radius) Rank 1 (1 point)
Adaptive Combat Rank 4 (8 points)
Analyze Strength Rank 2 (4 points)
Heroic Artifact* [Dual Katanas:Ember Petals] Rank 4 [20 points] (16 points)
-Elemental Control (fire) Rank 3 [6 points]
-Extra Attacks Rank 1 [5 points]
-Special Attack Rank 3 [9 points]
--Lower Defenses

Vicious Mockery (+3 points)
Detectable (Heightened Senses) (+1 point)
Part of the body (Heightened Senses: Eyes) Rank 3 (+3 points)
Fetish (Submission to her) Rank 2 (+2 points)
