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Helping with the cleanup effort. I've learned that I'm not particularly suited to data entry XD but I'm dealing with all the ancient threads so it's like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Hopefully as I work my way up I'll find more and more threads that aren't just lazy shit and requests.

It is... tedious. Moreso when I have nobody to chat with. But it's certainly interesting to go through all the old stuff, if only because of nostalgia (lol even found a couple things I'd like to DL and archive). It's also nice being able to kick the request threads out of the main h-games sub finally. Though I'd honestly like to just purge 'em all some of them do have some merit.

Oh I'm not alone, several people working on it. It's still gonna take a while though, I'm struggling to get through 5 pages in 3-4 hours a day. But again, hopefully it'll get to be less work as I get to newer threads.

Not so much, I live alone and it's a tower so there's really no way anyone else would discover my depravity.