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CourageWolf Test Thread

Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

That it had been the spirit that had attempted to steal her quarry the previous night only crossed Cora's mind after she had returned to the trees, as only then could she finally trace the smell back to her phantom stalker. The creature was wasteful and spiteful by all estimations, and apparently quite vindictive, aspects that Cora had always attributed to the very worst aspects of the "civilized" creatures that she often preyed upon. It must have been from the West before it died, she concluded irritably.

Returning to her cave, Cora took her own supper from the burned meat before turning to her captives, ascertaining whether either of them had retained any semblance of their minds. The creatures from the sky generally didn't leave much in the way of remnants, but these ones hadn't been in their hands for very long. If they were empty shells, Cora would simply feed them a few pieces of fruit as she examined how they were physically.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora, eating in silence proceeded to check on her captives, paying no mind to her odd enemy at the moment as it seemed to be doing quite well on it's own, and the meal wasn't bad either, the meat nice and smokey, it was a shame the men were dead, at least one of them had been a talented cook. O well...

The captives, bound as they were, didn't stir at first, looking ahead blankly for a moment before they slowly came around and saw Cora, and surprisingly, both seemed more relieved then afraid, better in the Arachne's hands then the aliens, although how they came to that conclusion was a fucking mystery to be sure, because neither situation was all that great. Wriggling around slightly, they followed her motions, apparently still not completely all their, although the one on the left was trying to speak, words slowly starting to form as she came more around, apparently less damaged upstairs then her counterpart.

"Ummmm Hi? Look, this is all really confusing but are you going to kill us, or eat us... because if not, I'm Sadie, and I'm not sure if I should thank you for a rescue, or be worried, but I'm hungry and a little afraid"

She seemed to at least partially understand what was going on, and her glancing around the cave seemed to indicate that she was looking for the other women, though her eyes were still a little glassy and her movements were sluggish as if she were drunk. But she was still sane at least and curious, and she seemed to realise that she wasn't going anywhere fast and that she wasn't dead yet, so... maybe a little kindness? Or at least not as bad as the aliens... take your silver linings where you could she supposed.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora quirked an eyebrow at the girl as she spoke, surprised that she had the mind left to do so after the aliens had had their way with her. The foul things must not have ripped her soul from her completely. "Worried seems logical under the circumstances," Cora said simply, "You're my prisoner now... A slave to carry my eggs, and those not here are dead and gone, consumed by a daemon that has no opted to stalk me. Given that I stole you from the grey death, I have to comment that you have, perhaps, the very worst luck of any being I have ever met. Congratulations!"

The arachne strode up with some of the fruit she'd gathered and offered it to the captured being, "Well, Sadie, what exactly are you? Human? Demon? It doesn't particularly matter anymore, but I'm curious. If you prefer meat, I have plenty left and no way of preserving it. I can get you some water first, if you like... I can promise that your life will not be particularly difficult under me, at the very least."
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Sadie simply nodded, being surprisingly accepting of her fate. Here's how I see it Miss? May I have your name? Or simply call you Mistress. My life wasn't all that great before, and you have saved me from the grey death. on both counts I'm grateful, because despite everything, life will continue moving forward whether we want it to or not, all you can do is keep moving. But... I know I'm not in much of a position to make requests, but, back in my village there's a ring, a simple gold band from my father when i was young. If at any point we could retrieve it then I would bow my head willingly. As for what I am, I'm just a human, a little tainted, and hungry, but that's all.

She seemed to be telling the truth, she had no real reason to lie, and seemed to still be in a slightly addled state of shock, and who wouldn't be. What Cora did with her was realistically entirely up to the Arachne, as well as how to move forward, but with a psychotic Daemon running around, a willing slave was probably a great deal less stress then one always trying to run, complain, or escape. Who knew, maybe the Arachne liked it that way.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

"Cora, but you would do well to call me mistress" the arachne offered with some amusement present in her voice, but her bemused expression turned to one of astonishment as the girl had the nerve and audacity to the ask her to retrieve some trinket. She stood there, literally gaping in astonishment, for several moments after the human girl that she'd captured delivered her request, her brain unable to process it.

After a moment her mouth sealed, but then opened immediately as the arachne began to speak; "You... Did you.... What? But I.... And you.... And the... What?" She forced her mouth shut again, her teeth grinding together for a moment before Cora managed to calm herself and mutter; "Where is your village? Uhhh... Sadie?"
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Sadie gave something between a wince, and a very soft smile, a mere fluttering of her facial features that spoke volumes, a plethora of emotions in such a simple movement, ranging from gratitude to sorrow and even trust all in her eyes for the easy reading of her captor About 2 miles from where we were finally tracked down and captured, it's nestled in a small basin in the trees, easy enough to find once you know where to look Mistress. Though.. I suppose that the attack didn't leave it intact, or even populated. There are most certainly other things there, left over that could be of use to you I'm sure Mistress. Sadie said, taking a small bit of the fruit, but not asking for more, or anything else, chewing slowly and quietly as she waited for anything further from her new mistress Cora.

If it seemed simple, it was because it was, and easy as well, what Sadie said making logical sense. If the cultists had attacked the village, and had the time and manpower left to hunt down anyone fleeing, then there was likely no resistance left in the village and nothing left in the way of living assets to bother staying or protecting. The Greys... At least they were thorough...

The other woman who had been captured, showed no signs of any mental capacity left, her eyes were dead, though her heart still beat in her chest and her body was certainly still ripe to be used as an incubator for Cora's eggs. Maybe it was a blessing though, a survivor of the grey death was a rarity, an oddball that no one would count on at first glance, probably not even a daemon that knew better. But given her enemy's distaste for other living things, and her outright derision for everyone and everything, even if It had noticed it was a long shot that it would give a crippled skyray worth of a fuck about it.

Sadie had asked her favor and said her piece, and was already bowing her head submissively whenever Cora turned her gaze in her direction unless she was told to do otherwise, not daring to meet her eyes without permission, or to speak out of turn again. If she was uncomfortable, she kept it to herself, though the way she was glancing at the meat and around the cave told Cora she was still hungry, and would probably like to move around a bit, but that was entirely up to Mistress and Mistress alone and she wouldn't complain one way or another.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora, while hardly the most adept at reading facial features and certainly not the most empathic of beings, knew enough to read the plethora of emotions that were displayed on her captive's face. 'This one's going to be a headache....' she thought to herself, scowling, but the idea of scouting the remains was at least appealing enough that the arachne would keep it in mind, even if she didn't do so right away. "I'll consider it," she growled aloud, and then set about feeding her two captives. The other one was, thankfully, devoid of her mind, but hopefully the aliens hadn't been able to implant one of their creatures in her. Having to kill a potential incubator was always irritating, particularly a docile one.

As she spotted Sadie glancing at the meat and her surroundings, however, Cora narrowed her eyes. And then... She approached, climbed up beside her, and gently cut the girl down, carrying her to the cave floor. "Don't try to run off, there's nothing at the back of the cave and a sheer cliff on the opening. You won't get far, and unless you're willing to commit suicide just to spite me you won't accomplish much either. Help yourself to some meat if you want it, but be forewarned that it's a little burned for a human to enjoy. You're in charge of keeping the place clean and taking care of that one," she pointed at the other captive, "Understand?"
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Sadie didn't flinch in the slightest as Cora approached her and cut her down, looking thankful as she listened to what she had to say Thank you Mistress Cora, And I have no plans on leaving or betraying you, I couldn't stomach it personally, so I suppose, before you get angry, that I should tell you something, I have certain...powers? I'm not sure, they're hard to explain, I can share emotions, and feelings, like pain. I can speak into your mind and share memories, and I can create a kind of barrier. When i sing, people stop whatever they're doing, and people are very tired after having sex with me... And I can change my shape... somewhat... I'm not very good at it... Sadie said barely above a whisper towards the end.

Although glad to be free to a degree, and despite what she had said, Sadie made no moves other then to eat some of the meat, and then, if left alone for the most part physically, to tidy up the cave and see to the other woman, focusing on her for a moment when she got close. Her mind is completely gone... Just... empty, like a shell... Thank you for saving me from this Mistress.

Looking at Cora, the arachne realized that Sadie rightfully had no idea what any of her abilities meant to any serious degree, but that she knew how to use most of them. And from the sound of things, she could wield her soul in more ways then one, and could possibly be a succubus as well, though unaware of the implications.

Perhaps having to share emotions with others had scarred honesty into her, having to feel the actual pain in others for childish actions early on, but it was highly unlikely that she would lie at this point, if ever. And despite everything, through her questioning, and docile nature, this was quite possibly a trademark of her heritage as well. She could be a slave, a headache, or an asset depending on how Cora went about treating her, but she was fairly certain that Sadie would put up with just about anything without complaint.

Meet Sadie properly. OOC Sadie is a Wielder with some succubus powers as well, rolling for her after your decision, your luck held up and she got more then previously expected, it's a decent sheet actually.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora listened carefully to Sadie's explanation of her abilities, surprised that the girl was so forthcoming with such information. Of course, a wielder had a number of options in terms of what she could do to escape... Or to harm Cora if need be. "You are a very strange human," the arachne remarked simply, but then she noted the girl's ability to change her shape. She still needed seed with which to father her eggs, and Sadie might be able to give her exactly what she needed.... Though, allowing herself to pass out in such an encounter was intrinsically repulsive to the domineering arachne. Still, the information was useful, even if she was no longer in a mood to use it right this second.

"You may thank me properly later," Cora replied dismissively after Sadie's proclamation about her other captive, "For now, see to her physical needs. After that, there are things that I would discuss with you." The arachne would watch carefully as Sadie cared for the other, mindless captive. In part this was to ensure Sadie's competency at the task, but she was also curious as to how humans cared for one another - keeping her captives alive and functional for longer would ease her hunting burdens greatly.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Sadie simply nodded quietly and set about the task with a will, carefully pulling a little silk away from the broken woman to more properly look at her, though she left her bound and immobile, she hadn't been commanded to release her. Content that the other woman was fine, apart from the obvious, Sadie walked back further into the cave. It took a moment or two to see exactly what was going on, but before long, she came back, the handful of silk balled up, and dripping with water, a small trickle of the fresh, clear substance running at the far back of Cora's lair.

Taking the improvised rag, Sadie set about carefully and gently cleaning the other woman from head to toe, humming softly as she did so and not minding in the slightest before trying anything more difficult, and 15 minutes later, a more presentable, better smelling mind broken woman was hanging in the web. That seen to, Sadie went about trying to get her to eat, which was a trick in and of itself, but after a few tries, she found that the woman would still see about the basest necessesities with a little prodding and guidance, like a child in a way and soon enough she was fed and watered, though drinking water proved far trickier then eating.

In the end, Sadie had to pass the water from her lips to the other woman's slowly before she was content with the condition she was in, giving her one last looking over before sighing softly and brushing her hair away from her face. Poor thing... She whispered softly, looking into the broken woman's eyes with a sad smile on her face, like a regrettable truth simply couldn't be denied, only accepted and dealt with.

Whether Cora watched the entire hour long affair of keeping the other woman, clean, fed, and watered was up to the Arachne, but when Sadie was done, she would sit down and smile at her captor. Is there anything else I can do for you Mistress? She asked simply, wondering what was on Cora's mind, but not asking outright.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora observed Sadie's actions curiously, not having any analogue in her own mind to the actions taken by the woman in her care of the mind-broken captive. Her kind didn't raise their children as mortals did, and all memory of the elves from which she'd once descended had been long lost to her. Arachne eggs were left in deep, dark caverns beneath the lair of their progenitor to fend for themselves against the dangerous creatures that lived in those depths, not the least of which were their own siblings. They only emerged as adults, ready to serve their queen as the deadliest of their race, and they lacked any instinct to care for their spawn more than to see the eggs delivered into a suitable host for incubation and then taken down into the deepest caverns when it was time for them to hatch. As such, watching Sadie practically force her bound captive to see to its own basic needs after cleaning it was one of the strangest things that Cora had ever seen.

When her servant returned, Coradivik gave her a wan smile and said; "Nothing more for the moment, though perhaps I will use you to spawn soon. How often will you require energy? I can no doubt supply you sufficiently, but if you take more than is allowed or attempt to manipulate my mind, rest assured that you will not survive the attempt for long." She paused and glanced at the still bound woman, "Would that one's health be better maintained if it were allowed to move from time to time? I've always wondered if our brand of captivity was harmful to our prey, and if it could be kept docile I would permit you to take it down from time to time.... Under my supervision of course. You might also be permitted to feed from it if I am indisposed."
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Yes, a little harmful. Sores can develop and the body will get weaker the longer she's kept immobile. If she's allowed to walk around a little every day, she..... She'll be able to serve you much longer. i can handle that if you'd prefer not to worry about it Mistress. As for energy, really please, don't worry about me, I'm sure that like you said, if you use my body as an incubator for your eggs, or anything else of that nature that it will provide plenty... If that worries you, I'm sure you could simply restrain me before hand, you wouldn't be the first Mistress... It's okay, really. Umm... I never like wearing it, but there are collars back in the village... I remember I had to wear one when I was younger, I was almost normal then. Sadie said quietly, smiling softly.

her body was still quite dirty, smears of mud across her front and back as well as her hair being a tangled mess, and still she managed to appear beautiful in her own way. But in the same way she'd cared for the bound woman, she re-wet her makeshift rag if Cora allowed it of course, and set about cleaning herself.

So far this woman had quietly and completely accepted everything, without real question or any resistance, at all. She had mentioned wearing a collar, asked for a simple trinket from her past, and been truthful about her nature. Sudden movements from Cora made her flinch ever so slightly, but she didn't let it show, it was all strange, until Cora watched her clean herself in the cold water. It was the first ugly thing about Sadie that Cora had been witness to so far. Mud had obscured what water now revealed. Her back was laced with long, crossed scars and there was a mark branded between her shoulder blades like the mark of an owner. Whip scars and a brand, wearing a collar, Sadie had been a slave long before Cora had found her, she was already trained for the gods sake, and if she wasn't human, at least not fully... then it had probably all been done without anyone else standing up in her defense, and her will had been broken easily.

To the cold-hearted Arachne, this probably meant very little in the way of sympathy, and far more in way of a simple, logical explanation about her nature. It made things easier, this knowledge, in fact, Sadie probably would not have lasted long on her own without finding a new Master, some people just needed to be led...
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora snorted at the notion of making her slave wear a collar, "The symbolism is unnecessary, and your autonomy makes you more useful to me... So long as you retain your will to survive. The chains of prudence are the only chains that I will place upon you from now on, and if allowing the broken one to walk will keep it going then walk it you shall. If you require anything further in terms of supplies to care for it, you need only make it known to me - I have an abundance of silk on hand. So long as you are under my service, your basic needs will be cared for, and you will be responsible for any other slaves that I bring in. You may take what energy you need from them if you have the time, and from me when we couple."

Falling silent, Cora watched Sadie clean herself impassively, showing no reaction to the scars present on her back. To the arachne, a predator if there ever was one, the scars on the woman's back were anything but ugly. They marked the girl as a survivor, one who would try to live above all else, and that Cora could respect. They also signified that the human was at least partially broken in already, a fact that only made the arachne's work that much easier. When the girl was done, the arachne rose from her sitting position and said; "Prepare yourself.... You will get a brood on me presently, and when they have developed I will place them into the slave that you are to maintain."
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Sadie nodded, and seemed grateful that no remarks about her scars came from her new mistress' lips, though it took her a moment to actually process the odd request. As she thought about it a little more, she blushed brightly, but nonetheless complied as quickly as she could, a thick cock sprouting between her legs. The very idea that they would be coupling, that she would experience pleasure showed again as Sadie was up and ready to perform in moments, though still blushing a bright scarlet as she moved towards Cora.

Mistress, forgive me.. but I've never pleasured one such as you before... Umm... How... Where do I put this? She asked, fidgeting and glancing up and down Cora's athletic spidery figure, not sure in the slightest as to how to continue though apparently having no qualms about it.
Re: CourageWolf Test Thread

Cora adopted a sultry grin as the phallus appeared from her servant's body, and as Sadie started toward her and asked her somewhat awkward question the arachne gave a short laugh. "I'll show you~" she purred softly as her slave drew near, and when the human was in range her arachne half slowly lowered itself to the floor of her lair, putting her face at level with Sadie's freshly grown cock. "But first...."

Cora leaned forward and grabbed Sadie by the hips, opening her mouth and taking the head of the girl's cock past her lips to lap at it with her tongue. Four or five flicks of her whip-like appendage over the domed head later, and Cora looked up with a smirk half-hidden by the member between her lips as her mouth slowly pushed forward, taking several inches of the girl's thick meat into her mouth. Sadie would be able to feel her tongue gliding over every inch that pushed past the arachne's lips, but on top of that she'd be able to feel the point of the spider's fangs just barely gracing over the skin of her cock, never even pressing against it directly but present nonetheless.

Her cheeks dimpled inwards as she began to suck, and drew back slowly without breaking eye contact with her slave as her tongue glided against the underside. Pulling off of Sadie's cock with a pop, Cora shifted her head to the side and opened her mouth, sliding her tongue along the bottom of her cock while pausing to plant brief kisses in places, going all the way to the base and then coming back. When she reached the tip again, Cora took another solid portion of the girl's cock into her mouth and held it there for a few seconds, letting her tongue get another taste, before pulling back again. This time, rather than pull free she bobbed her head forward, taking in a little bit more of Sadie's cock, and then repeated that pattern for a while as she steadily took in more and more of her slave's member.

If, by the time she got to the base, Sadie hadn't started showing signs of impending orgasm yet, the arachne would remain there for a few moments with the girl's cock down her throat before pulling off. If she didn't have the stamina to hold out, however, Cora would let out a low laugh without ever pulling off, and instead start to bob back and forth rapidly in order to bring her to climax faster. The arachne would take the human's eruption without ever letting her slip out of her mouth, swallowing every drop without any apparent difficulty.

Whether she lasted as long as the arachne wanted her to or not, Cora would pull off of Sadie's cock with another pop and release the girl's hips. Rising back to her feet, the arachne would reach down to where her spider-body met her human body with one clawed hand. Two fingers pressed against her flesh there, and a moment later she pulled open a natural slit in her armor, revealing the pinkness of her inner walls. "Here~ You stick it here~" she cooed softly, as she leaned back, putting herself at the perfect height for Sadie to penetrate her.