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Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

The direction of Mirchell's tail was responded to with as much reflex as anything else that the blond cyclopian angel had done since their erotic encounter had truly begun. The ashen-skinned demoness would feel the angel into whom she was so vigorously thrusting wrap her legs tightly around her sides, encircling her in a soft embrace that was possessed of not insignificant strength. Simone's martial abilities had been comparable to her own after all, and while Mirchell was perhaps physically stronger, the grip produced by the lean angel was no less impressive for her being on the bottom for their union. There was no reaction to the reappearance of her wings save for a slight widening of Simone's eye, and a sliver of delicious fright that the demoness could taste mixed within the generous portions of the delectable essence that she was draining from the formerly pure angel. Though she had obviously known what Mirchell was before, the presence of those bony black wings jutting from her back was seemingly too much of a reminder of it for the angel's comfort, but whatever bastion of will that it might have caused to rise was conquered by the feelings inspired by Mirchell's cock pistoning into her, and of her soul being siphoned away to feed the demon's hunger.

Seemingly unable to conjure anything more by that point, Simone let out a frantic, wordless cry at Mirchell's whispers, her attempt to deny her desires the most feeble she'd made yet. That cry was silenced quickly as Mirchell claimed her lips, and as her tongue slithered force to explore the moaning angel's mouth, she felt the last of the woman's resistance ebbing. A moment later, as her tongue coiled around Simone's, it vanished completely as Mirchell would see Simone's sole eye close. Her shivering stopped, and the grip of her thighs and calves as her legs coiled around Mirchell's body increased until her legs were crossed behind the demon's back. Her arms came up to wrap around the demon's neck and upper back, and her tongue began to dance in lust with Mirchell's even though she allowed the demoness to remain fully in control of their coupling.

Simone's natural eagerness, born largely of physical lust, was joined by a more genuine passion as Mirchell was pulled into full missionary position. Her moans became deeper and less frantic as the fear left them, and Mirchell would find that the flood of Simone's essence had been being strangled before as it grew even stronger now that she had given in fully. Toned hips bucked upwards, pushing up against Mirchell's jerking downward thrusts and causing the soft flesh along her backside to ripple with the impact of each lewd meeting. Simone's tongue danced haphazardly with her own, the only distraction that the angel had from Mirchell's thrusts and the pleasure that they inspired, and it obviously wasn't enough judging by the ease with which Mirchell was feeding upon her. Every thrust was met by a squeeze from Simone's thighs, and every time she drew back a much more pleasurable squeeze from the angel's already vicelike inner walls. Simone's folds soon began to quiver, the muscles spasming in a manner that threatened to milk Mirchell's seed from her if she didn't work to carefully mitigate the pleasures she received in trade for Simone's... Or not, if she felt the urge to make a mess of the angel's womb early and simply continue enjoying her after, or something of the sort.

Every thrust included a delectable burst of the angel's powerful essence, a taste unlike any that she had had before, and through it she would catch glimpses of the angel's emotions. To Simone, Mirchell was the forbidden fruit that her elders had always spoken of, the thing that she shouldn't desire but that she did all the same. The demon represented a freedom from burdens that likely seemed silly to keep to the demoness, those of responsibility to a duty that even Simone herself didn't truly understand, but one that overwhelmed every portion of the woman's life and desires. To Mirchell, the brief glimpse into the angel's soul would make her seem more like a slave than even she had been when she was back in the control of her father in Hell.

Whatever her reaction to that revelation might be, Mirchell would find Simone tasting of the forbidden fruit as much as she could, holding onto the powerful demoness with equally powerful legs as their bodies slapped together. Moans of pleasure passed between them, coming from the angel if not from Mirchell herself, and the desperate tango of their tongues was rising in passion on Simone's part as the demoness would feel her body growing tense once more. The relentless squeeze of her well-lubricated sex was growing more and more difficult to resist as Simone's love honey leaked down the curve of her backside and coated Mirchell's shaft and thighs, wetting her with the slick substance and combining with the undulating motions made by her angelic victim to implore her to go faster and harder.
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Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

As long, paler legs reached up, submitting to even the faintest gestures of her tugging tail, and wrapped about her ashen waist, Mirchell quivered. Her toned, powerful form tensed up for a few moments, slamming her hips forwards to bury herself into the welcoming slit. It was such a wonderful sensation, the combination of perfect physical pleasure, and the delectable taste of angelic soul, flowing freely by Simone's pleasure, that it was an increasingly difficult task to exercise any sort of restraint.

Her wings began to spread, the bone frame extending and unfolding, stretching out the black membrane between them. As the wings spread to the sides, they began to blot out the lantern light, casting further shadows across both demon and angel in their coupling, and then began to wrap around Simone's wings as well. The bony wings arced downwards, forming almost a cocoon around the pair between feathered and leathery wings alike.

And despite it, Mirchell refused to abate; even if she wanted to, it was rather without hope to try and resist by now. More and more, she began to understand Simone, at least to some degree, as flashes of thought and memory were drained from the blonde angel, displayed bare and bright to the demoness' minds eye.

Her hips worked almost as frantically as Simone herself so clearly was. Slamming herself against the angel's own, the demoness' conjured member throbbed as it was driven, again and again, into the welcoming, eager depths of warm, soaked womanhood. Her own, hardly insignificant weight, combined with that of Simone, rocking back and forth in the bedsheets, was causing the frame of the bed to creak, giving a little beneath their passionate, heated coupling.

And above, even as Simone closed her eyes, quivering and giving in as their tongues danced together, the albino demoness' own fiery red orbs flitted about, taking in every detail of the angel's features, boring hungrily against the closed eyelid and the patch. The fleeting thought of what may lie beneath the patch passed through her mind, once more, but was swiftly ignored in favour of slamming herself harder against angelic hips. Sweat began to bead across Mirchell's toned form, tiring as she was from the previous bout, and the fight down in the bar, but she had plenty yet to give, and Simone's own essence to sustain herself on.

A low, almost growling moan escaped Mirchell's lips, straight into the depths of Simone's own maw, even as she shoved her tongue forwards, reaching into her partner's mouth, exploring eagerly. The demoness' tongue slid across teeth, roof, tonsils, and back to Simone's tongue, even as one long-fingered hand rose up from the angel's hips. She pulled back, retracting her tongue, until their lips parted, with a heady gasp accompanying such. At the same time, the albino's hand reached Simone's face, and she allowed the backs of her fingers to stroke, almost tenderly, though jerkily as she thrust into the welcoming depths, across the angel's cheek.

The demoness' own bosom heaved, her moderate bust even bouncing a little by the vigour of her thrusts, while her breathing became quicker, more rushed. It was rather too much to hold against, and even as she was stroking Simone's cheek, Mirchell felt herself pushing past her edge. Her eyelids fluttered, a joyous moan rippling past her lips, while her tongue flopped out, lolling across her own chin. She threw her head backwards, the short ponytail falling backwards, her horns glinting slightly as they caught the light, and her tail, still around Simone's ankle, tightened it's grip to a painful level.

There were only a few more thrusts left in Mirchell, and she was eager to spend them. She leant forwards again, looming over Simone, her crimson eyes ravenously gazing into the angel's face as she delivered those last few thrusts. And with a final, rough and wet slap, she came. Another low moan, twisted almost to a growl, but so clearly a noise of pleasure nonetheless, rippled past Mirchell's throat, gradually growing in pitch as her member throbbed, twitched, and then released it's floodgates.

Their hips were locked together by this point, only small spasms of pleasure twitching through Mirchell's form to grate herself against the sopping snatch of her partner, as she climaxed. Her morphed crotch pumped out her climax in the same motion, thick wads of demonic seed pouring from the tip of her shaft, being forced deeper into the other by the squirt that followed, and the one after that. True to her word, Mirchell had no intention of her seed being fertile, but that of course, did not stop the corruptive influence which her juices carried from spreading itself into Simone's form, even as her seed flooded it's way up her vaginal canal.

The demoness' orgasm continued for a good dozen seconds, small twitches and spasms upon Mirchell's behalf forcing out a few extra squirts of her seed, before finally, it stopped. Her eyelids stopped fluttering, and for a few seconds Mirchell closed her eyes, cutting off their crimson glow. Her lips curled upwards, into a broad, content grin, and her tongue slid out once more, lapping across her lips, and at the same time her eyes reopened.

Her tail began to relax, and then let go completely of Simone's ankle, as Mirchell gazed down into the angel's face, regardless of whether or not her gaze was met. Her hips moved again, pulling back with the wet, somewhat vulgar squelching sound she knew well enough, as her sticky, soaked girlcock pulled itself part-way free of Simone's womanhood, before plunging forwards once more, perhaps surprising the angel with a thrust from the still-rigid shaft.

Mirchell laughed, a somewhat gentler sound than one might expect now, as she savoured the feeling of angelic folds squeezing about her, feeling her own seed drooling out around the member. Tilting her horned head to the side somewhat inquisitively, Mirchell licked her lips again, before she leant down, and pressed her mouth against Simone's, aiming to steal her once more into a kiss. Content and happy in her afterglow, the kiss was more affectionate this time, but only lasted for a fraction of the time before the albino pulled back once more. "Mrh~ To think that I'd never taken the chance to enjoy an angel before~ Now I think I could scarce lay with anything else again, mhm~?" she purred out, gazing contentedly into Simone's whiter features, and mussed-up blonde hair.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Wrapped in a cocoon of leathery flesh and hardened bone that was lined in her own soft feathers as Mirchell closed her wings around her angelic partner, Simone was well and truly trapped as the demon above her began to rut her properly. Driven on by the pleasure of those tightly gripping folds and the siren call of those cords of energy being leeched from the other woman's soul, Mirchell's hips were soon smacking wetly against Simone's as the angel bucked her hips up to return each and every thrust. Burst after burst of pleasure coiled within a core comprised of a portion of the one-eyed blond's soul rolled through the demon's being, prompting her to go faster and harder to draw out more of both, and it seemed that Simone was driven to do the same, though her pleasure was filled with the corruption spread from Mirchell rather than with fiery angelic essence.

Regardless, those tight folds would be practically sucking on her cock as she pounded it into the angel's body, every dragging thrust trying to milk that length until it started spurting its liquid gift into the woman's womb. Every slamming impact made that temptation stronger as her partner's inner muscles tightened and then relaxed, their quivering growing stronger as a knot of tension built in the angel's belly, and eventually that siren call would be too much for Mirchell to take. Simone was far from lacking in stamina herself, at least in the realm of sex, but as Mirchell reared back to deliver those last few vigorous thrusts she would feel that tension in her partner rise and then burst apart.

The angel started cumming on Mirchell's cock just before she would reach orgasm herself, the wild spasms of those tightly wound muscles making the urge to spill her seed all the more powerful and ensured that the sensation provided when she did erupt down into Simone's pussy was all the more intense. Her partner's pussy literally milked her cock for all that it was worth, drawing every drop of semen deep into her womb as her cervix sucked in every drop, and whether or not Simone had enacted similar protections as Mirchell to avoid becoming pregnant as the demon would know she could, the angel was taking her cream very deep indeed. Simone's own orgasm was, in contrast to the lewd moans she had released so far, entirely silent. Her head was tilted back, her single eye open but rolled into the back of her head, as her mouth was opened wide in a silent scream of pleasure.

Even if Mirchell hadn't bottomed out into her for the duration of their climax, Simone's legs and wings clung the demoness heavily against her, which would make any attempts at movement difficult until the blond rode out her climax and subsequently went limp beneath her, her pussy filled with Mirchell's cum and her spirit nearly emptied to feed the demon's hunger. As the demoness relaxed herself and pulled partially away, releasing the angel's ankle from the grip of her tail, Simone would let out a low groan but make no effort to maintain that connection, only to turn into a surprised gasp as Mirchell briefly dove right back in and wrung the last few droplets of her load out into the angel's already flooded sex, prompting Simone to tense beneath her as if preparing for further intense motion.

The laugh that followed brought a look of shame to the angel's face, however, and the kiss that Mirchell rejoined would spark some hesitance from the blond before she easily melted into it again. Her hips would begin to squirm lightly, as if trying to tempt Mirchell's to take up thrusting once more, but when the demoness lurched back again to laugh mirthfully that look of shame returned in full force. Her comment caused Simone to frown, but it was clear from the look on her face that it worried her more than it pleased her. Even so, she could not seem to find her voice, and would suddenly shift to a rigid state beneath Mirchell as if she intended to remain that way.

Should the demoness take that as a sign to pull out once more, she would have only a brief window of time to offer further taunting to her blond, cyclopean bedmate before Simone would roll over and, quite suddenly, fall asleep. Or, rather, she closed her sole eye and seemed to be asleep, and refused to stir under any but the most annoying or threatening gestures on Mirchell's part. Regardless, she would have a bed for the night in the angel's room if she wished, and could remain there or return to Albert's room to take her rest.

Should she choose the latter, she would find the nude man snoozing in his bed, snoring rather loudly but otherwise quite welcoming. Should she opt to refrain from replacing her clothing and armor and instead decide to remain where she was, she would be treated to a restful night's sleep beside the unmoving and silent Simone. Indeed, it would be so restful that Mirchell wouldn't feel her partner awaken in the morning, nor would she feel her slip silently out of bed. Only moments later would the demoness return to the land of the living, there to find Simone fully dressed and just then looking buckling on the harness that held her swords. She was facing away from Mirchell, leaving the demon unable to see the other woman's face, but she could still see signs of their session present in the angel's tangled hair and slightly ginger gait. If, instead, she had returned to Albert, she would awaken after an equally restful sleep - assuming she wasn't bothered by or could silence his snoring - to find her bedmate still sound asleep.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Exp spending!
Spend 8 exp on new Warrior talent; Heavy Hitter (rank 2).

Spend 2 exp on +2 bonus to Body. New total; 42.

0 exp remaining.

Mirchell's chest heaved; even if she wished to pull properly away from her angelic companion, there was little chance of actually doing so. Kept pinned in by the desire to both keep herself inside of Simone, enjoying the slowing trickle of spiritual energy being bled to her, the raw physical sensation, and by the angel herself, the ashen-skinned albino was more than content to remain above Simone, their heated breaths intermingling in the air.

Even as they remained, Mirchell spouting her taunts, the feeling of her warm, demonic seed made itself known, a shiver passing down the albino's spine as it began to drool out of Simone's womanhood, soaking the crotches of both angel and demon quite thoroughly. The silence exhibited by her blonde partner, however, through climax and beyond, drew a questioning look to her crimson eyes. Certainly, considering how noisy Simone had been thus far, the demoness found it almost cute.

Nevertheless, once their kiss broke, the angel's body going rigid, and Simone apparently growing weary of her verbal abuse, and falling asleep, or at least feigning it. Nevertheless, Mirchell was tired enough herself as to not be too concerned about it. Instead, as Simone rolled herself over to sleep, the ivory-haired demon took the opportunity to do the same. With a pleased, contented sigh, Mirchell withdrew herself from the cyclopian angel's folds, and after a few seconds of concentration, her morphed girlcock began to fade too. The shaft sank back into her flesh, while the demoness' own natural organs took their place.

That done, the demoness allowed herself to sink to the side, untangling her legs from Simone's own, and instead, the burly albino could lay herself behind her companion. Her nostrils flared, inhaling the thick, heady scent of sex which permeated the air around the bed. Her wings rustled, the bone frame retracting, and folding up behind her back, to stay out of the way, while one lean, powerful arm draped itself idly across Simone's back, heedless of her wings.

And like that, half-spooning her angelic companion, Mirchell fell asleep, the crimson glow of her eyes cut off. For once, she was less disturbed by the insistent voice of her mind; doubts and concerns quelled by the content pleasure of the two bouts of mating the previous eve', and the new subject matter to pour over; the flashes of information gleaned from Simone's soul and mind playing themselves within the demoness' own minds eye.

When she awoke, however, Mirchell was briefly startled, waking with a sleepy snorting sound to find the angel gone. Rather than being concerned, the horned demoness merely looked up and around with curiosity, the glow of her eyes dimmed by sleep as they settled upon Simone readying herself. Slowly, Mirchell pushed herself up, the bed creaking as she did so, though she did not move to get up quite yet. "Going somewhere, Simone? And here I thought we had such a pleasurable night." she crooned, even as her bare, ashen feet swung out of the bed, the nude demon rising from the bedsheets to stretch; pushing her arms above her head to reveal her toned, ashen form in it's entirety, the gleaming horns, round and firm breasts, broad hips and powerful limbs, and the ebony wings and tail, each stretching themselves out behind her back at the same time.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Mirchell would see Simone tense almost imperceptibly when the bed creaked beneath her initial rousing, and when her voice rang out that thrum of tension repeated itself in the blond woman's frame far more visibly. A brief silence passed, Simone working no doubt to compose herself, before the angel quietly said; "There isn't time to lay about in bed, I have duties." She paused and half turned just in time to catch Mirchell in the middle stretch in order to continue; "Part of those duties are to see you escorted from the town in order to ensure that you don't cause any more trouble. I had considered going down to breakfast before you awakened, but if you do not wish for a meal before you depart I would see you escorted out then instead."

She fell silent, but even with her cold tone and attempt at an unreadable expression, Mirchell would not miss the subtle signs of Simone's hidden emotions. A tiny flush to her cheeks betrayed thoughts she would rather see hidden as she looked upon the nude demoness, and her lone eye would be seen discreetly flitting up and down to take in the figure put on display by that lewd stretch. What Mirchell would choose to do with her newest lover's attempts denial of what they had done the night before was up to her, but it certainly presented more potential for teasing the stiff blond cyclops for her to make use of. That she was obviously not only thinking about it, but thinking about doing it again as far as the succubus could tell, would likely only provide more ammo for Mirchell to use to belittle her stubbornness. Regardless of it, however, Simone would wait for Mirchell to make some sort of reply before doing anything else herself.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell smirked, the ashen-skinned demoness tilting her head to the side as her eyes wandered over Simone's form. Her long, pointed ears twitched, while her horns briefly caught the morning light as they turned. The angel was so tense, and even in that, she could see the conflicting desire and duty. Her tongue ran out across her lips, caressing over her fangs for a few moments before withdrawing back into her maw. Hunger gnawed at her belly, she could do with something more appetising than chargrilled arm. At least it was the only need she wished to satiate right now.

Nevertheless, as the cyclops spoke, in that soft, yet stern tone she found so amusing, the albino began to walk forwards. Her steps were deliberate, heel thunking gently down onto the floorboards, before the rest of her foot came down, each step creaking faintly beneath her weight, as she approached Simone. She came to a halt, half a foot from the angel, gazing down at the blonde from her greater height, before she bent her knees a little, bringing their faces level. Mirchell gazed into Simone's lone eye, glowing, fiery crimson on cool, icy blue, before she winked.

A single hand came up, long fingers curling as she reached for the blonde's cheek, aiming to cup at it, and tilt Simone's head just slightly to the side, to make sure the lone eye was directly on her. From there, she finally spoke. "Ah, but Simone~ Duty calls both of us, and I am sure we could be of great use to one another, mhm? You would relish the opportunity, no? To travel with a demon, vanquish great beasts, terrible demons, the grey ones. My goal? To kill a demon lord. A great feat, mhm? To think of the great songs that would be written~" the demoness crooned, initially merely appealing to the blonde's sense of pride, her glowing eyes never leaving the angel's own, her lips split in a broad grin which revealed her fangs.

Then, Mirchell relinquished her hold. She straightened back up again, making a small tutting sound as her ponytail caught against her wing. The demoness spent a moment to pull it free of the bone frame, before she stepped back, rising once more to her full height. "I assure you, I have no interest in causing trouble for some little human village. I have no idea what this place is even called. It is merely a convenient stop, mhm? Besides, I see your eyes... Or eye, as it were. You cannot keep it off of me, mhm? Does it appeal to you?" she continued, even as she turned slightly to the side. The ashen-skinned albino stretched again, pushing her chest out, and her rear end backwards, her wings twitching and trembling slightly as the muscles clenched together, and she lifted a hand, beckoning a single, curling finger towards Simone. "What could even go wrong, mhm? You desire me, I desire you~ And no, do not even deny it, mhm? Surely, it is a greater ill to lie about such things than admit them? It can quite easily be our little secret~" Mirchell finished off, a small laugh ringing out through the room.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Confronted with the demon's towering form standing not even a full foot away, Simone didn't shy away in the slightest, her lone sky-blue eye meeting Mirchell's gaze evenly and without hesitation. The angel's back was straight and her shoulders squared, and her hands hung comfortably at her sides, leaving her in a state of what appeared to be confidant defiance. That posture held perfectly as the demon's hand came up and cupped the blonde's cheek, and when it tilted her head to the side, and even when the demoness spoke of their compatible purposes in an effort to appeal to the warrior angel's pride.

The angel's hand slowly came up and clasped Mirchell's wrist, a gentle but firm grip pulling the demon's hand away from her face, and then she calmly replied; "I have no interest in glory, demon. Unlike you, I do not do what I do for personal reward, or whatever vendetta drives you to seek the death of one of your own kind, even if such is a common practice among demons."

Her eye widened slightly when Mirchell delivered her lascivious implication, a tiny crack in the angel's affected confidence, and one from which she didn't seem able to recover. That lone eye gave an unmistakable flicker as it trailed down over the demon's nude form while it was in such a suggestive pose, hints of the lusts that Simone felt at such a sight plainly visible to the demoness as she looked back into the angel's eye. Even so, Simone nonetheless looked back up to the demon's face quickly and firmly replied; "What we did last night will not be repeated... But you are not wrong to suggest that I will remain nearby, I suppose. At the very least I can't afford to let you go off on your own."
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell's lips curled skywards, the pale cushions parting as they did so, and once again revealing a flash of sharp teeth. She made no move to stop her hand being pulled away from Simone's cheek, simply letting it drop away, for a few moments at least. Instead, she drew back, giving the angel some sort of space, though that only made her frame more apparent, the bone frame of her wings rustling as it shifted, and her slender, ebony tail flicking idly through the air. She was hers. Perhaps.

Nevertheless, she calmly listened to Simone's words, figuring a more docile approach was more likely to win confidence here. It was only when her angelic counterpart had finished speaking, and the demoness had taken note of the lone eye wandering over her muscular form, that Mirchell continued. She stepped forwards once more, and around to the side. Her arms came up again, and unless Simone moved to stop her, the albino would place her hands upon each of the blonde's shoulders, her thumbs stroking firmly, in an almost affectionate gesture, while she smiled above.

"No interest in glory? Perhaps that is so, I shall take your word on the matter, mhm. But you cannot pretend you do not have interest, even if only as a collective whole of your race, in destroying the demons who still hold true to invading this place, mhm? I am not one of them, but my quarry is. Buuuuuut~" Mirchell began, her voice softer than before, adding a somewhat sultry edge, even as her hands began to squeeze gently, rolling her palms to massage Simone's shoulders, while her crimson eyes wandered over the angel's robed form, glancing over her shoulders at the feathered wings.

"Perhaps last night shall not be repeated, but I do agree so much~ Even if it is not my intention, it would not do to let me roam unchecked, no? I am certain there is some duty somewhere along the lines that compels you, or some such. And besides~ If you truly wish to not join me, then I shall find the human, Albert Terenais~ He seems most interested in me. And has no qualms with feeding me, either~" the demoness continued on, her tone musing and curious. Her thoughts flicked back to the previous night briefly, luring a small chuckle past her lips, even as she pulled away, relinquishing her grip of Simone's shoulders.

Turning away, baring her bony wings, muscular legs and rump, and swaying tail, Mirchell sauntered back in the direction of the bed, bending down to pluck up her fauld as she did so. "Either way though, I suppose I should really consider getting dressed, shouldn't I?" the albino added, tossing a wry glance back towards the blonde cyclops.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Simone did not move to stop Mirchell from placing her hands onto the blond angel's shoulders, but despite their proximity they stood with absolute calm and an unreadable expression as the demoness offered her temptations. It wasn't until she pulled away and turned to - quite alluringly of course - begin dressing herself again that Simone bothered to reply, saying in a firm voice; "Indeed. Better me, than the fool." Despite the affected bile with which she spoke, Mirchell would not miss the tiny hints of those other emotions in the angel's posture and expression, the way that her single eye traveled across her rump, thighs, and calves, or the almost imperceptible shivers evident in her tone. She would fold her arms over her chest, and waited until Mirchell had fully dressed herself before saying anything else; "Are you ready to go downstairs yet?"

Donning her armor had revealed that the straps were still partially shredded from the events of last night. She could re-tighten them, but even then they were looser than they had been, and it would require one much more skilled than her in order to repair them properly.

Should she answer affirmatively or simply stride out of the room on her own, once downstairs Mirchell would have Simone following after her with a scowl. Despite her grim company, she would find Albert sitting at the bar, munching on some breakfast and not paying any apparent attention to anything going on around him besides his food. The elf from before wasn't there, nor were any of the men who had attacked her, but the bartender - who looked tired and pale - was still there, and gave her a slightly wan look before returning to his work.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell smirked slightly as she squatted over, and Simone finally spoke. The demoness pushed her rump into the air, slender ebony tail waving around behind her, even as she stepped into her fauld, and tugged it up. Finally partially concealed, she turned about, presenting her chest instead to the angel, glowing eyes watching the blonde's features curiously as she wiggled the armour into position, taking a few moments to tuck her tail through the small gap in it's rear. The weight of the linked metal and heavy leather was comfortable, and the demoness let out a content sigh as she sat down upon the edge of the bed, to pull her boots on, the fur lining protecting her bare feet from the metal.

"You wound me, Simone. And no doubt dear Albert as well, should he hear such things. He did not seem too great a fool to me, mhm?" she mused as she dressed, her breastplate going on next, once again warm furs protecting her bare flesh. She tutted though, as the breastplate sagged across her front, the straps worn out from the scrabbling downstairs. She pulled it off again, presenting her breasts to Simone in a pouty manner, squeezing them between her arms before tightening her armour up, relacing the leather straps as best she could, and then donning it once more. It would have to do for now, she could only muse as she edged the leather backplate between her wings, which trembled and twitched slightly, the desire to spread them rising.

Her vambraces went on to complete the set, before she rose to her armoured feet, and stepped towards Simone, chuckling. "So impatient to be out of here? A shame. Come, let me don something to draw less attention, perhaps~" the demoness crooned, even as her horns began to shrink away, her tail and wings as well. They withdrew into the albino's ashen flesh, while her stature shrank a little as well, putting her more closely in line with her angelic companion's height.

Looking as much a human as she could now, Mirchell stepped up alongside Simone, humming faintly as she adjusted her now-loose armour to fit better, and then hooked an arm around the blonde's waist. "Very well, very well. Off with us, then!" she chirped happily, beginning to lead Simone down the stairs, lest the angel would take the lead herself.

Once down in the bar, ignoring the scowls of the cyclopian angel, Mirchell hummed to herself, her spirits high and body refreshed, both human and angelic memories swirling about within her mind, melding with the countless others. Only one voice could reign supreme. Her glowing eyes settled upon Albert by the bar, and without waiting for Simone to stop her, she strode over, boots clumping heavily upon the wood. Raising an arm, the albino gave the eating man a hearty, even friendly thump on the shoulder, and leant down so that her face could be near his own. "Looking fresh, Albert Terenais. Unfortunately, it seems my gaoler does not desire me to remain all too long, but it would be so sad if I could not greet you on my way out, mhm? No doubt you have a heroes work to do, defending your adopted town and all such like, no~?" she purred, letting her hips wave about in the air behind her carelessly, though the fauld did a good job at covering up what lay beneath. She paid as little heed to the glowering of the bartender as she did to that of Simone.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

Simone's stony features would remain unchanged at Mirchell's mock protest, and she simply watched with that same stony front while the demoness dressed herself. "Do as you like," she replied when Mirchell opted to disguise her true nature, and would continue to watch impassively. A crack would appear in that front when Mirchell strode up and grabbed her around the waist, but one that only made way for surprise as she was led out of the room by the demoness.

Down on the first floor, Simone would seemingly be glad to not have the demoness so close, allowing some of her flustered state to fade while Mirchell went over to the numbly eating Albert. He would glance aside in surprise when Mirchell clapped him on the shoulder, but then break out into a boyish grin upon seeing her. "Mir... Michelle! I'd wondered where you went and wandered off to!" he exclaimed, and would glance briefly at Simone to give the angel a nod, which she would return, before glancing back at Mirchell and jovially continuing; "Gaoler eh? Didn't know you were scheduled for execution! Guess it's a good thing I got you into bed when I did!" He reached out and gave her swaying rump a soft clap, muffled in sound and sensation by the armor covering it but felt nonetheless.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell winked in Simone's direction as they broke off downstairs, allowing her fingertips to spider across the angel's waist as she did so, tracing the contours before lifting free with a flick. Then, she was off, hips swaying as she sauntered over towards the human eating his breakfast. Her free hand came up as she clapped the male on the shoulder, brushing some of her lank hair out of her face, the white of it becoming increasingly dirty.

Her crimson eyes, however, were more than clear enough, and met Albert's gladly as they spoke. "Oh yes, I had to ensure the angel was well placated in my position, mhm? I assure you, she has few complaints." the demoness cooed, giving a little giggle as she lifted her hands, and sat down alongside Albert. "I get the impression though, that unfortunately most angels share the view that I should be slain. Or perhaps it is just Simone trying to intimidate me. Whichever way, it matters little, mhm? I should like to see her try." the albino continued, the fingers of her left hand drumming against the wood of the bar, ignoring the gazes of barkeep and angel nearby. "But I suppose you speak truly, it is a good thing you got me when you did, Albert Terenais. Perhaps though, it need not end just there? The angel means to see me off, but I intend to continue my quest, perhaps there shall be room for you after her inevitable betrayal, mhm?" she finished off, grinning slyly at the human past her fringe.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 14/50 TP.

"Maybe. I'm not really doing anything, but I get the impression that I, ahhhh, might not exactly be welcome with your friend there. Am I wrong?" Albert asked, gesturing towards Simone who was standing straight-backed and haughty a few paces away, scrutinizing them with her one sapphire eye.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell sniggered, crimson eyes flitting backwards as Albert gestured, letting her gaze rest likewise upon the angel, meeting the one sapphire with her two rubies calmly. Her lips curled upwards into a smirk, and she flashed a wink before turning back to the bar, and Albert himself.

One hand reached up, ashen fingers teasing a few stray strands of white hair back into shape to the sides of her head, draping them over her ears, before the hand came down instead. Rather shamelessly, her slender fingers snatched a sausage from the human's plate, and she started to nibble at it, even as she spoke.

"True enough, I fear. My dear Simone has somehow gotten it into her head that I might try to corrupt you, can you imagine such a thing? The gall, truly." the demoness purred, sniggering a little to herself. "But even so, it was a pleasure to meet you, Albert Terenais~ I look forwards to seeing you once more in the future, mhm?" she crooned, giving the male a hefty pat upon the shoulder, even as the ashen-skinned albino twisted about in her stool, and pushed herself up to her feet, crimson eyes finding Simone's, and a grin once more spreading across her feet, half-eaten sausage clutched in her hand as she sauntered off, making a beckoning gesture with her free hand. "Come then, Simone. If we are to be off, no doubt you would wish it sooner, rather than later!"
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 25/50 TP.

"A positively shocking assumption, truly!" Albert replied jovially, giving Mirchell's ass another light squeeze before releasing it. "Likewise... Don't be a stranger if you're in the area, yeah? We can get together without your executioner there knowing, and then you can corrupt me all you want!" he added, and then patted her on the rump as she moved off to rejoin Simone.

The angel continued to glower in a disapproving manner at Mirchell as she sauntered back over, and would offer only a brief nod before sweeping towards the door with her feathery wings folded around her. Only once outside in the muffling bustle of the small town would she speak, and even then in a low tone that even the demoness with her sharp senses would only barely hear; "You will not handle your feedings without my approval from now on. If I am to look after you and make sure that you keep out of trouble, I won't have you bedding some priest or politician's daughter or somesuch and stirring an entire town into a rage!"

She cast a sidelong glance at Mirchell with her one sapphire eye, "understand? No more mischief like that! And no more bar fights! I saw how that barkeep was looking at you! Anyway, before we go, we ought to see about getting that armor fixed properly. I don't suppose you've spontaneously come into a wealth of coin, have you?"
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell snickered to herself at that, her hips swaying idly as the hand clapped down upon her rear. Her head tilted to the side, and she turned her crimson gaze once more upon Albert, lifting a single hand to stroke her fingers across his jawline, even as she turned away. "I shall make a point of it, my dear~ Best to remain sneaky then! For the nonce, farewell then." she mused a chuckle rolling past her lips as she turned away, to return to Simone's side.

If she cared for Simone's disapproval, she did not much show it, the disguised demoness instead starting to hum beneath her breath, a bawdy tavern tune, though she did at least elect not to sing the words as the pair moved out into the outside air.

Over the course of the evening, Mirchell had become quite accustomed to the stink of sweat and ale; the cleaner, cooler air outside made the demoness pause briefly as she inhaled it, sensitive nostrils flaring, before she relaxed, and continued onwards, looking down upon Simone and tilting her head, that she might hear the angel's whispered words.

They drew a laugh from the albino, as her hand came up, and clapped down upon the blonde angel's shoulder. "Sweet Simone, as well ask me to request your permission to eat and drink, mhm? Besides, if you wish to keep me sweet, all I ask is that you duck out of your robe in the evenings or after a battle for me, mhm? Such a delectable creature as yourself~ I would never go hungry, mhm?" she stated nonchalantly, simply using a normal conversation tone rather than whispering.

"Besides, I did not start that bar fight. Some drunken humans decided to lay hands upon me, but I was rather well fed by that point, and had no interest, so I defended myself when they attacked me." she explained with a shrug, before turning a grin upon Simone. "As for coin, no. I was somewhat preoccupied with the contents of Albert Terenais' pants, that his purse was quite forgotten, I fear. Perhaps you have a recommendation?" the demoness mused, lips splitting into an even broader grin, even as the hand upon Simone's shoulder began to slip down her back.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 25/50 TP.

"Given that, as a demon, you hardly need to do either..." Simone began to mutter in response to Mirchell's flippant statement, but was struck silent and blushing by the demon's suggestion on how she could keep her from going to others for her energy needs. That she had used a normal conversational tone as they walked through the busy streets, the angel and the oddly tall human woman already drawing attention in the Badarian community as it was, only seemed to heighten Simone's irritation as her eye flitted around them and then settled back onto Mirchell to glare angrily.

"That.... That won't happen!" she protested unconvincingly, her pale cheeks turned a deep scarlet, but then seemed to desire a change of subject and so launched into a response to the other things that Mirchell had said; "Fine! Maybe you didn't start it, but don't you go around picking fights! Next time, just don't get near the damn drunks! And I don't think I've had quite enough of what's in that man's pants.... I mean, I've had quite enough it! Or... I don't want to know any more... Or... Bah!"

Scowling, Simone stormed forward with her cheeks burning even brighter than before. "Of course you don't have any money.... Well, you'll be going around in damaged armor then! Because I don't have enough to get that fixed either!" she continued in a bluster, for the moment ignoring the fact that Mirchell's hand had slipped down from her shoulders to her lower back. Her back was straight and her arms had folded over her chest, leaving the angel in a noticeable pout as she walked with Mirchell at her side, ensuring that the blond winged cyclops was even more noticeable than she might normally have been for the aura of distress that she exuded.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

"Untrue! I need to eat and drink as much as you do, my dear." Mirchell quipped in return to that, baring her teeth as she grinned over at Simone, even as the angel's cheeks turned a similar hue to the demon's own eyes.

The angel was a little too easy to taunt this early in the morning, however, so Mirchell soon found her attention wandering a little, reaching up to scratch behind an ear as the prickling sensation of being watched made itself known. She could hardly find it surprising that she was drawing attention to the pair, but that was not to mean that she cared for it, as her own crimson eyes occasionally found those of one of the townsmen, questioningly.

Soon enough from there then, Mirchell lost interest in eyeballing the town's inhabitants as well, and her attention trailed back towards the flustered Simone, her lips peeling back into a sly grin. Her head tilted to the side, even as her hand slid casually down the angel's spine, until her palm came to rest upon the cyclopian blonde's waist, just above her rump, and there it stayed as they walked. "I assure you, I will not pick fights unecessarily." she promised, with a nod of her head.

"But do not presume to tell me not to defend myself or suchlike, mhm? Besides, I did not intentionally approach them. I was looking for you, as it happened. But now that I have you, it is onwards to the 'morrow, mhm? And I might need not find myself any meals for a while, if my dear friend Simone might aid me in that regard~" she continued, pressing the earlier point. Reaching up with her free hand, the demoness adjusted her breastplate, with a small tutting sound as she pulled on the damaged strap, before shrugging. "Be that as it may though, we should be continuing onwards, no? There is nothing for me here, and we have demons and other invaders to slay, no? Surely we can acquire some wealth somewhere along the lines, mhm?" she finished off, lifting her hand, only to smack it idly back down across Simone's rear.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 89, PP = 45, EP = 48, Status = Fine, armor at 25/50 TP.

"I only eat once a month, and only drink water everyday out of habit" Simone replied flatly, revealing that angels had the same ability as demons to go for long periods without food. Meanwhile, the townspeople would immediately look away whenever Mirchell met their looks, refusing to meet her crimson gaze for more than a moment despite their apparent curiosity.

The continued prodding towards feeding the more lewd hunger possessed by Mirchell drew another flat look from Simone, but then the demoness continued only to give her rear a soft swat. That caused the blond angel to freeze in place again, and she stood there stunned for a moment and blushing before her expression turned into a scowl. Her single blue eye narrowed as she glared at Mirchell, but then she seemingly opted to ignore the inappropriate touch and went on; "Yes... Leaving this place would probably be best."

She would then storm forward, her arms folded and apparently expecting Mirchell to follow in her wake without any input on the angel's part. They would leave the town in short order, and then continue on through the countryside around the town that had a number of small farms similar to the one that had been destroyed by the invaders where they'd met. It was an uneventful journey as they passed people going back and forth, all of whom gave them a relatively wide berth, and Simone would keep silent along the way unless Mirchell opted to say something.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

"Once a month... Intriguing~" Mirchell mused, narrowing her eyes slightly, and smiling ever-so-sweetly as Simone spoke. She put the effort in to fluttering her eyelashes briefly, grinning all the while, before she seemed to lose interest, returning to looking about at the various inhabitants of the village, a small flare of annoyance bubbling to the surface from the fact that they refused to meet her gaze... But also some small measure of pride, in that she intimidated them so.

She giggled though, as Simone flustered so brightly, the demoness even walking a few steps past Simone, not realising she had stopped, and frozen in place, but when she looked backwards, towards the blonde angel, and met the scowl with her own grin, and the angel stormed past once more, a louder laugh escaped Mirchell's lips, and she was swift to fall back into step once more.

Soon enough then, the pair were out in the open grassland, and Mirchell tilted her head back, enjoying the softer warmth of the sun in it's blue sky, so much more pleasant than the baking, dry heat of Hell. She drew in a long, deep breath, making her damaged chestplate wobble uncertainly, before she relaxed, pressing the metal back into place, and she grumbled to herself as she re-tightened the damaged strap.

Eventually though, quiet grasslands and travellers avoiding them began to bore Mirchell. She lifted a hand, stroking a few strands of stray white hair back behind her human ear, and turned her crimson gaze upon Simone once more, pursing her lips together briefly, before she spoke. "You're boring. We should be talking, being friends, Simone~ Wouldn't you like to be friends~? Two companions on the road together, striding forth to meet the darkness that plagues the land~? Surely that is a good thing, mhm~? You do not need to act so grim, surely~?" she attempted initially. Maybe there was a sense of heroism in there somewhere?