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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 50/67, PP = 42, EP = 57/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 8

militia elf
goblin 1 taken 27 damage
goblin 2
goblin 3 taken 27 damage
goblin 4 taken 27 damage

5 hunters, 1 of which is injured with 45 damage, 1 with 31 damage, 1 with 37 damage, 1 with 4 damage, 1 with 42 damage.

Tlech punchies le hunter and pays her 6 EP and 4 HP
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 26 = 30 damage. Injured but not down.

Goblins attack!
Attacks: 2 hits and 2 misses.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 10 = 15 damage per hit. Injuries.

The elven militia try to strike back!
Attacks: Hits.
Damage: 2 + 2 = 4 damage. Good job guys.

The hunters try to slaughter them. Two on Tlech, one on each regular goblin, two of them attacking different militia persons.
Attacks: Miss Tlech, one of the goblins is hit, both of the militia are hit.
Damage: 10 + 4 + 23 = 37, take 10 off for the goblins and one off for the militia.

The summoner uses devil's lightning X = 8 to fry a group of 3 hunters. Hopefully.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 8 = 48 - 10 = 38 damage.

I can just do punchies from here to the end of the fight after this if you would prefer.

Tlech, though she didn't manage to kill one of the aliens with her next punch, did manage to injure it further. By the end of the following exchange between the groups, not a one of the remaining hunters wasn't injured and only one of the goblins besides Tlech was unharmed, though her muscles were starting to feel the strain caused by her fell magics. The milita, seemingly roused by her words, struck back at the aliens... But in a fairly lackluster manner, their improvised weapons doing little damage to the thick hides of the hunters. Two of them died from retaliation, leaving only a single wounded elf fighting alongside the goblins and their summoner, against no less than eight hunters. As two of the milita fell, however, the elven witch conjured another lance of black lightning that dropped those numbers from five against eight to five against five. The aliens were hardly beaten despite their own injuries, however, as they now shifted their attentions to the weaker members of their flagging force, targeting the wounded goblins and the remaining elf rather than Tlech. If they were allowed to face her in a group they would probably simply swamp her, and if her summoner fell she would be forced back to Hell, so the fight wasn't over quite yet.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s punch landed solidly, and though it didn’t manage to kill the hunter it did seem to do a fair bit of damage, and if nothing else her fellow goblins would probably be able to finish it despite being a bit weaker than she was seemingly. She managed to duck and weave flawlessly again, just barely avoiding the slashing claws of the creatures, though the others didn’t fare quite as well. The other goblins had mixed results with their own attacks, half managing hits and half failing, while taking some damage themselves. The elven militia were quite pathetic too, hardly doing any apparent damage to the aliens before falling before them. There was only one left… Things were going sort of badly, and the pudgy summon was beginning to feel the strain in her muscles caused by the spell that strengthened them. Her summoner, though, was doing a fair bit of damage, managing to sear three of them to charred hulks with the dark lightning of the demons. Tlech’s heart was racing, adrenaline pumping in her veins as she rushed a different hunter this time, shouting "affer me!" at the final standing elven militia member… She didn’t know if she could kill the one she was targeting, but she knew she could weaken it pretty badly even if not, and that would hopefully get it to the point that even the elf could do some real damage.

(Attack the one with 31 damage first)
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 46/67, PP = 42, EP = 51/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 8

militia elf
goblin 1 taken 27 damage
goblin 2
goblin 3 taken 27 damage
goblin 4 taken 27 damage


Tlech punchies le hunter and pays her 6 EP and 4 HP
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 26 = 30 damage. Down he goes.

Ye lone surviving elf attacks the one that took 45 damage.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 8 + 1 = 9 damage. Down he goes!

Two goblins attack the one with four damage. The other pair splits off and attacks the other two hunters. No more defensive fighting!
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 10 = 17 damage per hit. Down the two hurt ones go!

Then the summoner blasts the hunter for some damage. Yay! Victory!

Time for Tlech to suck double hunter penis to get her EP back.

Swinging in, Tlech managed to bring down her target with a powerful punch to the gut. The elf, turning to another, slashed at it and managed to bring it down, it being the most injured of the bunch. Her fellow goblins then spread out, two killing one apiece while the last pair cooperatively attacked the last of them. It managed to take their two slashes, but just as it was about to retaliate their summoner unleashed a blast of hellfire that finished it off.

In the aftermath of the skirmish, the female elf grabbed the surviving militiamen by the collar and shouted; "Go, get your gear, and then bring a healer! Some of these people might yet be saved!" Then, turning to Tlech and scowling while he ran off, she said; "I've never heard of a goblin like you before, but you'll need to get your energies back, and quickly. I will have extended need of you."

Scanning her gaze over the hunters, she pointed to one of those that she had punched down. It blinked its eyes open, and then glanced down in confusion as its manhood suddenly sprang to life, hardening for no apparent reason at all. A moment later Tlech would realize that she was in for an even more unusual treat, as its cock split as it pulled free of its scaly sheath, two long red shafts growing until they stood fully hard, both longer and thicker than the average goblin and possessing of a series of frills near the tip. "You'll be able to drain him now," the elf said crisply, turning to one of the other still living creatures and apparently doing the same, though that one only sported a single penis even if it still looked down with amazement. Kneeling between the prone alien's legs and grabbing the hardened shaft without preamble, causing it to jump and flail slightly before falling back down, too injured to resist in any significant manner, she gave another glance at Tlech and said; "Do it quickly, we have precious little time!" The elf's dainty hands were stroking over the shaft in front of her slowly already, getting the thing ready for more, but Tlech had her own hunter to drain in front of her, looking at the busty goblin with alien eyes even as its impressively sized dual cocks throbbed before her, ready to receive her attentions.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s blow had the intended effect, the smack to the hunter’s gut dropping it to the ground like a sack of worms. He even writhed around for a bit like one too! She quickly turned to the others, but the final member of the elven militia remaining actually didn’t seem to need any help. His improvised weapon slashed into the most wounded of the aliens, dropping it to the ground in a bleeding wreck, which made the chubby goblin grin a little bit. She liked to think that she had inspired him a little, but then that probably wasn’t all that true. The other goblins took care of their business as well, two of them killing the hunters facing them and the other two ganging up on one. It wasn’t quite dead yet, but it was very alone… and the summoner took care of the creature before it could deal any more damage.

This front of the battle was closed, but Tlech’s heart was still racing, and she knew that her work wasn’t done yet. Her summoner quickly instructed the other elf who had survived the fight to go and get more proper weaponry and armor, and to come back with a healer. That could be useful… the pudgy goblin could feel her muscles aching fairly badly already, the slight beginnings of a headache brewing. She was then ordered to get her energy back… she wondered if the elf knew what that meant for her. It soon became apparent that she didn’t, because the summoner pointed to one of the less injured hunters and something began to happen. It’s eyes opened, a rather surprised look in them, as its cock began to harden seemingly at random. It quickly made sense to the goblin, though; she knew this spell, it was one that she herself had used fairly recently. What didn’t make much sense was the way its cock was behaving… was it… splitting? She quirked an eyebrow as she watched the one dick split slowly into two to either side of one another, both quite long and thick compared to what she was used to. Oddly enough both of them seemed to have little frills and ribs at the end of them, probably meant to enhance the pleasure of whoever it was fucking. It was kind of a shame she wasn’t going to use either of her lower holes on it, but there were far more important things to deal with at the moment.

"Dun ‘aveta tell me ‘ow ta ‘ave me fun" the goblin teased with a grin as she got down onto her knees in front of the creature, swiftly reaching out to grab both of its cocks and begin to stroke. They were already nice and throbbing, so this shouldn’t take too long. Especially given that she was going to get a double dose of energy from him, both as she recharged through the pleasure sucking him off gave her and as she drained him via the summoner’s spell. Looking into the alien’s eyes made her feel odd, though… these invading creatures were just so damn weird, even for someone who had lived her entire life in Hell. She didn’t care if he tried to resist, she knew she had put a pretty good beating on him already, so she allowed her spell to lapse so as not to waste energy and to give her aching muscles a rest. After only a few seconds of giving it a rub she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around one of the creature’s cockheads, tongue flicking against it as she started to swiftly bob up and down. There was no need to tease the creature, and every incentive was to finish this as quickly as possible… One of her hands continued to stroke his other member furiously, knowing that the more pleasure she caused to him the faster she would drain him… and her free hand slipped under her dress, pleasuring herself for much the same purpose.

Tlech sort of wished she had more time to enjoy this creature’s unique cocks, because she was rather liking the girth of the thing as she stretched her lips around it, and the length made her wonder just how deeply it would hilt in her throat… maybe later, if she managed to get paid for this little adventure. Instead she just rapidly bobbed her head, letting out quiet moans around the shaft. Its precum had a rather strong taste too, so she knew she was in for a treat or two. The feeling of its energy rushing into her wasn’t half bad either, of course… She was skilled enough that it didn’t take long before the alien was spurting off into her mouth, and onto her chest as she angled its second cock towards her. There was quite a lot of the thick, salty stuff, and it had a pretty intense taste. It was similar to Ab’s, but a bit stronger, the smell of it a bit more potent as it soaked into her leather armor.

She didn’t let that stop her, not for a moment, and as the pudgy goblin sucked down the hunter’s seed she picked up the pace of her attentions to it. Its soul had briefly gushed into her at the moment of orgasm, and she wanted more of it. When the last of its cum had dribbled out of it she switched things up a little, changing which cock she sucked and which she stroked, continuing to blow the creature at a brisk pace. She looked up into its eyes with a predatory grin around his dick as she did so, wondering if the freaky thing knew what she was planning, that it wasn’t walking away from this… If it did it showed no real understanding, its throbbing cocks ruling it. It took even less time to drive the hunter to its second orgasm, Tlech’s efforts paying off quickly, and this time she stroked his second cock off onto her cheek and face, enjoying the feeling of the hot stuff splattering against her green skin. There was another gush of its soul into her when it came, and that was all she needed. She moaned out lewdly around the dick in her mouth, cumming around her fingers as she sucked him off. This was payment enough even if she lost the battle, really.

The goblin, of course, had already restored her energy and then some. If she had wanted to she could’ve just walked away and been done with it. She could feel the flow of the alien’s soul weakening though, and she wanted the rest for herself. It would be a waste of effort to snap its neck, and she didn’t want it alive, so this was the most efficient way of ending its life she could think of. Tlech stopped pleasuring herself and focused all of her attention on the creature, both hands stroking its cocks as she sucked about half of one of them. Her grin turned wicked as she glared into those alien eyes, wondering if the hunter realized what was happening to it as its soul drained away slowly but surely. Either way its endurance was pretty pathetic by this point, and her ministrations were skilled and targeted to please the creature as best as the experienced goblin could manage. When she felt that he was close she squeezed both cocks together and wrapped her lips around the heads of both, suckling hard as she stroked the shafts together. It wasn’t long after that that they exploded in her mouth, hot and sticky spunk spurting against her tongue as she gave the hunter its last orgasm.

Tlech didn’t stop until she felt the final trickle of its soul into her body, and then stood up to swallow the load she had been presented with with a big gulp. She was grinning wide as she turned to look at her summoner, idly spitting on the alien’s face before she began to wipe the cum off of her cheek and scoop it into her mouth. "Ye ready ta go? I could use some ‘ealin’, but I can get back ta killin’ if’n ye can" she said, surveying the situation again. She didn’t know much about these aliens, or what their tactics should be; that she would leave to the elf. What she did know was that the more she killed the better off they would be, and the closer she would get to an even better reward than she had just received.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

goblin 1
goblin 2
goblin 3
goblin 4


If the alien ever realized that Tlech was draining it, she couldn't tell by its reactions. The very moment that her hands started stroking the creature in earnest was when its struggles ended, and it simply laid back and enjoyed itself as the pudgy goblin literally sucked out its soul through its twin dicks. It wasn't a quick process even though Tlech tried her best to make it so, but it was one that the creature seemed to thoroughly enjoy from its point of first stimulation up until its point of expiration. It pumped out three full thick loads for her, giving the little goblin more than a mouthful every time and handily slaking her thirst for cum, at least for the moment. She was also quite thoroughly covered in it, the substance oozing over her face and chest nearly as much as it was down her throat, some of the goo shot into her mouth when she'd taken both loads and the remaining dregs of its spirit having spilled out down her chin due to the pure volume of it as well.

Her summoner was likewise finished, and an elven healer showed up a moment later. The mage looked upon Tlech sourly, but the summoner spoke commandingly while wiping the other drained hunter's semen from her hands; "Heal her too, and the other goblins too! I will pay what price I must, but these demons have already been of use!" The healer seemed to simply accept that, and soon Tlech and her male kin were all on the move ahead of their summoner, all fully healed by elven magic.

Though it had initially appeared as if the elves were going to be quickly overwhelmed, they had rallied admirably and started fighting back. Organized in groups all supported by mages, they were eliminating the grunt forces of the aliens quite effectively everywhere they passed, and after engaging in little more than a few skirmishes that too no more than a few seconds they found themselves approaching another main battle. "Those," the elven summoner said as she pointed towards a group of slimes sitting in the middle of the conflict, "Draw them into my line of fire, and then scatter. Physical injuries mean little to such creatures. Do not allow yourselves to be grabbed, or even that you were summoned here will not save you." The grey and purple slimes were surrounded by no less than a dozen of the smaller tentacle spawn, and the other goblins examined this with some trepidation. Elves could be seen within the mass of the slimes, naked and clearly in the throes of sexual ecstasy, thus explaining why their summoner wasn't simply blowing them up from where she was, as that would also kill the captives.

Hunters and more grabbers ringed the area, fighting elves, but if they were too noisy they might attract the attention of more enemies as their skirmishes ended, though they might easily attract elves to help instead. They were coming from a relatively isolated direction, one that the aliens didn't have much of a presence in, and the creatures that they needed to lure out didn't seem to be aware of them yet.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech grinned at the mage who approached the little group, showing some teeth. The prejudice that showed in his eyes and on his face amused her for some reason. She wondered if he would feel the same way if she saved his silly little life, if she played a big part in driving the aliens away. It seemed that demons and the like weren’t looked upon favorably by a portion of mortals. It was probably justified, really, especially in the case of real demons, and in a way that made this all the more fun. He healed her despite his apparent feelings at the summoner’s command, and the chubby goblin felt the ache that had spread through her muscles subside more or less instantly. Her energy was recovered now, and her body was refreshed and ready to go as if the first battle had never happened. It was like a whole new summoning, a fresh slate to test herself in battle, her success against the hunters firmly in the past.

In the time it had taken the group to finish with the hunters and regain their energy the elves had managed to put up much stiffer resistance than when Tlech had first been summoned. They had organized, and there was a healthy number of mages to support roaming groups of warriors that were doing quite well against the aliens, at least the weaker of them. Their own group moved swiftly, encountering little resistance in this part of the battlefield. Little pockets of aliens were scattered here and there, either already engaged, retreating, or wandering about seemingly without purpose, and they were easy enough to beat into a pulp. So much so that Tlech didn’t activate her spell, not yet. Her kin could slice whatever came their way for the moment, she was sure of that. Eventually, though, they came upon another section of the battle that was much more intense. In the middle of it all was a gathering of slimes, which the summoner pointed at and commanded the goblins not to attack, but to lure them away from the elves they were raping within their mass, and into position for her to blast them once they were clear. The chubby goblin was mildly annoyed that they couldn’t just destroy them from here, especially considering that death would likely be a better outcome for the captive elves than living with failure in this case.

There wasn’t anything she could do about it, of course, it was an order given to her by her summoner. Now the only question was how to go about doing it. The only way the slimes would abandon their prey was if it somehow made things more difficult to have them about. That probably meant getting them to chase after Tlech and the other goblins. The key would be finding a way to do this without attracting more attention from undesirable elements. Everything the chubby goblin could think of would probably draw a lot of attention… "Fellas, not sure wotta do ‘ere. I could blast ‘em witta weak bit o’ magic to get ‘ere ‘tention, but more’d come affer us prob’ly" she mused as she began to pump up her body with her magic, "’less ye’ve got better ideas ‘swot I’ll do." She was ready then to sneak with them to a somewhat closer location before zapping the slimes with a small shot of black lightning, then to retreat fast enough that they would have to ditch their captives. Unless the other goblins had a better idea, of course.

Fell Might X = 9. If her (really dumb) plan passes muster, sneak up not close but closer, and Devil’s Lightning X = 1 at the nearest slime before gtfo.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 72/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 9

goblin 1
goblin 2
goblin 3
goblin 4

5 grey slimes, two taken 3 damage
5 grabbers, one taken 6 damage

Tlech activates ye buff! 1 HP and 9 EP. Then, after paying upkeep of 7 EP and 5 HP, she uses Devil's Lightning X = 1 for... 1 EP!
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 1 = 6 damage.

"Dat works, funnel 'em in an let da elf sort 'em out!" one of the male goblins said in response to her prospective plan, and the quartet readied themselves and allowed Tlech to step forward. Her bolt of lightning, containing barely any power, still managed to draw a good bit of enemy attention, as a flank of the tentacle monsters started toward them immediately as soon as they were hit by it. A subgroup of the slimes broke off as well, relinquishing their lightly shocked captives and started toward the group of goblins. Their summoner was waiting about twenty feet behind them, partially concealed and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. The group of grey slimes was slowly advancing behind the wave of tentacle monsters, but their summoner said; "Make them clump up again and then retreat! I need to conserve my energies."
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

The other goblins approved of Tlech’s idea, and the summoner didn’t offer any input, so that was what the group would go forward with. They approached the grouped up aliens slightly, carefully, and then the pudgy goblin launched her spell at one of the tentacle monsters that surrounded the slimes. It didn’t have much of any effect at all physically, but it did the job she had intended it to do while expending little energy. The group of tentacle beasts and some of the group of slimes began to move towards the goblins, dropping their elven prey and advancing slowly enough as to not terribly worry Tlech. It shouldn’t be too awful difficult to herd them properly in that case. She motioned the other goblins to bunch up to support her just enough to try and encourage the enemy to come at them all at once without making flanking look attractive, and then when she judged that they were close enough together or when she got a signal from the summoner she would bolt for the elf’s rear and signal them to do so as well in order to avoid collateral damage.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 61/67, PP = 42, EP = 72/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 9

goblin 1
goblin 2
goblin 3
goblin 4

15 grabbers, unharmed
10 grey slimes, unharmed
4 dark slimes, unharmed

Tlech pays upkeep, ye tentacle monsters and slimes come in, the elf uses Hellfire Blast X = 12 to blow them up.
Attack: Hits, obviously.
Damage: 4 + 3 = 7 * 12 = 84 damage to the tentacle monsters, who are dead. 42 damage to the slimes, who are also dead. Great work!

Goblins were, apparently quite excellent bait. The slimes and tentacle monsters filed into the narrow alleyway, following Tlech and her comrades slowly and sluggishly, the tentacle monsters slowing themselves to protect their slime allies, and Tlech and her goblins baited them forth in a loose bluster to keep from being surrounded. They never even needed to engage the enemy, as their summoner rose up from her hiding place and said; "Move! Out of the way!"

The other goblins scurried aside, carrying the pudgy Tlech with them, and then the elven woman unleashed a cone of familiar black fire down the alley. It scorched the stone and set the wood aflame, but when the hazy smoke cleared the tentacle monsters and the slimes were simply gone, leaving nothing but an ugly stain where they had once stood. "Excellent work!" she said, but then it became apparent that the main group had noticed them now. The other slimes and the tentacle creatures were moving, and the four purple slimes were looking in their direction. This time the tentacle beasts were coming first, ahead of the others, meaning that the elf would need to waste her magic on killing them. "Crap.... You! Girl goblin! You have powers, keep them at bay until we can group them all up! Same trick, but this time you fry them!"
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Everything went exactly according to plan, the aliens moving at a slow and steady pace towards the group of goblins and bunching up as they did so. There was no need to actually fight on their part, the summoner finally giving them the order to get out of the way and then unleashing a burst of hot fire, black as pitch. The alleyway they had led the enemy down was wrecked, the wooden frames of some buildings catching on fire and the stone foundations of others scorched and partially melted, leaving the aliens a pile of ash and a wretched stain, just as they should have been. It was something of an impressive display, really, or at least would have been if Tlech weren’t able to do the same thing herself. There was no time to celebrate their success, of course, as it seemed the larger bunch of aliens had taken notice of them.

The slimes (with the exception of four of them, which were a dark purple color in contrast to the grays) and the tentacle monsters began to move towards them, this time just a bit more intelligently… they were bunched up, but the slimes were a bit behind the tentacled creatures, making it nigh impossible to kill the whole lot of them at once. The summoner ordered the chubby goblin to do much the same thing as last time, except now to finish them off herself. She knew she could do it, of course, but the question was whether she could do it efficiently enough. She motioned the other goblins about, trying to get the aliens to pack in a little tighter, though she would probably need some way to slow down the tentacle creatures to get them all at once… Fighting them hand to hand was too risky to attempt, though. Not only did they have tentacles, which would make it difficult to close with them, they outnumbered the goblins by a factor of four, and it would be very easy to be surrounded individually and render her powers mostly useless. As such, if they wouldn’t cooperate she would attempt to take them down separately, waste of energy or no.

Try to get the slimes to catch up. If it doesn’t seem possible she’ll pretty quickly throw a Hellfire Blast X = 6 at the center of the grouping of tentacles to try and murderize them.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 54/67, PP = 42, EP = 59/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 9

Summoner, taken 4 damage, spent 21 EP
goblin 1
goblin 2
goblin 3, at 2/32 EP
goblin 4

10 grey slimes, taken 27 damage
4 dark slimes, 3 have taken 4 damage, one has gained an additional

Tlech pays upkeep of 7 EP and 5 HP. The tentacle monsters advance ahead of the slimes, and just before they arrive into melee Tlech hits them with Hellfire Blast X = 6 to hopefully clear them. 6 EP and 2 HP.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 3 = 9 * 5 = 45 damage. Enough to kill them!

The other goblins activate full defense.

The slimes advance, one tries to leap glomp each goblin.
Attacks: All miss.

The dark slimes cast spells. Tlech is targeted twice with energy drain, then the two goblins next to her are also targeted.
Casting: Success.
Attacks: Tlech is missed twice, but one of the goblins is hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 15 * 2 = 30 EP drained.

The elven summoner uses Hellfire Blast X = 10 on ye approaching slimes
Attack: 3 + 3 = 6 * 9 = 54, 54/2 = 27 damage.

The aliens proved uncooperative to Tlech's desires to eliminate them as a group, as the tentacle monsters surged into the alley in which the goblins and their hidden summoner were making their stand. The pudgy goblin unleashed a wave of amazing potent fire down the alley to explode in the center of the cramped tentacle monsters, who were all promptly incinerated. The grey slimes casually slithered over the remains of their fallen comrades, however, and the first rank leaped at the wall of goblins suddenly. Tlech and her allies were made to step back to avoid the leaping slimes or be engulfed by them, and in that moment the other four slimes struck. Bolts of magic lashed out, but Tlech's enhancement gave her the reflexes to avoid it with ease, while three of her four fellow goblins did the same. One of the ones standing directly beside her stumbled and was struck, however, and she felt his essence torn from his body, an attack that was just as devastating to the astrally projected demons as it would have been if issued against her physical form.

Their summoner came around the corner again to unleash her own blast, but this time the slimes were able to weather it, albeit barely, and with a curse the elf ducked back behind cover and called; "Dammit! Finish those off, I'll deal with the spellcasters!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Unfortunately the aliens weren’t quite as receptive to being herded as the others had been earlier, the tentacle beasts rushing up ahead of the slimes to attack the goblins alone. In any other circumstances, of course, it might be a good thing to have one’s enemy spread themselves out to attack piecemeal. Now it was just a bloody inconvenience. When it became apparent that there was no way to get them to bunch up Tlech unleashed a blast of dark flame, aiming the explosion right in the middle of the group of creatures. They were all burned to a crisp, the walls of the alleyway again scorched by the supernatural fire… but the slimes kept coming on behind them. The blobs of gunk lunged at the five goblins, though they were easy enough to avoid, just a simple step back allowing them to keep away from the gray things.

The purple slimes that had hung back struck out then, however, blasting at the goblins with some sort of magic. It surprised Tlech a good deal, as she hadn’t thought something so simple and crude as a slime could do magic, but she heard the crackle of energy coming at her just in time to slide to one side and then the other with surprising grace. One of her fellow goblins was hit, though, and she could feel his soul being torn away towards the slime, and it was not a pleasant feeling. The battle had, of course, been serious before, but now it was on a different level. A sword to the gut would hurt and send you back to your body in Hell, but this sort of thing could actually kill… it made dealing with these creatures all the more urgent. The elf then tried to blast the gray slimes that were amongst her summoned warriors, and though all of them came out of the blast intact they seemed to be wavering. Still, there were too many of them to fight with fist and sword, and the damn things actually seemed quite resilient given the power of the summoner’s attack earlier.

A plan quickly formed in Tlech’s mind as she took in the situation, and she shouted to her fellow goblins "get back! Gonna blast ‘em!" and waited for them to rush their way away from the gray slimes before moving back herself, though not with the intent of really retreating. Instead she would turn to fight again once she judged that she could get all of the slimes inside a cone of flame, summoning up a blast of hellfire that was a bit weaker than the one the elf had unleashed on them before. It might have been a bit of overkill given the way they had reacted, but it would be better to overkill than to be overwhelmed. Of course, there would still be the matter of the purple ones launching magic at them… The goblins would just have to hope that their summoner could take care of it quickly.

Switch my initiative with the slowest goblin, have them all move behind Tlech. Move back such that all gray slimes are in the range of a cone version of Hellfire Blast, X = 6.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 47/67, PP = 42, EP = 46/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 9

Summoner, taken 6 damage, spent 33 EP
goblin 1
goblin 2
goblin 3, at 2/32 EP
goblin 4

4 dark slimes, 3 have taken 8 damage, one has taken 34 damage

Tlech pays upkeep of 7 EP and 5 HP. Then Hellfire Blast X = 6 for 6 EP and 2 HP.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 6 + 3 = 9 * 6 = 54, 54/2 = 27 damage.

Ye summoner unleashes a blast of Hellfire at ye slime who hit last time, X = 12.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10 * 12 = 120, 120/2 = 60 damage.

Ye goblins move forward and full defense after Tlech sweeps the slimes out of the way.

Ye slimes attack with the same thing as last time.
Casting: Success.
Attacks: All miss.

The other goblins fell back immediately as Tlech told them to do so, and as the pudgy goblin moved back herself the slimes followed. The dimwitted creatures formed a funnel, and she needed no easier target upon which to issue a gout of black fire than that. The slimes boiled painfully under her wrath, and dissolved into puddles of inanimate goo even as the smoke cleared, revealing another volley of rays of magic coming from the violet slimes. The quartet of male goblins, their targets, scattered but then reformed quickly and started down the alley. Their summoner came out from cover again to unleash a small orb of the very same black fire that Tlech had unleashed on the greys a moment earlier, striking the slime that had hit with its spell a moment earlier and scorching off a chunk of its substance.

"Go!" their summoner commanded as the slimes prepared to unleash another barrage, this time summoning a different sort of power. "Go! Destroy them! They aren't as dangerous at close range!" The other goblins were moving to obey her commands unquestioningly, though they were still being cautious as the alien spellcasters prepared to unleash whatever magics they were bringing forth.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Everything went more or less exactly as planned, the other goblins clearing the way for Tlech and the slimes were too slow to attack before her. They even bunched together now that she was the only target particularly close to them, mindlessly moving in a nice funnel that fit in with her plan even better than she had thought they would. She unleashed her unholy flame on them and melted them into inanimate puddles with ease, finishing up just in time to notice the attack of the mage slimes coming and avoid it. The summoner retaliated against one of them, blasting off a bit of the slime with some power, ordering the goblins forward to attack. Tlech wasn’t so sure getting closer was the best of ideas, but it wasn’t worth questioning just yet. She wouldn’t just idly advance, though… she was going to carefully move to attack one of the slimes, hopefully finishing off the one the elf had attacked earlier with a similar bolt of dark fire. Of course, at the same time the chubby goblin’s muscles were beginning to burn a bit, strained with the effort of keeping up her spell. It didn’t seem completely worth it given the current battle situation, so she shifted a bit of her energy, lessening her commitment to strengthening her body in exchange for less stress on her spiritual reserves.

Bump Fell Might down to X = 6. Advance forward as far as possible and attack the damaged slime with Hellfire Blast X = 3, Defensive Fighting 10.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 37/67, PP = 42, EP = 33/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 6

Summoner, taken 23 damage, spent 38 EP
goblin 1, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage
goblin 2, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage
goblin 3, poofed
goblin 4, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage

4 dark slimes, one has taken 16 damage, 2 have taken 14 damage, one has taken 69 damage.

Tlech lowers her Fell Might to X = 6, pays upkeep of 4 EP and 2 HP. Then Hellfire Blast X = 3 for 3 EP and 2 HP.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 1 + 4 = 5 * 3 = 15, 12/2 = 8 damage.

The summoner attacks one of the other slimes with another Hellfire Blast X = 5.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 5 + 4 = 9 * 5 = 45, 45/2 = 23 damage.

The other goblins get to the mouth of the alley under full defense.

Ye slimes unleash MAGIC!
One uses Mass Wrack on the goblins.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 16 * 4 = 64, 64/4 = 16 damage. That's 6 after AV.
The damaged one uses Energy Drain on Tlech.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.
Another casts Agony Warp on ye goblins, including Tlech.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 14 * 3 = 42, 42/4 = 11 damage, and 6 EP damage. That's 6 damage on Tlech and 1 on ye other goblins.
The last casts Blightning Strike on their summoner.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 12 * 5 = 60, 60/4 = 15 damage.

Though she had reduced the power being pushed into her magical enhancements, Tlech was still able to dodge the return lash of energy sent at her by the slime after she blasted it with another bolt of black flame. The violet slimes were proving far more resilient than their grey kin, however, and it endured both her own blast and that of her summoner while its fellows began to unleash their own magics.

A wave of dark energy lashed out from two, magic washing over her male counterparts as they closed in, and the sheer nature of it ensured that they were wounded even in their efforts to avoid the attacks. One of them vanished, its soul rent apart by the violent energies unleashed against them and sent tumbling back to Hell, and the other three all looked decidedly wobbly on their feet after enduring the two spells. A third went a bit farther, and Tlech felt the sky open up as a bolt of dark lightning blazed down to the ground... Right where her summoner had been launching her attacks from.

The goblin didn't feel her tether to the mortal world break, however, and within a few moments her kin would be within striking distance. Tlech herself wasn't spared from harm from the blast that had obliterated one of her kin either, leaving her body and spirit singed by its power, but if she wished to risk dropping her defenses she could rush in and engage with her fists instead of trading spells with the more resilient and more patient slimes.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

There was no hope of the slimes surprising Tlech with their magical attacks now, and she dodged the bolt that came her way without trouble. Her own attack found its mark, though, hurting one of the slimes even further, though it didn’t die. These were troublingly tough creatures, much more so than the other aliens she had fought thus far. Another of them sent out a wave of dark energies, wide enough that there was no way to avoid the attack, and one of the other goblins dissolved under the strain, forced back to Hell. Tlech wasn’t doing so hot herself, her body beginning to ache once more with the strain of carrying on with her spell. The last of the attacks, however, was the most troubling; one of the slimes sent a blast of the vile black lightning back at the summoner. There was a tense moment as the bolt hit home, but for the moment at least the goblins weren’t thrown back from whence they came just yet. "’ey!" she shouted, "split up, one ta a slime! Keep ‘em busy, can’t ‘ave ‘em shootin’ at ‘er!" She ran at the weakened slime she had been blasting as fast as her little legs would carry her, ready to at least try and punch it into oblivion. It was probably a risky plan for all of the goblins, but then again if they allowed the slimes to kill their summoner their relative health wouldn’t count for anything.

Punchy punchy
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 35/67, PP = 42, EP = 29/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 6

Summoner, taken 25 damage, spent 43 EP
goblin 1, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage
goblin 2, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage
goblin 3, poofed
goblin 4, taken 7 damage, taken 6 EP damage

4 dark slimes, one has taken 16 damage, 2 have taken 14 damage, one has taken 69 damage.
Dark Slime 1, taken 18 damage
Dark Slime 2, taken 20 damage
Dark Slime 3, taken 81 damage
Dark Slime 4, taken 33 damage

Tlech pays upkeep of 4 EP and 2 HP. Then punchies some slime, specifically Slime 3. Your attacks are: (+63) 1d8 + 30 They are incorrect on ye sheet, as they now hit based on Spirit instead of Body thanks to Multifocused.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 2 + 12 + 18 = 32, 32/4 = 8 damage.

The other goblins charge! Attacking with 20 points of defensive fightan.
Attacks: All miss. Was looking at the wrong sheet.

The summoner attacks one of the other slimes with another Hellfire Blast X = 5.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 5 = 30, 30/2 = 15 damage to Slime 4.

Each of the slimes uses Energy Drain at a goblin.
Attacks: All miss.

And into the melee she and her summoned comrades would go, charging into the slimes and separating, engaging in one on one duels. Though her companions cautious strikes didn't land, they did manage to keep their respective opponents busy, and Tlech managed to punch a small chunk out of her already badly battered opponent's body. Another fire bolt came forth to strike one of the other slimes, but the aliens were too busy with trying to drain the souls from each of their goblin opponents to try and respond in kind to remove the troublesome sorceress... For the moment. After each of the slimes failed to hit their opponent, the spells having likely been powerful enough to rip the soul from any goblin they hit, which would mean a permanent death even in their summoned state, the aliens switched tactics. They began to slide away, forcing each of their demonic opponents to follow or cease putting pressure on them, and each went in a different direction. Space began appeared between them, and Tlech would quickly realize that the slimes only intended to put distance between each other, intending to kill the goblins with attacks that they wouldn't be able to avoid completely regardless of how defensively they fought.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech charged at the slime and managed to batter it with her fist, a chunk of the dark stuff splattering off against the ground, wobbling of a moment before going still. The other goblins fared less well, though they did manage to avoid the counterattacks that came their way and keep the attention focused on them, not their summoner. The elf in turn launched an attack from the shadows, scorching a part of one of the slimes off. Still, the situation was growing quite dire. The chubby goblin’s muscles were aching, her head pounding from the effects of keeping her spell going for so long and using up so much of her energy. Besides that these slimes, unlike anything else she had fought up to this point, the slimes could well and truly kill her. Her heart was racing, pounding in her ears…

The aliens began to slide away from them, trying to spread them out with the fairly obvious intent to attack them with a wide burst of magic that they couldn’t completely avoid, but that wouldn’t injure each other. Tlech cursed under her breath; it was a solid plan, and one she didn’t have an answer to. To make matters worse they had been pounding away at these slimes, blasting them with enough magic and slicing and punching them enough to kill one of the reptilian creatures they had fought earlier several times over, and yet not one of them had fallen. This fight was beginning to look unwinnable, at least in her eyes… Still, there was nothing she could do but keep plugging away and hope something changed. A quick look around indicated that there wasn’t an easy way to run, not given the slimes’ ability to launch ranged attacks. They had been fighting for a little while, so maybe they would attract reinforcements before things got really desperate… Or perhaps the summoner had another trick up her sleeve. It didn’t seem terribly likely.

Punchy punchy: (+63) 1d8 + 30 (or something)
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 16/67, PP = 42, EP = 19/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 6

Summoner, taken 31 damage, spent 78 EP

Tlech is paying upkeep of 4 EP and 2 HP. Then punchies some slime, specifically Slime 3. Your attacks are: (+63) 1d8 + 30. Your Dodge is: 82. Lets do this until it's over with then.

Rounds 1, Tlech's HP goes to 33 and her EP goes to 25.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 8 + 12 + 18 = 38, 38/4 = 10 damage. Slime 3 is destroyed.

The other goblins fight! Attacking with 20 points of defensive fighting.
Attacks: One of them hits Slime 2.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 18 = 25, 25/4 = 6 damage.

The summoner attacks Slime 3 with another Hellfire Blast X = 10.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 10 = 60, 60/2 = 30 damage to Slime 4.

Each of the slimes uses Energy Drain at a goblin and backs away further.
Attacks: All miss.

Rounds 2, Tlech's HP goes to 31 and her EP goes to 21.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 3 + 12 + 18 = 33, 33/4 = 8 damage.

The other goblins fight! Attacking with 20 points of defensive fighting.
Attacks: One of them hits Slime 2 and another hits Slime 4.
Damage: 2 + 6 + 18 = 26, 26/4 = 7 damage. Slime 4 is destroyed.

The summoner attacks Slime 2 with another Hellfire Blast X = 10.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10 * 10 = 100, 100/2 = 50 damage to Slime 2, destroying it.

Slime 1 casts Mass Wrack at the ground.
Attacks: Misses Tlech, but hits her fellow goblins.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 13 * 4 = 52 damage to ye goblins, poofing them without me needing to check their AV. Tlech takes 13 damage, putting her at 18 HP.

Rounds 3, Tlech's HP goes to 16 and her EP goes to 19.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 4 + 12 + 18 = 34, 34/4 = 9 damage.

The summoner attacks Slime 1 with another Hellfire Blast X = 15.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 4 + 4 = 8 * 15 = 120, 120/2 = 60 damage to Slime 2.

Victory! Give dat Tlech 8 exp for dat slime fight. Did she get anything for the previous fights, or was I waiting to tally it all up at the end?

And then, it was into the desperate melee as the slimes slowly foiled around. Tlech had, apparently, damaged her opponent far more than she'd expected, as her next punch sunk deep into the jelly-like creature, the waves produced by her supernaturally powered fist impacting the gel rippling through the spell-slinging alien and causing its crystalline core to crumble inwards. The slime dissolved into a pool of jelly before the goblin's eyes a moment later, leaving her with one less opponent to worry about. Her allies fared similarly well, none being struck while one of her fellow goblins managed to chop out a chunk of the slime's body, and her summoner launched another fiery projectile at one of the slimes with a good bit more spiritual punch behind it than the last few had had.

Things started to look dour again despite their initial success, however, as by that point the slimes had arrived in range. Tlech aided her summoner and another goblin in destroying two more of the slimes, including a spectacular hit to the core of one by one of her kin that cleaved its crystalline core in half while their summoner hit that vulnerable spot with a burst of hellfire that caused the alien spellcaster to literally explode. That left only one of the creatures remaining, however, and it subsequently let loose with its most destructive magics without remorse in its moment of desperation. Entropic energies lashed out, a familiar power often favored by Tlech's demonic superiors, and suddenly waves of energy assailed Tlech and her companions. Tlech herself was protected by similar energies and had had at least a measure of practice in avoiding sorcery already, allowing her to shrug off the dark energies after experiencing only a moment of the will-breaking agony that they promised. Her kinsmen were not so lucky, however, and as they were wracked apart in mind and soul they took the only recourse that would offer safety from such a threatening spell; their physical bodies dissolved into ectoplasm, and their spirits returned to Hell through the same channels they had taken to arrive on the mortal world.

That left Tlech alone facing her slime opponent, with her summoner somewhere in the background likely running out of strength much like the pudgy goblin herself was. The strain of her muscles working overtime through the magic coursing through them was impossible to miss by that point, particularly amplified as it was by the effects of the slime's spell, and that level of fatigue was spreading to her spirit as her energies began to dwindle. There was nothing for it, however, and so she moved to tear another chunk from the very last slime with a punch, a blow that seemed to do little besides leave a portion of it without substance... Until, suddenly, a burst of magic more powerful than any she had seen used thus far slammed right into the spot she'd weakened, burrowing through the slime's body by way of evaporation until it struck the last slime's core. The reaction sparked by that massively powerful spell caused the slime to balloon and then violently explode, showering Tlech in dark goo that caused her skin to tingle in a not entirely unpleasant manner, though it would only barely be noticeable over her exhaustion.

And then, just like that, the battle was over. They'd won.

All around her, Tlech could hear humanoid voices beginning to cheer in triumph, and a glance upwards would reveal that none of the invaders remained in the sky to drop more of their foul ilk. Battles could still be heard, but it had become far more one-sided than it had seemed when it had started, and after a moment her summoner would stumble into view from the alley looking utterly spent. Her hands were badly burned from such continual uses of Hellfire, and a glance at her spirit would reveal it to be a tiny whisp of smoke in comparison to the volcanic presence that it would have felt like earlier. She was clearly in no shape to fight any more than she already had, and she looked mildly amazed to see Tlech still standing there after the desperate battle had come to its conclusion. "You... You're still alive?" she said, perplexed, but then sighed and leaned her weight against the nearest wall and gripped the side of her head as if in severe pain.

"Nnn... Never mind... I can deal with that later.... Help me to someplace that I can sit down!" she demanded, and Tlech would find herself in the town square, where a number of potential places that she might bring her summoner to rest were present that included a park bench near a now ruined statue, a chair at a cafe, or a soft spot on the ground on the lawn of another building that had somehow avoided being scorched.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s punch found its mark in a powerful way, her fist sinking deep into the slime… at first she was worried that she had made a mistake, that it had just trapped her, but instead she was able to watch as its core crumbled into dust right before her eyes, the slime’s body rippling for a moment before losing cohesion and dissolving into a dark puddle. The other goblins did fairly well too, keeping the slimes occupied and doing some damage to them as well. The summoner let loose another blast of the dark fire, one powerful enough that the chubby goblin could practically feel it even though she wasn’t particularly close… she didn’t know whether that was a good sign, or bad. Either the elf had more reserves of energy than she had expected and was only now releasing them, or she was of the same mind as to the desperation of their situation. Things continued to go well for them, though, and another two slimes fell one after the other, one torn asunder by a goblin blade, the other exploding in a burst of black flame.

Only one slime was yet able to face them, but now that it had no companions it didn’t have to hold back its magic. Tlech could sense it coming, and she braced herself appropriately; there was no way to avoid the particular spell that was coming their way, but she could at least minimize its effects. She made herself properly compact, squatting slightly and bowing her head, pressing her arms together above it to protect her somewhat. The waves of energy the dark purple blob began to emit then washed over the goblins all at once, dissolving all but one of them nearly instantly… Tlech was able to withstand it, albeit just barely. The pain was intense, and she let out a loud groan as it rippled down her spine, but her own spell and her positioning ensured that it only lasted a few seconds before dissipating. Well, not dissipating entirely… it just seemed to add to the background noise of pain that the chubby goblin could no longer ignore. She could tell she wouldn’t hold up much longer, her legs were starting to feel quite heavy beneath her, her arms wobbly. One more of those would probably be it…

Which, of course, just meant that there was no time to waste. Tlech rushed at the slime as soon as its spell faded away, moving with all possible speed and putting everything she had into one last punch. She landed it, sending a little chunk of goo flying off the rest of it, but that hardly seemed to do any damage at all… until her summoner intervened. The blast of demonic magic was powerful enough that she could feel its heat, far more so than any the elf had shot thus far; a last desperate gamble in all likelihood, the very last of her reserves poured out to kill the slime. Thankfully it worked, tearing into it through the gap the pudgy goblin’s punch had made and slamming into the core. The slime expanded for a second or two in a bizarre fashion, and then exploded into a shower of dark purple goop that lightly covered Tlech. It felt kind of good, actually, soothing given how she felt… she looked around quickly to assess the situation, but there was nothing around. The only living things she could see were the elves they had set out to save initially, still laying on the ground after being dropped by the slimes. The battle… seemed to be over. She could hear elves and humans yelling out happily, a sign that the tide had turned in their favor, and a quick look at the sky showed that there were no more of the floating things the aliens came from, no more reinforcements; they had given up the fight.

It was a damn good thing, too. Tlech’s entire body ached with a vengeance, burning and heavy, and she had a pounding headache that probably wasn’t going away any time soon. It was a good ache, though, the pain of a difficult job done well. She turned to look at her summoner, who had emerged from her hiding place similarly weary, seemingly barely on her feet. She had let loose too much hellfire as well, and her hands were blackened and charred in a way that made the pudgy goblin cringe just a bit; she knew what that was like, she had suffered through a much lesser case of it when she was first learning to use the magic and practicing a bit too eagerly. It hurt like all get-out, and it had been a pain to try and hide too. The woman seemed surprised to see her, but she just grinned at the elf wide, the joy of victory starting to wash over her.

"Can do" she said somewhat quietly when told to help the summoner somewhere she could sit, not wanting to hurt either of their pounding heads. She kept her spell active just a little bit longer, so that she could actually be of help, and made the trip back into the alley with just a tiny bit of wobble to her legs. She wrapped an arm around the elf’s waist then, the other pressing on the other side to keep her steady and upright, and slowly helped her walk to the park bench. It seemed to be centrally located and sturdy, with space to lay down if she wanted it. Once she had helped the woman into the bench she would sit down beside it and release her spell, heaving a great sigh of relief and just resting there for a moment, though her eyes were open for any straggling aliens. Tough'un, eh? she said idly, still with a goofy grin plastered across her face. Damn it felt good to come out on top.