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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 14/67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Summoner, taken 31 damage, spent 78 EP

"Nnnn.... Yeah.... Long day," the elf grunted after being aided over to the park bench, speaking as if talking to the goblin wasn't at all unusual. Around them, other elves began to filter into the courtyard to take stock of the situation, and Tlech would detect no signs of any further hostiles as she recuperated from her long and strenuous battle. "So.... Goblin. You did pretty well today," the elf who had summoned her would grunt after a moment, sounding fairly resigned to something that she did not particularly want to do. Whether that was because of her nature or simply because her hands were charred and she was exhausted wasn't immediately obvious, but Tlech would be able to guess one way or the other if she liked. Regardless, it wouldn't be difficult for the pudgy summon to figure out what the woman was aiming towards, and as more of her kin entered the courtyard and continued to give the two of them a wide berth as they saw to the people that they had worked to rescue from the aliens - a sight that her summoner watched with a small but well-hidden smile - Tlech was left to respond however she wished.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech noted the ease with which the elf spoke with her, a familiarity that she hadn’t experienced much in her limited time in the mortal world thus far. She kind of liked this summoner. "Tankee" she replied cheerfully to the assertion that she had done well, though she could tell that the woman had a mind to her payment for a job well done, and wasn’t particularly enthused about the idea. The chubby goblin wouldn’t have been either if she were in as much pain and as tired as the elf likely was… And she could also tell that this wasn’t the place. The other elves were slowly filtering into the central courtyard, giving the two of them somewhat odd looks and giving them lots of space as they began to tend to those that they had saved from the slimes. It seemed to Tlech that her summoner smiled just a bit as she watched it, though she couldn’t be sure…

"Ye summon goblins off’n?" she asked after a few moments’ pause, "wot ‘ey make ye pay?" She was curious to know how her “price” compared with the average, after all, as she had never spoken at length with another summon warrior. It was almost entirely for curiosity, though, as she didn’t intend to take any payment here. In the center of the town square, with all these elves watching them… judging from the reaction when the healers had come by after the first skirmish it would cause too many problems, both for her and for her summoner, and she wasn’t about to try and force the exhausted woman to move elsewhere. After the answer came Tlech would continue "I norm’ly jus’ ask ta give a blowjob. Yer paid up tanks ta dat alien afore. ‘sides, I feel like a Nightmare ran me down." She grinned a little more at the last bit, leaning down to rub her calves a bit. "If’n ye ain’t got nuttin’ else fer me, I can go any time."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Yes," the elf would answer unapologetically to the question regarding how often she summoned goblins, but Tlech's further question she would grimace and reply; "What I had you do to the hunter, normally, though if there are enough of them at once they.... Tend to ask for more than that." She paused then, allowing Tlech to deliver her own announced price, to which the elf looked more than a little confused. Relief flooded her face shortly thereafter, however, when Tlech made it clear that she considered what she had done to the hunter earlier as sufficient payment, and she replied; "Very well then. I have no further need of you, so you may depart, but before you go... What is your name, goblin? I am Reya, and if you would permit it I might call upon you again, should I have need of you."

Once Tlech had given her name, the sorceress would release her and she would be free to return to her body back in Hell, where she would find herself on the wall with Dorpina sitting beside her, looking bored. Once it was clear that Tlech was awake, she would grin and say; "Ei! 'Owd it go? Yer watch is almost over, but I'm in fer a story if yah got a good 'un!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

The elf’s answers didn’t surprise Tlech too awful much; she was obviously familiar with goblins, and it made some sense that the average summon would ask for oral in return for their services. And that they got bolder with numbers on their side… If the others hadn’t been forced back to Hell the scene would probably look a lot different; her summoner would probably be bent over the bench rather than sitting on it. In any case she seemed relieved not to have to pay, which seemed to confirm the pudgy goblin’s thinking on her earlier reluctance. Before dismissing her the elf gave her name as Reya, and asked for her own in return… and permission to summon her again if need be. "Tlech’s me name" she replied, reaching forward to gently pat Reya on the ankle; about the only part of her body she could reach from her seated position. "Ye can summon me again if’n ye want or need." That seemed to be everything, no loose ends left to tie up, so she allowed her connection to the mortal world to fade away, her spirit returning to her body back in Hell.

Nothing seemed to have changed when Tlech’s eyes fluttered open again; she was still on the wall, and Dorpina was still there beside her, though she looked very bored. Thankfully it seemed her shift at watch was almost over, which made her grin, and she slowly sat up and gave a quick look around. "Quite a story" she replied, nodding. "Went real well. Ye remember ‘em aliens what came some time ago? ‘ey’re still in ye mortal world apparently. Attackan a village o’ elves an’ ‘umans. One summoned me an’ a few others ta ‘elp fight ‘em off. First off ran into a bunch o’ dem stalkerish tings tearin’ up sum elves, beat ‘em up an’ kilt most of ‘em. Lef’ a few alive an’ ye summoner an’ me blew ‘em to get our energy back. She did sommat wot let me drain ‘im direc’ly, an’ I sucked ‘im dry, kilt ‘im wit’ me lips." She grinned wider at the memory of obliterating the hunter’s soul. "We ‘ad a few li’l fights affer ‘at ‘til we found sum piles o’ livin’ goop an’ sum tings wit’ tentacles abusin’ sum elves. We ‘ad ta draw ‘em out a few at a time an’ let ye summoner blast ‘em wit’ magic. I got my turn ta do tha same, an’ affer ‘at we ‘ad ta rush ‘em. Was a long, ‘ard fight. Me an’ ye summoner kep’ blastin’ ‘em, ye other goblins jus’ kep’ slashin’ at ‘em, until tha goop ‘ad kilt ‘em all and ‘ad burned me pretty bad… Ye ever punched a puddle? It don’t seem like it’d work, but between me an’ ye summoner we finally managed to blow ‘em up. Saved tha elves ‘ey were abusan, an’ ‘at’s ‘bout where I went ‘ome. Was tired as fuck by tha end. ‘urt all over. Was kinda surprised we won."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dorpina was, as she had been before, a captive audience of the very highest caliber. She gasped in awe and surprise at appropriate moments, she kept her gaze centered on Tlech with her attention undivided throughout the pudgy goblin's retelling of events, her reactions particularly enthusiastic when she spoke of killing the hunter with her lips and of her final victory against the slimes. She gave a brief round of applause that was sadly interrupted by another goblin who was approaching shouting; "Oi! Shift's changin, gittoff 'a wall or yer takin mine!" A pudgy male goblin approached, his feet dragging and his expression as dour and unpleasant as his unusually high voice. Both that high voice and his obesity were signs of his aging, indicating that he was nearly to the end of his natural lifespan, but what Tlech might feel about that was entirely her business and received no interest from the party in question. Her shift on watch was over, and Dorpina would quickly hop from her perch on the wall and ready herself to leave. If Tlech did the same, she would find her real limbs completely unharmed by the magics she'd used during her recent battle, the strain she'd felt earlier gone completely even though her energies were still on the low side.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Just as Tlech finished her tale, which had kept her roommate’s attention quite nicely through the last bit of her shift, a high pitched voice shouted out the shift was changing and that they had better get going, or they would be working another one in his place. She stood and turned to watch him approach, noting with no small sense of satisfaction that her arms and legs felt perfectly fine, the muscle strain that had been difficult to bear in the mortal world not transferring over to her real body in Hell. She felt a little weak in spirit, but that would likely change after mealtime… The goblin was chubby like she was, but for a different reason, and he was moving a bit slow. It marked him as an old man, one who was approaching the end of a goblin’s natural lifespan. It was a fairly impressive feat in Hell to survive so long, something worthy of admiration, and Tlech often showed a measure of deference to the old timers, respecting their accomplishments and hoping to learn something from them. As she and Dorpina made their way off the ramparts she gave him a nod before passing him. When they were back inside the fortress proper she would say "I’m starvin’. Needa get a bite ta eat, an’ get me energy up. Spent lots ‘is las’ battle." She was looking forward to finding Denk and adding a little special seasoning to her meal…
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The older goblin merely glared suspiciously at Tlech for a moment following her nod, leaving the deference that she displayed unreturned with any positive emotions. Such wasn't exactly something that wasn't to be expected, however, as it was usually through paranoia and aggression that her kind lived that long. Soon enough he was past, and had taken her position on the wall to keep watch with his dark, beady eyes while Dorpina and Tlech were free to head down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Tlech and her roomy would find themselves there unmolested, but would run into Denk just outside as he waited against the wall. Sighting Tlech as she turned the corner in the fortress's dank passageways, he broke out into a grin and straightened. "Hey," he grunted in greeting, "your watch went alright 'en? Still interested in a little pre-dinner snack?" Though he was more thoroughly dressed than Tyduk or Ab, Tlech would see his trousers begin to bulge at the crotch region as he swept his gaze over her curvy form.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech chuckled a bit as she passed the old goblin, his suspicious glare in response to her acknowledgement amusing her. Most of those who lived to a ripe old age were like that even where it wasn’t justified. To some extent that shaped her interactions with the wider world, though she was always striving to find other goblins who were worthy of her trust. It was one of the reasons why she only rarely conducted her sexual encounters in true private. In any case, Dorpina didn’t object to the idea of getting food, and the two made their way to the kitchen without incident. The fortress was thankfully not too crowded or bustling at this time, and they didn’t have to push their way through.

Standing by the doorway as they approached their destination was Denk, clearly excited enough to see the chubby goblin that he was waiting up on her through the end of her shift. He grinned at her, asking how her shift went and if she still wanted the snack they had spoken about… He was already showing signs of desire as her gave her body a looking-over, and her eyes were drawn to the bulge developing in his simple trousers as she grinned back. "Watch went fine, fine. An’ acourse I do. Let’s go find ourselves a nice placeta sit an’ ‘ave a bit o’ fun" she replied, wanting to carry on in the commissary itself. She hoped Dorp wouldn’t mind too awful much.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Right!" Denk replied cheerily, grinning from ear to pointed ear, and waited for her to draw near before stepping up beside her and grabbing a handful of her plump backside. Such was the state that Tlech walked into the servant's cafeteria, a hand groping at her bum and Dorpina walking in beside her with a mildly annoyed look on her face, and Denk on the opposite side grinning broadly while molesting her so. It was, as usual, only sparsely populated, now with a few other goblins and a handful of other demons too low on the hierarchy to merit better eating accommodations.

"C'mon, over here!" Denk said eagerly, and led Tlech to a side table before turning about and casually doing away with his bottoms, revealing a fairly average cock as goblin dicks went but with a particularly impressively large set of balls to go with it. Sitting down, he said; "Yah wanna get outta that dress and lemme warm yah up, or are yah just lookin' for a treat before dinner? I can give ya both if ya like!" Dorpina, in the meantime, took a seat nearby and watched with a mild amount of blatant jealousy, and the cook would wave in a friendly manner at Tlech before returning to his duties.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Denk seemed awfully pleased at what was about to happen, his grin so wide it was goofy, and just a tad infectious. Tlech couldn’t but grin at him in return as she walked past, right up until he gripped her rump with a hand. She let out a quiet gasp and tensed up, her plump rear rising into the air as he groped it, the goblin walking more on her forefeet. Dorpina walked alongside the two, looking kind of annoyed, which was interesting and just a bit amusing. Did she dislike Denk the way she disliked Tyduk and Ab, or was she jealous? In any case there weren’t many others in the cafeteria, just a scattering of goblins and true demons who were too low in station to be considered above them.

The male led her to one of the tables off to the side, quickly stripping off his trousers. His cock was about what one would expect from a goblin, average in most every way… but the balls that hung between his legs were quite impressive, among the largest the chubby goblin had seen amongst her kind. She was sure they were nice and full too. He sat down on a stool, asking her if she’d like him to give her a little pleasure of her own, or if she just wanted a quick suck. She thought about it for a few moments and then grabbed the bottom of her dress, slipping it up over her head and dropping it onto the stool next to his. "Li’l warmup’d do me good" she said with a grin, spinning around and sitting lightly on Denk’s knee as she looked at her roommate. The cook waved at her, a friendly smile on his face, which she returned as she waved in kind. Dorp, for her part, looked pretty obviously jealous as she sat nearby… Tlech had been getting quite a lot recently, and much of it right in front of her roommate. "’ey" she called out, "wanna join? I’m sure ‘e wouldn’ mind." She was teasing, but she wouldn’t mind sharing this once if Dorpina wanted.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dorpina's expression went blank for a moment at Tlech's offer, and even as she offered it Denk started providing some encouraging attentions. He immediately leaned in and traced a trail down her front with his lips, kissing down from the top of one of her breasts down to her nipple which he quickly took between his teeth and began to suckle on lightly. His knee rose between her legs, allowing her to grind on it, and one of his hands was quickly squeezing Tlech's other breast, kneading the soft flesh and rubbing over the sensitive tip. "Ehhhh... I think I'll pass. Just cuz you hog all the good dick don't mean I'm looking for pity sex!" her roomie would say after watching for a moment, and would then sit back to watch just as a few others did the same, such spectacles not uncommon any where in Hell and thus taken as little more than free entertainment by the onlookers. Her current partner would, during his ministrations, happily accept any offered by Tlech in turn, and would proceed to do as she liked if she were to request anything in particular.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech didn’t quite know how to interpret her roommate’s expression after she made her offer, though Denk soon began his efforts to distract her from it. He began to kiss his way from her collarbone down to one of her plump breasts, his lips pressing against the top a few times before they reached her nipple, his teeth gently nibbling the dark green nub. She let out a quiet gasp as she stiffened between his teeth, arching her back slightly and puffing out her chest to give him better access as he began to suck. As soon as he raised his knee up she began to grind herself against it, rubbing her sex forward whenever he sucked in, and her own arousal steadily built.

Dorpina replied then, telling her she’d rather stay out of this little session… something about her hogging all the good dick. "Eh… suit yerself. ‘ere‘s plenty ta share ‘ere~" she replied. She was definitely annoying the other goblin, she would have to think of some way to make it up to her some time soon. The chubby goblin’s partner had begun to grope her free breast, squeezing and kneading the pliant flesh until it bulged slightly between his fingers, her nipple digging pleasantly into the palm of his hand… Before long she was beginning to get his knee wet, leaving behind little ropes of glistening fluid as she rubbed herself against him. With one hand she grabbed the back of his, gently holding him to her chest, and with the other she reached down to tease at his cock. Her fingers stroked lightly against the underside in rhythm as if she were rapping them against a table, tickling his tip constantly. She wanted to get him even more worked up, until he couldn’t stand to wait any longer. Guys always gave her the best loads that way…
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tlech's efforts to get Denk worked up proved quite effective. His cock, gyrating along with her motions over his leg, twitched against her fingers as she ran them over the underside of his stiff length, and as the minutes of giving ample stimulation to her while he received only teasing in return passed by he began to growl with need and buck his hips up against her hand encouragingly. If, after a few minutes, Tlech hadn't started to do more for him, Denk would suddenly simply lift her up and plop her plump bottom onto a nearby table. His cock would quickly be pressed against her folds, and the goblin seemed ready to rut her right then and there if she didn't do something to stop him, though he also would do as she wished if she would rather him take him into her mouth.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech was already quite good at teasing a man by this point in her life, so she had no trouble getting Denk quite eager for her attentions, his cock twitching softly as she lightly stroked its underside. She wasn’t doing too bad for herself either, his leg providing her with a good chance to stimulate herself, and as the minutes dragged on his green skin picked up a slight glisten as she rubbed herself off on it. He wasn’t exactly a slouch playing with her breasts either, his gentle but relentless suckling and kneading of her soft, pliant orbs causing her to let out quiet moans of pleasure. She kept expecting him to object, to tell her to cut it out and get on with it, but he never did… instead he merely bucked his hips against her fingers, letting out a quiet throaty growl. She probably should have taken the hint and done a little more to please him, but she felt he could use a biiiiiiit more teasing in any case. He didn’t agree. Without much more warning than that he picked her up off his leg and turned to set her down heavily on the nearest table, his member poking against her slit almost immediately. She reached out a hand to touch his chest, saying "’old up! Tought ye wanted a feel o’ me lips." Of course, by this point she wouldn’t be terribly disappointed if he just wanted to get on with it and take her right there on the table; she had managed to arouse herself a fair deal just as she had done to him, and she had plans for her meal besides... In fact, despite his being willing to go along with the initial plan the pudgy goblin would reply "eeeeh… fuck it. Jus’ dun be rough" and lean back a bit, moving both hands onto the table to hold herself up.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Denk did pause when Tlech placed a hand against his chest and protested at his forwardness, but as he held himself back with the tip of his aching length pushing against Tlech's petals he also glared at her and grunted; "Aye, but I din't come 'ere for teasin either! Ye want me tah finish in yer mouth, 'at's fine by me either way... But I done enough to earn me play!"

The male goblin would grin as Tlech leaned back and asked him not to be rough, her heavy bosom slumping into a position that would ensure that any rigorous coupling would have those heavy orbs jiggling, and he nodded and said; "I'd rather savor it anyway!" With that he said nothing further unless Tlech did something that required him to speak, and spent the next few moments rubbing his engorged tip against her petals, a short return of the teasing that she had inflicted upon him, but Denk's patience was fairly thin by that point and his teasing was brief.

Putting one hand on Tlech's hip and holding himself in place with the other, Denk thrust forward, causing his cock to slide slowly into her pussy and stretch her soft folds around his shaft. He was hardly her largest partner, but he filled her up enough to provide plenty of stimulation and wouldn't be slamming against her cervix if he opted to break his word and go rough with her, being just barely long enough to kiss it with the tip of his manhood in this position. "Nnnnn.... Not bad," he grunted as he finally hilted into her, and then rested a moment before pulling back to start pumping into her.

True to what he'd said, Denk seemed to want to savor his time sliding in and out of her, and so his steady rhythm was kept at a relatively slow pace. Seconds turned to minutes as he thrusting into her, delightful shivers of pleasure made to roll up her spine as he fucked her. The hand he had used to guide himself into her, momentarily left to rest on the table, quickly rose up to grasp one of her heavy orbs as it jiggled softly in time with his steady thrusts, and soon his mouth claimed the tip of her other orb as he pumped in and out of her, leaving her bombarded with pleasure from three sources at once.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech shrugged a little when Denk glared at her for the teasing, replying "oughta said so earlier" just before deciding to let him go ahead and fuck her. She much preferred that her partners vocalize over doing something like what he had done. Still, no harm no foul. She was a bit skeptical when he told her he would rather take it slow and savor her, as patience was a virtue rarely shown in Hell, but he started out teasing her a bit, her payback for doing the same to him. She lightly squirmed her hips as the tip of his cock slipped up and down her wet slit, more than ready herself to get to the action. The chubby goblin couldn’t exactly say anything, of course, so she just bit her lip and dealt with it. Thankfully he wasn’t in the mood to give her an extended bout of payback, and before long he sank himself into her. She let out a quiet moan, leaning her head back a little farther, feeling her inner walls stretch around him just enough to be tight but not unpleasantly so. He was pretty average size-wise, which was sort of a good thing; it fit, and even if he got overenthusiastic he wouldn’t hurt her too much.

"Ye ain’t too bad yerself" Tlech replied, arching her back slightly during the pause, her heavy chest puffing out in front of her momentary partner. He pulled back soon enough, her inner walls clinging to his shaft as it slipped by, and then pushed himself in again. She let out a little sigh of pleasure as Denk hilted himself, her breasts jiggling slightly. Surprisingly enough he did just as he had said he would, moving at a slow and steady pace, which suited her just fine. He was a pretty decent fuck after all, not the best, but definitely worth keeping in mind for the future. Minutes began to creep by without much notice, the pudgy goblin beginning to lightly buck her hips up to meet his thrusts, her pleased sighs turning to moans that were increasingly lewd. Like almost all men and most women she had been with, Denk paid ample attention to her jiggling tits after a while, grasping one of them firmly with a hand and kneading the soft flesh insistently, leaning in to suckle on the other. She arched her back more fully, giving him better access to her chest.

Each thrust now was sending tingling pleasure up Tlech’s spine, her legs spreading wider and quivering ever so slightly… She had started out pretty worked up, and though the slow pace her partner was setting had prolonged the process she was starting to get close, her loins beginning to burn with the need for release. She bucked her hips slightly faster as she once more held his head to her chest, moaning out "nnn, get it in ‘ere" to encourage him to speed up. She wanted to feel him spurt his seed inside of her, and soon; it wouldn’t take too awful much more to set her off, and that would almost certainly be enough.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 15/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Though she might want to feel him spurt inside of her, Tlech was apparently not to get her wish that day. Not that time, at least. While most goblin men would simply take the opportunity to pump her full in the hopes of getting her pregnant, the signs of her faerie-sired offspring not yet showing to warn them that such attempts would be useless, Denk apparently had other ideas. He wasn't finished yet, however, and at Tlech's insistence he upped his pace and shifted his angle so that he was pushing his thick length into her depths all the harder, striking her deep again and again.

She would feel him begin to throb, every pulse making his length briefly bigger and harder as it slid against Tlech's damp folds, and that plus the rate at which Denk was grunting signaled that he was going to reach his peak soon himself. However, before he did, and just before Tlech would be pushed over the edge either by his thrusts or the expected sensation of his seed erupting against her depths, Denk would suddenly yank his pulsating manhood out of Tlech's pussy and gently pull the pudgy gobliness down onto the ground. Once on her knees beneath him, Denk would straighten and begin to stroke himself rapidly, his full package right near Tlech's face and within easy reach of both her mouth and her hands.

Whether she opted to take over the task of finishing him off or not, it wouldn't be long at all before Denk tilted his head back and let out a long, deep groan of satisfaction as his cock began to explode. If he'd been left to finish it himself or she had opted to keep it from her mouth, Tlech would feel rope after rope of hot, salty cum land on her face, coating her in a rain of thick goo that clung to her grin skin and gave it pearly white accents. If she hadn't taken control by that point, much of it would end up on her cheeks, forehead, and across her nose unless her mouth was hanging open, in which case her chin and lips would receive a decent dousing as well, with a stray rope or two ending up on her breasts as well.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Denk picked up his pace at Tlech’s request, shifting his position slightly so that he could reach deeper inside of her. Each thrust ended in a little jolt of pleasure for her, the tip of his cock pressing into the soft flesh of her inner walls just shy of her cervix thanks to the way he angled himself. She let out increasingly lewd moans, her body jiggling softly as he continued to give ample attention to her breasts. "Nnnnf yea, jus’ like dat" she moaned out, bucking her hips up to drive him in a little deeper, just a bit harder… she could feel his length throb inside of her now, his shaft stretching her a little more at the end of some thrusts, and his little groans and grunts told her that it wouldn’t be long before he was spurting his seed inside of her. It wouldn’t take her long to reach her peak either, likely just a handful of thrusts all she would need…

Which made it all the more frustrating when Denk pulled out of her instead. The chubby goblin grunted her displeasure, thinking that perhaps he had decided to get his payback and tease her… When he pulled her down off the table and sat her on her knees in front of him, though, she changed her tune as she realized what his intentions truly were. He stood over her and began to stroke his cock furiously, the tip so very close to her face as if to tempt her. She resisted the temptation, however, and quickly assumed the proper position for such an act. Tlech squeezed her eyes closed to avoid any unpleasantness, opening her mouth wide and letting her tongue slip from her lips, hanging down to give him a bit of a target. She squeezed her arms together around her chest, framing her breasts and forcing them to puff out into a better target should her partner choose that route. Of course, this also allowed her to give herself some much needed attention, stuffing two of her fingers into her sopping pussy, the other hand teasing her clit just enough to keep herself on edge.

It wasn’t long at all before Denk groaned in pleasure and began to give Tlech her present. Hot, thick cum splattered onto her forehead, his second shot hitting her right between the eyes. She began to rub at her engorged clit rapidly, feeling the pleasure racing up and down her spine as her partner painted her face with his seed, so very close herself… A few powerful spurts against her cheek, and she could tell that just as she had expected those large balls of his contained quite a wonderful volume of cum. When he finally hit her open mouth she let out a deep, throaty moan, her own peak beginning. Her pussy clenched tightly around her fingers, a gush of her juices running down her inner thighs as he landed the majority of his offering in her mouth and on her tongue, a nice pre-meal snack. The chubby goblin’s orgasm was still going strong as Denk’s spurts lost some of their power, one blasting against her chin before the last few ropes of sticky spunk shot weakly onto her plump breasts.

Cum oozed slowly down Tlech’s face as she knelt there on the hard ground, dripped from her chin down onto her breasts, the brilliant white of Denk’s seed contrasting with her dark green skin. It was a wonderful feeling, a wonderful taste, and if she could she would have stayed like this forever… instead her eyes flitted open and she quickly swallowed the part of his offering he had gotten in the target and quickly leaned forward to take the tip of his cock into her mouth, not wanting to waste even a little dribble of his cum. Her tongue flicked up and down his piss-slit gently, coaxing the last bit of his seed out onto it as she continued to lightly tease her own clit, bringing herself down slowly from her high. When she was certain that he had given his last she would pull back, though she wouldn’t stand up just yet; she wanted to feel that warmth against her face for a little while, holding the last little dribbles of cum in her mouth. When she finally swallowed that last bit she would say "mmm, was fun" as she slowly started to scoop the excess off her face. What a load he had… Once she had cleaned herself a bit (and swallowed most of his cum) the pudgy goblin stood and continued "feel free ta ‘it me up inna future. I’m lookin’ fer a good cum of’n ‘nuff" before picking up her clothes and walking over to sit with Dorpina for a little bit, recovering and relaxing.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 36/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Denk would prove to have some fairly tasty cum, its consistency about average but its taste just the right mix between musky and salty, and he would let out another pleased groan as she clamped her mouth onto his length and sucked his dregs out. He gave her a few nice spurts, not coming out as powerfully as they had when he’d been cumming but still plentiful and thick, and it took her a minute or two to make sure that he was completely dry. He watched her clean herself of his load with a broad grin, his cock still fully hard, and when she rose up after swallowing down the last of his baby batter and told him to look her up later he chuckled and said; “Sure! Wanna second treat right now? I got plenty more fer yah if ye do!

True to his behavior up until that point, however, the male goblin would offer no argument when she decided to take a break, and would slide his loincloth back up and go over to get something to eat. Dorpina, blushing slightly still and looking a little bit jealous, gave Tlech a nod in greeting before saying; “Wanna go and get something tah eat, or are yah already full?” Her words held no bitterness, but rather a light hint of a teasing tone, and maybe a little bit of suggestiveness given her usual method of thanking the cook for his services.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Despite the rather copious load Denk had already spurted onto Tlech he seemed to have a fair bit more backed up, spurting weakly into her mouth as she wrapped it around his cock and then continuing to ooze out steadily. She stayed there on her knees in front of her sucking it out of him for at least a couple more minutes, giving her time to savor the taste. It was a nice taste, too; musky, but not too much so, a healthy dose of saltiness, and a good texture. It felt so nice on her skin, too… When she finally had pulled away and finished cleaning herself off to the extent she could he was still predictably hard and ready to go, like most male goblins seemed to be even just after having sex. She thought about his offer of a second round for a moment, her eyes wandering over him… but finally she decided against it. "Naw, not now" she said, "gotta take a rest an’ get summat ta eat. Tanks fer askin’." He was pretty good-natured about her declining him, just shrugging and putting his clothing back on before heading off to get food.

For her part Dorpina seemed at least not mad about what had transpired when Tlech made her way over to her table, having a seat next to her with cum still clinging to her heavy breasts. Jealous, of course, but not too much so. "Haw, ye know I gotta ‘ave me eats. Let’s sit ‘ere for a bit first, me legs could do wit’ a rest" she replied, ignoring the teasing tone of voice her roommate used. "Ye know Denk any better’n I do?" she asked after a little while, "seems like a decent ‘nuff fella. Not a bad fuck neither. Ye oughta’ try ‘im sometime." Regardless of where that conversation took them, eventually she would get up and say "Awrite, time ta eat. Ye wanna ‘elp me out an’ get some o’ da special sauce fer me?" in way that returned the teasing from earlier.