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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The rounds of betting commenced, and Ab would put in two credits, which Tlech and Gronn would match. That caused him to frown, but he remained in until Gronn put forward another credit, at which point he would frown and then fold. It would then be only Tlech and Gronn, who would look at her carefully. He would pass the bet over to her for the last round, watching her and reading her carefully.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

As the betting commenced Ab put up a two credit bet to bring the total to three, though both Gronn and Tlech matched it. Gronn pretty quickly raised the bet to four credits, which caused Ab to fold. Tlech matched as well after a brief pause, and then it was her turn to decide whether to raise or not. She wanted to raise, of course, but she looked at her cards and scratched her chin, put her cards down, and then pulled them up to look at them again. "Ehhh... I'll raise ta five" she said after a few moments of this, trying to seem reluctant in doing so, though her acting wasn't exactly the best.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Gronn would frown at Tlech's apparent hesitance, watching her carefully as she bet in another credit, bringing them up to five total. Seeing her expression, he would study her for a moment before glancing at his cards. "Hrm... I call, and raise you one!" he said, and as per her policy Tlech would fold, leaving Gronn to collect the credits and grin. It was a good thing too, as when she put down her sevens and nines he would let out a laugh and put forth his own hand, a straight flush of all spades starting at six and ending with a queen. A very rare sort of hand on a seven card draw.

"Hrm... Well, it's pretty tempting to ask for what he got," he said while gesturing toward Ab, "but how about we settle on a quick suck after the game, and then four days from now when we've got the same hours off you spend your off hours in my burrow, sans clothes. You won't have to do nothin you don't wanna do, but you can probably guess what I've got in mind for passing the time. Yeh'd be able to step out when yah needed to for other responsibilities." Glancing significantly at Ab, he would pause and eventually say; "As for you... You're helping me on cleaning the dungeons the day after tomorrow." Ab would simply nod, that being a fair bet. What he'd asked of Tlech was a little bit outlandish, and maybe a bit much for five credits, but whether or not she wanted to refuse or renegotiate it was up to her.

The cards were dealt out for the next hand once that was agreed upon, and Tlech would be dealt a measly pair of sevens. Gronn and Rompra would fold out, and then Yori, Sund, and Ab would remain in, Ab looking less than enthusiastic and Sund grinning from ear to ear. Yori merely looked cautious.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech watched Gronn as he pondered a bit, looking from his cards to her… and then both matched her bet and raised to six credits. Her expression soured a bit, and she looked at her cards. Six credits. She had never bet that much. This was a really good hand… but it just wasn’t worth the risk. Even though she had a good measure of trust for him, she didn’t want to potentially give him that much leeway with her to play around with. It was just a personal rule that she didn’t want to break, so she sighed heavily and tossed down her cards. Gronn just laughed, flashing his own hand, and that was even worse. It was a great one, better than hers had been, and it was somehow worse to have been right to fold. "Awww fuck it" she exclaimed, folding her arms under her chest and pouting, "Why do I ev’n play ‘is game? Mite as well jus’ give ye all sum credits an do summat else." She was legitimately frustrated, but not actually enough to stop playing. It was just that that had been one of the best hands she’d ever had, and she still would have lost with it.

Still, she didn’t pout for long. Gronn made his “demands” after a little bit, telling her that he considered asking for the same thing Ab had demanded from her last hand… but that instead he wanted her to suck him off after they were done playing the game, and then in a few days when they were both off at the same time she would spend that off time with him, presumably fucking. Tlech leaned back a little, arms still crossed, and looked up at the ceiling of the warren as she thought. It was a little bit much for a five bet. Probably a lot much, at least in her opinion. "’at’s an awful lot fer five credits. Yer talkin’ ‘bout ten, fifteen hours. An’ a blow on top." She focused her attention on him again, still thinking for a moment before uncrossing her arms and shrugging. "I’ll do it all if’n ye ‘elp me wit’ one shift or chore inna nex’ week. Yer choice what" she said finally, giving him a conditional agreement. If he refused that condition she would offer to spend her off time with him, but not give him the blowjob, or perhaps to spend only half of her off time with him, as six or seven hours was still a sizeable commitment of time. It wasn’t that she minded doing all of it, especially for Gronn; he had always been pretty good to her, and she had no doubt that she would enjoy her time with him. It was just the principle of the thing, the integrity of what a credit meant to her.

After that the next hand was dealt out, and Tlech found herself staring at a pair of sevens and nothing else of note in her hand. She immediately folded with Rompra and Gronn, knowing she wasn’t going to get much out of that sort of hand and also that she had already lost quite a lot in the first few minutes of the game. She didn’t want to go back to her room with an amount of debt that would make Dorpina point at her and say “told you so” after all.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Gronn, good natured as he was, would nod in agreement immediately at Tlech's addition to his demand. "Oh don't be so pouty! Yer just havin a run of bad luck! Sure, I'll give ye a hand when yah need it, s'long as I get me fun. I'll be sure to make it good fer you too. Folding out for the next hand, Tlech would watch as the betting got up to three credits total, and when the hands were shown Sund had won against Yori and Ab. "Yer doing me a solid and helping me on cleaning the stable tomorrow," he said to Ab, who frowned but nodded. Turning to Yori with a grin, he would say; "As fer you... I think, since I'm givin you a little, you ought to give some back, eh?" Blushing and smiling, Yori nodded in agreement, and the cards were shuffled and dealt out again....

Her next hand was, if anything, worse than before, only a pair of fives. This time, however, only Gronn would fold out immediately. Ab looked excited again, while Rompra and Yori looked thoughtful and Sund looked hesitant

"Awrite" Tlech replied, nodding as Gronn agreed to her conditions, "sounds good ta me." The next hand she got to watch quietly, just observing the others' reactions and their hands. The bet got up to three credits total, and in the end Sund managed to win. His demands were pretty simple, from Ab he wanted help with his job tomorrow, and from Yori a return of the favor from the first bet the chubby goblin had witnessed. Both agreed without much fuss, and the next hand was dealt out quickly... and Tlech found herself with an even worse hand than before. A single pair of fives was just about nothing, so Tlech folded out again without putting up her ante and watched. She was trying to read the reactions the others were happening, because maybe that would help her play a little better when she had a decent hand... She expected either Ab or Rompra to win this hand based on their reactions, but then she had been wrong often enough.

Watching the others more carefully, Tlech would find that Rompra tended to be quite calm regardless of her hand, very difficult to read. Sund was like a book, having a decent hand but not a great one by the look of it. Yori was similar but more eager, being fairly inexperienced and thus pretty easy to read. Ab was, by far, the easiest, as when he got a good hand he tended to go all in on it. As was the case now, when he immediately put forth three credits when the ante got to him and caused everyone else to promptly fold. He frowned slightly as he collected his handful of single tokens, "bah, I'll just keep these!"

The next hand was dealt out, and Tlech now had three fives instead of two, not a bad hand but not a great one either. Ab folded immediately, scowling in distaste as he laid out an empty hand after having had such a good one, four fours at once, but everyone else remained in. Gronn and Rompra held there usual cautious looks and glanced around at the rest of the table. Sund looked uncertain, but Yori grinned brightly. Whether Tlech wanted to remain in and possibly try to bluff the others, or fold out and not risk any credits was up to her.

Taking more time to observe the others Tlech found that her predictions were fairly good. Ab had a great hand, and he seemed pretty damn happy with it. Sund was a fairly easy read too, and Yori seemed to be on his level or thereabouts. Rompra was good, though, really good. Ab overplayed his hand, immediately raising to three credits off the ante with a wide grin and making everyone else fold out immediately. A bunch of single credits weren't worth much, so he held on to all of them and the next hand was dealt. Tlech got a decent little hand, but nothing to write home about. Three fives. This time Ab folded before the ante with literally nothing, though the others stayed in. Gronn and Rompra were stoic as ever, but it seemed like Yori had a good hand... This was worth a shot, in any case. The chubby goblin put forward her ante, thinking this was probably a three credit hand, maybe four at most, though she wouldn't raise on her own accord.

The others would watch Tlech carefully, and no one would raise in the first round of betting. Rompra would cautiously put forward a single credit, which Gronn and Yori would match and Sund would fold on, losing only his ante.

Tlech wondered how her poker face was as the others watched her... Maybe she should put on the act she did when she was in the presence of the mistress. It took a little bit of effort, but maybe she wouldn't lose quite so often. No one raised in the first round of betting, and in the second Rompra put in one extra. Sund folded, and Tlech looked at her cards again, pausing a little before matching the bet. Given everyone else's reluctance maybe this would be a good chance to try a bit of a bluff without even really being bluffing...

The last round of betting would come, and Yori would raise up suddenly two more credits, bringing the total to four. Rompra and Gronn scowled slightly, and the latter glanced at his cards and finally folded. Tlech would have the call before Rompra would, and she watched the bustier goblin carefully.

In the final round of betting Yori got suddenly bolder, raising up to four credits. Gronn folded, and Tlech gave another long glance at her cards. "Hmph" she muttered after a bit, "let's see wot ye got," calling her bet. She felt that the youngster probably had a better hand than three of a kind, but it was possible she just didn't know any better.

Yori and Rompra looked surprised that Tlech stayed in, and the latter would eventually fold. The last round of betting, Yori worriedly put her cards forward, displaying a pair of twos and three nines, the winning hand, and when Tlech put forth her hand she looked very relieved to see that she'd won. Taking a credit from Sund, and two from Rompra and Gronn, she held them while contemplating Tlech's four credit bet. “Yer startin ter owe lots o' sex ain't yah? Wanna just help me out when I gotta clean the dungeons in a couple days? You're on that duty anyway that day, but I'm in a different section. “ She glanced down at Tlech's bare chest, and its mild coating of dried cum, “I'd be willin ter clean those up fer yah once yer done with the boys after the game, if yah want a sweeter deal and to keep up on them sex bets.”

The other two seemed a little surprised that Tlech had called, and Rompra folded after a bit more thought. Yori slowly put her cards on the ground, and Tlech let a slight frown cross her face. She should have raised, shouldn't she? That was what she thought, anyway. Maybe Yori would've folded then. "Ehh, I'd rather owe sex than do more work" she replied to the youngster, "but yer offer ain't a problem. Fair 'nuff fer four." After all, she was going to be doing that job regardless that day, working a little harder to help Yori wasn't so bad. Especially considering that her time right after the game was over was filling up nicely with fun.

“Kay,” Yori replied, and then it was time for the next hand. Tlech would again get a good hand, a pair of fours, a pair of jacks, and three nines. Everybody would remain in, Ab, Sund, and Yori all looking slightly unsure while Rompra and Gronn adopted their usual stoicism.

When the next hand was dealt out Tlech found herself staring at another pretty great one, at least in her opinion. Most everyone looked pretty uncertain about their hand, besides the usual suspects of course, so she felt pretty good about getting up fairly high. She would open the betting with a raise to two credits, trying to keep her facial expression pretty steady, though who knows if she really managed it properly?

Her steady expression and sudden raise to two bets caused a stir at the table. Ab would frown, but hesitantly place forward his two chips. Sund would fold, and a moment later Yori would also hesitantly put in her two credits. Rompra and Gronn would both deliberate some when their turns came up, but eventually put in their credits at well.

Hrm. The others seemed to be on to Tlech. Or something like that. Was she really so bad at this game? She could never tell if she were just bad, or if there was some cosmic joke being played on her via painfully bad luck. Sund folded, and the others seemed hesitant to put forward their credits. She would have to be careful, or risk having them all fold too quickly. The second round of betting she wouldn't raise, though the final she would probably try to push it above two if it was still there.

The next round would go stoically, no one betting until it got around to Yori, who would bring it up to three. Again Gronn would hesitate slightly, and then it would be Tlech's turn to call or, if she so wished, raise further. What Rompra and Ab did would depend on her reaction.

Tlech scratched her chin. There was still another round of betting, so there was no need to go crazy. Tlech would match the bet after a brief time considering, looking over at Rompra and Ab quietly to see what they would do in the face of a three bet.

Rompra and Ab would hesitantly call, and then it would be on to the next round. Ab, Yori, and Gronn would stand, leaving it Tlech's turn once again. Everyone was looking cautious, but Yori looked optimistic, and Rompra was carefully fingering her cards and smiling.

Everyone stayed in, which was just fine with Tlech. They didn't seem to be too enthusiastic, though, and the final round of betting went around to everyone but Rompra without a raise from three. To raise to four, or to five? That was the question... She kind of wanted them to fold, actually. Three credits was worth a fair bit, and there was a good chance someone had a better hand than her. Still, she would only raise to four, as something held her back from wanting another five credit bet floating around already. Besides, Rompra finally looked happy, which was sort of a bad sign...

Raising to four, Rompra would immediately grin and raise up to five. Ab, frowning hard, would deliberate for a moment and then fold out, but Yori would hesitantly remain in. Gronn, scowling, would fold as well, and then it was only Tlech left to call or fold.

"...hmph" Tlech muttered as Rompra raised, grinning wide. The two boys folded, but Yori stayed in with some hesitation. The chubby goblin took a long hard look at her cards, looking from them to Rompra mostly, before finally muttering "bah, we'll see" and putting forward a fifth credit. The other woman was too good to tip her hand with an expression like that unless it was intentional... probably.

“Dammit” Rompra grunted, and when it was time to show their cards she displayed only two pair, sixes and kings. Yori's was better, three aces and a pair of sevens, but Tlech's hand, a three of a kind and two pairs, was easily the highest. She took three credits from Ab and Gronn, one from Sund, and five from Yori and Rompra, quite a haul.

Tlech grinned ear to ear, even pumping her fist slightly when Rompra and Yori put down their hands. Her first victory of the evening, and what a victory! 17 credits in total. "Mm... Tink I'll 'old these, if'n ye don't mind. Wait till I 'ave a better idea wotta ask fer" she said, always indecisive when it came to making demands, especially with high amounts of credits she held from other women. Of course, she also liked to hold them defensively, to cancel out particularly annoying chore demands and things of that nature as the game went along. Still, two sets of five credits... She was grinning ear to ear.

Rompra would be the only one to frown at Tlech's decision to hold on to her credits, and she opted to make no fuss of it. After everyone agreed, and then the next hand was dealt out. Tlech's wasn't the best, two pairs of aces and twos, and this time Ab and Yori would fold out with nothing. Rompra looked stoic as she usually did, but there was an air of confidence that Tlech was finally beginning to catch on to. Gronn, seeing this, would fold as the antes were put in, leaving it only as Rompra, Sund, and Tlech herself if she opted to remain in.

Only Rompra seemed to mind that Tlech was holding the credits, and she didn't say anything, so she didn't do much thinking about it. The cards were dealt out again, and Tlech managed two pair. A decent enough hand. Ab, Yori, and Gronn all folded, leaving just Rompra, Sund, and Tlech herself. There was no question that she would ante in, it was just a matter of how high she would go. She probably wouldn't raise on her own this time again, and would likely fold out if things got over three.

With Tlech ante'd in, Rompra would check for the first round of betting, but then Sund would adopt a sly grin and suddenly put forth two credits, bringing the total up to three, and Rompra would look stunned. Tlech had to choose whether or not to call first, but Gronn was looking at Sund suspiciously.

Tlech wouldn't hesitate to call, putting forth two more credits. She didn't see what was causing Gronn to eye Sund, but it sort of intrigued her... Was he cheating somehow? Tipping his hand to Gronn in some way? It seemed hard to cheat in such a circumstance, but it was probably possible. She sort of wanted to see.

Rompra would frown at Sund's eagerness, glance at her cards, at the expression on his face, and then finally fold out. That left Sund and Tlech, with Tlech going first in the next round of betting.

Rompra folded, leaving Tlech alone with Sund in the game now. She stared at him for a while, peering into his eyes before declining to up the value of the bet. Three credits was fine with this sort of hand. Would she match him if he raised? Probably not, but you never knew.

Sund would, when Tlech passed the bet to him, raise three more credits, bringing the total up to six.

Tlech tilted her head, looking at Sund like he was completely mad. "Wot's yer game?" she asked, trying to read his expression after doing something that seemed to her so ludicrous. After a few moments she would fold, of course, a tiny bit suspicious at what was going on.

“Wanna find out?” he asked, and when Tlech folded he would let out a triumphant laugh and display a hand of three kings, not all that much better than Tlech's. “Dammit!” Rompra declared, “I'da beat that!” She pouted, and while she did so Gronn said; “He edged you out. You've been pretty conservative with yer bets so far, so he bluffed yah. Not bad that yah folded on that hand, but still.”

Grabbing their chips, he held on to Rompra's and then glanced at Tlech. “Well... I've, uhhh, heard a lot about ye from me brother. Think ye'd mind givin me similar treatment at some point? Doesn't need ter be right away.”

Once Tlech had agreed or disagreed, the next hand was dealt out. Tlech got a pretty good hand, three aces. Ab would glance sourly at his hand for a moment, but he glanced at Tlech and then at Rompra and gave a subtle grin when he thought people weren't looking. Yori looked happy at her hand, and appeared determined. Gronn frowned slightly, but didn't fold. Sund would look at his cards, sigh, and fold. Rompra would tilt her head at her cards and then ante up.

When Tlech folded Sund showed his hand, holding only three kings. It wasn't a bad hand by any means, and she was glad she hadn't followed him up to six credits, since he still would have beaten her. Apparently that wasn't the case for Rompra, which made her sort of upset. Gronn approved of his play, and Tlech knew that things would become annoying if Sund got better at the game. His demand, of course, made sense given three credits and who he was related to. "Sure, come find me any time we're off together, if'n I ain't got anyting pressin' ta do I'll show ye a good time" she said, readily accepting. The next hand was dealt then, with Tlech getting three aces. A pretty nice hand. Ab frowned at his hand, but he seemed to grin to himself as the others seemed preoccupied. Only Sund folded, so it was a pretty full field... Tlech would put forward her ante, trying to maintain that same steady face, willing to bet a little bit on this one too, although there were a few people who seemed to have good hands from her observation...

Sund would grin excitedly at her acceptance, but then his attention would quickly return to the game. After everyone had ante'd in, Ab would put forth a credit, and everyone else would simply match it without much reaction. Assuming Tlech did, the second round would become more interesting as Yori raised two more to a total of four, prompting Gronn to frown at her and fold. Tlech's turn to call or fold came up, and she had to decide what to do.

This round was a little interesting. Ab raised to two, and everyone met it, including Tlech. Yori raised it to four in the next round of betting, which caused Gronn to fold, but Tlech decided to stay in and see where the hand took her. She'd probably fold if it raised any more, though.

The round wouldn't go any farther than that, as Rompra would also fold and the others would all call until the end, at which point the hands would be revealed and Yori, with two threes and three twos, would be the winner.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

With Yori now holding quite a few credits, including four from Tlech, four from Gronn, four from Ab, one from Sund, and a whopping six from Rompra, she declared; "Wow! I've never done that good at one of these! I'd better call it a game before I lose all of it." There was a general consent to that idea, Gronn packing up the cards while everyone else figured out their debts to one another. Tlech had a bunch of tokens of her own, including fice from Yori, and the girl would glance at Tlech first and say; "Hey... You wanna just trade four of those and then you can do whatever with the last one? It'd probably make it easier on both of us that way."

Ab, who had a single credit each from everyone but Tlech and Gronn, looked unsure of what he wanted to do with them. Yori awaited an answer from Tlech before handing out chores to her other various debtors, giving Rompra one of her shifts and leaving the other woman slightly grumpy. Ab would have to split a work shift with her, which he managed to do after trading down one of her tokens, as before he'd have been made to take the whole thing since it was a fairly short one comparatively. Gronn, who didn't have that option, had to take the other half of the shift she'd split with Ab and ended up having to do her laundry too. Tlech was free to start spending her own credits on favors, but Ab was already looking at her and Rompra with a broad grin, and Gronn was leaning casually in his chair and staring at her chest with a kinder but still eager smile.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

What turned out to be the final hand of the game proceeded unfavorably for Tlech, as most every hand before it had. There was no raise in the next round, but Yori’s hand ended up being the best, giving her a fair amount of credits to spend. Tlech grumbled a slight bit, though she did have enough credits on the youngster to at least cancel this one out and then a little more. When Yori suggested they quit the chubby goblin just nodded in reply, happy to have gotten out of it without losing too much more than she had already. She then suggested just what Tlech herself was about to, canceling their credits, and she nodded and said "yeh, sounds good. Ye can do me laundry nex’ time I need wit’ ye last credit." She then turned to Sund, pointed at him, and said "an’ ye got nex’ after ‘er." That took care of two of her little piles of credits, and left three from Ab and five from Rompra. The demand she had for Ab was pretty simple to think of, though, so she turned to him soon after and asked "remember ‘ow ye ‘elped me out yesterday? Nex’ time I need it like ‘at ye gotta ‘elp me fer free. If’n it turns out more’n wot I’d tink of as a three I’ll pay ye the diff’rence."

Rompra was a bit of a different case. Five credits was a lot, and she’d already lost another five credit bet and now a six. Being made to take a full shift from Yori was sort of harsh, but fair enough. It seemed to leave her in a bit of a foul mood, so Tlech felt like treading a little bit carefully was in order. Of course, she wanted help with her chores and shifts and things much more than she wanted anything sexual from her on account of her unfortunate lack of penis. She thought for a moment, her gaze wandering to Ab and Gronn, both of whom seemed to be quite eager to take some of their winnings now that the game was over. "Ehhh… Rompra, ‘ow ‘bout we talk out wot ye owe me once we take care o’ ‘ese boys~" she offered, coyly grinning at the two of them and hopping off her stool. For now she would leave Ab in her fellow goblin’s capable lips and focus her efforts on her debt to Gronn. The pudgy blonde sauntered her way over to him, still grinning, and leaned against him, an arm on each of his legs. "Ready to get paid?" she asked, licking her lips.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Sure," Yori said when Tlech decided how she wanted to spend her last credit. Sund would nod in turn when Tlech addressed him, "yeah, that's fine." Ab would nod when his debt came up, "yeah, 'at's fine by me. If it's in the next few days, yeh can gimme a bit extra after if it turns out too rough."

"Mmm? Ehhh...." Rompra said, but then glanced at Ab and began to grin. The prospect of sex seemingly cheered her right up, and without saying anything further she boldly walked over and tugged down Ab's pants. "I wouldn't mind, nah!" she said as she knelt down to put her face level with Ab's crotch, his cock already hardening as she took it and started stroking it. "Lets see how yah taste!"

Gronn, in the meantime, would grin and nod when she approached him, and would slip his own trousers down if she didn't do it herself, exposing his already partially hardened cock. He was fairly long for a goblin, about ten inches total and almost two whole inches longer than Ab's, but he also wasn't as thick. "Definitely!" he said, grinning broadly as he awaited her attention. Rompra was already getting into it, licking Ab's cock repeatedly from base to tip and bringing it to full hardness, and for the moment Ab wouldn't complain about Tlech putting all her attention towards Gronn.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

The others agreed to Tlech’s demands quite readily, though they weren’t exactly strict by any means. For her part Rompra’s foul mood seemed to clear right up when she noticed the way Ab was looking at her, the idea of blowing him seeming to finally cheer up the grumpy woman. She seemed even quicker to jump up from her seat than Tlech was, walking over to Ab and quickly tugging his pants down around his ankles. For her part Tlech would wait until Gronn replied in the affirmative to her question before pulling down his pants, catching sight of his mostly soft cock. He had a very nice one, too, one that was essentially perfect for her favorite activity. Longer than the average goblin and just a bit thinner, she found that it fit nicely down her throat, gave her a good gag. The pudgy goblin’s eyes darted to the side to check how Rompra was getting on with her payment, and grinned a little wider when she saw just how enthusiastic she was already, lapping at his entire length to get him hard.

Of course, Tlech couldn’t let herself be outdone. She quickly took the tip of Gronn’s dick into her mouth, suckling gently as she reached down to grasp its base and gently stroke at the lower half. When he showed more signs of stirring she pulled her lips from him briefly to plant them on the sides of his member, slowly sliding down its length as her tongue flicked out to rapidly tease the underside, finally relinquishing her grasp when she got down to the base of his cock. Then she would dip down to take his balls into her mouth, and whether he was still a bit soft or fully erect allow his cock to rest on her face for a few moments while she sucked and licked at them, looking up at him from between his legs. She rather liked this view, it made her grin as much as she could given that her mouth was full. Still, she couldn’t just linger like this for too long, there was dick to be sucked and it was time to stop playing around! The chubby goblin started to lick her way quickly up Gronn’s shaft again, quickly getting up to the tip and sucking it into her mouth eagerly. Her tongue flicked against the tip repeatedly for a little while before she began to bob her head rapidly along the first third of his member, pausing only briefly to swirl her tongue around his tip.

Tlech then began to bob her head with vigor, just far enough down Gronn’s cock that the tip just barely bumped against the entrance to her throat, making her gag ever so slightly. While she wasn’t explicitly in a race with Rompra to see who could make their partner cum first, she kind of sort of was, and the word “quick” had been used in the demand… After a few moments she gripped his knees tightly to steady herself and plunged forward, taking his dick to the hilt. She gagged hard, her throat muscles contracting around him as she kissed his crotch, looking up and holding herself there for as long as she could manage before pulling back to take a breath… and not a moment longer before deepthroating him again, setting a rapid pace until she felt he was ready to cum, when she would pull back to just holding his tip in her mouth and flicking her tongue over it once more; she wanted to make sure she caught his load, because his was always a particular treat.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

Gronn's aphrodisiac fluids happens.
Resistance Damage: 2 + 6 = 8, leaving Tlech at 6/14 Resistance, approaching Horny because Easily Aroused.

Tlech would feel the pulses of Gronn's heart as it pushed blood into his length through two sources as she took her mouth to his manhood, sensing it both through her lips on the tip of his rod and through her fingers curled around the base. That initial sucking and stroking got the goblin's cock mostly hard, and caused his breathing to deepen. His cock gave a slight jump as she licked trail along the underside, her action drawing a grunt from Gronn, but his most intense reaction by far when she started sucking on his balls. Slowly tossing his head back and letting out a low groan as Tlech sucked on his sack, his cock lost what little softness it had left with a slight jump. That would happen again and again as she drew upon his heavy, pulsating orbs, his cock twitching up and then flopping back down against her face, and as she looked up he would glance back down to let her see the pleased expression caused by her efforts. "Ahhhhh, yeah.... Love that... Keep that up and yer gonna earn yerself a big load!" he groaned, letting his grin widened as he glanced back down at her.

She wasn't to remain at his balls for long, however, before her second trip along his shaft with her tongue brought her lips back up in line with his tip, which now had a fat glistening drop of thick, white precum waiting for her. He didn't generally try to give Tlech's oral skills practice despite regularly praising her for them, but when she did get her lips onto his dick it was always a pleasant treat, as his cum not only possessed a delightfully sweet taste but was quite voluminous. It was also a potent aphrodisiac that never failed to leave her pussy tingling, but he had warned her of that before she'd ever tasted him, and he had never really taken advantage of it when his cum got her horny. Her flicking tongue took that delicious taste with it, the flavor of his cum mixing nicely with the musky taste of his manhood, and caused Gronn's rod to twitch for her once again.

Once she started bobbing onto his shaft she had plenty more tastes of his pre, and even though it wasn't nearly as powerful compared to his full shot the aphrodisiac in his pre was still potent enough to add to the arousal Tlech got out of sucking him off. At about the same time Rompra was rapidly stroking Ab's shaft while sucking on his balls, his manhood thicker but shorter than Gronn's standing proudly as a bead of his extremely thick precum on the tip, and the ecstatic look on Ab's face told Tlech that he was probably getting close to erupting his salty, jelly-like semen to her.

Tlech wasn't one to be beaten, however, and the deeper she took Gronn's rod into her mouth the more his expression began to mirror Ab's. The sudden plunge to the hilt drew a loud groan of surprise and pleasure from Gronn, his dick twitching as it was buried down her throat. Perhaps Rompra took that as a challenge, as a moment later she too had released Ab's sack from her mouth only to lick a trail up his shaft before taking him down her throat as well. From there it was just a few moments of both goblins pumping their mouths rapidly onto the cocks of their respective partners, both Ab and Gronn grinning and giving regular gasps and grunts of pleasure, Gronn being somewhat more vocally responsive than Ab naturally and thus giving Tlech a few more signs of his pleasure than Ab did for Rompra.

Soon enough, Tlech would be rewarded with a particularly loud groan from Gronn, and then he would softly grunt; "Get ready... Gonna cum!" Ab would provide no such warning to Rompra, merely tossing his head back and letting out a deep, low grunt as he neared his peek. Sliding back to take Gronn's load into her mouth, her tongue flicking around only the tip of his manhood in order to finish him, Tlech was rewarded moments later by a deluge of Gronn's delectably sweet but somewhat watery seed as he came into her mouth. His load was as impressive as ever, easily enough to fill Tlech's mouth and then some, and from the sounds of it Rompra was getting a nice big load of her own at the same time, the other goblin having done the same as Tlech and dropped back to receive Ab's seed onto her tongue.

Gronn would look quite pleased as his pulsing rod delivered its sweet payload into Tlech's mouth, groaning softly as he released waves of his seed, and when he was done he looked fairly satisfied with what he'd won off a hand of cards. "Mmm... Great, as always!" he said while panting. Ab, however, was seemingly less content. Rompra remained kneeling in front of him, her mouth still moving as if she were chewing his cum, which given how thick his was might actually have been possible. Despite that he'd already shot off, however, he waved over at Tlech and said; "You ain't done yet! I got more where that came from, an if I won from both a' ye I'm gonna get to enjoy both ah ye at the same time, at least once!" Gronn glanced at Ab with a quirked eyebrow, but then sighed and grunted; "I got what I wanted... Did you?"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

When Tlech finally got back up to the tip of Gronn’s shaft she was rewarded with her first taste of his precum, which was always a rather wonderful treat. The taste was nice and sweet, especially for a goblin, and he always produced quite a lot. Of course, even for those who for whatever reason loved oral and cum less than the chubby blonde between his legs it was quite a powerful aphrodisiac, one that never failed to get her nice and worked up, even excessively so at times. Gentleman that he was Gronn had never taken advantage of her even when she was in no position to refuse any advance he might have made, and had even seen fit to warn her about the effect before ever having sex with her. He was one of the good guys, definitely, and she respected him a fair bit for it. He continued to give her more of the tasty juice as she began to bob her head, her eyes slowly wandering over to sneak a peak at Ab and Rompra. At the time the latter was stroking the former’s cock quite quickly, suckling at his hefty balls… from the looks of it he seemed like he was drawing near to his orgasm, his face twisted in ecstasy.

It simply wouldn’t do to let Ab cum significantly before Gronn did, so Tlech upped her stimulation, quickly taking him to the hilt. He groaned out in pleasure, his own expression turning quickly more lewd. Of the pair of men he gave more audible signals that he was enjoying himself, Ab being a bit more quiet and slightly more difficult to read, though that was probably at least a little bit intentional on Gronn’s part. The chubby goblin didn’t need to touch herself to get going, even just the amount of precum she was swallowing down making her quite thoroughly aroused and wet, even more so as she felt the cock throb against her throat, the knowledge that soon she would be rewarded with a fine load of tasty cum making her work harder for it in anticipation. Finally he groaned out and warned her of his impending orgasm, allowing her to quickly work her way back to his tip, tongue flicking rapidly over and around it as she tried to tease out his spunk… It didn’t take long after that. His seed was thin and somewhat watery, but each spurt contained an almost absurd volume as it hit her tongue and shot up against the roof of her mouth. Her eyes fixed on his face as she swallowed down his load, trying not to let any seep out past her lips, enjoying the look of pleasure plastered all over it.

Tlech swallowed quite desperately at first, struggling a bit with the amount of cum flowing into her mouth, but finally she could feel the throbbing of Gronn’s cock slow down, the volume of seed weakening just a bit, and she began to hold it in her mouth for a bit. That wonderful sweet taste, the way it seemed to send a tingling shiver down her spine all the way to her core… She was glad he had pushed a little farther than maybe he had the right to with five credits at his disposal. When the stream had finally died down and she pulled away from him he complemented her for her skills, and she grinned with her mouthful. She didn’t have too long to bask before Ab called out to her, demanding that she join Rompra in giving him a second blowjob right after the first. As aroused as she was it sounded like a pretty damn good idea, and she slowly swallowed as she continued to look up at Gronn. "Yea, got jus’ wot I wanted… Wouldn’t mind if’n ye followed along an’ teased me a li’l" she replied, winking at him. She wasn’t sure if he’d play along with her suggestion or not, and she wasn’t exactly asking for sex in any case… just something to stimulate her a bit while she gave Ab much of her attention.

The other two goblins weren’t very far away, so Tlech just crawled over to them, scooting up beside Rompra and lightly placing a hand between her shoulder blades, the other resting on her own thigh. The hand slowly trailed down the grumpy woman’s back, until she could get a gentle grasp on her rump as she looked up at Ab, saying "ye want tha two of us ta play wit’ ye, eh?" and then leaning over to kiss Rompra either on the cheek or the lips, whichever were presented. When she broke the kiss she would say "sounds like fun" and gave her female partner a look. She was counting on stimulating Ab in part by playing around with Rompra, trusting that he would find it hot if the two of them got into both blowing him and each other. Her first plan was to start making out with her, gently teasing her rear and down to her pussy, all the while moving towards starting to both kiss Ab’s dick between them, and to lock lips around it, tongues lapping at him from both sides. From there it wouldn’t be difficult to allow things to develop on their own, though she had a few goals for the encounter. The first was that unless one of the boys or perhaps Yori took it upon themselves to do so she wanted to make Rompra cum, almost certainly with her fingers, and the second was that she wanted to share Ab’s load between the two of them at the end.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

"Eheh... Sure!" he said, grinning, and then followed Tlech over as she moved to join Rompra and Ab. The other goblin woman glanced at Tlech and swallowed the load of cum in her mouth as the pudgier goblin came toward them, and Ab nodded energetically once Tlech was right up beside Rompra. The other goblin, though thinner, still had fairly nice curves, including enough meat on her bottom for Tlech to take a nice handful of, which Rompra quickly reciprocated to Tlech's more plump backside. She would move to greet Tlech's kiss with her mouth without hesitation, letting her get a taste of Gronn's sweet cum while Tlech got some of Ab's thick, pungent, salty semen as their tongues laced together.

Rompra easily went along with Tlech's plan, her own fingers following the same path towards the rounder goblin's pussy, but Gronn who had come up behind her got there first, mostly because he only gave her ass a brief grope before sliding his fingers right into her pussy. He didn't just start pumping right away, however, squirming his fingers around slowly instead. Rompra instead reached lower and started playing with Tlech's clit, but both of them mostly teased her at first while Tlech and Rompra slowly kissed their way down around Ab's cock.

Whether it was because she had the same idea or because she didn't have any better idea, Rompra followed her lead in stimulating Ab, who looked down with glee as they licked along the sides of his cock. Yori and Sund, having been watching, opted to pay out their own debts, with Yori sitting on Sund's face while sucking on his cock, leaving Rompra and Gronn to stimulate Tlech and Tlech to finger Rompra, while both of the older goblin women sucked on Ab. After licking him for a while, getting him nice and ready, Rompra would slide her mouth to the tip and take it between her lips. Suckling on it for a moment, she bobbed slowly down about halfway, leaving Tlech able to give attention to his balls or the lower half of his shaft while she bobbed up and down.

Rompra would keep that up for about a minute before sliding off and lowering down to suck on Ab's balls, giving Tlech an opportunity to take the shaft. Taking that as a cue, Gronn started pumping his fingers rapidly into Tlech's pussy, and Rompra started rapidly flicking her fingers over Tlech's clit while she was left to do as she liked on Ab's rod. Rompra would opt to trade on and off for her over the next few minutes, letting Tlech do as she liked to her and to Ab while they mutually built Ab up.

Eventually, the dim-witted goblin's cock would begin to throb in Tlech's mouth as she took one of her turns, and she could opt to finish him herself, let Rompra do it, or share it in some way. By that point Gronn was rapidly pumping his fingers into Tlech's pussy, causing her juices to squirt out repeatedly while hitting her g-spot, and with both that and Rompra strumming her clit it would be easy to build up to a nice orgasm of her own.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Happily enough Gronn followed along after Tlech at her suggestion, ensuring she’d get some sort of extra attention while she played around with Ab… He seemed really quite enthusiastic about having both Tlech and Rompra work on him at once, nodding rapidly to the chubby goblin’s question as she took a satisfying handful of her partner in the act’s rump. Rompra had less heft to her body than she did, but a fair bit of what she did have filled out some nice curves, more than enough to make her both sexy and quite gropeable. She turned to look at Tlech as she swallowed down Ab’s first load, and as they kissed she returned the favor, squeezing a handful of the blonde’s rear. The two exchanged just a bit of the taste of the spunk they’d just swallowed with their kiss, a little preview for Tlech at least of what she was about to get her lips around, who didn’t waste much time in giving her partner’s pussy long strokes of her fingers.

It was then that Gronn joined in, returning the favor for Rompra by burying a pair of fingers in Tlech’s sex. She moaned softly into the other goblin’s mouth, enjoying the way he wiggled those fingers around juuuust a little bit, and then again when Rompra’s began to tease her fingers against her clit, just barely brushing against the little nub. It wasn’t much to actually stimulate her, but it sure was enough to get her going, especially after that nice helping of aphrodisiac cum from Gronn. The two women slowly moved their kissing closer and closer to Ab’s cock while they teased each other, until finally their lips pressed against his tip from either side, tongues eagerly flicking together around it. Tlech used her free hand to take a nice handful of her partner’s chest as the two worked their way down to the base and then back up to the tip, slowly pushing her fingers into Rompra’s pussy and stroking her inner walls as the two ensured that Ab was really quite eager for more. Rompra took the first real turn at him, her lips wrapping around his tip while Tlech moved farther down again, her own lips gravitating towards his hefty balls. They had already let loose at least one load today, but still they seemed full enough… the chubby goblin took one of them into her mouth and gave it a firm suckling, tongue slowly swirling all around it until she had covered every little bit, and then moved on to the other, giving it the same treatment. She would continue giving him this alternating attention as she looked up, watching her partner bob her head along the first half of his cock.

It was only about a minute before Tlech got her turn, switching places with Rompra and eagerly getting her lips round Ab’s dick. That seemed to encourage Gronn to stop merely teasing her, pumping his fingers quickly in and out of her sex, making her squirm just a bit as she gave her go at blowing Ab, taking his dick as deeply into her throat as she could manage on the first go without bumping faces with Rompra down below. She would mostly keep the bobbing of her head to the first half of his dick after that, though every so often she would go down deep, giving herself a good gag and him a nice little treat. So as not to be greedy the chubby goblin would pull off him after roughly a minute to give Rompra her next go at it, this time turning her face to the side to lick and suck at the bottom half of Ab’s shaft, moving up farther when her partner pulled back to the tip, closer to the base when she pushed herself down. She stopped teasing Rompra’s breasts at the same time, instead running her hand down her stomach until she could return the attentions the grumpy woman was giving to her own clit.

The two swapped off nicely like that for a number of minutes, each getting three full turns at each station while they played with each other, giving at least Tlech enough time to get really quite worked up. By the start of her fourth turn at Ab’s cock her juices were starting to trickle down her thighs, lewd wet noises emitting as Gronn fingered her quite fast now, prodding at her g-spot at the end of each motion while Rompra’s fingers danced firmly against her clit. She wasn’t quite doing as good a job on Rompra herself, unfortunately, but she was only one person and she certainly had less experience pleasing a woman than did Gronn. She could feel Ab’s cock throbbing in her mouth after a bit, promising that his orgasm was coming soon, and knowing that the taste and feel of him exploding in her mouth would set off her own climax she decided to finish him sooner rather than later… She would try to make it up to Rompra just after he had stopped cumming…

To that end Tlech would pull back until only the tip of Ab’s dick was in her mouth and begin to rapidly swirl and flick her tongue around it just as she had done with Gronn, to push him over the edge while also ensuring she didn’t swallow much of his cum. It didn’t take long once he began to throb in her mouth to set him off, a wave of thick jelly-like cum spurting onto her tongue. She let out a muffled but lewd moan around his cock, the salty taste and the attentions of her fellow goblins behind and beside her combining to bring her to her own climax a few seconds later. It was a pretty damn good one too, her juices squirting out onto the floor of the warren as her pussy clenched around Gronn’s fingers in rhythm, a pleasant tingling accompanying the normal sensation all throughout her body; a side-effect of having a load of Gronn’s aphrodisiac cum in her belly. She would kneel there, continuing to tend to Ab’s pleasure even as she trembled in hers, until finally his spurts of cum began to wane. He had had a pretty impressive load considering that he had just unleashed another a few minutes earlier…

Once he was taken care of, though, it was Rompra’s turn to get the attention. Tlech pulled off of Ab and turned herself to more fully focus on her, starting to pump her fingers more rapidly into the woman’s pussy while her other hand lightly pinched and tugged on her clit, aiming to work her towards her own peak. At the same time the chubby goblin leaned in to kiss Rompra deeply, transferring the thick load of cum in her mouth to her partner, pressed up tightly against her as she intended to both get her off and share the load of cum they’d worked for between them for a while.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

With Tlech taking Ab's load for herself, Rompra only gave a light whine before lowering her mouth to the male goblin's base and sticking out her tongue, which she slid along the underside of Ab's cock. Her motion was repeated, licking up and then pulling back, while Tlech swirled hers around his tip and frenulum. Their combined attention quickly brought Ab to his release, and the groaning male's pulsating rod began to unleash burst after burst of his thick, salty cum into Tlech's mouth, Rompra's licking prompting it to shoot out even farther as his balls steadily emptied. His various spurts quickly mixed together as they were shot into the plump goblin's mouth, forming a nearly solid clump of his thick, gooey baby batter that stuck to the walls of her mouth and to her tongue.

Once his eruption ended, leaving Tlech with quite a mouthful, she would be able to pull away to share the bounty they'd earned with Rompra. It wasn't easy to push the mass of thick semen out of her mouth, but as she pressed her mouth against that of the other gobliness her own tongue quickly came forth, aiding Tlech in sharing the bounty with her. Rompra was quickly made to moan loudly while her tongue swirled amidst the mass of cum between their mouths as Tlech increased her efforts to bring about her climax as well, her body beginning to shudder immediately and, after only a few moments, she would let out a quaking groan into Tlech's mouth as she was made to climax. The other goblin proved to be a squirter, her love honey spurting out onto the floor of the warren and against Tlech's fingers as she pumped them into her spasming hole.

"Ahhhhh.... That was great! I'm definitely going to have you two doing that together again while I can!" Ab said a few minutes later, grinning contentedly while looking down at Tlech and Rompra as they shared his seed between them. After a few more seconds of flicking her tongue against Tlech's through the mass of semen they were sharing, she would push some of it back into Tlech's mouth and then pull away, leaving a string of Ab's seed suspended between them that snapped as she was about a foot away. A thin glob of the stuff ended up on both of their chins, but Rompra was quick enough to swallow and then flick her tongue out to clean up her own chin.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech quickly set about pleasing Rompra once Ab had finished cumming, turning to pull her closer for a kiss. It was actually kind of difficult to force that cum into her partner’s mouth, it was just such a thick, soupy mush that was almost not a liquid. There was help, of course, in that the curvy goblin definitely wanted it, and their tongues quickly wormed against one another, working to share the load between them. At the same time Tlech began to really pick up her efforts to make Rompra cum, her fingers pumping rapidly into her wet sex, the other set stroking her clit in quick circles, every so often pinching gently. Their bodies rubbed together as they kissed, the pudgier blonde enthusiastically grinding her upper body against her partner’s so that their breasts would mash against one another, giving just that little bit of extra stimulation. It didn’t take too awful long with this treatment to get her to quiver in a way that only made Tlech press harder, knowing that she was close to bringing the grumpy woman to her own climax. A lewd groan signaled her success, the feeling of Rompra’s inner walls spasming around her fingers, her juices squirting out onto the cold floor. There was no slowing down, not yet, and now that her partner was in the throes of pleasure she would use the opportunity to take a little bit more of a dominant role in their kiss, trying to help her milk every last second of the feeling.

Over the course of the next few minutes Tlech’s stimulation slowed, until finally she was just giving Rompra’s lower lips a gentle stroke, her rump little squeezes and strokes. They still shared Ab’s seed eagerly between the two of them, something he no doubt enjoyed the sight of, and when he complimented their efforts and proclaimed that they would certainly be doing it again Tlech couldn’t help but look forward to it a little. Teamwork could be quite fun, after all. Finally Rompra made it a point to split the thick load and pull away, finally swallowing her portion. A little strand of cum stayed between the two goblins for a moment before snapping, smacking against their chins. Tlech left hers there for a moment, taking her time to swallow just a little at a time, before finally lapping up that little strand. She would turn to Gronn first, saying "tank’ee, ye done me good. Look forward ta our nex’ meetin~" with a little seductive grin at the last bit. Then she’d turn back to look at both Ab and Rompra, for their part saying "I wouldn’ mind another bit o’ play like ‘is." Before anything else she’d turn back to have a look at Yuri and Sund, who had doubtless had their fun as well. Her demands for Rompra could wait at least a little while, once her afterglow was finished.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

"Eheh... Me too!" Gronn replied with a grin, his member already hard again and within easy reach of her still horny pussy. He reached out and gave Tlech's rump a quick pat, briefly groped the soft flesh of her plump backside, but then stood up and, unless prompted to do otherwise, would go over and put his loincloth back on. When she turned to Ab, the dim witted goblin would grin broadly, and Rompra would smirk, lick up the strand of cum on her chin, and say; "Yeah, this was fun!" Beaming at their mutual eagerness, Ab would quip; "At's great, cuz I'm definitely gonna take advantage of this week!"

Yuri and Sund were just finishing up, Yori sitting on top of Sund while the two were pointed in opposite directions, their clothes discarded just like everyone else's. Sund's cock was standing upright, fairly long and thick, covered in saliva and with precum leaking from the tip but untouched when Tlech glanced over. The reason for that was fairly clear, given that Yori's eyes were rolled up into the back of her head while Sund lapped away at her pussy, his face covered in her honey and her hips grinding automatically against his face. The female goblin's mouth was parted in a silent moan of pleasure, and a couple of seconds after Tlech looked back she arched her back as her mouth opened wide, her climax signaled by a barely audible gasp and another spurt of her juices onto Sund's face. The girl was holding Sund's cock, occasionally stroking it or licking it, but Sund's tongue was obviously overwhelming her to the point that she couldn't concentrate on her own task very well. If left to her own devices, it would take her another couple of minutes (and orgasms) before she sucked Sund off enough to make him cum.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Gronn grinned right back at Tlech, giving her rear a little pat, a gentle squeeze… He was hard as a rock, and thanks to the dose of aphrodisiac cum he had given her earlier she was still pretty ready for more herself. He could have easily bent her over right there and had his way with her, she wouldn’t have minded… but instead he walked away and put on his loincloth, tented out though it was. He was certainly a gentleman among goblins. For his part Ab seemed very pleased that she and Rompra were so enthused about sucking his cock. The chubby goblin knew that he certainly wasn’t joking when he told them he’d take advantage of the week of power he had over them, quite sure she would be on her knees for him a fair few more times in the near future… a thought that appealed to her a lot at the moment.

As she turned to watch Yuri and Sund put on their little show Tlech wrapped her arm around Rompra’s waist, helping turn her to watch the scene as well. It was certainly a nice one to look at. The girl was sitting on Sund’s face, lighting grinding herself against him as he gave her quite the licking. He was doing such a good job of it that she wasn’t able to return the favor, and his cock stood stiff and untouched in the air, leaking precum. Even so he seemed to be content for the moment with only the slightest stroke from Yuri every so often, his face buried in her crotch as he paid his debt to her. Tempting though it was to make her way over to them and take charge of his pleasure herself Tlech managed to resist, not wanting to take the experience from the younger goblin. Instead she just watched as Sund brought her to what seemed to be a pretty powerful orgasm, her juices gushing onto his face as she let out a quiet gasp. "Mmm, look at ‘im go" she whispered to Rompra, lightly rubbing her stomach… and then down to her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze and a rub. She was feeling more playful than normal given how her pussy was still tingling. "The tongue on ‘at one." Over the next few minutes she would lightly tease Rompra (unless the other woman provoked more than just teasing or made her cut it out), slowly giving more attention to her chest, cupping a breast with one hand and giving the soft flesh a gentle groping. In that time Sund made Yuri cum several more times with his tonguework before she was finally able to get serious about pleasuring him again. Tlech was a little bit jealous. In fact she got a little more jealous each moment she had to watch, and her attentions to Rompra would begin to reflect that towards the end if the other goblin seemed receptive…
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

"Heh, I'd heard he was good~" Rompra replied, grinning as she too watched Yori and Sund. Her teasing actions would be reciprocated, the other woman shooting Tlech a sly look and snaking a hand down to knead at her rear as the pudgy goblin started lightly groping her bust. She wouldn't go any farther than that while Yori and Sund were going at it, however, and when Yori was pulling away from Sund with a mouthful of his semen, Rompra pulled away from Tlech and walked over.

"My turn!" Rompra said, having won the same reward from Sund earlier, and gently pushed Yori aside while she was swallowing and assumed her place on the male goblin's face. "Make it good, and I'll make it good for you!" she said as she took her position over a surprised Sund, but after giving a nod he simply started to work, causing Rompra to let out a load moan to herself. Ab was watching somewhat jealously, his member twitching, while Gronn watched in amusement while still sporting an erection beneath his loin cloth. In the meantime, Sund's cock was quickly getting hard again, and Rompra was only offering a bit of light stroking for the moment.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Soon enough Rompra returned Tlech’s teasing, a hand running down her back until it could squeeze and grope her rump. It was a nice feeling, though she wondered where it might lead. She knew where she wanted it to lead, at least… More or less all eyes were on Yori and Sund, various degrees of jealousy and amusement written on their faces. The show went on a little bit longer before Yori got to work properly, giving her partner the stimulation he needed. The young goblin pulled back, still straddling Sund as she slowly swallowed a mouthful of cum. Tlech was… actually pretty damn jealous right about then. Rompra disengaged from her, drawing a little grunt of disappointment as she approached them… It was only when the other goblin pushed Yori out of the way and announced that it was her turn that the blonde recalled that she too had won the same prize from Sund that Yori had.

Tlech leaned back a little bit and set to watching again as Rompra sat on Sund’s face. With her target to tease and be teased by gone she decided she started to play with herself a bit, her fingers wandering down to her sex, rubbing between her wet lower lips. As the apparently talented male really got to work she plunged a finger into her tingling pussy, trying to put herself in Rompra’s place… after a few minutes she realized that that just wasn’t going to cut it. She considered going back to her room and trying to sleep, to ignore the goings on… but there was no way she would get to sleep if she did that, at least not for a good long while. No, she needed something that could get in deeper than a finger to scratch this itch. Her eyes darted as stealthily as she could manage over to Gronn, finding that he was still erect, though she sort of wanted to make him wait until she paid her debt to him to give him his next taste.

Finally with a sigh she exclaimed "fuck it" and stood up, taking a few steps backwards and joining Ab on his short stool, hopping up onto his knees. Slowly she scooted further up his legs, finally leaning back to wrap an arm around his shoulder, her back resting lightly against his chest. "Can’t stand so much watchin’" she said, lifting up her lower body and reaching down with her free hand to grasp his twitching cock, pulling it forward so that when she sat down again it slid up between her thick thighs. Tlech was content to leave it there for only a little while, sliding her right leg up and down a few times to tease him as she continued to watch the other goblins have their fun, before she had to lean forward, her free hand moving to help her slide his tip into her waiting pussy. As she slipped the shaft deeper inside of herself she moaned out lewdly, laying her head back against Ab’s shoulder. "Ahhhhh… ‘at’s better" she cooed out as she began to slowly grind on him, moving her hips back to front and side to side.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant, 6/14 Resistance

"Heh, well you're free to take a ride s'long as you make it good for me!" Ab grunted in response after Tlech crawled onto his lap, and he quickly moved to support her by wrapping an arm around her belly. His free hand quickly rose to cup one of her heavy breasts, his kneading quickly building her arousal. Having cum twice already, Ab was patient enough to put up with Tlech's initial teasing, his member hardening against her soft thigh while he kneaded her breast, contenting himself by rubbing his palm over her tip and squeezing the soft orb.

Ab would groan against her back when she finally shifted and slid herself onto his length, his fat cock stretching her needy pussy nicely. His tip kissed her cervix, leaking its thick, sticky precum and leaving a pleasant warm feeling inside of her that would no doubt get even more intense once he erupted into her. Groaning contentedly while she was grinding in his lap, after a moment Ab would grunt, "next time I get the botha yah at once, I'mma have you finish with them big tits! Rompra can go ahead and clean 'em up once I've covered 'em nice and good!" She was definitely getting more out of riding him than he was at that point, and it would be easy to keep squirming in his lap until she hit a quick peak, but if she did he might easily change positions on her while she was recovering from her orgasm.
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