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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The book was still in sight, but the covers were completely blank, so no identification could be made as of the title. "Well you know, something else than sit in one spot for hours on end. One can't really even stretch theirself properly in this tiny space for example, it's too cramped for that. I'll have to wait for the wagons to stop at the evening location to be able to do my training regimen." Nina got an answer from the woman, who further demonstrated the words she said by standing up and trying to stretch her limbs out, but the canvas roof prevented her from straightening her arms up completely. "See?"

As Nina introduced herself, the red-dressed woman sat back down on her strange stool. "Nina and Tiger... alright. My name is Faye, I'm a doctor by trade, as you no doubt found out by looking in my bag." she replied, adjusting her glasses a little. From behind those stylish pieces of eyewear, Faye seemed to be checking Nina and the girl next to her out with an analyzing gaze. The sleeping woman in the hood escaped her attention. "But... this is a rare find you got here" she eventually continued, sitting down on the ground instead and giving a few careful pets to Tiger, who seemed tp like the woman's touch as his curled tail started swinging about.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded when the conversation switched over to discuss Tiger.

"Yes, he's a wonderful dog. I saved him from some rather mean poachers, and in return, he's become very loyal to me. Little guy just needed some love."

She crawled over to Tiger and began to rub his belly. Now she was much closer to Faye as well, so they didn't have to bother the others with their conversation if they didn't want to.

"So what is bringing you out this way, Doctor Faye?" Nina said, giggling softly when she realized she'd made a rhyme.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Faye continued petting Tiger together with Nina, she seemed to have taken a liking to the striped doggie. "My reason for this trip? Well, I'm most importantly heading there because I'm meeting up with a colleague. We respect each other's summons, even though she is a magical healer and I'm a more mundane type. I heard from a messenger that things have gone bad around that town where she was, so I packed up and started making way towards her estabilishment. But it'll be fun to see what the local spirits taste like and how tasty the food is."

A rough bump shakes the wagon as a wheel hits a deeper hole in the ground, causing Nina to be thrown back against the edge of the wagon. Tiger follows after her, landing on both Nina and the uniformed girl next to her. Faye manages to stay in her position, showing an impressive sense of balance. The hooded woman also seems to wake up, as her form turns to look around. Soon, Dusty's voice can be heard at the front of the wagon. "Oi pretties, you alright back there?" the old caravaneer calls at them, just to confirm that all the passengers were unharmed.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Eyah!" Nina was jostled back against the wagon and caught the startled Tiger, clutching him tightly to make sure he didn't get hurt. She inclined her head in silent apology to the soldier girl next to her who suddenly found a large dog sitting with half its body on her lap.

"We're fine..." Nina half-shouted out of the wagon, just so Dusty didn't feel the need to come back and check on them. If he did, it'd probably mean another rump groping, and Nina didn't feel up to that right now.

After they were settled again, Nina readdressed Faye. "That healer colleague of yours, her name wouldn't happen to be Elise, would it?" Nina blushed slightly at the memory of the priestess and their dalliance in the Lady Einzbern's baths, followed by that threesome with the two men she had observed Elise becoming involved in just before all this trouble with the ogres and Patch had started.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"No need to apologize, it's perfectly understandable for things like that to happen during a rough ride." the soldier girl replied to Nina's gesture, her voice as rigid and strong as the other girl probably imagined. All the other females confirmed Nina's reply to Dusty, after which the soldier girl could be heard giving out a quiet "...lecherous old goat..." comment. No doubt at least she too had gotten a bit of the old man's attention beforehand.

After things had properly settled down, Faye turned back to their precious exchange as well. "Yes, it's the same person you're thinking about. I've met with her a few times before. Seemed like your usual upstanding priestess type, but I can tell what she really liked most, besides helping people..." the provocatively-dressed doctor replied with a knowing crack of a smile, not really looking like one who should be scolding people for these reasons.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah yes, that would be Elise," Nina agreed with Faye's assessment. "She is a regular guest of my Mistress, the Lady Einzbern. She is often called upon for her healing touch. Were it not for her, I might already be dead."

Nina rubbed at her stomach where if not for the laying on of Elise's wonderful hands, she'd have a nasty scar.

Turning to the soldier girl, she nodded her agreement about the lecherous old goat comment.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"So I've heard. There's been something there that's been keeping Elise busy for some time now. Not sure about what it is, but it's likely the reason why she sent for me." Faye gave out another reply.

The soldier girl seemed to have opened up somewhat, as she made a remark about Dusty getting what he had coming. The connection between the old man's black eye and this girl was just made a lot more clearer.

Some time later, in the dusk of evening, the caravan started to grind down to settle in for the night. The ladies all moved out from the wagon to get some much-needed stretching, as they were stiff from hours of sitting down at the transport not really meant for long-distance travel. As she rose up, Faye's stool rolled after her by itself. Once she was out, the thing started to elongate, forming into a staff that spun around a few times just to hover behind the doctor's back. The soldier girl followed after her, still showing no signs of tiring as she kept her rigid posture up, even after hours of travel. The hooded woman came out last, not really making any significant moves, but her brief stretch did show that she had only one arm.

Dusty took some time to oggle Faye, as the woman dressed in a manner he thoroughly enjoyed, but eventually stopped to get his animals away from front of the wagon. "You ladies might want to get something from the ration chest, fill yer tummies when there's an opportunity." he called to the passengers. "And make up who wants what time at the nightwatch, I'll be the last. Who knows what there's lurking in the nearby wilderness, so keep a weapon handy."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina stretched and as she did so, she was joined by Tiger, who likewise stretched his front legs far in front of him and opened his jaw wide in a yawn.

"Right, rations..." Nina said as her tummy rumbled and she made her way to the food chest. She took out a modest portion of food and tore off some dried meat to feed to Tiger.

"I don't mind much about which watch I take," Nina said as the other women gathered around the food chest. "I can take a middlewatch if others want to get longer bits of sleep."

As they sat eating their meal, Nina inquired about Faye's staff. "So you practice some magic too?" She asked, nodding her head to the long piece of wood that had been an animated stool for a long while on the trip.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The other women ate as modestly as Nina, the trip partially behind the now hadn't been too energy-consuming. Once the ladies were done, Dusty too came to have a bite after leaving some food for the four horses that had been doing a fine job pulling them throughout the day.

"Magic? Well, not really... I'll do my training regimen and you'll see what this is about." Faye replied to Nina's inquiry, turning her head over her shoulder to make eye contact with the staff that stuck out behind her. "Yoito, time to stretch." she addressed the thing, which levitated a few feet away from her. Stick-like arms and legs grew out from it, and a single eye opened up somewhere near the top. It now looked like a huge stick figure without a head. Holding a fist to her palm, Faye signalled the start of a training period. The staff-man followed her movements in perfect harmony, each slow, flowing motion was imitated by the companion. Once the initial stretches were done, the doctor started doing punches and kicks at the air, which the staff augmented by moving just next to the attacking limb in his staff form. It wasn't too difficult to guess how these attacks worked, each strike by Faye would also result in a smash from the incoming staff.

With a few sweatdrops now running down her form, the doctor finished her training, and the staff returned to hover behind her back. "No magic from myself there."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"No, I suppose not. Though your training is impressive all the same." Nina said. She had watched Faye's form with an appreciative steadfastness. The woman was some sort of martial artist in addition to being a healer. "Still, you have a magic stick named Yoito -- so I suppose you do in a certain sense 'wield' magic. Or is Yoito an actual creature that just looks like a stick?"

Nina stood up and stretched her body out as well, Faye's work out reminding the green haired girl of how achy she truly was. She was still stiff from Iliana's aggressive play from two nights ago and she probably still had tell tale signs and welts over her body. Her joints cracked softly as she moved her long limbs around, bending about to loosen them up.

Perhaps later on she'd ask Faye if she had any salves or ointments shie might use to alleviate some of her minor pains.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"No, Yoito is a creature by all rights, something you might call a familiar. Usually only magic users have familiars, but there are exceptions to all things." Faye replied, and the staff enforced her notion as it's eye-bearing end peeked over the doctor's shoulder, nodding the said end before the eye vanished again and the creature became a normal-looking staff again.

When the salve was asked about, the red-dressed woman was quickly back at her bag. She produced a small jar of clear paste with relative speed. "You want to apply it yourself, or do you want me to do it?" Nina was asked as Faye planted the jar in her hand.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah, if you're not opposed to such things. There's a few spots that will be hard for me to reach." Nina told Faye when she asked about applying the salve. "Um, thanks."

Nina looked around to make sure Dusty wasn't about. She didn't like the idea of the old man spying on her.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Of course not. How could I be a good doctor if I was hesitant to touch people..." Faye replied, opening up the plug on the small container. After the two confirmed that Dusty had climbed aboard the wagon to eat his food, the doctor began applying the salve as Nina instructed her to do. "You've had fun with your Mistress, that's for sure..." Faye commented as she saw all the marks across Nina's body. If the green-haired girl was facing her, she might've been able to see the doctor's wide smirk.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina did not need to turn around to sense the doctor's mirth. It was clear in the way she spoke as she rubbed the salve across Nina's back and bottom.

"It must be more apparent than I thought," the green haired girl said, resigned to the fact that Faye had instantly recognized the sort of relationship Nina had with Iliana. Then again, Nina had sort of liked the idea of sharing that fact. It embarrassed her, but being embarrassed and humbled also made Nina feel good and pleasurable. She was becoming quite an exhibitionist on top of everything else it seemed. "I've taken an oath to obey my Mistress. I'll gladly do what she asks of me. She is... wonderful."

Suddenly, the thoughts of the troubles at the estate and the repressed fears of what might have already happened to Iliana and Iris welled up inside of her and then came to the surface. She hung her head as tears escaped her.

"I should still be there with them... they were in danger and I was supposed to protect them... if... if that damned spirit has laid a finger on either of them I'll ... I'll..."

Nina was lost for words. She didn't know what she would do, or could do, against the ghost. And so the normally cheerful girl's face contorted into a crying grimace as she fought back tears at her own perceived inadequacy.

"Oh Iliana... oh Iris..." she sobbed.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The doctor's ear was all for Nina as she just had to get out her love for the Mistress. "I know how you feel, I've tried out both roles in that kind of relationship.." she confessed as she applied the final touches of the salve into the girl's sore spots. As Nina breaked into a small crying fit, she could feel the doctor embrace her. "They'll be okay, I know it...."

When Nina had cried enough, Faye detached from her. As they got up, the girl could see that the hooded woman had been watching them from a short distance away. Their gazes met with the mysterious female, who walked away from the pair, eventually settling down on the driver's platform of the wagon. Dusty was there as well, taking out blankets and pillows from another chest in the front wagon. As the soldier girl retreated under the canvas roof, the grizzled caravaneer handed her a pillow and a blanket, getting the first positive reply from the girl this time. But as surely as the sun rises, Dusty couldn't avoid the temptation of feeling up some uniformed behind. The girl's reply was a swift smack with the pillow, which toppled down the old man from the wagon, making him fall some three feet land on his butt across the rocky landscape. The girl reached for her blade afterwards, but got her temper under control and headed into the back of the wagon to lay down her sleeping equipment.

As Faye and Nina closed towards the wagon with Tiger in close proximity, the hooded woman spoke for the first time during the trip. "If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to keep watch first..." she asked, wrapping herself inside a blanket and leaning back against the edge of the wagon.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina cried herself out after a while and then gathered herself. She was thankful for Faye's understanding and comforting nature and was glad to have found a shoulder to lean on. She told the doctor this several times in thanks. She was not surprised to find that the doctor had experimented with odd relationships in the past, but it was interesting that she was a switch. If Faye ended up staying with Elise for a while and the problems at home were happily solved, Nina decided that she should talk more about this with the helpful doctor.

Nina nodded to the mysterious hooded woman who volunteered for first watch. "Of course, I'm fine with it... um... by the way, I don't think I know your name. May I know it?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The hooded woman slightly turned her head towards Nina, but did not raise her gaze at all. "..if you must know. I'm called Shizuha." she replied, reaching into her robe with the one arm she had. Out came a long, slim pipe, which Shizuha started filling up with some kind of tobacco she also got out. After pocketing the little box with the tobacco in it, she walked over to the fire they had near the wagons, lighting up the pipe and coming back to her spot at the platform. "Go and have some rest..."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Okay, Shizuha, I'll come and relieve you in a little bit," Nina said, not wanting to press the girl for anything else if the giving of her name was going to elicit a harsh response. It was an eastern sounding name, and Nina wondered if this girl came from the same place that Iris and Haku had come from.

Going back to the wagon, Nina would curl up with Tiger as a body warmer and sleep for a few hours before waking up to relieve the one armed girl from her watch.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The insides of the wagon were tight, so Nina had to lie down almost skin-to-skin with the soldier girl who had gone in before her. The other girl's body temperature could almost be felt as the green-haired girl set up her blanket and pillow, soon followed by Faye landing next to her. The doctor knew enough to decide settling next to Nina, even creeping under the same blanket. She grabbed the younger girl into her embrace for the second time in a short while, urging her to take it easy. Much to the relief of the good doctor, Tiger parked himself between them and Dusty, who was there two rest as well. The woman's proximity felt good to her, and Nina fell asleep not a short time afterwards.

But her dreams were interrupted as the girl woke up, still held by Faye and unsure how much tme had passed. It was feint, but the sounds of a battle could be heard from somewhere nearby, in the precious little light there was.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was thankful for her newly found bond with Faye, and appreciated the doctor holding her close underneath the blanket. The warmth of her skin was nice. It reminded her of when Iliana had nuzzled up to Nina after having hogtied her on the bed. She fell asleep easily, placing an arm around Faye in the middle of her sleep.

She woke up to the sounds of battle coming from outside.

"That's not good..." she muttered, then quickly shook both Faye and the soldier girl awake on either side of her. "Hey! Wake up, there's something going on!"

She grabbed her sword and shield and wasted no more time, jumping out of the wagon and looking for the source of the clamor.