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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Nina Vertmer
Age: 23
Specialty: Sword

Appearance: Healthy, athletic, with a sunny disposition. 5'4" with a filled out figure, long green hair and blue eyes.

Nina has heard rumors about this virtual game and applied on a whim while she was a bit tipsy with her girlfriends. She had nearly forgotten about it when the approval for the beta test came to her in the mail. Slightly embarrassed, she decided to show up just to test it out, but has sworn she won't tell anyone. In game she appears much like her real self, except in whatever appropriate garb the game world puts her in.
After being granted entry to the EGG Corp building, Nina is guided to the testing room. A tall, beautiful researcher welcomes her with a sparkling smile.
"You must be Miss Nina. My name is Jennifer, and I'll be your guide for this test" she says as she shows Nina to the EGG console, a weird-looking seat with a whole bunch of machinery around it

After Jennifer's initial guide to the EGG, Nina sits down in the comfortable-looking seating, watching the device close around her before the VR screen flashes into existence. As she answers a few basic questions, a more.. interesting set of options comes up

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):
(And if you had other things in mind, feel free to add. I'll consider them)

After filling out the initial forms, she is presented with a list of options for gameplay type, location and difficulty.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Desert Tomb(?)
Abandoned Port(?)
Exotic Jungle(?)
________(?) (Something else?)
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina thanks Jennifer cheerfully and takes her seat in the funny contraption. She leans back in the comfortable seat and takes a deep breath as VR machine springs to life.

She giggled in spite of herself when she saw the more intimate settings displayed on the screen.

"Isn't that lovely?" she remarked as she began to adjust the digits.

Humans: Y, 3
Male/Female: Y, 4
Female/Female: Y, 3
Pregnancy: Y, 1
Birthing: Y, 1
Non Consent Sex: Y, 4
BDSM: Y, 4
Slavery: Y, 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y, 5
Roughness: 4 (Rough)

Nina was happy to have some human interaction along with the monsters that the game was (in)famous for, and though she had a preference for men, she found women beautiful and wouldn't mind experimenting with some virtual girl.

The pregnancy options scared her a bit, but she was curious enough to not turn the option off completely, but made sure to put it on the lowest setting. She didn't have a baby fetish that she was aware of.

The BDSM and slavery questions got her a bit excited, so she set them relatively high, and the monsters were a must so she put them to the maximum setting, and roughness was set relatively high because she figured if the monster wasn't spirited, it would be boring for her.

The game inquired if she had any other options she wanted to add, and she didn't know what to put so she let it be. If the game wanted to surprise her with something off the wall, she probably wouldn't object.

For the difficulty, Nina made sure to keep the game at a normal level. She wasn't after a high score or anything, and she wasn't going to be bragging about her accomplishments in this game to anyone so, it didn't make much sense to alter it.

Finally she took a look at the three initial choices given to her for a game world.

They were all interesting and suggestive. After a minute of swaying this way and that she decided to play the Desert Tomb.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After she's done selecting the options, Nina is left in darkness for a quick moment. But the darkness subsides as the game starts to load around her. The white background slowly forms the tomb complex around her. The walls are made from cream-colored stone, with slightly Egyptian-style patterns on them.

The light armor that spawns on her is an average-looking breastplate, with armored bracers and greaves. But for some reason, the lower part is a miniskirt made from strips of the same plate, with a leather backing to hold them together. Her sword is a sturdy-looking piece of kit, a mundane straight blade that does it's job

Taking a look around, Nin can see torch-lined pathways going in three different direction, one to each side and the last one straight forward
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina takes note of the plain looking armor that adorns her, and then examines the walls of the tomb network, inscribed with quasi Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Twirling the sword playfully in her hand like a baton she began to walk down the center path, since the options did not differentiate from one to the other and usually a central path always led to the center of a tomb.

So figuring, she walked along, twirling the sword and keeping a watchful eye on the shadowy corners, waiting for something or someone to pop out.

"Hello?" she offered to the stillness of the tomb. "Anyone home?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As she goes down the torch-lit corridor, calling out for anyone (or anything), she can see a doorless entryway in the distance. As she approaches, a coffin can be seen in the middle of said room. The slight sound of something rolling around can be heard from the vicinity as well
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina tries to focus on where the rolling sound is coming from. She didn't want to be surprised by anything this game might throw at her from a tomb's shadows.

She brings her sword up and keeps her back to the wall as she pokes her head through the archway into the room with the coffin and glances around, her long green hair swishing from side to side as she scans from left to right, then left again.

If nothing presented itself immediately, she would pace her way to the coffin at the center of the room.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As Nina makes her visual scan of the room, nothing that could be making the sound can be seen. Eventually, silence returns as the rolling stops somewhere

Taking the opportunity, Nina strides towards the coffin. As she gets to examining it, a thud comes from behind her. Now blocking the only entrance is a ball-shaped mass made from male bodies, with arms, bodies and peni sticking out at random places. As the material bodies take note of her presence, the thing compresses into a firm ball shape and starts to spin towards her
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped in shock at the site of the flesh ball, wincing at the grotesque nature of the thing rolling towards her. It was horrific!

She ran around to the opposite side of the coffin while the flesh ball closed the gap, figuring she could use the raised coffin as a barrier, to prevent the thing from crushing her. If it rolled around to the left, she scatter to the right, and if it went to the right she'd scatter to the left. If she could always keep the coffin between her and the flesh ball, she'd theoretically be able to swipe at the thing with impunity, or at least use it to her defensive advantage - she hoped.

When it came close enough, she would slash at it and then implement her strategy.

"This is certainly something else..." she breathed to herself as she prepared to make good her attack.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

6 vs 3

With the ball wildly rolling towards her, Nina takes cover behind the coffin. Not changing it's course, the thing crashes into the coffin, stopping for a brief moment to give Nina a free attack. As she slices into it, a gash opens up on the mass, letting out some blood.

Ignoring it's wound, the ball opens up again, using it's many arms to clamber on to the coffin. As more of it's material bodies emerge, they start to look at her intently with lust

Body Sphere
4/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Disturbed at the force of the impact and the ease with which the flesh ball crushed the coffin she intended to use to her advantage, Nina retreated backwards, hoping to force the flesh ball to wrap up again and concentrate on rolling. Since she couldn't keep it at bay, she'd force it to keep on the move in its rolled up state, and if she proved nimble enough she would try to make it smack itself into the walls of the chamber.

So Nina backpedaled, keeping her sword out in front of her, slashing at the flesh ball if any appendage got too close, but overall intent on getting herself to the wall of the chamber. She also wanted to search for an exit - was there really only one way in and out of this chamber? or had she just not noticed another egress?
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

3 vs 17

With Nina backing down from it, the body sphere lurches down to the floor, using its many hands to move toward her in a slower manner. As it advances upon her, one the heads spews forth a disgusting stream of clear liquid. But Nina sees it coming, easily sidestepping the spurt

Body Sphere
4/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Ughh... that does not look pleasant... Nina thought as the clear liquid flew past her and landed harmlessly on the floor.

It appeared that looking about her had revealed no other obvious exits, so it seemed Nina was forced to attack if she was going to get away from this body sphere.

Brandishing her sword in a confident manner, Nina charged the mass of flesh and leaped past it, swinging her sword out as she went by, hoping to slash it while she kept moving. The last thing she wanted to be was a stationary target for whatever vile fluid it intended to fling at her.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

9 vs 16
4 vs 3

As Nina makes her courageous charge, the bodies of the thing quickly pull in, causing her sword to swish harmlessly through the air. Before she can retreat far enough, some of the hands reach out and grab her, pulling her closer to the main mass of the sphere.

Body sphere
4/5 HP

Nina (grappled, -2 on attacks)
5/5 FP
0/10 AP
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

((It grappled her without hitting her??))

Nina had an instinct about what might be in store for her if she didn't make quick bid for freedom, so she twisted about and made every effort to escape, rather than risk another attack when she was at a disadvantage.

Silly girl, she thought to herself, you should've known better than to try and go toe to toe with this thing.

[Make an escape attempt]
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

((Looks like I fucked up a bit, meant to be 4 vs 3 :eek:. Corrected it))

1 vs 5
8 vs 4

Nina struggles against the creature's grip as hard as she can, but the muscly arms prove too strong and keep their hold on her. The thing presses on with it's attack, with more hands joining the grapple. As they take hold on Nina, some of them start to remove her armor, with the breastplate clanging on the floor as they pull it off her. While this goes on, others start to rub Nina's exposed areas of skin, making her feel a bit hot and bothered by the attention

Body sphere
4/5 HP

Nina (grappled badly, no attacks, -2 on escape)
4/5 FP
1/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Oh damn! This thing doesn't waste any time, does it? Nina worried frantically and continued to pull and twist with all her strength against the body sphere. The thing seemed so vile and mindless, like something out of a nightmare, and it was all the more disturbing that those hands seemed to know just where to touch her.

The clang of her armor hitting the floor seemed to act as a wake up call. She needed to get loose of this monster now!

With renewed zeal, Nina clawed, twisted and bit at the hands , doing whatever it might take to get free of them.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

(3 vs 13
10 vs 20)

Nina's struggles just aren't enough to release her from the multihand grapple of the sphere. But she manages to prevent further damage to her clothing or decency with her squirming and twisting

Body sphere
4/5 HP

Nina (grappled badly, no attacks, -2 on escape)
4/5 FP
1/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hey! Can't we work something out here?" Nina yelled over the din of the struggle as she continued to twist and wiggle, using whatever tried or untried methods she could think of to pull away from the groping hands. "Do you even understand me?"

She wasn't sure that this thing was driven by anything beyond a certain primal urge, but it wasn't harmful to try and strike up a conversation.

[continue to escape.]
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

4 vs 14
19 vs 11

If the sphere's composite bodies had the ability to reason, they surely weren't up for a conversation. Nina struggles further against the grasping hands, but they keep her firmly grappled as her armored skirt drops off next to her breastplate. As this goes on, a body gets close to Nina, embracing her as the head gets closer to hers. As the head locks lips with her, Nina can feel it forcing some hot liquid down her throat. Almost immediately after she gulps some down, her body heats up immensely.

Body sphere
4/5 HP

Nina (grappled badly, no attacks, -2 on escape)
3/5 FP
3/10 AP
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ahhnnn! -gulp- -gulp-" Nina's eyes widened and her body shuddered as she was fed the viscous liquid from one of the bodies' mouths, the substance immediately making her own body betray her. She felt the slit between her legs begin to moisten and she groaned involuntarily into the body sphere's mouth. Her tongue for a moment kissing the male mouth back before she reestablished control over her thoughts.

"Must... escape..." she muttered, though the words were muffled by the tongue wrestling and another gout of that delicious - no, disgusting liquid.

[continue to attempt an escape]