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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

1 vs 18 counter
17 vs 3

The slime seemed to be anticipating a quick attack coming for it. As Nina rushes in for the kill, the slime bounces back, knocking Nina down and enveloping her torso with it's body. Before the thing can make any moves on her though, Iris' ridiculously quick sword cuts it for the final time, reducing the slime into a wet pool on the ground


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina rubs her bum, smarting from the sudden tackle to the ground. "Mmff, thanks Iris. You're amazing with that sword. You certainly put me to shame."

Nina stood up and frowned at the brown goop trailing down her legs. She used her off hand to wipe away as much of it as she could, bending down low to wipe it off her lower shins and boots. She really was getting quite dirty, and wondered if there might be a pool or something in the tomb where she could clean herself.

Then she recalled that it was a desert tomb, so water would probably be at a premium and not much luck that they would waste it on the dead. She sighed.

"These monsters aren't very convenient for keeping one's clothes in pristine condition..."

She eyed Iliana once again, noting that the woman seemed to not yet have been caught by a dirty monster.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

A hint of a smile comes to Iris' lips as she gives Nina a small bow for her thanks before sheathing her blade to form the deceiving walking stick again.

Listening to Nina's remark about monster's hygiene, Iliana looks back at her without a word before moving forward.
"Let us advance, better not stay here too long" the tall beauty says as Iris moves up to her


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nodding her head, Nina follows, keeping her sword out and ready this time, determined not to be taken by surprise during the next encounter, which she was certain might come along soon.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

They move forward, reaching a big room with several standing sarcophagi lining the walls. Another archway can also be seen on the opposite side.

As the group of women reach the middle of the room, three bandage-wrapped humanoids emerge from the coffins, slowly lurching towards them
"I'm beginning to doubt the truth behind these rumours.." Iliana says as she reverses grip on her long dagger

5/5 HP

5/5 HP

4/4 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

7/7 FP
0/10 AP

4/4 FP
0/10 AP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina converges on the weakest looking of the three mummies. Slicing into it with her blade.

"You mean the rumours about the treasure?" Nina asked above the din of battle.

At least the mummies didn't seem like the type of monster that wanted to take advantage of her if she should lose, but then again, she might be wrong. Horny mummies? She might have laughed if the mummies didn't seem so real. From what they looked like up close, she didn't really relish the thought of losing to long dead and dissected bodies.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

6 vs 9 | 13 vs 11 | 20 vs 1 critical
13 vs 10 | 18 vs 19 | 9 vs 17

"Yes, those" Iliana says as she bursts into action

Nina fails to scratch the tough body of the mummy she attacks, but Iris is there to cover for her, slicing off a part and some bandages from the dried-up corpse. Iliana is even more succesful, her dagger tearing a huge gash across the same creature's chest and causing it to reel back

Two of the mummies raise their arms, shooting out streams of bandages. One barely misses Iris with it's bandages, but the other is succesful, with the strips wrapping themselves around Iliana's wrists and ankles. The weakest mummy clubs at Nina with it's thick arms but she is faster, leaping away from the blow

5/5 HP

Mummy (grappling Iliana)
5/5 HP

1/4 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

Iliana (grappled, -2 on attacks)
6/7 FP
0/10 AP

4/4 FP
0/10 AP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina knew that their best chance lay with finishing off the weakened mummy and then using their strength of numbers to subdue the remaining two.

"Let's put this one down Iris, then we'll help Iliana!" she said as she swung, hoping to connect and be of use in the combat. She really needed to get the hang of this sword business... She began to watch Iris out of the corner of her eye, trying to adopt the master swordswoman's stance and technique, wondering if she might improve by imitating someone with actual skill.

[attack weakened mummy]
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

2nd round
7 vs 16 | 12 vs 16 | 2 vs 17 counter
12 vs 16 | 11 vs 10 | 12 vs 4

3rd round
11 vs 3 | 21 vs 16
14 vs 2 | 13 vs 5

Nodding at her suggestion, Iris cuts at the mummy in concert with Nina. Both of them fail to harm the weakened mummy, who strikes back at Iris with a clubbing blow, knocking the smallish girl back with a blow to the stomach. Another mummy advances from the rear lines, with more bandages flying at the girls, but ultimately missing them

Iliana tries to attacks the mummy binding her, but fails terribly, only getting her limbs stuck against her sides with her weak attack. The mummy capitalizes on her mistake, lurching forward to completely restrain the tall woman, leaving only the parts above her mouth in the open. With her perfect body covered in bandages, Iliana falls to the ground, vainly struggling inside the whole-body wrap

Now in a bit more problematic situation, Nina hacks into the nearby weak mummy with redoubled effort, finishing the dried-up humannoid with a diagonal cut across the face. Iris lunges forward and does another amazing slash at the mummy approaching them, making it back down a bit before it returns the attack with another shot of bandages. Iris is unable to dodge effectively enough and gets entangled. The other mummy, now done with Iliana, moves towards them, letting off the bandages as it does so. The thing finds it's mark, entangling Nina as well with the creeping strips of cloth

Mummy (grappling Iris) 4/5 HP
Mummy (grappling Nina) 5/5 HP

Nina (grappled, -2 on attacks) 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iliana (completely restrained, unable to participate) 4/7 FP 0/10 AP
Iris (grappled, -2 on attacks) 2/4 FP 0/10 AP
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Gah!" Nina was less than thrilled with the way things had turned out. The mummy had completely wrapped Iliana and taken her out of the fight, so now it was 2 on 2 and both mummies were in the process of wrapping Iris and herself as well.

"Concentrate on getting out! We can't let them tie us down!" she yelled to Iris.

She concentrated on keeping her hands and arms free, using her sword to cut through the few wraps that were around her already.

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

2 vs 4 | 6 vs 13
3 vs 11 | 19 vs 14

Both girls try to struggle against the entangling cloth, but fail to free themselves from it. The mummy's bandages creep over Nina, further restraining her and preventing her from attacking, but Iris struggles hard enough to prevent her assailant from making the situation worse than it is

Mummy (grappling Iris) 4/5 HP
Mummy (grappling Nina) 5/5 HP

Nina (badly grappled, -2 on escapes, no attacks) 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iliana (completely restrained, unable to participate) 4/7 FP 0/10 AP
Iris (grappled, -2 on attacks) 2/4 FP 0/10 AP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina struggles to escape the grapple with all her might, trying to saw the current entangling wraps with her sword's edge. Adrenaline surged through her body as she did not want to become encased in the way the mummies intended to trap her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

4 vs 15 | 17 vs 5
6 vs 3 | 18 vs 18

Nina squirms against her bindings, unable to escape but preventing her assailant from restraining her completely. Iris fights herseld free, but gets another clubbing blow for her troubles

Mummy 4/5 HP
Mummy (grappling Nina) 5/5 HP

Nina (badly grappled, -2 on escapes, no attacks) 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iliana (completely restrained, unable to participate) 4/7 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 1/4 FP 0/10 AP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Free Iliana! I'm almost completely wrapped!" Nina yelled as the bandages swirled about her, no matter how much she seemed to chop and struggle, though she was determined not to give up as she had in the first combat. Being pulled into a bunch of male bodies was one thing... she'd still had air to breath and some room to move her arms and squirm. Being trapped and mummified just plain scared her, as she didn't know what these undead things really wanted, and she feared what they might do if she was defeated here.

[continue to struggle until free, or until out of the fight]
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

3 vs 6 | 10 vs 18
18 vs 12 | 1 vs 12

Nina continues to fail escaping, but succeeding in in not getting completely mummified. Iris dashes towards the squirming package containing Iliana, attemting an attack on a mummy as she does so. Her strike fails to connect and to make matters worse, the mummy's thick arm catches her on the back of the head. This makes the short girl drop to the ground unconscious, her sword falling next to her

Mummy 4/5 HP
Mummy (grappling Nina) 5/5 HP

Nina (badly grappled, -2 on escapes, no attacks) 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iliana (completely restrained, unable to participate) 4/7 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 0/4 FP 0/10 AP (Unconscious)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Well... crap," Nina spoke out loud as she saw Iris fall down. Now there was nothing else for it. She needed to escape, and she needed to escape now.

[keep on escaping]
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

14 vs 17
11 vs 14

As Nina keeps fighting the restraining attempts, she can see the other mummy ignoring her, turning to the unconscious Iris instead. As the girl is picked up, the mummy starts to bind her limbs with it's bandages

Mummy 4/5 HP (tying Iris)
Mummy (grappling Nina) 5/5 HP

Nina (badly grappled, -2 on escapes, no attacks) 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Iliana (completely restrained, unable to participate) 4/7 FP 0/10 AP
Iris 0/4 FP 0/10 AP (Unconscious)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hey, why are you tying us up anyway? If you just asked us we might be more amenable to just coming with you, y'know?" Nina spoke to the mummy wrapping her up, still struggling against the mummy's attempts to bind her. She very much doubted that the mummies had anything good planned for them, but maybe if she got the mummy to wonder a bit or talk then it might lapse in its efforts to tie her.

She had to get free and then get Iliana free as well, it was the only way she saw that she could get them on even footing with these devils.

[escape attempt... again.]
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

2 vs 6
8 vs 4

After a long struggle, the mummy manages to overcome the struggling Nina. The thing removes her armor and clothing as much as possible, leaving her bracers and greaves untouched as it starts wrapping her in a rather skillful way. It leaves Nina's plentiful breasts and her crotch area exposed, along with her head, which it doesn't gag the same way it's comrade did with Iliana.

To her surprise, the mummy leaves her to struggle in the ground and moves back to the other mummy, helping it remove Iris' clothing. Done with that, the other lifts up Iris' small, slim form which it has left mostly unbind, only wrapped her arms behind her back. Iris is firmly embraced, while a huge member emerges amongst the bandages covering the mummy's nether regions. Holding Iris' legs up from under the knees, it thrusts the cock into her rear, while the other sandwiches her as it pushes it's own member into the blind girl's womanhood. As the two bandaged brutes pump inside the much smaller girl, only a few quiet moans escape her. After a while, the mummies shoot up their loads inside the unstruggling Iris, most of the hot cum squeezing itself out of the girl's snatch

Done with the petite Iris, they drop her to the ground and turn their attention towards the two other girls. The other goes to pick Nina up, while the other unwraps Iliana's bindings enough to make her accessable, much like Nina is. Bringing both of them together, the mummies push the girls face to face with each other, before binding them together from the waist. They follow this by sandwiching the girl package between themelves, both thrusting into an exposed honeypot with a massive member. Soon, the pumping starts anew, with the girl's breasts rubbing against each other as the mummies piston into them


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina whimpered as at last the wrappings were pulled tight enough around her wildly flailing limbs to fix them close to her body and keep them in place. It was a chilling feeling that gripped her then, as she couldn't move, only stare ahead as the tall mummy sent more lengths of bandage whirling magically around her legs and midriff. With a tearing swipe, her armor and underclothes - still stained and dirty from her encounter with the body sphere - were once again taken from her, though they didn't bother to remove her greaves and bracers. Their only interest appeared to be in her expressly female features.

Her firm figure was wrapped up tight in the mummy's cocoon, but they left her head free, apparently content to have her observe and watch all that was happening and was going to happen to her and her new found friends.

Her breasts popped out of the wrappings enticingly, made larger in appearance by how tightly the bandages pressed down on her flesh around the magnificent globes. Nina had always been quite proud of her breasts. She'd developed them quite young, and though they had been a challenge to wield during sports, she had never experienced the awkwardness that some of her flatter schoolmates had gone through. Now however, these wonderful symbols of her womanhood seemed to be targets... trophies for these sexualized monsters to put on display, and the embarrassment of it made her cheeks go red as a cherry.

They left her uncermoniously struggling on the tomb floor, not far from where Iliana lay gagged and bound, waiting for the moment when she would be abused.

The petite warrior, Iris, would be the first to suffer the undead indignation. Nina was only thankful that the poor girl was unconscious throughout the process. Iris' small whimpers as the two mummies widened her lower holes were mere rotes and instinctive reaction. It was over for her quite quickly, though it was messy. Nina watched as the amazingly long and painful looking shafts deposited their loads in the tiny blind girl, flooding her entrances until they spurted and overflowed down the offending appendages.

Letting the violated heroine drop to the ground, the two mummies approached Nina and Iliana. Only Nina saw them coming and wriggled desperately, but to no avail. "Get away. Please, don't do this. You don't have to...uff.."

Nina was hoisted roughly by one of the mummies while the other unwrapped Iliana just enough to expose all her private parts. Seeing Iliana's bosom exposed for the first time, Nina blushed, and then before she knew it her own breasts were pushed up against the pillowy mounds. They were amazingly soft and felt amazing against the tingling of her own nervous flesh.

"Ah Iliana, I'm sorry," Nina didn't know why she said it, perhaps to let the blindfolded red head know who it was that was pushed up against her in such an intimate fashion. Perhaps it was because Nina felt as if she had somehow jinxed the party with her ill fortune.

Then each mummy positioned himself behind one of the wrapped girls and squared its member with their defenseless cunnies. Both cocks had been well lubed with their own cum and Iris' love and ass juices, so when they pressed against Nina's pussy, her folds parted easily, and the warm slickness traveled quickly and deeply up her inner walls, widening her love hole and stretching her. From the sounds that Iliana made through her gag, the same must have been happening to the tall, statuesque woman.

Nina felt such shame and impotence. Not only for herself but for Iliana. She had been the picture of nobility and beauty, and now here she was, a wrapped anonymous fuck toy for a duo of undead rapists. Their cocks were huge and uncaring. Nina felt her already well-worked pussy quickly becoming raw.

"Please... please just come in us and be quick. Ah... Please, let us go..."

She did not know what the mummies had in store for her, she only hoped it wouldn't go on much longer.