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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With her remark at important business, Nina seems to hit a weak spot as Konoe's gaze drops. "Sure, whatever. Go on and get beaten up by the next hostile that comes along." the girl says, a spiteful tone in her voice as she turns away. "But, let me tell you something. I've walked these lands for 731 years and 67 days now. I've had a few dozen lovers, married three times, with hundreds of friends to go along with them. As the years mercilessly grind forward, I've seen all of them wither away, or die in some more violent manner or an accident. And yet, I'm still here, kept alive and young by this cursed body of mine. Once people begin to notice you're different, they start to ostracize you for it. Not to mention the physical pain I've gone through, I've lost limbs or been impaled and stabbed numerous times, blown to pieces once and still regenerated everything. Helping other people from an emotional distance is the only thing that gives me anything resembling happiness these days. But I can't force anyone to co-operate with me, it's their decision."

The girl seems to have opened herself up a bit to them all. Covering up her eyes, she continues a little longer. "So, can you imagine such a pain? Seeing everyone you ever loved pass away, only to keep on going yourself when there's nothing worth going on for left here?"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina softened her gaze since Konoe obviously had opened up her problems to them.

"I'm barely into my twenties, I'll not pretend to know what it's been like for you, but since you have asked... I don't envy you your pains, but I believe that each of your lovers, especially each of your spouses, were overjoyed to have known you and shared their lives with you, however briefly the time may have seemed. Your love gave them meaning, and as long as you don't close yourself off to love, you can continue to give others that reason for being. You still remember those lives you've touched? They live on in your memory. Their spirits have shaped you and therefore they exist in all that you do.

"My advice to you, is to not allow yourself to be jaded. Find a purpose that doesn't close you off to love. It's probably difficult, given your experiences... but it doesn't sound like a fight that you should ever concede... not while you still have a warrior's heart left in you."

Nina didn't know exactly where her words had come from. She'd never really waxed philosophical before and it certainly wasn't her forte. But being honest was, and she had meant every word of it. Konoe obviously cared so much that it hurt, and the years of hurt had scabbed over her soul. Given it scar tissue that hardened it.

"If you want to call me grass-head, or make fun of me because I'm naive, I guess that's okay. I AM young by any standard. But that doesn't mean I can't offer you good advice. So please, stay with us and give us a chance. Maybe we'll end up helping you, if you let us."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Konoe keeps herself turned away from the group, processing Nina's words in her mind. Before long, Nina thinks she can hear her cry as the girl lifts her gaze towards the sky. "How... could I have forgotten those words? They sound quite similar to what my last husband said a few minutes before he departed to the next world...." the firewielder says to them, pausing for a while to wipe her face before continuing. "That man, he was the light in my life, such a good-mannered and kind person despite being a true oni... Terumi, I'm sorry.. Your wise words, I'm ashamed to have forgotten them..."

After a few minutes of regaining her composure, Konoe's hand reaches for a dagger on her belt. With a skilled flick, she spins it around with the assistance of the ring in the other end before properly holding onto it. Lowering her gaze, she looks at her reflection in the blade's well-polished flat side. " A warrior's heart, huh? I've never thought about myself as too skilled a warrior, just someone who sets others alight before cutting them down as they panic.." she goes on, keeping another pause before a quiet laugh starts to sound from her mouth. Shaking her head, Konoe continues. "Just how badly have I fallen, with a greenhorn kid having to remind me about life..."

Wiping her face for the last time, the girl turns back to them. "Alright, I've decided to help you. But, I have a request. Before we continue on, I want to visit Terumi's grave site, it's not too far away from here."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded, not wanting to interrupt Konoe's reflections.

"Certainly," she said at the mention of visiting the grave site. "We can go there at once."

She half-turned for confirmation from Iliana, whom she feared was being further relegated to bystander status as Nina did all the talking and decision making. The thought of this outcome suddenly made Nina a bit embarrassed to have disregarded her lady's authority so thoroughly. She should ask forgiveness for it later, when a better moment presented itself.

For now though, there was the delicate matter of dealing with Konoe's grief.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The rest of the group come over to them, Iliana grabbing onto Nina's shoulder. "Good job, our journey will be safer with her tagging along. We'll humour her request if it keeps us from getting injured or worse..." the mistress tells Nina in a light voice, her gaze on Iris. "We don't want a similar thing happening to all of us, we might never leave the forest if it did."

They depart shortly, walking among the trees for little over half an hour before Konoe guides them into a semi-hidden copse of trees on a small hill. Among the trees, a slim wooden grave marker stands in the ground, inscribed with symbols Nina is unable to recognise. Konoe walks up to it, lowering herself to her knees. "Terumi... it's been a long time since I last had the will to face you. I'm still here, keeping you waiting even longer for the time when we can finally be together again. I... h-hope you can wait for me some more, looks like I ain't joining.. you in some time still.." the girl speaks to her departed love, tears starting to drop into the ground once more as the long-sealed memories come back to her.

Iliana senses the seriousness of the situation, poking everyone else a bit farther away and letting Konoe have her time. "Better let her go through all that, she'll be better off with nothing bothering her"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded and backed away with the rest of them to a safe distance out of earshot. Konoe's words for her Terumi should be private things.

"Mistress... I am sorry for the way I've been speaking for the group without permission. You are our lady, and I should consult with you on how to deal with people we meet, should I not?"

Nina lowered her gaze as she spoke to Iliana, trying to appear humble. Nina liked to play up her role of subservience with the tall domineering woman. She only hoped it didn't take the fun out of things for her mistress to not have to set up boundaries for her newest loyal servant.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mistress turns her gaze from Konoe to Nina as the girl asks her question. "Weeeeeell.... you are right about that. But leaving the talking to you has produced some good results along the way. I'm not terribly mad because of that, though... I suppose I should punish you later, a little bit." Iliana teases her servant with promises of punishment.

A little while later, Konoe joins them, done with her rememberance. "So, kitsune village? I'll help you get there, then we'll go our own ways."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina bowed her head and nodded, consenting to her mistress' judgment. Faint traces of color rose on her cheeks at the suggestion of punishment.

"With your permission then, I will continue to talk with Konoe and keep us in her good graces, so as to protect us all. When we get to the kitsune village and this Ranya, I will defer to you, my Lady Iliana."

Nina bowed respectfully and then raised her eyes to meet Iliana's. A smile reached her lips, for she was a little proud of how she had been praised by Iliana, and knew that any 'punishment' she might face would likely also be a reward.

Eventually Konoe joined them again, ready to leave.

"Of course, Konoe. We'll follow your lead."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As Nina raises her gaze, Iliana bears her usual smirk on her features. She extends her arm to caress Nina's cheek with her gloved hand. "That's a good girl."

Swiping her hair back, Konoe nods as she heads forward, taking lead of the group once more as they leave the grave site behind them. Nina's words seem to have worked wonders on the taciturn girl's mind, as she forays ahead of them with much more energy than before. "We'll have to sleep out for another night, there's enough ground to cover that it'll last until tomorrow noon at least."

Spending most of the remaining day travelling through the forests and plains, the group arrive at another abandoned building when the sun starts to descend towards the horizon. Once they enter, the girls find out that the building is not as abandoned as it seemed. A clean cooking pot and a stack of firewood wait for them in the center of the room, laid neatly by the missing patch of floor, allowing them to light a fire without too much risk. Even better, a thin line is drawn over the spot, strips of dried meat hanging along the line's entire lenght. Konoe seems to have an explanation to this. "This place is former hunting shack. Looks like the equipment is still here." Looking around the shack as the others settle in after her, the girl seems a bit dissappointed by something. "Looks like they don't have any vegetables stored here. I'll fetch some greens to go with the meat, we'll have a good soup to eat then. You guys get the place running when I'm gone"

With the firegirl gone, the four remaining females can investigate the place better. Momi finds some bedrolls in the corner, taking them out to for he group to use later. Once Iliana finds some coils of rope atop one of the shelves, an evil grin crosses her features as she briefly glances at Nina, giving out a hint what might be happening in the immidiate future.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The hike through the forest and fields that day felt much better. Everyone was in a better mood. Nina even hummed and sang the latest pop songs she'd heard on the radio back in the real world. She would stop to observe a particularly beautiful scene or smell an interesting flower, all the while delighted with how rich and full this world was. She shared her insights with the others, as per usual.

When they reached the hunter's lodge, she was very surprised to find it in such good condition - the food as well was a surprise.

"It can't have been abandoned that long. I'm sure dried meat would attract scavengers. Not complaining though!" She stated as she sniffed at the meat. "Mmm, salty. I think it's probably venison."

When Iliana showed her the rope she had found from across the room, Nina smiled shyly and her face reddened. She quickly busied herself with helping Momi lay the bedrolls out and then she set the table with any plates and utensils she could find, then cleared a preparation area for when Konoe returned with the vegetables.

With nothing left to do but wait, Nina went to check on Iris, asking the swordswoman if she was feeling okay and not too tired from all the exertions. She knew Iris had an internal toughness, but that frail body of hers still had its limitations, and she wanted to be sure everything was fine.

She also inquired the same of Momi, though she was more certain that the wolf girl was used to such travels.

At last she came to Iliana and asked if there was anything she wanted her to do while they waited.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Once they've settled down a bit, Nina goes on to ask the others how they were holding up. Seeing Iris first, Nina gets a smile and nod from the small warrior, who seems to have recovered fully from the horrifying filling she was subjected to earlier in the trip. Momi is next to be asked about her condition. The wolfgirl casually scratches behind her ears, then answers. "Don't worry, Momi is fine. This is a simple walk through the forest for Momi."

Before Nina can get any answers from Iliana, Konoe returns from her greens-gathering foray into the surrounding areas. The girl immidiately sets upon the veggies with a knife, cutting them into small, manageable chunks. Setting fire under the pot, she puts the greens in along with some water. Plucking some strips of meat from the hanging line, she cuts them too and adds the meat to the pot shortly afterwards. Looks like all those years walking the trails have taught Konoe a good few things about using wilderness ingridients in her cooking.

After a delightfully delicious meal, the group starts to settle down as night is beginning to set in. They take a little time to set up a watch schedule, everyone besides Iris taking a while to guard the surroundings for hostiles. Nina is given the first turn as the rest of the crew go and have some sleep.

About an hour into her shift, Nina is grabbed from behind, her mouth covered to prevent screaming. "Careful now, there's dangerous people about." she can hear her mistress whisper. As the taller woman keeps Nina in check, she can feel the rope in Iliana's hand rub against her clothes.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was happy to enjoy a natural meal and let Konoe know as much as they sat down to eat. She complimented the fire starter on her knife skills, and had even gone so far as to inquire how her fire magic worked - was it simply who she was, or had she needed to learn how to control it as expertly as she had demonstrated? If this line of questioning was going to give even the slightest measure of discomfort to Konoe's expression, Nina would drop it.

Ever desiring to help, Nina gladly took up first watch and sat herself down to watch the woods. She was determined to not let anything outside get past her watch. It was a surprise then when a hand came up around her mouth and her sword arm was drawn behind her back just half an hour into her shift.

She calmed only slightly when she heard Iliana's voice behind her. Of course, she hadn't been looking back into the house... still, the lady's abilities in stealth were very impressive upon reflection

Iliana gripped her tight, producing in Nina a playful whimper as the rope rubbed up against her. Whatever would she be doing with that?

Not wanting to talk when her mistress obviously wanted her silence, she stood still, not daring nor wanting to move away from Iliana. She let her shield slip down to the floor and gently leaned it against the wall, then craned her neck to look at Iliana.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Konoe tells Nina about being able to produce the flames she wielded since she was ten years old, being a bit uncontrolled with the skill at first but soon learning to to control it properly. Now that she was more open towards them, this didn't bother her at all.

Having successfully taken control of her servant, Iliana watches Nina disarm the shield from herson. "Good girl..' the mistress whispers to her, giving her a grin before she ties a lenght of rope over Nina's mouth to gag her.

With Nina's silence now a bit more guaranteed, the mistress keeps on restraining the girl. Crossing Nina's wrists behind her back, Iliana applies skilled rope bonds around them to take most of her freedom away with a simple tie like that. Once she's satisfied with the tightness of her handiwork, the tall beauty walks Nina out from the shack into the cool night air. "You don't want them to hear what's going to happen next"

Once both mistress and servant are outside, Iliana sits on a small stool near the wall of the shack. Taking one long leg over the other, she takes some time to see Nina squirm in her bonds, enjoying her handiwork. Once she's had enough, the tall woman orders Nina lay on her lap. Following her mistress' order, the girl lowers to her knees, bending over to place herself properly on Iliana's lap. Once she's settled down, Iliana slowly slides Nina's pants down and exposes her to the world. She continues her sexual assault by taking a hand to Nina's exposed womanhood, poking at her entrance teasingly and grinding the girl's netherlips some before pulling away. But she changes tactic, a huge slap landing on Nina's rear as Iliana bends over to whisper in her ear. "Now, the punishment I promised will begin" she says, starting to smack Nina's cute butt in a steady rhythm.
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina shivered when Iliana called her a 'good girl.' Her voice had such a pleased sound to it, a genuine appreciation for Nina's appropriate behavior, that Nina couldn't help but feel glad and soothed by the interaction. It made her happy to have pleased her mistress, and it was the realization of this fact that made her tremble as well. She was discovering just how much she really enjoyed this sort of relationship, this giving of herself. She saw the way Iliana smiled down at her, like a proud owner of a well-trained pet - but added onto that a human level of cognitive understanding. Nina had chosen Iliana. The subdued dwelt in a prison with a warden of her own choosing - and that made the look in her mistress' eye all the more caring.

The rope was brought up to Nina's lips and willingly she parted them so the gag would fit snugly between her teeth. No resistance was made when the cords wound about her wrists either, connecting her hands, wrists, and elbows all together to the point of helplessness. She was at that most precious point of no return, dependent completely on the grace and mercy of Iliana.

She was spun around to face Iliana for inspection. She couldn't smile because of the gag, but her eyes smiled for her as she stared at her lady. Out of obligation, she made a few futile tugs at her bonds, just to prove to herself and her mistress that she was indeed her prisoner.

Obediently, she followed Iliana outside and waited for her to take her seat on the stool. The forest at night was full of small animal sounds and the air was alive with the whispers of wind through the trees. The others must be asleep by now. They wouldn't hear any of this. This was between Iliana and herself.

For a time, Iliana simply admired her captive. Feeling the eyes upon her only made Nina more self conscious of the way her chest was reacting to the cool breeze. It was dark, but the lady's penetrating gaze was sure to note the tell-tale signs from this short a distance. Nina looked down, kept her eyes fixed on her own feet and gave in to the inspection.

"Lay across my lap," Iliana said.

Heat rose to her cheeks as Nina obeyed, kneeling down slowly beside Iliana's legs and then leaning her body forward until her stomach was firmly set upon her mistress' thighs. She felt her harem pants being lowered. Then her panties. She was exposed for her mistress to see. Excitement and anticipation swelled within her.

She felt those delicate fingers trace over her womanhood, easily betraying how turned on all this had made Nina. She felt shame and embarrassment mingle with joy.

Then she felt the first spanking come down, and she gasped in surprise. Iliana told her about the punishment, and she nodded from her position. More strokes fell and her cute ass squirmed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her gag stifled her moans.

Thank you mistress... thank you so much.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mistress seems to sense Nina's enjoyment in this treatment. Giving her what she wants, Iliana keeps on spanking her servant girl for a good five minutes, not faltering a bit as she keeps her hand strong and interwall steady. When she finally stops, Nina's rear is flaming red and quite sore from the beating.

Letting Nina recover just a bit from her spanking, the mistress hold her hand on Nina's cheek, turning the girl's head to face her. The smirk is still there on the tanned beauty's features. "Such a cute thing when punished... I think I need to do this more often, maybe have someone else in it too.." she says before letting the servant's head go. The woman stays still for a while, nothing happening for a brief moment. But soon, the mistress breaks the silence once more. "Don't move now, you won't like what happens if you do." she says as something cold and flat touches down on Nina's lower lips. Iliana keeps teasing the younger girl's exposed cunny with the object, the coldness making Nina shiver under it's touch as the thing slides along her soaking flower.

After some teasing, Iliana takes the object over to Nina's frontside, shoving her what it is. Slightly startled by the revelation, Nina finds herself eyeing Iliana's curved dagger, it's edge now slippery with the green-haired girl's love honey. "Such a dirty girl. Look at my trusty knife, it only touched your lovelies a bit and now it's like that. Guess I'll have to punish you some more for that..." the mistress says in a low, slightly threatening but still playful voice. "But first, clean what you messed up." she continues, temporarily opening the gag so Nina can use her mouth to clean the mistress' weapon from her own lust nectar.

Once she's satisfied with the condition of her dagger, Iliana sets the gag back to muffle Nina again. Giving the girl a quick slap across the rear, the mistress pokes at Nina's asshole with two fingers, the round pommel of the dagger simultaneously teasing her flower. As the fingers start to push themselves inside the pucker of her rear, Iliana takes out and re-inserts the pommel into Nina. After a few fakeouts, the mistress begins her real attack at the servant girl. Her fingers sliding inside Nina's rear, the woman inserts the dagger's handle inside Nina, going all the way to the crossguard. She begins to pump both orifices with the respective things set inside them. The fingers are pretty held back in their assault inside the tight asshole, but Iliana applies some strong new feelings into the dagger as she starts to stir the handle around as she pistons the girl's pink hole with the dagger. Steadily increasing the speed and power of her strokes, Iliana goes on ravaging Nina until she can see the younger girl climax.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As the spankings continued, Nina could imagine the red, finger shaped patterns appearing on her ass, and she could feel Iliana's gloating eyes over her as another and then another wonderful slap put Nina in her place.

Please... another. Ahh! Please... another. She thought loudly in her mind. Why did it hurt so good? Her ass was on fire before even two minutes were up, yet still Iliana continued to play her like a drum. With each forceful contact with her tenderized flesh, Nina began to gasp and mewl through the very damp rope between her lips and teeth. Strands of drool began to pour down as she lost herself in the punishment, a glazed look coming over her eyes.

Finally, the pummeling stopped, and Iliana turned Nina's head to look at her, seeing the glazed, dreamy look in her servant's soft, semi-exhausted features. And the gratitude. There was gratitude in those eyes... as well as elsewhere, which her mistress' dagger soon discovered.

"Such a cute thing when punished... I think I need to do this more often, maybe have someone else in it too.."

A... another? A new wave of shame, embarrassment, and yes, arousal rolled trough Nina then. Would her mistress expose her to others? Would she be punished in front of an audience? Would it be people she knew? It would be humiliating, and yet... why did a part of her yearn for it?

Then came that cold edge against her very slick nether lips... She could hear the little wet sounds it made as it parted her folds. She fought the urge to wiggle away from the sounds. Iliana would know just how horny Nina got from just being spanked! Ah! I'm not a masochist! No... not really, she thought. It had pleased Iliana to punish her. It pleased Iliana to have an obedient servant. Nina just liked to please... this was a sexualization of that ever present desire within her. Yes that had to be it... she couldn't be a real masochist, could she?

The teasing went on for a minute or so before the object was brought in front of Nina, showing her that it was in fact, Iliana's dagger. Ropes of love honey dangled from the back of its curled edge. Nina's cheeks burned to see just how much of it there was and she couldn't meet Iliana's eyes.

She was ordered to clean it and her gag removed. Immediately she moved closer to the dagger where it was held in front of her and stuck out her tongue, pressing it carefully to the cold blade with its warm coating. She licked it daintily, making sure to clean it well, even if it meant that it would take a bit longer. She still could not meet Iliana's gaze, so she kept her eyelids half closed in a dutiful, submissive glaze and continued licking as she'd been ordered.

The dagger was cleaned to her mistress' satisfaction, and so her gag was replaced. Nina didn't dare to speak in the interim, knowing perhaps instinctively that Iliana would appreciate her dutiful silence. She was bent over Iliana's lap still when another slap resounded off of her rear, snapping the servant back at attention. A low moan escaped her through the gag rope, as the sore flesh demanded some recognition for the pain.

Then her mistress began to tease her rear pucker with her fingers, producing a sharp inhalation of breath, followed quickly by an even sharper gasp as the cold pommel of the dagger was pressed against her cunny hole, still lubricated with her lust. Now her body did wiggle and shiver under the teasing and playful feints that Iliana used to heighten Nina's anticipation.

Then the pommel slid in and produced a sudden rigidity in Nina's sporty legs. Her eyes widened and she let out a muffled squeak, followed by several lesser mewls in quick succession as she adapted to the cold rod having been shoved up to the cross guard within her. The fingers at her asshole also began their proper exploration, and Nina felt as though this was the final degradation of an already thoroughly abused ass. She began to moan lewdly at the utter embarrassment of it all. She reveled in her submission, tears of joy playing at the corners of her eyes as she bit down hard on the rope gag to steel herself against the double penetration. She was dripping love juices from her flower petals as the dagger pommel slid in and out of her in perfect rhythm with fingers at her ass.

As the speed intensified, so did the lewd sounds coming from Nina. Her body began to jerk and twitch as her climax approached. Her shapely legs moved of their own accord, wanting to clamp down against her mistress' pistoning hands. Fighting that urge with what remained of her self-control, Nina kept her legs spread, stretching them out, making her whole body taut as Iliana sent her spiraling upwards into that final stage of climax. When she came, it was as intense a feeling as she could remember, and she lost all thought for a long moment as she was brought to the edge and then spilled over it.

The dagger would need cleaning again. Nina shuddered on her mistress' lap, completely exposed and spent. Her heart was racing and she panted through the gag as she lay there in a blissful afterglow.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Done with punishing her servant, Iliana withdraws both implements of pleasure from Nina's abused entrances. Taking an appraising look at her juice-soaked dagger, she removes Nina's gag again. Pressing the pommel against the girl's lips, the mistress begins to slide the handle up and down in her mouth. Nina finds herself fellating a dagger, as strange as that sounds in her mind.

Not too long a moment later, Iliana takes her dagger out. Verbally poking Nina back on her feet, she takes the wobbling girl back inside the shack once her pants are back on. Stopping in the middle of the room, the mistress contemplates starting another round right there, next to their sleeping friends. "It would be a fun little test for you..." she teases, but ultimately decides to not go with her decision.

With a friendly and satisfied smile now decorating her beautiful features, the mistress tucks Nina to bed, interestingly enough not releasing the girl from her bondage. "It's my shift next, so you try and sleep. I'm looking forward to seeing who wakes you up..." the mistress whispers to Nina's ear before getting up and heading to her guard spot, leaving Nina to fall asleep, still restrained in her mistress' ropes.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was lost in her own happy non-thoughts when she felt the gag being loosened once again. Looking up dazedly, she discovered the wet pommel of Iliana's favorite dagger pressed to her lips. Of course... how selfish Nina had been... dirtying her mistress' dagger again. She eagerly let the hilt enter her mouth, using her tongue to clean the lust honey off of the dagger's pommel. She made slurping, sucking sounds to let Iliana know she was doing her best to clean it. The taste of her own lewdness in her mouth for the second time that night made her feel doubly kinky. She'd never been interested in her love honey, but now that her mistress had showed it to her, she supposed that she would be tasting it quite often from now on.

Convinced that her dagger was cleaned, Iliana removed it from Nina and then told her to get onto her feet with a few encouraging, playful orders. Without the use of her arms to push herself up, Nina had to rely on her stomach muscles and her now shaky legs to shift the weight properly to where she could stand. Iliana was contented watching the awkward shifting as the greenhaired servant made it to her feet. Once that had happened, Iliana pulled up Nina's pants and put them properly around her waist once again. Nina waited for the bonds to be undone, but that didn't happen.

They went into the middle of the room near their three sleeping companions. Iliana suggested it might be fun to begin another round in front of them. Nina felt a surge of embarrassment. Maybe Iris might understand, but Momi would find it odd, and Konoe! A 731 year old fire mage whom she had just earned a grudging respect with... to see Nina tied up and being spanked willingly...

Nina's mouth gaped but didn't say a word, though her body began to warm up again in spite of herself. The thought of the humiliation turned her on again. A test for Nina, her mistress had called it... Nina licked her lips, but it seemed her mistress had only been teasing. She lay Nina into her sleeping bag - still bound - and tucked her in.

Nina looked at her mistress with adoration in her eyes as she caressed Nina one last time and then whispered sweet words in her ear. Someone would find her bound in the morning. How would she explain it? She whimpered a bit, but a smile kept creeping back across her lips.

She drifted off to sleep with visions of her mistress in her head, no longer worried about what the morning would bring.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Images of her mistress' punishments fill Nina's dreams, complimented by more tender visions of close moments spent with Iliana and Iris. The night goes by all too fast, as the girl finds herself awake. With a brief glance, it looks like morning is there already, the past night coming back to Nina's mind as her lower parts start to ache from the roughing handed down on them by Iliana.

As she lays there, Momi's young, cute face appears in her still hazy vision. "You going to get up, lazypants? If not, Momi's going cuddle with you!"
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah? Morning already? Oh!" Nina suddenly remembered that she was still in fact bound as Momi threatened to cuddle her. Strange, she had never wanted to cuddle anyone but Iris before this.

"Oh... I'll get up, but..." her mind raced, then suddenly she had it. "But... my friend Iliana played a prank on me in the night. Look... she tied my hands while I was sleeping... She's really good with knots and I can't undo it. Can you help me? Oh, and don't tell the others, I don't want Iris to know that I was so easily tied up. Please..."

She gave Momi her best "helpless puppy dog" eyes.