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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Momi looks at Nina with curious eyes, tilting her head as she listens to her explain about the bonds. "Huh? The old lady pulled a prank on you? Didn't think she was that kind of person..." the wolfgirl says, turning Nina to her stomach as she lies there. Suddenly the sleeping bag becomes quite stuffy as Momi dives in, tail wagging as her upper body dissappears inside. After a few tugs and pulls at the ropes, Nina can feel the bonds loosening around her wrists. Soon, a few cords fly out before Momi pulls herself away from the bag, the pressure easing as she withdraws.

"There you go, you're free." Momi says to Nina, leaving her there and going over to Iliana who sits by the window. With a serious face, the wolfgirl starts to berate the mistress about not doing such dangerous pranks in the wilderness, which greatly amuses Iliana. The sight of a serious, preachy Momi was something the beauty never thought she's see.

Before she can realize it, Nina sees Iris sitting across the room, a bright blush and awkward smile across her face. The warrior definately knows what had occurred.
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina found herself smiling awkwardly as Momi crawled into the small space within the sleeping bag, undoing the knots and putting pressure on her body, making her squirm and grunt.

"Ack! Careful... ah," Nina sighed as Momi came up and left her with just loose ropes which she could remove by herself. She held a mortified hand up to her mouth however when Momi goes and chides Iliana loudly. Nina tilted her head across the room to observe Iris' reaction and her own blush gets even brighter.

At a loss, she muttered something about needing fresh air and excused herself from the room, trotting outside the hunter's lodge and looking out at the morning sunrise, trying to keep her mind off of the embarrassment indoors.

"Well... at least Iliana's amused. Oh... but how can I face Iris after this?" She muttered to herself, burying her face in her hands.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Once outside, Nina's mind starts to wander around in the clear spring morning. But she's not given much time to think about things as she hears the door creak open. The still-blushing Iris comes out through the door, wearing her shirt and panties, having forgotten to put on pants yet. The sword is there as well, held firm in the blind girl's left hand as she closes towards Nina. Once she's a few feet away, Iris stops to face Nina. Somehow this behaviour made Nina extremely nervious.

Then, Iris does something that elevates the seriousness of the situation to a whole new level. Reaching for the seals of her blindfold, Iris takes the leathery visor off her eyes. The blindfold drops to the ground as Iris' blood-red eyes lock into Nina's own, the gaze feeling like it could bore through Nina's skull. The blind girl keeps looking at her, definately wanting to hear something from Nina. Iris' look is practically telling her to choose her next words carefully, as they would decide how the two will get along afterwards.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The sight of Iris foregoing covering herself up immediately told Nina that something was far from normal. Iris always seemed to have the air and poise of a perfectionist, someone who did everything carefully and deliberately - be it combat, sharpening a sword, or simply getting dressed and bearing herself in a respectable decorum. This was chaotic, emotion-fueled action, and it reminded Nina of the one encounter with Iris that had not been so nice.

Reflexively, Nina's hands moved down to cover her stomach, where if not for the healing touch of Elise, there would have been a great scar, assuming Nina would have been able to recover at all.

As if to confirm the dangerous potential energy that swirled between them both, Iris removed her blindfold, revealing the blood red orbs that had a sight all their own - as deep as the well of space and all the seaming of demon's nightmare. They bore into Nina like two unrelenting drills. It took all the will that Nina could muster to stave off a quaking shiver.

Then a calmness came over her, like a curtain being drawn to suddenly let the sun into a darkened room. The truth spilled from her, and a pained smile played on her lips.

"She loves you. It's so very obvious. There's a bond the two of you have that can't be broken. Can't be bent. You two are amazing... the pair of you together. The trust... the caring looks, the obligation to one another. Is it wrong to want something like that? Is it wrong to want to give yourself over to a person? Your loyalty, your sword, your trust? I find it so strangely fulfilling. I felt safe last night, even though I was so vulnerable. Iliana made me feel safe, and it makes me want to make her safe even more."

She looked up and gazed softly at Iris.

"I care for you both. Want to be with you both. I want to fight along side you, joke with you, lean on you, and have you both lean on me. I don't want to be an outsider... a passing amusement."

It was in truth what Nina feared most about Iliana, even moreso than Iris' jealous blade. There existed a kernel of fear; that her mistress may look upon her as only a bit of fun. That there might not be any actual feeling behind her. That she might simply consider Nina a silly girl. Obviously, Iris was staring her down because Iris did not believe this to be the case. It was strangely reassuring - even though it was in the same breath a dangerous thing to put oneself in the way of an angry-eyed blind swordswoman.

Nina stood there, waiting to see what effect her words might have had on Iris, for better or worse.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris keeps a steady gaze on Nina's eyes with her own as the girl gives out her explanation/encouragement. Once she's finished with the short speech, an awkward silence follows. But it is a brief one, heralding the forming of Iris' small smile. Following her usual behaviours, the girl nods at Nina before grabbing onto her with a friendly embrace.

Withdrawing from Nina a short while afterwards, Iris closes her eyes again. Lowering herself down, the blind girl picks up the blindfold and plants it on Nina's hand before turning her back to the green-haired girl. Casting a close-eyed look behind her, she gestures Nina to put the leather mask back over her eyes.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina felt happy after the embrace. She had been worried about having misjudged Iris' objections, but what she had said, even if it hadn't addressed things quite right, had satisfied her friend. She hugged Iris back.

Then Iris had stooped down to retrieve the leather blindfold, and surprised Nina by putting it in her hand.

"Iris... you can see with your eyes." It wasn't a question, as she gently, put the leather strap around her companion and hid the eyelids from sight. "You can see through this strap, can't you?" That was what she suspected, and thought that Iris would be willing to answer.

After she was done securing the strap, she hugged Iris again, not wanting to let her go just yet. Iris was such a mystery still, but Nina felt a connection through Iliana to this girl. She wanted to help her very much, but she didn't know how.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As Nina grabs the backwards-facing Iris into another hug, the girl puts one hand on Nina's forearm as they wrap around her. Letting the other girl hold onto her as long she wants, Iris both nods and shakes her head at the questions. Since Iris is almost mute, Nina might never know the truth about how the blind girl's emanation sight works.

With the two girls locked against each other, Nina can hear someone step away from the door some distance away. The mistress was most likely listening in to their one-sided conversation from a safe distance.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

At the confusing answers to her question, Nina sighed and leaned against Iris for a quiet moment, just enjoying the hug. Her relationship with Iris was an odd thing. She respected her immensely, while also feeling an obligation to protect her, for she was deadly, yet frail, skilled, yet possessing a glaring weakness. She was obviously a caring and friendly soul, yet capable of great rage and mysterious aloofness. She was a riddle, wrapped in an enigma. A collection of dichotomies. All Nina knew was that for her, the best parts of Iris had endeared her to the blindfolded girl.

After a while Nina pulled away and let Iris move on her own. Together they walked back into the lodge and Nina's eyes sought out Iliana.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After Nina finally decides to let her go from the warmth and friendship of their embrace, Iris stays put till Nina goes forward to the shack. She goes to her belongings near the sleeping bags, starting to get herself properly dressed and equipped once more.

Nina looks around the shack, finding Iliana in the exact same position she was before, sitting on a chair near the window. The mistress is cleaning her dagger, wiping at the blade with a cleaning cloth. Nina was not sure if the woman did it just to tease her with a reminder or not.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina managed to keep any sign of embarassment from her face when she noticed Iliana cleaning the dagger. She decided to get prepared for the day herself, packing up her sleeping bag and coiling the rope together when she thought no one was looking. She made certain everything was in place before they set out for the day.

"We should be reaching Ranya's village sometime today?" she asked Momi when all was ready.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The wolfgirl seems to be as high-spirited as usual. "Yeah. If we don't get distracted by something along the way, the kitsune village is only a few hours away from here." Konoe's nod confirms this, the immortal girl no doubt having wandered these paths numerous times during her long life. Once everyone else is done with returning the shack to its proper order, the group depart from the building, leaving it in good order for the next possible users.

The trek takes them into a thicker part of the forest, the trees starting to change into impressively large specimens of their normal kind. Some wandering time later, Konoe stops them. "This is where we go our own ways, I'm not welcome in the village. We... had some differences in the past." she says, pointing up. Some 30 feet up in the trees, a network of walkways connects a multitude trees with their trunks bearing expanded areas. These bulges seem to be acting like houses, as there are a few openings in them to look outside.

With her task done, Konoe turns her gaze on Nina. With a sudden move, she grabs the other girl in a hug Nina never thought she'd be in. "I really have to thank you, for making me see things in a good light again. If you hadn't come along, I'm not sure how long my mind would've held on to it's sanity." she says, holding Nina's shoulders and giving her a final look before dissappearing into the surrounding forest. Maybe now the nearby lands might become a safer place, with such a powerful individual doing her best to help out.

Once their attention returns to the village, the group can see a beastly-type kitsune looking down at them from a walkway over them.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was surprised by the hug, but after a moment returned it with a light embrace of her own. Konoe's words were appreciated, and they lifted Nina's spirits. She was glad to have played a part in giving Konoe a new (or perhaps just her old) outlook on life.

"Goodbye then, Konoe. Thank you for all that you have done for us," she said warmly, extending her arm in a wave of farewell. She watched Konoe disappear back into the woods before turning along with the three other girls and gazing upon the kitsune village. A glance upwards showed that one of the natives had already spotted them.

"Well Momi, I guess we'll be depending on you now to make sure they trust us..." she smiled at the wolf girl.

With a quick whisper to Iliana, Nina said, "I'll be quieter now, my lady. You'll be wanting to speak with this Ranya I'm sure."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Taking her cue from Nina's words, Iliana calls out to the kitsune looking down to them from the walkway. "We come in peace, don't be alerted. We're here to speak about something your rogue kin are planning."

The kitsune doesn't seem to react, but a short moment later, a trio of kitsune appear in a small flash of light. Standing some 10 feet away, two beast-types bearing ornate staffs flank the third one, a human-type female. Short blonde hair and gleaming golden eyes grace this beautiful fox-woman. She wears a long white dress with a blue, equally long decorated tabard over it. This way of dressing somewhat manages to hide her curvaceous form under it, but does nothing to conceal the sunburst of huge, fluffy foxtails behind her. The woman's perky ears do random movements as she scans across the group, gauging them in her mind. Once her gaze meets Momi's, a saintly smile forms on her face. "Little Momi. It has been a while since we last met, hasn't it?" the fox-woman says in a melodious voice. She takes a step forward, kneeling down to grab Momi as the wolfgirl closes towards them. "Yeah... Momi is glad to see you again, Ranya-sama." the wolfgirl replies as they rub cheeks with each other.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina giggled as the wolf-girl and the kitsune woman rubbed cheeks together. It was a cute and endearing gesture of greeting. She would do her best to put on a bright-eyed, happy face for the kitsune, as a sign that her party meant no harm, but Nina was going to let her lady do the talking. A lesson had been taught, afterall.

She was not surprised to find out that Ranya was pretty, nor that she would have so many tails, if the stories of kitsune were true and Momi had not exaggerated about Ranya's power. It all seemed to fit in this oh-so-real make believe world.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana waits patiently for the two animal women to stop their greetings before she steps up to greet the fox-woman herself. The two of them stand almost at equal height, Ranya being only a few inches shorter than the mistress. Iliana introduces herself properly, getting an equally polite inroduction in return.

The mistress starts to tell the purpose of their trip to the kitsune leader, who is patient in listening at her story, the two guardians keeping to themselves in the background. "Hmmmm, that is not good... We should go to the village and discuss this more, but first..." Ranya says, placing her clawed hand on Iliana's forehead and closing her eyes. Soon after, the leader nods, walking next to Iris and doing he same thing with her. "You've gone through tough times, young one. I hope the future can be better for you." she says, getting a nod in reply from Iris.

Finally, the fox-woman turns to Nina, placing her hand on the girl's forehead. It starts to feel like Nina's mind is being poked at, as the hand stays on her.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina blinked a bit at the press of the hand against her forehead, but made no movement to avoid it, nor to state any objection. It seemed safe enough for Iliana and Iris, so she wouldn't resist.

She tried not to think about anything specific when the Kitsune touched her, but not because she wanted to hide anything. She just didn't want to focus on any one thing over another.

As the kitsune touched her, she eyed Iris and Iliana out of the corners of her eyes.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Ranya's expressions change as she keeps the hand on Nina's forehead, but looks like the fox leader is ultimately satisfied as she withdraws her hand eventually. "Sorry about that, I needed to confirm if you were true to your intentions. This is the easiest way to make it out." she says, the attendants coming over to them as she gestures them forward. "Now, if you'd please take a hand offered to you. We'll go to the village." she continues, taking Nina's and Iris' hands as she says so. With a word from Ranya, they soon find themselves at a large room inside a tree, the attendants following them with Momi and Iliana holding their hands.

Sitting down on a cushion, Ranya gestures the group to sit down as well. "Hiro, Sakamoto. You're free to do as you wish, these people have no bad intentions within them." she says to the two attendants. "Thank you, Ranya-sama, we'll carry on with your usual business then." the other one replies before walking out from the door.

Turning back to her guests, Ranya looks through them again. "So, tell me again about this portal and your experiences. I wish to hear from every one of you."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina waited patiently for her mistress to explain things, and would defer then to Momi if the wolf-girl wanted to chime in. When Ranya turned her head to Iris, Nina would chirp in:

"Forgive me for interrupting, but Iris cannot speak, Lady Ranya."

Pausing for a moment to allow for any sudden reactions this may have, Nina would finally recount the story from her own perspective.

"Well, I only just met Iris and the Lady Einzbern a few days ago while exploring the tomb where the portal exists in our desert. After joining up to fight against the denizens of the tomb, I was injured in an encounter and they saved me by bringing me back to the Lady's mansion, where I was healed. Since recovering, I've pledged myself to my Lady's service, since I owe her my life. My Lady is very wise and trustworthy, I can assure you that you can depend on her. Iris is her loyal bodyguard, and a true friend. We three of us found the portal, as has been said, and that was when we fought Momi and the wicked kitsune that was controlling her. Then we explored the portal and sought you out at Momi's advice. We've traveled for a bit, rescued Iris from some terrible plant creatures, and then made our way to a cave to recover."

At this point, if Konoe had not been mentioned before, Nina would not mention her either. She had said she was not liked in this village, and there was no need to draw their ire to her.

"Then we went to a hunter's lodge last night to resupply, and finally we arrived this morning."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Ranya follows each story with her full attention, offering condolences for Iris' lost speaking ability as the fact is presented to her. When Nina finishes her story as the last speaker, the fox leader taps her chin with a clawed finger a few times as she works it all out in her mind. "We've been trying to get the rogues change their minds for a long time, but they just won't listen to any reasoning from us. They see this magic power all kitsune have as some sort of superiority marking that allows them to rule over other creatures. We can't have them spreading around other lands to have their evil ways, it will give a cruel, bad reputation to all kitsune-kind. I promise to help you with that portal, we'll get close to it soon, I'll prepare a quick travellng method for all of us." Ranya goes on for a while before getting up starting to rummage around her belongings. "It will take some time, go have a look at the village, ask Sakamoto next door for food if you're hungry. He manages the resources we have stocked in the village, and can give you a bite to eat before we head out."

With that said, Ranya guides them out to prepare for her spell. The group are now standing at a round walkway that allows entry to several houses nearby.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nods appreciatively and murmurs her thanks to Ranya as she leaves, then turns to Iliana.

"Shall we take them up on their offer of food, my lady? I would not mind exploring this place a bit before we journey back to the portal."

Assuming Iliana was receptive to the idea of exploring the kitsune village, Nina would walk towards the hut where Sakamoto was supposedly handing out vittles.

As they walked, Nina crept close to Iliana's side and whispered, "I never did apologize for Momi giving you grief this morning, but my story to her was not entirely off. Still, I did not expect that she would chide you for it."

Nina brushed her hair back out of her eyes, and glanced for a small moment into Iliana's eyes before lowering her gaze, like a respectful servant, or what she thought she should do to seem like one.