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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"One would imagine so. But that is not a matter for today, since we are already closing towards night after that adventure." Iliana stated her mind, and Yura seemed to agree.

Iris had calmed down from the previous state of hyper-attention, now looking much more like her usual quiet self. The release of the sorceress had likely appeased the spirit inside, and it had now given the blind girl her control back. Still, it seemed she was curious about this woman Isane by her own mind as well.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"We should make Isane comfortable I suppose. I'll make a bed up for her and prepare some food for when she wakes up. She'll probably be thirsty and hungry after all that time asleep, poor woman."

With Galeon in tow Nina would find a good place for Isane to repose while waiting to wake up. The maid knight suggested that someone be with her at all times so that she wasn't confused when she first woke up. She suggested taking watches.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"We'll prepare food for all of us, gotta eat something after that whole venture. It did take a good portion of the day." Yura spoke up too, heading to the kitchen for her own part. "Once you've gotten her settled into bed, come and eat with the rest of us. We can agree with the watch turns then." she called out, leading Iliana and Iris along as well.

Galeon went along with Nina, keeping Isane on his arms all the while. With the green-haired girl setting up a bed in the room next to theirs, he seemed happy to finally be able to lay the woman down. "That was... pretty hard. She is not terribly heavy, but keeping someone on your arms for hours is pretty intense." the elder knight said, pulling up the blanket to cover Isane. "You go eat with them, but ask someone to bring me food, I can be here for now."
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina leaned up on her tiptoes and gave the elder knight a kiss on his cheek.

"You're a strong guy, Galeon. Strong enough to test Yura, so you're strong enough to carry a damsel in distress for hours. Thanks for everything you've done today. I'll deliver your food myself."

She then went off to eat with her friends and loved ones, and made good on her promise when able.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Well, I've had time to work myself into condition. If one keeps up the conditioning, it can be maintained almost indefinately. But enough of that, you go and have that food, I'll wait for your return." Galeon replied, letting Nina go about her business while he remained with Isane for now.

Back at the kitchen area, Iliana and Iris had seated themselves already, but Yura was at the kitchen side still, tapping her temple with a finger. "Arg, the noose of unimagination. What to do..." the weapon master said as she seemed to be missing the idea for something to make.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina swooped in beside her sensei and patted her on the back. "It's okay young pupil chef, your teacher is here! Here's what I need you to do..."

Putting Yura's knife skills to work for her, Nina had the horned woman chop up some onions, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes while the maid knight blanched some pork belly and prepared a sauce and a soup stock. She also took out a small cut of beef and ground it through a mincer. The blanched pork belly was handed to Yura to chop up while the vegetables were exchanged to go into the soup stock. The cut pork would be marinaded in a sauce that Nina had prepared. The soup was set on a low heat to slow cook, and the minced beef was added to give it some savory protein flavor. She also made a tomato paste, seasoned it, and then mixed it in to create a flavorsome beef and vegetable and potato stew. She added some sprigs of rosemary and basil, then served it up into bowls and told Yura to serve them while she finished frying the marinated pork belly and put on some rice for the main course, along with stir fried bok choy. In the end, Nina would serve the pork belly to her friends and then set aside a plate of pork and rice and bok choy, and a bowl of soup, which she took on a tray with a small kettle of tea to Galeon, personally.

Only after all this was done did Nina come to sit with her friends and eat her own course, simply happy to have others enjoying the meal, Nina would take pride in making others happy with her dedicated service. Just a smile of approval from Iliana's lips would make the green-haired girl's eyes light up.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, alright. I will take the assistant spot once more. Let's go." Yura said, being totally agreeable with Nina's plan for the foodmaking. They went through the process together like before, getting the whole thing done in due time. After delivering the reserved part to the thankful Galeon, the maid-knight joined the rest of the group at the table. They were thorougly enjoying the food that she had made, the hours spent on walking and fighting only making the dishes taste better. Thanks were plenty, with the obvious exception of Iris, who went back to her usual nodding to signal her pleasure. All in all, it was a very pleasant dinnertime.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Pleased with the results of her efforts, Nina ate happily and then brought up the nature of how they should go about setting watch for Isane, and what they should say to the sorceress when she woke up. How exactly should they treat this woman? Would she be safe to be around after such a long time in captivity? Should she be kept here at the temple or brought to the capital perhaps to be under the guardianship of Lord Rao? Or perhaps she would decline all of this and simply take up wandering again?

This also led to Nina wanting to know why she would have been captured and tied up like she was, as well as figuring out what sort of being could have done that to her.

During the course of all this pondering and formulating of ideas, Nina would also explain to Yura the same things she had said to Iliana and Iris about Karin. Finally coming clean about the fact that she had seen Karin only after having been exposed to the bone slime. Nina would ask her Sensei's forgiveness for not being forthright about it, but Karin seemed like a trustworthy spirit and the sort of requests that she was making were not of the same evil source that had first tainted Nina enough to have given her a glimpse of the dark afterlife. Nina had been afraid to tell Yura all this immediately, for fear that the Sensei would discontinue her tutelage.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, if you asked me, I'd say these things will get resolved when she does wake up. Suppose we could take a few precautions though. Even the most loving and gentle people might not be that way after being locked in a room for centuries. With this lady's magical abilities shut away for now, we need not get overtly careful though." Yura was the one to do most of the talking. But once it came to the capture part, Iliana tapped Nina on the head with her knuckles. "Silly Nina, forgetting what we heard from Rao already, just a few days ago. But there might be some difference between the storied version of the events and the truth, so the question might not be totally worthless. It will be an interesting thing to hear, possibly." she offered her own words. In the end, they agreed to carrying their weapons when looking over Isane's unconscious form. Still, outright having a blade out would not likely work the right way, so it was to be as casual as possible.

After getting offered the story behind Karin's appearance, Yura leaned back on her spot. "Why would I have done such a thing? The group I was in had two spirit people, so I'm not unfamiliar with these things. You need not hide this stuff from your teacher, I'm not going to kick anyone out for being a spirit carrier." she said wholeheartedly, a toothy grin showing as she dropped down on the floor once more.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina visibly reddened as her beautiful mistress chided her for her forgetfulness. Of course, Lord Rao had explained most of it, but for some reason the story of Isane's background had slipped her mind. She felt very silly indeed.

"Ah... I'm sorry my lady..." Nina buried her eyes downward, staring at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. What a dummy she was, to seem so foolish in front of Iliana.

When Yura spoke up she was again feeling foolish, though this time she thought she had a more understandable rationale for what she'd said.

"But, my spirit carrying... it's only because I was... touched. By that dark thing." Nina shuddered at the memory.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Upon seeing Nina's reaction, Iliana was somewhat surprised. She too shifted position in order to lay down, but instead of just going directly backwards like Yura usually did, the mistress directed herself towards Nina. Landing her head squarely on the girl's lap, the woman was now face-to-face with her. "It is not a big deal. There has been a lot of action in the last few days, so the boring story parts might not be on the top of your mind right now." she said with a smiling face, further attempting to drive away the apologies from Nina by grabbing her cheek and tugging at it. "You have acquired a spirit. Met different individuals here. Dug up a legendary sorceress from imprisonment beneath the mountain. There might be things among those that are more interesting." the tan woman briefly continued as her hand eventually let the cheek go.

The words offered to Yura had even less of an effect on her. A hand rose up from the floor, and she dismissedly waved at the thoughts while not bothering to get up just yet. "No, you silly. Just because there is a dark origin behind it doesn't mean it's evil or anything like that. I already saw what that girl is like. Only the others she can bring in seem to be bad, and even they haven't been that bad till now, not that I'm putting aside what just happened with the sage guy"

With the three of them discussing, Iris looked on from the other side of Iliana, following the trio's conversation with all due attention.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina's mood improved when Iliana lay on her lap, using her casually as an impromptu pillow. The lady's words even coaxed a smile out of the green haired servant, and affectionately, Nina began to pet the red head's hair.

"Thank you, Lady Einzbern," she murmured, her gaze resting on her lover.

Her sensei as well calmed Nina's concerns. "I suppose that's true. It was just the nature of what you were guarding. I was afraid you'd think some of it had gotten out into me... and maybe you'd have to... I don't know. I guess it was just an unspoken fear. B-but Karin brings in helpful people too. The Tree-Father is very nice, I think. He's helped me with meditation!"
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"What's that? Tree-Father? Not sure if I've seen him, but that seems like a nice thing to do." Yura replied while Nina went on with the hair petting, getting up after a brief silence. She began to gather up the used dishes, securing a portion of the food in a small pot in case Isane happened to awaken. "So, did you have any specific patterns in mind when we start the watch turns? Like how many hours per sitting?" the weapon master asked after completing the piling of the dishes, flopping down to her back once more after asking the thing. "Thought you might want those set up before we start doing it."
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Mmm, nothing too strenuous... maybe 4 or 5 hours tops?" Nina said as she frowned, realizing she'd have to let Iliana's head drop if she wanted to help clear the dishes. Looking down at the beloved woman, there was simply no choice. She sat still and continued to caress her mistress lovingly.

"I can take first watch if you'd like?"
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, alright. Doesn't sound too bad. Almost like our watch periods during those days..." Yura agreed, getting memories of her past adventures afterwards as she suddenly quieted down. But eventually, she continued once more. "Suppose you could take the next one, Galeon got the first already."

There was another quiet period, but it eventually passed as Iliana got up from her lazy petting position and sat back properly once more. Yura too was up soon, getting the small pile of dishes from the table. "You can go if you want, this ain't nothing I can't handle." she said along the way towards the wash basin.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Well, since there's not much left to do, I suppose I could take you up on that offer. Thank you Sensei Yura. For everything. We wouldn't have ever found Isane without your guidance and the safety you provided for us on our adventure."

Nina bowed respectfully to her teacher and then turned to smile at Iliana.

"We have some time before my watch begins. Would my lady care to go back to the room for a rest?"
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Well, there isn't all that much other stuff to do and Yura opted to take all the dishes, so I don't see any reason not to. Let's go." the mistress said then, getting up and heading towards the door. Iris and Nina both followed after her, leaving the weapon master to by herself.

After a brief foray through the corridors of the temple complex, the trio were back at their homely room. It was still in the same condition as before, a bit messy after their last night of fun and games. Iliana quickly peeled a layer of clothes off to allow for a more comfy feeling, Iris doing it with some more restraint. As the mistress layed down, the blind girl removed the scraps of her upper body clothing completely, as they had been mostly torn off from the back during the wing growth the rest of them had failed to see. It would likely not be a problem though, the open-backed clothes of the girl would likely allow for this without further adjustment.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"So how do you like your new pair of wings, Iris? They really look quite beautiful on you." Nina petted the black feathers on the new fully formed wing. She then followed suit with her two friends and removed most of her clothing down to her knickers, before moving to don a simple nightie that she could use while relaxing.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The blind girl nodded at the question, seeming apriciate her completed pair of wings better than the sad lonely one previously on her. Iris didn't put on any further clothing, managing it quite good in just her pants and chestwrap, soon joining the mistress. The girl went down on her own spot on the other side of Iliana, not bothering the woman as she too began to quiet down after the day's efforts and travels.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina plopped down on the other side of Iliana, so that the mistress was in between her two servants. Nina smiled prettily at Iliana and offered to rub the lady's back for her as they settled down. Anything that would make her lady feel better would make Nina happy, as usual. Nina felt like cuddling too. It might be fun to hug the red head and then have Iris wrap her new wings around them both.