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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

A brief moment of silence passed as Nina too joined the others on her own spot at the other side of Iliana. Once the offer of a back massage was brought up, the mistress seemed to apriciate the idea. "That would be lovely." she said, turning onto her stomach side to allow the girl access. Iris made no move yet, though she turned her head towards them to detect what was going on.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina offered the treatment that she was growing accustomed to giving. Making Iliana feel good in this was enjoyable for her. She saw Iris listening intently in their direction as Nina straddled the lady's back and began to knead her back muscles.

"I can give you one as well Iris, once I'm done with the mistress. I'll try to work around the wings. You'll probably have some altered muscle structure with them, unless they're completely magical."

Nina didn't do anything overtly sexual to Iliana, not needing to make this into something other than it already was. Being close and rubbing and cuddling with Iliana was heaven enough for the maid girl.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The back massage went on pretty much as Nina had estimated it, both her and Iliana enjoying it in their respective ways. The offer seemed to be likeable to Iris as well, and after almost making the mistress fall asleep, she moved on to the blind girl. Despite the presence of the wings, the areas around them didn't feel out of the ordinary in any way. Maybe they truly were magical appendages added into Iris' physique without any real attachment.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina concentrated on giving Iris the full treatment as well, wanting to really make the blind warrior feel good, but also feel loved by the way Nina touched her. She even went as far as to kiss the back of Iris' head near the end of the massage before ruffling the warrior's hair afterwards, as Nina was starting to enjoy doing.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The other massage session went as expected. By the time Nina got to the kisses and ruffles, Iris had passed out into sleep, extremely relaxed by the release of tension she experienced during the rubbing period. Maybe the day's action and travel had a part in the deal as well. "Hehe, such a little kitty she is at times. Maybe we should sleep too, you should get all the rest you can before Galeon ends his turn." Iliana said in a low voice as she saw what had transpired, preparing herself for sleep.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina sighed and nodded. It was true. She was tired and needed rest before she began her shift to stand watch over Isane. She put her head down on her pillow nodded off in a quick sleep to regain her energies. When she woke up, she rubbed at her sore muscles, for she had ignored herself to work on the others, and then headed to relieve Galeon of his station.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Waking up in the middle of the night, Nina stretched a bit to get some of the weariness out of her body before heading out to the neighboring room. There was no need to change clothing, since neither Galeon or Isane would likely mind her being dressed in her sleeping gear for this sitting period.

In the next room, the elder knight was still keeping up his watch turn with no apparent sign of tiring. The man hadn't bothered with removing his ornate armor, but the knight's shield and halberd were standing in the corner, the shield strapped into the weapon's shaft to kep them in a neat package. "Morning... you do not dissappoint with your timing." he called out in a low voice once Nina had entered. Getting up, he collected the weapons from the corner before heading out, patting the girl's shoulder along the way. "If something unexpected happens, just call out to me. I'm right across the corridor, in my own room." were the man's words before he closed the door, leaving Nina to her own devices within the room.

In the night-lit room, there was nothing happening. It was simply Isane in her bed, Nina and some additional blankets and pillows to use in case the green-haired girl wanted to make her sitting a bit softer. Once the slight clinks of Galeon's armor removal had ceased, the only sound that could be heard was the friendly neighborhood cricket outside, eagerly chirping at periodic interwalls.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina thought about passing the time with meditation, but quickly dismissed it. Her purpose here was to keep an eye on the recovering Isane, not to be training on her own budding powers.

Yawning, still a bit weary, she bundled herself up in the soft blankets and passed the time in contemplative silence for a while. Then, when she grew bored of that, she began to sing softly to herself. She had an appreciation for many styles of music, some more energetic than others, but because it was night time and she was overlooking a sleeping woman, she kept her songs to romantic, sweet melodies that would not overly disturb her.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The hours went by as Nina pondered and sang. The cricket outside almost sounded like it was playing in tune with her, chirping at opportune moments that strangely suited the placements in the girl's songs. It was an odd phenomenon, for sure.

Once the shift was beginning to near it's end, Nina noticed that her charge seemed to be stirring. Slowly, one hand rose from under the blanket and covered her eyes briefly, a golden light blinking for the most minute of moments. After that, the briefly wayward hand returned to rest on the blanket. A pair of golden yellow eyes scanned around, noticing the girl as they briefly stopped to look at her. The sorceress made no move or communication attempt, simply looking up to the ceiling instead. Isane had awakened.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina stopped her singing as she noticed the golden eyes staring out at the ceiling. It had happened. The sorceress was awake.

"Good evening. You've been asleep for a long time, Isane. You're in a safe place. My name is Nina, and I and a few others found you deep within a mountain. Please rest as long as you like. Your strength will come back to you in time. If you require something to eat or drink, I can send for it."
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Even after Nina's introduction and promise of safety, there was a somewhat awkward moment of silence between them. Still, it was eventually broken by Isane's coughing. "How do you know my name? By now, I think the world would have forgotten one woman among the passing of centuries." the sorceress spoke up after the coughing, getting up to a sitting position surprisingly fast. "And just who are you people?"

Having asked the previous question, Isane was already getting up and going. But, it seemed like the imprisonment time had done a number on her in more than one way. The woman was apparently weak physically as well, not even managing to stay on her feet. Only a few seconds were managed at best until the shakiness took her down again. A few failed attempts later, she decided not to try any further, seeing it a fruitless effort for now. "I could do with something to drink..." the disabled sorceress asked as she settled back into a half-sit, half-laying position on the matress.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina nodded.

"We found you because one of my dear friends has a spirit inside of her that guided her directly to you. A definite strong connection. We were hoping that you could shed some light on her condition. As for knowing who you are, we've done a lot of research trying to figure out more about our friend's condition, and it led to us reading up on you and your story. We know as much as the records can tell us, but we're keen to hear about you from your own words. As for who we are, I'm not sure it'll make much sense to hear our names and our nationalities, what with everything having changed since you last were awake, but currently you're in a temple complex on the mountain where you were imprisoned. The head of the temple is a weapon master named Yura - my teacher. Also with us is a knight of the local lord, Sir Galeon, my own Lady Iliana Einzbern, whom I serve, as well as my fellow bodyguard Iris -- who is a blind warrior currently possessed by a spirit who has physically manifested a few times in my dealings with her, and who has apparently decided to give her a pair of black angel's wings."

Nina shrugged after getting the introductions out of the way. "I'll be back with some water and I'll let the others know that you've awakened. Don't worry, I won't let them all come in at once and badger you with questions. You need your rest. And we don't intend to prevent you from continuing your quest. I think it's good what you're doing and I'd help you if I could."

If Isane had nothing further to say immediately, Nina would leave the room and go wake Iliana and inform her of Isane's awakening, then she'd get a jug of water and cup and bring it to the sorceress.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Somehow, hearing the explanation that Nina provided made Isane look relieved. "So, they did not succeed in their attempts to wipe my efforts from the records of history... Thank the good people who saw it fit to store what I did in the books..." she said, letting the girl go and get the water, promising to tell what she possibly could when the day came and they were all active.

In the next room, the mistress was fully asleep near Iris, the girl still layed out in the same position where she had ended after Nina's massage. Iliana was easy enough to get up from bed. At first, she thought there was a need to come and look after the sorceress, but the maid-knight corrected her. "Well, that's good. Maybe we should wait until morning though. See if she wants to see us right now or something and then come tell me." the tan lady told her, not fully getting herself up but remained awake for now.

At Isane's room, the sorceress was thankful of the water, downing two cups of it in quick succession. After that, she asked Nina to pour some onto her cupped hands, proceeding to splash the liquid onto her face. "How long has it been since I last felt the touch of water... it feels like eternity.." the woman thought aloud, returning to her sleeping position. "Still need to rest... If you want, stay here with me and sleep yourself as well... I can't move around without assistance, since I can't muster enough power the strenght to my muscles... but I'll manage by myself until morning, so don't worry about me..." she finished, laying on the mattress with that curiously color-patterned hair splayed out under her in a somewhat dramatic-looking scene.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Okay, you rest up until morning," Nina said after Isane splashed her face with water. "5,000 years might as well be eternity, but don't you worry, we'll get you on your feet in no time. I'll be in the next room and I'll come and speak with you in six or seven hours time. I've informed the others and they're happy to know that you're okay. Our main worry was really that you wouldn't be coherent after all this time, but you seem to be doing really well on that front so... yay? Mmkay, see ya in the morning. I'll be right next door, so if there's an emergency just shout."

Nina filled up one more glass of water and left it within arm's reach next to Isane's mattress, then made her way out of the room and back to the mistress. She told Iliana that Isane was still tired and that they'd all speak to her in the morning. Nina curled up in Iliana's arms and went to sleep as the little spoon next to the red headed beauty.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

After setting up the resting room and telling Isane that she was in good hands, Nina went back to her own shared room where she told Iliana what was happening. "Alright... now you too can get some sleep. Come here..." the mistress replied after having heard the gist of the situation, getting the girl next to her as she wanted. With the two of them warming each other, falling asleep was easy and a very likeable deal.

In the morning, Nina was once again the first to get up, though it was not for long as she saw Iris sit up after a few minutes as well. The morning was not early anymore, it was most likely late morning since the sun was up.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmmm, it looks like we may have overslept a bit. Say, Iris, did you want to accompany me to check up on Isane?" Nina offered to the blind girl, assuming that Iris would be eager to see the sorceress.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Despite not showing any tremendous interest about the sorceress in the current situation, Iris was still quite willing to see her and decided to tag along in her night-time dress. The two of them let the usually sleepy redhead mistress carry on with her beauty sleep for now.

In the next room, the appearance of the two was somewhat awkwardly greeted with a "Who is it?". Isane seemed to be having problems with her eyes as she was covering them almost all the time. And she hadn't managed to get enough strenght to get up either, only managing to sit up halfway. "Still can't... get adjusted to the light... Too much darkness..." the sorceress said once she got the idea of the visiting people's identities. This was something that Nina could recognize, a light sensitivity issue that long times spent in dark surroundings cause. During the night, the woman had managed a brief spell, but it was not apparently strong enough to make her withstand daylight yet.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"It's Nina again, and I've brought my friend Iris along as well. I told you a bit about her last night, but I understand if you don't recall. Since you are awake, we will get you some food and drink very shortly."

Nina placed a comforting hand on Isane's forearm. "You must have some light sensitivity. It will take some time to get used to it. I'll bring some shades to hang in front of the window. It will be best for you to adjust to low light at first. Iris can stay with you while I prepare your breakfast. She's not much of a conversationalist, but she'll keep you safe. Right Iris?"

After getting a nod from the little warrior, Nina hastened to add that she'd be back in a flash and then jogged away to the kitchens where she figured that she'd make a savory porridge, that way she could ladle out some for Isane and have plenty left over for everyone else once they came in for food.

As soon as the food was done she'd bring a bowl for Isane and Iris each and immediately go back to check up on them.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Thought as much, my adjustment spell is not up to the task quite yet. It was good enough for the night-time darkness, but this is not quite in my current ability..." Isane agreed, admitting that she had indeed cast a spell already. Even if it was a minor thing, she had done it without gestures or words being used, which might or might not be a display of her skill. Nina was not familiar with how magic worked, having mostly met spirit power people during her ventures. Nonetheless, the sorceress once again thanked the girl for her efforts, staying behind in the room with the equally blind Iris.

After a quick and painless porridge preparation, the maid-knight returned to the room, finding the pair still there and Isane making brief but polite conversation at Iris. "Looks like you can't talk..." she commented, not being able to take a look at Iris in the current situation.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"No, Iris is mute as far as I can tell, and she has indicated it too. But that doesn't make her helpless, far from it, Iris is extremely skilled, and uses her spiritual powers to help her see in her own special way. And all the important things she wants us to know get figured out."

Nina strolled in saying this all in a happy, chatty way which was her custom. She had set the porridge on a small tray along with a spoon and some water. She helped Isane sit up on her bed and then put the tray in front of her. She then took the curtains she had brought and propped them up in front of the window in an effort to dim the light.

"The porridge is right in front of you, let me know if you can't see still, I'm afraid these makeshift shades aren't the best. Actually, I'm being silly, here, allow me."

Sitting beside Isane, Nina took the spoon and dipped it into the porridge, then blew lightly on it and put it to Isane's mouth. "Go on and open up, it's not too hot." If Isane allowed her to, Nina would spoon feed the breakfast to the all powerful sorceress.

"If it weren't for Iris' spiritual perception sensing you, we never would have found you. We're not sure exactly what it was that drew Iris to you, and of course she can't explain it to us, but whatever it was, I'm glad it happened. Just a happy sequence of events really, heehee..."

She gave Isane one spoonful after another until the sorceress had finished her meal, pausing every once in a while to tip the water to the woman's lips.

"Hopefully you'll be okay to walk and see soon, our source of information on this sort of thing told us that your powers would return in full, and if you're already casting spells, I'm certain that you'll soon be right as rain."