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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

With John left on the edge of the orchard, in easy sight of the house when the family awoke the next morning, the two slimes headed for the town Xetal had seen earlier.

Shortly after a cloudy dawn, Xetal was looking down over the town again, this time from a much closer vantage. The road lead right up to a sturdy dock on the river, with a large, mastless boat tied to it. There was another, similar dock on the other side, with a few sheds near it, and the road continued on across the country. Most of the buildings in the town seemed to be houses, one much larger than the rest and with a sign that Xetal couldn't make out hanging over its door. There was also a stable, and a mostly-open building with no clear purpose, until a heavily-built man approached it and started working, quickly building up a white-hot fire with almost no smoke, and setting a bar of metal into it while he checked various hammers and tools about it. One final building might have been a store. That left eight certain homes, and perhaps 20 adults or near-adults in the town. Certainly more than had been back at the farm, but it was about as small a town as could exist outside the shadow of a big city.

While the slimes observed all this there was a sudden commotion in the town, and it wasn't until the ferry started moving across the river that Xetal spotted the party on the other dock. The two horse-drawn wagons were covered, but there seemed to be weapons about the six men standing around them, calming the horses or checking on their cargo.

Xetal: 94 EP (below normal)
Jessica: Normal EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal considered the town carefully. There were enough humans that she might be able to capture the place if she drew out the woman and changed them into subjects. Or she could be discovered almost immediately and have to run away. She scowled. This was as small of a place as she would be able to find. She wouldn't be able to begin her plans any time soon. If she couldn't get more allies, she would need to grow in power herself.

When she heard the commotion, she frowned. What are they going? She was curious about the newcomers. But their appearance made her aware of the ferry and the fact that this place was probably commonly traveled. If she tried something here, a 'hero' of one kind of another would probably show up and kill her. She could vaguely remember heroes of power destroying other slimes in her memories and knew that she wasn't powerful enough to face them. She didn't even know if Jessica had any abilities.

She looked back at the wagons and tapped her fingers against the goo that represented her jaw. "Jessica, I'm going to take a look at those wagons. You stay here." She dissolved her form as she snuck up on the wagons, trying to get a closer look inside while avoiding the senses of the men guarding.

Do slimes sink or float on top of water? Do they need to breath?
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Jessica happily agreed to stay put on the hill while Xetal circled around the town to the river. By the time she got there one of the wagons and four of the men were on the ferry, which was casting off. It moved slowly, guided by poles held by four men across the slow, shallow river.

All of which gave Xetal more than enough time to slip into the water herself. She floated, but barely. It was easy enough to slip beneath the surface, where if she were seen at all she might be mistaken for a reflection of the sun through the thinning clouds.

She made it across without incident, and continued circling around, coming up into the shrubbery in a slight ditch alongside the road. And from the back, and much closer, she could see the men and their wagon much better.

Both men wore reinforced leather armor, dyed dark green in a way that gave a sense of similarity to otherwise quite different cuts. Each wore a short sword at one hip. At the other hip one had a club. The other had a whip.

And the back of the wagon wasn't covered. Which allowed Xetal to see that there was a thin canvas stretched over a wooden cage, with a heavy lock on the door. Inside were two young women, wearing a few rags that did little to preserve their modesty and ropes binding their hands behind their back, holding a gag in place, and tying a collar to a thick metal ring set in the side of the cage. Both women looked far from happy. There were four more heavy rings with no women attached, and plenty of extra room in the wagon, given the little freedom of movement the women seemed to have.

Slimes don't breath, and while they generally float, they can force themselves underwater in much the way humans can.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal smiled. This was an excellent chance to grab a few more subjects. However, this could be tricky. A few bubbles floated through her head from her mouth as she mused. If she did something wrong, they'd be put on guard. But the timid don't create kingdoms. She would take an opportunity to slip under the wagon. While there, she would find a crack to slip through to the wagon above. She considered using her abilities on the women but she was feeling weak as it was.

She would slip through and make herself known to the women. She put her finger to her lips and made a shushing gesture. If they made too much of a fuss, she would slip back underneath the wagon. The slaves would probably be disciplined. Then she would come back up once they were alone again. She spoke quietly. "I'm going to free both of you. It will feel very nice but you will be changed. If you don't feel like cooperating, you can live the rest of your lives as slaves." She moved up to the first woman, hugging her before removing the tattered upper clothes she wore. She placed one hand on each breast and allowed her hands to ripple, massaging her. As she did that, she moved her breasts, letting her feel double the sensation.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Foreplay: 1,4+9 = 14 (7 EP drain)

Also, I'm going to assume you drain energy whenever you cause PP damage, by default. Xetal can make an effort not to, but it has to be a conscious effort.

The guards seemed fairly alert, but their attention was mostly on the countryside, only occasionally glancing at the river to see how the ferry was getting on. Xetal's own glance suggested that the wagon was still on the ferry, but they were docked and getting ready to fix that. Which gave her five or ten minutes before it was back on this side of the river. Getting under the wagon was easy enough, and slipping through a crack to get inside the cage was trivial.

Xetal came up facing a brunette, eyes wide in astonishment. She was wearing what might have once been a grey dress, but was now ripped and torn in so many places that it was hard to be sure. Certainly she wasn't wearing anything under it. A ball gag made it hard to judge her expression, but she didn't make any noise.

A muffled exclamation from behind her made the slime turn to face the other slave. This one was blonde, and somewhat prettier than the brunette. She also seemed to be wearing the remains of a dress, but it stopped just below her breasts, showing off a cum stain on one thigh. A few more rags on the floor under her feet suggested what had happened to the rest. She backed away from Xetal, thumping into the side of the cage.

"Hey, shut up in there, cunt!" The voice came from outside the wagon, masculine. Neither guard was visible out the locked cage door. "Nobody in this town's going to buy you, but we might just find you some company, eh? And if you're good, we'll take off your gags once we're clear of the town. But if you keep making noise..."

Both women crouched down, suddenly silent. After a moment, there was the sound of the guard moving away, and the slime felt a whisper could go unheard. The blonde shook her head in response, looking terrified, but the brunette just shifted quietly to her feet.

Xetal approached. Actually removing the tattered dress, with the woman's hands bound behind her back as they were, would require tearing it to the point where it was no longer even vaguely functional as clothing. Fortunately there were already enough rips in it that she was able to simply shift it aside, gripping the woman's b-cups in her gently rippling hands. The woman looked confused, and took a step back, but between the confines of her cage and her additional bondage there was practically nothing she could do to resist. Xetal could feel the woman's nipples hardening under her touch, and a trickle of energy returned to her.

Xetal: 101 EP (very slightly low)
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

She looked at the blonde. "Don't worry, as long as you don't make a fuss, I'll leave you in your chains."

Xetal turned back to her prey and whispered "Don't worry." She continued to knead her breasts are she spoke. "Just let me handle everything. And then you'll be free." She licked the woman's ear as part of her body split off to form a smooth tentacle. It slipped under the remains of the woman's clothes. It slid up and down the woman's slit before narrowing. It wriggled inside of her carefully, then began to expand. It kept going until it had filled her completely. Then it began to ripple, vibrating inside of the woman. Xetal wanted to keep this as quiet as possible. "Just stay calm and relax." She repeated those words as a mantra, trying to keep the woman docile.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Penetration: 3,6+12 = 21 PP damage (11 EP drain)

The brunette's eyes went wide as a tendril of slime slipped between her lower lips, and squirmed on the spot as it grew inside her. She was breathing more heavily, breasts heaving under Xetal's touch, and she bit down hard on the ball gag. She didn't feel very relaxed, despite the slime's mantra.

Then the pseudocock started to vibrate. This time the slave couldn't hold back a moan, though her gag did keep it fairly muffled. Xetal could feel the woman's body, helplessly rising towards orgasm, could feel the energy moving from the brunette to herself. There was still more there, but not much. If Xetal kept going, the girl would cum, and probably faint.

Xetal: 112 EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal rippled with satisfaction as she felt the energy enter her. She felt the echo of raw pleasure the woman was feeling and the member inside of the woman began to grow. She slipped off the gag and kissed the woman, letting the flow of energy feed into her. And then the climax. Xetal shivered. As the woman began to fall unconcious, Xetal pulled her face back and asked a question. "What is your name?" And then the tentacle would pulse one last time and release the special mixture required to turn someone into a slime.

Xetal turned to the back of the wagon. Now was the tricky part. She had to stay in contact with her new servant for a while while she transformed. She hoped the guards would take a long time. If they didn't, things would get tricky fast. Also... she kept an eye on the blonde woman. If she started to panic, the guards would investigate. Xetal wanted to put that off as long as possible. If the guards came to investigate, she wouldn't have much of a choice. She'd attempt to charm the first one to pop his head in and tell him to keep the others from investigating the slaves.

If the blonde slave starts to raise a fuss.
Xetal envelops the woman with her body, winding her limbs around the woman's and making sure she couldn't move. She kept a tendril inside of the other slave while she did this. She whispered in the blonde's ear "I told you that if you didn't do anything, I would leave you alone. Since you broke your side of the bargain, I'm going to have to punish you." She licked the side of the woman's face, tracing her tongue to the woman's ear. Her tongue warped and tickled the inside of it before moving to the gag and working its way around the gag. The tongue bulged in size once it got inside the shoved itself down her throat. "This is what you get for begin naughty." The tongue began to ejaculate a great deal of Xetal's liquid down into the woman's stomach. Xetal pinned the woman's wrists with one hand and traced the woman's stomach. "You are going to get really warm now. It'll feel nice." She pressed on the woman's stomach, a little harder than normal. Then she pinched the woman's clit with her hand. "Feel that? It makes it hard to think, doesn't it?"
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The gag was a good one, a thick strap of leather around the back, tied securely to make sure that there was no way the slave herself could dislodge the ball from between her teeth, certainly not with her hands tied behind her back, and not easily even if her hands were freed. Getting it off was a little harder than Xetal might have expected, but she managed it before the woman's orgasm.

The brunette immediately started moaning helplessly, her climax clearly almost on top of her. "M-may-" She tried to say something, but then her orgasm came, and she let out one last moan that was almost a yell before shuddering and collapsing, drained. Xetal immediately started the conversion process, slipping a different tendril up the woman's pussy and releasing the special mix.

The blonde woman had her back up against the wall of the wagon, as far from the slime as she could get, and she was looking about frantically, as if a way out of the wagon might suddenly appear.

"Alright, that's it!" the guard's voice was coming from right on the other side of the fabric covering the cage. "If you've managed to get that gag off, you're going to be 'free samples' in this town, even if not a one of them could afford you. And that's on top of what you know is coming for making a fuss..."

The guard's voice was moving along the side of the cage slowly, approaching the rear door. There was the sound of keys jingling.

Xetal: 124/106 EP
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal narrowed her eyes. While she had gotten May's name, she had alerted the guards. For some reason, though, she had felt a need to know the name of the person she was going to change. And now she was in trouble because of it. But she didn't mind. The Queen of the Slimes wasn't going to let a few guards get in her way. She let her hand become giant and shaped more like a slab than a hand. The moment the guard stuck his head in, she planned to grab him and hold him hostage. She would wind an arm around his throat, putting him in a choke hold, trying to keep him quiet. The arm would meld back into her body, reeling him in closer. She whispered "You stay quiet or I'll drown you." If any other guard showed up... "If you want your friend here alive, you'll stay back. If you don't, I'll snap his neck and take you out next. So what's it going to be? You die and I leave or I just leave?" She tried to intimidate them, not only with force but the power of her convinction, the confidence that she would be able to crush them.

Gogo Stealthy!

Also, is there any way she could use her Spirit to intimidate them?
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Also, is there any way she could use her Spirit to intimidate them?
Unfortunately, Xetal doesn't have any spirit talents, or I'd let her fluff using one of them for intimidation.

Grapple check (Xetal vs Guard): 34+16 = 50 v 37 = 7+30 -> Xetal wins!

The sun came out from behind a cloud just as the guard stepped into view, and he cupped a hand over his face, squinting into the wagon. Then he stepped forward, until he was pressed against the cage door. "You dumb cu-" The guard cut off as the slime's arm wrapped around him. He instantly pulled back, but the slime's natural talent and malleable body made this all but futile.

Unfortunately, while she was able to silence his voice, the commotion around the wagon had already attracted the attention of the other guard, and a few second later he too appeared around the back of the wagon. He had his sword out and was several steps back, and stayed put at Xetal's ultimatum. "What the... There's no reason to get hasty." His eyes darted away from the wagon, in the direction of the river. "If you haven't hurt out slaves I'm sure you're free to go."

The brunette still lay unconscious, leaning against the wall of the cage, held in place by her bonds and Xetal's touch. The tendril was still in her pussy, slowly converting her from human to slime, but it had only been in there for perhaps a minute. If she pulled out, what little change there had been would be lost, and May would simply awake to find herself a little hornier than she would have been.

Xetal: 124/106 EP
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal thought quickly. While she had managed to put herself in a better position, she wasn't going to be able to get May out like this. She narrowed her eyes at the guard, then smiled. "You're right. How about this. I need some energy. I'll leave in ten minutes. I like to take my time when I eat. After that, I'll leave. The girl should be no worse for wear but she'll be a little dirty and hungry. I'll hold onto him, just in case you try and do something clever. Tell your friends too. Because if you try anything, not only will I kill this man, I will disfigure your slaves. Won't be too hard. Then you won't get half as much when you sell them." She sharpened her fingers and scratched the wood. "One other thing, I like to feed privately and I'll know if you are peeping. Do we have a deal?" While she didn't wish to follow through with the second part of her threat (she didn't care about the first and would enact that one before the other), if pressed, she'd first cut the face of the blonde to show she meant business. Just a tiny cut to start with. She knew she had promised not to hurt her but things had changed. Despite the fact that scars were not going to be a problem in the future for May, May was still going to be on of her subjects and she wasn't going to hurt her.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The guard stared at the tableau, eyes narrowed. Then his gaze shifted from Xetal's face to that of the man she was holding hostage. After a moment, he grunted, and turned back to the slime. "Okay, you can have a few minutes. But if you hurt my friend there, or damage our property..." he gestured at the slaves "You'll live to regret it. Briefly."

He moved, cautiously, off to one side, and after a moment Xetal could hear him moving towards the river.

In the wagon, little had changed. May was unconscious, and if her skin looked a little green, it could easily be mistaken for glow off the brightly-lit grass outside the wagon. She was perhaps a quarter of the way through the conversion. The guard wasn't actively struggling, but was facing away from Xetal. The blonde still looked terrified, shrinking as far from the slime as she could, turned away.

Xetal: 124/106 EP; grappling Guard. Converting May.

May: unconscious, converting to slime (25%)
Blonde: fine, bound
Guard: fine, grappled

Edit: sorry about the update pace lately, I've been very busy lately. Will try to pick things up a bit.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal smiled at the man as he left. She had bought herself a little time. She would have sighed in relief if she hadn't had to worry about being seen. To disguise May's transformation, Xetal would cuddle up to her and began layering on her slime. Hopefully, it would be harder to see her change through the mess. Thankfully the other girl was still gagged. If she could tell the guard what she was seeing things would be a lot more difficult.

To distract the guard she held hostage, she said "Since you are doing such a good job as a hostage, I think I'll reward you." She tried to angle his gaze away from may subtly. Her hand dripped over him as she gained access to his manhood. "Don't worry. Like I said, I just need some energy. I don't hurt anyone in the process unless they get rowdy." She ran her finger along his member, teasing it until it was nice and stiff. Then she transformed her hand. It lost its form until it was little more than another slimy tendril. Then she opened a hole in the tendril and made it longer. "You know, I think you humans have invented something like this. What's it called, again?" She fit his cock into the hole and began pumping back and forth.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple(Xetal vs Guard): 34+13 = 47 v 31 = 1+30 -> Xetal wins.
-> Guard's clothing shifted.
Grapple(Xetal vs Guard): 34+13 = 47 v 42 = 30+12 -> Xetal wins again.
-> Guard penetrates Xetal('s hand).

PP Damage: 5,1+12 = 18-8 = 10
EP Drain: 5
Damage: 5+2 = 7

The guard, fairly passive since she'd gotten an arm around his neck, started struggling as the slime tugged his pants out of the way and gained access to his member. But not very well, and Xetal discovered him already semi-erect. A few strokes was enough to change that to a full hardon, and her reshaped limb was soon enough wrapped tightly around it and pumping.

The guard gritted his teeth, futility resisting. "Sex. Go practice on the slaves, you aren't - gah - very good at it." He glared at the blonde, who tried to shrink further away from the pair, moaning slightly around her ball gag.

Xetal: 129/106 EP; grappling+penetrated by Guard. Converting May.

May: unconscious, converting to slime (30%)
Blonde: fine, bound
Guard: Grappled, penetrating Xetal
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal, of course, didn't let go. "You may be right about practice buuuuttt~." She squeezed hard "I don't think they are quite equipped for the kind of experience I need." She smiled. "It's too bad for the girls. To know that they will be stuck in this world for the rest of their lives." She eyed the blonde woman meaningfully. "So sad. But since you offered and property has to do what its owners tell it, you better come closer. I could come over and get you myself but then they'd have to treat you like you disobeyed a command." She beckoned the blonde woman closer with a smile.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

PP Damage: 2,1+12 = 15 - 8 = 7
EP Drain: 4
Damage: 2+2 = 8

The guard let out a pained breath at the squeeze, then turned a glare at the young slave. "You heard the creepy slime lady, cunt. Approach and -" he grunted as Xetal's improvised pussy continued moving around his cock "- kneel."

He turned deliberately away from the slave, looking at May's unconscious form instead. The brunette was turning a little green around her pussy, but it was still all but impossible to see through the slime. That would change when the changes moved up to her face, though, if not before.

By the time he turned back the blonde had moved. She knelt about a foot from Xetal, facing the slime's main body. Her knees were spread a little more than shoulder length apart, giving the slime a clear view of her pussy, and her hands were of course still bound behind her back, forcing her perky tits into greater prominence, though they were still more-or-less covered by her rags. Her head was bowed, staring at the ground between her knees, but it was anything but meek. If she'd been glaring much harder, the floor of the wagon would certainly have started smoking.

The guard smirked. "Good little cunt." The color that rose in the blonde slave's cheeks might have been a blush or more rage.

Xetal: 133/106 EP; grappling+penetrated by Guard. Converting May.

May: unconscious, converting to slime (35%)
Blonde: fine, bound
Guard: Grappled, penetrating Xetal
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal was getting worried. If he kept watching May, he would eventually realize that something was happening. Forcing him away would be just as bad as letting him watch. And it wasn't as though Xetal would be able to block the girl from view with her body... "That girl is done already. I'll have to thank you for this next meal, though." She produced two more tentacles. The tentacles first ripped away the rags, 'accidentally' throwing them on May's body. Then they latched onto her breasts. The tentacles began suckling while another tentacle slipped around the gag and invaded her mouth. It changed into the shape of the tongue and grappled with the woman's own, slowly letting dribbles of Xetal's body flow down her throat. "See what happens when you stay a slave? You don't get any choice anymore."

While she did this, she redoubled her efforts on the man. Xetal formed another hand above the man and forced his head to face upward. "And now for a little boost." She kissed the man, worming her tongue down his throat and into his body, depositing her fluids rather forcefully into his body.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple(Xetal vs Guard): 34+6 = 40 v 47 = 17+30 -> Guard wins!

Foreplay:4,3+9 = 16-8 = 8
EP drain: 4
Damage: 6+2 = 8

Resistance damage: 6,4 = 10

The slave barely flinched as the last bits of her clothing was torn off. Even when Xetal began stimulating her perky tits, the blonde only froze in place, closing her eyes and biting down harder on her gag. Which couldn't prevent another tendril of slime passing into her mouth and forming into a tongue. She still wasn't cooperating, but nevertheless she eventually had to swallow some of the slime or choke. She shuddered, goosebumps appearing across her body, and Xetal felt her nipples harden as the aphrodisiac started going to work.

While she waited, Xetal turned her attention back to the man. She leaned in for a kiss. And realized that while she hadn't been looking, the guard had shifted his weight. Not enough to get free - not quite - but the sudden pull prevented her kiss and managed to tug his cock out of the pussy she'd made for it. One more good pull and the guard would be free.

Xetal: 133/106 EP; grappling Guard. Converting May. Groping the blonde.

May: unconscious, converting to slime (40%)
Blonde: okay, bound
Guard: Grappled
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal growled and quickly focused on the guard. "Where do you think you're going?" Her tone went from teasing to very hard very quickly. "You are my precious hostage and if you think I'm letting you go that easily, you are very mistaken." She began to squeeze the arm around his throat and parts of her body leapt out to lash his body to hers. "Now settle down before I have to do something that all of us is going to regret. Don't forget, I will kill you if I have to. Right now, I'm just playing nice."

Attempting to put him into a submission hold