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RPG RPG Maker [ Doujin Circle Gyu!] [ 同人サークルGyu! ] Assassin Sara: The Chaos Reaper / アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ RE119127 RJ119127

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Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

What option opens the usage of three dream grasses?

Sleep at the town of Mara, the town where u need to defeat the sea monster in order to reach. it's the third option.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Unfortunately, I don't remember any of the names of the places, but if you talk to the boy standing next to the lake in the town where you use the dream grass, he'll mention a secret place you can find in a solitary tree near a fork in the road west of the easternmost castle. The final dream grass should be a treasure in there.

Thanks :)
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

On the non-virgin route I defeated "siva" and got what looked like an ending. Was that really an ending or is there something afterwards?
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Reup'd link.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

On the non-virgin route I defeated "siva" and got what looked like an ending. Was that really an ending or is there something afterwards?

It shouldn't be; it's a metric shitton of exposition and text, but it's not the ending. You should be able to go through the mountain pass in the northeast corner of the normal map (not in the area where you found Siva's dungeon) and continue from there.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Would be awesome if someone who cleared the game could offer a full walkthrough.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

How do you defeat the white haired girl at top of tower?

She has a preemptive stunning attack which make it impossible (?) for me to win.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

How do you defeat the white haired girl at top of tower?

She has a preemptive stunning attack which make it impossible (?) for me to win.

Does nobody know?
I'm talking about the stacked one in red dress.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

"Originally Posted by Some Asshole"

Well this is quite immature and uncalled for.
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Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

did any anyone made a translation patch for this game?
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Well, at least not one BigJohnny can steal =P
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Well, at least not one BigJohnny can steal =P

I hope, more for your sake, that you really do use "steal" in a joking manner, because not too long ago some random retard kept using it in the context of file sharing and kept stirring shit up and as a result, he's no longer with us.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Unnaturally huge breasts. Enforced whorish (not erotic at all!) view of woman's nature. Damn! I hope this kind of "art" is developed less in the future! :(
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

I liked this game a lot. There were times when the artwork seemed inconsistent and felt like it was drawn by two different people. But I think the game's artist just had trouble drawing the main character at certain angles or positions. Despite all of this, it was still a fun little game. I'd highly recommend it.

Why was Starke finally banned in the end? I always thought his behavior was rather trollish; however, his banning caught me by surprise. Any details?
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Does nobody know?
I'm talking about the stacked one in red dress.

...still clueless and asking.
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Can someone post a new dl for this, all the other ones are removed
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

I feel like I've uploaded so many links. Maybe I have. Meh. Here's the Mega Link.

Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

Thank you Zodiark +rep
Re: アサシン【乱世の死神】サラ 探索型RPG ~宿命の姉妹~ [RJ119127]

I feel like I've uploaded so many links. Maybe I have. Meh. Here's the Mega Link.

Password for this? :)
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