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Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 49, Status = Fine

The light in the hall was dim, but that meant little considering how stormy it had been since the floating creature had arrived over Therion. On the plus side, the darkness hid the few parts of her features that she revealed when she moved the beak of her mask out of the way, so there was little risk of her mutated nature being seen by Uldric or Aluwin.

After eating a bit and drinking a full glass of water, Naltaibur stood, most of her exhaustion gone, though she still had something of a headache. Her head spinning, she returned to her seat, and when she said that she had to wait, Uldric smiled, and said; "That's alright, go ahead and take your time. They aren't going anywhere, and the wards on this place will keep the abominations from getting inside. Would you like anything else? More water, or perhaps some tea?"

Aluwin shook his head slightly and said; "I don't know what you did... But thank you. Caldin was going to be a liability without his leg, and after the beating we took, we're going to need every able body that we can get." With that, he simply turned and walked away, returning toward the place where everyone else was staying.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur nodded absently after Aluwin as he left. One more body would make all the difference in surviving this nightmare. But still... she'd seen just one of these monsters crush six men like nothing. Her thoughts turned toward arming the women as well... but, no. The image of delicate Gloria came to mind, trying to heft one of the men's heavy swords. It was such an out of place picture, it might have been funny... except for the giant fist that descended on her next.

A few minutes later, she tried to stand again, and was able to get to her feet without trouble. "I'm ready, Father. Let me see the others."
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Uldric turned to Naltaibur as she spoke, and nodded solemnly after she had announced her readiness. It wasn't exactly a far walk, given that it was just another of the doors in the same narrow hallway, but a degree of tension formed as Father Uldric dropped his hand toward the door, the old warrior-priests smile disappearing just before he opened the door.

In the room, there was a desk pushed against the wall, having likely been moved to make room for the three cots that had been placed within the former office. All three were occupied, and two of the occupants, a man and a woman, had been strapped down to their cots. On the third, a woman who was not so restrained was lying on her back, her legs crossed as she calmly read a book, not even glancing from it as the door opened.

The reader was, at a guess given the length of the cots, about 5 and a half feet tall, and had long jet black hair that partially draped off of the cot that she was lying on. Those were just about her only normal features, however. Firstly, her skin was bright crimson, every inch of it that Naltaibur could see, which actually wasn't much courtesy of the cold climate. Even through the heavy leather breeches and fur lined jacket that the strange woman was wearing, Naltaibur could see the curves that laid beneath, and despite herself, images of the stranger with her garments removed, and presented on all fours for her flitted idly through her mind before she could even think to quash them. Two tiny horns jutted out from the woman's head, and her eyes were dark purple.

"Good evening, Mavra. Have the two of them been quiet?" Uldric said, delicately. The woman's gaze slowly turned toward him, and then back toward the two that were even now struggling against their bonds and the gags in their mouths. Still looking in their direction, she replied; "They.... Have not." Her voice was low and quiet, but also rich and melodic despite the hushed tones, the sound of it almost enchanting to Naltaibur.

Neither the man nor the woman were visibly harmed, as far as she could tell at a single glance at least, but both were visibly aroused, the man sporting a bulge in his pants and the tips of the woman's breasts visibly hardened against her stained, torn dress. "We found these two together. We don't know who they are, but they've been like this ever since we found them. Both of them attack anyone that strays too close, so we had to restrain them. Most of us don't like being around them, but Mavra here only seems to mind them a little, and as some of the others aren't so... Pleased... By her appearance, she offered to stay in here with them. She's not quite right in the head, but she knows it at least, and tries to retain control of herself." Uldric explained, and Mavra's violet eyes turned toward him at the sound of his voice, before suddenly settling on Naltaibur. As the women held her in her gaze, the idle fantasies began to increase in frequency and potency until they became genuinely distracting, the unnatural nature of them not at all diminishing their potency.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur followed after Uldric into the second room. The restrained pair didn't surprise her much - but the third woman gave her a moment's pause. Had they mentioned anything of her corruption? She couldn't recall so...

Was this what she would be treated like if they knew what she looked like underneath her robes? But surely they must know already... one of them must have stripped her, no? And whoever had, must have seen her, and told the others... the only way they wouldn't know of her would be if that man no one seemed to know had stripped her... but how could that be it, another priest sheltered in here without their knowledge? It didn't make any sense.

A movement caught her eye, pulling her away from her thoughts. The red-skinned woman stretched her arms overhead, and her breasts squished so pleasingly against her... wait, no she hadn't. What?

She stared a moment too long while she tried to figure out what just happened. Had she stretched, or had she just looked up from her cot? She then took a moment too long to catch herself staring, and looked away to clear her thoughts a moment... but could only think of the woman's rump, high in the air, wiggling at her... ooh, she bet it'd be so soft and pliable...

What the hell was she thinking? Naltaibur was doubly glad for her mask, hiding as it did her stares and embarrassment. She turned back, and doffed her hat to the lovely lady laying in the cot. "Uh, nice to meet you, Mavra." How'd she know her name? Oh right, Uldric had said it. Just said it. She really needed to keep her thoughts out of the gutter. Would Mavra let her 'clean her gu-'

Dear god, that one hurt before the thought even finished. Why would she even think that? If someone ever tried that on her, she'd have flat out walked away. Now you're blabbering. Keep focused, she told herself.

Uldric explained the circumstances of the other two to her, and then...

"...She's not quite right in the head, but she knows it at least, and tries to retain control of herself."

...Well. As nicely as he worded that, it still sounded like an insult to Naltaibur. She looked over at Mavra, to see her reaction... and found herself staring into her eyes... she wondered what they'd look like, staring up at her as she bobbed on her cock... and then afterwards, even closer, staring right into her, as she pushed her tongue through her waiting lips, to add her saliva to the cocktail brewing in Mavra's mouth...

A pleasant twitch in Naltaibur's heavy leather pants brought with it the realization that there were four people with her - one of whom was staring directly at her! What if she saw? She probably didn't, but...

Naltaibur clasped her hands and let them fall, covering her crotch, and hopefully, any other spasms from her members. "...So, Mavra, I am told you had a few light injuries? I can help you with those, if you like." Desperately, Naltaibur fought the urge to ask her to strip and show her where it hurt, and tried to shift her thoughts away from untoward ones that were currently racing through her mind and sending blood somewhere she did NOT want it to be.


As soon as she finished with Mavra, she held the door open. "I'm sorry, but could you wait outside a while? To be honest, you're very... ah... "distracting", and I want to be completely focused for this."

Afterwards, she took a few moments to compose herself. When Mavra was sufficiently purged from her mind - and when her twin dicks had calmed down - she began incanting the same spell as before - a small sink, to draw power, and help her spells. Then... just in case... she erected a barrier around her mind, just as she had when she'd woken up the second time in her laboratory.

Then... she reached her thoughts out, and touched the man's mind with her own. It was likely that the invaders had driven these two insane, somehow... she dreaded that she might find another horrible, alien presence, as she had in Subject Gemini's, but without a diagnosis, how could she possibly prescribe a solution?

Between joke-character-Redhand, batshit Mud Wrestling Nal and the dorkery and trolling that is Marshall Manor, I think I'm losing my grasp on howe2srs.

L1 Cure on Mavra until she's fully healed.

Cast L1 Body buff on Mind.
Mind = 34
34/5 = 7 * 2 = +14 mind
Temp total Mind = 48

Cast L1 Body buff on Resistance
48 Mind = +24 Res, right?

Telekinesis on restrained man. 2 EP/activation, 1 EP/upkeep.
Search for source of his madness.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 47/49, Status = +14 Mind, +20 Resistance, Telepathy

Casting: Successes all around.
+14 Mind.
48/5 = 10, so +20 Resistance.

Mavra's violet eyes stared up at Naltaibur as she fantasized, and she had the distinct impression that the red skinned woman knew what she was thinking about as those eyes strayed down to her crotch, where her members had begun to twitch. Even after she clasped her hands over her members, hiding their motion, Mavra continued to stare at her groin without any hint of emotion on her face. Father Uldric suddenly cleared his throat, and Mavra glanced his way before nodding, and then regaining her feet.

The priest turned around and faced the wall as Mavra reached for the bottom of her shirt, and simply tugged it up. The motion was quick and efficient, but every inch of Mavra seemed to have been as perfectly crafted as what she had deemed likely through her tight clothing. First her taught belly, and then her ribs, and finally the underside of her breasts were revealed before Mavra stopped, the garment hovering just over the tips of her breasts. Moving another centimeter would give Naltaibur an unobstructed view of her full, perfectly rounded breasts, and wondering what color the tips of the crimson-skinned woman's breasts might be was probably the most tame of the thoughts inspired by the impressive view. She wasn't quite distracted enough to not notice when the woman shifted, however, and showed her side to Naltaibur.

In addition to the wonderful profile of the woman's gorgeous figure; the posture she had to maintain in order to hold her shirt up like that allowing her curves to shine through even more than they normally did; Naltaibur got to see something else. Her back and sides were covered in scars and bruises. Puncture wounds of varying sizes and slashes of even greater variety crisscrossed her flesh, all long healed but still leaving their mark upon her body. The bruises, or at least that was what Naltaibur assumed the amorphous black mass on her back and right side was, was the only recent injury that she could detect. It ran up to her parts of her body that she couldn't see without getting the woman to take her clothes off all the way, but it might not be the greatest idea to get her naked considering how distracting she already was.

Regardless of her decision on whether or not to tell Mavra to take her shirt off the rest of the way, the bruises mostly cleared after a few minor healing spells. They only revealed more scars underneath, but her magic couldn't clear those quite so easily, and she didn't currently have the power to spare to remove them. Mavra got herself decent again, and then murmured quietly, causing Uldric to turn back around. The priest seemed about to say something, but then Naltaibur moved to the door and motioned for them to exit, saying that Mavra was a distraction. The demonic woman simply nodded and stepped outside, but Uldric frowned and glanced sternly at Naltaibur before following her out.

A few moments later, when she had calmed herself down enough to think clearly, Naltaibur set about her preparations for what was to come. The two continued to writhe weakly in their bonds, the man growling and sputtering beneath his gag while the woman murmured and whimpered pathetically. After casting one minor spell to help herself keep focus and another to protect her mind from what she was about to do. Last time, it had saved a great deal more than her life, and the added protection most certainly couldn't hurt in case one or both of the two proved to have been taken by the invaders.

Opening her magically protected mind, Naltaibur reached out with her thoughts and began to examine the man's thoughts. It was as she had feared. There was no coherency to his mind, just like the mind of the man she had dominated outside. There was only pure, unbridled rage, its purity and potency unlike anything that Naltaibur had ever imagined was possible. It was directionless and meaningless, completely unfocused but so powerful that it simply couldn't be reduced through any mental manipulation that Naltaibur had ever imagined might be possible. There was no alien presence, at least, but that could hardly be called a boon. There were no memories of this mans life left within him, save for fragments that Naltaibur couldn't hope to piece together. No thoughts but violence. Had he not been fed and watered, he would probably have wandered in blind rage until he starved. The only thing she did find were a few blockers, all of them for creatures like those that she had seen when she had witnessed the fighting against the invaders.

A moment after she had begun to analyze the man, the sound of the door opening behind her caught Naltaibur's attention, and she glanced behind her to find Mavra once more entering the room, alone. She shut the door behind her with an audible click, the locking mechanism on it activating as the crimson-skinned woman stared at Naltaibur. Her violet eyes were wide and heavily dilated, almost completely colored save for their very edges. She began to stalk forward, her motions unnaturally graceful and completely silent, like some sort of jungle predator in mortal form, and she had her eyes dead set right on her. As the pheromones that Mavra emitted reached Naltaibur's attention once more, the thoughts from before returned, albeit weakened by the spells she had enacted to improve her concentration on her diagnoses of the two before her.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur winced when she saw the network of scars and injuries running along the crimson woman's body. What had happened to her? She wanted to ask, but more untoward thoughts began working themselves up again... she could deal with them later. For now, she worked quickly, being careful not to press too hard or have her gloved hand linger for longer than needed to wipe away the injuries on her patient. When it came to her climbing bruise, she hesitated for a moment, before placing her hand on her shirt, healing through the cloth. At least the red on her wasn't blood...

She felt bad for being so brief with the red-skinned woman - with Mavra. She was so hard to read, she couldn't tell if she was offended, or... well, she couldn't tell much of anything. It was even worse, given that she was in the same boat - though she wasn't so 'naturally alluring' or wreathed in temptation as Mavra's was, her body was still marked with mutation, and she feared and hid from the persecution Mavra evidently accepted.

But, she could talk with her later. She needed to look to these two first. Once she'd managed to calm down, Naltaibur reached into the man's mind, and was disheartened with what she found. Another one of Therion's sons, consumed with an unnatural rage, and set upon his kinsmen...

She bit her lip. There was hardly a mind left for her to repair... his thoughts were a maelstrom of only anger and violence. She looked closer, sifting through the remnants of his shattered memories, but found only tiny fragments that had been left behind.

With the man's leg - what had they said his name was? Calwin? - she knew what needed to be restored. She knew legs - muscle, bone, nerves, blood, skin, hair. But this... she could not mend a mind she knew nothing of. She didn't have a basis on which to just make him a new mind, or fix his memories... or his soul. Had they stolen that from him, too, or did they only do what they had to women? Like they'd almost done to Gloria...

Hmmmmm. She had regrown Calwin's leg. Made it anew. Could she... could it be possible to grow an artificial mind to replace it? The rage that consumed him now was so powerful, but, given enough time, she might be able to lock it away, or eliminate it, or subvert it. Anything.

What is this? thought Naltaibur, as she found the mental blocks in the ruins of the man's mind. Prevention, to stop him from attacking the invader's kind. She supposed she simply hadn't had the time to look through the first subverted man's mind to see them. Maybe she could make her own? Build rules, that would quell the rage, more blocks. It would be a massive undertaking, but it offered her the hope that a mind, if not his mind, might be returned to...

...What was she thinking? She had always been terrified of destroying any of her subject's minds with her experiments, and here she was, trying to build an entirely new one? What would happen to the original? It was shattered... but bits and pieces of it were still there. If she were to commandeer it's body, even not for her benefit, would she be any better than the invaders, exploiting her kinsmen like they were merely meat?

She didn't think she could do anything for him now, but before she could examine the second patient, she was interrupted by a noise at the door. She found Mavra there, staring her down as she shut the door behind her.

"Mavra? I'm not done yet, would you kindly-"


"Um... Mavra? If I was rude earlier, I apolo-"

Mavra started to saunter over to her, slowly shrinking the distance between them in the already small room. It was only now that Naltaibur noticed the look in the red woman's eyes, and how they were so fixated on her.

Naltaibur backed away, until she felt wall against her back. "Mavra? Are you okay?" she asked. The woman's scent hit her, and she immediately started to tingle... Nal clamped her hand around the airholes in the beak of her mask - it was already hard enough to resist... whatever this beautiful woman was doing. She didn't need to start imagining her doing it naked, those hips swaying from side to side as she-


"M-Mavra, stop, I have work, to do. Please..."

She didn't want to draw a weapon on her... she reached out with her mind to Mavra, looking to see if there were any more sinister vestiges behind her advances. They'd been wrong about at least one of the patients in this room, after all... meanwhile, she looked around the room, wondering if there were anything she could use to tie her up with, in case she wouldn't stop, as she'd asked.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 45/49, Status = +12 Mind, +18 Resistance, Telepathy x2

Even as Naltaibur slowly backed away, hitting the wall a few moments later, Mavra continued to silently stalk forward. Her mental probing at first met a wall of resistance, but as their minds brushed together, Mavra suddenly halted in mid step, an expression crossing her features for the first time since Naltaibur had met the woman. Confusion evident both on her face and within her mind, Mavra momentarily opened her mind to Naltaibur's probing.

Despite the demonic woman's rather clear intentions with her (and which were made all the more clear with Naltaibur's peak into her mind,) there was no hostility within Mavra's mind. What she did find, however, was an insistent, gnawing hunger. It wasn't like anything that Naltaibur had felt in another mind before, and in fact it was almost like Mavra was literally starving, and on the brink of death. Her mind was whole, but it was simply... Overwhelmed. The constant desperate need that filled Mavra had pushed the woman beyond the limits of her not inconsiderable will, and now she was going to fulfill that hunger.... By way of Naltaibur herself, apparently.

That wasn't the only thing that Naltaibur discovered within Mavra's mind, however. Images of a barren, ruined world lit only by a rainbow band of colors in the sky filtered through her mind, accompanied by pain and fear and hatred like nothing she had ever imagined could come from another being. Pictures of beings that Naltaibur had seldom if ever seen herself came as well. Horrors that sprouted thousands of tentacles from their chitinous black carapaces, wolves the size of horses that formed armor from living shadow, and warriors clad in full body black armor were not the ones that brought up the greatest fear in the crimson-skinned woman. Men and women garbed in elegant dresses, all of them so beautiful that Naltaibur at first confused them for statues carved in the likenesses of gods and goddesses. Demons.

And what was more, Mavra was one of them.

A spike of fear accompanied the revelation of Mavra's status as a full demon, but rather than attack Naltaibur as the doctor likely feared, the crimson-skinned beauty stood in place, her face and shoulders both dropping in despair. "Please.... Don't.... Tell.... Them...." She said, her voice a harsh whisper as her violet eyes stared down at the floor. "They.. Don't know... But... I'm just... So.... Hungry.... I don't know how much longer.... I can... Control it."

After she said that, her eyes turned back up to meet Naltaibur's through her mask once more, and she continued; "It's just.... I could see... What you were thinking. I... I could make all of them.... Come true." She paused, and glanced at the two who were bound to the cots, and her voice held and edge of bitterness as Mavra continued; "You... Can't help them. I... I tried... They are gone.... Mind and soul. Not even the worst of my kind would ever do this to someone.... Take everything that they are but leave their body alive... An empty shell."

She stopped again, and then met Naltaibur's eyes once more through the glass visor of her mask. After a moment of simply staring, Mavra said; "Please.... I don't... Like what I do... But.... I can help you... Protect these people.... I just.... Need to.. Feed."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

She... she was no mutated victim, she was a full... a real, live demon! A small gasp escaped the doctor as that revelation came to her, but the visions of her native land... no, a completely different world quickly cut it off. And... despite the emotions that flooded her as the images rushed by - misery and terror she'd likely have never ever known otherwise - she couldn't help but be fascinated. Horrific creatures committing or befalling depravity after depravity, but she found herself staring up into their sky, and wondering what their ruins had been "N-no, my thoughts were... I didn't mean... I don't..." Naltaibur babbled, nervous.

But despite all that, she hadn't sensed any kind of maliciousness in her... just... hunger. A succubus... And she'd stopped, of her own volition, despite how desperate her need was. She could be trusted... or at least, Naltaibur hoped she could.


D-does it have to be right here? Right now?" She asked aloud, and regretted it almost immediately. Would she have asked a woman starving for food to wait?

She gulped nervously. How long had it been since she'd had a real encounter like this... one that wasn't to milk seed from one of her monsters, or under mind control?

"...Okay. But... only a taste. Even if I can't do anything for them, I need to try. ...Come here."

She let go of her beak, breathing in Mavra's scent - now, it would help her focus. Then, she took Mavra by the hand, and gently pushed her against the wall she had just been pressed against herself, sticking her ass out, and removed her gloves.

"And... I won't tell..." she said, as she pulled off the suspenders keeping her pants up, and lowered them enough that her hardening cocks could spring free. "So please, don't tell them about me, either..."

Tugging her mask up just enough to uncover her mouth, she spat into a palm and rubbed the cock she planned on planting into Mavra's ass. She didn't want to admit it, but... no matter how much she wanted to banish such lustful thoughts, Naltaibur wanted Mavra. She wanted to shove both of her cocks in her, and fuck her until neither of them could cum any more.

When she'd finished readying herself for her holes, she pulled her mask back down, almost reflexively. "Ready?" She said, lining her manhoods up and prodding against the crimson woman. "One, two, and..."

Naltaibur inserted herself, pushing gently. ...At first. Still unaccustomed to feeling the pleasure of a second cock wrapped in the warm folds of another woman - let alone a woman as beautiful as Mavra was - she almost blacked out, and instinctively shoved in as deep as she would go. She collapsed against Mavra, gasping.

"Haah... hah... I'm sorry... I'll... do it properly... next time..."

She tried to move... but felt herself twitch violently against Mavra's insides. She groaned through her clenched teeth... and instead, she spoke to Mavra through her connection with her mind, instead.

"that's right, isn't it? You're a demon... and no matter what... a night elf... craves a demon... not fair..."

Through her haze of pleasure, Naltaibur spun a spell from her core, imprinting her need and her lust into the magic. As she leaned against the demoness, clutching at her as she gasped from the sensations coming from her twin members, she brushed a finger against Mavra's clit, sending the spell through it. It was the same as the one she'd used after the giant had grabbed her, except far more minor - after all, she couldn't manage anything more.

Slowly, she started to move again, Mavra's pussy slick and clinging, and her ass gripping her like a vice.

"Just... a taste..."
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 13/53, EP = 15/49, Status = +14 Mind, +20 Resistance, Telepathy x2

Mavra just stared blankly at Naltaibur as she asked if it had to be done here, blinking before glancing at the bound, and apparently mindless duo on the cots below them. Turning back to Naltaibur as the elven doctor gave her agreement, the demoness shivered slightly, but nodded. At the same time as Naltaibur was removing her hand from the face of her mask, Mavra pulled her shirt up over her head and threw it aside. She wore nothing underneath, and Mavra's appearance gave evidence to the perfection of form that she had heard demons possessed, her breasts large and full and perfectly round, but also perky without any need for support. They also bounced just a little when she moved, the motion almost hypnotizing in nature as the brown tips hardened into points in the cool air in the room.

Allowing Naltaibur to lead her over to the wall, Mavra turned around with only her head, allowing herself to be bent over with her ample chest pressed against the cold stone. Her violet eyes were wide, and her pupils were fully dilated, as she stared back to Naltaibur while she pulled her suspenders off, allowing her pants to drop. Mavra's tail swished about, and the demoness quickly yanked her own pants down, allowing them to fall to the floor and revealing an ass that was as magnificent as her chest had been. Round and taught, yet still pliant, it seemed like every part of Mavra had been built to inspire lust in others, and it was most definitely working on Naltaibur. Her tail continued to swish back and forth above her perfectly sculpted backside, and she offered a shuddering nod to Naltaibur's request; "I... Won't."

When asked if she was ready, Mavra let out a tiny whimper of arousal and pushed back against Naltaibur's twin cocks, only able to respond with another nod as she closed her eyes and bit her lip. Her eyes shot open once more when Naltaibur pushed into her, and promptly rolled up into her head as the demoness let out a long moan of wanton arousal. Her folds were dripping wet, and not only accepted every inch of the intruding member, but wrapped around Naltaibur and began to spasm wildly, as if attempting to milk Naltaibur's cum out of her. The one in Mavra's rear hole slid in with nearly as much ease, but once Naltaibur had hilted herself and nearly blacked out from the pleasure from her two cocks, it clenched like a vise around her. In those few seconds during which Naltaibur found herself unable to move, her rods twitching, she could feel Mavra begin to gorge herself on her soul. For a moment, Naltaibur had reason to fear that she would black out, as the demon fed deeply and strongly, draining as much energy as she could take in her starved state with an expression of ecstasy planted on her crimson face.

But then, the draining halted, the connection between the two of them that Naltaibur maintained allowing her to know that it was Mavra herself who had chosen to stop feeding. She could still feel the demon's hunger across the link, certainly, but it had definitely lessened greatly compared to how it had been before. Tiny portions of her essence were still being drained from her, but it was far more maintainable than her earlier feeding, which would have left Naltaibur unconscious within another few seconds. Now, however, her hunger had been supplanted by a mind numbing ecstasy, and she received no intelligible response from either her spoken words or her mental message.

She barely had the concentration left to manage even that simple spell, but Naltaibur managed to complete her simple magic. Even though it was much weaker than the spell that Naltaibur had used on the behemoth earlier, the effects of it were far more dramatic, as Mavra's moan became a breathless gasp, and the demon's entire body shuddered beneath her. Both holes tightened around her and squeezed, and Mavra's juices squirted out around Naltaibur's cock as the demon came explosively from only what had been done to her so far.

The expression of ecstasy on Mavra's face didn't change even after she came down from her climax, but she began to moan again as Naltaibur started thrusting into her. On every thrust forward, Mavra relaxed, allowing Naltaibur to hilt herself with ease even in Mavra's incredibly tight ass, but on every pull back, she tightened both of her holes, squeezing her cocks so perfectly that Naltaibur felt like she was going to cum from every thrust. Mavra continued to feed, if lightly, but the added pleasure from that only made it more difficult to resist her climax, which seemed inevitable. It would take every ounce of her willpower to resist cumming after only a few thrusts, and even then it was only a matter of time... That was, if Naltaibur wanted to resist at all, which she might not given the unbelievable sensations coming from her twin members.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

The doctor grunted in concentration, trying not to explode - it felt like it had been scarcely a minute and she was already going to cum! She had to stop, she still had to take a look at the two whose souls had been ravaged by the invaders... still had to right the wrong done to them, still had to salvage their souls... but she couldn't. Mavra's insides felt so wonderful... she wondered, briefly, if this was heaven - if she had died at the hands of that giant, and the rest of the nightmarish day had just been some kind of fever dream, a terrible hallucination sparked in her last moments of consciousness.

She shook that idea off. Mavra was right there - she felt her in her hand, as she cradled her mound, and she felt the closeness of their bodies as she bent over her, her ass sticking far out to allow her access to both of her holes. Her chest pressed against Mavra's back, and her chin pressed into her shoulderblade, too short to reach her shoulder proper. She was no dream - and for now, she was hers.

Naltaibur took a breath, and pulled herself out of Mavra until just the tips of her twin pricks were left inside. Through her gritted teeth, Naltaibur felt a trickle of drool seep out the corner of her mouth, while her eyes rolled back under shut lids. Her expression of bliss was all her own, hidden from the world under a stoic mask.

"Do you want it inside or outside?" She asked through the connection that linked their minds - but the question fell on deaf ears, the demon too caught up in her pleasure to even recognize it. An idea came upon Naltaibur - moving slowly, she isolated the sensations from her cocks, and fed them through the link to Mavra. She started to pump in and out again, and rewove her spell as best she could again, using her thrusts as a focus - each thrust punctuated with another syllable of power.

By the time she finished her spell, she had worked herself into a frenzy, slamming deep into the demon with every thrust. Mere seconds before her reaching her own peak, she send another jolt of pleasure through Mavra's clit, and wondered briefly what it would feel like for her - "her" cocks pounding into her own nethers, erupting seed deep into herself... and then, her cocks spasmed, jets of thick spunk rushing out to coat the walls deep in Mavra's most intimate places.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 13/53, EP = 15/49, Status = +14 Mind, +20 Resistance, Telepathy x2

It didn't take the mental link that Naltaibur still had with the demoness to tell that she was in ecstasy. Even before she began funneling her own sensations over to Mavra, the red-skinned woman was shaking with ecstasy, and no coherent response came in answer to her question. She simply shook and groaned, clearly trying to keep her moans quiet and succeeding surprisingly well. The demon's feeding stopped entirely as Naltaibur sped up her thrusts and began to throb, though how and why Mavra was able to do it was a mystery that would likely have to wait to be solved. There were more pressing concerns to be dealt with.

Mavra's body once more began to spasm wildly underneath her as Naltaibur magically put another pulse of pleasure into the woman's clitoris, another orgasm taking her partner just before Naltaibur began to cum herself, painting Mavra's inner walls wight. Mavra's holes tightened around her as she began cumming, to the point that it was almost painful, and her quivering insides continued to milk Naltaibur's rods for what felt like an eternity before the both of them came down from their respective orgasms. Their combined fluids were steadily dripping onto the floor from her partner's holes, Mavra's womb having not been large enough to contain all of the cum that Naltaibur had released.

Though she was panting from the exertion of their coupling, Mavra seemed to have no trouble holding herself up, which was a little more than Naltaibur could say for herself. Her legs felt like jello, both from the sex and the energy that had been absorbed from her soul, and she had to lean against the demon in order to keep her feet. Some of it passed after a moment, and by then Mavra had recovered enough to quietly say; "Thank you, Naltaibur. I... I needed that a lot more than I thought I did.... But, can I ask another favor of you?" She turned her head to look at Naltaibur as she spoke, and her voice was far more steady now than it had been before, and though her violet eyes were still dilated with arousal they also looked a great deal more calm than before. "Can... Will you do this again with me sometime?" She said sheepishly, and if her skin hadn't already been bright red, Naltaibur would have guessed that Mavra would be blushing.

(Naltaibur gains 50 corruption!)
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur came down from the high of her orgasm, and crumpled against the red-skinned demon, sandwiching her with the wall. The strength in her legs was gone, barely enough to keep her upright - Mavra was literally the only thing keeping her up.

The doctor didn't answer Mavra's question immediately, too tired to even stand up straight as she was. However, she wrapped an arm around the demonesses' stomach, not moving it until and when she had recovered some and was able to stand on her own again. "Um..." came Naltaibur's hesitant voice as she stared at the demon.

Reaching behind her head, she pulled the straps holding her mask in place free. Her face bared - one half her own grey, and the other an orc's green - she looked Mavra in the eyes. "I'd... I'd like that."

She leaned in, to press their lips together.


Once they had cleaned up, and Naltaibur was again girded against the eyes of the rest of the world, she sent a tendril of thought into the remaining once-Crolian's mind, and called for Uldric. She would have to show them to him - that they had indeed been turned, their souls eradicated by the invading monsters. She hoped she could convince him to allow her to keep them, rather than slaying them now, and putting them out of their misery - gods willing, she would be allowed another miracle, to salvage something of their minds. She cut her link to Mavra's mind off as Uldric approached, and made sure the Mavra's secrets were as guarded as her own before establishing a link with the priest and explaining the two victim's unfortunate fates.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 9/53, EP = 49, Status = Low on Energy, Telepathy x2

(Gain 4 exp!)

When her mask came off, Mavra smiled broadly to Naltaibur, showing neither surprise nor disgust at her mutated features. Mavra leaned into the kiss that she started, her mouth parted, and held it for as long as Naltaibur allowed.

The two redressed in silence, Mavra having cleaned herself up a little with a towel before re-donning her trousers. The demoness had offered to clean her up as well, but when Naltaibur had agreed she had immediately knelt down in front of her, so Naltaibur ended up cleaning herself up after all. Mavra had taken care of the stains on the floor as well, and then laid herself back down on her cot, adopting a perfectly blank look just like the one that Naltaibur had seen on her face when they had first met.

Breaking off her contact from Mavra, she peeked into the mind of the broken woman and then contacted Uldric, having found exactly what she had sadly expected to find. The priest arrived shortly, a confused expression on the old man's face, and after he shut the door he asked; "Was it you that sent that to me?" Once she had assured him that it was, he continued; "Are you sure? Nothing can be done for them?"
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

"Nothing that I know of, father. Their... their souls and minds are gone. I know what a limb is made out of, so it's possible for me to regrow a limb... but, I... I don't think I can rebuild an individual's mind and memories." Naltaibur replied, turning to look at the thrashing man and woman, restrained as they were to their cots. "However, with your permission, I would like to... keep them. I could glean much information on the invaders and their... ways, from these poor souls. Perhaps, with time, I could even find some way to reverse their condition, or if not, safeguard against it."
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Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 9/53, EP = 49, Status = Low on Energy, Telepathy x2

Uldric sighed at her response, but nodded. "I had feared that such would be the case. You say that you think that you can possibly do something for them, just not yet? Then we will keep them. I leave them in your care, Naltaibur." He said after a moment, and then sighed tiredly. "Is there anything more you need? Anything we could provide for you? Already you have done much for us, but we have done nothing for you save offer a paltry meal and a place to rest."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

With Father Uldric made aware of the two's condition, Naltaibur's telepathy was no longer needed. She withdrew from both of their minds, putting her thoughts squarely back into her own head, no longer privy to the deluge of overwhelming anger that passed as their thoughts.

"Yes, ah... well, I have a question," Naltaibur asked of the priest, a little fearful of the answer she would receive. It took her a moment to work up the will to ask, standing there facing the Skylord's servant a while awkwardly, trying to keep her hands and arms at her sides. "When, er... when I woke up, I was naked. Could you tell me who it was that stripped me? And, er... who else it was that saw me naked?"

Had she finally been exposed, her secret revealed? A few of the men had seemed awfully wary of her... she imagined the patchwork nature of her skin would seem as foreign as the invaders... and, come to think of it, her true skin color was already grey, same as the faceless, rapacious horde that had sacked their city. That probably didn't look good...

She wondered if she'd ever patched any of them up before. Armed men did tend to get hurt, after all. There was the little fact that it was her home, and not her father's clinic - where she did most of her business - but she never turned down an injured man on her doorstep.

Her stomach growled. She was starting to feel hungry again. Unless Uldric needed anything else from her, she would request another glass of water, and go back to her plate of sandwiches... taking them back into the room Mavra was in, once Uldric was out of sight. She wanted to go after the man she'd seen earlier, through the doors opposite the priest's quarters in the church's main hall - but that demon had drained a lot out of her. Naltaibur figured she'd be fine as long Mavra didn't jump her again, though, which she hopefully wouldn't; besides that, she was eager for a little more time with her - proper time, rather than asking her to get out of her room so she could work... and then having a rough quickie right afterwards. Or immediately going about her business right once she'd finished. That abruptness didn't feel very mannerly to Naltaibur... she didn't think they could cuddle or anything in that room - especially with those other two in there - but they could at least chat, right?

She opened the door again, plate and glass in hand. "Hi again," she said, feeling a little awkward. "Er... hungry? For a sandwich, I mean."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Stripped? None of us stripped you... We just left you and Gloria on the pews, covered in blankets. Why?" Uldric replied, looking confused. He had noticed, but not commented on the fact that she broke the link to his mind.

She could recall seeing men in uniforms similar to the red scale mail worn by the men like Aluwin in her office before, though usually due to training injuries or bar brawls, rather than actual combat. They were a mercenary company, as far as she knew.

"Hello." Mavra replied, smiling up at Naltaibur from where she lay on her cot. At the offer for a sandwich, the demoness shrugged and replied; "Sure." She rose, and took something to eat, standing beside Naltaibur and looking at her, a look of curiosity in her deep violet eyes. There was no reproach to be found, and only a modicum of lust, nothing like what had been present before. After eating something, she felt her energy quickly returning, though the repeated uses of her magic had left her tired in a way that only sleep would cure, and her head had begun to ache slightly from the constant use of her telepathy. Neither were severe enough to be distracting, at least not yet, and they wouldn't keep her from using her abilities or thinking clearly until they got a whole lot worse, but she could feel them all the same.
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

"Wh... what? But, when I woke up, I was definitely naked... I only had a blanket over me, with my clothes folded nearby. That other priest I mentioned was out there, watching over me... maybe..."

"Oh, erm, 'why'? E-er, well, I'm just... a little self-conscious, is all... and... especially in times like these, modesty must be upheld, r-right?" Naltaibur babbled in response to Uldric's query once she'd realized he asked it. Her nervousness at being asked was far more obvious than she liked. "I probably sound suspicious," she thought to herself, as she hoped that he'd just take her word for it. It wasn't as if it was a lie, after all - she was 'a little self-conscious'. It just so happened that it was because her skin was a hodgepodge of three different people, rather than because her figure had never filled out very well (which it hadn't), or she was just shy.


Naltaibur took off her mask again, after Mavra had taken a sandwich. It would've been silly to sit there with just her mouth exposed and unable to see anything, like she had earlier. She'd gone to sit on Mavra's vacated cot afterwards, patting it to invite her to sit as well.

That unknown clergyman... who was he? She turned the question over and over in her head, trying to come up with an answer. Had she ever seen him before? She thought back. In her clinic...? No, probably not... in the streets, ever? ...No... no... wait, there was that one man that one time... but he definitely hadn't been a priest, so that probably wasn't it... pah. This wasn't getting her anywhere. She'd have to go look for him, later.

Evidently, neither of the pair were very talkative, so they ate in relative silence, two turned others in the room with them breaking up the quiet with their thrashing and whimpering while they struggled against their bonds. Mavra was as ever unfazed by Naltaibur's strange appearance, excepting for perhaps a raised eyebrow. She was probably wondering why Naltaibur looked the way she did... or maybe wondering where her "bonus parts" came from. The doctor flushed a little at the thought of them - being near the beautiful red demoness was starting to make her want a second round with her. But Naltaibur didn't want their relationship to just be about sex all the time - already, the first impression she'd given her was apparently all the dirty things she'd fantasized about... and then afterwards... she shut down on that thought immediately, feeling a dangerous stiffening in her trousers.

Maybe... maybe she was reading a little too into it. They'd not even met an hour ago... probably not even a half-hour ago, at that. ...Maybe all she was was some energy and a good fuck to her? The demon had needed it really bad, she'd seen Nal was more than eager...

... No... no, that probably wasn't it, Naltaibur decided. She was just being negative. It was really a disservice to the demon, too... she hadn't given her any reason to think of her like that. At any rate, whether they had any real connection or not, it was at least nice to have someone she could have her mask off around, for once. She peeked to the side to sneak a glance at the demon -

- and found herself looking sidelong at the top of the swell of Mavra's chest, under her thick jacket. At some point during her musing she'd leaned over to rest her head against Mavra, nibbling absently at her sandwich as she mulled over their relationship. She wasn't sure how long she'd been like that... but, with a whiff, she breathed in more of that lovely scent of Mavra's, soaked into her jacket, soaking through it... she did want to go again, didn't she? Maybe she'd let her do it right this time. She wanted to take her from the front this time. Those perfect breasts... she would start at her neck, and work down to them... then, she'd circle those mounds with kisses until she was begging to hurry and please her. She'd make her way down, trailing kisses until she reached her slit, and then... and then... come to think of it, what if she was looking into her mind again right now?!

Naltaibur yanked herself to her feet, dropping her leftovers on the plate. "Oops er sorry! I uh um didn't mean to uh I mean I've got to go check on that uh yeah." The night elf hurriedly tied her mask back on lopsided and fled out the door while she blathered, too panicky to stop.


"God damn it," Naltaibur muttered to herself, now down the hall and near the door where the mercenaries, Uldric, and the two sisters were. "Can't keep my imagination in check or anything..."

She took a moment to compose herself before stepping through the door. She was starting to feel the day's rigors on her, but she could finish this last task at least before she considered calling it quits. "Ah... Father Uldric?" she called quietly as she stepped in. "Where's the door on the opposite wall from here lead to? Would it be alright if I went to look?" she asked. She'd go immediately once he'd allowed her - she needed to find out who that man was...
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur: HP = 45, PP = 53, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Uldric still seemed confused, but nodded to Naltaibur's explanation anyway and let them matter drop. "I still don't know who this other priest you keep mentioning might be..... We haven't seen anyone else in here since we brought you and Gloria in, and we haven't heard anything either."

Mavra sat down on the cot beside Naltaibur, quietly eating her sandwich and watching the elven doctor do the same, letting their time together pass in relative silence. The demoness didn't shy away from her touch as Naltaibur laid her head down on her shoulder, even going so far as to smile and rest her cheek against Naltaibur's head. She seemed quite content to remain in that position, not even bothered that Naltaibur was staring at chest, which rose and fell slowly with the demon's breath as her scent filled Naltaibur's every breath.

At her sudden rising, however, Mavra's smile turned into a confused frown, and just before Naltaibur fled the room, she said; "Wait!" Naltabiur, in her panicked state, didn't register the words until she was halfway down the hall, and by then it was too late to turn back.

Once she had stepped through the door, every eye in the room was on her, but none remained save for those of Gloria, who smiled warmly to her, and Uldric, who turned to face her as she approached the old priest. "That door? It leads to the stairs going up to the tower. We used to use it as a storage room, but there's not much of use to be found there. I've kept it locked for years, to keep the drafts from opening it and letting in the cold during the winter, but if you really want to go up there I can give you the key."

He fished around in his pockets for a moment, and then withdrew a ring of keys. He quickly took a small copper key from the ring and handed it to her. Before she departed, he said; "Be careful, those stairs are old and haven't seen any upkeep for damn near a decade now."
Re: Dr. Love, Dr. Dick (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur accepted the key with a small bow. "Thank you, for the key and the warning. I'll be careful." Pausing a moment to glance over at Gloria, Naltaibur then made her way to the door. She stuck her head out to peek around the chapel hall before exiting, making her way across it, her steps echoing on the stony floor.

She crossed the hall and stood before the door, where she tried the handle, in case that other man had left the door open. Maybe the whole thing was just her imagination? She'd had more than a few strange visions today... certainly, the stresses of seeing so many people she knew dead or dying, raped or abducted... or worse of all, turned - mind and soul obliterated, their husk turning against them - would have been hard on anyone. She'd already imagined herself as that towering behemoth, taking what she wanted from a little wretch that fit in the palm of her hand... but what would that priest have been to her, then? Surely, if she conjured him up from nothing, he must have had some significance. Did she just want some kind of return to normalcy? A compassionate, caring priest, watching over her, not caring about her freakish body? Maybe it was just the latter - someone who didn't care about her obviously unnatural form... but if that were the case, who stripped her? Had she just imagined being naked, too? Or had so far gone, she'd gotten up, stripped, laid back down, and just erased that memory completely?

At any rate, if that man was just a figment of her imagination... a stand-in for someone to share her secret with - she had Mavra for that, now. Would she still find her delusion in that tower?

Mavra... she'd asked her to wait, but Naltaibur had fled out the door. The doctor winced, under her mask - the demoness had already been dealing with her own isolation here, practically quarantining herself into that room with only the company of those two husks - to get up and run like that... oh gods, Naltaibur hoped she hadn't hurt her. She'd have to make it up to her - an explanation, definitely. And... maybe it wouldn't hurt, if she offered her as much magical energy as she wanted...

Naltaibur shook her head. She could go back in a moment. For now, she had to go look for that man.

She opened the door and stepped in, looking up the rotting stairway. She canted a small spell, a basic one to aid her in case she really did fall through, and gingerly made her way up the steps.

Oh uhhh yeah I am casting Gliding Wind. Or Featherfall. You know, the anti-fall-to-your-death spell.
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