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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Remove Parasite Attempts:

Elise: 3 vs. Parasite: 5.
Brianna: 29 vs. Parasite: 28.

Elise finds that the parasite is stubbornly attached to her, and won't let go. Worse still, her efforts seem to make it burrow in deeper to her, and she realizes she'll have to wait a bit for it to calm down. Meanwhile Brianna grunts as she discovers her parasite is firmly attached, but finally is able to yank the thing off of her, tossing the 'carcass' to the ground with a disgusted sound.

2/5 Parasite Conditions left, 3 turns left until Elise can try to remove it again.


1: Wait it out and try again.

2: Move onward.

Note: I messed up, with the map piece you can't be caught by patrols. That has been rectified for this post and reflected in the options.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Tugging on the parasite, Elise found it was virtually futile as the thing dug into her skin a little painfully. Brianna was luckier than she was though and was able to get her parasite off fairly easily, where she tossed it aside like day old trash. "Dammit, looks like mine doesn't want to come off so easily. Come on you little bastard, get off of me," Elise grunted, tugging on the thing again after a minute or so of rest.

Regardless of whether or not she was able to remove the damn thing, Elise decided after her next attempt that she and Brianna should move on, thinking it best not to stay in one place for too long even if they knew the patrol routes now thanks to the map pieces they'd found.

[1. Try once more and move on regardless of results, assuming they can that is.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise waits a little while, and the Parasite Changes it's affect on her, stealing half her mana! Shortly after, she feels like she can try to remove it again ...

Remove Parasite Attempt:

Elise: 28 vs. Parasite: 25.

With some effort, Elise is able to remove the parasite! She's back to normal now!

Moving onward, both women soon came to a room that looked like someone had set a bomb off in it. However, in the middle of the room, laying on the floor was what seemed to be a map piece! Looking at it Brianna blinked, then turned to Elise.

"Shall we? Could we be so lucky?"
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As they waited for a few short minutes, resting while they did, Elise finally managed to prize the parasitic creature off of her cock. She heaved a sigh of relief when the thing was gone, though before it went she'd felt it sap a bit of her strength in a last effort to hurt her. It was worth it though for the thing to be off of her now.

"Whew, thank the gods it's gone. I don't know what all that thing would have done to me, but I'm glad I didn't have to find out," Elise said to Brianna before they decided to move on.

When they arrived in the next room, Elise looked to Brianna as her beloved glanced over at her and spoke. "Yeah it is awfully suspicious. I'm... not sure we should try, but... gods it's too good a chance to pass up," Elise said hesitantly before cautiously moving out towards the map piece, waving Brianna back a bit so in case it was a trap she didn't get caught in it.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Nodding only in reply, Brianna took a step back. Elise stepped forward, reaching out for the map ...

And might be surprised when her hands closed around a real map piece! Removing it from it's spot, she saw a path light up on the map, showing her the path to reach Level 5 of the tower!


1: Jump for joy and move on to the next place.

2: Take a moment for the hell of it (can't be caught)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving forward, Elise reached out and grabbed the map piece as she held her breath. Pulling the thing up, Elise smiled as she found it was a real piece of the map they were gathering. "Oh wow, so lucky. Is that all of the pieces honey?" Elise said as she handed Brianna the map piece.

If it was, Elise would lead the way with her spirits high and her mind ready for a fight since they were both at peak condition as it were.

[1. Move onward to the next area.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna shook her head.

"It's showing us to the next level, but this thing shows that Level 5 is the last one. I think one more piece and we'll be fighting some kind of boss again."

Moving onward to the next level, the two women came across a large shrine in a massive room, with a small pool of water. As they set eyes on it, Cassidy appeared again, looking like she'd been through hell.

"You have found a Shrine of Rejuvination, an exceptionally rare thing. The shrine scans you at the time you enter it's scanning field, and determines which buff it will bestow. Normally it would restore your energy and stamina to full should you win the fight against it's guardian, however since you're both at full strength right now, if you win the fight, it will remove 10,000 units of Corruption from your bodies. In order to claim this buff, you must defeat Vampyrate and her pet Lust Squid. As always, you may choose to leave now if you do not wish to fight."

Once more she vanished, an almost fearful expression crossing her face as she did.


1: Take the shrine!

2: Nah, let's keep moving.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Damn, well maybe soon we can get a move on and get out of this place," Elise said before she began to lead onward again.

Once they made their way up to another shrine, Elise saw Cassidy show up before them once again, looking quite exhausted. Elise listened to what Cassidy had to say, where she nodded and looked to Brianna and nodded to her as well. "Oh of course we'll fight, I've got faith in the two of us. We'll take her pet down first and then we'll take care of her. Brianna, focus everything on her pet squid thing first okay, once it's down she'll be facing a two on one fight," Elise said before activating the shrine when Brianna was ready for her to.

[1. Take this fucking shrine and kick the bitch's ass that holds it.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Initiative Rolls:

Vampyrate: 30 (1st)
Lust Squid: 12 (3rd)
Elise: 3 (Last)
Brianna: 20 (2nd)

Enemy Encounter:

Vampyrate: 5,000 HP. 300 Stamina. 55 Pleasure.

Lust Squid: Stamina: 155. Pleasure: 40. HP: 700. Damage: 17. Weak vs. Lightning. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind.

The two women stepped into the fight area and a familiar force field locked them into the fight. Almost immediately their foes appeared, and the Boss attacked!

Grapple Attempt:

Vampyrate: 12 vs. Elise: 17+5=22

Elise dodges with ease!

Brianna casts her Mantra of Speed, giving both women 2 actions per turn. She has 170 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 17 vs. Lust Squid: 13
Brianna: 7 vs. Lust Squid: 3

Brianna uses her Smite Skill and loses another 25 MP, and has 145 left. She lands both hits and KILLS the Lust Squid!


1: Attack!

2: Sex!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As they moved into the shrine area, Elise saw the familiar force field pop up to surround them. She was a bit tense, but confident that they could manage this. "Alright honey, let's do this," Elise said, ready to fight.

When Vampyrate and her Lust squid winked into existence, Elise saw Vampyrate come at her and easily dodged the vampire woman and spun around while Brianna completely obliterated the Lust squid in a single go. Elise went at Vampyrate with a flurry of attacks, spinning left and then right to slash at her foe in an attempt to take her down quick before she could get a good attack in on them.

[1. Attack with Beast Swipe on Vampyrate in an attempt to stun her so we can kill her quickly.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 1+5=6 vs. Vampyrate: 20
Elise: 30+5=35 vs. Vampyrate: 12

Elise lands her attack on the second try, landing it critical as well! She does 650 Damage, leaving their foe with 4,350 HP. Vampyrate is also stunned for this turn, and loses her turn!

Vampyrate has lost her turn!

Brianna unloads her hardest hitting attack with her Beatdown, knowing Vampyrate can't dodge her!

7 of Brianna's 10 hits land Critical, allowing her to dish out 2,125 damage! Vampyrate has 2,225 HP left!


1: Unload an attack into her!

2: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Smirking as Vampyrate was left stunned from the blows by Elise, the young assassin halfbreed watched as Brianna's attacks almost all landed as well. "Ha, take that you vampiric bitch," Elise commented, charging at their foe in an effort to try and finish her off before she could recover.

Elise would throw everything she had at Vampyrate to take her down, her more powerful skills and putting as much into her blows as possible.

[1. Signet of Agony Chain after using Clear Focus if it's off cooldown.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise uses her Clear Focus, losing 5 MP. She has 110 left.

Elise lands all 5 hits critical thanks to her Clear Focus, and her foe being stunned still. She deals a total of 1,250. Her rune burst does not land critical though, and deals an extra 125 damage. Her Grand Total is 1,375 Damage, leaving their foe with 850 HP, and placing her in an energy hold for two turns.

Vampyrate is unable to do anything.

Briana lands both of her Smite spells for a total of 800 damage. Vampyrate has 50 HP left.

((Fuck that, this little HP left and fuckin 100% hit I'm not making you wait another post.))

Elise swipes out with a random hit, and KILLS Vampyrate.

Loot Phase:

Vampyrate: MAP PIECE!

Lust Squid: NOTHING!

Both women gain 5,100 XP and reach Level 7.

Brianna picked up the map piece and smiled.

"I think we have a boss fight now. According to this we have to fight some Countess Andra and ... a Tar Demoness, Tar Demon and a Demonic Bug that are her pets. Joy."


1: Rest to Full Stats then move on (about 1 turn, can't be caught).

2: Move on and fight while Clear Focus is still in play.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(Awesome. XD)

As Elise moves in again and slashes wildly at Vampyrate, she almost literally cuts her to pieces. With Brianna following up along behind her attacks, Elise smirked and spun around and slashed Vampyrate's throat with a dagger and shoved the other into the vampire woman's heart, ending her the rest of the way so she needn't suffer. "You shouldn't have tried to take us on honey. All the rest have fallen to us thus far." Elise said as she laid their fallen foe down gently, being respectful at least a little.

Once Vampyrate was gone, Elise looked to Brianna and nodded as her beloved picked up the map piece that fell from their foe. "Alright honey, let's get this show on the road. And I got us a plan. You get us buffed up, and we'll take down the bug and Tar demon first, then after that, you focus on the Tar demoness while I keep this Andra lady busy, and then once you've mopped the last pet up, we'll double team her and take this bitch down... together," Elise said, holding out a hand to fist bump Brianna as she led the way onward to their supposed boss fight.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Entering their combat area, the two women spotted their foes. Andra seemed to have once been a Mathosian Noble, but the woman she had once been clearly wasn't who stood before them now.

Enemy Encounter:

Countess Andra: HP: 10,000. Stamina: 300/300. Pleasure: 55. (Uses her Pussy only)

Level 8 Demonic Bug: Stamina: 195. Pleasure: 40. HP: 800. Weak vs. Cold.

Level 8 Tar Demon: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire. Has the "Stuck on You" ability.

Level 9 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak vs. Fire. Has the "Stuck on You" ability.

Initiative Rolls:

Elise: 21 (3rd)
Brianna: 30 (1st)
Andra: 17 (4th)
Bug: 14 (5th)
Tar Demon: 27 (2nd)
Tar Demoness: 1 (Last)

Brianna reacted first, casting her Mantra of Speed Spell! She has 185 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 28 vs. Demonic Bug: 16

Brianna uses her Smite Skill and fries the Bug in one shot! Brianna has 160 MP left.

Brianna: 29 vs. Tar Demon: 1

Brianna fries the Tar Demon as well!


1: Attack a Target.

2: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving along, Elise led the way towards this Countess Andra's lair using Brianna's directions. When they got inside Andra's lair, Elise saw the corrupted Mathosian woman and narrowed her eyes. "Alright honey, let's do this," Elise told Brianna, readying herself for battle and preparing to go at the ones she'd mentioned in her plan before.

Brianna however took the Tar Demon and the Bug thing down before she could even move at them. Nodding to Brianna, and then to the Tar demoness, Elise went for Andra, her weapons drawn and her mind set to fight. She charged in and slashed her weapons at Andra in an attempt to stun her with the ferocity of her attack.

[1. Attack Andra with Beast Swipe.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 14+5=19 vs. Countess: 11
Elise: 30+5=35 vs. Countess: 21

Elise lands both hits with her Beast Swipe, dealing 975 damage total as one lands critical, stunning the Countess! The Countess has 9,025 HP left.

The Countess has lost her turn.

Grapple Attempt:

Tar Demoness: 9 vs. Brianna: 27

Brianna dodges with ease.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 16 vs. Tar Demoness: 8

Brianna uses her Smite spell and fries the Tar Demoness! She has 145 MP left.

Brianna lands her Smite Spell for 800 Damage on the Countess, leaving her with, 8,225 HP.


1: Keep attacking!

2: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As Elise boxed with Andra, Brianna finished off the Tar Demoness, leaving just the big boss lady now for them to deal with. Elise in the meantime smacked Andra in the face and stunned her enough to give her and Brianna the chance to lay into her. Elise quickly jumped in behind Andra while she was stunned and slashed her as much as possible, to try and take her down as quickly as they could.

"Go down you bitch," Elise grunted as she slashed away wildly at her foe.

[1. Signet of Agony Chain after using Clear Focus is possible. If neither are available, then Rune Carve Chain and Clear Focus if it's available.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise uses her Clear Focus, and loses 5 MP. She then launches into her Signet of Agony Chain, and loses 25 MP. She has 100 MP left.

Elise deals 1,560 Damage on her first round of attacks, and another 1,560 Damage on the second round for a total of 3,120 Damage. The Countess is in an Energy Hold for 2 Turns. The Countess has 5,105 HP left.

The Countess can't do anything for this turn and 1 other.

Brianna elects to use her Beatdown Attack, and launches into it! Her first round deals 780 Damage, and her second round deals 910 for a total of 1,690 Damage. The Countess has 3,415 HP left.


1: Continue to beat on the Countess, who is a scary Tank.

2: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Seeing Countess Andra being so stunned by the onslaught, Elise kept at it, slashing in a furious flurry of attacks as she and Brianna pushed their foe back more and more. "You're going down today... Countess," Elise hissed at Countess Andra.

As their abilities put the Countess in a paralyzing hold, Elise nodded to Brianna, and flew at Andra again, aiming for her blades at the woman's vital areas as much as possible, namely her heart and throat.

[1. Attack again with Swift Edge Chain, since I think that's the only ability Elise has up at the moment.]