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Eris (Cross_Grave)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Attack Roll:

Eris: 30 vs. Kelaino: 29 (Damn, max roll and NEEDED it too)

Eris finally ends the fight with a well placed shot to the face of Kelaino.

Both women gain 5,200 XP.

Loot Phase:

Kelaino: 2x Mana Potions per woman.

Plant: HP Potion per woman.

Gina quietly bent down to gather the potions, stomping her foot down on Kelaino's head to make certain she was dead first. Once she was satisfied that she was in fact dead, she gathered the potions, and handed 3 of them to Eris. For the moment, she said nothing, but one look into her eyes suggested the woman was slightly rattled about something.


1: Rest to full before moving on (2 turns, chance to be caught). Can talk as well.

2: Move onward while talking.

3: Same as 1 but no talking.

4: Same as 2 but no talking.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

(Cool, level up.)

Eris let out a sigh of relief as her projectile speared through Kelaino's head. It occured to her that perhaps she shouldn't feel relieved about killing someone but honestly, she didn't care much. Was it her death-related power messing with her? Or was it something else? She simply had no idea. Still, with Kelaino dead the shrine and the power stored within was theirs for the taking, letting the girls enhance themselves. Worth the trouble they went through to conquer the place.

Accepting the bottles from Gina and storing them away with the rest, the necromancer couldn't help but notice that something was bothering the woman. Was it her choice of tactics during the battle? She did make an error that put Gina at risk, they were lucky they've managed to get away relatively unscathed. "Um... Sorry for not helping you out earlier. I thought my curse would finish her off before the spell ended. I've made a blunder there, I apologize."

1: Rest and talk.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina paused for a moment, blinking at Eris before suddenly recognition dawned on her features.

"Oh no it's fine, that was a brilliant move by you. Very well played, though it would have been nice if it had worked out completely according to plan. That's not what's bothering me, it's just ..."

She trailed off, turning slightly red before finishing her sentence with perhaps a bit of shame in her voice.

"Well, this is going to sound terrible but ... when your spell wore off, I suddenly just felt her around me. It was just that it went from no sensation at all to suddenly a whole lot tighter feeling than I expected. And when she
started to actually pleasure me ... Honestly, without you there to provide an anchor to reality so to speak ... I'm not sure I could have resisted giving in to letting her ride me, it felt that good. I just can't believe it, and I can't believe I even considered giving in to that but ... it felt so good, and that's what bothers me. I just ... I just hope I can return the favor and help you out later. She just took me so easily that ... well I feel like I let you down there. Some Warrior I'm turning out to be, getting taken down so easily and nearly succumbing to the first taste of a pussy around me ever. And I can't even believe we're having this conversation ..."

She shook her head, seeming to drift off, probably thinking about how all of this was even possible, and maybe about what the future would hold and if she'd be reliable for her new friend.

((Gonna give you a chance to reply before I move them onward, so no options here, we'll move on after your reply.))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris listened to her comrade in silence, taking in her worries. "It's not your fault." The necromancer replied as Gina finished. "Those things... All of them, I believe, were created or raised to fuck us stupid. They're basically made for that purpose so it's only natural that they're insanely good at that, and you can't help it if you get turned on from pleasure like this." The girl reasoned. "Hell, right before we met? I barely escaped from a tentacle plant of some kind. It nearly made me cum from the fucking it gave me and honestly, if I hadn't managed to free myself when I did I probably would have just let it fuck me until I came, or until it came inside of me, or whatever."

"It's... Weird to talk about it like this, I suppose." The blonde girl shrugged, still resting. "But that's just the way this place seems to be. We've both got our weaknesses and we can't help that. Best thing we can do is keep an eye on each other and do our best to help when the other one's caught by something they can't resist. Don't worry about this, you haven't let me down at all and I don't think I'd be able to deal with the challenges so far even half as well without you. You shouldn't really blame yourself for something you couldn't help."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"Bred for rape and sex huh? That would explain a few things, but it's also rather disturbing. Makes you wonder what else our captor did to us besides give us powers for his damn game. Not sure I want to know what else might have been changed about me. Anyway, we're not gonna get out of here just sitting around, let's go."

Moving onward now that they were both at peak strength, the two women soon came upon an area filled with tomb stones. As they picked their way through the area ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Gina: 16 vs. Trap???: 27

Neither woman noticed anything was off until Gina stepped down next to Eris by one grave, and suddenly a clicking sound was heard. Before either woman could react, some sort of device with a needle on it extended from the sides of two fake Graves, and the needels pierced their skin, injecting something into them. Almost immediately, both women felt a little flushed, and a slightly higher desire for sex. Gina let loose a ragged breath, shuddering as she said, "oh god ... that aphrodisiac stuff again."

Both women are now in the Aphrodisiac Influence State and suffer lower rolls in all sexual combat scenarios for the next 10 rounds.


1: Move on and try to cope with it.

2: Try to wait out the 10 rounds (chance to be caught here)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Right, might as well move on." Eris agreed, picking herself up and following her companion. She had to admit, Gina had raised a good question there. If the one who brought them here was capable of empowering them, what stopped him from twisting them as well, making them vulnerable to rape? Why did he even bother with this twisted gauntlet if he could do that to them, though? Why not just break them while they were helpless? So many questions, no answers. Best she could do was to just keep on going and hope they got out of this all right.

Eris didn't notice the nearby trap at all, caught off guard when Gina triggered it. As she the needle pierced her skin, drawing out a startled yelp out of her, the girl could feel the aphrodisiac spread through her body, turning her on. "Damn it. This is bad... We can't just wait for it to wear off, something is definitely going to find us if we stay. We have to keep moving and hope we don't run into something we can't handle." The necromancer declared.

1: Move on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina nodded, shuddering slightly as she tried her best to squash the sensations going through her body with the aphrodisiac doing it's work.

They quickly moved onward, trying to ignore the heat growing within them and soon came to what at first seemed like an empty area. As they continued to push onward though ...

Trap Evasion Roll(s):

Gina: 30 vs. Trap???: 17
Eris: 28 vs. Trap???: 25

... Suddenly Gina grabbed Eris and yanked her back! Before Eris could say anything, Gina simply pointed to what at first seemed like a muddy spot on the ground. After watching it for a moment though, Eris could see that SOMETHING was very much alive in that mud, some kind of parasitical creature. Only now did Gina speak, and she shuddered as she did.

"Parasite Trap. I've seen a few of these things before, got to a pair of other women too late to help them. Basically if you step into that mud, the thing latches on to you and ... well ... it forcefully attaches itself to you and
turns you into a semi-permanent dick girl until you can remove it. Damn things can fuck with your mind too, I accidently tripped one before I met you. Thing literally hijacked control of my mind and body, forced me into ... well lets just say it can change the size of your new tool and one of the things it can do to you is make you give yourself a blowjob. I don't know what all else it can do to us but I don't think we should find out if we can avoid it."

9/10 Aphrodisiac Left.


1: Continue onward.

2: Try to wait a bit to let the Aphrodisiac flush out of your systems (how long? Chance to be caught)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris let out a yelp as she felt Gina grab her and pull her back, instantly going on alert as she scanned the area for threats. Following her friend's line of sight, she finally noticed it. Some sort of strange creature waiting in mud - a parasite trap, according to the warrior. As she listened to the explanation, the necromancer began to frown, her features settling in an expression of grim anger and disgust. "Goddamn vermin." She spat, walking around the trap and leaving it behind at a safe distance. "I swear to god, once I'm out of here I'm going to bring down a whole undead apocalypse on whatever asshole that came up with that shit. Let's move on, better not to stick around that thing in case it decides to move."

1: Continue.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina nodded with a small smile, probably wishing she could do the same.

Moving onward both women found themselves in another Grave Lined area. As they moved through the grave stones ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Gina: 26 vs. Trap???: 21
Eris: 20 vs. Trap???: 23

... Gina started to balk at walking over a particular spot, but before she could say anything Eris had stepped down onto a hidden pressure plate. A clicking sound could be heard, and then suddenly they were pulled towards one of the grave markers each by an invisible force. Almost immediately the grave markers opened up to reveal what appeared to be some kind of fake pussy device. Before either woman could react to this, they found magic coursing through their bodies, and in moments they realized they each had a dick! Worse still, a half heartbeat later, the invisible force thrusted them INSIDE the fake pussy in front of each woman, and they felt themselves penetrate the shockingly warm and tight depths!

Trap Encounter:

Fleshlight Clamp Trap: Pleasure: 60.

Both women immediately suffer 60 pleasure and gain 80 KP from the sudden rape! Gina has 167 stamina left, while Eris has 102 left.


1: Attempt to escape the pussy stroking you!

2: Enjoy an orgasm from it!


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris winced as she felt the pressure plate give way under her foot, realizing she just triggered something nasty. Before she could react, however, some kind of unknown force pulled her towards one of the gravestones. The fake marker quickly revealed itself to be some manner of hidden device that contained a fake pussy of all things. Before she could question the wisdom of making such a trap, the necromancer felt a surge of magic run through her body, warping it and forming a large dick above her clit. Not even a second later she was forced to ram it into the incredibly tight and hot fake cunt. As she was pushed into thrusting in and out against her will, the blonde girl tried to fight back, hoping to break out of the trap before she was driven insane by it.

1: Escape.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Escape Trap Attempts:

Eris: 13-10=3 vs. Trap: 1

Gina: 19-10=9 vs. Trap: 8

Both women manage to free themselves with a bit of effort, the traps automatically retracting into the grave markers and going dormant.


1: Move on.

2: Take a moment to process what happened (chance to be caught)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

With a cry, Eris was able to rip herself free from the trap, causing it to retreat and dispelling it's magic. Looking around, she noticed that Gina was somehow able to do the same thing. Panting a little, the necromancer decided it'd be best for them to rest up a bit before continuing onward, deciding not to risk being worn down while they were still under the influence of the drugs they've been injected with earlier.

2: Rest and recover.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Both women decide to recover just a little, and in short time they are back to full stats! Luckily, they are not found by a patrol, and once more they have a decision to make.

1: Move on now.

2: Stay for some reason (no real reason to unless you want a fight, chance to be caught)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Having recovered her breath and stamina, Eris decided not to waste more time. Waiting would only invite trouble as the two girls would likely end up ambushed by some wandering monsters.

1: Move on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Moving on, the women soon found themselves in a new area, lined with fewer grave markers than before. As they moved into the new area, they spotted what appeared to be a Shrine of some sorts.

Cassidy apperead suddenly, and began to explain to them what it was they were seeing.

"You have found a Shrine of Accuracy. When activated it will grant a temporary boost to your physical attacks accuracy. If you want this buff, you must defeat Flesh Teaser and her pet, a Supreme Succubus. If not, then you should leave now before you are discovered."

She faded from existence almost as fast as she'd arrived, leaving them to decide what to do. Gina, for her part just shrugged and looked over to Eris, seeming to ask her what she thought of it all.

((6 turns left on the Aphrodisiac))


1: Take the Shrine.

2: Let's get the hell out of here!


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris was suprised to come across another shrine so quickly. At least she got to see Cassidy again, if only for a very short moment, so that was good. Looking at the building, she gave it a critical stare. Flesh Teaser and Supreme Succubus... There was something about those names that filled her with dread. "I think we should probably move on." She sighed. "Those two sound like they're much stronger than the last one and the shrine's effects are temporary." Not to mention she was a necromancer. She didn't use physical attacks. "And I'd rather not fight while still drugged."

2: Keep going.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Nodding in agreement, Gina quickly moved alongside Eris to vacate the area. They hadn't gone terribly far when suddenly GIna stopped and pointed to the ground in an area lined with grave markers.

"Hey look, is that a map piece?"


1: Try to take it!

2: Ignore it, this seems fishy.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"It looks like one, yes..." Eris agreed hesitantly. "However, I wouldn't be suprised if this was a trap or an ambush." The necromancer stated. Hell, it was possible that this piece wasn't even real. They couldn't tell without approaching it, but doing so would likely spring the trap. At the same time, this was a chance of getting their hands on something that might let them escape later on. "Hrrm. Right. We're probably making a mistake here, but I think the risks are worth it. Just keep your eyes open and approach slowly. Don't want to risk tripping something or being caught off guard." The blonde cautioned as she stepped forward, cautiously walking towards the piece.

1: Pick it up.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris reached for the map piece, and might be surprised when her hands closed around a real piece! Yanking it back out, she might be expecting a trap to go off, but it didn't happen. Moments later Cassidy appeared to them again.

"Congratulations, you've found the map piece that will show you where your first true challenge awaits. You must defeat the guardian boss of this area, known as Blood Raven. She has three Possessed Apes for pets who will also need to be slain in order for you to move onward. When you are ready, I will show you how to read the map so you can go and end her."

Gina smiled slightly, though she did take a knee.

"Perhaps we should wait until this drug has purged itself from our bodies Eris? I don't know about you but ... after what happened back there earlier, I don't think I want to have another woman's pussy over a magic cock of mine with this drug in me, not sure either of us could fight it with this drug screwing with us."


1: Take her advice and wait (4 turns needed, can't be caught)

2: Move onward anyway to the fight.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris was suprised. No traps, no enemies, nothing? Just a genuine map piece? This was the complete opposite of what she had been suspecting. Still, she wasn't going to complain about it. And seeing Cassidy again was always a bonus, she guessed. "Yeah, I think that's probably a good idea." The necromancer agreed with her companion, sitting down. "Might as well take a moment and wait it out, then go after the bitch when we're fresh again. Should make things much easier considering she's got us outnumbered, actually." She wondered how tough those apes would be. "Damn, hope this won't be too difficult a fight."

1: Wait.