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Ero-Trap Dungeon Style Games?


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Mar 17, 2019
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I don't like playing RPGM style games that involve a ton of character-character interaction. My absolute favourite games involve walking around a dungeon alone, or escape room style or something to that effect. I don't enjoy the large towns/townspeople that seem to be very popular in most RPGM-style games. I don't like going town to town, exploring all the houses for quirky dialogue and completing 20 different side quests to get all the optional H-scenes etc. I don't want to rip on other people's tastes since I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here but it is what it is. I've been told that this is a mini-genre some call "Ero-Trap dungeon" style.

Some example of games that really had this "solo" appeal to me include:

- Exor-sister Yui (Puzzle game with some turn-based combat, walking around a dungeon alone)
- The Maze of Inma and Shokushu (Escape the room type game)
- Interspecies Sex Labyrinth and the Lewd Busty Witch (Solo dungeon the entire game)

As you might have noticed, I mostly like the tentacles/rape/bondage/corruption type games.

Would anybody be able to recommend to me games like these ones (i.e. rape/tentacles/corruption/bondage games in which you largely play solo/isolated as opposed to walking around busy towns and cities).
Alternatively, I would greatly appreciate some search queries that could be useful in finding games like this. Part of my problem is that I don't even really know what to search for in the search bar for these types of games.

Thank you for your time!
For starters there's literally two games called "erotic trap dungeon" and "erotic trap dungeon 2", both having english translations. And there's "The Tower of Wisdom and Stupidity", which also has an english translation. Those three are probably exactly what you're looking for, but there's a few more titles that might scratch some of that itch.

"Escape from Fort Lugohm" and "Magician of Olecta Desert" both feature the heroine exploring one large dungeon exclusively trying to escape in the first, and find the titular magician in the second. Only the second game even has tentacles, and afaik, its only minor groping; apart from that its all human, but there's no towns or anything like that. Might be worth checking out.

Although they are very much traditionally designed RPGs, Waterspoon's game are prety great when it comes to bondage, tentacles and imprisionment. If you ever KO in a dungeon, you don't just magically teleport to the last inn you slept at, you actually get captured by the enemies and have to escape their clutches. Their heroines are all pretty unemotive though, so that might that be a turn off, and also not so great for that "solo" appeal you were talking about, but near enough unrivalled when it comes to absolutely battered heroines. Touhoumarupon-dou being up there as well, but only "Kobold's Knight of Livestock" sounds like its what you're after. You're just trapped in a dungeon, with no chance of escape, and you just go around activating scenes and progressing through multiple stages of the heroine's life in slavery.

As for search queries you're shit out of luck I'm afraid. There's a lot of games that implement some of the features you're talking about, but as for all of them together its so niche, I'd struggle to even call it a genre. More broadly, searching for "escape" or "trap" might get you more results, but you're most likely just gonna hit the same few games again and again. You could also try looking at the "customers who also bought this bought" on JP DLsite specifically. ENG Dlsite has such an astronomically smaller customer base that they're literally all just buying the same games, most usually the translated ones, so you're not gonna find anything there.

As unhelpful as it may be, the best advice I can give in finding more shit is simply lurk moar. Check every new thread on here, check /hhg/, check /d/, check /weg/ (probably not gonna find anything there but you never know) etc. Its tiresome, but its the best thing you can do.
Taima Miko Yuugi, its predecessor, and it's in-development sequel Exorcism Shrine Maiden. TMY is very story-heavy, but it's all in cutscenes that happen directly between gameplay segments and can be sped-up by holding down shift/control - no fucking about required. ESM seems lighter on the story but that might change, and all I remember about the first game is it definitely didn't have much "trigger-hunting", if any at all.

RiceRing's Rei the Drifter Girl is very similar in these respects.Most of TeamJOKER's games also fall into similar categories. Ditto with Enokifu's games IIRC.

Wings of Rolldia definitely has a lot of game-over-rape from combat, but understanding what you need to do to get the quests to access new areas can be a pain. It also has quite a few non-combat H-scenes. There was a good complete walkthrough on how to access everything though.

AzureZero's DamselQuest series, especially 3, has a lot of GoR/CR, a handful of event scenes IIRC and not a lot of "filler" content. Plus it's all in english so navigating it should be no trouble.

WINDWAVE's games are probably the closest to the type of game you're after. Straight-forward puzzle solving/maze navigation with hentai traps.
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Well you've pretty much hit upon the roguelike genre. Yes, that's the name of the specific genre where levels are randomly generated, as well as things like monster spawns, traps, etc.

If you like yourself a bit of loli and ryona combo, you could also check out Tozicode's Kanaderogue.
For starters there's literally two games called "erotic trap dungeon" and "erotic trap dungeon 2", both having english translations. And there's "The Tower of Wisdom and Stupidity", which also has an english translation. Those three are probably exactly what you're looking for, but there's a few more titles that might scratch some of that itch.

"Escape from Fort Lugohm" and "Magician of Olecta Desert" both feature the heroine exploring one large dungeon exclusively trying to escape in the first, and find the titular magician in the second. Only the second game even has tentacles, and afaik, its only minor groping; apart from that its all human, but there's no towns or anything like that. Might be worth checking out.

Although they are very much traditionally designed RPGs, Waterspoon's game are prety great when it comes to bondage, tentacles and imprisionment. If you ever KO in a dungeon, you don't just magically teleport to the last inn you slept at, you actually get captured by the enemies and have to escape their clutches. Their heroines are all pretty unemotive though, so that might that be a turn off, and also not so great for that "solo" appeal you were talking about, but near enough unrivalled when it comes to absolutely battered heroines. Touhoumarupon-dou being up there as well, but only "Kobold's Knight of Livestock" sounds like its what you're after. You're just trapped in a dungeon, with no chance of escape, and you just go around activating scenes and progressing through multiple stages of the heroine's life in slavery.

As for search queries you're shit out of luck I'm afraid. There's a lot of games that implement some of the features you're talking about, but as for all of them together its so niche, I'd struggle to even call it a genre. More broadly, searching for "escape" or "trap" might get you more results, but you're most likely just gonna hit the same few games again and again. You could also try looking at the "customers who also bought this bought" on JP DLsite specifically. ENG Dlsite has such an astronomically smaller customer base that they're literally all just buying the same games, most usually the translated ones, so you're not gonna find anything there.

As unhelpful as it may be, the best advice I can give in finding more shit is simply lurk moar. Check every new thread on here, check /hhg/, check /d/, check /weg/ (probably not gonna find anything there but you never know) etc. Its tiresome, but its the best thing you can do.

Thanks for the response! Was actually really helpful as I hadn't heard about some of these. I did play Waterspoon's Wings of Roldea and that was fantastic. It (along with his other games) sadly seem to be a one-of-a-kind game as of now in terms of english releases. I tried Escape from Fort Lugohm and Magician of Olecta Desert which were pretty interesting although the h-scenes were all super similar which was a bit of a downer for me.

Your suggestion of searching for "escape" actually led to some good stuff on dlsite so that was pretty helpful again!
Thanks again!
Taima Miko Yuugi, its predecessor, and it's in-development sequel Exorcism Shrine Maiden. TMY is very story-heavy, but it's all in cutscenes that happen directly between gameplay segments and can be sped-up by holding down shift/control - no fucking about required. ESM seems lighter on the story but that might change, and all I remember about the first game is it definitely didn't have much "trigger-hunting", if any at all.

RiceRing's Rei the Drifter Girl is very similar in these respects.Most of TeamJOKER's games also fall into similar categories. Ditto with Enokifu's games IIRC.

Wings of Rolldia definitely has a lot of game-over-rape from combat, but understanding what you need to do to get the quests to access new areas can be a pain. It also has quite a few non-combat H-scenes. There was a good complete walkthrough on how to access everything though.

AzureZero's DamselQuest series, especially 3, has a lot of GoR/CR, a handful of event scenes IIRC and not a lot of "filler" content. Plus it's all in english so navigating it should be no trouble.

WINDWAVE's games are probably the closest to the type of game you're after. Straight-forward puzzle solving/maze navigation with hentai traps.

Hey thanks for a lot of good advice and for the great response!

You're right about TeamJOKER basically being a perfect fit for my search but unfortunately, Exor-Sister Yui is their only English Release as of now. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any other translations though. You're also right about Windwave's games being a perfect fit! I've played a couple of his games but there's a couple that I never saw before so I'll give them a shot! Unfortunately, most of his games are still untranslated so I'll have to keep an eye out for that too.

Thanks again!
If you liked Wings of Roldea then may I suggest Gears Freak? Like WoR it's not what you're after, but it's got only one town to deal with. It's one of my favourites, and it does have a few flaws, those being that the game requires a walkthrough sometimes, that penetrative sex is reserved for just before the end of the main story (but there is still lots of groping and other ecchi stuff) and that the game is VERY script heavy, so much so that with the incorrect settings, it will be difficult to get the game to run smoothly.

If you do decide to try it out, I would highly recommend downloading the google translate app on your phone. Reason being is that it lets you take a photo (which isn't saved into your gallery) of something and it will try to auto-detect the language you specify, you select what text you want translated and it will then translate that. Use that to understand the options menu.
As unhelpful as it may be, the best advice I can give in finding more shit is simply lurk moar. Check every new thread on here, check /hhg/, check /d/, check /weg/ (probably not gonna find anything there but you never know) etc. Its tiresome, but its the best thing you can do.

Sorry but where do I find "/hhg/, /d/, /weg/" etc?
Are those directories on ULMF?
Anything denoted by /stringofcharacters/ is generally a 4chan thing

Good example is /b/, a notorious section cause it's the "random" segment of that entire site.
Sorry but where do I find "/hhg/, /d/, /weg/" etc?
Are those directories on ULMF?
DaBouncer is right. /x/ denotes both boards, and also thread strings within that board. /hgg/ is the "Hentai Games General" thread on the /vg/ board, "Video Game Generals". That's the best of the three I mentioned; has the most dicussion, and is the least cancerous (comparatively). /d/ is the "Hentai/Alternative" board, which basically means everything that isn't vanilla. Threads occasionally pop up there about games, especially if they're of a more specific genre, but /hgg/ is still better. /weg/ is the "Western Erotic Games" thread on /aco/ "Adult Cartoons", but I go against my previous statement about going on there. Its literally dead at this point, and nothing but shtiposts. Seriously, never go there.

If you've never gone on the site before I can understand if you'd be a little aprehensive, but there's really no need to be. Keep in mind threads get deleted within a few days usually, but new ones are always made after the last one 404's. You're all there for the same reason: finding some good porn, so a lot of people are pretty open to helping you if you want reccomendations or questions. Most of the aggressive posts come from people asking the same questions in every thread, like RPGMaker game crashes, or people falling for bait. So just don't do that and you're gonna be fine. The OP will always have pastebins linked with tons of information there, so check them first before posting. In terms of sheer amount of discussion on the subject, 4chan is far and away the best place to go.