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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

(Looking back, I made a lot of NPCs with the same text colors, so I'm retroactively making the dragonkin all have italicized text in addition to their old colors.)

Tamonten would be able to approach her allies without harassment, and they didn't disbar her from their unofficial leader. The violet-skinned elf gave her a slight nod following her quiet proclamation, but the lot of them remained silent as she then immediately turned and walked away. Nellic looked up at the swordswoman as she then subsequently approached him, his scowl softening as she drew near. "Hello Tamonten," he said in his heavy accent when she drew near enough, and if there were any hard feelings over what Elawdrin had forced her to do to him, she didn't see them in his expression. Scratching his head after her question, Nellic shook his head and said; No, I haven't seen anybody like that. Not yet. And your block is usually the last one out. Why? Did Elawdrin catch a friend of yours?" His voice adopted a sympathetic note as a worried expression came over his face, and he added; "She could have come out before I got out here, my block wasn't the first out today. You could try checking the other half of the yard." He pointed over to the corner around which she'd seen Varthic and Pane vanish, one that was only a short ways away and looked to have about as much free space as the yard in which she'd spent the entirety of her allotted outdoor time so far.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman wasn't sure whether to be heartened or worried that nobody else had seen Kringlicsly yet, or at least seen her in a coherent enough state to have remembered her. She ended up feeling disheartened, if only because it came much easier given her situation. She replied to Nellic with a defeated sigh after the wrestler suggested searching the other half of the yard. "Much more than a friend, I'm afraid. Elawdrin is using her as leverage against me. To be honest it has me afraid to act, but I must." The pale girl averted her eyes in shame. "She told me her tale yesterday when I was summoned for her sick game. What she'd do in success is much worse than anything she has inflicted upon us. The world might not survive what she has planned. It's why I intend on acting today, as we're filtered back to our cells."

"I'll understand if you don't want to take the risk today, I don't have much of a plan and this is all in haste..." she trailed off as her train of thought returned to what would become of Krig in the prison break. Her shame finally began to dissipate enough to meet Nellic's eyes again. "If you do, though, or even if you don't... I know this is selfish... but if you see the woman I described, could you keep her safe? It's possible that no matter what we bring to bear against Elawdrin, we won't succeed. If I fail, if we all fail, then it's important that enough prisoners escape to warn against what she's doing in here. And you're strong and a good man, you could lead those you've protected to freedom and safety." Her head dipped, her gaze locked firmly on the ground again. "And it's important to me that Kringlicsly be taken somewhere far away, somewhere she can forget about me..." she whispered.

She awaited Nellic's response, even though she feared what it might be. Once she had received it, however, she would likely say her farewell and follow his advice to check the other part of the courtyard, barring needing to make any reply that would require her to remain there.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/89, PP = 36/61, EP = 40/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrated in her ass

Perception: Failure, despite a high roll.

Attack: Automatic Hit. Tamonten is grappled, and Shiva gets a free check for Submission Hold from Leap Glomp and a free check in general for stealth grapple to do whatever I please with. Hue.
Grapple (Leap Glomp) : Striga wins by a narrow margin, Tamo is sub-holded.
Grapple (Stealth grapple) : Striga wins. Tamo is penetrated in her ass by futa-cock.
Grapple (Tonight, You) : Striga wins.
Resistance (Tonight, You) : Tamo wins, no free penetration in her pussy for dat tail.

Pleasure (Tamo) : 1 + 2 + 28 + 4 + 8 - 18 = 25 PP damage dealt.

Draining, Giving Soul, and Battery: Tamo loses 5 x 4 = 20 from her Open Soul, 6 from Striga's Greater Draining, 4 from Giving Soul, and 13 from pleasure damage for a total of 39 EP drained, which Striga then regains. Tamo regenerates 13 EP, meaning she loses a net 26 EP.

Pleasure (Striga) : 6 + 4 + 23 - 15 = 18 PP taken.

Damage for resisting pleasure: 2 + 2 = 4 damage.

Nellic reached out and placed a gentle (but still huge) hand on Tamonten's shoulder when Tamonten looked away from him in shame, but his expression became dour when the pale swordswoman offered what limited explanation she could without great risk on her thoughts about Elawdrin's plans if she were to succeed at her overall aims. "Something tells me that I don't want to know... So I won't ask further," the wrestler grumbled softly, but then his expression softened slightly, and he confidently said; "She'll be alright. If she has half your strength of spirit, the harpy's worst won't even phase her. I'm sure she'll be alright, and when you're out of here it'll be a story to never tell your grandchildren!"

He was smiling when she looked up to meet his eyes, but that expression quickly became solemn, and when she'd finished speaking aloud he gave her a nod. He didn't miss what she said afterwards, however, and at that Nellic became visibly angry. It was hardly a strike meant to injure, but Tamonten got a firm thump on the head for her quietly whispered words aimed at the ground, "Don't you dare even talk like that, comrade Tamonten! Don't even think it! You're better than that, and you know it! We're all going to get out of this place, after we've broken the harpy and her regime over our knee! All of us together! No matter how long it takes! We're all in this together, that's what I've been telling people from the start, and if you make any attempt to break out, I'll be right there beside you from when it starts 'til it's done!"

He took her by the chin and forced her to meet his gaze if she hadn't done so on her own already, and held it for a long moment before resolutely declaring; "If I see her when everything starts, I'll keep her safe. I swear it. And we won't leave here until she's been found either. But no more of this despair, you're stronger than that!" Nellic stared at her for another moment before releasing her chin, and after that the wrestler would give her a friendly farewell and allow her to be on her way.

Approaching the gap leading to the other half of the prison's yard on her lonesome, Tamonten thought that she could see movement against the magically treated fence as she drew near, but couldn't confirm it. Passing around the flattened corner of the building, she looked in on another wide open space, and though she easily spotted Pano and subsequently Varthic, her immediate scan offered no trace of her kitsune lover among the prison's inhabitants. Of course, that may well have been because it was aborted before she could get a decent look, as something shimmered in the corner of her vision just before something crashed into her from the side.

The sudden attack took Tamonten completely by surprise, and though she squirmed as a reflex she couldn't break the hold that her mysterious attacker had on her. She was slammed roughly against the building next to her, causing her chest to grind painfully against the rough stone surface while she felt her assailant rapidly moving. Before she'd even figured out what was happening, Tamonten's arms had been tugged behind her back, and a leg curling around one of her own had dragged it back such that her hips jutted into her attackers crotch, where she felt something hard and fleshy that she required little imagination to identify. Those hips reached back, and only then did whatever had camouflaged her attacker vanish, revealing the succubus who's teeth she'd knocked out the last time she'd been out in the yard that Elawdrin had identified as Striga.

The succubus didn't look happy at all to see her, and without any verbal exchange the succubus pulled her hips back and then pushed forward, spearing the dick jutting from her crotch right into Tamonten's ass. Despite the suddenness of the penetration, her lower hole stretched easily to accommodate the intruding cock, which was lightly coated in some oily substance that allowed it to slip into her with ease... And ensured that the pain was completely overshadowed by the pleasure that was forced upon her. Her body once more betrayed her, as she felt arousal tingling up her spine, and that sensation only got worse as her rapist started rolling her hips in tight circles that shifted her cock around inside of Tamonten's ass without offering her a decent chance at pushing the intruding member out. She felt the woman's tail snake between her legs, but whether it was from her own struggles or from Striga's thrusts, the agile little appendage missed its target, ending up trapped between Tamonten and the wall rather than sliding into her pussy.

She could feel her energy being sucked away easily by the vengeful succubus, who started gorging herself upon the swordswoman's vulnerable spirit without even a moment's hesitation, and that sensation of being fed upon only made the pleasure of her violation all the more intense. "Be patient and play along, if I wanted to hurt you I'd have done it already!" Striga hissed into her ear, the motions of her hips relentless in their efforts to drive her to orgasm, something that she felt they'd be successful at if she gave them enough time. Before Tamonten could speak to reply, her attacker continued; "I've got maybe twenty seconds before Varthic or Nellic tears me off of you anyway, so listen to me! It was me on that fucking cross!"

She paused for maybe a second as she glanced aside, and judging by how hurried her next few words were, she hadn't liked what she'd seen. "Elawdrin shoved the image of your lover into my mind and forced me to turn into her, after her guards had taken their fun out of me! That's why she wouldn't let you take the gag or the blindfold off of me, I didn't know how to copy her voice and we can't change our eye color with shapeshifting!" Another quick glance aside had Striga speaking even more quickly, "I'm done working for Elawdrin, and I can help you get out of here! I know how to disable the collars! You and whoever else you bring to me would be able to use your powers, but if you want my help you've got to keep whoever drags me off of you from crippling me! Deal!?" Finally giving Tamonten a moment to speak, the swordswoman would be able to see that the succubus couldn't have been more right. Nellic was up and moving, and Varthic was rushing towards them with Pano in tow, ensuring that the succubus wouldn't have long to enact any real vengeance before Tamonten's allies intervened even if the swordswoman didn't simply free herself. Regardless, she only had enough time to deliver a few words in reply, a task made all the more difficult by Striga's constant and intoxicatingly pleasurable thrusting.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The rap on her head startled Tamonten and caused her to look at Nellic in surprise as she rubbed her head from the knock. She had been afraid he might deny her request, not once had she expected that particular reaction out of him. The thump on her head did nothing to sour the swordswoman's opinion of him, but his well intentioned words made little headway in the stubborn warrior's mind. No, she waved it off as him simply not understanding where she was coming from. He didn't know her from a time before her possession, he hadn't seen her before the black had crept along her left side or before she had grown horns, wings, and a tail. He didn't realize that she might not be able to bear the burden of the thing inside her or what she had been forced to do under Elawdrin's care. Nor did he understand that even if they slew the angel, the pale girl herself might still fail after it was all said and done.

After he had finished and said his own farewell, she silently nodded hers and turned and left.

Her search for Kringlicsly was all consuming, especially since she had accomplished the other two main tasks on her agenda. Though she noticed an oddity on the fence from the corner of her eye, it was ignored in favor of searching for her purple-haired lover. She didn't even have a chance to defend herself before she went slamming into the coarse wall. Her cheek and breasts scraped against the stone painfully as her unseen assailant held her against it and corralled her wrists behind her back and her ass out. Tamonten's wings twitched weakly and she gave a ferocious struggle against the unseen force as she felt an invisible prick pressing insistently against her, but she couldn't gain any ground. Her struggles grew all the fiercer when whatever effect had kept Striga camouflaged fell away and revealed the succubus.

Before she could even take full stock of the situation, the demoness had slammed several inches of oiled girlcock into the pale girl's rear. Although being violated yet again within the walls of Elawdrin's prison brought her despair and fury in equal measures, it wasn't the worst part of the situation. Even as her mind reeled in disgust and rage, the succubus's thrusts brought some sense of pleasure to her very core. Striga was skilled enough to hit sensitive spots each time she slammed forward, and no amount of mental resistance was enough to dull that completely. It was simply fortune that caused the demon's tail to miss and spared Tamonten from a second penetration.

Despite the physical pleasure of the act, when the demonic woman first began to talk there was nothing pretend about the swordswoman's struggling and there wasn't any patience, either. Striga's revelation about who had really been on the cross did stop her, though. For a few seconds she went motionless as a wave of relief washed over her, even as the succubus continued to fuck her into the wall. Her struggling quickly returned however, both at the realization that her attacker could have been lying about everything and at the fact that the horned woman was still proving to be an eager rapist even with what she had said. "You could be less enthusiastic about this then," she growled through gritted teeth, afraid that something more than her anger might escape otherwise.

"Fine! Just get off me!" The pale girl gasped as her resolve began to break beneath the demoness's thrusting, shoving backward against her attacker in an attempt to dislodge the cock from her ass. She wasn't quite being honest with her intentions, which were simply to give her assailant off of her, as she wasn't sure that she herself wouldn't break the succubus's nose once she was free after such a humiliating violation. The possessed swordswoman would at least make a nominal effort to stop her allies from doing the same, though.

Try to escape penetration!

70 grapple and stuff. Don't think anything else will be applicable here.

(Should you end up rolling another round after this next one, for whatever reason, Tamo will stop resisting the pleasure and instead use self control in an attempt to stave off yon orgasm with 35 resistance. Also she'll still try to escape the penetration)

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 81/89, PP = 61, EP = 1/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Stunned by orgasm

Grapple: Striga wins. Tamo's pussy gets to feel dat tail.

Pleasure (Tamo) : 7 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 28 + 4 + 8 - 18 = 40 PP damage dealt. Tamo orgasms!

Draining, Giving Soul, and Battery: Tamo loses 5 x 4 = 20 from her Open Soul, 6 from Striga's Greater Draining, 4 from Giving Soul, and 20 from pleasure damage for a total of 50 * 2 = 100 EP drained, though she leaves Tamo at 1 EP rather than knock her out, which Striga then regains. Tamo regenerates 20 EP, but Striga sucks that out too.

Pleasure (Striga) : 8 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 23 - 15 = 23 PP taken.

Damage for resisting pleasure: 2 + 2 = 4 damage.

That Tamonten didn't buy into what Nellic was selling was readily apparent to the wrestler, at least judging by his stern expression, but he recognized a battle he'd lost when he saw one. He let her go without saying anything further.


Her proclamation that the succubus was being a little too enthusiastic in her motions drew low, mirthless laugh from the succubus, a sound that felt like poison as it slid into Tamonten's ears. "I'll be as gentle with you as you were with me~" she hissed angrily into Tamonten's ear, "I'm still out a couple of teeth because of you, and I'm taking that out of your ass while I've got the chance, bitch!" Her thrusts didn't get any more gentle, and struggle as she might Tamonten couldn't dislodge the member that Striga had buried in her ass. That relentless grinding and her fight against it only caused the sensitive tips of her breast to rub painfully against the wall as Striga pounded into her, but her squirming did allow Striga to free her tail from between them and reorient it. Her folds were pierced slowly by that tail only seconds later, in stark contrast to the continued quick pace of the thrusts into her ass.

"We've got to keep up appearances deary~ And to do that, I've got to take advantage of the fact that I've got you helpless!" she cooed softly as the quick rolls of her hips drove both her cock and her tail deep into the swordswoman's holes, sending waves of pleasure rushing up her spine despite her firm attempts at resistance. Suddenly, she spoke more loudly; "Isn't this much nicer, little bitch? So much kinder a way to break you than what you did to me! I can feel it in your body, in your soul~ You're about to cum for me!"

Try as she might to resist it, Tamonten knew that Striga's words were true. She could feel an orgasm rising as the succubus pounded into her ass and sex, striking every one of her sweet spots with near perfect accuracy and steadily sucking away at her increasingly vulnerable soul. The knot in her belly grew and grew and grew, every quick thrust into her ass and slow squirming push into her sex only making it bigger, and the swordswoman knew that it could burst at any second. And, soon enough, it did. Tamonten's will slipped, just once, just for a second, but that was all that Striga needed. The throb of her sex just before she came was enough to tip her off, and she figuratively leaped at the chance offered, quickening both sets of thrusts to a breakneck pace. Wherever her allies were, they weren't close enough to intervene in time to keep Tamonten from cumming all over her rapist's cock and tail, and Striga let out a delighted hum as the barrier of her will shattered completely and she had an incredibly powerful orgasm, one that left her at the hungry demon's mercy.

Striga had none, or at least seemed to have none at first. When Tamonten first started coming she gorged on the swordswoman's soul, tendrils of her essence reaching deep into her spirit and sucking up everything that they could find. Striga could have left her completely helpless then, even more so that she already was, but for whatever reason the succubus slowed and then stopped her draining just as Tamonten was near the point of being completely empty. "Come find me in Block C when you're ready for round two, sweetheart~" she purred into Tamonten's ear as she was coming down, and then unceremoniously pulled both her tail and her cock out and at once and then released her hold, allowing her to support herself as best she could.... Which, given that her legs were about as strong as jello at the moment, was just enough to keep her from sliding down with her face against the stone the whole way.

Of course, that was when help arrived. Varthic delivered a flying kick to Striga's face that, in addition to knocking the succubus right on her ass, relieved her of a few more teeth. The guards likely took notice of that, but for at least a few seconds the demon prince had the succubus who'd raped him at his mercy. "I've been waiting a long time for this!" he grumbled, but Pano appeared next to Tamonten and chimed in with; "No you weren't Vathic! We've only been here for three days!" Varthic, standing over the prone, groaning form of Striga, scowled and said; "Shut up Pano!" Nellic appeared next to Tamonten suddenly, and lifted her comparatively tiny frame in his arms, "Are you alright comrade Tamonten?" Varthic ignored him, though Pano looked to the other massive bald man with a look of wide-eyed wonder, and looked to be about to crush Striga's skull with another kick if Tamonten didn't gather the energy to try and stop him.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The succubus's reply certainly didn't calm the pale girl's struggles, not that it mattered. Tamonten had no leverage to free herself with. She couldn't brute force her wrists out of Striga's hold, or even push her body away from the wall. Her legs were in no position to kick or stomp at the demoness and thrusting her hips back might momentarily stun Striga but would be entirely counterproductive to her goal. Her situation was made worse when her assailant's tail corrected its earlier mistake and buried itself in her pussy. "Get off of me!" The swordswoman shouted in impotent fury at the rapist woman, alarmed by the ever-increasing pleasure of the attack. Her pride and anger would do her no good, though; the demon was right. The warrior's body was giving in entirely to the experienced succubus's alternating thrusts. As much as she hated her assailant, and hated the act that was being forced upon her... it felt good. And even though her mind reeled against the latest violation and all the shame, despair, doubt, and guilt that came with it, her body surrendered.

Tamonten's legs began to tremble as the pleasure knot set to burst. She unwillingly tightened around her rapist's cock and tail, which Striga took as an invitation to practically pummel her ass and cunt. The wall chafed against her unprotected body painfully as the demoness seemed to try to fuck her through it, but it didn't detract from the pleasure. If anything, it only seemed to help the warped woman get off harder at how roughly and callously she was being abused. She twitched and shook as Striga forced the mind numbing orgasm on her, even as the possessed warrior's mind continued to savagely deny and cry out against the act. And as much as she gritted her teeth to avoid letting out any sign of the waves of bliss hammering at her core in time with her rapist's appendages, physical proof of her defeat would be apparent as she coated the demon's tail in girlcum and was drained of almost all her energy.

The pale girl slid to her knees after her attacker pulled out, barely coherent of Striga's words before her abused holes were given a break. Shame came readily, as it had so often following such sessions in Elawdrin's prison, but this time it was overshadowed by something else. A burning sense of determination helped to drive away the crushing feeling of defeat. The pale girl was nothing short of determined that she wouldn't give Striga the satisfaction of causing her anymore despair than she already had. Tamonten had been violated and hadn't been able to stop the act, but she wouldn't let it break her, nor would she bend in this case. The succubus was nothing compared to the fallen angel that she had to stop, a petty lapdog who had chosen to serve a psychopath and then changed loyalties the moment that the warden's nature had done harm to her.

"After so much time as a loyal pet to Elawdrin, I'm surprised you haven't learned more tricks from her," the swordswoman proclaimed defiantly, coincidentally right before Varthic kicked Striga in the face. Watching the succubus collapse backwards and lose a few more teeth did much to soothe the physical pain of the attack, and reinforced her determination not to be slowed by the setback. Though it surprised her, Nellic's gentle embrace helped to comfort her as well. For the first time since she had sent Krig away with the angel, she felt like she was in the care of an ally she could trust with her back. "My pride and dignity took the most grievous wounds," the pale girl replied to the man, ignoring her desire to lie and tell him that she was completely fine and could stand on her own if only to briefly indulge feeling of sanctuary offered by him. "I'm sure it would have been much worse though, if you three hadn't intervened. Thank you for that."

Her next act was to turn her head toward where Varthic was about to end Striga. It was harder to call for him to stop from delivering a killing blow than she would have liked to admit, and to be honest the only reason it was on her mind wasn't due the succubus's deal. "Varthic, wait," she called out raggedly. "We can't afford for you to be subjected to whatever punishment Elawdrin has for murdering other prisoners no matter what the warden's pet might deserve, not today... Try to hit her somewhere that won't kill her." Assuming the prince listened to her, as the vengeful demon was selecting his target she would muster her strength and request that the wrestler allow her to stand on her own. "I think I can stand now. And I wouldn't want the guards to have any excuse to take me out of the yard, or I might see how much worse this could have been."

Once she was upright again, Tamonten took a few wobbly steps toward the demon. Her attention turned entirely on Striga. There was no kindness in her expression, nor any of the mercy she had offered the demon before the woman's first attempt to attack her. "Be patient and play along. We need to keep up appearances, after all," she cruelly echoed, paraphrasing some of the her attacker's earlier words with some creative license taken in their ordering. She wanted to take her own swing at the demon, but she lacked the strength. "How about one more for good measure? Try to leave her conscious, I'll explain later." She asked of the demonic prince once he had delivered his own strike, deciding that it would be close enough to her getting in her own revenge.

Once that was done, she would motion that they should head back to wherever Varthic had intended to meet with at. She invited Nellic along as well, if only so she could share the news of Elawdrin's trickery and Striga's offer, not that she imagined the demoness would be very keen to help them after the prince's actions, but what the succubus was keen to do wasn't Tamonten's concern.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 81/89, PP = 61, EP = 1/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Nellic nodded firmly at Tamonten's thanks, and then turned to watch the spectacle of Varthic about to crush Striga's head under his foot. The demon prince stopped in mid strike, and from the thrum of tension that was running through his body it was obvious that it took him a great deal of willpower, but the logic behind her words was too sound for him to ignore. "They throw great parties!" Pano said suddenly following the mention of the guards, and after slapping himself in the face and grumbling something inaudible, Varthic turn back to Striga's prone, near-motionless body and spat; "When I'm done with your master, you're next!" With that, he shifted his weight and then delivered a heavy kick to the prone woman's stomach. Striga was physically lifted from the ground by the force of the blow, and flew a good twenty feet through the air before slamming into the prison's enchanted fence. The enchantments activated immediately, and lightning arced into the woman for a good thirty seconds, keeping her held aloft as lightning played across her body, and when the fence finally released her she flopped to the ground and didn't move beyond the occasional odd twitch.

"Heh, I guess she really.... Buzzed out!" Varthic said, and then the rest of them were silent for a moment before Pano said; "I got it!" Varthic promptly snapped back; "Shut up Pano!" In the meantime, Nellic had allowed Tamonten to stand on her own but remained in place for support, or just in case she should stumble. She didn't, and Tamonten managed a waddling walk over to the demoness that became increasingly confident as her body shook off the aftereffects of her orgasm. Striga, unsurprisingly, didn't manage to muster a reply to her taunt, and Varthic gleefully kicked Striga in the gut when asked, giving her another taste of the fence before she plopped down.

"Alright alright, you've had your fun!" a mirthful voice said suddenly, and Tamonten turned to see one of the guards striding up. "This one really bit off a bit more than she could chew with you, didn't she?" the barely-clothed and barely human looking woman said, flicking at Striga's prone form with one of her immense claws while looking at Tamonten, though her gaze swept across Pano, Nellic, and Varthic knowingly as well. "Silly little thing... Welp, it's back to your cell with you!" she said as she lifted Striga and simply carried the unconscious (and slightly crispy) succubus, getting a number of laughs from her fellow guards along the way.

That left Tamonten and her trio of male comrades alone, and Varthic led them off to an unoccupied picnic table and leaned back in a relaxed position. "Ahhhh.... That was satisfying!" he said with a broad smirk plastered all over his face and blatant glee evident in his voice. Pano sat down on the opposite side, and Nellic opted to remain standing, leaving Tamonten plenty of room to sit without having to be too close to anyone if she didn't want to be. "Why did she attack you like that?" Nellic asked as he scratched his head, "She had to have seen you with us at one point or another..... She must have known that we'd intervene before she could do any real harm. You are alright, aren't you?"

Tamonten's news about Krig was received with a shrug from Varthic, who seemed fairly unsurprised and said; "I thought something like that might have been going on. It seemed too convenient for her to have caught your fox so soon." Pano, in the meantime, seemed quite delighted given that he was waving his hands in the air and dancing in a manner that Varthic was pointedly ignoring, though Nellic seemed extremely confused. "Betty'sfree-Betty'sfree-Betty'sfree!" he chanted repeatedly, and after a moment Nellic seemed to come to the conclusion that Varthic's comrade was completely insane, as he looked at Tamonten and said; "This is good to hear, comrade! This means we don't have to worry about the harpy using her as a hostage, AND that she won't be hurt during the fighting!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The pale girl didn't really have a response for Varthic's brand of pun-based humor. Her ass was already a bit sore and she was near dropping unconscious due to the exhaustion caused by Striga's draining, she didn't want to risk adding a headache to everything else.

When Striga had been hauled away and the group had returned to the table, however, she had more to talk about than she had earlier. "I am as alright as I can be, though she drained me of much of my energy," she replied to Nellic's question. "Believe it or not, she brought good news. Elawdrin's supposed capture of the person I was looking for was untrue, she forced Striga to shapeshift in order to gain my compliance." Though the news was relieving, she couldn't take much heart in it. The warden was surely still looking for her escaped lover, and if she wasn't stopped then it might not matter how far away the winged woman had taken her. And it meant that the green dragonkin was pregnant with her child because she had bent to a farce...

But she couldn't think too deeply on it just yet. She would atone for that eventually, once Elawdrin was slain. "There is other news. She offered to disable our sealing collars in return for me preventing you from retaliating too harshly against her," she continued lowly, trying to avoid any undue attention from the guards. "She might not be interested after what happened to her, but I don't care. I don't trust her, anyway, she was a dog of the madwoman until she was slighted. We can gain her compliance with the threat of steel if we must, it certainly isn't more than she deserves given all that she's done in this place."

"Have you discovered anything else in your meetings, Varthic?"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 1/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Nellic and Varthic both seemed very interested in the extra bit of information that Tamonten had gleaned from Striga's attack, causing the demon prince to scratch his chin thoughtfully while the wrestler frowned slightly and gazed off into space. "Not having these damn collars on later would be a real help.... I know the harpy's got command words on them that do things other than just keep us from using magic. Hopefully Striga doesn't need all of her teeth to get them off of us," Varthic mused, but Nellic shook his head and replied; "She won't be so compliant now. She cannot be trusted. The detour isn't even worth it." Varthic scowled at him and immediately replied; "Not worth it? She could wipe the floor with us if she fought seriously if all we've got is flesh and metal to work with. We'll beat the secret to getting the collars off out of her, and then we'll have access to our powers AND she won't be able to use them against us." Nellic still didn't seem convinced, as he shook his head and replied; "Pay attention to her language comrade! She said disable, not remove. Who's to say that the harpy couldn't speak a word at a critical moment and disable you again? It isn't worth the trouble Striga might try to cause."

Scowling a little harder at the larger man, Varthic nonetheless seemed content to simply drop the argument, as he turned to Tamonten and answered her question; "We'll have distractions in two other blocks while we go for the harpy, and we're going to pick someone up before we get to Striga to get these collars off. That leaves only C block without any of us trying to break out, which is where they keep most of the freaks. Are you thinking right as they bring us out, or when we're in the cell blocks again so there are fewer guards to deal with at a time."

So far the guards had more or less ignored them, as they did to everyone else in the yard. A group their size wasn't a tempting target to the other prisoners either, leaving Tamonten and her trio of strange allies entirely unmolested. The soreness faded quickly in the interim, but her exhaustion remained, along with an odd lingering arousal that simply wouldn't go away regardless of how she tried to rid herself of it.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"As I've said, I do not trust Striga," the swordswoman brought the dropped argument back instead of immediately answering Varthic's question, if only to add her piece since the revelation of Elawdrin's command words. "Still, we can't fully discount her. If we are exceedingly successful, it might still be worth the time to try, but I've little interest in making the effort to visit her if the guards already have us on the ropes or that time will buy us an unimpeded path to Elawdrin. I think it's a decision to make based on how the breakout progresses."

"And I believe that our best chance is when we're in our cell blocks again. It's not just the guards we have to worry about, I think. Many of the broken captives seem like they would be happy to pick any of us off, if only to have a plaything. Dividing and conquering seems like it will offer us the greatest advantage, especially since there are several of us proficient in hand to hand combat in our block." She cast another wary look around for guards, just in case. "My plan is that from there, we take any weapons we can use from the guards we slay and make for the armory, where we can retrieve our gear and meet with another who wishes to join us. We can pick up your ally, Varthic, and meet with Nellic," she nodded to the big man, "along the way as well. If we're lucky, we might collect some more volunteers to face Elawdrin and get these sealing collars disabled as well, but I'm counting on neither."

"From there, we go to face Elawdrin herself." She finished explaining her own plan. "It's a bare plan, I admit. It relies on the extraordinary nature of the prisoners that the madwoman has collected for her scheme, and on my belief that she truly wants to be stopped. I'm sure she won't pull any punches when we appear before her with the intent to kill her, but having heard her story... I think most of the security gaps we've seen are simply her daring someone to come and end her, and stop her warped machinations. So we'll grant her wish." She didn't go into detail as to why she thought what she did, as to how if Elawdrin had really wanted to keep them from ever escaping then she probably would have simply brainwashed them from the start or any other number of horrors. It was too depressing, both to think of how much more powerful she was than any of the people who would try to stop her in a few hours' time and to consider that even the swordswoman's own attempt to bring justice to the warden was being used as a means to an end by the fallen angel.

She avoided the subject of her exhaustion as well. No amount of resting was helping, and it was accompanied by that lingering arousal. No, she decided, it wasn't so much arousal as hunger or yearning. It wasn't demanding, thankfully, but she couldn't help but desire the company of a succubus like Striga, or the two nymphs she had shared a morning with in the forest, even Elawdrin, though she'd never admit it even to herself. Of course Krig, as she was in the tailoring shop before Tamonten had been captured, held the pale girl's preference. In the end, her pride was too great and her inhibitions too strong for her to even consider sating her urges in the courtyard. Instead, she brushed a few errant strands of hair from her face and awaited her allies' own responses, and any other event of import that might arise.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 1/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Both Nellic and Varthic frowned at Tamonten's interjection, but the two men both seemed to recognize the logic in leaving their plans fluid, and so they both eventually nodded and fell silent on the matter of visiting Striga to have their collars taken care of. On the subject of when to do the breakout, Varthic nodded while Nellic frowned again, and after she'd finished delivering her reasoning the wrestler scratched his head idly and said; "There are many such broken ones in my cell block. I may be, how you say, held up for a bit, so if you reach the armory, don't wait long for me. My block is closer to it, so if I'm not there ahead of you I might very well be unable to come at all."

Tamonten's opinion on Elawdrin's genuine desire to be stopped drew a somewhat skeptical look from Varthic, who said; "I'm not so sure about that. How do you know she was even telling you the truth? The harpy has shown that she's willing to lie to manipulate us before, she could be playing an angle that we haven't figured out yet. And even if she isn't, betting on her secretly wanting to die doesn't exactly sound like the best of plans, so you're right to say that we shouldn't expect her to pull any punches."

Their topics of conversation now gone dry, the four of them sat about at the picnic table in silence unless Tamonten brought up something else. The rest of their time in the yard passed uneventfully save for a spat between a pair of the yard's other inhabitant and the not-so-covert glares that she received from the dragons, the less weighted of whom seemed to be taking turns watching her for signs of vulnerability. Unless Tamonten left the safety of her comrades for some reason, the rest of her time in the yard would pass in peace, with nothing but the pile of things weighing on her mind and her own mixed exhaustion and arousal to bother her.

Eventually they were called back to return to their cells, and this time their warden didn't put in an appearance to watch over them, leaving just the guards and the other prisoners to worry about in case Tamonten should opt to change her plan on the fly and try to break out now. If she didn't, they'd be led back to their cell blocks by the guards, with members of their troupe gradually breaking off to go to their own subsections of the block, until eventually only her, Pano, Varthic, the orc warrior who had agreed to aid them, and three others with whom Tamonten had never conversed or interacted stood among the half dozen guards left escorting them as they moved into their own set of cells. The demons started pulling doors open immediately, and ushering people inside, leaving this as the last opportunity for Tamonten to make her attempt at escape before being sealed back into her cell.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Hey, what was that earlier about us all getting out of this together?" The pale swordswoman chided Nellic following his comment. "If you're not at the armory, I'll come and pull you from your block if I have to do it with my bare hands. Just keep yourself going," she stated as if it were a definitive end to the matter.

"I don't," she would later plainly answer Varthic. "But it matters little. Whether it's truly her desire or not, and whether the security gaps were intentional or not, we'll exploit them and kill her today and end all this."

Tamonten allowed the rest of her yard time to pass in peace and silence. She carefully ignored her own yearning, and instead focused on mentally preparing herself for the coming struggle. A fight as intense as she had waged against the black oak was coming, and she couldn't afford to give anything short of everything she had. There wasn't any room to hold back, if not for the sake of the other prisoners then for the sake of Kringlicsly, who might even then be unknowingly pursued by Elawdrin's agents. She had less luck ignoring the dragonkin sisters' venomous glares, but she didn't shy away from them. Their hatred for her would be useful soon, and she might yet be able to atone for what they had suffered at her hands.

And by the time the prisoners had been called in from the yard, she was at peace. There was no guilt or anger or fear, simply duty and the determination it would take to face what was ahead. Her arousal and exhaustion were pushed aside easily enough for the moment. As they were ushered into their own block, she tallied the odds in her head. Four allies, six guards, and three unknowns--so probably four versus nine, unless Elawdrin had done something to the orc. They would need to take out several guards in the initial confusion if they were going to overcome the demonic women. She only had one in reach, so she would need to trust Varthic, Pano, and the orc to be quick and handle one apiece.

The moment the demon nearest to her even slightly opened herself up for it, even if by simply coming within melee range, Tamonten acted. She swung her left arm, aiming to catch the woman in the side of the head with the heavy manacle on her wrist. Hopefully the attack was savage enough to leave her target stunned, but even if it wasn't she would quickly try to grab the demon by her horns and drive a knee into her face, hoping that the sudden attacks would leave her target dead or unconscious in moments.


Tamo uses Flurry of Blows x2 and shattering blow x2.

Attack: +52 = 70 [Base] - 8 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow]
Damage: 1d8 + 36 [Base] - 5 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow]
2x attacks.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a two-handed weapon: On a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 41/61, EP = 11/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar, Raging

I lost the rolls, but Tamo took 20 PP, regained 10 EP, and 4 of the six guards were knocked out. No allies took damage.

Tamonten's surprise attack caught the demoness nearest to her completely by surprise, her heavy manacle smashing into the side of the woman's head and causing her to stumble aside. That was all it did, however, necessitating a second strike from the pale swordswoman while her allies sprung into action around her. Unfortunately for the guard, her reaction to Tamonten's first blow, a sideways stumble and a curl of her back, left her vulnerable to the swordswoman's followup, which was to grab the woman's horns and jump up, slamming her knee into the demon's face. This time her target dropped to the floor in a heap, blood leaking from a shattered nose and face, giving Tamonten a moment to see the conclusion of her own allies attacks. Varthic had caused his targeted guard to double over, likely from a blow to the stomach, and followed it up with an open palmed strike to the side of the other demon's head that smashed her against the stone wall. Pano had started off much the same, but the larger warrior followed it up by hammering the guard into the floor with an overhanded strike that almost literally flattened her. The orc, displaying red eyes like those she'd glimpsed briefly when the woman had been trying to smash her way out of the cage during Elawdrin's sick game, had grabbed a guard by the head and was busy snarling while digging her thumbs into the demon's eyes and smashing her head against the wall.

The other three captives let out frightened whimpers at the sudden violence, and did nothing save attempt to get out of the way of the vicious melee. The other two guards, in the meantime, drew their whips and waded into the fight despite that they were now outnumbered two to one. "We've got another escape attempt! Get ready for company!" said one of them even as she lashed out at Varthic with her whip, an attack that the demon prince weaved past with ease. "You've been such a naughty little princeling~ Lady Elawdrin will surely see you punished for this!" she added brightly, a maniacal grin on her face despite her seemingly dire situation. "I'm shaking in my boots!" Varthic spat back sardonically, already preparing to do the same to her as he'd done to the last guard that he'd attacked.

In the meantime, another of them cracked her whip at Tamonten, but the guard's counterattack was no more effective against her than it had been against the demon prince. "Come and take your medicine! You've got to be punished for being bad!" the seemingly maddened demoness said, her whip cracking back and forth to no avail. The orc had released her victim, dropping the lifeless body to the floor, and turned on the one that was flailing uselessly at Tamonten. It seemed as if the fight was practically already over even though it had only just begun, but they still had to take down the remaining two guards before they could get moving towards the armory.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Four down, two to go, the pale girl mentally tallied following the group's successful attack. The other three prisoners were still wild cards, but if they weren't going to assist the four in their fight then it was much better that they do nothing at all. She didn't give as much thought to what company the first of the remaining demonic guards was talking about, but that they waded into the fight suggested that they were either buying time or that there was some protocol in place for prison breaks. Even if they simply held some maniacal lust for battle or overconfidence it didn't matter, because the only path that Tamonten could take now that she had revealed her hand was was forward.

"You should have surrendered, I would have let you live," she replied stoically. She couldn't afford to squander the precious seconds it would take to offer and accept the woman giving up now, though. Instead, the window of time the demonic guard was given to change her mind and surrender was equal to what it took for the pale girl to fling herself past the flailing whip. And if she hadn't dropped the whip and called for mercy, the possessed girl would charge shoulder first into her with all the force she could muster, before scrambling to get a grip on the succubus's head and then slamming it against the wall until she was no longer a threat.

Don't fix what isn't broken. Tamo uses Flurry of Blows x2 and shattering blow x2 against that worryingly overconfident succubus. Although if said succubus drops her whip and surrenders before her brain ends up as wall paint, Tamonten will instead have her strip and toss her into a cell along with the others (the specifics of that can be handled next post).

Attack: +52 = 70 [Base] - 8 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow]
Damage: 1d8 + 21 = 36 [Base] - 5 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow]
2x attacks, x2 damage on each.

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed): 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 70 grapple.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a two-handed weapon: On a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 30/61, EP = 17/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Tamo punches.
Attacks: Hit and miss.
Damage: 6 + 21 = 27 * 2 = 54 - 8 = 46 damage. Not enough for a knock out.
Sadist: 2 + 9 = 11. Tamo regains 6 EP.

Varthic double punches the other one in the same manner as Tamonten.
Attack: Both hit.
Damage: 1 + 25 = 26 * 2 = 52 - 8 = 44 damage per hit. That's 88 damage total. Down she goes.

The orc smashes the last one.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 11 + 30 + 10 - 8 = 49 damage.

If her words even reached the demoness that was attacking her, Tamonten couldn't tell. The storm of lashes didn't ward the swordswoman off from the cackling guard for long, and her shoulder check flung its target against the wall, after which Tamonten rushed in to grab her head and start smashing it against the stone. She was less easily stunned than the other one, however, as she slid out of the way and nearly caused Tamonten to careen into the wall. Recovering, Tamonten was able to watch as the orc came up behind the guard, grabbed her head, lifted her off the ground, and simply snapped her neck with a loud crack. Dropping the dead woman, who collapsed into a crumpled heap at her feet, she glanced aside as Varthic kneed the last remaining demon in the stomach and then smashed her head against the wall.

The last of their foes crumpled, the others gave their surroundings a quick glance before looking to Tamonten, at which point Varthic said; "To the armory then?" The other captives were all cowering in the corners to which they'd crawled, none of them apparently coherent enough to be of much use at the moment. Tamonten was free to do as she liked with them, and with the bodies of the dead guards as well.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Even though the second guard had been a bit quicker on her feet than the first and managed to elude getting herself brained on a wall, Tamonten knew the outcome well before she had even acted. The orc moved, as expected, and ended the succubus with brutal efficiency. As the body fell to the ground, its owner's head now twisted at an unnatural angle, it seemed a pity that so many would have to die today in service to a madwoman, and that she lacked the power to secure them and bring them to a more proper justice. But she had no time to dwell on it. She had tried to save the demon's life, and she had failed, and now she had a more pressing matter to attend to.

"In a few moments," the swordswoman offered in response to the demon prince after she had righted herself. Before the escapees could set off, the woman addressed the cowering captives, her gaze moving between each one as she spoke. "If you're still of a mind to understand me, you have three options. The first is that you may fight with us and potentially escape or accompany us to the harpy herself to seek revenge. The second is that you may take your chances and stay here locked in your cells; you will be freed after we slay Elawdrin. The third is that you may try to fight us, in which case you've already seen the outcome. You have a few seconds to choose, or I'll assume it's option two." As she waited for the response, she would search the bodies for keys and any other items of value.

Once she had finished her search, the three prisoners' time to decide would be up. Her offer would prove to be on the level. If they chose to fight, they would be allowed to accompany the group to the armory. If they chose the second option, she would usher them into a single cell and try to lock them in. And if it was the third, she would fight them as she had the guards. Regardless of their choice, though, the final step before leaving the block was to drag the bodies of any still-living guards into another cell and lock them in, then she would motion for them to begin making their way for the armory.

Search guard corpses for keys and anything of value. If the cowering prisoners attack, use the same attack she used against the guards in both rounds on the nearest one. If they choose to come along, then let them tag along. Otherwise, lock them in a cell.

Lock any surviving guards in a separate cell after all that's handled, then get moving toward the armory!

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed): 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 70 grapple.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a two-handed weapon: On a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 30/61, EP = 17/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar, 0/25 Resistance, Insane

Tamo, Varthic, and Pano auto-pass these checks. The orc, however, does not.
Sanity Resistance 1: Pass.
Sanity Resistance 2: Pass.
Sanity Resistance 3: Fail.
Sanity Damage: 3 * 2 = 6 + 5 = 11. The orc looses 11 Resistance.
Sanity Check 4: Pass.
Sanity Check 5: Fail.
Sanity Damage: 1 * 2 = 2 + 5 = 7. The orc looses 7 Resistance.
Sanity Check 6: Fail.
Sanity Damage: 2 * 2 = 4 + 5 = 9. The orc looses another 9 Resistance and has been driven insane.

Varthic and the orc both frowned when Tamonten turned her attention to the remaining captives, but neither they nor Pano made any comment on the subject. The other prisoners themselves didn't even seem to understand Tamonten, as they responded to her list of options by babbling wordlessly at her or with utter silence, two of the three taking the latter option. They were spread out from one another, meaning it would be something of a chore to drag them all into the same cell, and the first one that she went for (a woman who looked to be a cross between a demon and a fairy, possessing pixy-ish dragonfly wings and ram-like horns as well as a black spade-tipped tail) after opting for her second option began to thrash violently while screaming her head off.

After struggling to shunt the woman into the cell she'd picked, she simply curled up in the corner and began whimpering to herself again. Varthic and the orc warrior didn't make any effort to help, but Pano had grabbed one of the other prisoners with one hand and walked over to the cell. "In yah go!" he said gleefully, and hurled the struggling demoness in his hands into the cell without making any apparent effort to prevent her injury. The mind-broken woman scrambled to her feet immediately, however, and took the other corner that was far from the door into the cell. That left only one more prisoner, a woman that looked entirely human, but as Tamonten approached her...

The guards, all of whom had fallen, began to laugh. Their necks broken, their heads smashed, each of them began to laugh mirthlessly while their bodies began to spasm, producing a chorus of laughter and scuffling sounds that didn't quite hide the organic tearing noises coming from each of their bodies. "....The fuck?" Varthic said as he glared down at one of the guards that he'd killed, who was flailing wildly in the midst of what would have looked like joyous hysterics in other circumstances. Unfortunately for them, the demon prince's question was answered only a few moments later when all six of the fallen succubi exploded in a fountain of gore, their abdomens pried open from the inside as something that had been trapped within seemed to... Unfold.

One by one, strange alien creatures rose onto feet that were too thin to possibly hold them up, ending at points rather than at anything that might have actually supported weight. Each of them was about five feet tall once they were fully grown, far too large to have fit into the tiny space into which they'd been packed, and opened mouths filled with crystalline teeth to silently scream. The blood and gore in which they were shrouded sunk into their beings, and as the red vanished they were left almost completely transparent, allowing Tamonten to see clear through them to the other side. The creatures were vaguely humanoid in the torso, possessing two arms that ended in mantis-like pincers lined with jagged crystalline spikes, but once their lowers halves were fully grown out they stood on six spindly legs possessed of no symmetry, jutting from different points and no two of the same length. Their heads were triangular, eyeless, and opened at a joint that was far back enough that Tamonten's entire head could have easily fit inside one of their mouths.

Merely looking at the things as they erupted from the corpses of the demons felt like an assault upon Tamonten's sanity, threatening to send her spiraling into madness, but even as monstrous as they were Tamonten found the mental fortitude to withstand the sight of them. "Holy shit Varthic! What the fuck is that!?" Pano shouted in panicked horror, and Varthic, who wore a look of unbridled disgust while facing one of the abominable creatures from less than three feet away, said; "I..... I don't know! Just fucking kill it!" The two demons seemed about ready to do just that, but the orc was just standing where she'd been left as if paralyzed, her eyes wide and filled with pure terror at the sight of the creature rising from the corpse of the demon that she'd just killed. Only one of the monsters seemed to be interested in her, however, as two were going for Pano, two for Varthic, and the last was stretching its claws towards Tamonten herself.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

As she set about the arduous tasking of herding the first woman back into a cell, made more difficult by how delicately she attempted to do so in comparison to Pano's uncaring flinging of the second, Tamonten couldn't help but wonder what madness their warden had inflicted on them in order to fall into their unfortunate states. This was quickly added to a list of questions which she regretted wondering about, as before she could even move the third woman into the cell her unwise inquiry was answered in the form of cackling, dead guards who abruptly exploded into gory showers. "Gods, I hate this place," she muttered as it occurred to her that this soft point in security wasn't a soft point at all.

It was a feeling that was reinforced as the things, for there really wasn't any better description for what they were, that had nestled inside the succubi rose up. And, remembering Elawdrin's description of the one that had bested her, the pale girl immediately knew that these were the outsiders she spoke about. They were not something that should have existed. Everything about them was wrong on some base level that she couldn't put her finger on. It was like looking at an askew picture without being able to put her finger on what was wrong with it, except magnified to the point of primal terror at the contents of that picture. She had never even dared to believe that the angel's work had progressed this much, and sadly she was wrong.

And as she looked upon them, her psyche was hammered with a feeling of madness. Though it was easiest to call it madness, that wasn't quite what it was. It certainly wasn't the madness of the stories they told in her town, where someone would disappear after purportedly falling in love with a forest spirit only to return with his pants on his head and his shoes in his mouth. What tried to hammer its way into her skull was more a realization. The terrifying realization that there were other worlds out there, much larger and more dangerous than her own, populated with unnatural beings too wrong for her to ever comprehend, that would make the beasts in front of her look like mere pups, and that they were seeking out the feeble rock she stood upon in order to consume it and all its people. It was the kind that could reduce a person to a gibbering and huddled mass in the corner, praying that they would die before they saw the terrible knowledge come to pass.

And it was impossible to say that it didn't have some effect on Tamonten, even with her supernatural resistance to the understanding that the very presence of the outsiders tried to force upon her. It just wasn't the same as the effect it had on the orc. Where one of her comrades had already marked out her own personal corner, the attack on the group's sanity only made the swordswoman blindingly enraged as it went on.

By the time her own attacker made a move on her, she was already trembling in fury. "Fuck you!" She screamed in defiance as she hurled herself at the being reaching for her, crashing into it with all her might. "You think you can undo so many years of fighting against this thing in my arm just by existing, you transparent asshole?! Fuck you! You're not even the worst thing I've fought this week! I'm going to murder all of you and your bitch mistress! And then I'll burn this place to the ground!" After the collision, she tried to grab onto anything it had that resembled a neck with her pale hand, and moved to repeatedly hammer the manacle on her left wrist into its triangular head until there was nothing left but paste. She flailed at the thing in her irrational rage, going for a continuous stream of rage-fueled strikes as she shouted an equal stream of obscenities at it, all the while threatening to drain herself of what little energy she had carefully regained in the process but not caring as long as those things dared to stand in front of her.

Become the Angry Marine. Spirited Warrior x = 10 (4 to attack, 6 to damage). Flurry of Blows x3, Shattering Blow x3. As noted, if you feel that Tamo using spirited warrior during this segment is odd or cheap or whichever, feel free to veto it and instead have her use the same attack as she used on ye succubus guards.

Attack: +52 = 70 [Base] - 16 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 8 [Spirited Warrior)
Damage: 1d8 + 28 = 36 [Base] - 10 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 12 [Spirited Warrior]
2x attacks, x2 damage on each, 10 EP cost.

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed): 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 70 grapple.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a two-handed weapon: On a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 0/61, EP = 28/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, About to Orgasm, Self Control

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 66/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar, 0/25 Resistance, Insane, Grappled

Monster 1: Destroyed.
Monster 2: Grappled the orc
Monster 3: Destroyed.
Monster 4: Fighting Varthic
Monster 5: Fighting Pano, taken 38 damage
Monster 6: Fighting Pano

Tamo fucking smash, I guess. 10 EP Spirited Warrior, Shattering Blow Flurry of Blows for a total of 3 attacks,
Attack: All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 28 = 30 * 2 = 60 - 5 = 55/2 = 28 damage per hit, for a total of 84 damage.
Sadist: 4 + 9 = 13 * 3 = 39 PP damage. Tamo regains 21 EP and orgasms, or would if I wasn't being nice and letting you use Self Control even though you forgot it.

Pano uses Flurry of Blows for 2 hits, and Shattering Blow.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 4 + 17 = 21 * 2 = 42 - 5 = 37/2 = 19 damage per hit.

Varthic uses Flurry of Blows for 3 hits, and Shattering Blow.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 20 = 22 * 2 = 44 - 5 = 39/2 = 20 damage per hit. Varthic killed one.

The one attacking the orc grapples her. She flails and squirms.

The ones attacking Pano swing!
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 7 + 1 + 28 -14 = 22 damage per hit.

The one attacking Varthic tries to grapple him.
Attack: Miss.

Whether the creature could hear or understand her, Tamonten couldn't really tell. It did rush toward her in challenge, however, its maw still gaping in a silent shriek. Her shoulder check knocked the thing backwards, though during the blow she felt herself sink slightly into its body, as if it were made out of hardened gelatin. Regardless, the swordswoman then grabbed it by one of its inhuman arms and dragged it back toward her, further destabilizing it while she smashed her manacled hand into its head over and over and over, each hitting ranging with an audible crunching noise more akin to stale crackers breaking than bone shattering. The thing didn't seem to have any bones inside or outside, as each thump simply seemed to produce nothing more than a large dent in its flesh, one that began to slowly vanish before her next hit just made it deeper. After a few seconds of savage pounding the monster's head simply snapped off at the neck, tumbling to the floor and going from a liquid to a solid as the rest of its body did the same. Every strike had brought with it a sense of near-sexual exhilaration, but even in the heat of the moment Tamonten managed to keep a clear enough head that she knew to resist it.

Across the room, Varthic had slam kicked one of the ones coming for him hard enough to take out its two front legs, and then promptly grabbed it by the head and smashed it against the wall. It didn't break, so he did it again, and again, until finally it shattered into shards on the ground. Pano, in the meantime, backhanded one of the ones coming for him, but it just kept on coming. He snap kicked it in the chest, but that only forced it back a step, holding it off for a few seconds at best. It also left him open to the other one, which lashed out with one of its claws and grabbed him by the shoulder, causing the massive demonic man to let out a surprised shriek of pain while he flailed to dislodge the monster. The other latched onto his other arm a second later, showing no signs of having been hindered by Pano's strikes, causing him to shriek again and say; "Ow! Varthic help!!!! They're gonna do things to me like that one lady did in the shower!"

Varthic, dodging an attempt by the other creature to grab him as the monsters had done to Pano, turned and shouted; "Gods dammit... I'm coming Pano! I'm coming!" The orc, in the meantime had been grabbed by another of the creatures, and was putting up what Tamonten would have deemed a pathetic and half-hearted struggle to get away at best. What it intended to do to the woman was uncertain, but given their origins it most likely wasn't going to be good.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

As the thing seemed to die, the swordswoman halted her obscenities and her brutal attacks. "See?" She asked of the slain creature, as if she had just provided an indisputable fact and won an argument for it. "You die just like anything else," she added as she rose, but not before spitting on the floor next to the being's corpse.

The knowledge that they could be killed helped to soothe the initial rage that the foreign creatures' madness induced in her, which was good because her allies had overall fared worse than herself with the exception of Varthic. She had only a brief moment to wonder, and subsequently cringe, at what could have been done to Pano in the shower, before assessing the situation. The two demonic men had proven as strong as her, or perhaps stronger without the aid of her demon, and mostly competent. The orc looked like she had already given into the madness, and might not be of anymore aid than the women who had just been hurled into the cell.

But the knights could probably handle themselves for a few more moments, or so Tamonten hoped, and the green woman obviously couldn't. Besides, pragmatism be damned! If she could hold onto nothing of her dignity, her pride, or her honor in Elawdrin's foul prison, she would hold onto her morals. The swordswoman rushed at the creature holding the apparently broken orc, grabbed onto its head, and emulated what Varthic had done to his opponent by slamming it into a wall over and over until it too was dead.

Second verse, same as the first. 3x Flurry, 3x shattering, Spirit Warrior x = 10 (4 attack, 6 damage), and she's still using Self-Control (1d20 + 35 vs however much PP she receives this round) to resist orgasm.

Attack: +52 = 70 [Base] - 16 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 8 [Spirited Warrior)
Damage: 1d8 + 28 = 36 [Base] - 10 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 12 [Spirited Warrior]
3x attacks, x2 damage on each, 10 EP cost.

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed): 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 70 grapple.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.

When wielding a two-handed weapon: On a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. If a character is lowered below 30 HP, has less than 30 HP, or takes more than 1/2 of their maximum HP amount in damage, she makes a resistance check versus them and kills them/KOs them instantly on a success.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, engaging in bondage, Kringlicsly, has violet hair, fox ears, a fox tail, is a kitsune, or is draining her (all of these stack). She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul). She has potent and impregnates/is impregnated as such.
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
She has Self-Control and will always use it whenever applicable to stave off orgasm via a 1d20 + 35 roll versus a DC equal the amount of PP past 0 she took on a round.
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