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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 12/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33
Alisas Status: HP = 5/42, P = 42, EP = 26/35

Casting: 5 + 12 + 3 - 4 = 16 vs 22 == Failure.

Alisa attempts to use her magic to let out a wave of cold around her but protecting her friends and allies, but the wounds she'd taken combined with the distress of the current situation causes her spell to fail without going off.

To-hit: 6 + 52 - 16 = 42 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 7 + 52 - 16 = 43 vs 30 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 19 damage.
Damage: 9 + 13 + 4 - 4 = 22 damage.

Another roar that cuts off into a gurgle, followed by loud collapse that causes the ground to shake, comes from around the corner. Seconds later, Geralt turns the corner, his eyes shut tight and his blades covered in black blood.

To-hit: Autohit.
To-hit: Autohit.
To-hit: Autohit.
To-hit: Autohit.
To-hit: 13 + 24 = 37 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 18 + 24 = 42 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 15 + 24 = 39 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 9 + 24 = 33 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 19 + 24 = 43 vs 30 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 6 - 5 = 7 Damage. 12/3 = 4 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 15/30 TP.
Damage: 3 + 6 - 5 = 3 Damage. 9/3 = 3 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 12/30 TP.
Damage: 5 + 6 - 5 = 6 Damage. 11/3 = 4 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 8/30 TP.
Damage: 1 + 6 - 5 = 2 Damage. 7/3 = 2 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 6/30 TP.
Damage: 2 + 6 - 5 = 3 Damage. 8/3 = 3 Armor Damage, putting Alisas armor at 3/30 TP.
Damage: 6 + 6 - 2 = 10 damage. 12/2 = 6 Armor Damage, putting Shadowcats armor at 10/25 TP.
Damage: 4 + 6 - 2 = 8 damage. 10/2 = 5 Armor Damage, putting Shadwocats armor at 16/25 TP.
Damage: 3 + 6 - 2 = 7 damage.
Damage: 3 + 6 - 2 = 7 damage.

The demons repeatedly tear at Alisa, drawing bloody wounds across her skin and practically shredding her leather armor. By the end of their assault, Alisa is barely able to stand, is nearly naked, and is only just lucid enough to keep fighting from the pain. Gab and Shadowcat, defenseless, also take more wounds from the demons, both of them snapping from their coma but nearly as badly hurt as Alisa herself was. The succubi only laugh as the trio are practically overwhelmed, taking a few steps back to avoid being caught in the fray themselves.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Um... crap. Really hate that casters can't go defensive like melee combatants can, right at the moment. Especially hate that Alisa flubbed her casting with the same roll both times. I hope Geralt can pull something out, here...)

Alisa lets out a groan, the slashes staggering her, then straightens, holding a hand up high and letting magic burst out of it in a flash of light...

(Cast Blinding Light. 'Cuz she can't warn Shadowcat and Gab, she'll be blinding them too - but Geralt's still got his eyes closed, so he should be fine... here's hoping the shadow demons are royally stupid.)
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(so the succubus creatures are essentailly out of range?)

*snapping back to with ahiss she goes defensive once again before shifting to strike at one of the two demons attacking Gab* "we gotta whittle these things down one by one hit the same..unless of course one of you two over there can do something"

(10 attack shifted into defense and an attack at hopefully whicever one gab is attacking)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 12/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33
Alisas Status: HP = 0/42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Unconscious

Casting: 20 + 12 + 3 - 4 = 31 vs 16 == Success.
Mind vs Mind: 4 + 24 + 3 = 31 vs 20 + 14 = 34 == Enemy wins.
Mind vs Mind: 2 + 24 + 3 = 29 vs 10 + 14 = 24 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 17 + 24 + 3 = 44 vs 18 + 14 = 32 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 2 + 24 + 3 = 29 vs 3 + 14 = 17 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 4 + 24 + 3 = 31 vs 6 + 14 = 20 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 8 + 24 + 3 = 35 vs 8 + 12 = 20 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 17 + 24 + 3 = 44 vs 17 + 10 = 27 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 16 + 24 + 3 = 43 vs 1 + 30 = 31 == Alisa wins.
Mind vs Mind: 6 + 24 + 3 = 33 vs 2 + 30 = 32 == Alisa wins.
(Gab, Shadowcat, both succubi, and all the stalkers in her line of fire except one were blinded. The unblinded stalker is attacking Gab.)

Alisa lets off a blast of light, and all in the area except for a stalker attacking Gab are blinded. The one stalker covers his eyes, while the succubi, the other stalkers, Gab, and Shadowcat are all left rubbing their eyes.

To-hit: 4 + 48 - 10 - 16 = 26 vs 28 - 10 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 2 + 18 = 26 damage.

Despite being blinded and fighting defensively, Shadowcat hammers a blow into the throat of the one whom Gab had already injured. It clutches its neck and collapses, gasping for breath by finding none through its crushed windpipe.

To-hit: 13 + 40 - 10 - 16 = 27 vs 28 == Miss.

Gab strikes out at the un-blinded one, but the demon is able to dodge his poorly aimed strike thanks to retaining the use of its eyes.

To-hit: 14 + 52 - 16 = 50 vs 28 == Hit.
To-hit: 13 + 52 - 16 = 49 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 13 + 4 = 23 damage.
Damage: 8 + 13 + 4 = 25 damage.

Geralt rushes forward to attack one of the demons attacking Alisa, striking the demon savagely with both attacks. It falls, its throat and belly both badly torn and gushing blood.

To-hit: 3 + 24 - 16 = 11 vs 30 == Miss.
To-hit: 2 + 24 = 26 vs 30 == Miss.
To-hit: 16 + 24 = 40 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 14 + 24 = 38 vs 30 == Hit.
To-hit: 2 + 24 = 26 vs 33 - 10 = 23 == Hit.
To-hit: 12 + 24 - 16 = 20 vs 36 - 10 + 20 = 46 == Miss.
To-hit: 11 + 24 - 16 = 20 vs 36 - 10 + 20 = 46 == Miss.
Damage: 3 + 6 - 5 = 4 Damage. 9/3 = 3 Armor Damage, Destroying alisas armor.
Damage: 3 + 6 = 9 damage.
Damage: 2 + 6 - 2 = 6 damage.

Alisa takes two more blows, the demons apparently intent on bringing her down before they deal with the warrior. The first tears the last of her armor to shreds, leaving her practically naked, and the second tears deep gashes in her back. No longer able to stand, Alisa collapses, in too much pain to continue fighting as she bleeds from her many wounds. She fades in and out of consciousness as the battle continues. Her last spell aids Shadowcat however, as she takes no hits from the blinded demons.

(Alisa's down. Shadowcat, Gab, and Geralt are all blind.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Huh... it worked. Mostly. Why couldn't Alisa roll like that on her previous casts? :rolleyes: Next time we get an open-field battle like this, Alisa's STARTING with Blinding Light, instead of using it as a desperation save.)

The last few cuts are too much - Alisa falls to hands and knees, then rolls onto her side, curling up and whimpering in pain.

(What do you want to bet one of the sighted stalkers decides it can sneak away with Alisa while the rest of the good guys are blinded?)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*gritting her teeth at the now lack of sight the first thing to come to mind though is not the string of curses she desires to unleash but instead she lets her ears do the seeing for her llistening for the grunt or growl of the closest foul demon before lashing her claws out while trying to simply maintain her silence all the while hoping she can maintain some degree of defense in this painful battle*

(maintain the same defense is possible -10 to attack and attack the demon that sounds closest)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 12/46, P = 33, EP = 26/33, Blinded
Alisas Status: HP = 0/42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Unconscious

To-hit: 12 + 48 - 10 - 16 = 34 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 8 + 2 + 18 = 28 damage.

Shadowcats next blow kills the demon it hits outright, tearing out some vital arteries in its neck with a single slash of her claws. She also happens to have hit the only one not blind at the time.

To-hit: 11 + 40 - 10 - 16 = 25 vs 28 - 10 = 18 == Hit.
Damage: 3 + 14 = 18 damage.

Gab scores a wound on another of the demons, severely wounding the foul creature. It is the last of the gray skinned demons around them, and the succubi are staying back to recover.

To-hit: 14 + 52 - 16 = 50 vs 28 == Hit.
To-hit: 8 + 52 - 16 = 44 vs 28 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 13 + 4 = 23 damage.
Damage: 8 + 13 + 4 = 25 damage.

Geralt abandons his defense for an all out attack, killing the demon he attacks cleanly with a pair of slashes.

Casting: 17 + 18 = 35 vs 30 == Success.
To-hit: 6 + 36 = 42 vs 58 - 10 = 48 == Miss.

Though none of them can see it, a bolt of black lightning arcs through the air toward Geralt, who dodges aside at the last second as it was about to strike him. The other demons all hold their attacks, either fully defending themselves or retreating slightly like the succubi.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*unable to see whats going on but not hearing any demons close enough to strike she begins to back slowly towards where geralt and Alisa were at completely on the defensive this time* "whats going on..cant see a damn thing. Geralt? Alisa?"

(not attacking this round shifting closer to geralt. If i can put all attack into defense then will do otherwise whatever maximum you allow is)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa moans as she clutches at her stomach.

(Idle post, to encourage people. :p)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Grappled, Submission Hold

(You can put up to your max to-hit bonus into defense.)

Geralt shouts; "Hear!" And Shadowcat homes in on his voice, keeping her defenses up. Gab does the same, keeping next to Shadowcat as the group rejoins around the fallen Alisa. The remaining demon warriors circle the group, staying just out of weapons range despite the fact that two of them are severely wounded.

Casting: 13 + 18 + 10 = 41 vs 40 == Success. (...I'm sorry. But it was the logical thing to do from the standpoint of a sadistic wizard. You got Chaos Stormed. I actually almost fudged this one out for you.)
Damage: 8 x 2 = 16 + 18 = 34 damage.

Agony suddenly lances through each of the group members as a black cloud appears above them. All four scream in pain, especially Alisa who is already badly injured. They all feel their flesh sizzling under the storm of blight, the black lightning burning them all savagely. Alisa is the first to pass out, her wounds already severe and her constitution the weakest. Gab and Shadowcat drop together, and the last thing that Shadowcat hears is the sound of boots hitting the ground, as though someone is running away. Had any of them been lucid, they would have noted that the remaining demons had also been hit by the spell.

Shadowcats eyes snap open hours later, her thoughts racing. Where was she? What had happened after she'd blacked out? Where were the others? Trying to move, she found that she'd been heavily chained to the wall. A soft groan to her left, that of a woman, let her know that she at least wasn't alone.

With a groan of discomfort, Alisa regained consciousness. She had no idea where she was or how she'd gotten there, but she knew that her head ached horribly. Taking a moment to try and shake some of her skull splitting head-ache away, Alisa realizes that she is chained to the wall. She can hear movement coming from her right, but it is very soft and muted except for a rustling of chains.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*grimacing in the aftershocks of pain she takes in the enviroment around her trying to gain a bearing of her surroundings and just what kind of trouble they may be in. regardless patience was rarely a asset of hers in situations like this and while waiting for someone to free them would be pleasant she doubted it would happen and began shifting against her chains trying to find some way to slip free of them before something even more unpleasant came about.*

(quick search over the room thn attempt to escape. she doesnt like being held)
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Um... OW. Was this dude the third being around the corner? Geralt only killed two...)

Alisa groans as she awakens, head throbbing. She starts shifting about, and it's then that more pains make themselves known - lines across arms, chest, legs... places which vague memory suggests were cut by the claws of the stalker demons. She shakes her head, trying to clear it of the woozy feeling, and instantly regrets it, groaning louder and swallowing against a rebellious stomach. Blinking in the gloom, she looks down at herself, seeing scabbed lines here and there where the cuts were healing, realizing she's naked, areolae crinkling in the chill air.

The clinking of more chains, to her right, draws her attention, and she carefully looks that way, whispering and pitching her voice low.

"H-Hello? W-Who's there?"

(A heavy-duty ambush... and we walked square into it. :( At least it sounds like Geralt made it away... maybe he managed to grab Gab and carry him off before the wizard descended... :eek:)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Grappled, Submission Hold

(Yes. You actually rolled a third spawn, but I threw that one out since you were already getting overwhelmed. Also, you both get 6 exp.)

Body Check: 19 + 36 = 55 vs 56 == Failure.

Shadowcat very nearly pulls one of her wrists free of the chains, but the manacles prove just a little too tight. If she kept at it, she knew that she could eventually free herself. Something she does notice, however, is that she is completely naked, her clothing and equipment gone. She couldn't tell where it was, or if it was even here through the gloom. Turning, she spotted Gab chained next to her, chained in a standing position and his arms held up against the wall. She noticed that he was chained much tighter than she was. Past him, she also spots Alisa, the source of the painful groan.

Looking around, the room they were in was dimly lit, the only light coming in through a massive hole in one of the walls, revealing a strange violet sky showing many stars and a strange band. The band wound across the sky, a rainbow arc of colors more beautiful than any illusion she'd ever seen come from any wizard. The building they were in was of solid stone, and fairly dark.

Alisa finds all of her wounds mostly healed, and none of them look as though they will leave any scars. "Alisa? Are you alright?" Gabs voice says from next to her, full of concern.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*furrowing her brow she sighs lightly before working once more at trying to free herself from the chains not saying anything for now just wanting to get loose of these restrictive chains*

(this is gonna take awhile...)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Gab? Y-yeah... I'm okay... just sore from the cuts... and I guess from being chained to the wall... naked..."

She wiggles her hands around, trying to work some blood flow back into them - and at the same time, testing the chains for slack.

"How about you?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Grappled, Submission Hold

Body Check: 16 + 36 = 52 vs 56 == Failure.
Body Check: 9 + 26 + 3 = 38 vs 49 == Failure.

Both Alisas and Shadowcats struggles prove in vain for the moment, and Shadowcat begins to grow slightly frustrated at the unrelenting manacles. The bonds, while uncomfortable, aren't terrible, and Alisa is at least able to keep her wrists from rubbing themselves raw against the metal cuffs. Gab turns toward her as she speaks, or at least as much as he can against the iron clamp around his neck. It is then that Alisa realizes that this must be very uncomfortable for him, as he had so much iron, the bane of the Fey, touching his bare flesh. "I've had better days, as a matter of fact. I don't believe that I can free myself, though I believe that Shadowcat might be able to get free." Gab says, hints of pain in his voice.

"Oh, none of you are going anywhere." A voice says from the shadows in front of them, causing all three to start. A woman steps from the shadows and into the scant light in the room. She is naked, her soft looking skin moonlight pale except for her tiny pink nipples and her full red lips. She has a surprisingly friendly face, hidden though it is behind a slightly menacing smile. Her eyes are a normal looking brown rather than the usual red they expected from demons, and her figure, though definitely pleasant, is hardly the most impressive any of them have ever seen. Her breasts are much smaller than Alisas, though certainly not small, and she lacks Shadowcats well-toned physique, though she has pleasant curves. Her face was pretty, but not that of a goddess of beauty.

But the one thing all three of them clearly sensed was that this woman was astronomically powerful. Alisa could tell through the way the magical energy in the area seemed to swirl around her like a tornado, and Shadowcat and Gab could see the raw supernatural power leaking from her as though she were made of pure flame.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*gives another bout of struggles from the chains almost ready to see if they would come out of the wall easier then her escaping them would be.* "we shall see..i have no plans on being here long"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Um... eep. I take it Alisa's Grapple Expert talent has no effect against chains and other inanimate forms of bondage? Though I note that we're both being forced to roll a 20, irregardless of stats...)

Alisa shrinks back slightly as the woman makes herself known, and her mere presence causes magical currents to start flowing about the room. She shifts about, nervous, causing her chains to rattle and clink without actually making a serious effort at pulling herself free.

"Um... w-who are you? Where is this?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled, Submission Hold
Alisas Status: HP = 42, P = 42, EP = 26/35, Grappled, Submission Hold

(Doh. It would decrease your required roll a little. Like this, even though you didn't imply an escape attempt.)

Body Check: 2 + 36 = 38 vs 56 == Failure.
Body Check: 2 + 26 + 12 + 3 = 43 vs 56 == Failure.

The woman smiles at their replies, though Gab remains stoically silent. "You are in hell, little morsels. And I am the one who is going to devour your souls. You may call me Natalie."

Gab growls, pulling pointlessly against his bonds, as though trying to leap for the womans throat. He grunts; "Foul demon! Release them, they are of no use to you!" The woman chuckles at that, stepping closer to him, and replying; "No... No they aren't. That doesn't mean that they won't make good meals though. You though...... Your soul will tell me much about the ones that defend your puny little world."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"just you wait till these chains are gone..your gonna change your tune i promise"

*Shadowcat began putting all her strength into freeing herself of the chains even if it meant ripping them out of the wall first to do so she pulled and shifted tugging and sliding trying to be free*