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Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

The blacksmith received Elysia's vulnerable look with as much grace as he could, managing to fumble a grimace into a passable reassuring smile, a look they shared only between the two of them as only Alaric could see the seamstress's face. He managed to hold that look throughout the entirety of what she said, but it gradually faded from his face as he replied; "A mutual friend of Eartha and I has agreed to look after you for a little while. Her home is somewhat remote, and Eartha says that the peace and quiet will be good for you."

He paused, and though his expression had returned to its usual blankness there was a note of surety in his voice that was oddly comforting to Elysia as he continued, "You will be welcome in my home for as long as you would choose to stay there of your own free will Elysia, and my initial conditions remain. I would not ask a task of you that you would not willingly take on, no matter the circumstances. It was not you who has caused us trouble, and those... Men.... Will not return to cause anyone in Blinlock further harm."

Alaric paused again, and his reassuring smile returned for a moment before vanishing again as he more quietly and evenly concluded, "I'm sure that our friend could find a task for you, or if you would prefer to find something else to occupy yourself with, she or Eartha ought to be able to find something for you. If nothing else, you could retrieve your sewing kit from my home. I did not think to bring it with me when I took you to see Eartha last night."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia nodded. "Very well... Anything will do, really, I just... I just don't want to be sitting about doing nothing, or else the thoughts would return to me again. Being productive in some manner will help me as much as it helps the community, and besides, as a fellow artisan, I'm sure you can relate? Idleness is perhaps the worst thing for me, particularly at this time more than others. But I think I will take you up on that offer to retrieve my sewing kit, as I feel so... naked, without it," she admitted, trying to hide her embarrassment and clumsily seeking some degree of relation on the part of the muscular smithy.

"Again, thank you... I'll be sure to come see you again, perhaps later tonight, once I pay this friend of yours a visit." She gave Alaric one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning around and hurrying out the room to hide the blush that had spread across her face. Elysia couldn't quite put her finger on why she had acted so foolishly around this man, but all she knew is that she was helpless to do so. Once Eartha caught up to her, she made the resolution to fetch her kit from the smith's house and set off to wherever it is they arranged for her to go.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

"Very well. I will see you again later tonight, Elysia," Alaric replied, and though he returned the hug he seemed quite surprised when she stood up and kissed him on the cheek. It was in that stunned state that Elysia left Alaric, heading first for his house. Eartha, it turned out, was not so stunned by Elysia's behavior, but the older woman didn't offer any remarks on it either. She wore a very slight frown, but remained silent as they left the tavern and took a left, heading towards Alaric's shop. Blinlock was not a large town, and as she had seen the tavern when she had walked into town Elysia knew fairly easily how to reach the blacksmith's home and shop from there.

She might have been surprised, however, when she found a young man built along similar lines to Alaric working in the shop, more specifically at the forge. He paused in his work to glance behind him as they entered despite the loud nature of his work, but didn't pause in his working of the steel as they approached. "May I help you ladies with something?" he asked politely over his shoulder, halving his attention between his work and the two of them. Eartha answered for them, "We are here only to retrieve something that miss Elysia left here, Brun. We will need no assistance." The man's eyes switched from Elysia to Eartha as he adopted a slight smirk, "Of course Eartha! I didn't recognize you for a moment~" he said, and Elysia couldn't help but notice the air of disrespect he held towards the woman.

Eartha either didn't notice or didn't care, as she simply led Elysia through the doorway leading toward Alaric's private quarters. The older woman paused at the doorway, allowing Elysia to precede her into the room in which she'd been raped. As her eyes swept over the familiar surroundings, the memories of what she had done there before came crashing back to her unbidden. The stains had been cleaned from the table where Typhon had taken her first, but the tools still lay scattered across the floor. A white stain on the floor lay nearby, the messy aftereffects of what had happened there, and the bed was in the same shape that it had been in when she'd been dragged out of it by the foul hunter's rude awakening. Her sewing kit lay almost completely across the room from the entrance where Elysia stood now, sitting on the bedside table.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia hadn't expected to see the stranger hard at work in the forge, though despite her surprise, her outward features remained polite, as she merely offered him a slight smile and a bow of the head as she passed by, taking note of the dynamic between this 'Brun' and Eartha. With no formal introduction to be made on either end, it was something of an awkward meeting, though she figured that proper greetings could always be made when the situation was less hurried. Instead, she simply offered, "Keep up the good work," in reference to his current project, as she of course would find an inherent kinship towards those of an artisan's lifestyle.

When the seamstress entered Alaric's room, she was hit with a very uncomfortable and unsettling feeling at first, the type that one tends to feel after first hearing of a loved one's death. It was quiet, too quiet, or it felt that way despite Brun's noisy hammerings just outside of the building. Elysia could've sworn she heard the laughter of multiple men, along with groans of pleasure both beneath and behind her, but when she looked around, no one was there, save for the waiting Eartha of course. She had to be honest with herself... being here, especially alone, was terrifying. The place may as well have been haunted--and in a way, it was, although it was mainly with the foul and tragic memories of what happened to the poor woman the night before. Looking around wearily, Elysia kept a hand clasped tightly against her chest while hurrying to one side of the room to retrieve her sewing kit, then scurried back to Eartha, almost on the verge of tears by the time she returned. "L-Let's go," she said fearfully. "...I want to go now."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Eartha nodded and placed an arm around the small of Elysia's back in order to support her as they turned to leave Alaric's home. The blacksmith's apprentice gave them an odd look as they passed by him on the way out, but he didn't say anything further to them, allowing Elysia's encouraging words to be the last thing that passed between them. The older woman led Elysia out of the shop and back down the road leading through Blinlock, but they passed by her hut and proceeded to move past the edge of town, and only then did Eartha begin to explain about where they were going; "You'll be staying with a friend of Alaric and I. She's.... A little unusual, but I think you're probably getting fairly used to that by now. She lives past the edge of town because of her trade. She's a farmer, but.... Lets just say that she's... Not growing normal crops."

All too soon Eartha and Elysia arrived at a fairly large, fenced in area. That area was subdivided heavily, and on the right hand side was a small pen with a pair of boars lounging around in the mud, and though the smell was hardly pleasant it was surprisingly subdued. On the left was a vegetable patch, though it could hardly be called a farm's worth of crops, as it seemed fit to feed a single person at most. In the center, down a narrow path located between those two portions of the fenced in area was a small cottage built of thick wood with a foundation made of bricks. The fences stretched further, well past the house and the two sections sitting beside it, but what was behind the house was impossible for Elysia to see from here.

Eartha walked right up to the door, taking Elysia with her, and knocked three times on it. "Coming!" a high, airy, and almost excessively feminine voice called almost immediately, and Elysia heard Eartha mutter, "I'll bet," under her breath. The door opened to reveal a young woman with bright pink hair and a lithe figure, her skin tanned by years of exposure to the sun as opposed to Eartha's natural darkness, and eyes as blue as the sky sparkling at the two of them. "Hi Eartha! Who's your friend, and to what do I owe the pleasure?" the stranger asked excitedly, but before Elysia could respond the woman launched forward and hugged Elysia tightly, their breasts pancaking against each other as she went on; "My name is Lavender~ What's your name?"

Eartha cleared her throat and glared at Lavender like a mother looking at a child who'd done something naughty, and the pink haired woman pulled back, releasing Elysia from the hug and clasping her by the arm and giving her a firm handshake instead. "Elysia, this is Lavender. Lavender, Elysia. You remember what Alaric asked of you, correct?" Lavender's mouth became a silent oh of surprise upon hearing Elysia's name, and then she smiled brightly and nodded, "Yup!" She turned toward Elysia and suddenly adopted a moderately more serious tone, "Hello Elysia! It's really nice to meet you~ Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea? I hear you're quite the craftswoman, and I wouldn't mind showing you my operation here."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The blue-haired beauty wiped her eyes one after another with the back of her hand as she exited the room with Eartha supporting her from the side, trying to rid herself of any tears that may have built up during her brief but terrifying visit to the place where it all happened. Her eyes briefly met those of the apprentice, before turning back down, trying not to draw any further attentions. After all, it had scared her to think of how many people in Blinlock... or even in Laerwick knew about the situation. Trudging along, and just now getting used to the traces of physical pain that had echoed with each step, she allowed the older woman to lead her along before listening to what she had to say, then making her own response in turn. "I... I see. No, it's fine, really, since I doubt I could stay in that place alone, anyway. It terrified me more than I thought, even just being there as briefly as I was. Some company might do me good. And, a farmer? I'm sure I could help her with something, anything really." She kept her thoughts and questions about Eartha's last comment to herself, figuring that she would find out soon enough.

Elysia took note of the property's interesting arrangement as she walked into its boundaries, her eyes scanning the vegetable patch and the pigpen. What she had seen so far was a rather humble setup, though many of the farmsteads in Laerwick were similar, so it wasn't anything that the tailoress wasn't used to. When they arrived to the cottage, she also caught the unique voice from behind the door, as well as Eartha's initial response. She blinked a few times at that, her lips finally showing hints of a smile at the wisecracking comment. Exactly what kind of person was the homeowner of this place?

"Hello, my name is Elysi--Ah!" Her eyes widened as the stranger lunged forward and hugged her, and she failed to hold back a gasp. At least this one was friendly, if only a tad too much. "Lavender... it's good to meet you. I am Elysia," she announced softly, offering an awkward smile and accepting the handshake. Her brow furrowed with slight concern once more. Did she know, too? She strained to push aside the unnecessary thoughts of worry in time to make her response. "Yes, likewise. Certainly--well, I would definitely like to think that I am, so if there's anything I can help with on that end, by all means... and sure, if it's not too much trouble. I was admittedly somewhat curious about the nature of your project..." She gave Eartha an affirming look and a nod, and if the older woman had nothing else to say, she'd walk right on in when invited, allowing herself to be led to wherever it was Lavender needed her to go.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Eartha frowned slightly but nodded for Elysia to enter. Lavender had already spun on her heal and said, "Well come on in!" Eartha followed Elysia in when they entered but didn't move to sit down, or even move away from the door, which she didn't close upon moving into it. Lavender didn't seem surprised by this, as she sat on a stool made from a carved stump next to a fairy low table compared to the lanky woman's height. A rocking chair that was well above the table, an old metal chair that looked to have been taken from a school, and a bar stool that had had half the length of its legs chopped off. Wherever Elysia sat, or if she chose to remain standing as Eartha had, Lavender would look at her and smile before saying; "So, I don't know if Eartha or Alaric told you anything about what I do here, buuuuut...

"Well, I'm sure you saw my garden and my little piggies out front and figured that this wasn't an ordinary farm. You'd be right on that count! I farm shorn weeds here, for their sap and their pollen. Got a dozen of them out back, roped up properly to keep the vines from coming after me of course. You've heard of shorn weeds right? Don't worry, I wouldn't expect you to help me with that unless you wanted to, there are only four left to milk today anyway. If you want to keep busy and don't have any projects to work on yourself, I could use you in here working the alchemical processes. The pollen has to be hardened to make it heavier and then softened again to keep it from forming crystals, and the sap has to be sterilized and purified. I've get everything all set up, but it is a pretty hands on process if you're interested in helping me out! Usually I'm up until really late at night doing that, and not having to stay up past midnight when I need to get up at dawn would be a welcome break. Whatdya say?"

The inside of Lavender's house was filled with many strange things, the mismatched furniture around the low table present pretty much everywhere. There was a low bed in one corner with mismatched hand-woven blankets for covers and no less than five pillows spaced around it. The bedside table was covered in wax and had a candle sitting on it, and the drawer in it was slightly askew. On the opposite side of the room was what Elysia could only describe as an alchemy lab, beakers and pots and burners and all manner of other things spaced around, and no less than four areas of it seemed to be cleared and readied for individual purposes. A cabinet sat in the corner of the lab filled with a variety of devices and boxes and bottles. There was a back door slightly off from the door by which Elysia had entered, and two windows on each wall allowed daylight to come in.

While Elysia deliberated on how she might answer Lavender, Eartha spoke up from the door; "Elysia, Lavender will see to your needs for now, but I must be off. There is much that I must do today. Alaric will be busy for much of the day as well, but if you need to find him I believe he will be in the mayor's house after he finishes repairing Ogden's fireplace. I will likely be unavailable until after nightfall, but by then I will be at my home. I am sorry to leave so abruptly, but I must bid thee good day and good luck for the moment." Unless Elysia said anything to keep the woman, and after exchanging goodbyes, Eartha then said a brief goodbye to Lavender before taking her leave, closing the door behind herself.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia looked all around her, taking in her surroundings as she entered Lavender's place of residence. Hugging herself, she walked in rather cautiously, with all the care of a new guest visiting a home that they had never been to before--after all, in this case, she was in that exact role, at least for the time being. The seamstress took note of the strange assortment of chairs and stools available for seating, but as she was still trying to make sure that she didn't overstep her boundaries, she remained standing, though certainly closer to her new hostess than Eartha was. "Ah? No, I can't say they have," she responded to Lavender's first sentence. She then heard out the peculiar woman's explanation and summary of her daily processes, somewhat surprised to hear that anyone could be raising shorn weeds in such a fashion. Provided, she had heard plenty of what shorn weeds could do, but growing them like a standard crop, especially in Laerwick, was practically unheard of.

"Shorn weeds? W-Wow, it sounds... possibly risky, in its own way, but I'd imagine it to be quite lucrative, perhaps," she replied with a nervous, somewhat toothy smile before looking over to Eartha, who spoke in time to interject before either girl could begin to ramble or get too familiar with each other. "Alright, um... well, I will do my best to help around here, so don't worry too much about me. And thank you for everything, Eartha. I'll see you soon, I hope," was all that she said in farewell. Deep inside, she was still somewhat hesitant about the operation here, but Elysia was determined to do something, anything to ease her mind of what would otherwise plague her, so she agreed to go ahead and let the dark-skinned woman exit without objection, out of what she perceived was more necessity than want.

Afterwards, she turned back to Lavender, slowly lowering her arms and allowing herself to gradually grow more comfortable as she burned the home's unique arrangement into memory, letting it slip into her mental category of 'familiar' rather than bearing the initial strangeness she saw it to be. "No, I... unless you have any fabrics in need of repair, or dresses in need of alterations, I can help make your day much more bearable, I hope! Be it milking, working the processes you were speaking of, or anything like that. So, where should I start?" she questioned with a hint of curiosity to her voice.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

After Eartha had departed, Lavender said; "Oh yes it's very lucrative! I've actually been thinking about expanding, but I can't get anyone from Blinlock to come and help me with the work no matter how much I offer to pay them! The pollen makes a really potent aphrodisiac and sells for a pretty good amount of money, but the really good money maker is the sap. Each weed produces tons of it so long as they're properly watered and nourished, and it's actually really good for you! It tastes great too, but it has to be properly sterilized and preserved so that it doesn't go bad or... Cause problems."

She stood up and smiled at Elysia, "Lemme show you your options in more detail!" She strode over to the first of the workstations, "This where I work on hardening the pollen. I managed to get working plumbing from my well thanks to Alaric, so you just have to lever some water up into a basin until it's about half full, then mix in some of this stuff," she gestured towards an open burlap sack filled with white powder that was lying on the ground, "You only need about a cupful per basin of water, the cup's next to the bag, and then mix in about a half pound of pollen. The scale's right there, make sure you're careful while you're pouring in the cups of pollen so that you don't waste any, and try not to breath too much in! IT's really potent, and I can't tell you how many times I've had to stop to... Uhhh... Take care of those urges."

Moving to the next station, Lavender continued as if she hadn't said anything out of the ordinary; "After you mix everything, stir it with a label for about a minute and then let it settle for another ten or so. Then you'll have to bring it over here and pour it into one of the mixers," she pointed to one of several buckets set into the counter, each of which had a bladed mechanism set into it, "After you grind it for about five minutes, pour in some of this stuff," she gestured towards an unmarked bottle of pink liquid, "Just a little bit is enough, and then grind it for another minute. After that, open the cabinet and pull the bottom out, all the water will slosh out and the pollen will be left in the strainer. Hold the handle and detach the three clips, and then slowly pour the finished pollen into one of these bags. Be careful not to spill any! It'll poof and if you breath in, it'll be as if one of the plants hit you full in the face."

Lavender indicated a number of things as she spoke, showing Elysia what to do and how to do it. The grinders in the buckets were operated by a crank sticking out from the side, and when she opened the cabinet Elysia saw a handful of mechanism situated around the bucket. After showing her how to work with the pollen, Lavender moved to the other counter, the one in the center of the room, and began to speak once again; "Here is where I sterilize the sap, it's a lot easier than making the pollen suitable for storage. You just take the bucket and pour some of it into one of these bowls until it's mostly full, then take a cup of salt and another cup of this stuff," she indicated two basins filled with salt and a strange substance, "and then mix it for about ten minutes. Then take the bowl and pour it into an empty, clean bucket and seal the lid, after that it's all done."

Ignoring the fourth and final station, Lavender turned towards the back door and, as she started toward it, she said; "C'mon, I'll show you the plants out back." Out back, Elysia found two rows of plots for planting, about half of which were occupied by shorn weeds. Their approach was noticed by the plants, as the vine connected to their flowers began to writhe, but they were bound to the wide base of each plant so that they couldn't move. Each weed had a fat bottom shaped almost like a table, each between two and three feet high from the ground, and from each stood a very phallic pole that leaked a thick, blue, syrupy liquid. Elysia noticed that all but four of the dozen stamens were leaking liquid in far smaller quantities, as if they had been emptied.

"I can generally get two or three good loads out of each plant per day, depending on how I milk them. They let out a lot more if... Well, if they think they're going to fulfill their function, but that obviously risks adding to the local alraune population. I've, ahhh.... Added quite a few to that number myself, as you can probably imagine, haha. Anyway, you place one of these bags over the tip and hold it there, and then... Well, you have to... To stroke them until you feel the stamen pulsating, and it fills up the bag. Then you dump the bag into a bucket and do it again. If the second time is smaller, move on to the next plant, but if you think you can milk a third shot out of them, go for it. And, uhhh... Well, sometimes I get a little bit... A bit more inventive, if you know what I mean. You don't have to... You don't have to help with the milking at all, if you don't want to."

After she had given a pantomime on how to milk one of the weeds in the air, she knelt down next to the pollen sacs at the base of the mobile flower at the end of the vine extending outwards from it. "Getting the pollen out is a little bit harder. You can cut the sacs, but it's bad for the weed and you can't harvest any more until the cut heals. It's better to try to trick it into thinking that it can get you in the face. You take one of these leather bags here, and hold it over the flower, not blocking it but ready to put it in place. You've got to put your face here, like this," she bent down even further, so that her ass was raised into the air, and her face was all but pressed up against the flower, holding a leather sack just over the flower like she was playing a game of hide and seek with it. The plant tensed suddenly, and she got the bag into place just in time to block the burst of pollen, which filled the sack instead of coating Lavender's face.

Moving carefully, Lavender raised the sack and tied it before placing it aside. "Want to give it a try Elysia?" she said, holding up a similar, empty sack.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Oh? My, I simply had no idea!" responded Elysia with enthusiasm, though she could probably guess why the people of Blinlock didn't share such an attitude, given the tales regarding shorns that she was aware of. Despite all of this, Lavender had quite a way about her of making it all just sound so... well, easy. Even the tailoress was slowly starting to come under the impression that these things weren't quite as dangerous as everyone else made them out to be. Good for you? Tastes great? The only red flag that remainder in her mind was the comment about causing problems, but she could guess as much based on existing lore about the weeds.

"Sure, I'll do my best to remember," she replied as the two arrived at the first station, with the pink-haired woman explaining all of the necessary steps. "Basin half full of water... mix in a cupful of the white powder, and a half pound of pollen. Got it," Elysia confirmed, making mental notes of the entire process. She could easily guess what her host meant by 'those urges', not that such a statement was actually meant to be veiled, in any case. "Alright, I'll be careful with those. I pride myself on having a steady hand, after all," said the seamstress smugly.

"Stir for a minute, settle for ten... grind in the mixer for five, pour in a bit of the pink liquid and..." Elysia trailed after Lavender, the hint of worry increasing in her features. Would she be able to remember all of this? And if she were to miss just one step, the consequences of failure seemed, well, inconvenient to say the least, and practically counterproductive in their own way, at least in her view. The idea of doing just about anything related to aphrodisiacs for her wasn't high on her list, to say the least, but she continued to follow and recite the procedures to herself as Lavender explained them, with her need to please and distract herself from idle thoughts overpowering such concerns.

"Pour some from the bucket into a bowl until it's mostly full, cup of salt and cup of... that stuff, mix it for ten minutes, then pour into sealed container. Right!" she echoed at the third station, doing everything in her power to repeat this to herself. That kind of repetition helped with memory, at least for her. She could be heard whispering the directions to herself in the lulls between Lavender's explanations.

By the time they were finished with the stations, Elysia was thankful that the fourth was skipped, even without the explanation for it, which was somewhat odd, but she didn't really mind at this point. There was more than enough for her to keep in mind at this point, after all.

Before long, it was time for a change in scenery, and the blue-haired beauty looked around carefully as they went out back, eyeing the poles on the shorn weeds. While some might expect the sight of such things to be traumatizing to Elysia, in this case they didn't bother her all too much outside of earning an odd look or two from the pretty craftswoman. They weren't connected to the likes of Typhon or his men, after all, and she saw them for what they were--'just' plants. Strange-looking ones, but nothing like thugs or brash hunters nonetheless.

"So, I just have to use my hands? Um... hmm," she mused aloud, observing the rather suggestive process and making it a point to burn each step into memory, despite the distracting nature of it all. The seamstress even copied Lavender's jerking motions, not even giving thought as to how ridiculous she looked, as she was so focused on the matter at hand, so to speak.

The milking process seemed straightforward enough. Wrapping her fingers around the weed's odd shaft, Elysia began to slide her grip up and down on it with the sack placed firmly over the tip. The tailoress' movements lacked the sensual quality by which Lavender conducted her 'milkings'; not that she wasn't capable of doing such a thing, but rather that she didn't find them immediately arousing--well, not yet, anyway. But with all the care of an avid learner, she went on, stroking the plant until she felt the stamen throbbing in her palm, and sped up towards the end until the goopy substance spurted out and into the bag. The blue-haired beauty looked rather pleased with herself afterwards, provided everything went into the sack as planned.

When it was her turn to give the pollen collection a try, Elysia nodded and bent down rather awkwardly, bringing her face close to it just as the owner demonstrated, and watched for the telltale signs of tensing before moving quickly to throw the bag over its head, hopefully just in time to avoid being shot in the face.
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Horny

Perception: Elysia barely loses.
Attack: Hit. Poor Elysia ;_;
Resistance: It technically doesn't matter cuz Easily Aroused, but Elysia barely loses this one too.

The plant seemed to thrum in her hand as Elysia took to stroking it's stamen, small spurts of the blue goo that she was supposed to be extracting flying into the bag that she held over the tip. "Good good, you're doing nicely!" Lavender said approvingly as she watched Elysia stroke the shorn weed's stamen, and before long she felt it tense in her grasp. The bag ballooned as it was filled with the weed's nectar, rhythmic spurts of it stretching out the material more and more until it seemed as if it were going to burst. The material proved up to the task of taking the plant's load of goo, however, and Lavender giggled mirthfully at the sight of the bulging sack of shorn juice. "He seems to like you huh! This one never fills the sack on his second load for me~" she said as she took the bag from Elysia, offering the seamstress a wink as she tied the bag closed carefully so that none of the goo could slip out of it.

When she knelt down next to Lavender a moment later to extract the plant's pollen, however, everything went wrong. She felt the flower tense, but she was a fraction of a second too slow to catch the burst of golden powder in the leather bag. Instead, it sprayed right into her and Lavender's face, both of them inhaling before they could stop themselves. A wave of arousal, many times more powerful than what she had experienced when Typhon had drugged her, surged through Elysia's body, so powerful that it had her legs shaking out of sheer need almost immediately. Any pain from the previous night's encounter had vanished completely in the face of her physical need.

She vaguely heard Lavender let out a moan that bespoke of lust similar to what was running through Elysia just then, but the need for pleasure burning through her like wildfire overwhelmed all of her other senses. Even her folds rubbing against her underclothes was pleasurable at the moment, as if her sensitivity had been enhanced tenfold, but the light brushing of cloth against her sex wasn't nearly enough to satisfy her current urges. Suddenly, a heavenly scent caught Elysia's attention, and her gaze was drawn towards the source of it. The sight of the pole sticking out of the shorn weed that had just blasted her, still leaking the fluid that now called to her like sweetest ambrosia. Before she could try to reach for it, however, she felt Lavender shift beside her.

The farmer was on top of Elysia in a heartbeat, pressing the seamstress onto her back and pulling her into a rough, open-mouthed kiss, her tongue sliding into Elysia's mouth and attacking the seamstress's as their breasts pancaked together, separated only by the thin barrier of their clothing. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed intent on keeping Elysia from the shorn weed's stamen as she pushed her weight down on top of the seamstress. Whether Elysia wanted to try and push her away or simply let the woman try and satisfy her burning urges was something that the lust addled crasftwoman would have to decide for herself.
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Ah, um, thanks!" replied Elysia happily, a noticeable blush staining her cheeks when she caught the positive reinforcement by the cheerful farmer. She had initially thought of it as a chore, more of just a task to be done, but watching it spurt its gooey fluid into the sack to yield what she knew to be a reward in its own right, at least monetarily, proved to be rather exciting with Lavender egging her on in such a way. The eager seamstress even gave it a few extra strokes for good measure, milking her favored plant of what it was willing to release for her. "I guess this part isn't all that hard then, is it? Maybe I've got the touch? I do use my hands fairly often, each day, which might have something to do with it..." she said aloud, to herself as much as her host. Perhaps her confidence at that point had risen to that of a superficially high level, but she hardly noticed, as she was starting to actually find this, well, rather fun.

However, that would be her undoing as she got to the pollen collection, for when she did, Elysia was overflowing at that point with what could be considered arrogance. As a result, she was off in her timing by only a split-second, and this was enough to get both her and the pink-haired woman blasted in the face with the potent, airborne aphrodisiac. The matter was made worse by the fact that she inhaled just in time with the blast hitting her face, and after that it was only seconds before Elysia was more than just turned on. The irresistible heat spread through her body, reaching her every extremity, making her incredibly horny for reasons beyond her immediate comprehension. Well, she had an idea of why, but most importantly, right now she just didn't care--she wanted desperately to have her sexual needs immediately tended to; her breasts groped, her pink crevice licked, fucked, anything, and to return the favors in any way possible to what could provide her with such wonderful sensations.

"Ooooh," she moaned softly as her mind was overcome by a haze more heavy than any she had known before. Seeing the phallic stamen made her want nothing more than to take it into her mouth and suck it dry, and repeat the process with its nearby neighbors. Hell, she'd do them all if need be; orally, one in each hand, between her ample breasts, in her pussy. In a way, she was 'motivated' to get to work on those, albeit for all the wrong reasons. However, her light-headedness caused her to topple easily when Lavender pounced on the blue-haired beauty, and she didn't mind this in the slightest. Instead, she welcomed it. But it was just so hot, and she needed to shed some of that stifling clothing, hastily fumbling with the laces on the front of her corset-like top and freeing her milky bosom. Elysia followed up by doing away with Lavender's clothes, then rolled her over so that she was the one on top, diving her head down to hungrily lick away at each of the pink-haired vixen's nipples until they were embarassingly stiff. Afterwards, she worked her way up to exchange a deep, passionate kiss with her partner while sliding a hand down the tanned one's midline, finding her pussy and stroking her there, nice and slow at first, but hastening her pace once enough wetness had built up upon Lavender's flower.

Soon, she'd part her lips from the other girl's, trailing kisses down her neck, collarbone, bust and torso, until she was at the perfect level to please the beautiful farmer orally. And that was exactly what Elysia proceeded to do, initially employing several awkward, testing licks upon her slit, then resorting to deeper and more vigorous ones, until she was literally lapping away at Lavender's soaked pussy. This continued for a good minute or so, and she would occasionally supplement it with playful bites to the woman's inner thighs, feeding off of her every reaction. Once she had gotten enough of a positive vibe, she slipped her tongue into Lavender's tight canal, feeling around with its tip, tasting her interior while one of her hands joined the fun and began to toy with the shorn farmer's clit, wiggling it all about to provide a high degree of stimulation. The more she squirmed, the better, at least in Elysia's book, and she would go on and on, eventually centering her focus on the other girl's sensitive node, licking away at her opening all the while, until she came. So determined was Elysia that she wouldn't stop until Lavender had ridden out the entirety of her climax.

After her lovely partner was all finished cumming, the seamstress climbed up and straddled her, then began to scoot herself up along her body until her own cunny was forcibly pressed upon the other's lips. Sitting on Lavender's face, she moaned, pushing her lovely flower forth until the more tanned woman had no choice but to return the favor she had just provided. "Lick me... mmm, y-yes~! Ooooh, fff... huuuhnn! Ah! Ah~nn!" she cried out, gyrating her hips fervently.

Feeling herself getting well on her way to a steady, rhythmic wave of pleasure, Elysia found herself far too horny for just this--she needed something to keep her upper body occupied. Eyeing the shorn stamen just next to her, she leaned over, wrapping her lips around its phallic shaft and applying as much suction as possible while bobbing her head up and down on it, her cheeks dimpling as a result of her efforts. She took up the slack with one hand while continuing to ride Lavender's face, jerking away at the thing for as much of its sticky contents as possible, wanting more than anything to be rewarded with the addictive substance. "Mmmmm.... MMMMM!"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Horny

Lavender was right behind Elysia in the clothes-shedding department, and she proved to be extremely adept at it. It might have been amusing how quickly the pink haired farmer managed to strip down, kicking off her boots as she had first started the kiss, lifting off her vest and the shirt underneath up in a single motion to expose her breasts in a brief pause just as Elysia undid her top, and finally slipping off her trousers and panties just as Elysia got her dress off. Lavender then moved in for another kiss, but was surprised when Elysia flipped her onto her back and claimed the dominant position and thus did nothing but moan lewdly beneath the blue-haired beauty as she started sucking on the erect tips of her pert bosom. Elysia didn't spend much time there, however, and when she returned to kissing Lavender the other woman mirrored the motion of her hand, both of them letting out a soft moan simultaneously as they rubbed at each others sex, both of which were already providing plenty of natural lubrication thanks to the aphrodisiacs burning through their systems.

On her descent down Lavender's body, she found that the woman was tanned all over rather than simply sun-touched. As Elysia neared her dripping slit, Lavender's moans became more intense and her hands, which had been interlaced within Elysia's hair and clawing at the ground respectively, took on more urgent motions as sweet release from the burning lust came nearer and nearer. "Ahhh... Elysia!" she gasped quietly as she felt the first few awkward licks against her petals, each of which were met by a deluge of the farmer's juices. "Yes... Yes....." Lavender moaned as Elysia's tongue started exploring deeper into her honey-coated depths, arching her back and groaning wordlessly in pleasure while she exerted more and more pressure onto the back of Elysia's head. It could certainly be said that Lavender was enjoying her tongue-work, judging by her moans and the way that she howled with need and pulled lightly on Elysia's head whenever the artisan pulled her mouth away from the farm-girl's sex to nibble on the woman's muscular thighs, but when Elysia started going deeper with her tongue and began rubbing at Lavender's sensitive jewel with her hand, the woman went wild!

Her hips began to buck, grinding her sex into Elysia's mouth and demanding more attention, something that Elysia was happy to give as it turned out. Only a short while of playing with clit and lapping away at her depths was needed in order to cause Lavender to tense up, letting out one extremely intense moan as a veritable flood of Lavender's sweet juices came shooting out of her sex to coat the area of Elysia's face around her mouth. Under the seamstress's dedicated ministrations, Lavender's first orgasm last for almost a quarter of a minute, her body remaining tensed as her mouth hung open in a quiet scream.

When she relaxed, however, Elysia was quick to sidle up her front and plant her own sopping sex in front of the pink-haired farmer's face. Lavender was still panted in the afterglow of her own orgasm when Elysia began pressing her own pink petals into her face, but responded with zealous enthusiasm as quickly as she could. Grabbing Elysia's hips, Lavender leaned her head up and gave Elysia's petals a long, wet kiss before opening her mouth and allowing her tongue to slip out and start lapping at the seamstress's folds. As her lower lips parted for Lavender's tongue, Elysia found that the girl had a surprisingly long appendage that was able to reach deep into her depths, causing an incredibly distracting spike of constant pleasure to shoot up her spine.

Lavender was relentless, but even with the use of the girl's tongue Elysia was unsatisfied, requiring a distraction of some sort to occupy her upper half. And she found it readily at hand in the form of the shorn weed that she had just milked, and which she had to blame for her and Lavender's current lustful state. The very moment that her lips wrapped around the tip of its impressive rod, Elysia's mouth was filled with the most heavenly taste that she had ever experienced, the sugary substance instantly addicting given her exposure to the very same plant's pollen. Every bob and stroke caused a tiny spurt of the wonderful fluid to shoot up into her mouth, but she could feel the tension building in the stamen yet again, signalling that a much larger dose was coming so long as she kept at it.

At the same time, Lavender had pulled her tongue back slightly and instead chosen another target for her attentions; namely, Elysia's clitoris. Her lips sealed over the seamstress's sensitive nub, and her tongue started flicking over her exposed clitty's surface rapidly for a few seconds before slowing down, rolling back and forth over it. Lavender repeated this pattern, never giving her clitoris too much attention and causing it to become hypersensitive but still causing the tension of impending orgasm to rise rapidly inside of Elysia, until finally the seamstress could take no more and felt the knot that had quickly built up inside of her explode. It wasn't the strongest orgasm she'd ever had, perhaps, but Lavender returned the favor from earlier and continued licking at Elysia's clit while she came, allowing her to ride out her orgasm for as long as she could before coming down from her high.

At almost the exact time, the trickle of sweet fluids pouring into Elysia's mouth suddenly became a flood, the shorn weed erupting violently and spurting its seed until it had filled up the small space available. Some of it was forced down her throat, but it was coming too quickly for her to swallow it all, and a good amount of it poured out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin as well, some even falling down and landing on her creamy bosom, causing her breasts to tingle slightly as the sticky fluid coated them. If, for some reason, she decided to pull her mouth away from the stamen filling her with its heavenly-tasting goo, Elysia would end up with a modest blue coating in addition to what she had in her mouth. Though it wasn't as voluminous as the amount she'd gotten from the plant when she had milked it into the bag, the weed had still produced far more than any man that she'd ever seen, and its perpetually hardened stamen went back to leaking small dribbles of the substance once it had stopped spurting.

Lavender continued licking at her folds, occasionally sucking on her sensitive jewel as well, but the aphrodisiac's effects had most definitely not run their course yet. Lust was still burning up every fiber of her being, but the seamstress was still lucid enough to decide how she wanted to fulfill that lust. The shorn weed that she had now milked twice was as erect and ready as ever, as were all of the other ones if she would prefer one that was more fresh. Lavender was still eating her out, and had proved quite adept at it as well, but as wonderful as her tongue-work was it wasn't satisfying the urge for penetration that the pollen brought up within her. For that to be able to satisfy her truly, Elysia would need to keep distracting her upper body, and Lavender was moaning softly and shifting her hips, likely yearning for the same attention that she was.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia was caught off-guard by the farmer's curiously lengthy tongue, and feeling it wiggle about inside of her sensitive lower tunnel, brushing her weak points within. The pleasure wracked her entire body, quickly traveling from her pelvic region to her extremities and to the very tips of those, making her shudder and tingle all over. Lavender's skilled cunnilingus nearly sent the seamstress into fits, and she soon found the bucking artisan pressing her flower ever closer to her face, hardly able to get enough of the wonderful sensation. The fact that they had just met never crossed her mind even once, as it was so clouded with lust that she couldn't think of anything other than having her personal needs met, as well as fulfilling those of others around her, plant and human alike.

If there was ever a time that she would be more than just keen to the idea of entertaining multiple partners, it was right then and there, where every erogenous zone of hers--be it her pussy, her ass, breasts, mouth, anywhere--simply yearned for attention. She would've liked nothing more than to have those stalks gathered around them both, but she settled for the phallus of the weed closest to her, giving it all of her loving. Faithfully, she kept at it, taking the rod in deeper, but not too deep, as she found the taste to be rather delightful, which added extra incentive for her to milk of further of its addictive substance. Figuring the thing to be about as sensitive as a man's cock, she worked the pole thoroughly, aggressively petting and stroking it with her tongue while keeping her lips drawn taut around its girth. It tickled her to think of it as an actual being, for she could please it even further with the right motions and enough consistency in them. With that in mind, she continued to fellate the stamen with gusto, her cheeks dimpling and her eyes half-shut, tilting her head from side to side as she moved back and forth on it, her blue bangs swaying with every deep bobbing motion. "Mmm.... mmmm~!!" All she could think about at that point was making it cum, and hungrily gulping down the gooey reward that would inevitably flood her mouth.

But that was far from the only thing Elysia had to worry about, as arguably the most sensitive part of her body, her tiny clit, quickly became the target of Lavender's ministrations. She couldn't even suck on the plant's rod for long, thanks to the overwhelming stimulation being put upon her by the pink-haired beauty, and she released it to cry out loudly, her mouth gaping open just in time for the next incoming batch of blue fluids to coat her face. "Mmff--AAAAAHHHNN! Aaah, L-Laavenn---aah! Oooh! Ooooooh!" She could feel the tension piling up, trying in vain to sublimate some of it through her screams, but ultimately failed as she wound up cumming hard, flooding Lavender's mouth with her secretions. However, the orgasm didn't relieve her in the slightest. All it did was aggravate Elysia's deep-seated sexual urges, fueling the fire inside of her, and making her hornier than she already was.

The tailoress simply couldn't take it anymore--she wanted to be fucked. Hard. Or at the very least, to ride something that would give her a similar sensation to such an act. Her eyes locked on to the nearest substitute, which was naturally, the shorn weed. Hoping to make use of the 'fresher' one, Elysia slowly lifted herself from Lavender's face, still dripping a bit of her honey onto it, and helped the other girl up before guiding her towards the next plant, just a few feet over. Turning her back towards the shorn, as if to take a seat on it, she directed the farmer to stand in front of her, facing in the same direction, and bend over. With the other girl's ass and pussy exposed, the seamstress gripped her hips, burying the lower half of her face between Lavender's womanly folds, and proceeded to lap away at the juicy pink crevice, tasting the honey waiting in those lovely depths.

It definitely pleased her to be able to get her beautiful host off like this, but the urge to feel something plunging deep inside of her cunt was yet to be sated. Knowing this, she brought one hand back to grasp at the base of the weed's dripping shaft, and lining it up with her entrance, lowered herself onto it while continuing to provide Lavender with steady strokes from her tongue. Elysia had to stop for a moment to moan loudly as the phallic rod parted her swollen labia, sinking inch by inch into her lower canal, but after heaving a relieved sigh, she resumed servicing the other woman as she began to buck her hips up and down, knowing that the weed would appreciate it as much as she was. "Ooohmmff... mmm... MMM! Nnnhahh! Kyaa-aah! Ah, aah..." With her on top of the shorn weed, the blue-haired beauty could control not only the pace, but the angle at which it entered, and she took full advantage of this, allowing its bulbous tip to grind against her G-spot within. Her 'button' hit, Elysia couldn't help herself, and feverishly continued, throwing herself up and down upon the stationary creature's stamen in desperate anticipation of feeling its warm load erupting inside of her as she persisted in servicing the woman in front of her.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Lavender let out a low whine as Elysia pulled her sex away, the pink haired woman's hands holding onto the seamstress's shapely bottom tightly for a moment before letting her go. She seemed eager to continue immediately as Elysia helped her up, grabbing her around the waist and sealing her lips onto the peak of one of her breasts. Guiding the farmer to the next weed proved a somewhat more difficult task than Elysia might have at first imagined, particularly when Lavender slipped two fingers into Elysia's folds and began to pump them rapidly while moaning for some return affection, but eventually she managed to both get there and disentangle herself from her humanoid partner, and then mount her not so humanoid one.

The farmer seemed somewhat confused by the seamstress's positioning of her at first, but when she was bent over and Elysia started lapping away at her folds Lavender seemed to get it. Even with Elysia's hands on her hips, the position was awkward for both of them, particularly when the seamstress impaled herself onto the shorn weed's stamen and started bucking. As such, after a moment of feeling Elysia moaning into her sex and licking her, Lavender suddenly pulled away and climbed up onto the plant with Elysia, standing on it while Elysia crouched on it. A look of paramount lust mirroring the expression on the pollen-drunk seamstress's on her face, Lavender stepped carefully over to Elysia until she was standing over her, and then lifted one leg and hooked it over her shoulder and around the back of her neck. Placing one hand onto Elysia's head in order to steady herself, Lavender stood on one leg while pressing her sex against the seamstress's face. With a trickle of her honey already flowing down Elysia's face, Lavender whimpered until she resumed lapping at her puffy sex, and then began to moan softly in time with her licking.

The shorn weed's thick shaft stretching out her inner walls was heavenly release to the aroused seamstress, the thing as hard as a rock and constantly leaking copious amounts of its syrupy cum into her sex. Every time her hips drew upwards a small stream of the stuff came pouring out into her, staining her pink inner walls blue and causing a small puddle to form underneath her as the mix of her love juices and the shorn weed's goo leaked out around the plant's massive rod. Everywhere that the thing's seed touched her seemed to relieve the burning need that had dominated her thoughts since she'd taken the pollen shot to the face, and replaced it with the most incredible physical pleasure she'd ever felt in her life. Only one place seemed unreachable by the plant's touch, the very deepest part of her depths, where a pressure was rapidly building and the burning need was growing exponentially with every buck of her hips.

Perhaps thankfully for Elysia's already punished body, the bubble was to burst exceedingly quickly. After a few moments of furious bucking of her hips, the need to be filled never fully sated solely by the plant's shaft but wonderful in its own right, Elysia's muscles suddenly began to spasm and contract around the plant as she orgasmed. Her tongue-work, if she had continued it, bore fruit in the form of a single piercing moan from Lavender, the farmer's body shuddering uncontrollably as she clutched at Elysia and coated the seamstress's face in copious amounts of her love honey. And, finally, her bliss was complete when the plant's stamen shuddered and erupted like a volcano, spewing warm goo up into her depths and finally quenching the fiery need burning inside of her. The fresh weed proved to follow Lavender's earlier statement, as it poured out more of its delightful blue goo than she had been able to extract from the other plant using her hands and her mouth combined.

Torrents of the plant's cum spewed down its shaft as the excess was squeezed out of Elysia by her own clenching inner walls, but much of it remained trapped inside of her to the point that she felt her womb fill all the way up, and even began to expand until it formed a bulge in her previously flat tummy. The shorn weed seemed to cum forever, emptying itself into her in an effort to ensure that she bore the fruit of its seed, and so long as it came Elysia's own orgasm went on, not ending until well after Lavender's, until finally the last few spurts of blue goo had been fired up into her and she was allowed to relax. When they had all finally come down from their respective orgasms, Elysia felt full and bloated with the plant's warm goo, and Lavender paused in her panting to gently pull her shaking leg from around Elysia and stumble off of the shorn weed.

Turning back to Elysia, she looked mortified as she glanced at her belly, and said; "Oh shit.... Alaric's going to kill me! I was supposed to take care of you, and now...." She trailed off, and then went pale as a familiar baritone voice sounded from around where the door was; "And now, what!?" Lavender turned her head extremely slowly, and if Elysia glanced that way she would see Alaric standing slightly bent in the frame of the door leading out into the yard containing the mutant weeds that the pink haired woman farmed. ".....Uuhhhhhhhhmmm.... Hi... Alaric... How.... How's it going?" Lavender said breathlessly, momentarily not realizing that she was naked and then quickly trying to cover up once she did. Alaric did not look amused, though it wasn't that far from his normal lack of expression, and it was nothing compared to the look of supreme fury that Elysia might remember from the night in which he'd found her in his home surrounded by a dozen men.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

As she felt the odd plant start to squirt its juices into her quivering depths, Elysia whimpered under her breath, finding it increasingly difficult to remain focused on providing Lavender with the same level of oral service that she had been giving up until that point. At this point, she was hungry for practically any kind of sexual contact, and providing the pink-haired beauty with cunnilingus helped sate that fire which burned deep within, but the overwhelming sensation of being cummed inside, in addition, was just too much. It practically made her head spin as it set her off, causing her hips to buck uncontrollably, pumping the shorn desperately for the entirety of its contents. She had to sublimate the incredible feeling somehow, and she did in the form of a loud, passionate cry, having no choice but to pause her devoted treatment to Lavender's cunny.

"Nnnh... nnhahh, ah, ah, AAH! OOOH~!" The farmer could feel her partner yelping and clutching at her rump firmly, in an attempt to brace herself from the repeated orgasms that crept up on her and pummeled her senses repeatedly. Elysia made some weak attempts to return to giving the other girl's pussy a thorough cleaning, though she hardly stayed quiet throughout the remainder of the session as the plant continued to discharge its potent seed into her womb, driving her mad with lust.

She did manage to return to a more steady rhythm in helping Lavender get there as well, dragging the full length of her tongue up and down the vixen's crevice and prioritizing that sensitive nub of hers in the process. While she did this, she would gyrate her hips, savoring the feel of the goo quenching her inner fire, letting it paint her interior fully. Even after the other woman had ridden out the duration of her orgasm, Elysia remained on all fours, riding the thing as if it were most precious to her. Had she been in such a state with Typhon and his gang, the possibility of Alaric walking into the seamstress happily pleasing a dozen men wouldn't have been out of the question. However, the haze clouding her mind slowly lifted away, little by little, with each forceful spurt of the shorn's goopy gift, until its final explosion sent her into an overwhelming, almost violent, shuddering orgasm, which Elysia indulged in with a prolonged "Ooooooooooohhhhhhh~~~" before collapsing and allowing her senses to return.

Her belly was distended from having so much of the creature's cum fill her, and though her normally tight pussy was now somewhat gaped thanks to the thing's natural girth, it still couldn't leak fast enough to return her to normal before the last person she would ever want to see like this walked in. She could hardly even respond to Lavender's panicked comment, instead giving her something of a groggy stare, though the seamstress seemed to sober up pretty quickly when the familiar blacksmith appeared before her.

While her mental and emotional faculties returned to normal in a matter of seconds, her tummy did not, and as such the hulking craftsman was treated to the sight of the seamstress laying upon the shorn, completely naked with its blue spunk leaking from between her legs. She tried her best to cover up, but needless to say, it didn't help much. A deep blush made it way over her face, if it wasn't there already, and she gave him a most pathetic look. Elysia was beyond embarrassed at this point--she could simply curl up and die in this situation. Or at the very least, she wanted to, but she was forced to deal with Alaric's less than amused expression, and it made her tear up. "I-I... I'm sorry...I can explain! I was caught in the face by one of t-these weeds... uuuuu..." She could only grimace under his stern glare, biting her lower lip, her gaze lowering after the statement.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Alaric's scowl was not alleviated by Elysia's words, though he largely directed his gaze onto Lavender as she made similarly vain efforts to cover her nudity. "That's right, neither of us meant for this to happen! I was just showing her how I harvest, but when I let Elysia try her hand at collecting the pollen it was just.... Well, a little bit too fast for her is all!" Alaric's very first question caused the pink-haired woman's expression to become one of shame; "Did you show her first?" Frowning and looking away, she replied; "N.. No...."

Alaric, in the same just slightly abrasive tone, next asked; "Did you think to stay far enough away that the burst of pollen wouldn't hit you too?" Lavender's gaze edged a little further away from the blacksmith, and her voice was a little bit lower as she once more answered in the negative. Taking in a deep breath as his gaze remained, unwavering, upon the farmer, Alaric then turned and strode into the farmer's house, only to emerge a moment later carrying a set of rags. He stepped forward and then handed them to Elysia, really looking at her for the first time since he'd walked out into the field. His voice was back to normal, emotionless verging on cold as he addressed the seamstress; "Here, you don't want any of that getting on your clothes. It takes weeks to wash out completely. Are you alright?" He gazed into her eyes rather forcefully at that question, all but forcing her to meet his gaze through his stare alone.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia couldn't help but wince at Alaric's sharp tone, the guilty look about her sharpening to match that of Lavender's as he went on. She felt foolish, and he had a good way of increasing that sentiment within her, even though most of his lecture was directed towards the shorn farmer. When he returned with the rags, she meekly reached out to accept it, unable to help herself in releasing a tiny moan when his hand made brief contact with hers. After all, she was still somewhat sensitive from the effects of the shorn's lust-inducing blast. Unfortunately for the seamstress, her body told the story well, from the deep flush across her face and chest, her almost painfully hardened nipples, and of course her swollen nethers, which continued to ooze blue liquid onto the ground as her tummy gradually deflated. She could still smell the remnants of the sweet-smelling substance, and when she looked into Alaric's eyes, it made things worse, as even her strong sense of shame couldn't keep her from internally fantasizing about him. That well-muscled frame of his moving steadily on top of hers, driving into her over and over again as she clung to him, crying out lewdly, to make for the one sexual experience she truly wouldn't mind having. But that possibility was likely long gone now, with it not being once, but twice that he had caught her in this most embarrassing fashion.

Despite the nagging pull of her own libido, Elysia sighed, her will giving way to that of the imposing blacksmith's when she finally snapped out of her momentary daze. Though her physical signs of arousal still lingered, as well as burned deep inside of her, she could still speak coherently, at least. "Thank you... I'll manage. I apologize, I... I really should have been more careful as well."

The tailoress took a deep breath before continuing in a somewhat lower voice. "I'm sure I must come off as some kind of harlot to you by now, what with the ways we've been running into each other..." As far as she was concerned, it probably didn't matter what she said--perhaps he would always look at her with those cold eyes from now on. But she had to try, at the very least, to say something in her defense. "But, I'm usually not this careless. I just... I feel as if I've let my guard down too easily without realizing the dangers that existed outside of my village. I truly didn't mean to inconvenience you in such a manner," she explained, looking up at him tentatively.

She couldn't yet bring herself to tell him that it was thoughts of him that brought her guard down--laying down in his bed half-naked with the thought of him gently waking her up, or doing her best in Lavender's farm in the hopes of making herself useful to those in Blinlock. Those same distracting notions that, in a roundabout way, would ironically cause her to appear so awkwardly to him. Elysia gave him a longing look, yet couldn't bring herself to move. Inwardly, she cursed herself for her lack of courage in such a matter. Nonetheless, Alaric's stern gaze held enough pressure to at least coax the truth from her in the form of words only half a minute later. "You... know how I feel, don't you?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Alaric, perhaps to his credit, kept his gaze centered perfectly on Elysia's face rather than on her numerous signs of arousal, though whether the man's iron stare was any real comfort to her in that situation was something up to her to decide. The man showed no inclinations toward seeing the fantasies playing out behind her eyes, but at this distance Elysia could smell his thick scent over that of the shorn sap, a heavy scent that bespoke sweat wrought from dedicated toil and the tools of his numerous crafts; brimstone and mortar and sawdust. It wouldn't have been a particularly pleasant odor normally, though hardly unbearable by any means, but in her excited state it only caused Elysia's lust for the blacksmith to intensify.

"You needn't apologize Elysia," Alaric replied softly, "You did not know of the dangers. It was Lavender's task to warn you of the perils of her work, and she clearly did not do so adequately." The pink haired woman scowled, "Now wait just a minute! This was an accident! I told her that it was dangerous, I did! But sometimes this sort of thing happens in my line of work. We weren't hurt or anything by it, I'm just out a little bit of my crop for today!" Alaric's gaze turned stony as he slowly turned toward her, "Had you instructed her properly, or perhaps not involved her in this, the most dangerous aspect of your profession, she might not have had this happen. Elysia is already recovering from a violent attack. I cannot speak for her, but I doubt that this has helped her at all!"

Lavender's scowl became a frown, and her reply was much softer than her outburst had been, "I know... But it's not my fault that a bunch of bandits snuck into your house while you were away and beat the stuffing out of her!" She bit off what she was going to say next, looking aghast at herself, "I'm sorry Elysia... You probably don't want to be reminded of that... I'll... Uhh... Go inside and let you two finish up..."

Lavender's departure allowed Elysia an opportunity to speak her suppositions regarding Alaric's opinion of her without the other woman present, and Alaric's expression softened considerably with Lavender gone. "No... I don't think that of you at all Elysia. My concerns at finding you like this repeatedly are due to my worries for you, I will not look upon you with disdain for things that are beyond your control. This, and what happened last night... They weren't your fault, not really. I just... Don't want to see you harmed by the malice... Or the foolishness of others. The only ones that know the truth of what happened last night are Eartha and myself, and so long as you desire it your secret will stay as such."

When she offered her hesitant admission about her feelings toward him, his frown became a more introspective one, and he waited a moment before offering his reply; "Yes, I know." After a moment, a slight smile came across his face, clearly a rare occurrence judging by the lines on the blacksmith's face, and he added; "But... If I am to see you naked on a regular basis, my preference would err towards myself being the one to remove your clothing." He allowed silence to fall between them, and even as difficult to read as he was, Elysia somehow sensed that Alaric was very nervous about the reception of his casually delivered innuendo.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The woman's eyes fluttered slightly as she gazed upon Alaric's granite countenance, caught in the spell of his pheromones. It only made things considerably worse for her, the seamstress's attempts to not gawk at him growing more futile by the second. Perspiration framed her lovely visage, though it wasn't so much due to her recent tryst with Lavender and the shorn so much as it was the embarrassment of having to look her crush in the eye while in such a state. No amount of apologies would reverse the situation, this she knew well, and yet Elysia couldn't help but do so.

"No, it's--..." She couldn't help but frown upon hearing the pink-haired farmer's response, interrupted from her train of thought by a sentence she felt was rather uncalled for. The tailoress turned her gaze downward, refusing to look at Lavender directly, but only replying to her apology. "That's quite alright," she trailed off.

Naturally, it wasn't, but she was in no place to be harsh about it; Elysia could figure at this point that she had merely ended up being an unwitting guest in a nearly everyday occurrence in the farmer's daily operations. And it wasn't exactly unpleasant, per se--perhaps it was the sheer strength of the shorn's pollen, goo, or a combination of both. Either way, she simply couldn't categorize it the same way she did the incident with Typhon. Those twelve men from Laerwick... they knew her, for the most part. They had greeted her in passing, some had clothes tailored by her; and while only one or two of them had outright exhibited any form of lewd behavior towards her in the past, all of them ultimately had little qualms about stealing a moment's pleasure at her expense. The bubbly Lavender, on the other hand, was probably foolish, at worst. That, she could truly believe to be an accident, though the farmer's response to Alaric's accusations was somewhat less appreciated.

Looking back up at the blacksmith, Elysia could feel her heart sinking down towards her stomach, and had started making a sad attempt to cover herself better with the rags in hand before he delivered a rather unexpected reply to her question. Her eyes widened as she simply stared at him for several very awkward moments; never before had such a statement taken her off-guard the way this one had. For a man that the pretty craftswoman had put up on a pedestal, in some ways, he still managed to hint at least a partial return of those feelings. She was so sure that if anyone had seen as much of her as he had, perhaps even the most devoted admirers would think twice about falling for her. Or maybe it was just her body... she couldn't tell anymore, though it was much harder to associate Alaric with that kind of behavior, considering how many opportunities he had in the past. Either way, she was thoroughly flattered, and her expression gave away that truth in spades.

For someone as concerned with their own emotions as she was, however, Elysia could still discern a sense of nervousness coming from the blacksmith, something she had never seen from him before, and she responded by leaning into him. He was so warm to her, she couldn't help but smile. To be held, to be told it was alright, was all she really wanted to have from someone, especially since she left home... and the possibility of Alaric being the man to provide just that for her was utterly uplifting. "That would be... my preference, too."

In a meek voice, she asked, "... Is Eartha done with her potion yet? I'd like to take it... and if you are done with the day's work, may I stay at your home for the night? As long as you are there, I think I'd feel more than safe."