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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 46/90, status = Fine

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for now I guess

Mia took the waterskin from Misty, thanking her as she did so and letting out a little "Eep!" when her butt was pinched by the kitsune as she jumped a little from where she sat, where she then tipped it up and didn't stop drinking until it was empty. When she was through drinking the water, Mia glanced over to where Misty was preparing the food for her, the egg which hadn't developed any thankfully was there to be scrambled by her for Mia to eat.

"T-Thank you Misty, You're so kind," Mia said when Misty offered her the food, smiling a little shyly at her as she brushed her hair back behind one of her fluffy cat ears, which twitched a little bit as she sat there. Mia took a bite of the scrambled egg and her eyes and face lit up. "Gods, this is some of the best food I've eaten in a long time... you're a really good cook Misty," Mia then said after swallowing the bit of egg she had just chewed up.

With that, Mia tore a piece of the bread in two and stuffed all of the jerky onto it along with the rest of the egg, apparently wanting to eat it all at the same time. It didn't exactly take Mia long to devour all that Misty gave her to eat, the cat girl also draining another waterskin's worth of water in the process if Misty didn't mind giving her another or refilling the first for her.

"So... may I ask what you're doing way out here Misty? Are you on the run from those foul creatures too?" Mia asked as she finished up eating, rubbing her belly now that it was full, her tail swishing around behind her with a little more strength than it had before. "And also... um... what did you have in mind when you said we'll be able to think of something about repaying you? D-Did you want... t-that? B-Because I'm... not very experienced... if that's what you meant. B-But I'd... be willing to do that in order to repay you... if that's what you want that is," Mia then asked, her voice getting a little shaky and sounding and looking a little bit afraid as she gently squeezed her thighs and rubbed them together. Mia then took a deep breath and let it out before slowly and shyly lowering the blanket around her, showing her quite ample breasts to Misty as she looked away slightly, blushing cutely.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Oh shush, flatterer~" Misty replied bashfully when her cooking was complimented, "You're just so hungry that you can't tell how bad it is!" She enjoyed the compliment, but didn't take it to heart. She'd had good cooking before, and the kitsune was sure that her own efforts using rudimentary equipment and materials weren't impressive in comparison. She watched the neko scarf down her meal and drain another waterskin with a smile, her tail wagging back and forth behind her, and when she was done the girl's question drew a slight chuckle from the kitsune.

"I'm just out wandering, I don't really have any place to stay... So I just live off the land!" she said evenly, and when the girl went on to her more awkward question the kitsune's smile became a sly smirk. "Oh, I must certainly meant that~" she said bluntly, and as she allowed the blankets covering her to drop, exposing her full pert breasts, Misty rose to her hands and knees and started to crawl toward her. "You are a delicious little morsel, Mia...." she purred softly, "...And I'd love to just gobble you all up!"

Misty reached her a moment later, and slowly leaned forward to kiss the girl gently on the mouth. She didn't go for tongue at first, but after parting and restarting the kiss several times across several long moments, Misty's tongue flicked out against Mia's lower lip just as her hands reached up and began to smooth against the other girl's sides. After kissing her and carressing her sides for another few moments, Misty pulled Mia's tongue into her mouth and then pulled away slowly with it still trapped between her own lips, pulling her forward slightly by her tongue before parting and letting it come free with a pop, leaving a trail of saliva to briefly hang suspended between their mouths. After that, Misty started kissing her way down Mia's chin, down her neck to nibble lightly at her collar, before finally descending towards her chest with a series of light kisses and nibbles.

The tip of her breast was left untouched at first, as Misty opted to circle them with her mouth and dextrous tongue initially, but after another moment she gave Mia a taste of what she was in store for. Kissing the tip of the su-ku-ta's breast, she flicked her tongue lightly against it before coiling the agile muscle around the sensitive little nub. She paid her teasing attentions to one of Mia's nipple for a few minutes, draining tiny portions of her soul all the while, before pulling away and straightening. "But I won't force anything on you!" she said brightly, no traces of arousal visible on Misty herself save for a slight blush. "I won't lie to you, I AM a succubus~ I won't hurt you, but you'll probably be out for a little while after we're done. If you agree... I'll be happy to fuck your little brains out all day!" While she said that, Misty allowed her flow of energy to her minion to cease, allowing it to crumble.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 66/90, status = Fine
HP = 57, PP = 3/46, EP = 23/45, Status = Horny

Foreplay against Mia: auto hit, as she wasn't trying to really stop Misty. 7 + 29 + 7(from Mia's flaws and mutations) = 43 PP dmg to Mia, draining 22 EP in the process, and dealing 43 CP to Mia. Misty regains 22 EP from the draining, and Mia gains the Horny status(because of certain flaws and mutations).

"I-I'm not t-trying to flatter you... it really was good I thought. And that sounds like fun... living off the land like that and all," Mia said just before lowering her blanket, seeming to be sincere in what she was saying about Misty's cooking abilities. When Mia did drop her blanket though and Misty spoke again though, calling her a delicious little morsel that she'd just love to gobble up, Mia blushed red as a beet. "I-I've been told t-that I'm p-pretty before now. But I mmph..." Mia began saying, letting out a muffled moan as Misty pressed her lips against Mia's.

Mia looked a bit frightened when Misty was so straight forward and kissed her, the young neko moaning softly as Misty kissed her over and over at first, and when Misty pushed her tongue out to flick at Mia's lower lips as her hands caressed Mia's sides, Mia went a bit limp in Misty's arms. When Misty pulled Mia's tongue into her mouth and kissed her so deeply, Mia's eyes fluttered a bit until Mia finished kissing her, the young neko panting profusely as she stared at the strand of saliva stretching between their lips. When Misty had pulled Mia's tongue into her mouth, she would be able to tell that it was a rough catlike tongue that Mia had in her mouth. Nibbling at Mia's neck as she rained kisses and nibbles down Mia's body, Misty would see her companion beginning to shudder, both in fear and in anticipation it looked like. When Misty reached Mia's breasts and began kissing them, Mia gasped softly, her eyes fluttering again.

Mia merely sat there while Misty licked and suckled on the young catgirl's nipples, the little cherry nubs quickly hardening thanks to Misty's actions. Almost as soon as Misty had licked and nibbled Mia's nipples, she would taste a few droplets of milk beginning to bead up on the tips of them as the cat girl mewled, seeming to know what was happening as she tried to hide her face in her hands, looking embarrassed about it, though Misty on the other hand when she tasted the sweet delicious tasting milk on her tongue she would feel slightly rejuvenated for some reason. The draining from Misty causing Mia's eyelids to droop a bit, making Mia look slightly tired, but she was able to shake that away as Misty pulled away, saying that she wouldn't force Mia into anything, which made Mia looked a bit relieved as she sat there blushing with arousal and Misty could see the bedroll that Mia had slept on had a wet spot slowly growing around Mia's crotch area. "S-So you'll d-drain me dry like those... like those beasts can do?" Mia asked timidly, a hint of fear in her voice Misty could tell, though there was a lot of pleasure in there as well and it was visibly clear that she was aroused Misty saw and she could also see that Mia was quite close already to her release after only the foreplay, indicating perhaps that Mia was already greatly in need. Misty's wooden minion meanwhile merely went a little slack, the power holding it together having been pulled out of it, it simply powered down in a sense, just sitting there waiting for her to either bring it back or simply use the wood for her fire.

Then, just as she'd gotten rid of her minion and during the time it took her to do that, Misty would see Mia getting on her hands and knees much like she'd just been herself, the catgirl's tail swishing playfully around in the air behind her and an almost feral look of need in her eyes as she stared at Misty, slowly shaking her butt from side to side. "Yessss... Misty please... fuck me. Fuck me silly," Mia said in a low hiss as she began crawling towards Misty, her fear from only a few moments before all but forgotten as she moved towards the young kitsune, who was likely a little either a little confused or intrigued, or a little of both at this sudden change from scared and fearful to horny and willing.

Misty didn't have much time to decide on what to do, as Mia soon made her way over to her, her breasts dripping their milk all the while, where she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Misty's, initiating the kiss herself this time around. Mia's rough catlike tongue dove straight into Misty's mouth, where she then began pressing her body against Misty, a needy look in her eyes and on her face... an almost... pitiful look that was all but asking... no all but begging Misty to fuck her. It was up to Misty really on what to do here.

I did the combat type rolls for PP dmg and such to see if I could do it and add it up correctly without messing up, which I'm pretty sure I did. Mia has 1 instance of Sensitive and the Lactation mutation which adds in the 7 extra PP dmg she took, as Misty did target Mia's breasts at one point during all of that foreplay. Though a question about foreplay in DG. Does it still drain the same amount through Soul Eater mutation as penetrative sex? Also if you'd like I can PM you a copy of Mia's character sheet, and yes I made one for her, as I'm seeing her as a long term NPC ally for Misty, since she probably doesn't have a home to return to and all. Unless Misty either kitsune drains her to death, or doesn't want her to stay and leaves her while she's asleep, though Mia could of course try and follow her.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

The milk came as something of a surprise, but a pleasant one to be sure. Misty certainly didn't mind, and given that she wasn't visibly pregnant and that su-ku-ta didn't naturally lactate as far as she knew, it stood to reason that the girl had a few mutations to her name. Suckling gently and moaning as she drank more of Mia's sweet milk, Misty was caught off guard by the girl's question, but then immediately pulled off and gave her an affronted look. "I am not like them!" she said angrily, "That's a very mean comparison to make! I'm not going to kill you and turn you into some mutant slave! I'm just going to take a few nibbles to replenish what I used to make that potion~"

The kitsune's ire proved easy to dispel, however, as the lust that suddenly overcame the other girl took her by surprise. The feral, needy look that she gave Misty had the kitsune smiling slyly, her tail flitting back and forth behind her as she leaned forward and joined another kiss with the suddenly horny neko. This one was deeper, and last longer as Misty simultaneously put her skilled hands to their favorite sort of work, that of exploring a new partner's body. She felt Mia all over while kissing her, rubbing over her milk-dribbling breasts, over her taught tummy, and down her sides, and when she was satisfied with her explorations Misty got more serious. She pushed forward slightly, leaving Mia on her hips while she crawled a few inches up and slowly slid one hand down between the neko's legs to rub over her drooling slit, the other reaching around to cup the cat-girl's soft bottom.

She kept her rubbing light and teasing at first, but only so that she could break the kiss a few moments after starting it to trail kisses down Mia's front, returning to her chest so that she could drink more of the neko's delicious milk. After suckling on her and rubbing her petals for a few moments, Misty slipped a finger into Mia's pussy, and gave it a few slow pumps before adding a second and giving a few more. Her tempo steadily increased, and after a few moments she added a third finger to those pumping into Mia's sex. Misty was gentle enough that it never hurt, but was merciless in causing the cat-girl pleasure, pushing her right up to the point of orgasm and well beyond it, not stopping her rapid hand motions or the light suckling and licking of Mia's breasts until the other girl was basking in the afterglow of her first orgasm. Mia's soul went largely untouched throughout it, though Misty knew instinctively that she could have drained her dry, or even consumed her entirely during her orgasm.

Pulling gently away from the kiss but leaving a tiny strand of saliva between them, Misty looked into Mia's eyes for a moment before pulling further away and removing her fingers from the girl's sex. Slowly, Misty pulled off her robe, revealing the fairly simplistic undergarments that she had underneath, a matching white bra and panties. The bra came off next, and was tossed aside onto her discarded robe as she said; "I hope you enjoyed that Mia~ You have such a cute body... I hope you'll let me indulge in you often in the future! For now though, I hope you'll indulge my desires by...." She slipped her panties down her legs, rising slightly to get them past her knees, and after they were off a cock sprung slowly from her crotch, rising up to a full ten inches in length and over an inch thick, already fully hard and ready to go. "...Returning the favor I just gave? Just for a bit, then we can get to the main course~"
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 43/65, EP = 66/90, status = Fine

HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 23/45, Status = Horny

Again the rolls for this are to make sure I can do them all without screwing up, as Misty is taking some PP dmg this turn and stuff.

Anyway though, Misty easily pushed Mia over the edge and into orgasm, so won't bother showing just how much it did, but since this isn't actually a battle per se I'm not forcing the stun for a turn to either of them if that's alright. Misty though took a total of 22 PP dmg from Mia, 17 + 5(sensitive).

Also a quick question as I wasn't entirely certain. Did Misty try and EP drain Mia any at all this turn? If so then I'll edit it in, but if she does then she'll likely knock her out this turn and won't be able to have sex.

"I'm sorry... Misty... I've only ever seen those things do that. I had no idea that people had the power to do it too," Mia replied to Misty as she swished her tail in the air behind her, her cheeks pink with arousal.

As Mia sat there in Misty's lap the two of them shared kiss after kiss, with Mia's hands roaming all over Misty's body almost as much as Misty's were to the catgirl. When Misty's hands traveled over Mia's belly, the young catgirl giggled ticklishly and wriggled around, but didn't try and get away, seeming to enjoy it. Then Mia returned the favor an ran her rough catlike tongue across Misty's neck before nibbling softly on her, leaving a hickey. As Misty's hands worked however and one came to grasp Mia's tight plush little ass, while the other dove in and began rubbing the young catgirl's lower lips, Mia's entire body trembled. It seemed that she was quite sensitive from the way she trembled in Misty's arms, likely indicating that she was greatly enjoying Misty's ministrations.

Mia sat there in Misty's lap as she broke their kiss to kiss Mia's body all down her front, and when Misty began suckling on her nipples again, milk splashed out and filled her mouth with delicious sweet liquid. When Misty added a second and soon after a third finger to the mix down between Mia's legs, Mia's entire body shuddered, and when Misty drove her over the edge and well into her first orgasm, Mia's panting moans filled the little overhang of the hillside and the area surrounding they were at, her juices squirting out of her and drenching Misty's hand.

Mia's eyes were glued to the strand of saliva connecting the two of them together until Misty pulled her hands away and began disrobing herself, at which point Mia's eyes traveled down to Misty's body and the white bra and panties she had on underneath them. "Oh yes... I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it lots," Mia replied lustily as Misty took her bra off and then her panties, watching intently. When Misty's cock began growing out of her body, Mia's eyes went wide as she let out a soft gasp, though it wasn't a gasp of fear or surprise... it was a happy sort of gasp and Mia looked almost ecstatic.

Mia didn't even give a verbal reply to Misty's request and simply dove in at Misty's crotch, her rough catlike tongue up Misty's length. Mia did this a few times, running her tongue up and down Misty's length, getting it all lubed up with her saliva. After a few more licks, Mia opened her mouth and Misty would feel the young catgirl's lips wrapping around her member as she began gently suckling on her, though she didn't go too fast or hard, seeming to instinctively know how much of either she could go without pushing Misty over the edge too quickly. Mia would continue giving Misty her blowjob, her head bobbing up and down over Misty's member as she made noisy lewd slurping and suckling sounds until either Misty made her stop, or until Misty blew her load, the latter of which Mia seemed to be trying for after a full minute of her sucking. If Misty didn't stop Mia, then the young catgirl would keep sucking her member quite expertly, almost like she was a natural at it, until she caused Misty to blow her load, which Mia would catch it all in her mouth before pulling back, letting Misty watch her play with it in her mouth a little bit before she swallowed every drop of it.

Regardless of whether or not Misty made Mia stop before she reached her peak, when Mia was through either way she would lay back on the bedroll and gently spread her legs wide. Then she would use one hand as she reached down between her legs and spread her lower lips open for Misty to see... and Mia looked tight as hell to say the least, and Misty would see Mia beckoning her over to her at this point with her other hand, her finger motioning for her to come closer. "Come on Misty... t-take me... fuck me. Make me feel good with that magnificent thing. I want it," Mia whispered to Misty in a lust filled voice, making it easy for Misty to tell that Mia was horny as hell and wouldn't say no to her fucking her silly. "J-Just... please try and do something for me. Don't get me pregnant. I'm not ready for a baby just yet, especially out here in the wild where I can't take care of one," Mia then said, her mind seeming to clear momentarily from the heavy lust that had settled in her, but she was still obviously horny from the look on her face. It also appeared that Mia had seen girls before that had a penis like Misty, as it didn't seem to surprise her any at all, which was probably good that she didn't freak out or anything over it.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Eh, I forgot to do my ooc replies last post. You did the numbers for pleasure damage right, assuming Misty did a total of 7 off of her dice. I tend to divide the dice when there's more than one to show. She didn't try to drain Mia this turn, as was stated in ye fluff, It should be noted that one can continue to drain past 0 EP, and Misty would keep getting energy off of it, that's just the point at which someone's too weak to fight back. Foreplay drains just as much as penetrative sex, as it's still based on how much PP damage is dealt. I don't need Mia's sheet, and would honestly prefer to not see it, as I'd rather roleplay learning about her skills than just know them off the bat. Also, it should be noted that summons never cost upkeep, as they can draw energy to sustain themselves from the air around them. They'd only last at most a day if not moving, but they'd never take more EP from their summoner regardless of type.

Also, sorry about the long ass wait @.@

Misty smiled at the ecstatic look that came over Mia's face as the cat-girl took in the sight of her cock for the first time, and when Mia wordlessly dove down with clear eagerness to fulfill her request the kitsune couldn't help but let out a brief giggle. That sound quickly turned into a low moan as Mia actually got to work employing her rough tongue on the kitsune's fully hardened cock, running it along Misty's length in a manner that caused her to let out a series of low, contented moans. "Do you like the taste sweetheart?" she cooed softly, and ran her fingers lightly through the cat-girl's hair while sitting back and enjoying the rough tongue lapping at her cock.

"Mmmmm~ You must like it if you're sucking on it like that!" she added after Mia opened her mouth and started to suck on her. No resistance came from Misty as she began to bob her head, sending delightful shivers of pleasure up the kitsune's spine with every motion. Soft gasps and moans and purrs joined the lewd slurping emanating from the cat-girl sucking on her cock, and despite her relaxed position Misty's inner wheels were turning at how skilled the cat-girl was proving to be at performing oral. It became readily apparent after a few moments that Mia was looking to suck her until she came, and Misty had no reason to disagree with that. "Ahhh~ You're so good at that! You must have been a very naughty little kitten~" the kitsune cooed once Mia's steady, insistent bobbing had caused her cock to start throbbing, a sure sign that she was getting ready to cum. Laying a hand on the top of Mia's head to encourage her, Misty knew that she could have probably held out a lot longer if she'd really wanted to, but she had neither reason nor desire to at the moment.

Reveling in the moment, after a few moments more of Mia's enthusiastic attentions Misty would shiver and announce; "Oh Mia! You're gonna make me cum!" Another few bobs was all that it took before Misty erupted into Mia's mouth, shooting wave after wave of hot, thick, unnaturally sweet cum down her throat and onto her tongue. It was far from her biggest load ever, but the kitsune's potency was plain given the deluge of semen that she pumped out for the cat-girl to eagerly swallow. She let out a single low moan throughout her orgasm, but a moment after she'd finished cumming it faded to a slow panting and she opened her eyes again, just in time to see Mia eagerly playing with her seed in her mouth. "You must have REALLY liked the taste then~" she purred softly, after which she reached down and wiped the last dregs of her own seed from the tip of her cock with her index finger. Bringing that sticky finger up to her mouth, Misty gave the tip a lick before sucking the whole thing into her mouth, thoroughly cleaning it of her own cum. She'd been told that she tasted like honey in the past, and while her taste varied like that of anyone else, she generally found that she agreed with that assessment. Today was no exception to that, and after pulling the finger out of her mouth with a lewd pop and a soft moan she said; "Whenever you want some more, you don't even need to ask~"

Beckoned forward, Misty happily leaned forward and crawled toward Mia, licking her lips lewdly at the sight of the cat-girl's dripping flower. "I'm going to give you exactly what you want, sweetheart~" she cooed as she drew nearer, but the cat girl's sudden moment of clarity and her concern of getting pregnant caused Misty a moment of pause. Her lewd grin quickly returned, however, and rather than do as Mia had asked she leaned down and placed her hands on the cat-girl's knees, pushing them wider apart and up, while her mouth descended upon Mia's pussy. She gave the cat-girl's flower an open mouthed kiss, her tongue reaching out and lapping up Mia's love honey while rubbing against her inner petals lovingly for a few moments before divining in deeper. As she'd done with her fingers, Misty's tongue was precise and efficient, discovering and then hitting all of Mia's sweet spots with unerring accuracy, and the kitsune was no more merciful than she'd been before. After lapping at her inner walls with her unnaturally long tongue for a few moments, her dextrous appendage would recede only to wrap around Mia's clit and start squirming around it. Two fingers slipped into Mia's pussy, and after that Misty simply kept at it relentlessly until she had the cat-girl cumming her brains out on her tongue. She would take tiny licks and samples of Mia's essence throughout, never enough to do more than send an added shiver of pleasure up her partner's spine but present nonetheless, and after she'd come down from her second orgasm Misty would simply continue the same, flicking her tongue rapidly against Mia's clit and pumping her fingers into her pussy as if she intended to make her cum like that again.

Misty had other plans, however, as she pushed Mia right to the edge before suddenly pulling her fingers out and setting her tongue to draw slow circles around the cat-girl's sensitive love button, teasing her. She kept that up for a few moments before giving Mia's clit a series of light licks, pushing her back towards the edge, and then reverting back to teasing. The next time she stopped, however, Misty pulled away entirely and crawled on top of her. The kitsune's tail had been flitting back and forth excitedly ever since Mia had started sucking on her, but now it began to actively wag as she moved into position. Closing her eyes as she lowered herself down onto Mia so that their breasts pancaked together, Misty pressed her mouth against Mia's in a deep kiss, giving her a taste of her own love juices while she lined her cock up with the cat-girl's pussy. One slow, smooth thrust had Misty fully engulfed within the cat-girl's love tunnel, causing Misty to moan softly into their kiss as Mia's clenching tightness gripped around her cock. Her hips began to buck in quick, firm pulses that aimed her member at the sensitive spots that her fingers and her tongue had discovered earlier, and though it was sorely tempting to surrender herself to Mia's wonderful tightness immediately Misty resisted her urge to spill her seed as quickly as she could and shut out as much of her own pleasure as she could.

Her tail wagging excitedly, Misty plowed into Mia with quick rapid rolls of her hips that caused their breasts to rub together, adding to their mutual waves of stimulation. Her teasing done, Misty once more began to very lightly drain Mia, feeding off of her soul in tiny nibbles that wouldn't leave her unconscious but still partially replenish her and add to the excitement that Mia was experiencing. She didn't stop until she'd brought Mia to yet another orgasm, through which she'd withhold her own climax with gritted teeth while continuing to slowly thrust into the squirming su-ku-ta beneath her, but when Mia came through her climax Misty broke their kiss to whisper; "You're squeezing me so tight Mia! Nnnn~ I just wanna fill you up right now!" Her pumping suddenly became more vigorous, abandoning accuracy in exchange for ferocity, but on Misty went between her moans of pleasure; "Aaahh! So good.... Do you still want me to... Pull out?"
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 1/65, EP = 87/90, status = Fine

HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 2/45, Status = Horny

Mia's legs parted even further for Misty when the kitsune pushed them apart and when Misty lowered her mouth down onto Mia's flower, Mia let out a mewl of pleasure as Misty's tongue delved into her. Mia simply lay there mewling and moaning at the pleasure Misty was bringing her, tossing her head back and forth as she did so. When she added her fingers to the mix, Misty would hear Mia's moans escalate to a higher pitch as she squealed happily, her tight folds squeezing on Misty's fingers and tongue. It didn't take long after that before Mia arched her back, cumming hard as her juices squirted out of her and into Misty's mouth, with bits of her soul energies as well.

"Oh gods Misty... m-more. I love it, I loved your taste too... I love everything about this, I... I don't know why," Mia panted as Misty shifted positions on top of her, shaking her head back and forth a bit as if trying to force herself to understand why she was acting like this, what part of her tail that wasn't trapped underneath her swishing about as Misty's did the same.

When Misty pressed her lips against Mia's, Mia pressed back, kissing with as much fervor as she could muster in her lust hazed mind. Then, when Misty thrust into Mia, the young catgirl broke the kiss and screamed in ecstasy, her head tilting back as she did so, giving Misty ample opportunity to nip at Mia's neck if she wished. As she lay there under Misty, Mia writhed around for about half a minute before wrapping her legs around Misty's waist, lost in the pleasure of the moment to much to care what she was doing any longer. Mia didn't look scared any longer as Misty began draining her again, simply enjoying the sensations that the kitsune was bringing her as she rolled her hips in time with Misty's to bring them both the maximum amount of pleasure they could both get. Misty would find it tough to hold out against the sheer tightness of Mia's pussy, which was expertly milking her throbbing cock the entire time, not letting up on the grip it had for even a second.

"C-Can't... h-hold it M-Misty. C-Cumming," Mia panted as Misty's breasts squished against Mia's, their nipples rubbing against one another as Mia wrapped her arms around Misty's body, her claws digging into Misty's back hard, though not hard enough to draw blood thankfully as she held on for dear life. Then her next climax washed over her, hitting her hard enough to cause her eyes to roll up into her head.

"N-Not... i-inside please. C-Can't t-t-take care of... a b-baby... out here," Mia panted breathlessly at Misty's question, barely audible as she spoke. As Misty finished up with Mia, all Mia could really do at this point was lay there twitching underneath Misty, so there wasn't really anything to stop Misty from doing so if she truly wished to finish inside of Mia.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Distracted though she might be by the steady rise of her own orgasm, Misty couldn't help but be impressed by Mia's ability to keep a clear head under the fucking that she was getting. She knew that she was probably giving the girl the sex of a lifetime as a matter of course, and the kitsune had seen men and women both reduced to senseless piles of meat by her skills, unable to summon a coherent word much less a full sentence. She'd only just barely kept from knocking Mia out completely during her last orgasm, having reigned in her draining a good bit less than before, and all those factors together suggested a surprising degree of willpower on the su-ku-ta's part. It cost Misty more or less nothing to acquiesce to her partner's desires anyway, and so Misty opted to resist the instinctive urge to pump the cat-girl full of her potent seed.

Mia's tight pussy almost didn't leave her with that option, particularly given that the su-ku-ta's legs were still wrapped around her back, but as Misty felt her orgasm rising she mustered the willpower to pull herself out of the warm depths of Mia's sex. "M... Mia! I'm gonna cum!" she half whispered and half screamed into her partner's ear, and when the cat-girl released her she quickly climbed over Mia and aimed her cock at the girl's face. If she was of a mind to, Misty would happily let the cat-girl finish her again with her mouth, but if she was too tired then Misty would simply stroke herself to completion, a process that wouldn't take long at all.

All too soon her cock was spurted rope after rope of hot, thick cum, either into Mia's mouth or onto her face and modest breasts. Her second load was about as voluminous as the first, maybe even a little bit more so, and she made no effort to keep quiet in the process as her moans rose to the same rough volume that Mia's had not too long ago when the kitsune had had her cumming her brains out. When she was finished cumming, Misty would sit back onto her legs with a contented sigh, her cock still giving the occasional twitch but by and large sated.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 0/45, Status = unconscious and snuggling up to Misty's fluffy tail

As Mia continued laying there underneath Misty, the young kitsune had free rein in what she did to her, and Mia was apparently loving every second of it as Misty knocked away at her, despite the fact that Mia was obviously inexperienced when it came to sex, though not totally it seemed. Just as Misty felt her orgasm welling up within her to the point of bursting, she would hear Mia cry out once more in climax as she squeezed down around Misty's length, milking it to the point almost that Misty blew her load before pulling out of Mia. Mia released Misty though at the very last moment possible as Misty yanked herself out of Mia's tight wet folds and moved up towards Mia's face.

"Mrreow... me tooooo!" Mia meowed lewdly as she screamed again in climax as Misty pulled herself out and moved up to Mia's face.

Mia opened her mouth for Misty when her half lidded eyes spotted Misty's member, looking a bit slutty as she lay there and let Misty thrust it inside. Mia's rough catlike tongue licked up the underside of Misty's hard throbbing cock as she sucked, though Mia seemed too weak to push her head forward to push Misty's cock into her throat, but considering that the young Su-Ku-Ta was still recovering from her illness it may not be the best idea to force it. When Misty did explode into Mia's mouth, she would feel Mia pushing on Misty's hips a little bit to try and aim her elsewhere as she sputtered and coughed a little bit from the sheer amount of it. Misty's cock spurted her seed out all over Mia as the young catgirl lay there, swallowing what was in her mouth and panting afterwards as she lay there, barely conscious now as her eyes fluttered and her body twitched from the pleasure overload.

After a minute or so, Mia's twitches and whimpers died down and she went limp once more as she drifted off, having been drained by Misty to the point of unconsciousness playing a large factor in that. Though Mia had managed to barely reach over with one of her hands, where she gently grasped Misty's fluffy fox tail in it, pulling it over and nuzzling against it as she drifted off to sleep while Misty sat there beside her. "Mmm... Misty... was great," Mia mumbled as she snoozed, snuggling up to Misty's tail as she lay there and looking like she had greatly enjoyed her time with Misty.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty didn't even hesitate for a second after Mia opened her mouth, sticking her cock in and thrusting into the cat-girl's mouth until her cock exploded. While her partner hadn't had any trouble swallowing her first load, that had been before she'd fucked the poor thing into exhaustion, and given that she'd only just gotten over her illness Misty didn't intend to try to push the girl. Pulling out as Mia began to choke, Misty was content with stroking out the last few spurts of her load onto the girl's face and chest, a trio of ropes of her warm staining both before the kitsune was finished.

"Mmm~ I had fun too!" she said brightly, and then giggled as Mia snuggled up against her tail. The kitsune wasn't tired herself, but allowed the girl to snuggle up against the fluffy appendage while she simply sat there and basked in her afterglow.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 0/45, Status = unconscious and snuggling up to Misty's fluffy tail

Mia gained a total of CP equal to how much PP dmg Misty did correct? So in that case, if I've added everything up correctly she did enough to make her orgasm a total of 2 times that I did through the EP and PP dmg rolls. So she would have taken a total of twice her max PP right? Which in that case would be a total of 92 I believe, unless I should add in the third orgasm she had after I stopped adding the PP and EP dmg in and stuff in which case it'd be a total of 138, which would give her a mutation. If I'm wrong then let me know so I can fix it alright and I'll do so at the earliest opportunity.

After Misty finished herself off of the last few spurts of her seed and Mia curled up and snuggled into her fluffy fox tail, she would see that Mia was already sound asleep and might not wake back up for a while, so if she wished to do so, then she could snuggle up with the young Su-Ku-Ta girl and doze with her for a time, though that was completely up to her of course.

If she did decide to stay there with Mia until the catgirl woke back up, then Misty would feel Mia snuggling closer against her, rubbing her face against Misty's neck as she did so. "Mmm... meow... Misty... that felt, so goooood," Mia sighed in her sleep as she wriggled around a little bit, seeming to be dreaming about Misty in some way... likely a lewd dream from the way she sounded.

After a short while, maybe an hour or so, unless Misty went to do anything else, Mia stirred and soon woke back up groggily. "Haaaah... what happened?" Mia said with a yawn, stretching back as she rolled away from Misty, assuming she was still laying there that is. If Misty wasn't still laying there by chance, then Mia would still roll around a little bit until she was on her back and then stretch anyway. "All I remember is feeling really really good when we... you know, h-had sex, then I felt really weak and couldn't hold my eyes open any longer," Mia added after her stretch, obviously having trouble remembering what Misty had done to her exactly, or perhaps she merely didn't understand it at all, it was hard for Misty to tell really.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Having no real pressing concerns to worry about at the time, Misty opted to cuddle with her new partner, dozing slightly while curled up beside Mia. Despite how light she attempted to sleep, Misty slept right through Mia's sleep-time ramblings, and didn't really awaken until the cat-girl did about an hour later. Flitting her eyes open slowly, Misty murmured wordlessly and watched Mia stretch before flicking her tail and doing the same. It was an unusually short amount of time that Mia had been out after being so heavily drained, but she'd also been resting for a while before the kitsune had fed on her, so maybe that had something to do with it.

"Oh yes, I most certainly know~" Misty purred lightly, rolling her eyes at the other woman's embarrassed stammering. She'd long ago grown accustomed to such reactions, but they never failed to amuse her on one level or another, and Mia didn't prove to be an exception to that rule. "It's nothing to worry about," the kitsune stated in a factual manner and reassuring tone, "It's just an effect of me taking some bits of your soul. You've already started restoring yourself, and you should feel fine after a few hours, though usually people tell me they get headaches if I feed deeply on them." Brushing Mia's cheek with her fingers, Misty smiled and added; "As I promised, I made sure not to harm you while feeding."
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = awake now and just fine, though a little woozy still from the draining

Was Mia not supposed to regain her EP in about an hour or so of rest? I wasn't entirely sure about the length of time she should have been out and I remember you telling me that most people could recover to max EP in as little as 5 minutes or so in some cases, so I thought an hour was appropriate.

"Oh wow, so... you took my soul from me? Isn't that like... bad and evil stuff?" Mia asked curiously, looking a little apprehensive about the thought of it, though she seemed rather calm considering. "I mean that's what I've always been told anyway, that it's an evil act to take someone's soul from them. But... how can something that feels so good be so bad and evil?" Mia went on to say, her tail swishing around behind her as she rolled over to face Misty on the little bedroll, purring softly as Misty brushed her fingers across Mia's cheek just like a cat.

Mia flopped over onto her back once more and looked up at the ceiling of Misty's little overhang in the rock, like she was thinking about something. "Hmm..." Mia hummed, still thinking about something obviously. "Well you didn't hurt me any at all Misty. Scared me a good bit, that's for sure, but you didn't hurt me really, so you're not evil... to me at least. And I'm still feeling a bit woozy and tired from that, but I can be a bit lazy after first waking up, so that could be what's making me feel this way," Mia went on to say, snuggling up to Misty again, seeming to have decided that she liked Misty apparently.

After a few moments of snuggling, Mia pulled away and looked back up at Misty with a smile on her face. "So... where you headed? Can I come along? I... don't know if I even have a home to go back to really, so... if you don't mind that is, I can tag along with you. I promise I won't be any trouble Misty, I... just don't want to be alone, especially out here," Mia asked Misty, raising up to sit beside the kitsune as she spoke, looking a little hopefully at Misty. It looked like she wanted go go really. But the question was really, did Misty want her to tag along? It was up to her really in the end, though Mia might be useful to have around, plus she'd be able to keep her company out here in the wilds and keep her warm at night when they slept. Or she could have Mia take turns with her to keep watch while the other slept instead.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Nah, it's fine. I tend to fluff people who recover their EP after battle as still tired, but they can use some more energy if they need to.

"I didn't take your soul," Misty explained patiently, having had this discussion before, "I just took the parts of it that grow back. Think of it like a farmer picking their crops from, say, an apple tree. It's not harmful to the tree, and it's certainly not evil. The farmer gains much less from cutting the tree down for firewood than he would from harvesting its apples regularly. It's not a perfect metaphor, but it works." She ran her fingers lightly through Mia's hair as the cat-girl stared up at the rock outcropping that hung above them, occasionally scratching at the base of her catlike ears, letting her speak as she would.

"I'm not really going anywhere in particular," she replied simply, smiling. Her fingers slid down the side of Mia's head, over her cheek, and down the curve of her neck, "Sure! You can come along with me! I hope you don't mind getting laid every day though~"
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = awake now and just fine, though a little woozy still from the draining

"Oh, well when you put it that way then it doesn't sound so bad," Mia replied, purring a little as Misty scratched her behind her cat ears and rubbing her cheek against Misty's.

On the matter of Mia going with Misty, when the young kitsune mentioned that she wasn't really going anywhere in particular and that Mia could join her if she wished, Mia really brightened up. "Really... I can? Yay, thank you Misty," Mia said with a little cheer, leaning over from where she lay where she kissed Misty right on the lips. Though when Misty said that she hoped Mia didn't mind having sex every night, Mia blushed profusely and looked away. "W-Well... maybe not every single night, I'd get sore, and you would too probably," Mia said at that, not looking particularly like she cared either way really, but like more out of concern for Misty it seemed.

Mia raised up after that, where she rolled over onto her stomach with her butt sticking up high in the air, where she began stretching just like a cat would, her body still completely naked. Once she was done with her stretch, Mia flopped back over and sat up, looking over at Misty. "So... when do we go? And my throat is still a little sore, so if possible try and refrain from almost drowning me again in your seed please. I mean it tastes good, almost just like honey, but it's still a bit salty as well, which burns my throat right now because it's a little raw from coughing so much," Mia asked after sitting up, looking a little sick still, but nothing too bad now it seemed. Likely after another couple of days of some good rest and decent enough food she'd be just fine, though Misty could of course make her another potion to drink tomorrow after they got up and it could help her out some more maybe.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Oh, I'm sure we could handle every night!" Misty replied mirthfully, though after a moment she got serious and added; "I need to feed fairly regularly, particularly if I'm using my magic like I was when gathering supplies to heal you."

Of course, the opportunity offered by Mia when she started stretching couldn't be passed up, and when her ass was raised up Misty delivered a firm smack on the cat-girl's shapely bottom. "Mmm~ I could fuck you again right now! Do that again!" she purred happily, admiring Mia's finely formed rear and giving it another smack on the other cheek if she did as the kitsune requested.

Giving a slight giggle at her complaint about her throat, Misty stood up and stretched, her tail wagging behind her, and cooed; "Well then, I'll just have to give your pussy a taste of my cum next time~ You almost sucked it right out of me when you were cumming all over my cock!" As if to accentuate her point, Misty's length had swollen up to just over half hard, and if Mia even displayed any interest at all she'd be rewarded with getting Misty back to a full erection, the kitsune having a good bit of control over that given her nature.

"On a serious note, don't worry about your throat. I'll make you another potion tomorrow, and that plus a few days of decent eating and rest should get you all better!" she said, adopting a more even tone as she put a hand on her hip, her cock still rock hard and pointed right at Mia. Adding a playful note back into her voice, Misty finished; "The extra dose of protein should definitely help you recover too~ There's plenty more where that came from if you change your mind!"
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = awake now and just fine, though a little woozy still from the draining

"Oh... s-sorry I made you waste so much energy on me. I didn't know that you went through that much trouble for me," Mia said, hanging her head sadly a little bit and blushing because Misty had gone through so much trouble to help her when she didn't even know her. "Thanks Misty," Mia whispered, leaning over to kiss Misty on the cheek as she blushed even harder.

When Misty slapped her on the ass, Mia let out a little eek for Misty, which changed to a cute purr while she did as Misty asked. "Like this?" Mia asked Misty as she turned a little bit so that her butt was pointed right at Misty's face as she began wiggling it back and forth while she stretched, her tail swishing around to tickle just under Misty's nose as Mia glanced over her shoulder at the young kitsune.

Misty could see that Mia was obviously still a bit aroused herself as she spanked her a second time on the other cheek, making the young catgirl coo and whine a little as a droplet of her juices dribbled down from her folds where it forked and went down both her inner thighs, the sight of this likely looking quite arousing to Misty. "W-Well I'm so sorry that I couldn't stop myself from doing that earlier, it just felt so damn good that I couldn't help it. Is that so bad?" Mia said, blushing again, looking quite embarrassed at her own words.

When Misty told her in a more serious tone not to worry about her throat or anything, Mia smiled at her, when Misty mentioned though that the extra protein was good for her and would help her recover, Mia blushed again. "P-Protein... I... that makes it sound so dirty Misty," Mia said, unable to help herself as she giggled a bit at Misty's words, the young catgirl seeming to relax a bit, though she was still laying there with her ass high in the air, now playfully shaking it back and forth in Misty's face practically, giggling a little when she noticed Misty's erection, where she made her tail swish around again to gently run up Misty's length from base to tip. Mia then got a serious look on her face like Misty had adopted for herself a few moments before. "But maybe we should go ahead and get cleaned up for now though and get ready to move along," Mia went on to say, preparing to lower her ass from where it was in the air unless Misty grabbed her and stopped her from doing so before she could, in which case she'd let out a playful meow as she submitted to Misty's will, not stopping her from doing whatever she wished this time around if she decided to do anything.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Shaking her shapely rump in front of Misty's face had a predictable effect on the kitsune, the light teasing shifting her from amusement at the idea of going again to genuine arousal. "Oh no you don't!" she said suddenly when Mia moved to lower her bottom from its alluring upraised position, reaching out and grabbing the catgirl by the hips and holding her ass up high. Leaning forward until her breasts were pressed against Mia's back and her cock was rubbing over the catgirl's folds, Misty cooed into hear ear; "You can't tease me like that and expect not to be punished! We've got nowhere that we need to go... So I sentence you to three climaxes, to be carried out immediately!"

Misty leaned away after her teasing statement, but rather than carry out her sentence immediately she continued to rub the tip of her length against Mia's sensitive petals, one handing holding her hips in place with a gentle touch while the other smoothed over her finely sculpted ass. "But first," she purred, "A proper spanking for such a naughty kitten~" With that her hand reared back, and she issued a series of light smacks against the cat-girl's bottom, alternating regularly between each cheek so that the sting wouldn't get too bad and constantly rubbing her cock over the su-ku-ta's pussy, never pushing in but always threatening to while providing a consistent level of teasing. Only when Mia was dripping wet over the tip of her length, her bottom red after a series of twenty or so spanks, did Misty return her hand to the catgirl's hip and lean forward again, her cock pushing the first inch into Mia's flower and holding there as she cooed; "It's time for you to begin your sentence~"

With that, Misty slowly drove her thick, throbbing length into Mia's pussy, deliberately aiming for each of the sensitive spots she'd found in her previous explorations of her sex kitten's body. She offered Mia a second or two to adjust to being filled again before she started to move, her first few thrusts light and slow but quickly building up in speed and power, which Misty would continue to do until she'd hit the perfect pace to drive the cat-girl to orgasm, measuring the effectiveness of her technique through the influx of the girl's soul. She fed lightly, only taking enough to top herself off and keep the cat-girl going, but the fucking she gave quickly escalated to the point that she could have drained Mia even faster than before. At the same time, Misty carefully measured and resisted her own pleasure, knowing that Mia was more than enough to milk a premature orgasm out of her if she wasn't careful. She had a sentence to issue after all!

Keeping to her goal, Misty was regular and consistent in her thrusting, gyrating her hips to hit the catgirl's g-spot with every thrust. Her task was an undeniably pleasurable one, but also a simple one, and so Misty simply kept at it until she felt Mia's folds clenching around her cock in orgasm, trying to milk her seed out. Tempting as it was to give her as much, however, Misty resisted the urge to cum and simply kept on going, lighter during Mia's climax to keep her going and picking right back up once she had recovered from it. She repeated this cycle twice more, slowing more and more on her draining of Mia's soul while never ceasing in her efforts to pleasure the poor cat-girl, until she'd given the proscribed trio of orgasms.

By that point Misty was running somewhat ragged from the long session of strenuous fucking, sweating lightly despite the cool air and barely able to keep from cumming herself. That last orgasm had almost sucked it right out of her, but Misty had held on by the metaphorical skin of her teeth, and after Mia had come down from her third orgasm she bottomed out and stopped thrusting, her body shaking and her breasts heaving as she sucked in air. Her cock was throbbing heavily and almost painfully hard, ready to pop at any second, but Misty simply kept herself still inside of Mia for a few moments, trying to recover from the savage fucking she'd just given to her newest lover.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 22/45, Status = awake now and just fine, though a little woozy still from the draining

I wasn't sure exactly how much I should take off from the draining, so I did a happy medium and just took half of her EP rounded down. If that's alright. Also Mia's grapple is much higher than Misty's.

When Misty stopped her from lowering her ass from out of the air, Mia let out a surprised meow as she looked around behind her at the kitsune, who raised Mia's ass back into the air. Mia didn't attempt to stop her though as Misty pressed herself down against her back, squishing her breasts against Mia's back as her cock rubbed at her folds. Mia let out a soft gasp and cooed as Misty kept rubbing her length against her pussy, and she shuddered a bit when her other hand caressed her butt like it did. When Misty mentioned a spanking for the naughty kitten, Mia whimpered a little bit, but she didn't speak out against it and merely lowered her head submissively as Misty reared back and spanked her.

Mia let out a little eek with each spank, but each little eek turned into a aroused coo as Misty's cock rubbed at her folds after each spank. It didn't even take the full twenty spanks from Misty to have Mia's juices flowing again and dribbling out all over her cock and not just the tip, almost like a small waterfall. "Okay Misty... f-fuck me again, please. Fuck me silly, make me cum again please," Mia panted as Misty finished administering her spanking, obviously very ready for Misty to enter her again as she reached back with one hand and grasped Misty's hips, pulling her in the rest of the way as Misty drove into her.

As Misty slammed her hips forward into Mia, the young su-ku-ta bucked her hips back against Misty, obviously enjoying her punishment at Misty's hands. Mia didn't last very long for her first orgasm, only lasting about two to three minutes before Misty felt the vice like grip of Mia's pussy clenching around her length as Mia let out a lewd moan into the woods around them, not really able to muffle her voice any. Mia was left quite limp after that first orgasm and was a bit too weak from her orgasm to really say or do anything to prevent Misty from finishing out what she began.

When Misty started back up again in earnest, Mia's soft coos and moans turned into loud lewd cries of pleasure as her pussy squeezed Misty's cock with every thrust from the young kitsune, trying to instinctively milk out her seed. Despite saying she didn't want to risk getting pregnant, it seemed that Mia's body didn't really care one way or the other. After her second orgasm, Misty could feel herself slowly wearing down a little bit, with Mia almost forcing Misty to cum with her this time around, and by the time she'd finished administering Mia's punishment Misty could barely hold her cum back any longer. The entire time she'd been going at it, Mia moaning and crying out as her breasts jiggled and bounced with every thrust, and now she was laying there panting underneath Misty, almost totally exhausted herself.

"A-Aren't you... g-going finish Misty? Your cock is... throbbing so hard, I can tell that you want to cum," Mia panted, flexing her legs apart and back together, squeezing her hips together as tightly as she could manage to firmly grip Misty's member for a few moments before relaxing her legs again and releasing her cock once more, only to grip it again a few moments after that. As Misty leaned heavily against Mia, the young catgirl pushed Misty back gently and rolled herself over so that she was on her back again, where she continued doing what she'd been doing with her legs, with Misty a little too weak still from what she'd just got through doing to prevent Mia from rolling her over and Mia apparently too strong physically for her to stop her.

A few moments after Mia rolled over, only doing that with her legs twice more, Mia suddenly got a really naughty look in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Misty and rolled her over, pulling her over to her left and rolling with her so that she was no on top. There was a very naughty gleam in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes for a few moments, as if debating on something. After a few seconds of silent debate with herself, Mia seemed to have come to a decision and when she opened her eyes they were once more partially glazed over like before when they'd had sex earlier. "Now it's my turn to be on top," Mia said as she sat there with Misty's cock still inside of her. "Okay now how was it that priestess Evelyn said I could do it to keep my mate from cumming unless I want them to?" Mia then said, mumbling just loud enough for Misty to hear her, obviously trying to remember something she'd been taught in the past by the priestess she spoke of before. Mia then curled her tail down and around Misty's throbbing length, where she squeezed as tightly as she could, essentially cutting off any path for her cum to escape. "Yeah that's it, don't want that cum to leak out just yet. Priestess Evelyn told me when I ran that I would find my mate out in the wide world, to just keep running and my mate would save me and take care of me. You're my mate now Misty, you fed me, took care of me... hell you saved my life, and so I shall do anything you ask of me. I will bear your children if that's what you want of me, but... let's try and find somewhere safe that we can go just in case you get me pregnant here, because I'm not pulling you out... not this time. And don't you dare try and pull my tail loose from your cock, because I won't let you. I want you to give me all you've got," Mia said, the glaze in her eyes vanishing, letting Misty know that she was in her right mind at the moment and not overcome with lust, the young catgirl seeming to have come to a final decision on this matter, whether Misty liked it or not.

Mia bounced herself up and down, riding Misty's cock like crazy as she fell forward a little, her breasts bouncing into Misty's face as Mia grabbed Misty by the wrists and held her down, though not hard enough that Misty couldn't easily break free. Mia continued riding her dick though and Misty would find it tough to stop the now obviously extremely horny catgirl as she rode her dick as fast and hard as she could, her tail constricting around the base of her dick and preventing her from cumming. Just when Mia reached her fourth climax, Misty would feel herself unable to hold her orgasm back any longer as Mia's tail released her cock, where her orgasm would shoot through her like lightning, filling the young catgirl to the brim with her seed as Mia's eyes rolled up into her head. As Misty rode out her climax, she would feel Mia's pussy tighten up even further if that were possible, almost sucking the cum right out of her dick as if it were nothing more than a straw. Mia fell forward on top of Misty as her climax faded, her face landing next to Misty's on the bedroll, a dreamy and loving look in her eyes.

"I've found my mate... Misty... you... are my mate now, and I love you," Mia panted as she lay there, recovering from her fourth orgasm, though she didn't remove Misty's dick from her pussy yet, seeming to enjoy its presence and warmth at the moment and just laying there, waiting for Misty to move or speak again.

[Pregnancy roll: 1, which means no pregger neko yet. XD]
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I'm.... Nnn! Going to... Just... Gimme a... Gah!" Misty moaned out softly in response, letting out a surprised gasp when the catgirl flexed her legs, causing her already deliciously tight sex to squeeze around Misty's iron-hard cock. When Mia pushed her back and spun, resulting in the kitsune being on top of her as she had before, Misty let out a surprised squeak and fell on top of her, moaning into the cat-girl's collar as she endured the tight squeezing and too tired to do anything to actually get the release she so desperately wanted.

Rolled onto her back with ease, Misty looked up with wantonly lustful eyes, obviously hoping that Mia was going to finish her off quickly and relieve the pressure that she'd built up in administering her punishment. It was quite a change from how dominant the kitsune had been only moments ago, but being dominated was as much a turn-on for her as being dominant, so it worked just fine for her. Of course, her lust didn't quite stop her from hearing what Mia muttered under her breath as she maneuvered her tail into position around the base of her cock, prompting Misty to incredulously ask; "Teaching you such lewd things... What kind of priestess was this!?"

When Mia's tail exerted its pressure, however, Misty suddenly found the strange priestess far less interesting, and Mia's following words had her taken aback with their boldness and the gravity that they seemed to hold. "Mia.... I... I don't know -ahhhh..... Nnnnn...." Misty began to reply only for Mia to start bouncing onto her cock like a woman gone mad, leaving Misty briefly unable to form coherent words for the lust driving into her. She'd been about to explode already after Mia's third orgasm, and she'd still been primed to cum when Mia had started bouncing onto her. Three thrusts would have been enough to finish the kitsune, but with Mia's tail wrapped around the base of her cock her cum was trapped in her cock, unable to escape.

Pressure just built and built within Misty's bound loins as Mia bounced onto her cock over and over, unable to find release despite the maddening pleasure surging through her. The catgirl rode her savagely and held her down, keeping her from doing anything other than pushing her his up and trying to withstand the agonizing need to cum that her bouncing inspired. It wasn't terribly long before her sexual torment was over, however, and when the catgirl climaxed and released her cock from the hold of her tail, Misty exploded up into Mia instantly. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, her body arched and quaked explosively, and her cock spat up a load more than twice the size of her last two.

Once Mia had been filled to the brim with her baby batter and the two had come down from their orgasms, Misty momentarily passed out under Mia. As such, she didn't really register what the cat-girl said next, though her nap was fairly brief and she quickly awakened with a soft groan.
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